A LIVE Discussion With Ghost | LIVESTREAM begins at 9:00 PM EST

Spread the truth



➡ The Untold History Channel hosted a live discussion between the host and his friend, Ghost. They discussed various topics, including their personal meeting, rumors about Ghost’s identity, and their views on immigration. They expressed their disagreement with the current immigration policies, suggesting that they believe it’s causing problems in their local communities. They also touched on the topic of power and control in the global context.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of borders, language, and culture in defining a nation. They criticize global governance, socialism, and communism, arguing that they go against human nature’s desire for freedom. They also express concern about immigration, suggesting that individuals should fix their own countries before moving to another. Lastly, they discuss China’s economic struggles and the potential for a mass casualty event in Congress, suggesting that it could be a cover for mass arrests or detainments.
➡ The speaker discusses the need for change in global systems, suggesting that some chaos may be necessary for this change to occur. They compare the current political and social climate to playing Russian roulette, implying that it’s dangerous and unpredictable. They also criticize mainstream media and express frustration with certain political figures. Lastly, they mention ongoing arrests and the decline of the Hollywood industry due to a lack of trust and talent.
➡ The speaker discusses their concerns about the current state of Hollywood, suggesting that it’s pushing a certain agenda and not maintaining the integrity of classic cinema. They also express their admiration for the film Top Gun Maverick, praising its patriotism and authenticity. The speaker then transitions into a discussion about the potential for societal unrest in major cities like Los Angeles and New York, warning listeners to prepare for possible chaos. They believe this unrest has been planned by a “supranational sovereign layer” for over a century.
➡ The text discusses the influence of international organizations like the UN, WHO, IMF, and World Bank on nations, particularly smaller ones. These organizations can provide large loans to countries, but if the country defaults, they lose ownership of their infrastructure. The text also discusses potential safety concerns in various U.S. cities and suggests that there may be foreign intervention in the country. The speaker advises listeners to be aware of their surroundings and to prepare for potential issues.
➡ The speaker criticizes those in power, arguing they can’t understand the experiences of the average person. They believe these leaders are part of various organizations with harmful agendas, potentially leading to mass casualties. The speaker also discusses the divisive nature of politics, suggesting people on the right are more open to opposing views than those on the left. They caution against viewing any leader as a savior, emphasizing that individuals must save themselves.
➡ The conversation revolves around technical difficulties during a phone call, discussing safety measures in uncertain times, and the importance of community. The speakers suggest staying away from major cities and having a month’s worth of supplies. They also express gratitude towards their growing audience and plan to address audience questions in future broadcasts to help address their concerns.


All right, now we are live, everybody. Welcome to the Untold History Channel. And we’re gonna go for around two of these of the lives here. So today I am joined by my good friend Ghost, and we’re gonna be talking about some interesting things that have been going on in the world. So how you doing there, brother? Good, good. Very good. How about yourself? I’m doing well. I. You know, guys, I actually had the pleasure of meeting Mister Ghost in person this past recently. And it was a great pleasure. It was a great pleasure to meet him in person, to shake his hand.

Same here, brother. And you obviously see that I’m not JFK Junior. I’m not John McAfee. I’m nothing. Who else? I’m not one of Saban, as others have said. I’m not. You know who I’m not? Yes, I know who you’re not. Every name out there, people have thrown out. Oh, I know he’s this and I know he’s that. You know, I just don’t want someone like dear Carrie Cassidy jumping on and saying, he’s lying. He’s this and he’s that. Oh, man. I tell you, you know, I don’t know if you’ve seen the. You know, carrie, I’m not.

Yeah. I’m not. I’m not. I just. I just don’t understand the obsession with the whole JFK junior thing, so. But I don’t either. You know, it’s a chick thing. I think with a lot of. Possibly. There’s possibly, possibly something to that, so. But you’re just so sexy. Please. Exactly. Head would explode during the Q drop times when people. It was like, come on, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a little more complicated than that. Figure it out. But you know, that there was a. There was a psychological component to that. Would I. Did I agree with it? No, I don’t agree with that.

What they did and why and even like 50 other guys, I know we’d say to each other, what is the big deal? If he is alive, it’s not going to change an effing thing that I do. You do what we do, it’s not going to change anything. So, business as usual. If he’s alive, wonderful. Can’t wait to meet him. If he’s not, then we know what happened. Simple as that. But, yeah, I mean, I didn’t mean to make a joke out of all that. I’m going to make a joke about a lot of shit, whether people offended or not.

Because from my perspective, offend away. Okay? Offend, offend away. I have no problem with being offensive. And if you’re a freaking snowflake and can’t take it, then. Asa la vista, baby. Yeah. Find your safe space in the freezer where you won’t melt. Absolutely. Well, you know, I want to kind of jump in. We’ve got quite a few things to discuss. And I want to. I want to jump into the haitian thing. I heard there was a haitian thing that happened in Alabama where there was. Some of the city residents came to the. To a city council meeting and the council.

The city council, like, abruptly, like, shut down the meeting. Yeah, because they’re all cowardly sons of bitches. I think it was silicon or whatever the name of that town is. Yeah. They dropped off 2000 patients there, you know. Okay. You know, that’s obviously a bad guy move. You know, because it’s not that racism is so much more pronounced or evil in this. No, because it actually isn’t a. All right. It’s just this is not a. Everyone here, white, black, hispanic, that’s been here in Alabama, nobody wants this shit being dumped on our front door, whether it’s.

Whether it would be a bunch of Syrians or Afghanis or, you know, Haitians or Venezuelans or Argentinians, whatever it might be, because we know what all the Venezuelans, our tenure, our continuous are here for. They’re here for. Yeah. Vacation time. Uh, shooting time, I would say is their vacation, but. Right. Let’s move on from that for now. But yeah, so people, it has nothing to do with. With race or all that nonsense. It has to do with. Why are you bringing dregs here to our state? And every state should be the same, should feel the same way.

Any red state should feel the same way. It’s not that we hate these people. It’s not that we want to see people suffer in foreign countries, but let’s. Where does it all end? When have you ever seen the world would come here if they could? Have you ever seen the guy that did the TED talk with the gumballs? I remember that, but it’s very refreshing. Okay, so what he did was he talked, he had all these gumballs, and each gumball represented like a million people. And he’s like. And he said, this is the amount of people that we take in every year.

