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I would encourage all of you that think Donald Trump is in the wrong to read Article 2 of the Constitution, and you’ll walk away saying, oh, my gosh, these judges are breaking the law. And they are. It’s clear to a layman like me, I’m not totally a layman. Long time ago, when I used to do grievances, I had to work with lawyers. I learned a little bit about the law, but I’m still largely a layman. But I am not wrong on this. Anyway, we are brought to you by Noble Gold, and Noble Gold can save your future.
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I need all of you to be safe and secure in your finances because we are going to be called upon to participate politically in saving this country. This is just starting, folks. The left is desperate. They’re going to do anything legal and illegal to stop the people from gaining control over their country. Of the people, by the people, for the people doesn’t exist in their vocabulary. And so with Noble Gold, and I can say this in good conscience, there’s no guarantees, and past performance can’t be construed with future expectation. Except I’ve been a customer for seven and a half years, multiple times over.
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Am I in danger and can you help me? That’s what I’d be asking them. I have no retirement associated with the bank and I never will for good reason. Can’t trust him. Can’t trust him, folks. Anyway, let’s get down to business here. We’re going to play a clip. We have a technical difficulty with a FOX interview with Pam Bondi. And I was going to play her reaction two days ago to Boseberg’s interference in the executive branch, which is unconstitutional and certainly not warranted. And she said basically the words that I just said. And she said, he has no business ruling on these things where he has no jurisdiction.
He’s trying to run the executive branch. That’s my statement. Pam Bondi as much insinuated that as well too. And she said we don’t plan to comply and we’re going to fight this at every step and they should. But all these judges are coming out of the woodwork at the same time. This is orchestrated. The timing of this. I mean, there’s been five major rulings against Trump within a 24 hour period and we’ve covered three of them pretty extensively. And what I’m going to tell you is this, is that these things just didn’t happen coincidentally within a 24 hour period.
There’s collusion involved. And we believe we have found the root of the collusion. Now, I’m going to say it this way. I couldn’t state, hand on the Bible, right hand in the air, that these judges, that I’m going to Identify being a member of a group that is invitation only, secret meetings, and they publish what they want you to see. I can’t say this is collusion to commit treason, but it certainly should be investigated. You could also argue it’s the right to association. But there is a judicial overarching principle. You must not engage in behaviors where impropriety could be assumed.
A judge must be on beyond reproach with Boasberg and his daughter. And now we have his wife, excuse me, his sister and her husband implicated in conflicts of interest in his rulings. But his daughter works for an NGO that tries to keep MS.13 and TDA from being deported. There’s a big conflict of interest there, and that’s the avoidance of the appearance of impropriety. And the key word there is appearance. You don’t need to have guilt beyond reasonable doubt. It’s the appearance and this organization that I’m going to expose for you, and I’m glad to see this is popping up in other areas.
This creates the appearance of impropriety. How far the guilt goes, like I said, does it back into treason. And is this actionable by the DOJ and the FBI? I don’t know. I can tell you this. I know Pam Bondi is going to get a hold of this. I absolutely guarantee she is going to. And Cash Patel will willingly investigate. I predict this is going to happen. So let me show you what is out there in the public arena in multiple sources, well sourced. I heard Alan Dershowitz is going to have a statement on this in the next day or two as well, too.
This is from my notes when I’ve gone around and I’ve investigated claims made by various publications and by various legal opinions, and I consolidated them into a comprehensive and brief summary. And then I’m going to show you one of the sources. And the detail is stunning. Okay. And by the way, too, the fact that these judges belong to this organization, it’s invitation only, and they meet in secret. That’s not in dispute. It’s a fact. It’s absolutely a fact. And the membership is not in dispute either. It’s published. All right? Supreme Court Chief justice is holding secret meetings.
And the term that I’m seeing most often is they’re calling us a judicial coup. I call it a judicial insurrection. Because when you break the law to interfere with another branch, and Andrew Jackson dealt with this. And I’ll talk about that before we’re done. This is inappropriate. It’s illegal. It’s unconstitutional. Totally unconstitutional. The president has the sole authority under Article 4 to deport an illegal alien. But Trump isn’t just deporting illegal aliens, grabbing people off the street and say, you’re gone. He’s going after people with proven criminal records that pose a real threat to Americans. The.
The judicial branch has no authority in this. None. There are no due process rights for illegal aliens under the law. None. You can get into cruel and inhuman, but this is not cruel and inhuman. Now, second thing, the president has the right to direct spending anywhere he wants in the executive branch, is not obligated to follow the principles of the previous administration. Biden didn’t follow Trump. Trump is not required to follow Biden, but the judges are trying to make him live by Biden’s policies. That is also illegal and unconstitutional. And then finally, this Judge Boberg is taking the authority.
