Behind the Scenes of the Parler Take Down Fight to control the Internet w/ Amy Robbins

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➡ The government is pressuring tech companies to censor misinformation, but there’s concern about who defines what misinformation is. A company called Masterpiece is praised for its products that remove toxins from the body. The speaker discusses the political landscape, expressing concern about voter disenfranchisement and the importance of supporting local representatives. They also mention the need for solutions to current issues, suggesting self-sufficiency and investing in precious metals as ways to protect oneself.
➡ Andy Sheckman guarantees the lowest prices in the country for gold and silver IRAs, which can protect your investments. Sarah recommends contacting Miles Franklin for excellent service. She also appreciates the support of Ryan Hartwig, a Facebook whistleblower who now works for Parler, a platform that values free speech. Amy Robbins explains that Parler, an alternative to big tech platforms, was created in 2018 to avoid censorship. However, it was shut down by Amazon’s cloud server and removed from Google and Apple’s app stores for allegedly violating community guidelines.
➡ The speaker discusses their involvement with Parlor 3.0, a platform that promotes free speech but was accused of violating community guidelines. They argue that similar issues were present on other platforms like Facebook, but only Parlor was targeted. They also mention their collaboration with the FBI to address illegal activities on the platform. The speaker then talks about Leela’s quantum technology, which has numerous health benefits and is backed by scientific studies. They express concern about the circulation of illegal content like child pornography on big tech platforms, and criticize these platforms for not taking enough action. They conclude by stating their commitment to making Parlor a safe space for free speech and protecting users from illegal activities.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of online safety, especially for children, and criticizes the lack of monitoring on many social media platforms. They express support for Parler, a platform that aims to balance free speech with safety measures against illegal activities like human trafficking. The speaker also emphasizes the need for respectful debate and the ability for users to block or mute those who harass or insult them. They argue that freedom of speech includes the right to hear or not hear certain opinions, and criticize government interference in determining what is misinformation.
➡ The text discusses the importance of open debate and free speech, especially in the context of major policy decisions. It criticizes the control of information by powerful entities and emphasizes the need for platforms that allow diverse viewpoints. The text also highlights the efforts of Parler, a social media platform, to ensure its autonomy by owning its technology, including servers and software, to avoid censorship and ensure its permanence. The text concludes by mentioning Parler’s future plans to expand its services beyond a discussion forum.
➡ We’re launching Play TV, an alternative to short-form videos like TikTok, and a digital wallet, both powered by blockchain. Our goal is to change social media usage by rewarding users with digital rewards for positive interactions. Our investors are private, but they believe in the importance of free speech. We aim to build trust through our actions and partnerships, and our core value is unselfishness. We’re also supporting the Tucker Carlson tour, which focuses on freedom and free speech.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of freedom of speech and open conversations, especially in the political context. It criticizes censorship and manipulation of information on social media platforms. It also promotes Parler, a social media platform that claims to allow all voices to be heard without interference. The text encourages people to participate more on Parler, promising rewards for active users and support for content creators who have been deplatformed elsewhere.


Our government is starting to put pressure on big tech companies to censor what they deem as misinformation. It’s all in an attempt to for them to define what misinformation is and then pass that down to these platforms and tell them that they need to shut that down. Why do we do nothing about the human trafficking? Exactly. You’re exactly right. What’s wrong with these people? Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body.

We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place, and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream. And I like masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide. It removes aluminum. It removes microplastics and all sorts of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going to under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business, game changers.

I’m Sarah Westall. I have Amy Robbins coming to the program. She is representing Parler Parlor’s back. Parler’s actually putting on the whole Tucker Carlson tour that people are seeing with RFK junior and Russell Brand and all these big names that they’re trying to get the information out there. You know, I don’t know what to think about all that stuff. Here’s the deal, people. I am seeing a huge campaign to disenfranchise voters, and it’s really bothering me because I’m in Tim Walls state and I know there’s a huge difference between our state and other states. People need to look at the legislation.

I know that California, New York, Michigan are bad, but I even ask you guys to look at our legislation because we had a trifecta. And I think that meaning they had all parts of the. They had the representatives, the legislator, they had the Senate, they had the governorship. And I think they used it as a testbed. We have Ilan Omar in Minneapolis. We have Keith Ellison, who used to be the head of the DNC. He’s extreme. He’s tied into the Muslim Brotherhood. He’s the ag of our state. He is the one that texted in Portuguese to Brazil thanking them for shutting down x.

We have a group of people that hate this country. And I understand the criticisms of the war, the nonstop wars, but I really gotta say it’s bigger than the us. These wars are not just, I think the US is used as a military branch and that there’s more. The brains of this is un, it’s broader. And the United States citizens need to understand that we can’t just support war. And I believe that the majority of the people are moving that direction. And the people who are actually trying to stop it seem to be a part of the Republican Party.

They seem, not everybody, obviously, and they seem to be the ones pushing back against censorship. I don’t care what you are, as long as your agendas are supporting freedom, free speech, and not trying to destroy this country. And so the big disenfranchised campaign, that doesn’t matter who you vote for, even though in your own states, your local representatives, your local people, it absolutely matters. If it didn’t matter, then your state would be just as bad as my state. I mean, I’m telling you, it will be just as bad as my state if you all decide it doesn’t matter.

We’re not going to vote. And so we’re no longer going to support the people who are putting their ass on the line and fighting for me. You got to figure out who those people are and support them because otherwise we’re not going to have anyone in the system fighting back because you’re sitting on the sidelines on the couch deciding it doesn’t matter. And I understand the whole voting is rigged and whatever. And, and I’m not sure if it’s rigged at every single state, every single election, you know, all the way down to the city council. And if it is, then we need to change that.

