60-Day TBT Jubilee! Michael Jaco on MAHA Med Bed Healing Miracles (even 15 seconds). Whos Ready?!

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➡ This text is about a product called the X39 patch from a company called LifeWave. The patch, which is worn on the body, is said to activate stem cells and improve overall health. The company has over 170 patents and the product is available in 100 countries. The text also includes testimonials from users, including a Navy Seal and a serial entrepreneur, who share their positive experiences with the product.
➡ The speaker shares her experience with David Schmidt and his company, Lifewave, which offers health-enhancing products. She praises Schmidt’s commitment to affordability and his dedication to helping people achieve optimal health. She also discusses the impact of the X39 product, a patch that activates stem cells, and its potential for improving health. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reliance in health and business, and shares her excitement for the future of Lifewave’s technology.
➡ The speaker shares their experience with energy patches, which helped them regain their physical strength and manage pain after a period of illness. They host shows where people share their positive experiences with these patches, which have reportedly led to various health improvements. The speaker emphasizes that these patches do not claim to treat or cure diseases, but rather support the body’s natural healing processes. They compare the patches’ function to sunlight triggering the body’s production of vitamin D, suggesting that the patches work by providing beneficial frequencies to the body.
➡ The text discusses a technology that uses patches to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. These patches, called X39, help the body produce a peptide that has been linked to healing and rejuvenation. The benefits of using these patches can vary from person to person, including pain relief, better sleep, and increased energy. The text also mentions that the patches have been used successfully on animals and that the company is expanding globally.
➡ The text discusses an awe-inspiring experience at a company that has a 20-year roadmap and is developing advanced technologies. The company, led by a visionary and humble leader, is working on drone technology and other innovations that are far ahead of what other companies have. The text also mentions a product called Life Wave that has significantly improved the speaker’s physical performance. Lastly, the company is developing a new type of water, which is believed to have life-extending properties and is expected to be released in the coming months.
➡ This text talks about the positive effects of a new technology that involves drinking water. People who tried it reported various benefits, such as pain relief, improved vision, reduced anxiety, and increased energy. Some even mentioned feeling energy coming out of their hands. The technology seems to work best when combined with other methods, like X39 and X49 patches. The product is expected to be very popular once it’s released.
➡ The article discusses the use of healing patches that have shown significant results in pain relief and overall health improvement. These patches, used by various medical professionals, have helped people, including a Vietnam veteran who experienced pain relief after 50 years. The patches work within 3 to 6 inches of the body’s heat or light and don’t need to be applied directly to the skin. They have also shown promising results in addiction recovery, as seen in the case of a man who has been clean for five months after years of heroin addiction.
➡ The text discusses the benefits of using patches for health improvement. The author shares stories of people who have seen significant changes in their health after using the patches for a period of time. The patches have helped people with various health issues, including physical injuries and chemical dependencies. The author encourages people to try the patches, stay consistent with their use, and consider becoming a brand partner for discounts.
➡ This text is about a program that offers support and healing through the use of X39 patches, which are said to regenerate stem cells and potentially reverse aging. The program includes regular Zoom meetings, personal support, and success strategies. It also features testimonials from users like Colonel Chuck Sellers, who experienced significant relief from back and knee pain after using the patches. The patches are available for purchase at CatchTheLifeWave.com, which offers a 190-day money-back guarantee.


The first of the new year. You divine. Lions and lionesses, listen up. You are not going to want to miss this 3:00pm Eastern Sunday. Myself, Navy Seal Team 6, Dev Crew Legend Michael Jaco and extreme serial entrepreneur Connie Lucas on LifeWave, the X39 patch. The company has over 170 patents issued or pending. American Made goes to 100 countries. Here’s the reason why you’re going to love this. Number one, this little thing right here. Literally when you put it on your body, activates your stem cells and activates your 4200 in genomes in your body. Not only just for you, your wife, men.

Guys, listen up. Or your children. We’ve even had kids who have reversed autism by wearing this. And we have so much to share from the healing miracles. You’ll be able to ask questions in the live chat. We even have incredible wound healing stories. Horses, pets, animals, you name it, anything that is sentient life. And as a Reiki master, I can tell you that love is the greatest power in the universe. And I can tell you that I wish I had this a long time ago. Men, you’ll want to get this for your ladies and your children as well as being a part of the wellness revolution to make America great again and make the world healthy again and superhuman.

We’ll see you soon. All right, well, what a great intro into the phenomenal. We have serial entrepreneur Connie Lucas joining us from her home studio and Michael Jaco, Navy Seal Team 6. Thank you both on this Sunday on January 19th, we are just kicking it back here to make America healthy again. These wonderful X39 stem cell patches. A little bit more about this company. And I’m reminded of the quote, thanks to the both of you being mentors for me and part of our team in Lifewave, that Einstein said the medicine of the future will be frequency medicine.

And Tesla even said the way to understand the universe is through frequency and vibration. And for those who are just joining us and those grand partners under Team Buddha and Live Younger, we, you know, we’re talking about this incredible x39 patch and the company started developing this Navy SEAL program over two decades ago. David Schmidt, the CEO and inventor. So with this, I go ladies first, Connie Lucas, as always, and then over to Michael Jacob to introduce himself. If you all don’t know and you’re listening to this on a podcast later on or you’re watching the broadcast live right now in the chat.

Connie, welcome. Thank you, thank you, thank you for having me. Happy to be here. Excited to talk about this breakthrough technology. Thank you and I appreciate it, too. You’re one of the top business members in the globe for Life Wave, our live younger team. So there’s tremendous amount of experience you and your husband bring to the table. And it was thanks to the two of you as well, who are above myself and Michael. Michael, next. You know, you guys have done incredibly well, helping literally drive healing miracles into people’s lives. When I call this a technology, a wearable headband for sure that gives people a second lease on life.

And whom better for the freedom audience to know than Michael Jaco and what he’s been standing for his entire career of service. And then now also using his voice with the light. Michael, welcome, my friend. Thank, Brad. Yeah, it’s good to be here. You know, I totally believe in this. David Schmidt, you know, designed this for the Navy SEAL teams. I heard about it after I left the SEAL teams. I was working the CIA and I was like, ah, wish I wish I’d, you know, gotten some of that. And then eventually when I got out, I found out it’s available to everybody.

So I started using it. I had instant. I mean, like within seconds I could tell the difference when I started using the patches. So, you know, I’m really into physicality and, you know, using my body in lots of different ways. So this has helped me tremendously. If I had the opportunity, I would have all the SEAL teams and, you know, when you come into buds, you’d be using it. It’s. It’s fantastic. And I think everyone, the whole world, everyone in the world should be using this. So that’s why I’m really excited about this product and why I’m really dedicated to, you know, presenting this information as many people as possible.

Amazing. And, you know, with your tutelage, it’s truly been an honor to work alongside you and be mentored by you through this, Michael. And folks, what you’re about to see here is the CEO and Venture. You’ve heard about him many times. I’ve been on the broadcast for warriors of Wellness. But I’m going to show you what he shared first about his why, what is it that drives him after two decades, to still do this to help humanity? And I think that’s very powerful because we saw in the lead in intro video, RFK Jr. Wearing the X39.

There was Mike Tyson. He’s wearing the 39, and he’s what, 54 years old, fighting a guy in his late 20s, which is incredible for that match. And I’ve had multiple healing miracles too, as well as Connie, we’re going to get into that, but, folks, I’d like you to turn your attention now, if you can watch this on the broadcast. This is Mission. What got him started, because this is a company which is leading the world in wearable med bed technology. And we have a couple of other surprises to share with you as we go through the show.