He is more powerful in the executive branch than Trump. Also illegal, dealt with by President Jackson in his term. And I’ll describe that case at the end. All right, let’s go here to what I have summed up here from multiple sources. Two days ago, Chief Justice Roberts released a statement, actually, it was three days ago now, attacking Donald Trump for calling on these same crooked district judges to be impeached. When a judge knowingly violates the Constitution, three things can happen. This is statute and Congress is negligent in their duty because they haven’t even begun to pursue the process.
One, these judges can be defunded. Two, their positions in jurisdiction can be eliminated by an act of Congress, not by Trump, but by an act of Congress. Mr. Speaker, where are you, sir? Why aren’t you holding hearings to see whether or not these actions were warranted? And then, number three, the judges don’t get to get into Article 2 or Article 4 and tell the President, you can’t follow the Constitution. And that’s what’s happening here. So three violations here, okay? The judge can be impeached on any of those grounds or defunded or have their office abolished. Now, we have evidence that John Roberts is in a secret group with these same judges.
This is indisputable. This. There are documents of membership and pictures together, the place where the meetings are held, press releases about the meetings, membership list, directors. This is not even in question. This passes the smell test and. And stands alone as fact. Now, here’s what Robert said about Trump. For more than two centuries, it’s been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. And aside, I agree with that statement on its face. But when the decisions become unconstitutionally Illegal. They’re subject to not only criticism, but action. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.
Roberts is already announcing he’s siding with these judges that are breaking the law. That’s scary. And there’s another Supreme Court justice who’s right along with him. And I’ll tell you, I think Amy Coney Barrett is trying to line up to join this group too, given her actions. And I’m saying that as an assumption, but her actions are not constitutional, nor are they certainly not conservative, as she pretended she was. Okay, here we go. Who’s all linked to this secretive club? Okay? The director, the president, James Boasberg. The same judge. Yeah. The Boasberg that is interfering in Trump’s deportations.
Supreme Court Justice Katanji Brown Jackson is the vice president. Amit Mehta, secretary, in a meeting held at her court, she has acted against Trump. Burl Howell, justice professionalism award. Same thing. He’s an enemy of the Trump administration. And look at this. Justice John Roberts, honorary bencher of the Middle Temple, which is one of the terms they use to describe this group. Okay? Now, they call this the Edward Bennett Williams, American in of court. And then the subnames here are the Middle Temple, okay? And they list the membership here. This is published by them. This group has published their list.
And you can see there’s no dispute as to what I just reported by the organization itself. Now, here’s the question that needs to be asked. Is this the right of association for judges to engage in private meetings that are invitation only, secretive, and they decide what they’ll release to the public? Is that the right of association as covered under the First Amendment, or does this lead to the appearance of impropriety which all judges are forbidden to engage in? Well, when Roberts comes out and defends what many feel is an unconstitutional action by Boasberg, that’s a problem.
But we have more evidence on Boasberg that we’ll get to in just a minute about his impropriety and the appearance of it. And actually conflicts of interest which go beyond the word appearance. Guilty of conflicts of interest, which means that’s subject to impeachment. Okay, but you look at this group right here. You got Boberg acting against Trump and these other judges acting against Trump, and you got two Supreme Court justices who meet with him in secret. Is that reason for an investigation by the Justice Department and the FBI? I believe it is. Should they be called to Washington and sworn in and under oath, be forced to answer questions about impropriety, collusion in secret, moving towards the same goal, blocking all deportations, blocking Trump’s right to redirect money any way he sees fit.
Determining who works for the Justice Department. That’s another issue I want to address here very quickly. Article 2 says very clearly the president is totally in charge of the hiring in the executive branch. It does not say firing. And this is the where the judges are hanging their hat. Okay, if you can hire, but that’s all you could do, and you could never fire. You got the idea. The two are the two factors of hiring and firing work together. Is there any question on that, ladies and gentlemen? Is there any question on that whatsoever? Okay, so we have enough here to launch an investigation.
We also have enough, and I’ll show you in a minute, more evidence that surfaced with Boasberg’s daughter. Conflicts of interest with the judge, and he’s ruling on cases that benefit her organization. That’s a conflict of interest that’s not even subject to review. It exists in public record. So therefore, this judge should be said, you have no authority in this case. You should have recused yourself, himself, and he should be subject to disciplinary action up into being defunded or being impeached. Okay, let’s go to another spot here on this, and let’s talk about more evidence that’s come out about Judge Boberg’s family benefiting from his judicial actions.
Just want to follow the facts, ladies and gentlemen. I want you to notice up here on X Naib Buke. He has made the statement the US Is facing a judicial coup. Yeah, it’s a coup d’etat. There’s no question about this. It’s obvious to foreign leaders. And I said yesterday, this is becoming international. It is. And this is one evidence of that. All right, let’s go down to here. Okay, the picture you see here is of Judge Boberg’s sister. Okay? She’s also in the nonprofit game with an ngo. His sister Margaret and her Bane Capital husband, Christopher Beerley, are also big players in shoveling cash into the NGO financial underground.