Right? But you got to get these people into office and support them because that’s where you’re going to fight. You’re going to fight at the state level against cbdcs. You’re going to fight again at the state level for free speech and for your rights. During COVID there was a huge difference during COVID if you were in one state versus another. The other thing is all these illegal immigrants coming in the cities that are very friendly to it, you hear person after person complaining that their lawns are being taken over. Or how about the landlords that have squatters that are in.

I know Washington is another state and other states that are, you have squatters coming into your property and you can’t do anything about it because the city laws are such that you’re hosed. Those are the kinds of places you need to get people in that’ll make a difference. So I am on this kick, and then the other thing is, a lot of these people who are fighting back are living in foreign countries. Hmm, I wonder about that. And they’re fighting against this bad, bad, evil us empire. Okay, we’re bad, but you’re fighting that it doesn’t matter.

You’re sitting in another country, but you’re not in my state, in my city, where it does matter, and that you do need to make a difference. And then when I go and look at the solutions, there’s one person in particular that has hundreds of thousands of followers that says, I talk about solutions. So I went and I looked at her solutions. This person that’s in Australia who a lot of people follow her solutions was, we need to be better people, and we need to have a revolution. That was her solutions. Come on, guys. That’s not solutions.

So I posted something up on substack saying, we need to have solutions, but they need to be both offensive and defensive, meaning we need to stop the tyranny as much as we can, can slow it down and then come up with better solutions. And so what do you have in mind? So, if you go to my substack, Sarawesel dot under notes, I have a whole section now where people are starting to talk about solutions. And I said, please be both offensive and defensive. Of course. Marjorie Wildcraft, who is the best, the biggest, the best expert at growing your own food.

She has the grow network. She’s a good friend of mine. I absolutely suggest that you become self sufficient and you follow Marjorie Wildcraft and the grow network. But that doesn’t mean that it’s done. It’s not just about growing your own food. It’s about all these other things, too. And I’ve had long conversations with Marjorie. I’m like, Marjorie, it’s more than that. And she goes, yeah, I know. So that’s why I keep fighting about this. And this is a good conversation with Parler. They’re going to tell you with Amy Robbins. She’s going to tell you what happened to Parler.

Why was it shut down? Why are they different this time? And I push back on some things I didn’t get answers on, but I still think she’s right. When you listen to this, I hope you listen and cut her some slack, because I think it’s right where you look at the actions. But I want more transparency. I’m sorry, I just want transparency. Cause I am I know how it works. But still, I can understand in this horrible political environment why people are a little bit afraid to put their ass on the line publicly, although I don’t think that’s a good thing to do.

So before I get into that, I wanna remind you about Miles Franklin. Do not forget to get your precious metals and protect yourself. Just like growing food is important for protecting yourself, gold and silver is very important. The dollar is under attack. Operation Sandman. These other countries that are going after the dollar to devalue the dollar, the BrICS, they truly want to take over and remove dollar. It’s a very basic concept. Everybody, not everybody, but a few factions are fighting for power. In order to get that power, they have to shut down the dollar. The dollar is ready to reset anyways.

That’s why we’re seeing all these wars. When that happens, gold and silver are going to really increase and you will be protected. They already, the BRICS has put 40% backing with gold behind the bricks. So that will protect you. And if nothing else, it’s a, it’s a hedge against inflation. It’s a hedge against everything that’s going on. You will be protecting your assets and you don’t want to be caught without that protection for your asset, for your family long term. And the reason I use Myles Franklin, which you can contact dot the reason I use them is they’re very educated.

They’re very informed on what’s going on. So you can have a conversation with any of them, but you’ll also get the best prices in the country. That’s a guarantee from Andy Sheckman to me. And they’ll give you excellent service. That’s what I look for. I want really good service and I want really good value. And there’s nothing better than the lowest prices in the country. And I checked them out for iras. They are as well. So you can move your entire IRa to a golden or silver Ira or precious metals IrA. And it can be protected that way as well.

There isn’t that much time. I don’t know. We keep, we’ve been talking about this for years, but it’s very, really clear that it’s coming. It’s right around the corner. So contact Miles and tell them that Sarah sent you. Now let’s get into my contact. I got to tell one last thing. Is that right? I got to do a shout out to Ryan Hartwig. He’s the Facebook whistleblower who set up this interview. I have become friends with him over the years. He has been so supportive of all the lawsuits I’ve been involved in. He was involved in the Supreme Court thing that we were doing.

He’s been involved the whole time with every. He’s so supportive. And he set up this interview. And I just want to do a shout out to Ryan. Everybody should be buying his book and supporting Ryan as well. He is now working for Parler and is a content moderator. He cares about free speech. So you’re not going to be shut down because of Ryan. But he is somebody everybody should support. He has some books out there. You should look him up. Ryan Hartwig, the Facebook whistleblower. Thank you, Ryan. Okay, here is my interview with Amy Robbins. Hi, Amy.

Welcome to the program. Sarah, thank you so much for having me today. I’m really excited about this and I want to figure out, and I want, I know the listeners do, what the heck happened to Parler? Because Parler was great. I mean, I had, people were following me. I wasn’t censored. And, you know, like, I’m censored pretty much everywhere. So when I, you know, when you have a platform that actually is fair and respects you, and then you see it get taken down, it’s kind of disheartening. Right? So, yeah, if, you know, I mean, I’ve been in this for a while, so I’ve been, I’ve been taking a lot of punches.

So what, what happened? I. Great question, because a lot of people have that same question. And also, I was going to say, join the club. You’re, you found your people. When you find people on parlor who have experience the same thing as you, I did in my own personal life as well. It was really comforting to know that you had a group of people and a platform that was not going to censor different views, differing ideas, differing opinions, and it was a safe space for so many people. So let me take the listeners back real quick.

Kind of on the inside the journey of how Parler got started to begin with. So back, it actually started in 2018 as an alternative to big tech platforms that was going to put a very big emphasis on free speech, no censorship, no moderation and all of that. It wasn’t until 2020 when a lot of people’s eyes were really opened to what was going on on these big tech platforms. I know myself with my own company and my own personal platforms on meta and other platforms, and I was experiencing. I lost you. I lost you. Let’s see if we get you back.