And then he had, like, all these other, like, jars full of gumballs. And he said, and what we do is we take, like, this is all the people that are all over the world. And what we do is we take one gumball and we think we’re making a difference. And typically, what we’re doing is when we’re taking the, when we’re taking the people from these foreign countries, we’re generally taking their best and brightest people that if people, that if they stayed there, they would actually have a bit, have a bigger impact on making that place better.

Like, like physicians or nurses or scientists or, you know, professors, engineers, whatever. Engineers, on and on and on. Look, these are the kind of people that do come through the system properly as a rule. And, yes, those are what we want because, oh, and then people, you know, little snowflakes out there are going to say, well, no, everyone’s not equal. You know, life. And the value of life, as I’ve said before, is across the board equal. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care if you’re one of the trillionaire oligarchs. You’re just as much a piece of shit as anybody else and just as much as good a person as anybody else, and not too many good in that realm.

But we’ll give them the benefit, benefit of the doubt for a moment. But, you know, if you’re talking about a nation, you don’t want all those who are down on their luck imprisoned for violent crimes, let alone any crimes. Who cares? They did it there. They’ll do it here. No. Why? The borders should not be wide open. It’s one thing that you have people out there like, oh, I don’t know, camel toe saying, well, you know, uh, Ukraine should have a right to defend its border as well. Hey. Hey. Uh. Hey, bitch. Uh, you were, uh.

Why is it that we’re the only country on the planet, we’re the only country on the planet that doesn’t have a right to defend our borders? And we’re. If we say that we want to, then we’re racist. Yeah. And yet we send good young men and women around the world to die for other borders. Uh, you all been played so bad out there by the. The oligarchs and the propaganda system, you don’t know what’s true and false. You don’t know what ended up, and you don’t know what’s right. Right and wrong. I’m not saying to this audience, I’m saying to the average audience out there, they have no fucking idea how badly they’ve been screwed over.

Right. And, you know, they’ve let millions through. They’ve let millions through. And we know what most of them are. We know what they’re here to do. And, you know, again, you know, more coming from more coming from, let’s say, as solid sources as you can have or networks that you’re a part of. It’s coming. It’s going to change everything, even geographical boundaries for a time. This is what, I can’t stress it hard enough that we’re there. Do you. Let me ask you a question. Do you think. Do you think there’s any case, there’s any scenario, and with what they’re talking about, the changing of geographical boundaries and potentially national borders, do you think that we could potentially see certain areas of, like, say, Canada or even Mexico, want to become part of the United States? Already know there’s a huge underground.

Not underground. It’s just kept out of the media in communist Canada because of cast Trudeau. And again, let me say this again for the audience. It is not Fidel who was his father, right. When his homosexual dad used to go on visits to other countries, his wife would go along. Her sport was, you know, who can I bang here? Because I’m not getting it at home. And she wound up, you know, flat backing it for Raul Castro. Right. So, Justin, little Justin, get off your. Your swing set. Everybody knows who your daddy was. Everybody knows what the setup is up there.

Regarding the european. Yeah. Part of the american oligarch set up. You know the ones. Again, money is nothing to them. They’re not listed in Forbes because they’re sovereign and they’re worth. They control trillions, actually. Centillions. Quadrillions and centillions. So get off that kick. It’s not about money to them. It’s about power and maintaining hegemonic control over the global populace. Right. Well, you know, I live in a certain town. I don’t want to be part of that city not too far away from me. No one here does. That’s why we have this little town in this big county.

And this is how things are naturally. This is how they naturally form home, neighbors, neighborhood, town, city, etcetera. County. Whatever, however, works out for you wherever you live. Right? But, you know, this is natural. It’s as natural to have. Doctor Michael Savage used to say something that was so brilliant, so simple, yet so profound. Orders. Language and culture. Borders. Language and culture. That’s what is the identifier. Now, people, some of these pansies will come in and say, nationalism. Ultra nationalism. Yeah, it’s ultra nationalism. Because humanity’s emotional quotient is not yet high enough to have global governance unless you do it with a gestapo, stormtroopers, boots in the face of everyone for the next God knows how long and silencing of free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of exchange, all of it.

So let’s get out of our fantasy worlds of socialism and communism, where it has never worked in history. And even a 19 year old millennial shit for brains, if given the right facts of history, would say, wow, no, this should never. Not a chance. It’ll never work, because it doesn’t. It goes against all human nature. Human nature is to be free. Is to be free. Governments do nothing. Well, they’re not supposed to, and this one is not supposed to. Though we know the complexities of the changes since the civil war, governments do not give nor offer rights or privileges.

They’re not supposed to. They’re supposed to defend them, not interpret them. We interpret. I think they were interpreted fairly well in the constitution and in the Declaration of Independence. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of bliss, whether that’s property, whether that’s happiness. Bliss is not happiness. Bliss is not property. But if either one of them gives you Bliss, then pursue it unencumbered with all of the absolute aspects of being alive that are given to you by your creator. No government said, hey, you guys, breathe now have this child. It’s impossible. Never happens. But once you’re born by God, don’t they try to put you in bondage in that first seven years? So.

Well, we’ll leave it at that. To explain why, without borders, language and culture, I’m seeing too many. Sorry, if you’re. You’re hispanic and you’ve crossed the border recently, I don’t give a fuck. And I don’t give a fuck about you, honestly, any more or less than I do any other human being. I don’t give a fuck about your trials and tribulations. I don’t give a fuck about who you paid and how you got here. I don’t want you here. Neither do 90% of my fellow Americans, if they’re honest, because you’ve got nothing to offer. And if you had gumption and a set of guts and balls about you, and this is mostly anything past the southern border, you fix your shit at home before you put your burdens on another people.

But no, the global structure wants to do this, to break down this country. This country breaks down, they win. This country does what it’s supposed to do. They lose. And guess what? All of a sudden, you know, the dipshits like the Brennans of this world and their claims against Russia and China other, they fall on deaf ears because they were lies to begin with, you know, yes, they’ve got their own problems, and they’ve got their own internal battles. But the bottom line is, if this country goes down, they go, China’s already there. They’re the pinnacle of, you know, totalitarianism right on this planet, you know, and let me, let me, let me add.