And you can ask questions in the live chat. Here we are with David Schmidt. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. There is more information there than most people would ever realize. I was 8 years old and my parents wanted to take me to the workshop of Thomas Edison. On the drive back home, I said to my dad, I want to be an inventor. Light, as it turns out, is the primary control mechanism for everything else that happens in the body. What if we could have an external electromagnetic field that would essentially reset the stem cells that are already in our bodies and get them to function like younger, healthier cells? What if in the process we actually found out that in a book that was written thousands of years ago that information already existed? God has left his fingerprint in natural design, and that blueprint shows up in nature.

The mathematical codes are identical. The implications to this are absolutely extraordinary. What drives me is that there’s this enormous sense of hope that we can create technology to generate clean energy, that we can have foods that aren’t genetically modified, and we can meet all of the needs on the planet that we have to, and that we can heal people. Shivers go up and down. I don’t know about all of you watching that video. And when he mentioned for our audience, which you’re about to learn over the next 30 or 40 minutes, he decoded the Bible, the next generation technology, which works in concert with X39 coming out.

Nobody has ever seen this before on the planet, and two people here, Michael himself and Connie, have actually experienced the new technology. And it’s literally a game changer for the world. So you’re going to hear that over the next 30, 40 minutes and stay tuned. And it’s important that we build the foundation for anybody new attempting to wrap their heads around what is this x39 patch? That’s the size of a quarter and there’s a few hairs. It’s a little on the back, right. And you put it anywhere on your body, typically at the C7 energy chi point.

As a Reiki master, I can tell everybody in practicing Reiki 23 years in my life and I’ve mastered for a decade now, is that frequency and love is the greatest power in the universe. And we’ve seen with Michael and his branding, he shares that as well. And now what we’re doing is we’re harnessing our own light, our body, with this patch to activate our 2 to 6,000 stem cells, which fall asleep as we age. That immediately activate the 4200 genome expressions in our body. When you wear this for 12 hours a day, usually in the daytime, because it’s a yang energy.

So when you brush your teeth in the morning, put it on. When you brush your teeth at night, take it off to reset your system and move into the parasympathetic state. Now, I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself if anybody’s still trying to catch up on this, but this is patented to reverse aging. Along with nearly 170 patents issued or pending to the company. There’s already over 150 issued since David worked in a black op project with Navy Seals and designed the first generation of the X39 patch, which Michael himself learned about just as he came out of SEAL Team 6 and retired and moved into active duty CIA contractor.

So that this is absolutely remarkable. We’ll talk about the healing. First, I’d like to move to Connie, who knows David personally and so does Mike. He has been in David Schmidt’s labs. Tell the audience, if you don’t mind, you know, a little bit of the experience that you and your husband have had with David Schmidt, and you’ve actually made a full time effort to move forward and share lifeway with the world. And what precipitates that for you? Because that’s part of sovereignty as far as I’m concerned, moving on and as a core value proposition for a business owner, as well as literally generating healing miracles in people’s lives.

Absolutely. I’m with you. I watched that trailer that you just showed, and it’s goosebumps. And it was interesting. My husband and I were invited to meet David Schmidt at the very beginning of 2020 to go over to the labs to really vet the company and take a look at what going on. You’ve never met a more humble man. When. When he talks about, you know, why he’s doing this, it really has to do with equipping people. You know, your. Your show is the silver and soul, and it’s about sovereignty. It’s about being able to take care of our own health, that we can rely on our body as the miracle and use technologies that will enhance our health.

It’s about, can we. Have you heard in there the things he’s invented that we’re moving towards, towards being beyond organic food, clean food, having beyond the ability of water, of things and technologies for you to consume energy in the future, energy so that you are reliant on yourself. There’s so many things and everything is to set you up, to be able to take care of you and your family and live that type of life. And the products are standalone. I love keeping focused early on on the X39 because it’s a full, affordable for anyone. And I remember when I met David, we were talking about the price point, which is literally a cup of coffee a day and not, not an expensive cup, a $3 and something cents cup a day.

And so I was asking about the price point and he said, you know, when we first released this, we were getting such dramatic health results that a lot of his feedback from his members at the time were, you know, you could sell this for $500 a month, you could sell this for whatever because anybody would buy it based on what it’s worth. But David said, I want to keep it affordable. And in 20 years he has not raised the price of his technology. And going now into the sixth year of x39, he has never raised the price.

He wants to make sure that anybody who truly wants optimal health has access to that. And I think that just speaks volum about, about David. So when you talk about being sovereign and my shift is my husband and I are both been business owners owning multiple businesses for decades, profitable, great businesses. But I really came into 2020 with a big, kind of a big slap across the face that I think a lot of you may have experienced yourself. You know, we had three businesses, debt free, profitable for years. And in 2020, both those businesses were forced to be shut down through no fault.

I think none of us have forgotten that. And that really spoke to me about having an opportunity, having a way to create income, help others pay things forward that was not reliant on anybody else making those rules for me, that I could have a flexibility of freedom, financial freedom, as well as the flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere. And so we built up our business partners part time to the top of the company. And then I just shifted this past year into full time because I see what we have a hold of. I already know some of the texts that are already patented and ready to go.

And I’m telling you, it’s exciting, exciting. So I can’t wait to share it with just everyone in the world. Yeah, absolutely. Agreed. We know people in the medical space as well. You can’t go into A hospital and get a band aid for less than a $3 cup of coffee. Yeah. And you’ve got something right now that activates your stem cells. And there was a question in the chat and there’s a couple people that participated too. And Michael had put in the chat, said, you know, messenger from God, that’s who David Schmidt is. And we wholeheartedly agree.

And you’re about to see some information come up to validate that as well. But if you’ve never had the X39 before, I’m just holding it up right now. There’s an envelope with a 30 day supply. So, you know, the core value proposition to this is you flip it open and just like we know, we love instant gratification. Flip it open, grab a patch, take it out, put it on, wear it for the day, toss it, done, you know, and that’s it. And it took around half a just to develop the patch with the layers of the frequencies and crystals inside that to basically act as a reflection mechanism.

Think of a satellite dish, if you will, to reflect your own bodies. It’s biophoto therapy, your own UV and light back into you in a frequency that activates the copper peptides in your bloodstream, which activates the stem cells and that activates your genome. So there’s that chain reaction which happens through the divine design that God has brought forward with us. And the best of the best of the world are SEAL Team six or Delta Force. We have one of them live here. And everybody will hear from the former deputy commander, of course, Tier 1 toward the end of the show, what they think.

So you’re talking best of the best in the world. And Michael’s been behind this technology for a few years. So Mike, you had mentioned a little bit about the miracles you’ve experienced. And tell everybody if you know who you are, you know why you put your full weight in your brand behind lifewave and the X39 itself. And then I know you visited David’s labs before too, so maybe, maybe you can allude to what you’ve seen there with that incredible man. Yeah, the technology is definitely Tesla level, about as far as I go. Now you alluded to the, you know, the scope of it and the patch itself.

The patch, like we’re talking about, it doesn’t. Nothing touches your skin other than the patch itself. The nanotechnology that’s in it is not going to leave that. That’s that little patch and go into your body. Your body is going to reflect its, its heat onto the patch and the Patch is going to be activated and it’s going to reflect back and it’s going to cause your body to start to awaken and start to do the things that it’s supposed to do. But you know, through whatever means, you know, through chemical imbalances, through, you know, the environment, whatever happens that turn all these, these normally well functioning cells off the path basically turns back on.