Lost her. I’m back. Can you hear me? Yeah. All of a sudden, I lost you. We’ll cut this out. But you were. Sorry. Yeah, I don’t know what happened. All of a sudden, you were talking about your own experience, and we’ll just cut that in. Yeah. So, you know, my own experience is very similar. I was actually, like, in more of a two way space. So as we were talking about things that pertain to people exercising their rights and really just, like, exercising their constitutional rights and freedoms, we were starting to see a decrease and a decline in our engagement on social media.

So personally and professionally, with the company that I run, we were experiencing that, but a lot of people started to experience it, especially after the pandemic, when people wanted to express either their opposition to what was going on medically, or with alternative treatments to Covid or just opposing simple things like the vaccine or the mandate for the vaccine. Even people that really weren’t being outspoken and anything else politically, necessarily, we’re starting to see this active shadow banning is what people were calling this active censorship on their platforms to a degree that they had never seen before.

So that’s really when Parler kind of took off. Even though they had been there for a couple of years, they were the first ones to pioneer and champion an actual alternative to big tech platforms. So they created this space for and said, come on, you’ve got. You’ve got welcome arms here on our platform. It was a Twitter. Yeah, it was a Twitter alternative. It was a public forum. Yeah, yep, exactly. So it was a place for you to freely calm and express your ideas. So a lot of. A lot of people that were expressing alternative views to medical freedom or opposition to mandates were really finding that they couldn’t get their voice out there, and they wanted to be able to share information with one another, and they were able to do that on Parler.

So you have this alternative platform in 2020, and, you know, really, that was the time during the election season that people really start to see the censorship ramp up. And then once the unthinkable happened and the president of the United States got kicked off of a major social media platform for spreading misinformation, I think a lot of people really woke up to say, okay, there’s a lot of power that these big tech platforms have. Where is this coming from? And now where do we go? And thankfully, Parler was the first one to go over the hill and.

And create this platform in this space for people. So that’s kind of the history of parlor. Yeah. What happened? Because at that point then it was only like a few months later and then your servers got shut down. I mean, they destroyed parlor. What happened inside? Okay, what was going on? Yeah. So here, here is what happened. So when Parler created the platform, they were using an external cloud. So in order for their services to run their tech, their tech services to run, they have to put it on a cloud. They had to use a third party cloud system, which at that time was AWS.

So you’ve got AWS is Amazon’s. Yes, yes. Cloud server. Right. Which, you know, millions of companies use a cloud server. It’s a, it’s a whole suite of applications that allow companies to develop their website and then host it for them. Yeah, exactly. That’s exactly right. And so right there, you know, you can see, okay, that could be a slippery slope. That could be a problem. If your cloud hosting company does not agree with your views or decides to shut off your services, that right there can be a problem. But they didn’t experience that quite yet. So they put their, they put the tech on AWS cloud server.

And then of course, you have to have some way to actually get your application out to people. So you have to put it on the Google and Apple podcast stores. Right. So within each of those groups, you have what’s called their community guidelines that you have to abide by. These are ever changing roles that never seem to apply to the big tech platforms. But they were able to take these community guidelines and say that Parler was not abiding by them. And so what happened was up until about January 6 is when people were using this platform, it grew up to over 20 million users basically overnight.

They saw this exponential growth after the president got kicked off of, which was known as Twitter back then, they saw this increase in user activity. And then all of the sudden, everybody was getting on to try to use this platform and nobody could access it and nobody understood what was going on. So what happened was AWS kicked them off of the cloud server first, and then Google and Apple said that they were allowing things like hate speech, they were allowing illegal activity to take place on their platform. And because of that, they violated their community guidelines and took them off of the app store.

So now no longer was the platform itself able to function, but nobody was able to download the application or use, or update anything and use it. And so it literally went overnight to complete Xero. And then what did you guys do? I mean, did you look into it, figure out who did it? I mean, were there lawsuits? Who specifically did it? And what happened and then we’re going to get to where you are now. Yeah. So it’s a great question. And so as far as, like, the specifics of some of that, I was not involved in Parlor 1.0 company.

I got involved when it was Parlor 3.0, where we are today. But I do know that, yes, they. The crazy thing I’ll tell everybody was that what was going on on parlor was no different than what was going on on the places like meta, on places like x. So when they were accusing Parler of, you know, violating these community guidelines, like I said earlier to the audience, people need to understand that this is just a way for them to silence, shutdown and censor opposing views because the same things were taking place on X and Facebook. And did any of them get taken down or removed off of any cloud servers? No.

Did they get taken out of the Apple store or off of the Google podcast, playlist or anything like that? No, nothing was happening to them. They only targeted parlor. And so, so, yes, to my understanding, you know, they’re, they actually started to cooperate. Anything, any illegal activity that was going on on the platform at that time. They were cooperating with the FBI to actually work. They were working with the. That’s what I want to get to. What, what was the deal? The FBI started accusing them doing stuff, you know, working with the FBI. What. I mean, what were some of the things going on? Yeah, it was more because everybody knows from a high level.

I mean, I sued Google. I was in the Google lawsuit. I mean, I, my audience overall understands, so we understand, but I want to hear some of this inside stuff like what actually flipping well. Well, what was going. What was happening. So there as a free speech platform that was not going to have any censorship going on, you know, people were allowed then to go on and say whatever they wanted to say. And what they started to see was that there were some hate groups that were popping up that were making threats. And, but again, like I said, that was also taking place on, on Facebook.

And also. And but if there’s actual illegal activity that was taking place on. On the platform, that is what they were cooperating with, with the FBI. And so they were working to get that down because I know, like Patreon. Patreon had a group of 250,000 plus people that were sharing child pornography and that was allowed to go on while they took me down. Yeah. Not doing what, you know, honestly, because I didn’t have the right political views. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide.

