Better Music: Why did middle A change from 432 to 440 Hz?

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➡ Marjorie Wildcraft introduces musicians Scott and Leora from Winsome Kind, who discuss the impact of changing music frequencies from 440 to 432. They share their experiences of how this change affects the body and the quality of music, and their journey of creating music in the 432 frequency. They also talk about their travels, their family life, and the creation of their song “Loving a Hurricane” which was influenced by these experiences and the 432 frequency.
➡ The text discusses the power of sound and frequency, particularly the Schumann resonance, which is the frequency that the Earth and our brains resonate with. It also explores the difference between music tuned to 432 hertz and 440 hertz, suggesting that the former is more harmonious. The text also emphasizes the importance of intention in creating music and the potential negative impact of certain popular music lyrics. Lastly, it shares a story about teaching children to appreciate organic food through gardening.
➡ The family in Saskatchewan enjoys gardening and growing their own food, even with a short growing season. They also practice affirmations and mindfulness exercises with their children, who have come to enjoy these activities. They create music that promotes positivity and is available on various platforms, including YouTube and Bandcamp. They are currently working on a new album, which they are creating in a peaceful and creative environment at home.


It’s okay. Okay, here we go. Hey everyone, this is Marjorie Wildcraft, and I want to introduce you today to two wonderful, wonderful musicians, Scott and Leora, from Winsome Kind. And I met them at Anarchapulco, which is another fantastic event, if you can go to it, like if you want to meet all the other crazies. Yeah. And one of the reasons I’ve been so intrigued, first of all, the music is just lovely, and it’s very positive. And for those of you that have been following the whole P Diddy, Jeffrey Epstein, whatever, you know that our entire music, and our movies, and everything has got an agenda to it, and it’s been messed up, and we’re going to talk about that a lot.

But it first came to my attention. My sister has some of those singing bowls, those wonderful singing bowls, and I come by to visit them from time to time, and I said, can we, can we do the singing bowls? And she said, yeah, she was really excited, because they’re real expensive. And her husband sees them all the time, and goes, oh, you smell so much money, and you know, you smell so much money. And he’s like, yeah, let’s use them, let’s use them, right? I don’t have to deal with that noise.

And she was going, by the way, did you know that like, middle C was changed, or was middle A, I think, I thought it was C. Yeah, middle A was changed from 440 to 432. And I’m like, what? People changed music? And yeah, so that’s what we’re going to talk about. Yeah, yeah. So by the way, Lynson, I do want to get another win some kind, and you guys have a YouTube channel, and you make beautiful music. And let’s talk a little bit about the 440 and the 432. Yeah, it’s I mean, it’s a super interesting and top and a topic that we’re really passionate about, especially over these last few years, when we made more discoveries about, you know, how powerful our bodies really are, and how powerful Earth’s energy is, as you know, from growing food and harnessing energy from the earth and the sun.

I first discovered the notion actually, when I must have been in a teenager still, I used to sing, I grew up singing. And I used to sing classically, my dad’s a choral and symphony conductor. And so he got me to come and sing the solos for a Bach. I think it was a Christmas cantata of some kind. And oh, it’s the Magnificat. I love it. It’s beautiful. And I was singing it, and we were practicing, and I was like, oh, why doesn’t this feel right in my body? Like, it’s so hard for my voice.

And he’s like, well, we’re actually going to be singing with the Baroque instruments, and they’re tuned a little differently. So why don’t we try it in the original tuning? And as soon as we changed it, and then when I sang it with the symphony, and they were using their original Baroque instruments, my voice just, it was just so much easier all of a sudden. And so that for me, I was like, wow, like just shifting this a little bit. So that’s kind of when it started the wheels going for me. So there was a visceral body acknowledgement of the difference.