And that’s what I experienced very early on, instantly. In fact. I saw, I heard about the technology from my friends on the SIL teams and then I, and then I actually heard about it from other people and then I read an article about it and I was like, okay, I’m gonna try it. And I, I’m like, I’m probably gonna go big on this. So I, I want, when I, when I decide on something, I usually go big. So I got the, you know, the top, all the patches I could get and, and the core, you know, as far as like, you know, getting the patches at the time was like a diamond pack.

Now it’s like, what is it, what is it now, Connie? The premium. Premium, yeah. So you get core premium. So we, we recommend that you go right into a brand because there’s so much savings that you get instantly with, with the brand and so forth. But I went big and I was like, I’m probably gonna, I’m probably gonna be sharing this stuff. So sure enough, I put the energy patches on and I am, I’m an energy freak. I, I like, I led the SEAL Team PTS. When I was at SEAL Team 6. I led the PTS.

I, I led, I had the most pull ups, most push up. I, you know, did all kinds of, you know, endurance training when I was a BUD instructor. I led the PTs, the hardest PTs. I even took it to the next level. I would do like cross arm sit up sit ups and I would do 1000 plus whatever the class number was and it would take like a half an hour to do 1,100, whatever. So. And you know, I, I just, I’m an extreme guy, so I need a lot of energy. So when I, I’ve used all kinds of energy drinks and all kind of stuff and you know, they have different levels of performance.

None of them I thought were really all that great. The one, the one that was the best was the energy enhancement patch from Life Wave. And I, I use that religiously every day. My, my workouts, I’m 64 now. About five years ago, I did a body contest and I did an endurance, massive endurance, you know, run and then Covid hit and it just like destroyed my momentum. So now I’m getting my momentum back with the help of, you know, the energy patches. And I’m doing as much weight and I’m getting ready to do more weight than I’ve ever done in my life at 64.

And I attribute that to the patches. Right. So I got instant results like I talked about. I had an energy, energy enhancement and then there’s one for the pain panic pain management. I used that on my knee. Having me got shattered in the seal teams and I had instant results within seconds. So it’s, it’s, it’s amazing. All the, all the patches work incredibly. I view, I use them all, I use them day and night and they work amazingly. Now I, I do, I do shows, Connie does shows where we have people come on and talk about their miracles.

It’s one of my favorite events all week. That one hour is just mind blowing. The results that people are getting from Life Wave and it’s just week after week, miracle after miracle after miracle. I’ve been doing it for a little over a year. I know Connie’s been doing it for a lot longer, but over that period of time, I’ve had upwards of a thousand people reveal through their testimonials. So testimonials of miracles and some of these are outlandish. That would stop the medical industry and it cracks a lot. But of course they’re not going to do that.

They’re going to continue to promote what they promote and they’re going to restrict us from promoting what we can. So we have to have these shows and we present them. I think it’s best, you know, word of mouth from people that you, you know, you, you believe or have good integrity. I do. I have great integrity. I would never lie. I would never. If I lied, I would, I would be known so fast and because so many people watch me and, you know, monitor me. So it’s, it’s been fantastic. I absolutely love it. I love sharing it.

I love people that are getting involved with it. I love helping people grow a business with it. It’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever done in my life. Yeah, I truly agree and I want to get back to the healing miracles as well. Thank you for sharing that. Because I’ve mentioned in the lead up to this, I’ve had multiple healing miracles. The first one was because thanks to you and your wife, Tracy Jo, you had sent me a whole bunch of patches x 39 the ice wave. Many of my audience knows that I was run over on a motorcycle, 2015.

And the lady who did it admitted fault that she was late for a tennis appointment, so blew through the stop sign, T bone. I went up on the windshield, cartwheeled across three lanes, slammed into the fire hydrant. And I had Tiger woods and Lindsey Vaughn, surgeon in Vail, Colorado, tell me all the stuff that needed to happen over three and four years and of different surgeries and whatnot. Basically Humpty Dumpty to put me back together again. Right. One of the things that never really healed was the. My label, my thread separated. It’s like a bicep. For anybody that doesn’t know.

Right around your clavicle. I don’t say. I’m a medical doctor, so pardon me if it’s slightly off here, but that shoulder was down three centimeters, right? That’s an inch and a half, just hanging there, healed properly. So I would seize up to a 9 or a 10. And we’re talking 10 on a scale, which is. It’s too much. Let me just leave this life. And in order for me, I couldn’t move it. It was immobilized with the pain, nerves damaged as well. That ice wave patch as well, which is mentioned, we’ll talk about X39 because it has pain management in it that was designed specifically for pain.

And you’ve mentioned it, and it’s been mentioned. Chat here. I’ll read it off here shortly. From a 9 to a 1 in 3 minutes, actually 2 minutes and 57 seconds. And then it brought that pain so I couldn’t move it. Immobilize almost at the point where you’re at, if it goes to 10, I want to leave this life that was 10 years almost later. You gave me that patch, I put it on, done, and I’m like, I need to share this with the world. Because everybody knows people who are in pain. And we have veteran stories, miracle stories.

I think those remarkable stories, too. Connie, maybe share it in a few moments about that Vietnam veteran with half a century of pain, where you said, on a scale of 1 to 10, what is it? And he goes, typically on a day it’s 15, I can’t get out of bed. I’m crying, tears in my eyes. So we’ve got an incredible story for everybody about that. We even have families like the couple that was on the Doc talk last Sunday, sharing that they put the X39 on the lung, one in the uterus. They couldn’t get pregnant. A week later, they notice they’re pregnant, and then they’re leveraging it for their baby.

Now, we can’t say that this has been clinically approved of 100 clinical studies for children. But again, there’s nothing. It’s non invasive. So that’s really powerful. And a final point for my audience too. In December 24th of 2023, I’m in South America and my left mole is pretty much falling out. I’ve got infection in the gum line because I was chewing on the night before some chicken wings and did something really bad. Got a little aggressive eating and I only had these patches. And in South America, if anybody knows for Feliz Navarab, they sign off for a week at least the proper way.

As far as I’m concerned, all the way through New Year’s, no dentist is open. And unless it’s a real emergency, hospitals are going to tell you the last thing you want to do in South American countries, walk in as a white dude and be like, problem with tooth? They’re just going to pull it. Do searchers. It was these patches that eight weeks later to the day, wearing them on my face at night because I’m doing shows in the day, literally healed, the molar healed. All infection was gone within a week and no problem chewing burgers. And then two months later, I’m with Mike and his wife Tracy Jo, and we had a meat eating contest.

I think it was a Brazilian or an Argentinian place, right. We’re just like, ah, poured out. We’re just chowing down, no problem. Thanks to these patches. And I want to read just a little bit for the live chat people who have been sharing in here. So Deacon Abby Jones, descendant of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, is here in a great freedom fighter and her, her son is a US Army Ranger, active duty. Says I believe the X39,49 patches helped me tremendously on the mountain, especially all the Starlink phones dropped. And without my personal Faraday cage, I may not have made it.

And the headache volcano is gone. And so that’s another part that we can start speaking about now with RFK Jr confirmed and make America healthy again. And why he wants to advocate peptides. He mentioned that in a post peptides, raw milk stem cells because these also act as a Faraday cage on your body when leveraged properly. There are EMF blocking capabilities like when you’re wearing the X39 patch. So that’s exactly what she’s pointing out there too. So really, really powerful. And Katie B. Is a Reiki master and a shaman here in our chat. One of our brand partners, she’s rocking it.