Let me add something to that. Well, let me add something to the China thing. So, you know, this past weekend, I was at a conference, and there was a gentleman there who he was. He was promoting a product. He was a vendor, and he was chinese. And I kind of made the statement to him is like, man, people are always people. You know, Americans are afraid of China because they see stuff on the news, but I don’t. I’m not afraid of China. I may be concerned with things that they can do from a, you know, from afar where they can hack into a system, but in terms of their ability to, to, you know, project power, militarily or otherwise, they don’t, they don’t have it.

And number two, their, their economy is in worse shape than ours. And, and he said, he said, put on a great show. Yeah. And in fact, and he confirmed that. He said, you are. He looked at me. He kind of had, like, he got his, his head kind of tilted, and he’s like, looked at me like I was like, who am I talking to? This is an American who knows. You know, he was kind of flabbergasted that I knew as much as I did. And he’s like, you’re right. He’s like, you’re like the only person to ever talk about like that.

And it’s just, you know, China is. China’s in serious trouble. 650 million of their population live on $5 a day or less hype that that’s why they created, you know, this foolish, nonsensical app called Tick Tick Tock. Okay. Where they even banned it in their country. And before then, they put another piece of shit in its place. And then if you were a poor family having a wedding and you’re all sitting around basically a dirt and. On cinder blocks and dirt. But this is a wedding. No, you got in serious trouble if you put that out.

And they stopped that. They were encouraging the middle class. They’ve been able to develop through the usual shitfuckery of economics. They wanted them to project to the world, look at all these wonderful designer things, you know, the women with their materialistic bullshit and far less guys doing it, but, you know, they’re too busy, you know, destroying their bodies and minds, trying to make that so the woman can run around and do that, sorry if that sounds sexist, but just a reality in that culture, also a stronger reality than it is here and now. They made that illegal.

So if you’re wealthy and you’re flaunting your, your vehicle, your clothing, your, your, your accoutrements of whatever it is you carry around that you wear, no, you get trouble also. So it’s very interesting change of, change up of, let’s say, projecting what they wanted to project to, for people to psychologically pick up on it, because, again, you’re constantly being bombarded with psyops. And another example of that is, well, recently we were talking, when we talked earlier today, we talked about this mass casualty, what happens is mass casualty event in Congress. How do we replace the congressmen and senators? Well, guess what? That has nothing to do.

And you’ll get to read the bill in full if it’s not already been published, it should only be 150 pages to go through all the legalities of all of that. No, they’ll probably have a thousand pages with all kinds of pork in it that have nothing to do with it. But here’s, you know, most people are, the average person will say, well, yeah, mass casualty events. I can relate to that. I remember 911 or I was a kid, or I was fully grown and remember where I was on that day. And we’ve seen mass casualty false flags like the one in Israel with, you know, all that murder that one night back in October of last year.

Okay. But they’re not doing it for that. Remember, who are the masters of the vast majority? Or have them compromised or under the threat of compromise through best behavior, activities, etcetera. Okay, that’s your oligarchs. You’re up here. I say you’re first because that’s where most of them live and they hold themselves up. It’s not a process. Again, that’s been proposed before to replace in case of a mass casualty event. Like, you know, Bubba Joe Smith is going to bust in there and machine gun all of Congress. We know that’s not going to happen. Nope. Okay. It’s so it’s the oligarch saying to all their minions, hey, you’ve got to pass this.

We’ve written it up for you. Mostly we’ve had our scumbag attorneys do this and we’ve written it all up for you. Start pressing it now. But under mass casualty, not mass arrest. Not mass arrest. But no matter what the case is of the individual being removed from their seat in Congress, they’ve got to be replaced. So they wanted to change that procedure, so that even mass arrest or mass detainment would apply. That’s why they’re doing it, ladies and gentlemen, not because of a mass casualty event, unless they are planning. They’re telling these idiots in Congress, hey, we’re gonna.

We’re gonna pop one off in the old DC. You’re gonna be there when it happens, so fix it up so we can replace you with our oligarch scum that we already own and have in the pipelines, in every state, in every seat to replace you. That’s the reality of that. I bet you that genius plan came out of Belgium and the square mile of London, right? Absolutely. It’s time to start naming the names in Europe that the Belgians and others seem to be so terrified that are named. We’re not going to do that on the show.

But giving them fair warning, not, not long from now, in my world, not long, few days. Yeah. Start putting names out there. They can look at real histories and real legacies and see how they have maintained completely machiavellian tactics again, hegemonic control over global systems that need to be destroyed. It’s. And I think, to your point, they are. They need to be. They need to be destroyed, but, but they need to be destroyed in a way where it will cause some chaos, but it’s going to. It’s going to be done to limit the amount of chaos so that, I mean, people need to suffer a little bit, but we don’t want everybody.

It’s going to happen no matter what. Right. You know, when, as things. It’s not. When things kick off, they’ve already kicked off, ladies and gentlemen. Right, as they kick off further, it’ll be a matter of. Okay, again, the application of triage, greatest good for the greatest number. We have to sacrifice x, y and z states to a form of, let’s say, negative, destructive anarchy. Because in reality, anarchy is what each individual should strive for. Doesn’t mean, again, like conspiracy theory was given in the, uh, definition, the sixties by the CIA, brilliantly, and it’s worked all these years, but anarchy simply means without rule.

Not without rules. Without rule, meaning we don’t need these cumbersome structures and fictions of authority with the threat of violence behind them, and at the end of that threat of violence, the barrel of a fucking gun. That’s how it’s done, always has been. And unless it’s stopped, always will be. This is all they’ve got, for Christ’s sake. Again, they’ve tried to kill Donald, Donald Trump twice. They’ve pulled out the kill cardinal. You just don’t do that on a whim. When you’ve got 14 other cards to play, that means you’ve got one, maybe two other cards to play.