Immediate. There was just the ease kind of in my throat, like it just kind of the tension slipped away. So I didn’t know any of the scientific reasons at that time, but I felt in my body, this is very different. And isn’t that strange that they would have changed that tuning to be more, well, they had, there was lots of reasons now, just like anything. The programs of why it happened, and it’s better and more convenient, and blah, blah, blah. Which it is in certain cases, like when they standardize the tuning to 440, you know, like I have, I have a whole set of harmonicas that I play, and they’re all tuned to 440.

So yeah, becomes a challenge now to make, you know, to record everything in 432, because of the instruments, the modern instruments that were physically made. Exactly. And like you were, you were talking about singing bowls, Marjorie, like you can, you can order singing bowls in 440, or you can order singing bowls in 432. I mean, I don’t know why you would, yeah, I don’t know why you would, you know, the 432. I mean, I get it, but there is something about the 432 frequency that just like, I don’t know if there’s a vibration about it, it feels different in your body, like Leora was saying, when she sang, she just toddlers going, toddlers going to kids, kids are great, they’re homeschooling, y’all give them a break.

Yeah, they’re good. But we, so we always wanted to, you know, explore making music in 432. And so we were, you know, we were traveling through Mexico at the time, we had a little studio with us. And well, that’s how it started, because we have decided to pack up our whole life and our music studio into some suitcases in 2021, and take our kids on a grand adventure. And yeah, making love in a hurricane. That song is so wonderful. Yes, that was inspired. So I actually bought these, they’re a Jonathan Goldman pair, and one’s 432.

And one is 528. I don’t know if you can hear it over the microphone. I bought them at the time, because I was thinking I couldn’t think of anything else that would be great protection for us for traveling on the airplane. I was like, well, and there’s and as a combo, like incredible sort of manifestation energy. And I was using them really regularly, right when our our daughter came through into my womb, so that was pretty special. And then we thought, well, let’s what can we just tune the guitar to this? Can we make some music? And that’s where the the love in a hurricane story.

Do you want to tell that? Yeah, sure. I mean, we we had gone. So actually, it was 2022. And, and I had just performed at an archipelco. I’d been invited to come and because I the privacy coin, the pilot pirate chain. I submitted a song for that and I ended up winning. It was a song contest. It’s kind of a song contest. And I just tweeted at them like, hey, can we come down? And so they, you know, Jeff and Raffy Laver, all those guys were like, yeah, sure, come and play. And so that was how we ended up.

This was a year before we went. Yeah, well, this was actually two years before. Oh, my gosh, timelines. Where does time go? But anyway, so but we were on this big road trip, we were we had driven down the coast from Puerto Vallarta through Acapulco, and we kept going all the way down to Oaxaca. And we ended up in this little tiny beat, you know, surf coastal town called Puerto Land Hell. And, you know, it was one of those, we’ve been traveling for weeks, and we were just all tired. I was five months pregnant, and it was the hottest it had ever like, I just it was sweltering.

And so we were just going to make some music. Scott was like, I’m going to turn tune the guitars down to 432 and come and sing like let’s try this, you know, so I had this new song that I had, we were just finished this was loving a hurricane. So we were I originally with the intent was just to try to record it and get a get a feel for it and see if we liked it. And then when I tuned it to 432, and I added that second guitar part, and then Leora came and saying, it felt really magical, really, I was in such a an intense space because I was hot and pregnant.

And we’d been on this giant like road trip and, you know, stories we can’t even go into right now. But I remember like feeling into that guitar. And I remember just like sort of feeling into that. I mean, frequency really, and I actually don’t almost don’t remember getting through the whole song. It was just like it sort of washed over me and I sang. And then I went and passed out and like said, Okay, do what you want with that. We tucked it away for almost a year and a half, actually.

And it wasn’t until we had come back to Canada and we were traveling, continuing our adventure. We had a free birth of our daughter up in the woods. We were living in a in a camper at the time and just traveling and meeting people. And we ended up on Salt Spring Island for that winter where we were finishing our album. And that’s when I opened up the file for loving a hurricane again. And we listened through it. And we were both just like mesmerized, you know, we were listening to this song, this recording we’re like, it was a time capsule.

