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âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses his belief that harmful chemicals in everyday items are intentionally reducing fertility rates as part of a larger plan to depopulate the earth. He also promotes Dr. Amy Lee’s work on identifying three harmful foods that cause health issues. Hodges encourages listeners to educate themselves and resist these harmful influences.
âž¡ I really respect John B. Wells from End of Midnight. We’re also doing similar work on our show,, and I hope you’ll join us. Thanks.


Hey everybody, Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense Show. We’re at the show that is Freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. Really, really good to be with you. And my goodness gracious, do we ever have a story for you. And it’s one that’s a continuation of a theme that I’ve popularized now for several years. And I went from hypothesis to I’m certain. And I think the anecdotal evidence combined gives you a good qualitative analysis of what’s happening. And the bottom line is, is we are being extinguished like the frog in the boiling pot.

I’ve covered this and now we have another avenue of which to analyze my claims. We’re going to get into that right here on the Common Sense Show. I’m Dave Hodges. I’m the host. We’re the show Freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. We’re brought to you by Dr. Amy Lee’s work and what we call three harmful foods. We have a health food pyramid. And in the midst of all our technological advancements, you would think this would be a really, really good thing. It’s not. It’s fraudulent. There are three foods on there that are toxic, that bring you harm, that damage you.

And it’s very similar to the things that RFK Junior is talking about. Dr. Amy Lee is a world renowned nutritionist and she just said, I can’t take this anymore because we’re seeing stuff happening to people that should not be happening. And it’s being mistaken for, oh, I don’t know what you call it. Normal aging. Yeah, that’s what they’re calling it. Joint stiffness, skin issues, digestive problems because of these three foods. Dr. Amy Lee said, I got to do something about this. So she made a video and she identifies the problems. Thank goodness for Dr. Amy Lee.

If I was RFK Junior, I’d be putting her on my staff. Nonetheless, this video she has made available is free. Go to, excuse me, go to slash Dave. That’s the number slash Dave. If you’re finding out about this on social media, all you got to do is click the link in the description box. slash Dave. Well, my goodness people, we have a story here that just parallels Dr. Amy Lee’s work, but some of it overlaps in some of its different domains, but the intent is the same. The depopulation of the human race by hybrid non-human entities.

Oh, I’m not talking ETs here. Hang on. I’ll explain it again for the 15th million time, but let me just give you the facts. Even the Wall Street Journal is acknowledging some of what I’m saying. Mainstream media. Wall Street Journal has an article. As fertility rates fall, some scientists say everyday chemicals are a factor. This is no coincidence. It’s no accident. It’s done deliberately. It’s intentional. And the concerns are over what they call endocrine disruptors and they’re found in everything from plastic packaging to toys and cosmetics and also in our food. Scented candles. Scented plug-ins. I could go on and on with this, folks, but I’ll just go to the Wall Street Journal.

They do give you a partial list here and I’m looking for the data publication and I don’t see it here on the article that is now online. Okay, just word search it and all you got to do is go to, as fertility rates fall, some scientists say everyday chemicals are a factor. They’re not a factor. They’re the factor. Now, I’ve talked about this with great frequency. Genesis 6 verse 4. The fallen angels. It says that they were there afterward. After what? After the flood, meaning their DNA survived. I’ve gone into the history NSA teachings to my friend Vance Davis when he was an agent.

I’ve gone through all that. I’m not going to repeat all that here. I’ll just say this. Okay, there are, as I said in the Bible, they took earth women. They had hybrid children. The DNA survives. They’re as evil as evil can get. They’re born of the devil’s seed. This is the devil’s planet. And this is the hot topic in eschatology and I’ve had a number of pastors telling me this, including Paul Begley. And I think Paul was somewhat impressed that I was bold enough to go to a conference to present this as fact. And this is what he told me.

He says, Dave, this is a hot topic. I know it’s the topic. These are who our enemies are. We say we’re in a spiritual warfare against good and evil. Well, the good is us. We’re God’s creation. We’re flawed, but we’re redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. And when we come to him, we get eternal life. But on the other side are the descendants of the fallen angels that were cast out of heaven when they rebelled against God. And a third of them were cast to earth. And we’re dealing with their descendants now. They are hybrid alien entities.

No, not from Alpha Centauri. From the kingdom of the devil who resides right here on earth. And this is the spiritual war that’s ongoing. Now it manifests itself in the physical plane. So we’re at war on a number of fronts. But at the base of what we’re at war with is spiritual. And these people wanted to morph human beings by taking their soul. And they couldn’t do it. They came up with transhumanism. And part of that plot is to take the people that aren’t going to be allowed to meld man and machine to increase lifespan and try to achieve immortality.

And what they want to do is shorten the lifespan and depopulate the planet. And how better to depopulate the planet than to inhibit sperm production? To inhibit ovulation. These are all factors underway. Now we’ve known this for decades. You read periodic articles about men’s sperm count down 60%. Well, you never get into in the mainstream media what’s behind it. This is a breakthrough. And I think it’s the Wall Street Journal capitulating to what’s coming in the Trump administration with RFK Jr. Who’s going to kick their you know what. This is a white flag article. We surrender.

We’re not going to go down with the devil ship. Folks, if you think I’m wrong, just go read Genesis 6, please. Read it from start to finish all the way through. And you’ll see it’s all right there. It’s foretold in the Bible. And then you go to the book of Revelation and we’re living it out right now. When I have told you before, the globalists who serve these entities, they’re in human form. But who serve these entities, they want you dead. They love the blood of your children, the adrenochrome. It’s all part of the same genre, folks.

It’s all behind child sex trafficking and the evil behind that and every other evil that’s going on. Why do you think they promote drugs so much? Why do you think this administration gives free passage to drug dealers? And when they get caught, then you got poopy pants president who pardons them. We’ve covered that earlier today. And Dr. Amy Lee really is right on with this. slash Dave. Free video to watch. RFK Jr. is going to slash and burn. Can’t wait for him to get started. But this is what’s at the heart of it. The chronic disease element to expand this argument and go beyond fertility.

But the chronic disease argument gets the pharmaceuticals on board because they get repeat customers and it ultimately leads to the slow burn demise of humanity. Pretty simple to understand once you’re educated. Genesis six, key phrase, key verse, verse four. I want to thank you for joining us. Also, I would invite you to join us at the commonsense show dot com. You’ve heard that. The What do we get there? Well, that’s pretty cool. We get our regular geopolitical and our interviews, but we also are getting a series called hips, which is exclusive and non-commercial. And it basically covers topics that I don’t have time to get into here, which are geopolitical, but they’re interesting.

Hidden histories, mysteries of the mind, stuff like this. And people have likened it says, Dave, you’re kind of like the second cousin to Art Bell. Well, I take that as a huge compliment. I’m not copying art. I’m pursuing my interests away from geopolitics, but I consider that to be a great compliment because Art Bell was the greatest talk show host that ever lived. I’m not talking delivery, vocal quality, any of that. I’m talking about the topics he brought to the attention of the American people decades before anybody else. He is missed even today. We have someone like him today operating out there.

His name is John B. Wells. Oh, we have lots of great talk shows. But along the lines of Art Bell and John B. Wells has a lot of that in him, but he goes beyond in some of the geopolitical analysis. He’s not the same as art, but he puts me in the mind of art. He should be the host of Coast to Coast and would have been had they compared his weekend ratings to George Norrie before they kicked him out because he was too good and he couldn’t be controlled. Yeah, I think you could tell I have a lot of admiration for John B.

Wells in Care of End of Midnight. But anyway, we are doing our part along those lines in the show, the Really hope that you’ll become a part of it. Thank you. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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