And that’s a no win, zero sum game. So they went to the kill card again. Remember this, my fellow Americans, they pulled that out. Card out. That makes it, if you’re reading it from an adversarial position or the opposition to this, you’re sitting there chuckling, going, ah, know where you are now? Or even if you want us to think you’re at that point now, you’re close enough that you were dumb enough to do that. That means you don’t think you have much of a chance. So you did it anyway. And here we are. So, yes, Americans are going to suffer.

We know that. We know many are going to die because of stupidity, darwinism, whether you believe in it or not, it’s a fact. I mean, a kid in Texas a few years ago, uh, made the Darwin awards because, well, he decided to play russian roulette with a semi automatic pistol. Okay, uh, gee, I’m gonna shove this bullet to the box. I’m gonna take this one bullet. Sorry, it just, it took me a second, you know what I’m saying? Hold on. Because there is going to be some people in the audience who don’t know what that means, all right? In russian roulette, you have a, you, you have, you’ve got a revolver.

A revolver that. And you only have one round in there, somebody. Automatic pistol, right? Five to six chambers, one bullet. You spin that thing, nobody knows where it ends, right? You put the gun to your head and you pray that bullet is not ashamed of, right? Right. You got a one six chance, right. You got a dime, right? Okay, but go ahead. Yeah. With a semi automatic pistol, you have a, the only chance you have of not dying is if it’s a freaking, if it’s a failure on the, on the weapon is shittily made or all of a sudden the firing pin cracked right in the middle of being kicked.

Other than that, you know, what are you going to do? Try to shove that bullet down to the bottom of the magazine? I’m going to shove this motherfucker down to the bottom. Well, no, that’s what the spring is for, to make sure it’s always there. And I can’t remember the time I’ve seen a Glock or, you know, a Beretta or Smith and Wesson fail in a semi automatic mode because it’s, that’s what you got? But, yeah, I mean, so we go back to the Darwin awards, you know, how stupid people can be. And that’s what I’m thinking, you know, a friend of mine, when I told him that a while back, and we talked about it again earlier today, we were laughing our ass up, like now, because it’s like, oh, what did he think? He was going to shove the bullet to the bottom of the mag? No, it doesn’t work that if you put the bullet in, it’s the next one to go.

But this is where we are, to where snowflakes are basically at that level. Sorry. It’s the truth. They’re at that level where they do not comprehend even the workings a weapon to the point to where what they’re doing politically and what they’re doing sociologically is just like playing russian roulette with a semi auto. Yeah, that’s just, that’s. That was funny. I appreciate the. I appreciate the. The humor, because that was a. That was great. Um. Cause it took me a second, I was like. I have to say, I was like russian roulette with. And it just didn’t click.

And then when it did, it was like. It just. I couldn’t hold it back. The last guy that I remember publicly, it being a big thing that he died that way, it was. Remember the band Chicago? Yes. Terry Cassde, he was. He loved his guns and, you know, wrote fantastic music back in the day, but he was drunk and he put a semi auto to his head as a joke and blew his brains out. That’s how he got while amongst friends. And I don’t. I don’t think it was a russian roulette challenge, though. No, this kid, it was.

It was a russian roulette challenge. And I think his friends, whoever put him up to it, just wanted to see him blow his brains out because they knew. But anyway, you know, this is how this, this is actually, the semi. Semi auto Russian mouled is equivalent to actually believing MSM today. If you’re wasting ten minutes a day watching, watching mainstream media, why don’t you just go play russian web with a semi auto? Right? It’s literally that stupid, that foolish. Exactly. That’s the point I’m trying to make. No, don’t go do it because it doesn’t work out too well.

You can’t push that bulletin. The bottom of the mag, there’s only. In the spring fed mag, there is only a top round. That’s all I got to say about that. You know, so Congress pulling this, you know, making this, but you got to ask, why would they be doing something like that now? Hmm. Okay, let’s bring it forward. Let’s bring it around another circle. A little spiral up. You have all these. These has been tyrannical little petty tyrant Hitler types like Brennan, Clapper, all the rest of them. How many sign this? This milquetoast letter saying, always support Kamala? Everyone who signed that endorsement, most of them signed off on the Steele dossier, which was the biggest crappily written piece of shit of intel material I’ve ever seen.

Yet people took it so seriously, they moved into impeachment proceedings. Right. Okay, so again, the oligarchs playing their games, seeing how insulting every single living American at the same time. Okay, so these douchebags, Brennan, especially you, tortoise, shell, reptilian, whatever the fuck you are. Yeah. The reason you guys are all signing this and stepping behind her is because you know damn fucking well what’s going to happen to you when the guy who represents justice and an end to rampant corruption and tyranny gets back in office. However that happens. That’s why you signed it. That’s why you step behind this fucking retarded bitch if there ever was one.

Well, okay, so let me. Let me ask you. You’re the first on the, on the. On the bigger level chopping block while the rest you know damn well arrests are going on now, and I’ll say that publicly. Yes, they are. Look at. Look at t diddler, his little mixture. It wasn’t lubrication for his probably tiny little uncircumcised dirty penis, his Dutreche fourhauch, meaning his dirty foreskin or dirty prick. That’s german for the, I guess, rough equivalent. But, you know, it was liquid cocaine. Liquid cocaine. Wow. Okay, so. And plus, he is like the riddler’s the Riddler, the penguin’s the penguin, the Joker’s the Joker.

Well, the diddler is the diddler among many. And they’re trying so desperately to resuscitate the voices in that fucking industry, it may be difficult for even a Hollywood 2.0 to get off the ground because nobody’s going to trust any of these. What you have now in that industry is you have a mass of untalented individuals that are running it and working it. Your talented ones, their stories. Like, if David Lean were alive today, do you think Bridget never quiet or Lawrence of Arabia or Doctor Zhivago would today? Never. Beautiful classics of amazing classics of cinematic artistry on every level.

And do you think you would see something like that today. No, because they want gay, gay, gay, gay, gay. And it’s not the gay agenda. It’s beyond that. Correct. The gay agenda is, you know, it’s no big deal. It’s part of reality. But the take it outside the homosexual and lesbian realm. You’re taking it into the freakazoid realm. That’s what they’re making deals on. This is how, this is what they’re trying to push. Not that anybody has to be told that, but this is what they’re trying to push so heavily. Right. That all these talented, brilliant filmmakers in whatever, whether they’re writers to producers, what have you.

