WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: Chauvin Attacker FBI Informant Cartel Member Speaks Out w/ Maryam Henein

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➡ Journalist Mariam Haneem has exclusive information about John Terzak, an FBI informant and member of the Mexican mafia, who attempted to kill Derek Chauvin, the police officer involved in George Floyd’s death. Terzak stabbed Chauvin 22 times, but the details of the incident are under a gag order and the trial keeps getting postponed. Haneem has connected the dots between the George Floyd case, drug trafficking, and the fentanyl issue. She is releasing a book on George Floyd, which includes these findings and more.
➡ A man named John, who was an FBI informant and involved with the Mexican cartel, ended up in jail for crimes he committed. He claims the FBI abandoned him, leading to his harsh sentence. While in prison, he stabbed Derek Chauvin, viewing him as a trophy in the gang world. The story also mentions the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields from Wi-Fi and devices, suggesting protective measures.
➡ The text discusses a man named John Turzak who was involved with the FBI and Mexican cartels. He was initially an informant for the FBI but was later abandoned by them. Despite his criminal activities, he is trying to remove dangerous drugs like fentanyl from the streets. The text also mentions his attack on Derek Chauvin, a disgraced police officer, which he did as a trophy act.
➡ The text discusses a man trying to redeem his reputation after the media spread false information about him. He’s involved in some political issues and has connections with the Mexican mafia. He’s also involved in a fentanyl program and is expected to be released in 2025. The text also mentions a book about George Floyd that faced resistance and is expected to be published in December.
➡ Derek Chauvin, a disgraced cop, was sent to a high-security prison where he was at risk from gang members. There are suspicions that this was done on purpose. Chauvin had attended a training at Dakota Technical College, which is also linked to a training event on the day he was arrested. The author believes there’s a larger conspiracy at play, involving various organizations and individuals, and that the full truth about the George Floyd case has not been revealed.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of small actions in making a difference, using the example of a honeybee’s honey production. They also discuss their experiences as an independent journalist, including challenges faced and lessons learned. They mention a personal journey of awakening and understanding, and the difficulties of their industry, particularly in recent years.


Did he say why he stabbed Chauvin? It’s a big trophy, Sarah. Okay, so it was a trophy and he’s part of the. Okay, yeah. And he wanted to get. He’s not a good guy. I mean, let’s face it, there’s a different there. You know, I interviewed once a pimp and like he’s. He calls me mama Bee. There’s, there’s a goodness, but it’s within the world of that makes sense. It’s a different. It’s a different set of rules. And they do have honor, experience. The groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide.

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Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@Sarah shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business. Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have the great journalist Mariam Haneem coming back to the program. And for those of you that don’t know, she’s probably the world’s expert on what happened with George Floyd. And now that history has passed a little bit and there’s hindsight in this, it’s. People can maybe start to recognize how that really was the trigger flash point for the color revolution that they were bringing in operation that they’re bringing in into our country.

And what she’s uncovered and unraveled is pretty incredible. And lately she’s had the opportunity to speak with John Terzak, who is in prison. He was the one that tried to kill Derek Chauvin, who is, you know, the police officer that supposedly killed George Floyd. He stabbed him, you know, a dozen, dozen times and probably more than that. I think it was almost 20 times. And he almost killed him. And it’s his story then she’s been talking to him and what was that involvement? And he has this weird connection where he was an FBI informant and he was also A Mexican drug member, part of the cartel.

And I, she’s going to tell this whole. It’s very interesting backstory on what happened with Derek Chauvin and why he’s in this prison. She has connections or she’s connected the dots of the George Floyd with drug trafficking and the fentanyl issue. It is an exposure, this is an exclusive that she does on the Sarah Westall show. And it’s the first time you’re going to hear it anywhere in the world about this. And he’s had. Every major outlet has come to him. Msnbc, NBC, cbs, cnn, all wanting to talk to him. And he wouldn’t talk to anybody but her because he didn’t trust anybody.

And he’s, he realized she was somebody he could trust. So he’s giving his story to her and it’s. And she’s airing it here for the first time. So this, this situation, the Floyd, George Floyd situation was this flash pan that started the color revolution and that’s why she has not given up on this story. She has a new book that’s coming out on George Floyd. She’s gone through. She’s up publishers now. Now Moon Books publisher is going to publish it. And she said these interesting stories of how all the publishers have backed out. They do not want this out there.

But you can now pre order it now it’s going to be available in December. So you can go to I’ll have the links below where you can get her book. You can pre order it and get it for Christmas. The other thing you can do is you can follow her on substack@mariam I’ll have the links for that below as well. And she needs your support. And journalists are under attack. It’s a very rare breed now to be a real journalist. All these people are being paid operatives. Either paid operatives or there’s a. Some kind of paid system behind the scenes.