It was like because we had thought about re-recording it. Yeah, it really was this little time capsule. And we thought about re-recording it. But after listening to it, we’re like, it just captured, there’s an energy about it that it captured from our travels and you know, I totally, totally get that because sometimes my best meditations are when I’m forcing myself to meditate while I’m under the most, you know, stressful conditions. Yeah, yeah, a lot of times that those environments. But I know, I know some people will say, oh, sound, you know, it doesn’t mean anything and whatever.

And I’d like to bring in, so I love following Cliff High. And he’s talking about the aliens. And he’s saying, you know, at any point in time, they could completely kill humanity very quickly. And it’s what all they would have to do is just change the Schumann resonance. And you guys probably know more about that, but it’s approximately 7.3 hertz or something like that, that the whole earth resonates with and all of our mammalian brains on the planet all resonate with. And apparently, if it’s not at that frequency, then we would all die pretty quickly.

And he says, you know, they have the technology to do that. They don’t want to do that because they’re very aware of the law and the karmic consequences of doing something like that. But to me, it was like, oh, my God, that’s power, you know, and you know, frequency and vibration. I think we’ve been programmed a lot to think, oh, that, you know, like commodities, right, you know, this apple is the same as that apple. But this one was grown by somebody who loved it and was genuine. And this one was grown by commercial agriculture.

They’re not the same. They’re not 100%, 100%. Well, and even like, we met Eileen Mukusic at Music in Sky this last summer. And well, and you can see, she’s not the only one who has this technology, but you can actually see a picture of A440 versus, well, A432 under the microscope. It’s this beautiful, geometrical image that really evokes a lot of peace in me when I look at it. It’s very coherent, you know. And then, A440 looks kind of like a chaotic mess. And it’s interesting, like, you might not even hear the difference.

Like, it’s not a huge tuning. It’s not like it’s going from uh to uh. Like, it’s not like that. It’s just like a little tiny bit of a shift, but it’s enough of a shift that, you know, when you see it on a microscopic level, you’re like, whoa. The study of cymatics, which is really coming forward in a big way and healing through sound, which Eileen is definitely. We’re actually going to do an interview with her sometime. It’s becoming more of a like, oh my god, how did we, how did this not ever be a part of our consciousness? But that brings another question.

So how did we go from 432 to 440? I mean, what was the, you know, it’s not like all the musicians all of a sudden go, hey, let’s change to a more discordant frequency. Yeah, I mean, I’m not entirely sure of that answer. And I’m not sure if that answer really exists unless we go deep into the like, what kind of, like, during that time, that’s around the same time as a lot of programming changed, a lot of history books changed, a lot of, you know, ideas of what our planet even looks like changed all around that same time.

So, um, yeah, it was a lot for me to sort of like wrap my head around. Yeah. I mean, I think it’s entirely possible that it was, it was intentional, you know, but I see I’ve watched some videos on YouTube about people comparing 432 to 440, you know, playing the same piece of music in one tuning versus the other. And how does it feel different? And, and yeah, like you can, there is a very tiny difference in the tuning itself, you know, but we were talking about this yesterday about like, it’s, I think there is something to be said, like, you were talking about the Apple that’s grown, you know, organically, or the Apple that’s grown commercially.

It’s like, there’s an intention, there’s an intention that goes into it, right? So, like, while I do agree that 432, there is something more harmonic about it. You know, playing in 440, I don’t, I don’t believe is necessarily inherently bad, necessarily, especially when you’re playing conscious, you know, music, you’re creating conscious music, and the intention behind it is is good. But yeah, it’s sort of an interesting thing to try to, you know, yeah, and people often talk about how, oh, it’s so great to listen to classical music, and I’ve been ruminating a lot about that.