And yeah, she put the X39 on. She said by 23 years of pain was gone. So we all know who have had chronic pain, fibromyalgia, etcetera, that are minimized if not gone in a matter of minutes or days with these. Pretty remarkable. Connie. You know, I’d love to actually chime in just for a few people who maybe are hearing about this for the first time. And if you’re anything like me, I was like, this sounds like the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. Like, this, this can’t be possible. Like, I don’t even get how the lights get in there.

I don’t understand how it’s doing this. It’s hermetically sealed. So it really is good to understand and to really know too, that lifewave and its brand partners aren’t claiming to treat, cure, diagnose any kind of medical disease. The body’s the miracle. And what we’re doing is you’re allowing the body to go back into coherence to do what it innately is it able to do. And so if you think about like, you’re like, how does this work? If you think about the sun and the sun story, it’s really easy to understand. You know, most of us know that we go out in the sun and it helps our body make vitamin D.

That’s a frequency that’s basically triggering your body to make D. You’re not getting a download of vitamin D. You’re getting the frequency into your skin that is helping your body produce vitamin D. And there’s another frequency from the sun that helps us produce melanin and we get a tan. So it’s the same type of way your body is light. You know, Michael will tell you and Brad, you can see that we’re light beings by night vision goggles. If we weren’t light, you wouldn’t be able to see us in vision goggles. Right? And so we’re. We’re the light.

That light, as Brad said, is basically stimulating these hermetically sealed technologies and crystals, nanocrystals in the patch and sending that frequency back into your body and elevating particular things for particular patches. So in as far as X39, you’re up regulating something called GHK copper peptide or GHK Cu. So if you want to know the benefits of that peptide, you just go on to either pubmed.gov look at, look up, put it in the search or go into copper peptide. Breakthrough through dot com, look at the work of Dr. Lauren Picard, who studied this for over 40 years.

He is the doctor who found out about peptide, about copper, Peptide, who started reaching, researching it. And you’re going to see four plus decades of research showing how that is the holy grail of healing. How that basically turns back on a third of your human genome to a younger, healthier state state. And so that is what you’re making, helping your body to make by itself. And then the magic starts to happen. And of course, as you’ve talked about, for some people it’s instant pain relief, for other people it’s better sleep, for others it’s more energy, a sense of well being.

I mean it’s going to be individual to you. And whatever it is you’re looking for, it’s going to get there if you’ll just stay consistent. So you’ll hear I have a lot of doctors on my team and you’ll hear the doctors on my team talk about give it a month for every decade you are old. Because if you think about it, I’m 60 years old and it took 60 years to get that. You know, all the abuse, all the oxidative stress, all the damage, all the wear and tear, right? Bad choices, inferior food sources to get you to where you are.

Could it be reasonable to take six months to start to have the results you want? When you’ve had 60 years of damage, would it even be reasonable to give it a year or more? So it’s really important. You’re going to get to your miracle. And it may be fast and it may be slower, but if it’s slower, I just want you all to know it’s working. It’s just working on things you can’t feel. We don’t feel everything in our body. We didn’t feel our stem cells working yesterday. You’re not feeling a lot of things that are going on in your body, but it is working.

So I think that’s just important for the someone who’s new and looking at this. Yeah, excellent points, Connie. What I’d like to do for everybody is share some of the visual aspects to the healing, right? And why is that I call it Star Trek? Why is that? Michael refers to it as well. And by the way, it just so happened after, you know, nearly six months of me referring to this Star Trek type medbed technology, then I found out David Schmidt’s nickname in college was Spock and that he’s actually been inspired by Star Trek. And he had William Shatner on as the spokesperson for the company.

So his inspiration came from Star Trek to be an inventor who’s on track to nearly have 200 patents by this time next year. Likely issued in his own name. Powerful stuff. Start with a couple of the names folks that are in here. There’s from Patsy Plum who’s one of our brand partners here. Now you can see that she does this wagon ride for children. Her and her father and her husband own a ranch in the interior of BC Completed day two is gym this summer. I threw at my hip yesterday harnessing the horses. I couldn’t walk.

When I got back to camp I used ice wave Aeon x39 and 49. Today I’m back to normal. I love, love, love these patches. So this is a wonderful cowgirl, owns a ranch, does the horse everything right. Everybody likes Yellowstone but this is full in her 60s and she’s able to get back. And this is a 1200 kilometer over the mountain wagon ride. So you know life flight is the only option for the patches. So like my experience with my molar, it was so powerful to have those present and heal that on my own. Let my body like Jesus said you can do in greater thanks to David Schmidt patches.

It certainly helps as long as I stay hydrated. Everybody has seen this picture. It’s making its way and I’m bringing it back up because David was recently. I’m not sure if it was the interview that you had with him, Michael, but he also in this to all of us brand partners about a month ago he’s yeah, you know I was invited on the board to make America Healthy Again. I’m so busy growing the company, unfortunately I had to decline. But I know from RFK he’s using them every day and loving it. Right. So once again when we say Maha loved Maha approved while it’s all natural so it’s not like you require an FDA approval.

The patents have all been issued from the U.S. patent and Trademark Office and you’re seeing these Star Trek like miracles. I’m going to go over Diane Horvath because both Connie and Michael and this is a really proud and prominent host and we encourage everybody that when you are leveraging x 39 take selfies in the mirror over the course of a month and then the next month and the next month. And what we’re seeing here is in an eight month period of time, the hair growth is back, the color is back and you’re seeing the de aging process of this amazing woman as well too in her 60s.

And I can tell you having worked out in a gym with Michael not doing his Workouts but being in a gym when he was working out, he was bench pressing at that point in time in April, 530 pounds or more. And he’s telling you at his age he’s gonna go crush it and do it even further. And I mentioned the horses and this is from the company that says the horses don’t and with Rookie I only volunteer it on horses. So for about a decade I was volunteering with domestically abused at rest and then also the BLM mustangs when they were rounded up and then you know, purchased from auction by benevolent horse owners to help heal them.

Would you everybody seeing here on the screen. If you look at the image of this is an infrared image. I think it was done on the spectrometer. You know what they do at the hospital. This is five minutes from the time that they put the X39 patches for the horses because there’s one that’s made specific for horses on and you can see the reduction in inflammation massively in five minutes on that horse. And that’s a huge reduction in pain. So again it works for all sentient life. And we’ve had many people who’ve taken the X39 off at in the evening because there’s still a lot of energy there for it on their dogs or their cats and attach to the collars.

And I’ve had friends of mine in British Columbia that their 15 year old cat, they thought you were gonna put her down. She’s running around like she’s a kitten now after just a month and putting the X30 used X39 patch on her when they go to sleep at night. It’s freaking phenomenal. Oh Brad, I’ll tell you, we had our little Yorkie, 16 years old and the other day her back legs were falling out from under her. She was in pain, she just wanted to be. And I took one of the patches, I put it on the back of her hip.

Within 20 minutes she was walking around the next day it was like nothing had ever happened. And they don’t have placebo effect so I love people use it on, on their animals. You know it really shows you the efficacy of how quick something can work. Yeah, yeah, most definitely. I’m going to take it over to the video here right now about the Star Trek headquarters because Connie’s going to be there in two days time. Back at the start headquarters they’ve just unveiled and once again there are offices around the world. Right. We’re talking about shipping to 100 countries.

So it’s American made but this Is one of the foundational principles right here to make America healthy again. We’re going to make the world great and healthy again. Beautiful video here. This tour of the city. Hey, let’s go. Hi there and welcome to Lightwave’s global headquarters. It’s one of those things where you have to be there to understand the magnitude of what you experience. When you walk in it literally is giving me goosebumps. Like it’s just mesmerizing. All I can say is wow. You felt like you were on a journey in outer space. Just simply amazing.