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Dive into the realm of innovation and shop or by following the link below. Yeah, we’re seeing that run rampant on many of the other platforms. There’s a lot of groups like human trafficking groups and child trafficking groups that I found out are actually suing these big tech platforms because they are allowing things like child pornography to get circulated, things like noncomplicit images, even adults, if they didn’t consent to those images, non consensual, intimate images is what it’s called. They’re allowing those things to get circulated. And because there are no laws on the books that require these platforms to take it down, they all call protection under section 230 and say that we cannot be held accountable for the material that’s being circulated.

Well, yes, you can. If it’s a legal activity, they could be held accountable. Accountable to circulating that illegal act, or at least work with them to get it down. Right, right. Go ahead. No, no. Yeah, yeah. I mean, that’s what they could be doing to. To address some of these things, but they’re not. And that’s actually a really good segue. Just remind me. We’ll talk about kind of what we’re doing now, moving forward to combat a lot of this illegal activity that’s going on. Well, because, you know, that’s what really bothered me about Patreon. I had, like, 1800 paying subscribers, so that was paying for my.

A lot of my ability to even be here. And then I got accused of being a QAnon follower, which I wasn’t, because I had an interview that was put into a cue book. That doesn’t make me a QAnon follower, and even if I was, so what? And the thing is, is that meanwhile, they have this huge, massive group of child pornography that they refuse to take down while they’re taking me down. And the thing that was so disheartening for me is so many people didn’t care. So much of the public didn’t care. It doesn’t. They don’t care.

I don’t think the public actually understands what’s going on. Talking about circulating things like child pornography or human trafficking is not a popular subject that people want to talk about. They don’t want to know that they’re participating in platforms that are encouraging and enabling this type of activity. And so I don’t think a lot of people even know that it’s happening well, but my eyes were not. But people are. I think, like so many things, once they’re told, it’s almost like deer in the headlights. It’s kind of like Covid. You tell people this because I told people this directly.

This is what they’re doing. They, like, almost zombify and their eyes glaze over and it goes past them, and then they move on to another topic. It does. It is. It’s hard for people to wrap their head around it. I think people want to prioritize safety. They want to prioritize children’s safety. And the only thing that I can figure is that people think the good hearted people that would never participate in those type of activities want to believe that someone is doing something about it. They want to believe that surely that’s not being allowed on these big tech platforms.

Surely they’re going to try to stop children from being groomed on these platforms, but the reality is that they’re not. And I just don’t know if people just don’t want to hear that. They don’t want to acknowledge it. I really don’t know. But we learned a lot of lessons from parlor 1.0. The new owners and the new leadership team here at Parler wants to take it in a completely different direction because of what we learned from what happened with Parler. It’s like. It’s like a zero tolerance for stuff like that, but then wide open, zero tolerance for censorship of protected speech and zero tolerance for illegal activity, of hurting children.

I mean, why is it that hard? It’s not. And I will tell you that that is what setting parlor. So now where we are today is. That is exactly what our focus is going to be on. So while we will always be champions of free speech, we do believe that you should share, debate, discuss, bring your ideas. I don’t care if it’s a conspiracy theory. You’re allowed to share a conspiracy theory. The last time I checked in this country, and then people are free to decide from there what they want to do with that information. So this whole movement towards monitoring and censoring so called misinformation that is being passed down from our government.

Our government is starting to put pressure on big tech companies to censor what they deem as misinformation. It’s all in an attempt to, for them to define what misinformation is and then pass that down to these platforms and tell them that they need to shut that down. Why would they do nothing about the human trafficking? Exactly. You’re exactly right with these people. Yeah, I don’t. I don’t. I’m sorry, but I’m like, no, you’re. You’re just as passionate as. You’re just as passionate about it as we are. It’s why we teamed up with Jacob Boyens and his ministry, which.

To fight human trafficking. We understand what is going on online. We understand that the FBI has identified that there’s over 500,000 child groomers a day scouring the Internet looking for their next victim. And we understand that somebody has to do something. Social media has got to play a part in stopping this. And before it even gets started, before the images are even spread, we’ve got to do more to protect our children online. I’m a massive advocate as my life mission to keep women and children safe. And that goes beyond just physically keeping them safe. It’s actually what can we do to keep them safe online and why I was so passionate about teaming up the parlor in the first place to come and take on this role of being their national spokesperson, because I actually know what they’re doing to keep children safe online when other platforms aren’t doing anything about it.

And I didn’t know that I actually was one of those people like you were talking about that. You know, I really had just never even heard that. I kind of just thought that people were out there doing good at these big tech platforms. Monitoring for child pornography, monitoring for groomers. Nope. And when I found out that that was not happening and how much of an active role we as parents have to take in our children’s lives, I was like, there’s got to be more that we can do. There’s got to be more than a social media platform can do.

And when I heard about Parler coming back online, and that was going to be one of the key things that they were focusing on was, yes, be a champion for free speech, but we also have to be the adults in the room that are monitoring things like illegal activity like human trafficking. We know that the grooming starts with child pornography on there, and it’s a gateway to human trafficking. And we want to stop it at its core. We want to stop it before it ever gets started. And so we have, we’re actively monitoring for that on our platform and putting safeguards in place are going to make this a platform that not only families can enjoy together, but this next generation of social media users.

Because if you look at the effects right now of what is currently happening to our teens and the mental health issues that social media is causing them, we’ve got to take a bigger role as a social media platform to address this. Well, just being, doing that, allowing free speech, you know, there’s a good debate, good arguments now on how do we monitor. Let the community self monitor and not come, big brother, but let this community say, okay, this person I really don’t want to hear much from, and this people I do, because there are really disrespectful kind of thing, and I don’t want them in my feed, that kind of stuff, without it being a siloed situation.