And I think part of it is because of the Baroque instruments, so they might be feeling the benefits of that in their body because of the music, they don’t listen to a lot of just purely instrumental music. And these days, you know, words, words are spells, right? And so these days, I think what where our music stands out is that it’s very, we’re very, very conscientious about, even if we’re talking about something difficult to shine light on it with our words as well. And so like, you know, words have spells as well.

And so much of that pop music is just like, barfing out all kinds of, you know, horrible. I’m going back to all the music that I listened to, you know, as a teenager, or young adult or whatever. Fortunately for me, my mom insisted we only listen to classical music when I was a kid, like that was the only thing we are allowed to listen to, and of course, trying to rebel against it. But I’ve gone back through some of those lyrics, and I’m like, what the heck was I repeating over and over and over again? And like, even if you go back and actually read the lyrics of a lot of the pop songs, you’re like, this is horrible, right? And it definitely leads credence to that the whole music industry is actually ultimately controlled and by quite frankly, satanic forces, which is what the whole PD thing is exposing.

There’s a lot. Yeah, go ahead. No, no, it’s okay. Well, I’ve gone back to teaching. So I’ve discovered that in a new way, because I have young students who love listening to, you know, Taylor Swift is their favorite artist or such and such who I’ve never heard, but they have billions of views on YouTube. And I listened to it with them. And I really, sometimes I asked them, I’m like, does this make you feel good? Like, how do you feel when you listen to this? Like, I know that you’re supposed to like it, and there’s something about it that sort of like, gets into you and makes you have a feeling, but is this a feeling of actual, does it feel good in your body? And I’ve been writing because I’m so sensitive to that kind of stuff anyways, and to those kinds of words.

And so I’ve, what we’re working on right now is a is a musical mantra album of essentially affirmations. And it’s going to we’re going to record it all in 432. And I’ve been practicing them on my students, both adults and kids. And, you know, you’re never quite sure when you really introduce something like that. But especially when they’ve been listening to Taylor. Yeah, exactly. You’re like, you know what, it may surprise you, though. One time I was making a little garden for a kid, and the kids, they’re like, other than my daughter and a few other her friends that went to the school, all the other kids, like their idea of the ultimate meal was one of those.

It’s not a happy, or lunchable, like they thought that was, you know, and so that was what was, yeah, you know, not in our house, either. You know, my daughter would come in with all this organic handmade, anyway, incredible stuff. But I thought, Oh, my God, you know, I’m going to make this. We made a garden bed, you know, one of the classic, you know, 50 square foot things. And I’m planting. I’m planting cherry tomatoes, because I know they’ll like that. But then I’m planting the other stuff, you know, like kale and broccoli and well, sugar snap peas is always going to be a winner.

Yeah. And so I’m planting all that stuff. And I thought, this may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. No, they love it. I bet they do, you know, and so we get little cups of the ranch dressing, and we put it in the fridge. This is a little small, I mean, it was only like 15 students, a little tiny, like, you know, homeschooling type. It was actually the Baptist Church, right, which is a little interesting, because I’m not a Baptist, but it was a, an option. And we told the kids anytime you want on recess, you grab one of those little cups of ranch dressing, and then dip the, you know, the kale and there are the broccoli or the shard.

And then after a while, they didn’t even need the ranch dressing, they’d go out and they loved it. They just loved it. And I was like, wow, this is the best thing. Seriously, I mean, that’s, we, we love growing a garden. It’s, it’s, you know, and here in Saskatchewan, our growing season is short. But we can, we had a full garden this summer, we grew potatoes and carrots and onions and tomatoes and cucumbers. And our kids always had something in their hand. And then our apple tree was like, so happy.

And oh, we had so many apples this year, but it’s like, it’s the best when a kid, when the kids can walk out to your garden and pick it right off the tree or pull it right out of the ground. It’s like, and you planted that seed, like there’s nothing better, you know. I do want to go back quickly just to the lessons because, um, so I, I tried them on, on them now for almost a year and it’s gotten to a point now where they actually request it. So they request that we do the affirmations.