Well, producers, that’s a different. We’ll leave that off to the side right now. Directors or writers who become, and directors who become producers to make sure their work maintains some level of integrity. Well, I can only think of. So this is what we have. I can’t. I. I can only think of one movie. And the last probably 15 years, that was, that probably means some maintained some level of basically everything. Anti what? Anti what Hollywood stands for. And that would be Top Gun Maverick. Top Gun Maverick, I thought was that was what was probably one of the best movies made in the last 20 years in terms of like, you know, patriotism, pro military, and, you know, authenticity.

You know, fantasy with the ultimate authenticity. But 100% Hollywood, of course, the Hollywood, you know, fighter physics. Right. But what you’re saying is correct. You know, it’s. It was a conventional film meant to appeal to the largest audience possible. Correct. For the right reasons. Possible. Right. And that’s, and you saw that at the box office. I mean, that movie did better than any movie. And so when things like the diddler come up, there’s a hundred others attached to the diddler, or in those circles, now they’re starting to bring it down publicly. Enjoy it. It’s going to continue.

Excuse me out there, but this is, this is. We’re there. We’re already in it. The only thing people haven’t experienced is ten. Well, ten days. No, make it three weeks in reality. And when I say, and I want people to understand this with no doubts whatsoever, when I say 14 to 17 cities lost, this is on old. Until that has maintained and kept a good shelf life and has no real expiration date, I don’t mean they’re going to be nuked and they’re going to be this or they’re going to be that. No, if you’re going to see Minneapolis on steroids and nobody’s going to rush in to clean it up as quickly as those who are innocent in those cities would wish reality prepare for it.

Because people, again, you know, you can tell them all day long, you can tell. Look them in the eye and say, no, I was in this location at this time. I saw what it was like, I smelled what it was like. No. You know, you’re talking about, you’re talking about the cities being gone, not, not being you, right? But I mean, through their own internal. What is, what it will be stirred up in these CointelPro groups like BLM, Antifa, Black lives matter. I’m talking to your head people now, Antifa, I’m talking to your head people. And even proud boys and their opposites, all of you were set up by a particular american agency, and you’ve been controlled from the beginning.

There are players that have jumped amongst you, from the truckers to the Proud Boys, or from BLM to Antifa. Anybody who buys into this philosophically and ideologically, number one, I’m sorry, but accept it. You’re plain fucking stupid. Number two, accept it. If they give you, get out there in the streets and do what we’ve talked about, you’re fucked. Oh, I’m your fucked. I’m waiting for that to happen to Los Angeles and greater Los Angeles. You know, a lot of people, they don’t really grasp the, if you’ve never been to southern California, you, la, no idea, la is spread and how difficult it is if things jam up.

If you have Los Angeles city limit, okay, but what you have really is you have basically an entire sprawled out area that covers, that goes as far south as San Clemente, along the coast, and up to Oxnard, and on the other end of the coast, coming back through the San Fernando Valley, you know, along, along the base of the San Gabriel mountains, and then coming into the inland Empire and coming all the way out to where I am, and I’m on the extreme outer edge and that, and then, I mean, I mean, that’s luckily, that, yeah, luckily that’s like, that’s like 40 million people in that, in that area.

So it, you, yeah, it, maybe you have talked about Los Angeles, but it’s, it’s much, it’s so much bigger than that. And from the average, well, from a population, from a population standpoint, New York is bigger, but New York doesn’t have nearly the, the sprawled out that’s here. Yeah. Draw a big circle with Manhattan Central park in the center. Encompass parts of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Long island, going to Jersey and Monmouth and Point south. Red banks a little bit north of that. But point south of that and draw that giant circle all the way around.

You’ve got the New York metropolitan area. You’ve got a lot of people there. A lot. Yeah, well, you have the, you have the five boroughs. You have the five boroughs and then you start to get out into the kind of the weeds. But in southern California and somebody just said you have all of La and San Bernardino county. Well, it’s. You also have Ventura County, Orange county and Riverside county. So, I mean, all, basically western Riverside county, western San Bernardino county. Southern, the southern half of La county because the northern half or the northern third really is basically Palmdale in the high desert.

And then you have all of, all of Ventura county. So, I mean, it’s, it’s enormous. And, you know who’ve been the most difficult to get through their heads? This is real, this is happening, this is coming. Is the awake people in that section of California, even the awake ones, don’t want to admit to it fully in their hearts because, again, they’re in a wonderful place, country. They’re in blessed weather, blessed land, all with the exception of, you know, earthquakes. But you’ve got to accept the fact that this is not going to be nice for you there when this happens.

Right. Trust me. And that’s just, just a fact. I don’t want to be here. But I, you know, again, it’s, you know, you know my situation. I have a 80, 80 plus year old mother who’s by herself and I just can’t, I can’t leave her here by herself. I just can’t. And we need to get help on some other things, so we’ll do that. And. But here, the whole problem is people have a normalcy bias. It’s. Wait a minute. This is what I’m familiar with. However I can fit the, the information that is contrary to that into my life, I’ll try to pull that over into the normalcy bias.

Doesn’t work that way. Get rid of your normalcy bias. You’re going to feel anxiety, panic, you’re going to feel vulnerable, go through it, deal with it. And then the only way to counter that is to prepare yourself step by step with items, health items and weapons. You do not know where you’re going to be when something stupid happens. When this all goes down, you’re not going to be out for a while when something stupid goes down on a mass scale. Stupid, I say, because, you know, it’s a shame humanity and chaos had to get this far.

But again, what many will come to see and comprehend in themselves, as well as analyzing the entire situation as best they can, is very simply be honest about the fact that you are where you are. And it’s not going to be pretty. It really isn’t. And there’s no way to. There’s just no way to, you know, to soften it. Yeah, there’s no way to do it other than this is what that supranational sovereign layer has been planning for a century. Actually more. Let’s take the last hundred and 25 years. We’ll take it from there. This has all been building up to it.