Like, you know, the, the whole Twitter thing is now you have freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach. It’s like, well, that’s b’s because you’re doing it to people you don’t agree with politically or it’s just not the powerful. That’s not what it’s about. People want to hear the truth. People don’t want some, like, I’ll get some people on my channels who just harass me all day long, you know, and they kind of harass everyone. And harassing is not, that is not constructive debate. We have lost the ability to actually have a discussion with someone that we disagree with.

I don’t consider someone going on my page to troll me, to make fun and insult my personal appearance or my children. While I don’t care at all, it doesn’t bother me at all. Those are people that I have absolutely no problem blocking because I’m not trying to block an intellectual conversation with you. If you want to have an actual conversation with me and you’re open to sharing your facts and sharing your ideas on something, I will gladly have that conversation. I will not block somebody for having a differing opinion of me. Well, I personally like to take it upon myself to block somebody who, like I said, is insulting, is harassing, that takes up negative energy.

Nobody needs that in your life. And you should be able to self monitor that. I don’t think that the tech platforms need to go in and monitor that necessarily. Now, if it’s direct hate speech, those are things that we are not allowing on our platform because that, because hate speech has been weaponized. Like I’m doing hate speech because I’m questioning the vaccine or something. Yes. Now I’m a bull because I’m questioning a politician’s integrity. You know, organized, organized hate speech or, you know, groups that have been identified as hate groups. And we’re not talking about, you know, the, the christian groups that go out and protest at an abortion clinic who have been identified by the FBI as a hate group.

You know, if they pass that down on the parlor, that is not someone that we’re identified. But this is like a legitimate hate speech that is telling somebody that they are going to go to your house and murder you. And, you know, that is an illegal threat on somebody’s life. And we are not allowing those type of threats to take place on our, on our platform. Now, all people of this subgroup are subgroup and they should be exterminated. Those kind of, those kind of hate speech comments. Yes. But outside of that, we. Yes. Do we allow trolls to come on and harass people? We do.

And you, it is up to you, the user, to determine if you want to continue to allow that to happen on your platform. And we give you all the tools that you need. That is a requirement, actually, for us to be on the Google and Apple store. You have to allow and have the tools for people to be able to block or quiet the voices that they do not want to hear on the platform. And to me, that is exactly how freedom of speech works. And it should work that way. You should be able to say whatever you want.

A troll should be able to say whatever they want on their platform. And I, as the recipient of that information, should be able to determine what I want to do with that information. Well, freedom speech is a two way thing, right? So freedom of speech, it’s not just about, it’s not just about you being able to say something. It’s about you being able to hear something, too, or not hear something. But I get the right to be able to determine whether I want to hear something or not. The fact that they’re making the decision on who I get to hear and not hear takes away my free speech.

We need to turn this around and realize that free speech is about our ability to hear people’s opinions, not say it. I mean, it’s both. But we’re sure your audience is very aware of what recently took place in the Supreme Court, where the Supreme Court basically punted a decision that could have determined the interference of government with private companies and putting pressure on private companies to censor people. They punted that back down to the lower courts and didn’t make a definitive decision on it, which then continued to leave open the opportunity for the government to backdoor, interfere with social media companies and to monitor what they deem as misinformation.

Now, you know, again with freedom of speech means, will there be miss, like, actual non factual things getting promoted on these social media platforms? Absolutely. But we as the user should be able to take that information and determine, is this true? We should go run it through a litmus test of what is factual and what is not and then do with that information as we want. And that is where freedom of, that is why freedom of speech is so important is because then we get to decide what we do with it, not the government decide what information we hear, not to decide what information that we consume or who, which voices to listen to, but what information we want to hear.

We can go listen to whatever we want, or we should be able to go listen to whatever we want and then determine what we want to do with it. Well, and because the government’s determination on what’s misinformation is often wrong, they’re saying this is correct when that’s what’s wrong and this other thing is correct. I mean, they’re just, they’re not good arbiters of information. They don’t know. They’re, they’re not. And, and we tell people that about Parler all the time is that we are not here to be the arbiters of truth. We are here to allow platform for men and women to come and have conversations, the conversations that they want to have.

We want, we want ideas, opinions and views from both sides of the aisle to come together because we understand that that is, is when you have a vibrant democracy. Yeah, like, that’s what, that’s what we want. We want to be able to get back to a place where we’re able to debate, able to hear opposing sides and not crumble under the weight. And that is a big effect of what a lot of this censorship has done, is it has created a younger generation that doesn’t know how to stand up to opposing views. They don’t know how to, you know, have a, I guess, what are they trying to say? Like, they, you know, yeah, it’s a conversation and they, they just crumble under the weight of anyone pushing back on them.

And we need to strengthen their resolve and help them to understand. Like, look, you need to really dig into your beliefs, understand why you believe what you believe, and then be able to stand up for whichever, whatever it is that you believe in, not crumble under the weight of opposition. And, you know, we want to foster that on our platform and do that in a way that’s constructive. Well, but that debate is what makes us better. The debate makes us better. So we, the fact that a big policy decision right now that a government has with a war decision which affects billions of dollars and millions of people, that should be able to be debated instead of completely, because then all you have is the wealthiest, most powerful people making a determination for everybody.

And we don’t know. I mean, it’s just their agenda. Right? Sure. Whereas if you open it up for full debate, people can understand the issues and then you can make a better decision. And these visions are just not happening. And we’re seeing that across the board. The government is, this is tyranny. I mean, it is tyranny. And it’s not just in America. We’re seeing this play out globally right now. And it’s, it’s a really scary thing when you have countries that are starting to block platforms like x and, like Brazil, like, what they’re, what they’re doing, jailing people in the UK for spreading so called misinformation.

And what we’re really starting to see is that these people, you know, right before Donald Trump had his conversation with Elon Musk on X, you know, before, before the debates, they wanted to actually have a conversation and hear his point of view and his side. And I thought it was so important that people tune into that because they’re getting to hear directly from the mouth of someone like Donald Trump to hear his policies, to hear his point of view. It’s not skewed by the media. But, but what the foreign governments were trying to do was to say, well, you better censor this conversation with Donald Trump because we, how dare he spread any type of misinformation.