And you can go and read more about this at LinkedIn. The link is right there for your LinkedIn.com n margaret-k beerley. B I E R L Y. You can go to LinkedIn and read more about this. This is the appearance of impropriety. This is not proof that this person’s doing what they’re saying. But it’s out here publicly, folks. This is everywhere. I believe the Gateway Pundit has this. I believe many other publications have touched on this. This is the appearance of impropriety and the judge is forced to address it and dispel it, or to say conflict of interest.
I have to withdraw my ruling and recuse myself or face action from Congress again. I’m going to encourage you to write to your congressperson and tell them you expect them to investigate this fully and that their reelection depends on this. And if they’re Republican, then tell them we’ll just primary you if you’re not going to enforce the laws. This is congressional responsibility. Now, it’s not up to me to decide this. It’s not up to you to decide this, but it’s up to all of us to force our leaders in Congress to do the right thing. There needs to be a full investigation.
The facts about the Daughters involvement in the NGO with regard to their association with these criminal gangs. Absolutely, undeniably true. That’s fact. This needs to be investigated fully. And we, if so, we have a pattern here of impropriety. That’s grounds for impeachment. So I can’t pronounce judgment over this. You can’t, but we can force our government to do the right thing. Where’s Mike Johnson at? Why isn’t he addressing this? And Pam Bondi needs to speak up today and say, we’ve discovered this about the judge. These are allegations that give the appearance of impropriety and we’re going to fully investigate.
I want to see those things being said, and they should be said. And I’m sure Trump is well aware of this. I’m sure I’m not two steps ahead of the president. I’m probably 10 steps behind him. But, ladies and gentlemen, do you want to live in a banana republic where the rules are not followed, there’s no separation of powers? I said I would finish with Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson had some interesting quotes, and I’ll sum up the summation of them. He did America a huge favor. Okay, all right. I gotta make the disclosure. I understand that the left, you know, my fellow Americans on the left will say that Jackson was guilty of one of the biggest human rights abuses in American history.
That’s a true statement. The deportation of Indians and the extrication from their homelands in the southeastern part of the United States into the lands of Oklahoma and so forth, where they removed again when oil was discovered. And the Trail of Tears is the. What the events called. Yeah, it’s regrettable and despicable. We could argue it was the way things were done then, which is true. But the mistreatment of an entire group of people can never be justified. By its common practice. So I condemn Andrew Jackson for that, but I commend him for what he did with regard to the Second National Bank.
The Second National bank was set up in the 1830s, and Andrew Jackson said, this is bad because European banking interests have control over this, therefore, they’ll control our money supply. They. Therefore, they can control our economy. So he took all the money out of the national bank that was the federal government’s, and he put it in the State bank of Maryland. And some of you go, oh, yeah, I learned that in my history class. Thank your teacher. If they taught you this, they didn’t teach you this. They didn’t really understand the history of finance. Andrew Jackson says, we’re not doing this.
The Supreme Court ordered him to return the money. He said, well, we’ll see if you can enforce it. And that’s what he said to Justice Marshall. We’ll see if you can enforce it. You have overstepped your authority, and you’re usurping the power of the executive branch is what he said. We’re dealing with the same issue today. It’s not about the national bank, but it’s about the usurpation of power from the executive branch to the judiciary. And on top of that, we have the appearance of impropriety. So therefore, things need to happen. There’s historical precedent for Trump to say, up your nose with a rubber hose, to coin an old phrase from welcome Back Cotter, and just say, we’re not listening to you, and then turn it over to Pam Bondi, and then she goes after Boasberg and this secret organization, and they investigate.
Number one, is he guilty of impropriety? And two, is this group guilty of collusion in working against the Constitution? See, they swear an oath I promised, uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If they’re meeting in secret to plan against the president to usurp his executive power, they have violated their oath of office, and therefore they’re all subject to removal. And let’s make no mistake about it. The news is out today. The liberals are saying Trump’s driving Justice Roberts into the liberal camp. He’s been in the liberal camp.
He is a liberal, and many have accused him of being compromised. I’m not going to go there in this report, but I’m going to say this. You lose nothing if you lose Justice Roberts, and if he is found guilty of collusion against the Constitution, you lose nothing. In fact, if Trump is allowed to nominate. Here we go. You could get a true conservative like Gorsuch or Alito and your court would change dramatically. Okay, what do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Have you had enough of the nonsense? Did you vote for this judge to do this? I don’t think so.
Then you need to get to work on members of Congress. If you don’t, we get the government you deserve. I’m Dave Hodges. Check us out with our newsletter. Over 50,000 people subscribe because they want one stop shopping. Recapitulation of everything we do in a 24 hour period can come to your email box. Just go to the common sense show.com and and click on the link for the newsletter in the upper right hand corner and the only required field is your email and you’ll start receiving your daily update. People love it. You will too. Thanks for joining us.
This is the Common Sense Show. I’m Dave Hodges and again we thank you for joining us.