How many broadcasts have I and others done that have pointed out the times in history where certain events took place that were just a stepping stone in this direction? And I, you know, I put it to, a friend of mine went to school with someone who’s high up in the state of Michigan or has a very interesting position. And I said, well, if you want to know how fucked up it is up there, ask them for a county around Detroit and certain state letterheads. You’re going to see a golden boss. Agenda 2030. Here’s some more. There have been Un, quote unquote, observers.

No, they are operatives who’ve been put throughout the country. UN? Un. And I’ve gone over what the UN is a million times. Registered corporation out of San Francisco. Sub corporations include the WHO, registered out of Orange County, California. Right now there’s a Chinaman CEO and the agent. And there’s also a very prominent in rarefied legal circles case regarding this man. And names you’ll find on it are very interesting. And then you have the IMF and World bank, which are nothing more than the subsidiaries for financing, financing entire nations. Now we think of a nation. Do not think of something akin to the US.

If you’re thinking of a small nation, see what the, go to the, go to the CIA factbook, find out what the population is. Usually it’s between five and 40 million of which, of what? That’s one state of a foreign country. All right? And so when we hear things are going on in XYZ country, look those aspects up. Look at, look at the population, look at the demographics, look at the geopolitical situation. Look at the well minerals, other types of materials that they have available on their land under their ground. And then you’ll get a sense of where the IMF or World bank can come in and easily loan them $200 billion and then as collateral whatever infrastructure they put in place, water, power, roadways, etcetera.

They, that country doesn’t own if they default on their debt. And it’s all in the past. The book written by that, that one guy, I keep forgetting his name, but confessions of an economic. Sean Perkins shows you. John Perkins. Yeah. That shows you how it was done. Traditionally, intelligence organizations all involved, making sure it went a certain way. But it’s an argument as to whether that taking a country and neutering it while taking their resources ever really pans out into something better. It never has. There has to even be a new way of handling those types of development relationships.

And I’ve talked to you about a few things, but we won’t, we don’t need to talk about them on the air. Correct. But. So I have a couple of people in the chat that are asking me about specific locations in the country, and I just. I’m gonna, I’m gonna. I’m gonna toss it to you. Okay. So one person says, 50 miles outside of Chicago. Is that safe? It’s safer than being 5 miles outside Chicago, but it’s not safe in that you’re not going to be affected. Right. No, I. 50 miles radius around Chicago. Unless you’re on a yacht on Lake Michigan and can, you know, bugger out when you need to.

No, that’s not safe. Chicago is. I went on over two months ago, and I think it’s about nine weeks ago at this point and was saying this. What happened in Aurora that everybody saw? I was saying this and was with you. It was, I think, with Armando Gonzalez. I remember we did it several times, and we said, this is going on in Chicago now. Americans are being displaced now, and they’re ready to fight back. And guess what? Anyone with common sense would be on their side if it pops off. But I beseech them, keep violence out of the picture.

Let that side move and pull the trigger first. But no, 50 miles outside of Chicago, I would feel safer than being 5 miles out, but I wouldn’t feel safe. I agree. No, well, it’s like, and just to give you an example of my situation, being on the extreme outskirts of Los Angeles, I. I may be on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and there is comfort knowing that basically, there’s nothing but the desert to the east of me. So why in the hell would people come right out here to go to the desert? Um, because there’s. You can’t really survive there.

Um, no. Without water. But that said, you know, I still am antsy about my situation, because even though I’m in a fairly conservative part of the state, it was really interesting. I went to the grocery store earlier today. And I was wearing my Trump shirt and the, one of the guys from the meat department came out and he’s like, he’s like, awesome shirt. And, and I, we kind of like, started trading some pleasantries and I said, yeah, he’s a guy. It’s going to be, it’s going to get interesting. And he’s like, yeah, they don’t think they’re going to be able to steal it this time.

And I said, well, he won. Or I said, I think he’s going to, he’s going to win in a landslide. And he’s like, yeah, he won, but he won last time. And I says, yeah, he says, if they try to steal it, you know, all hell’s going to break loose. And then he kind of chuckled and said, and we’re, we have much better aim. Exactly. It’s brilliant because that’s one way of saying it without saying it. Right. He said it. I don’t need to repeat it. Right, exactly. But, you know, well, and I would say this, you know, that, you know, because just for the entire audience and for the people who aren’t, don’t have the fortunate, they’re not fortunate enough to catch this live, I would say that the primary cities that you’re really going to have to be concerned with are going to be places like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, maybe Phoenix, maybe parts of Denver.

Denver, maybe a little bit of Salt Lake City. Maybe. Possibly. Possibly Salt Lake City is a little bit more worse than you might think. But, yeah, but you get outside of Salt Lake City and it’s extraordinarily, it’s extraordinarily hardcore Mormon, and Mormons are prepared in every facet. Yeah. So. Absolutely. And Idaho even more so. Idaho even more so. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC. Yeah. In its own special way. So I’m saying about that, well, possibly Boston. You know, there was a, there was a thing that you talked about. There was something that you talked about earlier, and I’m going to make it as a broad statement.

Basically, if you are a east of the Mississippi and south of I 40, you’re in the safest part of the country. It doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have issues. Yeah, that doesn’t mean there are going to be some issues. They’ve already done things around Atlanta in a very interesting way. And I mean, they, the military has actually done a very interesting way, sending a bunch of people in uniform. Oh, this is just an exercise. Yeah. But then they leave and then they’re filled in and I’ll leave it at that for the ones that, till the man, the ones that go in to do the exercise, truly believe they’re on an exercise.

The ones that come in afterwards know the score and what they have to deal with. Because Atlanta is an interesting flashpoint center in the southeast, probably the worst of all, not because of black and white population, but because of what has been sent there specifically to fuck with Atlanta and fuck up Atlanta. So they’re going to naturally take care of that situation rapidly anywhere else. You’re on your own. Right. For, for a period of time. For a period of time, exactly. And because, yeah, let me make this show. You need to, you need to see and smell and, and, you know, I, I’m not saying that trend and I’m say this and then I want to hear what you have to say, of course, but people are going to die.