And if you don’t, they threaten to take him out of the UK. And luckily, Elon did not bow down to these people. He said, absolutely not. We’re going to continue to have this conversation. Over 2 billion people tuned in, like, overall to listen to this conversation. And what really struck me is why they were so hell bent on shutting this down, because what they understand is that people that control the information ultimately end up controlling the people. And this is a conversation about ultimately control. If people are not allowed to hear all sides and make decisions for themselves.

The people that want ultimate control and power don’t want people making decisions for themselves. They want to be able to make the decisions for them. And they know how important and valuable information is in order for that to happen. And that is why they are trying to shut it down. And that is why platforms like Parler are so incredibly important to be able to have these conversations. And so what we learned, this is a really important piece to all of this. What we learned from Parlor 1.0 is that in order to be able to have a viable platform that can continue to foster free speech, we have to be autonomous.

We have to own all of the technology ourselves. And so what we did that’s completely different than the first version of Parler is that we actually first created our own private cloud. So no longer are we beholden to third party cloud systems and servers that we have to get permission or basically fall under all of their guidelines before we make any updates or do anything different to our, to our platform. We now control that completely so people can come back to the platform knowing and trusting that we are here to stay. We are back for good, and we own that.

And that also gives us the ability to give the protection this, the data protection and security back to our users as well. Okay. People may not cloud. Okay? Because my background, I’m telecom, I’m an engineer. So when you’re saying cloud, you own, you own all your own servers and own your networking connections to them? Yep. All of it. Yeah. The whole tech stack. Yes. Okay. Because cloud is kind of this ambiguous name. It, isn’t it? Yes, it is. Yeah. But so, like, think of it like, if we, we don’t have to put ours on Oracle, IBM, Aws, it’s on our own parlor cloud technology cloud.

So it’s on. Stop using cloud. Sorry. I’m like, I hate the term cloud because it was like this ambiguous thing marketers used, and it doesn’t mean much. You have your own server, servers, hardware, software, everything. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Cloud is the same term that people don’t understand. And I remember 30 years ago when they started using cloud, all of us were like, stop. And the marketers were doing it. We’re like, don’t use cloud because it’s so stupid. And then they kept using it, and then nobody understood what it meant. And the people are like, cross eyed thinking about what cloud is.

And I’m like, it just means the servers. It doesn’t mean anything more than that. You’re gonna hear it a lot, though, because there’s other platforms out there that now, you know, claim to sell a private cloud. And it’s really just started white label. Yes. It’s really more just a white label that still rests on some of these other large servers. So I was thinking it started 30 years ago. It peaked about 15 years ago, and then it started decreasing. And now I’m hearing it again, and I’m like, I think about it articulately, and I don’t mean to be a jerk to you.

I’m just like, oh, gosh, guys. And that’s my whole, that’s my bad idea of a cloud is like, we’re backing up our iPhones and our photos in the cloud somewhere, you know, just kind of. That’s what I mean. And so it’s, if people don’t understand what I mean, so it’s just having your own servers. Yes. Having your own network connection. Yes. Having your own software. So they don’t come because AWS is, is software on their servers and they are taking over the industry. Yeah, yeah. It’s a big deal. It is a big deal. Dex is the russian competitor to them, and they, they are huge on that eastern part of the world.

Yeah, it’s, it’s essentially just a few companies that, that are taking over these, this whole. It’s software and servers is what it is. Yep. And you can see why, you know, there’s other smaller social media companies that have, that spring up after Parler. So, like we said, parler was that first one over the hill when they got shut down, it was very eye opening. And then a lot of other platforms said, hey, we can do that, too. So they made, unfortunately, the same mistake as Parlor 1.0 built these social media platforms on other people’s networks. And they are, they’re kind of beholden to the same thing.

So they could eventually have a target on their backs as well. And if the plug gets pulled on them, they’re offline, just like we were. So the benefit to what we’re doing now, if you’re really looking for a more permanent home, a more permanent solution to this, move over to parlor, because we will not be getting taken down. And you, you can see the slippery slope. And a lot of companies that built new alternatives to these free speech platforms, they weren’t tech companies. Anyone can go out and build a social media platform if you’ve got the basic understanding of how to do that.

But they didn’t have the ability to build their own cloud network and hardware, all of that. That is what differentiates us from the other networks. And why it is so imperative, like, that we did what we did because we know, like, free speech platforms have a big target on their back right now. And if you’re autonomous, then you’re not worried that you’re going to be, you know, lose your entire business overnight. Like parlor one point, like, what happened to Parlor 1.0? Yeah. Well, I’m just so glad that you guys are doing it. So that’s so great because I’m, all these platforms are sensory and you guys weren’t.

And you’re working with Ryan Hartwig, which I love Facebook. He’s great. We’ve gotten to know each other over the years. I just love him. You guys are sponsor. I mean, who’s backing you? How do you. Because it’s expensive to build up your own servers and your own software. Yeah, we’re privately owned, which is really great because again, you know, we’re, we’re not a publicly traded company, which is wonderful because then we don’t have to answer to the public on what we’re doing. So we’re privately owned, and it’s partners that really had a deep, deep history in the technology world, and which is why they understood all of this.

But the bigger vision, and the bigger vision for Parler itself starts with not just having a free speech platform, that’s one piece of it. That’s what we launched with. But there’s a much larger ecosystem that we’re building here. And you were just talking about needing competitive marketing for not just the forum, not just the social media forum to have discussion, but there needs to be video competitors. So we’re building that. Right. And yeah, in the coming weeks, we are going to be launching play tv. We’re going to be launching our alternative to short form videos, like on TikTok.