And when they’re being paid, they have to promote certain things. And it’s, it’s everywhere. And I covered that in the past. And so a true independent journalist who is really just trying to figure out what the heck went on and isn’t afraid to follow, you know, not to cross red lines. She crossed that red. There’s red lines in the media. Okay. You can’t cross it. She just wants to know what the truth is. So these red lines are being crossed that, that she, you know, the truth doesn’t have a red line. The truth is the truth but when they’re protecting organizations, they’re protecting the cabal.

There’s a lot of red lines and you can tell who is independent, who’s not based on who’s willing to just tell the truth and who’s who won’t tell the truth. So anyways, this is a really good conversation but before I get into that, I want to remind you about a masterpiece. This really is an amazing product to help you detox. Detoxing is really the key of so much of our health problems because we’re just in a toxic soup of pollution. And whether it’s heavy metals, it’s microplastics, it’s aluminum, this gets it out, grabs caffeine oxide. They’ve been testing and they’re proving that it works.

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Hi Maryam, welcome back to the program. Hi Sarah, nice to see you. You have some incredible information to share today and I’m excited that you are going to be sharing it with us. And it’s on, we’re airing this on the anniversary. That’s meaningful as well. So can you talk about what it is that you’re sharing with us at a high level and why this is a meaningful day. Okay, lovely. So about a year ago on Black Friday, John Tursak, who was an FBI, arguably is still an FBI informant. And I’ll get into that. Shanked Derek Chauvin 22 times.

And here we are. It’s going to be a year. It’s a year and we still do not know the nature of what happened. The weapon. And I have. I’m sitting on an exclusive where nobody else on the planet knows the ins and outs because John Turzak decided to give the information to me and not the prostitutes and parrots. He noticed that they were lying about his story. And so I can get into a little bit about the story, but no one, no one knows the nature of the injuries. Everything is under gag order. And I’m sorry about the noise.

And is it loud? You can’t even hear it. No, you’re good. And they keep on pushing the trial because they don’t want the information to come to light as to what really occurred. So I’m. I’m probably the only one who’s written about John Turzak with any depth on my substack. And. Okay, let’s talk about who John. Who he is. So John Turzak is with the Mexican mafia, La Ma. And the irony is that in the George Floyd operation, La Ma and money laundering and drug trafficking of fentanyl is very much prominent in my book and very much prominent in the operation, although it wasn’t really acknowledged, right.

There was counterfeit bills, there was drugs. And the nature of those drugs and the nature of that money, no one, no one followed suit when really that is a huge problem. The Fed, it’s operational gladio operation Gladio. It’s how they’re funding the dark operations. And so I’m not surprised you’re finding this tie. Keep going. Yeah, it’s. It’s. So he was with La Ma. Now I read his. John Turzak’s 100 page court document that’s out of Los Angeles. What happened was he was a young, you know, now he’s 52. He’s been in jail more than he’s been out of jail.

And that about at the age of 19, he wanted to start a new life and he got enrolled for $2,000 a month to be an FBI informant. Now, that constituted wearing taps, wire taps. And in order to get the good graces of the Mexican cartel, right, there’s a lot of initiations and you have to do a lot of bad things and so he was doing a lot of bad things. And John has shanked and killed people. So when it came to trial, the prosecutor. There was something in politics where he was running for Congress or something.

I don’t know. It’s in my substack. I don’t recall the specifics. Now, they basically threw John under the bus for their own informants. And John was given, instead of a downward departure where he would get less because he was an informant, they gave him the maximum amount and they pretty much effed him over. Now, he was, he. He’s the one that stabbed Derek Chauvin. Right. And, and he’s claiming that he was put up to it by authorities. Is that correct? No, that is a lie. And he’s not claiming that. Okay, I’ll get into that because that’s how.

That’s a lie. That’s out there. Yeah. Okay, that, that is something that was suspect. I mean, I even suspected because my question was in his contract with the FBI, it says, you will continue this agreement for, quote, as long as deemed necessary. So I was confused as to how this man is both an FBI informant and a Mexican cartel OG still surviving in jail. Now I know, and I’ll get into. Okay, and you also, did you get to the bottom of why he stabbed Derek Chauvin? Yeah, I’ll get, I’ll get into that. I. To lay out the, the terrain of who this, Who John Tsak is.