People are going to suffer. If you had to, if you had to predict the number, if you had to predict, predict a number of people that are going to perish in what’s coming in this, call it the, the storm phase. And I, and I don’t mean exclusively from people dying of violence or whatnot up. You know, it could be dying from disease, dying viral. Yeah, whatever they. Whatever. Yeah, yeah. Well, what would you, if you. I would still stick with the 35 minimum to, to 50 million potentially. But if it’s done well, and the, let’s say the artistry of clandestine operations is at its maximum, maybe 2025, right? I agree.

I agree with that. There’s the same end effect. There’s no way that you are going to prevent collateral damage and there’s going to be a lot of collateral damage and there are no safe spaces for it. No, you can’t just walk to this, to the corner of 32nd and Johnson street. Expect to be okay. We’re okay right here. Don’t we stay in this, this 30 by 30 meters ripped off area. We’ll be safe. No, sorry, kids hiding behind the sign that says gun free zone won’t help you. Won’t help you because the bullet go through that sign and through your skull at the same time.

So grow up. Grow the fuck up. We have far. Bottom line, Ron. We have, you know this as well as I do. We have, have had foreign interventionists, foreign undue and unwarranted influence, okay? We’ve had foreign direct action in this country for the last 50 years in conjunction with the oligarch banking families here. All right? This has not changed. They still want what they want. Imagine not being one of the originators of, say, a certain family. Imagine being born into all this shit. You never in your mind could like the case I made about Queen Elizabeth.

You can never in your mind can even pretend to think you know what it’s like to be an average human being. And we’re talking 99.9% of the population. You have no fucking clue. You haven’t suffered the same things you haven’t seen, done, gone through the same fucking things. So you are no one that is an NT, any intellectual or let’s say, emotionally high quotient position to do what you’re doing. And that goes for the same in Europe. I don’t care how you were raised, how much they put into your head the fine educations that you had that might have actually told you the truth on a lot of historical events.

That does not make you qualified in any stretch to do and to continue with what you’re doing. My advice to you is give it up. Give it up. But at this point, Ron, I’d rather not see them give it up and make deals. I’d rather see them dead. I. That’s just my humble opinion, okay? Because they have no breaks nor moral quandaries, nor anything that says they don’t care if all but 500 million out of the eight alien eggs that exists on this planet survive. All right? That’s a very easy piece of math to do. That’s one in 16 survives.

This is what they’ve been. This is their agenda. It’s in their white papers. It’s spread out through their think tanks, correct? From Rand to Tavistock to the circle to Atlantic Council to pilgrim society, on and on and on and on and on and on. Council of 300, council of 13, Council on Foreign Relations. You know, generals. Yeah, exactly. Club of Rome, all of it. You know, these are just. Or these. All these different organizations have different geophysical, let’s say, capabilities. In other words, certain parts on the planet. They’re more apt and able to enact these agenda, this agenda, but the sub agendas, to reach that final culling of the herd, kill off, mass murder.

All right? That’s why there are so many of them. Bohemian Grove, California. Different thing, but altogether part of the same. There’s so many of these things with so much folklore and mythology built around them through the imagination of people, which is, you know, it’s what people do. But they should go for the evidence first. So the evidence shows all of those organizations and many, many more, the more esoteric mystery school organizations, rosicrucians, tall cedars. It used to be daughters of the eastern star. Now they accept gay men into it. So it’s got a new name because traditionally Freemasonry didn’t open its arms to homosexuals.

Well, why not? Homosexuals should be asking that question. Right? Because even, you know, when, when Hitler wrote to power, higher up on his list than jews or the following intellectuals and clergy who held sway over large sections of their population. Members of secret societies. Members of secret societies. And they out the nazi party, outlawed Freemasonry and all the others, all of them, because they knew what role they played from knights of Malta on left, right, down, and very few up above that particular organization. And who runs it now? Traditionally it was a civilian, meaning a non vatican individual.

But as of the, maybe a decade ago, they took over the higher level office operations directly. Rome put its people in place and oddly, and you know, I’m not going to go there. I can’t say that. Right. But anyway, even Hitler being the dupe that he was for the global spank, the very structure that he was railing against but was too stupid to see in certain ways that it wasn’t just jewish people. No, it’s not the Jews. When I hear that ignorance, I want to hit someone with a baseball bat. I agree. It’s nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity or Islam.

Nothing to do with any of that. Hold on just 1 second, please. Hold on. Bam, I’m glad you sent a message for s, that was important. No, you’re good. I’m sorry, the, I don’t, bam, I don’t think we’re, we aren’t saying that we want like all these people to die. I think what really we’re talking about is we’re prognosticating one die. Yeah. We’re prognosticating on how many people we think are going to perish and what is, whatever is coming. And in, you know, in a, we could be, we could be totally off. We don’t know. This is just, again, this is just an educated guess based on things that we’re seeing and are, you know, things that are out there within the public domain of the, you know, of our, of our, you know, call it.

Oh, like just the ability to research with what’s in the public sphere. So. Yes, and some of the information I’m giving comes from inside. Right. But I’m very careful. I have to be. Right. Well, extremely careful about what I say and how I say it. I am trying to, I’m trying to get. I’m trying to get. And you are. And many others that I’m trying to get when I come on, to give a finer point to all of this and that people need to comprehend and the fact that these agendas have been in place for a long, long time, 100%, when I say nothing will be the same following it.

I mean, virtually nothing will be the same following this period in time. Better. Yes, it has to be prosecuted correctly, meaning the projection of force, meaning the judicious and efficient use of force that’s coming. Both sides know that. All right, again, I’m saying this for everyone to read between 30 lines. When I say this, they pulled out the kill card twice exactly on the one that is able through force of personality and honesty. And if you don’t like them and you don’t know him, you’re a fucking idiot. It’s one thing if you know them and you come to me and say, well, I don’t like him very much.

Well, that’s your thing. Where’s your ego clash with all this? But that’s just, you know, individual by individual. But all these people out there have Trump Derangement syndrome. They don’t know the man. No, they don’t. You know, it’s interesting. Family members. I’m going to say something about the difference between, and I hate putting people into a right or left. You know, I hate seeing the right or the left, but because right now, it’s american survival or american peril. But that’s your different. That said, that said, at least if you’re looking at it from the political belief system, you know, you talk about the left has the, has Trump Derangement syndrome.