We are launching our digital wallet. We’re powering these on the option network. We’re powering the blockchain with our applications, which is extremely exciting. So we’re actually going to be rewarding participants and the users of our platforms with digital rewards. And one of the overall themes of what we want to do. I talked earlier about how we want to kind of change this whole idea of how people are using social media. We want people to have a positive experience on social media. Social media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, but how do we actually change and shift people’s behavior to be more positive? Well, we believe that we do that by incentivizing them with, with actual digital rewards and not just the content creators themselves, but the users and no other platform is doing that right now, where you actually get rewarded for giving somebody a heart, for leaving a positive comment, for making content that increases serotonin, not just dopamine scrolling on your platform.

So we really do have a really great roadmap for changing people’s behavior and changing their experience on social media platforms. So who are your private investors? Is it not trans, I mean, are they not sharing that or. Yeah, so it’s all, yeah, it’s all just private right now. But it’s people that truly believe in the importance of keeping this free speech platform going and making alternatives to network and platforms that we need and. But, yeah, it’s all, it’s all private right now. Are they going to come forward at some point and tell us who they are? I mean, you know, possibly.

Possibly. So much of the problem is that everybody is so, they’re not transparent. So it’s hard. We do have some public facing owners that you can find on, on Wikipedia, and you can see how they’re involved in all of this, but they are keeping it pretty close to the chest right now on what we’re doing with, with this because of just kind of the direction that we’re going. But they’re, so they’re keeping who the investors are private. Why are they doing that? Because so many people are. I mean, I’m going to push back a little bit here on that.

Yeah, because that’s been our problem all along, is that we don’t know who’s behind and whose agendas these are, because everybody’s so private. And I understand in this day and age why you want to be private because you know what it’s like being public. But at the same time, that’s where all the problems are rising, too, is this private funded networks that are creating so many of these issues. So how, how do people trust you, knowing I’m gonna. You know, I mean, yeah, honestly, I think you just have to watch, you have to watch what the platform is actually doing, and you have to watch the, the partners that we, the partnerships that we are partnering up with.

And because I think actions speak louder than words. And so I think, like, if you’re actually watching what the platform is doing and being transparent and with our community guidelines of who we are, what we’re doing, what we stand for and where we’re going, and you start to watch that actual behavior on our platform, then hopefully we can build the trust with people that way. You see our partnerships. One of our, one of our owners is Jacob Boyens. He’s one of the more public facing owners of that. So by partnering, yeah, somebody with Yaako who has a long standing history of fighting human trafficking, fighting child trafficking, and you see those actual partnerships, and you really start to understand the heart of who we are.

And you’ll start to see, as we start to do, the digital rewards that this company, one of our core values is being unselfish. We want to give back to the community. We want to give back to our users. And users or eyes are just going to be very, very open as they start to see, wow, I’m getting rewarded for this positive behavior. Nobody else is doing that. And so you’ll start to see through the actions of what we’re doing on the network, but the content that we’re putting out that we are who we say we are, and, you know, we’re moving forward in a direction that’s completely different than what it was several years ago.

Well, I gotta say, I’m just gonna attest, I have to push back on some of this stuff because that’s my job. But I gotta attest that your behavior is already way better than the mainstream media. I mean, you’re lit, walking the talk. You got taken down, but you’re not funded by George Soros or something behind the scenes. You know what I mean? That’s pretty obvious. Well, you know what I mean. Yeah, totally, totally. Yeah. No, we can say without a shadow of a doubt that we are not funded by George Soros. I’m just giving you crap.

I know you’re not. But honestly, people that love not only this country, but I of freedom, they want freedom because they understand, too, that America is this last beacon of hope for freedom, not just to our own country, but across the world. You’re starting to see this uprising for freedom that’s taking place in the UK, in Brazil, across the world. And if we lose our freedom here in America, what is the rest of the world going to do? And the people that are behind what we’re doing with Parler, our whole executive team, we all fundamentally believe in that and absolutely want to do whatever we can to protect that and to move this idea of freedom forward.

And then you’re also supporting the Tucker Carlson tour and doing some of that. So you have big investors involved in this. We have some really great funding from people that just, again, believe in making the important strategic relationships of people on the the Tucker tour has been phenomenal. I will say we just got done with the first leg of the tour, and it’s extremely exciting because the first two guests that I got to go to really focused on freedom. We had Russell Brand, who big free speech advocate. He was the first guest on the leg of the tour.

Him and Tucker had an amazing conversation about the importance of free speech. And while I am immersed in this on a daily basis, but to see the reactions of the people, the crowd, who didn’t really understand what was at stake, I don’t think everybody in America really understands what’s happening to our freedoms. And so this is an important tour because they are going across the country and bringing phenomenal guests on that are really enlightening people and opening people’s eyes to what is going on. And so Russell Brand was great. RFK made an appearance on the second leg with Vivek Ramaswamy and they had a just amazing conversation about, you know, obviously, RFK’s big goal has been make America healthy again.

And that has been so important because he was one of the first ones to be outspoken about vaccine mandates. And not just that, but big pharma and the FDA. And he has really made some very good points. And he got completely censored and he shared his story at this, at this event, which I guarantee you majority of the people sitting in the audience probably didn’t have any idea what happened to him and how real this really is. They don’t think it is. Yes. Well, let me ask you, because I’m documenting and watching this whole campaign to disenfranchise voters, telling them it doesn’t matter who you vote for, everybody’s the same.

And when you hear that, what do you say to that? Oh, it’s terrifying. And I would say to go back and again, people just don’t follow as close like politics as closely as probably all of us do, because it’s our, it’s our livelihood, it’s what we do every day. But if people were to go back and hear comments like Tim Waltz going on the news and saying that misinformation is not protected under freedom of speech, if they truly understood who is running politically and what they really believe at their core, Kamala Harris also said very similar things.