What an incredible breathtaking experience. I cannot believe what I saw, but I saw it. Whoever you bring here, they will be sold. The genius and the vision and the work that went into this was absolutely amazing. It’s just honestly mind blowing to see the technology, the evolution of this company. The sky’s the limit. That’s all I can say. I’m just speechless. It was so beautiful. I don’t even know what to say. This is the most exciting jaw dropping presentation I’ve ever experienced. It doesn’t know. This is the name of the guy at Star Trek who actually designed all the costumes and the sets for Star Trek for nearly 40 years.

And that is whom David recruited to design and architect these brand new Star Trek like headquarters, which Connie’s on her way to in two days to see again. And then David has also been in the lab and we also saw a little bit of a sprinkling the technologies that are going to be released over the next year to 20 years. This is a company with a 20 year roadmap and so all brand partners who join and share have the ability to go through there for free with our team as a result of that. Michael, I find it fascinating because you were exposed in the SEAL teams and dev group and then obviously the CIA GRS and what you did to the to technologies that are 20 or 30 years in advance, which have are only for tier one operators and we don’t see the light of day on those.

Like you were the first person to test GPS units in the SEAL teams. Your team, you part of it before GPS then became prolific 20 years later in the late 90s. Tell us a little bit of your insights on this company and then also the experiences that you’ve had. Moving to the story about the water. Yeah, so also, I mean I could go into so many different things. Lasers, laser target designator, Naders. We would laser target and a missile would come in and hit it way, way before a lot of this stuff came out. So like you saw with RFK Jr.

See how I had seven plates on each side. I just did that 675 pound leg press. I’m still going, I will go to a thousand leg press and beyond because I’m, I’m already hitting levels that it took me a long time. Last time I really pushed into the leg press. So imagine how do you do that? You know, how do you, how you, how can you achieve that kind of stuff? The only thing that’s different, and I wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for Life Wave. So that’s the only thing that’s different. So when I went into David’s laboratory, the saw, the stuff that I saw and that stuff that I know he’s involved in, especially with the drone technology, is exceptionally beyond anything that I have ever seen.

And I know that he’s, he’s doing things that are beyond what most of the companies out there are, have available to them. So that’s the kind of mind this guy has. It’s just, it’s exceptional. But, and like Connie said, it’s just, he’s just so humble. He’s one of the, he’s one of the greatest guys to hang out with. It’s, it’s, it’s absolutely amazing. But someone like that, you know, that it’s open minded. Uh, and he, and he talks about how he gets, you know, direct downloads from God. I think that’s fantastic. You know, in my, in my work as a remote viewer and so forth in combat zones, that’s the kind of stuff that I was doing, getting direct downloads.

So, and that helped me save a lot of people. So now here I am working with a guy that gets direct downloads, helping to save people on a much faster scale. So it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s fantastic. Yeah. The technology is beyond belief. It’s absolutely phenomenal. I’m still tripping over a thousand amazing. And you know, you just had Bishop Jim, who’s friends for all of us, Bishop Jim O’Connor on your show. He’s 72 years old. He talked about the T cells. I’m showing the Mike Tyson image. This was taken the week before his fight with Jake Paul.

He’s wearing the two patches, one over the heart and then just kind of like the liver spleen area here. And he had mentioned, he talked about the T cells. Right. So here he is at 72 years old. He’s wearing the same size pants he did when he graduated from West West Military Academy as an infant commanding officer. At the age in his 20s and he’s bench pressing £320. And he’s like, I’m going. He goes. And he literally said, this is a quote of the interview that Michael had on his show with Bishop Jim O’Connor this week.

Folks said, you know, I’m walking and I’m bench pressing £320 up to 39 times. And at my age, most men I know can’t even just walk and chew gum because they can’t even walk. So when I, when I talk, second lease on life. And people are hearing this from Michael and you’re hearing these testimonies from Connie and you’re hearing it from other people in the chat, the images that we’re sharing, this is within us, which has been suppressed as long as we come around the right frequency. And it allows us to unleash our God given superhuman, I believe, capabilities which have been tampered down for obvious reasons.

And when I say God, I mean omnipresence of divinity. We’re talking about the almighty, all loving, knowing, father and mother, great spirit, creator. And as we go to this too, you mentioned about being in the labs with David and Connie, you know, has been sharing this story a few times. There’s this new light water coming out. We’ve already kind of teased it in November right after the conference. And this is because David was able to decode the Bible like a tom numbers our audiences would know through Gematria. And he decoded a sentence in the Bible which literally says, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

And he went, this is interesting. I’m going to look at the Gematria structure for those. And then he looked at the numbers in Gematria for that. And in the labs for a decade he’s been working on how do we look at extending life and extending telomeres. Because the average human telomeres are about 120 now, where back in the scripture days it was, you know, 800 or a thousand, right? He went, well, I’m working with lobsters over here. And lobsters, they don’t naturally die. Like if they could, they would live forever. They only die because of one or two reasons which we’ve discovered.

Number one, there was an attack, there’s a predator. Number two, they actually outgrow their shell and the shell doesn’t grow fast enough. And he also said, what’s interesting is just like the Vulcans, Spock, they kind of have a blue blood and that blood has more concentration of copper peptide than it stem cells. When he looked at the nanometer frequency of the lobster blood, it perfectly matched Gematria numbers for frequency in the structure that he decoded and went, hmm, that’s interesting. And so, folks, we’re going to show you the light water commercial in a moment. It’s not available yet and it won’t be for a few months, but this is historic because it changes the world, this water, literally.

And Trump has now said with this, we’re going to have the cleanest water and the cleanest air in America. And then RFK is going to move this forward with his campaign very, very shortly. We know Dave was able to create a brand new element which has never existed before using these frequencies. Doesn’t exist on the periodic table. Now it does. And when he applied that to water, we literally have what some people point the fountain of youth. With four clinical case studies already completed, with 20 patents issued on the water technology for David already about to be unleashed these next few months, and infrared photography and Karelian photography, which takes pictures of your aura when you drink one glass of this water, it activates and opens your throat gland and your pineal gland up and gives you a halo effect.

Now that has been captured and we don’t have those images yet, but they will be shared when they launch this. We have two people you’re staring at right here who have both tried it, as well as their life partners for Connie Berry and for Michael Tracy, Joe Jayco. And could you just tell people a little bit before the commercial what it was like drinking this and what the company is planning to do with this water and get it throughout America and eventually to the planet for everyone. I’d love to talk about the experience. So it, you know, one of the things to understand is the water is the deliverable.

So to bring the light into your body. So just kind of understand that the water’s the deliverable to getting the light in your body. And of course, we’re light beings, so it makes all the difference. The Studies are showing 15 seconds is the average that somebody can feel this technology working. Now, when you say feel, understand, there’s some things that are pretty across the board, but for different people, it’s different things. So for example, there was a young woman in. There were several people actually in there with us that had had the water. We get to drink it three days in a row.

And you didn’t drink it all day. You 16 ounce glass once a day. It’s all it was from the, from this technology. And she, and these were some of these people or people that had pain, that even with the patch technology, it wasn’t cutting the pain completely. They were much better, but not completely. And the water was taking the pain away right away. Another woman had. Was in there, and she has an eye disorder. And very, very shortly, within seconds to minutes after drinking it, she said, this can’t be real. Like, I can see the difference in my eyes already.

