2025 03 09 Off-grid with Marjory Wildcraft: Hyper inflation

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➡ Marjorie discusses her concerns about rising food prices, particularly eggs, and believes we’re on the verge of hyperinflation. She cites historical examples, like Weimar Germany, where the price of eggs skyrocketed before a period of hyperinflation. She also mentions issues with farming regulations and potential food shortages. Marjorie suggests saving change, particularly coins, as a simple way to prepare for potential economic instability.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential value of nickels and coins during times of inflation and hyperinflation, suggesting that they retain their value even when currency is revalued. They also mention the possibility of a tax revolt and the impact of inflation on people with fixed incomes. The speaker also suggests investing in physical assets like gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies, particularly one called Theta. They also touch on the topic of supply problems and governmental issues.
➡ The U.S. government is building a Bitcoin reserve by seizing it from people, not buying it. This is similar to when the government made it illegal for Americans to own gold in 1932 and then changed the gold price after collecting it. The speaker suggests investing in tangible assets like silver and gold to protect against hyperinflation. They also warn of a potential population drop in Western countries by 2025, according to a military think tank report, and urge people to prepare for this possibility.
➡ The text discusses the potential impact of a financial collapse, referencing historical examples like North Korea and Cuba. It suggests that such a collapse could lead to a significant loss of life, especially given the current state of health and preparedness in the U.S. The author advises preparing for the worst by stocking up on essential food items, particularly fats and proteins, and staying informed about inflation and hyperinflation. They express hope for a better world post-collapse and encourage learning to grow food and investing in resources like silver coins.


Hey, this is Marjorie. Oh, my goodness. Let’s see. It is March 9th. I think it is Sunday. Just went to the farmers market, getting my fresh food and stuff. I’m still renting this house. It’s driving me nuts, man. I have so many trees I’ve been carrying with me, and I want to plant. It’s crazy. But, you know, you definitely have to reach a level, surrender with what’s going on in the world today. Hey, kitties, are you coming? Come on. The cats and cats have gotten to where they. I walk a little bit in the afternoons, and they come along with me.

So I wanted to talk today a little bit about hyperinflation. And I. I think we’re really close. I think we’re. We’re on the verge of it. And I just thought I would talk about the signs of what I see and why I’d make that. Who gets hurt, who does? Well, what you can do to prepare. And then, you know, like, how soon will we know? Right? So whether. Whether you know, how soon will we know? And it’s not that hard. So first off, got a little bit of a cheat sheet. Eggs. Do I need to talk to you about the price of eggs? Oh, my God.

It’s insane how much eggs cost. In fact, I have here some statistics from. This is the Secretary of Agriculture. In January 10th of this year, a dozen eggs. The producer price. This is what, wholesaling, you know, so the Wonder bread or, you know, the cake people, you know, people that need wholesale eggs, it was $3.42 a dozen. And then by February. Let me get out of this bright light here. Then by February 26th, $8.03 a dozen. So it’s a ginormous leap, right? That’s almost as big as the leap I did a video a little while ago on.

Chocolate has just gone exponential, right? So we’re starting to see it in some of these. Now. The reason that eggs are of such importance to me is I spent a lot of time reading about Weimar Germany. And one of the classic indicators in Weimar Germany was in January of 1922, which was before the hyperinflation had broken out. People were bitching and complaining because I don’t know where the cats are. They were bitching and complaining because the price of eggs had tripled in the last two years or so. So they’d gone from one mark a dozen to three marks a dozen by.

This is 1922. By October of that year, a dozen eggs cost a billion marks. So this is in 1922. This is not when smartphones, when there weren’t flash mobs, when there wasn’t any Internet. This is like back when horse and buggy was still around and that kind of thing. So, you know, it goes really, really fast when it goes. So you want to be, you want to be on top of that. And that’s why I’m bringing this to you early. You know, we’re seeing it, we’re seeing, we’re seeing food prices go up. Yanassa tv I love that guy.