Okay, perfect. And then, and then tell us why you got this exclusive with them, because that’s a fascinating story. Yes, yes, it is. So, okay, so I’m establishing that pretty much the FBI threw John under the bus. Now, in reading his 100 page court document, it’s handwritten, and so I, I could see he’d gone pro se. I, I’m, I’m sure you have experience knowing that people who go pro se don’t have the best luck. And in the sense the government goes, oh, yeah, you want to stand up for your rights, we’re gonna, we’re gonna play with you.

But I could tell from the court, from, from his, his letters to the government that he was exposed to diesel therapy, that they shuffled him around. What is diesel therapy? Therapy is when taxpayers you at home pay to what the prisons do. And they did this to the Q, the Q shaman, to Jake, that they send you from, from prison to prison just for the hell of it. Oh, expose you. They did that to Mark Greno as well. And they’re just play with you mentally. They. Yeah, okay. Like with Mark, they’re Like, are you. Let’s take you to a prison in Oklahoma.

Let’s take you to Tallahassee. What on earth. You’re going cruising in a bus. Okay, so they did that with John Tur Sack. And again, the question of, like, how is this guy living in. In jail when he’s playing both sides? Okay, so when it came down to it, we have not had any court case, and I could look in the docket and see the patterns of, like, okay, well, he got rid of this lawyer. He got rid of this lawyer, and then he officially started representing himself and had a standby. So when he first. When the shanking first happened that I called Tucson and I asked to speak to him, it went nowhere.

I did track down his original lawyer in Los Angeles, and again, they preferred these other two informants over him, and they gave him the shaft. So then I called this standby counsel. I sussed him out that he wasn’t, you know, a mason or another lawyer for really the government. And I asked him if he would go ahead and ask John if. If I could interview him. So now I’m going to read a. I’m going to read John’s. Just a few lines from. To add further context, and then I can get into the. You know, what I know about the actual shanking.

So without further ado, this is John writing to me. Without further ado, relax and get comfortable as I get ready to blow your mind. Well, it had to have been shortly after my first court appearance in January when the Federal Public Defender’s office in Tucson mentioned something about you that struck me as odd. I’m like, oh, the government’s talking about me. That’s nice. They informed me that some conspiracy theorist that had directed a film about bees was trying to reach out. But because one of the attorneys had the hots for me, she brushed you off like, you don’t need to concern yourself with some groupie psycho.

And they didn’t even tell me your name, so I just let it go. You have to remember that my story about Derek Chauvin getting whacked had. Had gone viral within one hour of CNN tuning into the story, it was reported by the media in all 52 states and as far as Japan. So the FPDs were getting stormed with calls from reporters all over wanting dibs on my side of the story, what really went down. But I wasn’t really feeling it in my heart, so I simply ignored them. And when they all found out that I was going to represent myself as my own attorney, my standby Counsel got swarmed with calls from Fox to CBS wanting to do an exclusive interview with me to get the story out there.

And of course, they offered him money and such. So he’s going through all the reporters backgrounds profiles with me on speakerphone, and he’s like, oh, stranger. That’s his nickname. Stranger. Oh, stranger. You’re definitely gonna love this one. She’d make the perfect pen pal for you. So my manhood curiosity gets the best of me, and I’m like, quit effing with me, old man, and tell me, is she at least hot? And his response is, smoking. Now you have my full attention. And then he blurted out, wow, in this one picture, she’s covered in bees, if you can believe that.

Then it hit me. That’s the bee lady. He didn’t even know that that’s my nickname, but he remembered because the government had mentioned the bees. Thank you, bees. And I asked him, so what’s her name anyway? And what she’s talking about when. When he told me, a wave of heat all over my body, like I had just gotten jolted by a heavy dose of electricity. And I tell him, you know that’s Arabic, right? You know, that’s the most honorable name of all women in the world. It’s a blessed name. What is the name? Miriam. Oh, cool.

Okay. Wow. Wow. She’s truly one of my own. Hey, Tommy, tell that special bee lady to write to me. And then he got on his knees and he thanked Allah. Because the interesting thing is he’s. He’s, I guess, converted to Islam. Didn’t do that in the. In the jail, in the prison. Okay. Yeah. And. And so he said he’s giving everything to. To me. He sent me a photo, so I’ll show. You know, no one’s seen him. Right. Can you send a close up of that and I’ll put it in at this. Yeah, okay. If you have a close up, I’ll put it in at this point.

Okay. I’ll. I’ll send you a email, you a scan. Okay, perfect. I scanned it. I just make a note to myself, okay, so why did he. Why did he shank Derek now? Did. I did not know that they sent Derek to a prison that’s known for gang members. So what I would surmise is that they threw him to the wolves, and they could have even socially engineered the fact that someone like a John Tursak would want him as a trophy. So it was seen. He’s seen as a trophy. And in the world of gang leaders, that is.