She said disinformation, misinformation, mal information is not protected and that they were going to do what they could under their administration to be able to stop that. That should terrify every single american. But it’s not going to terrify you if you’re not, if you’re not in tune to what’s going on, if you’re not in tune to what they’re saying. And you, maybe you don’t even use social media so you’re not experiencing it on your own. Or maybe you’re using social media just in a way to just be social with your friends, not stand up for, not really, like, speak out on anything.

So maybe you’re not experiencing any of this tyranny right now, but it’s real and it’s happening to a lot of people. And that’s why I like the live component to this, because it doesn’t have the ability to be censored. Everyone is hearing in real time what happened to these guests. They’re hearing their stories. They’re hearing the importance of it. And we’re talking like, thousands and thousands of people across the country are going to be hearing this without any media interference, without any social media changing what they said or skewing what they said. They’re hearing it for themselves, live and in person.

And that, again, is, like, just a testament to how important freedom of speech is to go and have one on one conversations with your friends, talk to people that might have a different political view than you have a conversation with them so that they can hear what’s going on and you can hear their point of view, but actually have a conversation with somebody, because that’s the only way that this information is going to continue to spread, is if we actually sit down and have real conversation, conversations with people. Well, freedom of speech, you get rid of that and everything else falls.

You can’t solve any problem if you get rid of freedom of speech. Exactly. That’s the first thing a tyrant does is get rid, and that’s what they’re trying to do. Now, I’m in Minnesota where walls is, so I know how extreme he is. I’ve been did conference presentations on the extreme legislation. People have no idea how extreme this guy is. I mean, this is not, even though California seems extreme. I am, I think in Minnesota, because they had a trifecta, I think they were almost using it as an experiment. And so it is here than most other places in the country.

People need to learn what they do here. And Keith Ellison, who was in charge of the DNC, he tweeted out, he thanked Brazil and Portuguese for shutting off x in Brazil. Mm hmm. He’s the young ag in Minnesota. He used to be the head of the DNC. He’s connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. He’s not who people think he is. These guys are determined to take down the United States. And then when I see, and when I see this huge campaign online that everybody’s the same, I’m like, oh, my gosh, you guys, it’s not. Look and see.

What’s happened is your stage is probably different than my state, and this is what’s coming for you. So if you don’t wake up. And the thing is, is that federally, you can, you can argue all day long that it’s hard to get things done at the federal level, but you better be voting it at your local level, otherwise your state’s going to turn into our state if you’re not careful. Yeah. And you know, the importance of sharing these type of information, these clips, when you know the, about a candidate. And I think it should go across on both sides.

Like people should be sharing things on all political candidates, on all sides of the aisle on a platform that’s right. You know, like parlor right now, because you’re gonna see everything. We don’t have algorithms in place at this moment that is censoring and moving and only feeding you content that we think you want to hear or we think you should hear. You’re getting to see everybody’s content. We have something that’s called the global feed turned on. So if you make a post, it gets put on the global feed. Everybody gets to see that, that person, if you like what that person has to say, you can add them as a friend, you can see more of their content.

So we have really neat features that are in place to be able to show your content to more people. But then also you get to make the decision. Like we said, you decide who you want to follow, you decide what you want to see more of, you decide what you want to see less of. And that’s completely left up to you as, as the user. And then in the future, in the next coming weeks, you’re going start seeing that you’re going to get rewarded. The more you participate on our platforms, the more you’re participating with the community.

You’re sharing your voice, you’re sharing other people’s content. You’re liking posts, you’re leaving positive comments, you’re going to start seeing that you get rewarded for that. And hopefully that incentivizes you as the user to go on and hopefully stay longer on the parlor ecosystem and in our community, because it’s a really great community where we let all voices be heard. And I do believe that people will find a home there on parlor. Okay, so how do people sign up? Like, I had a decent amount of followers, not a ton. Yeah. Do I have still have them? You do? Yes.

Okay. Yes. So if you, if you were an old parlor 1.0 user, you can resurrect your account. You just send an email. If you remember your email, they can look up the email address for you. And that’s another great thing right now, like personal service, you actually get to talk to a human being if you’re having support issues, unlike these other platforms where you can send a support ticket and you’ll never even know if anyone read it, but you actually get support help here at parlor because we do believe in people, we care about people, we want your experience to be great.

And so you just send them an email, let them know what if you remember what email address or if you remember your username. And yeah, all of the now what’s not there is all your old posts, but all of your users will still be there, your followers. And as we start to re engage the people that used Parler several years ago, you will start to see that activity increase. But yeah, your followers will still be there. And if you need any help with that at all, our team will be happy to help you get that reinstated.

Well, excellent. People need to check that out. I was using it regularly when it was before I got shut down. So I will be back on there and I hope other people will be. We’d love to get your show over on play tv, get some of that content out there. So when, when that launches here in the next few weeks, we would love to move your show over. It’s all about just continuing to share and help people’s voices who have been, you know, I know a ton of people that got demonetized or completely deplatformed off of YouTube and just for saying something that they didn’t agree with and, you know, whether that is right or wrong, in YouTube’s eyes on Parler, you’re not going to find that on our platform.

So we are strongly encouraging content creators to come and take a look when we get this thing launched because you’re going to find that you’re not only able to keep and have better monetization opportunities on our platform, but you’re not going to find yourself in a position where all of a sudden one day you find yourself making one comment. They don’t tell you what it is. They just say you violated their community guidelines and now you’ve been completely demonetized or shut down. I know plenty of you have actually gotten their accounts removed and taken down for so many violations and they’re not even sure what they violated or which policy they violated.

But now they’re after having millions and millions of subscribers and millions of views just get their accounts completely stripped of away. That’s right. That happened to us all in 2019, all at the same time right before. Well, come on over. Come on over. The 2020 election, there was a group of us. Okay. Well, thank you so much, Amy. I really appreciate it. What a wonderful job that you have to. Thank you. Change the world. So thank you so much. Well, I appreciate it. Thank you for having me on. And if you have not downloaded parlor yet, you can go to the Apple or Google Store or you can go to our website and download it




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