As a man, as a man thinketh, just been reporting over and over and over again the war on farmers. You know, in Idaho, they’re still struggling to get water to those farmers. For all the potato farmers either shutting down farms in Maine, they’re shutting down farms in Oregon. You know, there’s just all kinds of problems, regulations, they’re just tightening up everywhere. And then of course this egg quote unquote crisis is because of some so called bird flu, which means they’re just slaughtering chickens. And by the way, I spent some time with Joel Salatin, super cool farmer dude, and we were talking about this and you know, if you have a flock of chickens and some of them get sick, yeah, you want to call the sick ones, you know, but you want to keep the rest of the flock because they clearly have genetics that are healthy.

They didn’t get sick. You don’t want to kill the whole flock. You want to keep the ones that are, that are healthy because you want to keep, you know, you want to perpetuate that, those aspects of strength. So it doesn’t make any sense to kill them all. The other, the other reason that I’m bringing up the, the egg thing here, by the way, I did see the, you know, the price of eggs, if you remember, it spiked about two years ago. Nowhere near this high or this fast or this rapid. And I was watching that and I was like, oh my God, are we, are we there? But the price did, you know, lower down a little bit and got more reasonable.

So I’m going to definitely be watching this very, very closely. But I just don’t see how these prices are, are going to go down. You know, the beef herd is lower than it’s been in whenever since the 1960s when they torched that million acres. Was it two years ago in Texas? No telling how much of the beef herd, which is where a huge amount of the beef in the United States is produced, got killed or lost. You know, the number of farms they’ve been shutting down, the number of ranches it’s just been an ongoing slaughter for decades, actually.

So, you know, now it’s, it’s really the same thing going on in Europe. You saw those farmers in, you know, driving their tractors and stuff into town and spraying manure on the. You know, farmers don’t do that unless their back is up against the wall. These are not people that are activists, Right? So there is a, definitely a war on food going on. So to get back to why I think eggs are important and why these things are important, clearly the egg thing is manufactured. Oh, the whole food shortage thing is a manufactured and structured event.

And actually it was one of those things that you, if you paid attention in 2015, Cargill sponsored one of those John Podesta type scenario things, which is where the global cabal actually lets you know what they’re doing. And they said that in 2020 and throughout this decade, you know, the food prices would increase by 400% from baseline. And that was not including, you know, hyperinflation and that type of thing. So we’re well on the road toward that. Even the un, which is not prone to sexy headlines, was talking about a famine of biblical proportions coming. And we’re, we’re well into that.

So the reason eggs are important is the same global cabal that has been managing this planet for a long time. This is, they don’t. They don’t. This is their playbook, right? So when you could see their playbook, then you can know they’re just repeating their playbook. So that’s, that’s, that’s why I’m, I’m watching that so closely. And why, you know, history does repeat itself is because they use the exact same formulas over and over again throughout history. I heard a funny song a little while ago, something like, we want better psyops. You know, we’re tired of the same old bullshit psyops.

I’m like, we haven’t, apparently most of humanity hasn’t figured out the basic psyops. So I don’t know if we want better ones or not. Okay, Another item for why. Another real indication that we are well into this process is have pennies and nickels just checked. Just before I got on here, I just checked, and it costs the US government 3.69 cents to make a penny. Pennies are mostly zinc, by the way, and a little bit of copper. But the basic ingredients, the metals, the basic metals, and, you know, zinc and copper and that kind of stuff is a basic metal, right? It has gone up so much that, you know, that and a nickel a 5 cent nickel, a Jefferson nickel, cost them 13.78 cents to make.

So if you are on a limited budget, but you know this is coming, here’s the most simplest and basic thing you can do is start saving your change, right? I did a little video about this a little while ago. Just save your change. Numerous, numerous studies, numerous written diaries and histories of people who have, you know, endured and survived hyperinflation. They lived off of change like they had a stash of. Somebody had that gallon jar they’d been throwing their coins into for years. And then, you know, the coins actually become real valuable. Another thing, I learned this from Lynette Zhang.

I’ll be mentioning a few more references to fur to her. She was with ITM Trading and now she’s got her own, I think it’s called Zhang Enterprises. Pretty good broker dealer for if you need some precious metals. And I’d really recommend getting some if you have any money left at all. But so the coinage, you know, they’re going to start getting rid of the coinage and so having just coins, you know, just going. I went to the bank, I actually did this a long time ago. I went to the bank with $100 and I said, I want, I want a hundred dollars worth of nickels.