Another young woman who’s the daughter of someone I knew, she has a lot of ptsd, a lot of some trauma, very, very socially anxious, a lot of anxiety. And she said it just had this calming effect on her. She felt completely different. And so for me, it was much more subtle. It was definitely energy. It was definitely a clearing of my brain, a focusing in instantly of my brain. Actually, the first day I went in, I had a little bit of a headache, and as soon as I drank the water, the headache was gone. But it was very much.

And over a couple of days of drinking it, I started feeling almost like energy was coming out of the palm of my hands. And I didn’t tell anybody because I thought they just think I was nuts until a gentleman sitting across from me at dinner one night said he was a shaman. And he said, my. The energy is coming out of the palm of my hands. And I said, that’s exactly what’s happening to me. But my husband is the. Is the greatest story of all, because he’s looking. He goes, look, I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, guys, but I don’t feel a thing.

I don’t feel nothing. You know, we’re like, okay. And the next day, about halfway through the day, he goes, let’s go get another glass of water. And I said, okay. And he goes, I think I know what it’s doing, because he wasn’t feeling what Michael felt. And I felt Tracy Jo and every doctor Nicholas. He wasn’t feeling anything. And he had been having really severe GI Issues for many, many, many, many years. And he was kind of in a cycle where, you know, everything’s just not functioning well, that if you get my drip, and he said, within one glass of water and everything went back.

All of the body functions went back to normal. And he looked at me and he said, I don’t care if this thing was the size of a refrigerator and $50,000, I’d buy it today. And it’s not. It’s the size of a. Like a coffee machine. But it was. It really was fun, and it gave so much hope to people who have just lost hope and. And I want you to know, too, that the technologies are meant to work together. It’s not like, get the water machine. You don’t use the X39. David is currently all the studies are done with X39 X49 in the water, and we’re getting some really spectacular results with the combination.

So the starting point is Always get your X39 patch on, get your 3949 if you can afford the two, and just use those technologies consistently. And then when this technology comes out, it’s just going to take things to a whole other level for you. Amazing. Amazing. And the Reiki attempt, just so you know, comes from our hands, so we’re always doing the hands off. And some people see the hands on healing and you can. So there you are. So you’ve just been attuned by drinking that glass of water. Amazing. Stephen Neville’s in here, says he does Reiki too.

So that is just awesome. Michael, how about yourself and that experience? Yeah, for me, it was. It was pretty much instantaneous, too. Within seconds, I felt like there was a light coming out of my, my throat. And I was like, what? What is that? And I felt really light. I felt like I wanted to grab something. I felt like I might start floating. It was pretty, pretty crazy in my. My neurons, my brain were like, firing, like. And I was like, I’ve never felt anything like it before. So I was like, okay, that’s a. We’ll see what it’s like the next time.

And then the next time was the same thing, more intense. So, you know, neurons firing. And I guess they did Karelian photography on some of the people that drink it, and they saw that. And I remember David talked about this years ago when I was on my first trip, and he had said that we’re. We’re testing this, this new product. He didn’t say what it was, but people were like, whispering. It’s what I was like, oh, that’s pretty cool. But he was saying that there’s light coming from people’s throat area. So I was experiencing that. You know, it’s almost like, you know, that where we, where we speak.

So, you know, it’s basically I’m being given the ability to speak more. You know, after having been in the steel teams and the CIA and, you know, being closed mouth about a lot of stuff, now I’m getting that I’m. I’m able to speak more. But, yeah, the whole body, very light, very. I felt super refreshed. And like, Connie was saying Barry would pay a lot More money for it. I’d be the same way after drinking that I would be like, what do you want? What do you want for this? So that’s why I think that, you know, once this product comes out, it’s going to be explosive for the world.

First it starts in America and then it’s going to distribute to the rest of the world. So America is going to get the, the first taste of this and, and talk about it. I guess soon some of the, some of the people that they’re in lightweight type people in life weight will get it and they’ll start to share it and then it’ll just build and build and build and then it’s going to be. Everybody’s gonna be lining up for it. It’s gonna go boom. It’s gonna be like probably sell out within days. When it comes out.

Hopefully they got enough. They’re like maybe that’s what they’re doing right now. They’re like producing these massive scale. I hope what’s going to be amazing. Yeah the pre order for it and I’ll roll to the 90 commercial here so people can see the machine. So you actually can see the machine. As Connie already mentioned, it’s about the size of a coffee maker. The real key thing here is activating stem cells now because we have these wearable med bed. Star Trek technology. Star Trek inspired 100%. We’re going to go to a couple of more images of children what they’ve been able to do with the X39 to surgery folks their late 70s and 80s who might have had a really bad fall and three days later like what happened? I have no scarring, just with the X39.

Then when you come in and you start having this water and hopefully there’s a pre order before it all sells out because we. I see this selling out real quick because you have changed the game on the old school medical industrial complex when you have water like the waters flowing from heaven. So here’s that 90 second commercial we can show here to you all right now through the brand partners first so any we’ll keep you acknowledged and noted and mentioned as we’re about to wrap here in the next few moments. Some of the images just from the patch which is really remarkable for healing.

So here’s this lady named Withheld. This was taken a little over a year ago and obviously she unfortunately looks like had a bad fall and on Sunday November 26th took the photo. This is why we encourage you to take selfies if you can when you’re wearing the X39 the other patches and a little over three days later on Wednesday, no evidence of scarring. And we can go through as Michael has shared, you know with the Monday night miracles that he shares here brings people on and they just go hey, this was amazing for me. We had autistic child is no longer autistic on the spectrum.

We’ve had a child with down syndrome for 18 years. We had this one on our doc talk and that child who was non verbal 18 years down syndrome at the age of 33 walked down to a breakfast table one day and started speaking and he had only worn the X39 for 72 hours. And again being the light, this is the brand you’re going to see from all of us as we move forward in 2025 and beyond. And this is the healing, the powerful, the magic of healing with these patches in the right frequency in just eight weeks.

And we have many doctors as Connie very shortly we’ll have our Sunday night doc talk. We have benevolent neurosurgeons to doctors of chiropractor to osteopathy all the way through to they leverage this in their practice in orthopedic surgeons because of the massive rapid healing results. And also what you’re doing is giving people a renewed quality of life from your children to your pets. And this is why. It’s a big part of my why which is uplifting the consciousness of mankind through song and story. And these stories of miracle healings is what I love sharing. It’s what Michael loves sharing.

It’s why Connie does this full time now as you just heard in her story. And we invite everybody to be grant partners with us because we are a team global you’re looking at and many more behind us that are a team that just want to literally help save the planet and save the people. And the technologies we’ve just shown you are helping save people and heal them and upgrade them. Then there’s also other I’ll just coming out in the 20 year roadmap with the company that literally saved the planet and we’re talking about free clean energy too very shortly coming out and as a brand partner, how amazing would it be to literally go what do you do? I help people generate healing miracles in their lives.

What? How do you do that? Here, try this or invite them to the Sunday call or come on to the miracles and let them hear and see and feel it for themselves that it resonates. That is true truth. Connie. So Brad, Brad, you asked. I’d love to share the story about the Vietnam vet, because I think it really talks about why we do and the power. So, you know, I’m not a medical doctor, but much of your audience, I’m sure, is not medical doctors. But we have the ability to change lives. And I was at an event in California about a year and a half ago, and as I got off a stage, a woman came up to me and she said, can you help my husband? And I said, well, I don’t know.

And she said, he’s in excruciating pain. He was, you know, an older gentleman. And he came. He came over and I, as you alluded to, I said, where does it hurt? He said, where doesn’t it hurt? He said. I said, on a scale of 1 to 10, what’s your pain? He said, 15. And I said, okay. I said, let’s. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but, you know, let me give this a shot. And I put an X39 on the back of his neck. I put ice wave pain patches on the bottom of his feet.