Well, I watched an interesting video the other day where the, the other day with this guy was analyzing things, and he says, you know, you got people on the right who they actually listen to videos and things that are being put out by people on the left because they want to know kind of what they’re talking about so that they can, you know, kind of, you know, have a, have an educated debate and counter their points. Whereas the people on the left, they don’t even want to entertain the idea of listening to concepts from the right.

They’ve been programmed into the marxist right. Not idea, not ideology, but the Mars marxist aspect of accepting and processing information. It’s straight out of Marcuse, who was a, who was a communist of the Frankfurt school when he wrote the essay repressive tolerance. Repressive tolerance, for those of you who don’t know, is basically a belief system to where you are open to ideas that you espouse. But you’re entirely closed off to concepts that you don’t. And that that’s repressive tolerance. And, I mean, if you look and see, it’s like, it’s. It’s like, hey, yeah, you talk about lgbt, awesome.

Talk about God. Never. Kind of fucked up, isn’t it? Mm hmm. Kind of obvious, isn’t it? Right? I mean, you know, and. And one other thing I caution people against, and I’ll do it again, you’re not sitting there eating popcorn, watching a show, and God is not going to come down and save everything at the last minute. That book was put into the Bible a long time after scripture had already been assembled. Yeah. Well, the belief system in the United States predominantly about, you know, Israel, you know, Israel becoming God’s country again, and there being them bestowing the land on them.

And, you know, and we’re in the end times. All this end times prophecy, all this stuff really is truly derived, for the most part, from the Schofield reference Bible, and that is people on the left or, you know, the powers that be who have infiltrated so many areas within our society, and they’ve injected these beliefs everywhere. And if it’s not that, then it’s something else. And, you know, in my humble opinion, a lot of conservatives look at Trump as the savior. And no, Trump is not the savior. He’s the leader, but he’s not the savior. We ourselves are our savior.

Did I lose you? Hold. Hold on 1 second. Hold on 1 second. I think I lost your voice on the. On the phone. Hold on 1 second here. Yeah, hold on. What? Hold on 1 second here. Okay, testing, testing. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Ghost, you there? Can you hear me now? Yeah. Okay, how about now? Can you guys. Can you guys hear Ghost? He’s talking. Hey. Hey, listen, um, something’s going on with my system. I’m gonna. I’m gonna hang this up. I’m gonna call you right back. Yeah, okay. You there? Yeah, yeah, I can hear you, but something’s going on with the.

Quality wise. No, it’s just not connecting to the. Try it now. Can you hear me now? Testing, testing, testing. All right, test. One, two, three. Yeah, I hear you. The Bluetooth dropped here on this. Let me try one more thing here. Well, I tell you what, brother. I tell you what. No, I think we’re just going to go ahead. I’m going to bring you up to the. To the microphone, and so that we can just. We’ll just call it a night. We got a lot of good, good content. And I think the main one or two questions.

Anybody? Yeah. The, the one question was more about the big questions we had was where are the safest places in the country? And I, I think we kind of covered that. Basically, stay away from state, get, get out of the major cities, get into, and if you are in a city, you know, have a place where you can, you know, have people that were, where you can come together and, you know, because there are safety in numbers. So. Yeah. And skill sets. Yes. And everything that can apply and everything pulled together and. Yeah, we’re here. We’re in the middle of it.

It’s about to, you know, as far as your ten days of darkness. No, I would, I would bank on three weeks and I would have at least a month worth of supplies. But we’ve been saying that for two years now. Have this and have that available. Right. You know, people don’t seem that, you know, they’re used to instant gratification. Pulling up to the drive through, turning on MSN, PmSNBC or CNN or Fox or whatever. It doesn’t matter. And getting everything packaged and encapsulated. Not necessarily all they need to know. No, it’s far from it. It’s precisely what certain forces want you to know.

And what’s really happening that you should know is quite voluminous and not available to you unless you go looking for it. Correct. Well, I’m sitting here holding the, holding this phone up to the microphone so that people can hear you. Somebody dick with us? Well, no, I honestly, I think what happened is I had, I took my cover off of my rodecaster, and I think one of the cats jumped up and hit a button and. Yeah, well, you were taking a piss, I think. Yeah, something like that. Come on. The audience heard it. We didn’t hear the truth.

Well, change. It’s not like I do it all the time while on the broadcasts. It’s not like we can’t do another show again soon if we want to, so. Yeah, but anyway, you know, I think we honor, we kind of wanted to keep this at about an hour anyhow, so we’re. So this is, this is probably God saying, hey, it’s time to go. Yeah. Time to shut up before somebody’s shooting through the window. Well, listen, I just want to joke. Just want to say, appreciate everybody in the audience. You know, you guys are, you guys are awesome.

My audience is growing, so. And, you know, I appreciate all the new people that are here, and I appreciate everyone that listens, thanks to time. Yep. Absolutely. So just trying to just, I just try to do good things and try to, you know, be the best that I can for, for the audience that shows up. And, you know, I, but I appreciate everybody and even the ones who give me the thumbs down before the show even starts, God bless them, too. They’re helping, they help them fuel the algorithm. So let’s try to do, we did a four way thing a few weeks ago.

Let’s see if we can set that up for Sunday, maybe. Yeah, that’s, I like that idea. Yeah, we need a time to promote it and then, yeah, at the end of it, everybody that’s, we can actually take some phone calls then, too. I enjoyed that part. So, yeah, we do three to 4 hours or two to 3 hours, whatever it works out to be, and answer questions because I think audience questions are at this, this stage right now, probably the most important thing because it’s then easier to address what the concerns are. And these concerns are very real, very important.

And depending on how we and many others address them, it can save lives. I agree. I’m all about it. I’m there. And we need to do our part as best we can to help protect lives as well. So. Yeah, exactly. So anyway, thank you, audience, and God bless all. Absolutely. Thank you guys. Really appreciate you all. And I look forward to seeing you guys. I’ll be back tomorrow with, with, with some more, with some more content. Today was pretty heavy, but anyway, I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. And thanks again. Chat soon. Good night, everybody.

Thank you.



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