It’s a Trophy to go after a dirty cop. Right. It was in a very dangerous. Derek Chauvin was put into a prison and put put at risk on purpose. It looks like EMFs or electromagnetic fields from WI fi and your devices can impact your health potentially causing headaches, fatigue and anxiety. If you do not take measures to protect yourself even more serious conditions that cancer can develop over time. But you can protect yourself from these dangers with EMF protection devices. From my friends at Fix the World Morocco using cutting edge research materials their products like the sleeping pod and phone card absorbs and also changes these harmful fields into frequencies that will harmonize with your body.

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In addition to all these documents, what he seems to be interested in, interestingly, he’s a fan of Trump. Okay. And that he wants to use the gang members to mobilize and make sure the children and mothers and people are safe from fentanyl. So I don’t know the ins and outs because I believe lame and the. I mean the cartels are responsible for this real epidemic. Real. So interesting because you know, I’ve been saying for a long time that, you know, like the human trafficking and some of these really bad things that are going on that the drug.

Excuse me. That the drug traffickers themselves know this is crossing a line that they can’t handle either and that they can be an ally in this. And it’s sounding like that is true. That’s exactly. He has outlined an operation and I believe that at one point in Los Angeles that his family members children were killed and that is crossing a line. So that would also you know who’s really wanting to ravish Americans with fentanyl. When you learn about the rackets of recovery rehab, how expensive it is unless you’re relegated to going to a government program and in a personal situation asking friends and learning that I have a lot of friends that are friends with addicts and people like a massage therapist lost his uncle to fentanyl and then also seeing what Happens in the psyche, the soul, you know, and knowing also that they use these drug addicts to MK Ultra them.

Yes. So it’s all, all around well, but also it’s their clientele. They don’t want to kill their clients. They want their clients to be alive so they can keep buying. Yeah. Then who is putting these? That’s what I mean. Yeah, exactly. We know. Well, in. In my book, Operation George Floyd outlined the role of China in some of these ingredients and that it is playing Russian roulette because there’s a lot of fatalities of whatever. They’re lacing their fentanyl as if the fentanyl wasn’t dangerous enough. And then the whole. And the irony, right, because in the George Floyd operation it’s, it’s hinting to these issues, but it’s never facing them straight on.

Because the fentanyl was never addressed in the case. It was sideswiped. People like Pierre Corey helped make that happen and gonna set the record on that to just not bring attention to the, to the epidemic that we’re really facing. When fentanyl kills more people than Covid every ever did in reality. So. Well, fentanyl. How many have died? Like 130,000 or something just last year. Yeah, yeah, it’s bad. It’s. It’s really, it’s really horrible. So yeah, the stance of the, the Mexican cartel or at least John Turzak in, you know, he, he has outlined this operation of trying to get these drugs off the streets.

Just, I mean he sends me, he wants to send me more information. But how come. So he’s sending you all this information to give you kind of the inside scoop, which is incredible. And we need to go through this. Of what’s going on with the FBI and this drug car, drug cartels. And there’s an operation to get fentanyl off the street. Everything else. But why did he stab Derek Chauvin? Was he. Did he help him to stay alive? I mean, what is going on? Yeah, so I, I missed a little, a little detail that in reality he was never an informant for the FBI.

That what he did was that he sourced. He sourced the FBI information and he never was a rat for his faction. So he is an embarrassment to the FBI. Oh, so the FBI did contract him, but he never fulfilled his portion with the FBI. Well, he did initially. Meaning like they went to court, but when they threw him under the bus. Okay. And turned other two informants against him and just effed him over and gave him maximum of 30 years. Now to, to put in context, There was another FBI informant that. That helped indict 40 drug dealers, let’s say, or 40 people in the.

In the Mexican cartel. They got 10 to 20 years, but they gave John Turzak a. Someone on their payroll. He’s on their payroll. He’s getting 2,000amonth. Okay, okay. He was getting. He was getting paid. Was he being an informant at one point? And they turned on him. Did they expect him to be an informant after they turned on him? And then he. Well on. In his document in the court, the agreement with the FBI, it says literally, you will continue your agreement for as long as deemed necessary and even going as far as to say if there are other agencies that want to use him.

And that is really the lay of the land when you find out how many people are informants, unwitting or not, in this. But why do they. Why are they dumb enough to think that they can get an informant that they just backstabbed? I mean, I don’t understand. There must be more to the story or they’re. Well, there. There’s a lot more to the politics of the case. It was a big case with this Mexican chewy, and the prosecutor, like I said, was up for reelection or something political, and then used his two informants to go against John.