Tan on left, white on right. Those are known as Kindi1, which are total body pain points and acupuncture. And I just stuck those on the bottom of his feet, on top of his socks. Because one of the things we didn’t talk about is the patch is activated within 3 to 6 inches of your body’s light or heat. It doesn’t have to be on the skin. It’s non transdermal. So I just put the patch on the bottom of his socks. Right. He stood up, and I said, walk down the aisle. And when I turned around, I looked down the aisle, and my husband was watching this from across the auditorium.

And this woman is crying. Her husband is crying. And I’m thinking to myself, and my husband said, he’s thinking, oh, my gosh, what did she do to him? Yeah, now he’s in tears, crying. And he comes back up and he grabs my face like this, and he says, I will never forget you. He says, do you know how long I’ve been in pain? And I just kind of said, 30 years. And he said, I’ve been in pain for 50 years. I have been in pain every day of my life since Vietnam. I’ve had over 50 surgeries.

I. He said, I am completely out of pain. And there was a urologist standing close by watching this whole thing. And he said, if I hadn’t seen this, I wouldn’t have believed it. He said, you could tell because he was hunched over. He was totally in pain. And after I placed those patches, he stood up. He stood straighter and taller. He walked down the aisle. And you know, that doesn’t mean the underlying cause of what was going on was, was healed. But as he continue using the patches, it was getting to eventually the underlying cause of repairing those 50 years of damage that, that he had.

And when something like that happens and you as an average person, my gosh, I was a hairdresser. I’m a hairdresser for 42 years as a hairdresser. I can have that kind of impact on someone that’s. That’s a game changer. Absolutely, absolutely. And Michael has seen this with other veterans too. And over the next few minutes, here we wrap up. Mike. I know we’re gonna see a video from Colonel Chuck Sellers, former Commander Force. And it was a career ending industry injury for him. Career in the set in the sense that you’ll see everybody, you’ll see him say that, you know, I resigned because I decided I couldn’t jump and fight with the men and women under my command.

Right. Instead of just riding, riding a desk or flying a desk for the rest of his career. That’s a man who is at Delta Force and a commander for Delta Force in Afghan and also in Iraq. And Michael and Colonel Sellers both met in the Panama invasion when Mike was with SEAL teams then and Chuck was with the unit. What kind of. What would be a message for the veterans and their families who are afflicted by pain and addiction as it relates to the patches and eventually what’s to come with the water? What would be your message to those veterans and their families, Mike? Yeah, well, I’ve seen it personally, my own pain.

I, I went through a car, I went to a chiropractor, and she had this machine that basically, you know, would graph how much pain you’re in. And she says, I’ve never seen anybody in the kind of pain you’re in. Just like, kind of talking about that Vietnam vet. We just learn how to manage our pain, even though it’s like in a. At a, you know, exceptional level. I got stem cell injections before the patches. I wish I’d known the patches before because I did the stem cell injection. I was like, doing really well. And then I had a setback.

I got an injury and it set me back. So now I’ve recovered from that. And now, like I’m talking about, I’m. I’m like, ready. I’m. I’m back at it again. But it’s from the real stem cells. My stem Cells being activated by the patches. So I would recommend, you know, every veteran, it’s really hard because a lot of veterans are like, you know, just suck it up and, and deal with it. You don’t have to. It’s. Again, it’s tough. Those guys are hard headed, they work through stuff and they, they think they know. But I can tell everyone out there that’s, you know, may have a little bit of resistance to this.

Don’t, don’t go there. You know, you get, you’re going to get results and you’re going to be absolutely, incredibly amazed. So try it now. For my son, My son had been addicted to heroin for a long time and you know, we’ve been through multiple, multiple detox programs. They’d have like a limited effect unfortunately. So we, we, you know, work with them for year after year after year. He went through some incredible, you know, anti addiction stuff. I did ibogaine that basically got him off of some stuff that he was on. But he fell back again. So I, I take, I got involved again.

We got him to another treatment center. We got him on patch, on the patch program. We got him on a HAT protocol and the HAT protocol was key. He has been clean for five months. He’s, he’s like, there’s, there’s been no time in the 12 years where I was addicted where I was like, what? Because everybody was selling. You get, you, you get clean, it gets better. He says at no time that I feel that way until now. So the patches are an incredible. And a lot of people that with addiction problems are having great suggestion.

It won’t work for everyone. Like we take, we say for everything, but it did for him. I’ve had incredible results. I’ve seen incredible results with my own son watching that happen. He’s, he uses the passions all the time now like I do. So it is, there’s lots of things that people can have, you know, great results from this product. I can’t, like I said, I can’t, you know, recommend them enough. But it has to be, you know, you, you out there that are listening. You have to determine your, why you want to use the patches. And if it’s great enough and you use the patches and you stay on the patches.

I’ve never seen anyone that stays on the patches that does not get results. No one. I’ve never met one person. Usually it’s people that are like, I tried it for a few days and it didn’t work for me because my so and so used it and they got instant Results, I didn’t get that. So if you have that kind of mentality, it’s not going to work for you probably because you don’t have that kind of connection to your, your physicality and so forth like some of us do. So you just use it for a period of time and then you’re going to start to know, oh my God.

I, I watched one of Connie’s shows one time and this woman came on, she was like 85 or something like that. She’s like, I was going to use it for like eight months. And after, after a few months I started noticing all these results. It just, it just, it just dawned on me, oh, I don’t do this. I don’t take this medication anymore. I don’t do this. I don’t. This, this. It was like, wow, incredible. So some people will be like that. It’ll creep up on you and you’ll find the results and some people will get very quick results.

So stay on the patches, you’re not going to be disappointed. And it’s. And like Connie’s talking about, you know, David has kept the price at a certain level for a long time. It’s a great product for, it’s an incredible product for an incredible price. But it’s an even more incredible product if you become a brand partner because you get discounts on it. So that’s why we recommend you become a brand partner and you know, get in and have several months apply so you can use them and then find your results eventually over the period of time.

All great. And I would like to just say thank you for sharing that story about your son because there are people out there with different versions chemical dependency, because this is basically the nature of the medical industrial complex across the westernized version of the world, countries everywhere, which is walking to the doctor got this issue. Treat the symptom, prescribe it and out you go. Right all the way to what you mentioned with Michelangelo. And there’s two other powerful stories which reminds me of my audience will be familiar with it. He’s also a friend of yours, Michael Norman Traversy in Canada.

And Norman is a 25 year paramedic firefighter who has 6 clinically confirmed TBIs. As a firefighter, one building fell on top of him and it took a chunk out of his helmet and his skull and it crushed vertebrae in his spine. That’s when he had a charge and when we gave him the patches, when the patches got to him a little over a year ago, he called me on the phone and I thought there was a serious problem because I’ve never heard him excited before. Everybody knows Norm. They’ve seen him on the show shows, you know, I mean, this man was the national firefighter of the year for Canada, voted by his peers about the governor General, the Canadian equivalent of medical freedom, right back in 2003.

So he’s like, brad, I’m going upstairs for the first time in the 21st century. I’m like, well, what do you mean? Because he doesn’t speak kind of like the veterans, right? First responders and LEOs, like, you know, suck it up, right? Don’t. Don’t share your problems. He’s like, you don’t understand. For the last 21 years, I’ve had to get help to walk up a flight of stairs. I’m doing it on my own. And the next day he calls me on a Saturday and he goes, you don’t get this, Brad. I’m doing push ups. And I went for a walk.

