And what happens with this product is it replaces lost collagen. Now, there’s a lot of products out there that claim to do this. Here’s the problem. They don’t work. They don’t work because they don’t have the five types of collagen blended into one, crossing the blood-brain barrier to restore collagen. This is a proprietary process by BioTrust that works. And not only that, they give you a 60-day money-back guarantee. And if you go now, order now, you get 51% off. All you got to do is go to That’s Well, Bill Gates is maybe, I think he might be the most evil man on the planet.
He’s working with the U.S. military to put bugs in the diet. Can you say that military men need nutrition to carry out their duties? Yeah. But what’s interesting is the DOD, that’s as woke as woke can be, an anti-military, anti-American, they are now moving towards reducing traditional meat consumption and replacing it with crickets and grasshoppers. You heard me correctly. Crickets and grasshoppers making their way into the American military diet. And they say, oh, it’s so good for you. Protein, yeah, it’s bad for you. It hurts the immune system. It’s as bad as it gets. Now, what’s interesting is lack regulations by the FDA have allowed such products to bypass rigorous safety testing.
So, Russian Roulette military, I hope you enjoy the DOD and what they’re doing to you, as well as Bill Gates. Many, I think Bill Gates ought to be sat down at a table and force fed his own crap and inject the hell out of him with every poison vaccine he’s given to America and the third world. Sorry, I digressed. Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, expressed concerns to the Defender publication. And it said, how long will we learn till these foods are safe? It could take generations. So, I guess when you’re 40 and you’ve been a soldier and one leg is longer than the other, maybe you’ll know then it wasn’t good for you.
This is absolutely amazing here. DARPA says they’re involved in the research with the DOD and they’re a key partner in this initiative. Listen, Donald Trump, please tear these agencies apart, limb from limb, and rebuild them. Claire Robinson, who’s the manager of GM Watch, she emphasized how important it is for rigorous testing for genetic modified organisms, including insects. And she went on to say, we need to know about a risk assessment and what people are putting in their body. You think? You think? This is yet another deep state attack upon the United States to cause it to fall.
Death by a thousand cuts. That’s it for The Common Sense Show. Please share this far and wide. Thumbs up. Like us. Make sure you’re a member of The Common Sense Show.TV. What do you get? Well, you get hips, hiding in plain sight, repressed technology, history that’s been hidden from us, mysteries of the mind. Pretty cool stuff. I think you’ll like it. Go to TheCommonSenseShow.TV and sign up today. Thank you. [tr:trw].