You know, you can buy a box of it, it was heavy, like 30 pounds or something like that and they’ll give you a little crap about it. You’re like, no, no, I’m doing a thing with the community and we’re selling things for 95 cents and we got to have change or whatever, whatever may, you know, whatever, it’s your money, but you can get it from a bank. And right now if you get $100 worth of nickels, let’s see, you’re going to be basically be tripling your money. Since one nickel is now 13 is worth 13.78 cents now by no, no way am I advocating you would melt these now.

But you know, the fundamental intrinsic value is, is there. Let’s see. I think I, you know. Oh, Lynette was also talking about how they, yeah, they, they, you know, the coinage when they eventually as inflation and hyperinflation unfolds and I mean it’s pretty clear that’s really the only thing we have to talk about now is when it’s not if, uh, oh, get off the street kitties. Get off the street. They’re good kitties. They not only get off the street, but they climb up trees. They’re real good cats. It’s terrible to have A cat get run over and these cats are, have gotten street smart, which is, which is good.

But so when they read they will often revaluate the money. She says that they’ll often do it three times and usually by the third time the whole populace is tired of all that shit and doesn’t accept any of it. But they do try it three times, but they can’t change the coins. So like when your US dollar, now if you have $100, US dollar bill, when they revalue the currency, that may only be worth the equivalent of like one new dollar. Right. But they can’t change all the coinage. And so the coinage tends to, you know, have the same value, which means that it retains its value.

So it’s a good thing. Hey kitty. Let’s see if I can get her on here. Hey, Amelia. Yeah, she has got something going on with, she’s losing her fur on the back there and I’m trying to figure out what I can do to help her with it. Her sister. Oh, here, here’s her sister. Hey Michu. Her sister had it on the tail there and as you can see, it’s growing back now, but she fixed it by herself. So anyway, I will be working on herbal medicines for that and I’ll let you know what the solution to that is here in a moment.

Hey kitties, let’s go the other way. Let’s go back. So the coins definitely, by the way, that being offered three things. Cliff High mentioned something like that. He saw that in his, in his data, the US government would offer three things when the money started to collapse and people would reject all of them. So he was predicting it actually for the beginning of this year. That doesn’t happen. You know, timing is really, really hard to get when you’re, when you’re doing forecasting. All right, media disconnect, we’re definitely seeing that. And that’s not necessarily a short term indicator.

That’s something that can go on for a long time. But it gets worse and worse and worse. And we are definitely seeing a media disconnect now. Nobody believes, nobody believes anything that the government says. Nobody believes anything the mainstream media says. Or certainly if you’re watching my video right now, you know better than to watch the mainstream media other than to maybe figure out what their latest story is. Huge disconnect between reality and the media. And that’s another real clear indication that things are breaking. And as I said, that’s been going on for a while and it’s, it’s not a short term indicator.

But it’s definitely a piece of it. Another thing, price disconnects and haven’t seen a whole. Well, I’m seeing this a little bit in the farmer’s market, but it’s like, you know, they’ll be like, oh, you know, chicken for whatever it is, $3 a pound. Right. But it’s never available. You never can buy it for that. Right. You know, if you actually want it, then you have to pay. Pay something else. So we’re starting to see that in like, no availability. Like eggs. I was recently at a Whole Foods in South Florida, and they were like 50 a dozen, but there was nothing.

The whole. The whole thing was empty. They weren’t there. So that’s an indication of a price disconnect. You know, they’ll tell you you can get it, but it’s. You just actually can’t. Here’s another one, the income tax. So we’ve got Mr. Trump, or President Trump, whatever you want to call him, he has been told to end income tax. That’s a big conversation that’s going on. Laid off. Who knows how many IRS agents they’ve shut down. I don’t know how many hundreds of IRS offices. And my take on that is it’s another classic sign that we’re in the end game.

And that is this is a little bit of a steep hill when nobody pays taxes or everybody cheats on their taxes or, you know, I mean, it’s just ridiculous. It’s just a ridiculous concept to pay your taxes, because why do you want my little bit of money when you can just print a trillion dollars whenever you want? Right. You know, it’s nobody. It doesn’t make any sense for anybody to pay taxes and people stop. And so, yeah, so, you know, instead of. And they know they can’t enforce it because it’s the one thing we have as a population that actually they’re terribly afraid of is that when we all start doing something en masse, they can’t control us.