He’s like, and I’m starting to jog the next day on a Sunday. So in three days, these patches have literally transformed this man’s life. And we had another friend of ours, Aaron Spradlin. I have permission to share this. He had 16 TBIs when he was in the army and as NG special forces and jumping and being in the parachute regiment. And he leveraged the hat protocol when I donated patches to him, which helps dramatically. So these are remarkable. And the final share that I’ll put up here on the screen for people, this is from a family in Germany.

About two years ago, there were some child, little child’s playing with knives, as we should in the woods, but cut off his fingertip. The entire fingertip severed, right? So they pack it in ice, drive to the hospital in Germany and the doctors are like, nein, nein. We can’t sew it up and get it back. Nerves. And they’re like, no worries. We got these special patches. So back on our son, you just sew it up and you’re like nine. You will never have any nerve again. You’ll never have any feeling. Well, thanks to X39 patches, eight weeks later, 100% no evidence of scarring, as you can see, and 100% mobility and feeling in his fingertip when the doctors have said this never going to happen.

So these healing miracles happen every day. And I’m so blessed to working with you and the team. The mentorship that both of you and the team provide to me is instrumental and I’m always learning and I always love it when members of our team, like even watching Bishop Jim on your show talk about the healing miracles that he’s had, having survived prostate cancer two years ago and what he’s doing on the second lease on life. So thank you all and thank everybody in the chat for watching. Final comment from Connie as we wrap up, and then over to Chief Jacob.

Absolutely. What I’m going to suggest, if you follow the QR code, is, you know, we talked about giving it time. A great place to come in is the Corpak. You don’t pay any fees. You get Brad’s wholesale pricing. You go into the core pack, you’re going to get three sleeves of X39. That could be you and some family members. It could be you, you for 90 days. Give it the time to work. You can upgrade, buy it wholesale pricing, share. If you want to share, get back in touch with Brad and his team. They’ll support you any way you can.

And if you have a larger family or you have a practice or you want to give to even more people, you can do what Michael and Brad and I did. You can come in with a premium kit, much more product, that is 20 sleeves of x39. So it’s a lot. Or you can come in with, with an Advanced, which is 6 sleeves of x39 to. To share, use for yourself and give you time to have your miracle happen and reach out to the team. The team’s here to support you. Yep. Yeah. And, you know, like, like, we’re all here together.

We are a team. You know, I worked in the teams. I worked in the teams and the SEAL teams. And then when I worked in the CIA, I worked in teams there as well. And now I’m part of what I feel is one of the greatest teams I’ve ever been involved with. So Connie helped me build my business. Connie’s helping Brad build his business. There’s another group that’s even above all of us, that helps all of us, the live, younger team. We’re. We’re centered in that love, frequency and the vibration. We really are inspiring a lot of people and helping a lot of people to get on the patches, use the patches.

And then, of course, if you feel like sharing the gift from God that, you know, can help other people, then we’ll help you do that as well, and we’ll take you as high as you want to go. So we’re looking for people that actually want to, you know, go far with this, and so always looking for those people. Connie, like I said, help me. We’re going to help you if you want to get involved. But first of all, get those patches, get your miracle results like all of us did, and then that’ll give you good talking points, and then you spill from there.

Absolutely awesome. And for those who are watching right now, you can scroll across the screen. You also see your QR code where Connie is positioned. And those who are listening to the podcast, you can go in the description. You’ll see the link, because me as well, you, me, you, him up down is great, like the Brady Bunch here, because we’re part of the team. And I’m like, I love surfing. And so I caught the life wave. So we life wave too, which is all part of it, right? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

And literally, we’re talking about regaining a lease on life. A new lease on life, a new outlook and a perspective. And keep your mind open, because, my goodness, you just heard from Michael what he’s doing in right now 6. Could you imagine telling somebody that, that they could do that or have healing in a matter of days or weeks or even like potentially open their throat chakra in 15 seconds with what’s coming down the pipes? We’re all here for you. You’ll get an open letter, a welcome letter for me, for everybody who registers in the brand partner, I send you a personal welcome letter.

You have our email, our phone number, our cell phones as well from our team support you. And then we are doing Zooms six days a week for you to join. So nobody’s left out there by themselves. Right? There is a systemized protest process for success, and you just kind of really copy paste and get after it if you choose to share also for yourself. Every Sunday night, everyone who’s a brand partner gets to be joined on a doc talk, which Connie hosts. And we had 900 people on Zoom last week sharing healing miracles and asking questions that have these benevolent doctors and not your doctors.

But they’re here to assist the team with patch protocols. Like we already talked about, the hat protocol, TBIs and et cetera. So thank you all for joining, and it’s an absolute honor working with Connie and Michael and calling you guys friends now as well, and part of the extended family in the sovereign soul show. God bless you all, everybody. And stay tuned for special messages from Colonel Chuck Sellers and his lovely wife, Michelle Sellers, what these patches have done for them. And I encourage you to share this with anybody you know who has pain or needs, healing work, and a new lease on life.

And we move over to Colonel Sellers right now to share this with you in his own words. God bless you all and we’ll see you soon. Mahalo. Hey, dear soul, if you know anybody who needs deep healing has pain, hard time sleeping. Stay tuned for these messages from Colonel Chuck Sellers, the former deputy commander of Delta Force. It is powerful and literally may help change your life. To revitalize energy, activate stem cell cells and live younger. Reverse aging. Dude, I’m telling you, Michelle will tell you because she watches me. Okay? So, you know, you saw me, Brad, through that time when my back was so bad.

You remember, we were. You were here and you said, this is. We got to do something around. My left knee is destroyed. I mean, I mean, it’s. It’s totally rebuilt. And then five operations. That’s all about your back. And my back is a. Is a. It’s a disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. DISH disease, which is a degenerative back disease that’s genetically passed down. But what it leads to is total calcification of the spine. And so jumping out of airplanes just made it come quicker. Yeah. I didn’t know that I had it until. Until 2002, after I’d been in the army for 24 years and jump in and all of the parachute jumping and the opening shock and everything.

So when I was, what, 48 when I got out? Something like that. And one application of the patch later, we went to a rodeo on Saturday. Our first day, literally. We went to a rodeo on Saturday and it was maybe six to seven hours and he wasn’t slumped over and he couldn’t handle it. No, thank. It was like pretty incredible. That was the first day. That was your first day wearing them? That was the first day. That was the first day on. Are you wearing x39 2 or just ice wave? No, just no ice waves right now.

The way we did it, I just have. I’ve only done the ice wave. Yes. All I have used so far is the ice wave, the two patch thing. And I’m doing it just over three days now. I find that where I needed. I did try it on the. Behind the neck the first day. But what’s here, what’s really where it helps is I put it right on. Where it really hurts is my lower back across the pelvis. And I put it on the spine there and then down on my lower left leg down the top of the.

So it goes through the bad knee. That’s it now. But since I put these things on, that’s how I feel. I mean, I’m walking straight. I’m not limping foreign lions and lionesses. You amazing sovereign souls. Look at this powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy Seals. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body so you get to wear your natural wellness daily. Order X39 now@catchthelifewave.com There’s Monday to Friday phone support so you can go there. There’s zooms and there’s a 190 day money back guarantee at catch the lifewave.com the X39 there is nothing else like it.

Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life atcat Catch the LifeWave.com thanks for joining us on the program, ladies and gentlemen. Please Like Follow Subscribe Share this with nine friends and family. And of course, if you enjoy our Bling Buddha firing red pills from his nine mil, let us know.



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