It’s their favorite part. Um, even little Eliza, who’s two, she’ll come in and she’ll sit for 20 to 30 minutes of the kid’s lessons and they’ll sing. My body is wise. My body is strong. My body is healthy all year long. And all these different ones that we do. And there’s this one where they, it’s about receiving the blessings around you and they all just choose to, after their big school day, sit on the floor in their, in their yoga poses and just their mudras. And they, and some of them, like I’ve seen tears coming out of these little ones or they go off and they envision themselves in their, their favorite place.

And it’s absolutely so beautiful that just, just choosing to say, let’s try singing. I received the blessings around me for four minutes straight. Oh, I want that album. I want that album. I mean, I’m singing your songs the other way. And, um, we can see, Oh my God, that’s one of my favorites. And yeah, because the message, I, this is a great thing that we can actually choose what we program ourselves with, right? That’s, uh, well, and that’s it, right? That’s it. There’s so much deprogramming to do, but how about just the, the actual, what do we actually want ourselves to be vibrating with, you know, certainly, um, putting them into, uh, a better sound frequency doesn’t hurt just as putting our bare feet on the earth is such good medicine.

Um, I think those words coming into us and then using your own voice too, right? Like resonating those words with our own, with our own throat. That’s wonderful. Yeah. I do a little sequence on, on my sub stack channel that good health is free. I mean, there’s a whole, just like you’ve just hit a bunch of them, you know, barefoot, that’s free. That doesn’t cost you, you know, that’s, you know, think positive thoughts. It’s all free. Putting some seeds in the ground that you collected from last year. That’s free. Wild crafting.

Yeah. Helping somebody, you know, it’s all free. Well, anyway, where can, where can people get your music and, and, and how does, how does that work? I know you guys gifted me with a CD and now I’m always on YouTube listening to your stuff. We’d love to support you financially. YouTube is a great place to find us. We have so many, um, so many videos that we’ve made, especially over, um, you know, the last few years with the adventures with our kids. Um, we’re on Spotify. We’re on all the places you can find us.

We’re there. We’re on all the social media places. But, um, certainly if you want to buy our music, bandcamp is probably the best way. Yeah. I mean, it’s up on iTunes. You know, you can get it through all the, all the usual channels. Yeah. Okay. So they would look for a winsome kind. Scott and Leora. Yeah. And is the, is the, um, the mantra album out yet? Or is that coming soon or? It’s literally in the works. We, we actually figured out yesterday how to tune our electric piano to 432 as well.

So I’m really stoked about that because I’ve been playing them on, on the piano and now I’m translating them to Scott on the guitar. And, uh, yeah, that’s what, um, we decided to stay home for this cold winter to make ourselves have a little cocoon of, um, creativity magic. Yeah. So we’re working on it as we speak. Yeah. Okay. Awesome. And so for everybody’s, uh, information is January, 2025. So if you hit me a little bit later, it’s probably available. Yeah, exactly. Not too long on the timeline before it’ll be ready. Well, thank you.

You both so much. And I’ve really appreciated your music. And as I said, as I’m looking for, I love music and I love singing and I, I want to have it around and, but I’m, I’m becoming way more conscious of, of the things that I read or the movies that I watch or the, or the music that I listened to. And I’m wanting to be very intentional about being more uplifting and positive is really, there’s just so much, uh, it’s just unbelievable how detrimental some of this stuff is out there as I really appreciate y’all being a source for, um, you know, really positive and proactive, uh, vibes.

That means a lot. I feel the same way. I basically stopped watching TV altogether. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I’m so glad our paths cross Marjorie at an, at an archipelco this last year. And, and, uh, just appreciate you having us on and, you know, chatting about this and we’ll definitely let you know when the mantra album is finished. I’ll make an announcement on the, on the channel and let folks know. Well, thank you so much. I’m going to stop the video and, thank you so much for coming on. [tr:trw].



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