So what they do is they just embrace it and they say, okay, well, we’re going to get rid of income taxes. And then they slap on tariffs. And that’s actually just a whole nother form of attacks. And actually, I’m sure you’ve heard the news with the tariffs, you know, 25% to Canada and to Mexico and 10% to China and the whole thing, and he delays it for a month. But they’re coming, and we’re going to get into tariff wars and we’re going to ultimately get into where anything imported is just going to be horrendously expensive. And you know, quite frankly, the US imports a lot of stuff.

So everything is, is about to go up that way, which is, you know, inflationary. So we’ve got tariffs as another acting thing. The other indication is there is, there is a tax revolt going on now. It’s kind of silent because there are some people who are real vocal and they’re like, I’m not paying taxes anymore. I’m done with this shit. Personally, I do not like to support terrorist organizations, which is what paying your taxes does. So, you know, leave it at that. Electric. I can’t even read my notes. Electric. I don’t know whatever that is. So we’ve got, we, we got a lot of things that are, that are pointing in that direction.

We’ve got supply problems, we’ve got governmental problems. So who gets worse, hurt the worse in inflation and hyperinflation? You know, obviously the pensioners, people who are retired, people on Social Security, people on fixed incomes. They’re not going to keep up. They’re just not. They’re the ones who get hurt the worst. And how do you, who are the ones that, you know, win or, you know, whatever, you know, gold and silver, totally. Traditionally, of course, nickels and pennies and quarters. I’ve done videos for you before on why I think silver is so much of a better investment than gold.

But either one, I don’t think you can go wrong. The great thing about it is it’s physical, it’s in your hand or you can hide it wherever you hide it, you know, and it’s, it’s, it’s been money for at least 5,000 years that we know of. It’s a good one. Now, the cryptocurrency I do, I think I’ve also mentioned to you, I really am big on this one called Theta, and I do have a small smattering of some other cryptocurrencies. And I do believe that cryptocurrency of some form is definitely in our future. And I have a thing for a really good Cryptocurrency for Beginners course with John Bush.

I’ll see if I can get a link for you for that down below. It’s a really good course. He’s the one who taught me a lot about, you know, setting up a wallet, going on an exchange, turning your Fiat into crypto. I think there is a good place for that. One thing that’s very interesting about the crypto market that I’ve noticed is so you know that all The. I think there’s 20 states now that have passed legislation that they’re going to create a bitcoin or a crypto reserve. And Texas was the one most recently did this.

Like a couple of days ago, Texas said, yeah, we’re going to create. And you would think that that would cause the price to go up, but actually the price went down. And then a couple of days after that, the US Government, via their. Their main actor Trump, said, yes, the US Government is going to create a crypto reserve. And you would think that that would cause the market to go up dramatically because, you know, but I’ve been trying to figure out, like, why didn’t. I mean, the prices actually just either stayed the same or went down.

And I’ve been looking around, trying to figure that out, and I think what it is, is, yeah, they’re creating a bitcoin reserve, but they’re not going out on the open market to buy it. What they’re doing, whoa, that’s kind of fun is they are taking it from people through forfeiture. So either criminal or civil proceedings or whatever, they’re taking bitcoin away from people. I think the most famous one right now, I’m not as super familiar with this case as I could be, but Roger Ver has a lot of it. Very, very early crypto guy has a lot of bitcoin.

I think they’ve got him in jail and they’re trying to take his crypto away from him. The US Government has I don’t know how many bitcoin that they have taken as asset forfeiture from people who had cryptos. And that’s how they’re making the reserve. They’re not going out and buying it. They’re actually stealing it from people. So I don’t think you should be shocked. In was it 1932, the US government made it illegal for Americans to own gold. And you turned your gold in. You know, they let you sell it back to them for $22 an ounce.

And then right after they had collected pretty much all the gold they could, they changed the price to $35 an ounce. You know, this is your government. So, yeah. Anyway, I do think that in the long run, crypto is going to be important. And, you know, silver, I’m definitely a huge fan of silver. I love those pre1965 dimes and quarters minted by the US government. They’re just great. They’re 90% silver, 10% copper. Super inexpensive. Even if you just have a few dollars, go to a pawn shop and buy a silver dime. It’ll make a big difference in your life.

And if you got more, buy more. All right, here we go. Here comes somebody else. Another question people have. So one of the classic reasons for Weimar Germany and their hyperinflation is what the government was doing was creating more and more money to pay off their reparation, their war bonds from when they lost World War I. And so they just said, oh, well, we’ve got this debt. Well, let’s just print more money and we’ll use that to pay the debt off. Right. Which is basically what the US Government has been doing, whether it’s the Federal Reserve or whatever, you know, that whole conglomerate, Right.

So they’ve been doing that for a long time. And so, yeah, if, you know, a strategy is to have, borrow as much money as you can, because if we’re that close, you make a big loan, borrow it then and, but buy some tangible assets that will appreciate with the, you know, with the, with the hyperinflation. So, you know, you’d want to back that by silver or gold. You know, see, if you get a $10,000 loan, then you’re going to probably want to buy an ounce or two of gold just, or actually buying, you know, 3 or 4 ounces of silver to actually, if it’s a $10,000 loan, I would say buy 10 ounces of silver, right? That’s going to cost you about 350, $400.

And then that would be your insurance that you’ll be able to pay that loan back. Because as the, as the dollar devaluates, you know, it’s worth less and less and less. So you want to be, be careful about that. Right? Now, I have done that to some extent. I’ve loaded up some credit cards. I do have the precious metals to cover it. But I’ve bought things that I know I’m like fencing waterers, feed buckets, hoses, you know, homesteading equipment, stuff that I’m going to need in order to produce food, you know, livestock, cages and that kind of stuff.

So because all that stuff can get, you know, supply chains, you have all kinds of problems with that. But so one strategy to do is to borrow a bunch of money and then as the money devalues and values, pay it back with worth less money, which is very valuable, very viable strategy. Definitely takes some guts and some nerves. I don’t recommend that for, for everybody. And you just definitely want to make sure that we really are on the hyperinflationary curve before you Go jumping into that. Well, yeah, your own mortgage. I tell people, you know, for every $100,000 you own on every thousand dollars you own on your mortgage, if you have a hundred thousand dollar mortgage, get 100 ounces of silver and you will be more than able to pay it off within whatever time it takes for all that to explode.

By the way, there’s a really interesting story about a guy in Germany prior to Weimar Germany and he, prior to the hyperinflation, he could see it coming and he bought up all really productive assets like railroads and coal mines and factories and of course he had precious metals and things like that. But he bought up as much as he could and he borrowed as much as he could and he became the wealthiest industrialist in Germany. As that whole scene unfolded, he just had all these real productive, tangible, real assets. And you know, when things got to where you settle down or rebuild or whatever, he’s sitting on a ton of assets and he paid for it all, you know, because you know, a billion marks to put a dozen eggs in nine months, you know, spending 10 million marks on a factory doesn’t mean anything, right? So you know, again, that’s a little bit of a risky strategy if you’ve got the guts for it.

So timing, timing on this, I think we’ll know pretty quickly, right? It’s March, what did I say? March 9th. It’s Sunday. Within the next month, if you’re seeing prices going up pretty dramatically, especially at the grocery store, you know, we’re in it. And recognize that this is it, this is, we’re in it. This is the end game and you need to make some life adjustments that you may have not made before. You need to accelerate some plans, you need to drop some other things and you need to get prepared for this particular event. And that’s, you know, backup food, supplies, make sure you got a way to produce water, medicines, weapons, you know, the whole prepper gamut and definitely precious metals.

Get your hands on some and again those tangible, useful items are going to become really, really, really useful and important. So, you know, I’ll be, be watching this also. But I, I think we’re, we’re really into the, the end game on this and that’s, you know, some reflections on hyperinflation and collapse. It’s, I guess, I guess I should mention one other thing, which is I’m getting used to it now because I’ve been thinking about this for a lot of years. It might be a little bit harsh for some of you if you haven’t spend Any time thinking about this, but the Deagle Report is a pretty famous report that came out seven years ago or something like that, and it hit the alternative media scene for a minute there.

And the most, the Deagle Group, by the way, is a military think tank, well funded by the CIA. And normally it’s not anything I’d have anything to do with. Right. It’s all about how many tanks and how many ships and, you know, all the military stuff. But they had a projection for population for different countries. And in 2025, there was a whole bunch of countries that they said the population would be reduced dramatically. And like, I mean, the US by the end of 2025, they were saying the US population would be 99 million. That’s like a 60% drop.

I think the UK was on the top of the list with a 77% drop. Some countries didn’t do so bad. It looked like the BRICS nations didn’t do that badly. But certainly all the Western allies, the NATO countries, were decimated. And you know, I don’t, I don’t know what to do with that. Right. Like, I collect conspiracy theories. I like to think of myself as open minded, skeptical. Right. And I’d heard about the Deagle report a long time ago and I thought, I just can’t imagine that. But of course I couldn’t imagine a global pandemic. And I’d heard about that one too.

Right. You know, you can’t, you know, I’ve heard all kinds of them and some of them have come true and some of them haven’t. And it wasn’t until recently that there was actually a letter that went with that report explaining it. And basically the justification for that large of a drop. Oh, by the way, when the, when the COVID came out, I thought, oh, maybe that’s how they’re gonna do it. Although, you know, the COVID itself only had the efficacy of about a normal flu season, so that’s not that much. But then when the, when the, when the jabs came out with it, oh my God, I’m not gonna be able to post this one on YouTube.

I’ve already gotten slapped around for talking about vaccines on YouTube. Can you imagine that? Me? Oh, well, I don’t know. Maybe that’s how they’re going to do it. I don’t know if you remember, in the alternative media, there was a lot of predictions that within two years everybody who’d been vaccinated would be dead. And clearly that didn’t happen. So. Right. You got to watch these things. With open minded skepticism. So I don’t know what to make of this Deagle report. And by the way, it’s available. There’s people have kept it, the Deagle group has taken it down.

Of course there are other people who have kept it up. You can, can search for it and you’ll find it. See how your country does if you’re not in the United States. The explanation that came with it was throughout history, it’s really never been correctly reported, which means they’ve rewritten history how devastating financial collapse is to the population. And I have looked at like for example, North Korea went through a hard, hard hardship when the United, when USSR collapsed as did Cuba. And the official numbers for both of those was only like a 10% or 15% decline in population.

But reading anecdotal stuff and reading diaries and talking to people, I do believe the death rates were much, much higher in those countries. Like for example, in North Korea it was illegal to say the word famine or to write it because that would infer that the government was to blame. So you know, I mean, you know, our history is all, you know, who the hell knows what really happened Anyway, I’m looking at how woefully unprepared the American population is. How woefully sick most people are. Immune systems are horrible. No skills, no preps, you know, no like that.

Right. So golly, that would be horrible to live through. Here in Puerto Rico it’s apparently about the same numbers as the mainland. It’s supposed to be pretty harsh. Again, open minded skepticism, right? Let’s not go into dark and dreary. But the possibility of financial economic collapse causing a large, large loss of life is certainly on the table. So you know, we need to be, need to be realistic about that. But again, you know, open minded skepticism and I always say prepare for the worst and enjoy the rest. Right. So yeah. So things you can do, right? Keep an eye out.

I’m looking next month if numbers are significantly higher at the grocery store. I’m going to be running to Sam’s club and buying a bunch of butter. The best foods that you can. The hardest foods to produce in your backyard are fats and then protein. If you want something to store up on, you know, your favorite fats will be good and they can freeze and stuff. Butter can stay in the freezer for a couple of years. You know, food is, food is going to become amazing and that’s definitely the biggest indicator of we’re about to hit some severe violence and trouble.

So yeah, so that’s some thoughts on inflation and hyperinflation and I’ll give you more updates as we go through. But you can, you know, get your own updates by just going to the grocery store from time to time and checking it out. So hopefully you’re preparing. It’s an extraordinary time in history. I hope I get to live through it. I hope you get to live through it. I believe that we can ultimately Whoops. I believe that we can ultimately, ultimately make a much better world. And I’m hopeful that this collapse is going to get out of control where it’s not managed by our planetary managers and that we actually have a chance for humanity to become free.

And I’m very much looking forward to that. Okay, as usual, learn to grow food. Backyardfoodproduction.com I’ll have a link down below. I’m currently working with Advantage Gold Trace. I’ll have his information down there. You can pick up some silver coins from him and got some other resources for you. So click the links below and I will talk to you again soon. Wishing you the best of luck.



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