And then all these years of knowing that John, in the end, was not loyal to them. And so, I mean, what. What at the moment, what. What else is. Is missing? I can read. I can read something about. Does he. Did he say why he stabbed? Chauvinism. It’s a big trophy, Sarah. Okay, so it was a trophy, and he’s part of the. Okay, yeah. And he wanted to get. He’s not a good guy. I mean, let’s face it. There is a different. There. You know, I interviewed once a pimp, and like, he’s. He calls me Mama Bee.

There’s. There’s a goodness, but it’s within the world of. That makes sense. It’s a different. It’s a different set of rules, and they do have honor. Like that makes sense. There was a documentary, American Pimp, and I wrote a profile on Rosebud for Penthouse many, many years ago. And I would spend, you know, a long period of time, months, talking to him late at night and trying, you know, I minored in psychology, trying to find out the psychology of, you know, your. Who you’re pimping out. It’s a totally different world. Right? So, yeah, by our means, killing all these people, but then yet having honor and.

And actually putting together Operation. Operation. It was called Operation Purge because he’s thinking that all this fentanyl is killing people and changing it to Operation Make America Safe again. A proposition so I can read a testament about specifically about the details of that day on Black Friday from him. Again. He’s on gag order and I’m being his voice box. I don’t know what, you know, more repercussions against Mariam Hinane for sitting. Sitting on this information because people don’t even clue in this is an exclusive or this was a huge case that ushered in a color revolution.

Right. What happened with, with George Floyd. Yeah, it ushered in a color revolution in the United States. And you know, history will tell that story, but as you are in the middle of it, people don’t understand how big of a deal this is. My book will tell that story is a historical account once it gets published. After all the energetic effort, this is to finally address all the fake news and hater rhetoric that has been circulating ever since John AKA Stranger Tersak was identified as the gang leader accused of viciously stabbing Derek Chauvin, the disgraced Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd.

20. He stabbed him 22 times on black Friday at federal prison in Arizona. We had to allow some time to pass before we could present the truth about his case without it being used against him. I don’t know he. Who’s writing this. I think it’s him, but in a third person. I’m not, I’m not sure because he sent me a whole bunch of stuff and I, I haven’t had more than five minutes at a time to scrutinize it right through, through with him. Sorry. The truth about his case without it being used against him, to which during that time had been given lead way for the opposition to prove everyone the type of disrespectful cowards they truly are.

So he then he goes off to say that he’s not a snitch and that this was a fake investigation and the government is preparing for trial. It’s time to fact check all you punk ass cowards. If Mr. Turcak had not been of Mexican descent, a bona fide Chicano and his heart didn’t bleed true blue. Sereno Southern California gang member under La Eme’s recruit then he could never have been made a member of the Mexican mafia. He’s saying, because they said that he’s Czech or they, the media wasn’t. They spread misinformation about, about who he is. So of course he’s trying he’s trying to redeem himself.

I’m trying to see the part where he talks about the weapon because he goes into the kind of the politics. He’s almost trying to redeem himself in the eyes of the Mexican mafia in a lot of ways from his or to the people. But he’s doing it through that culture. And so he’s, it’s, he’s already redeemed. He’s redeemed by what he did. Oh yeah, the gang leaders to kill a pig that’s made national news. And look, when, when he was, you know, I just started getting into it with him where I said, oh, did you know that Derek went to the school of assassin and he was telling me how he put up a fight, that he, he knows.

Derek knows combative training and what really went down to even send me a picture of the weapon that he fashioned. That he fashioned. Send pictures to me. So once. What, what do you think his intentions are to. He really wants to help with the fentanyl program. Yes. And he wants to get respect. They want to put him. He was sorry to talk. They were going to release him last next June, I believe in 2025. Now, now of course he’s facing. Look, when I, I’m reading it, I’m like, there’s a little, there’s something a little bit cockeyed about his perspective and the psychology.

The psychology is, is it’s, it’s not all there, right. Because you’re just, you are justifying why kill some people? Why not? But it’s under a different set of rules. When I was in Los Angeles, I, I was helping a British TV company, September Films. We were doing a series on the city side of Los Angeles. And me and Joe, the director, we were two females went and hung out with. I don’t know if they were ma, but we hung out with some young boys and saw how they’re, you know, emasculated from society. And I was in, you know, we, they could have turned on us.

We were in their little hood. I don’t know if it was a South. I don’t know if it was Watts or. I don’t remember South. And so they’re ironing their shirts. There’s a cross because they’re Catholic. And then there’s a big Glock on the, on the desk. And that kind of like encapsulates the, like something doesn’t make sense here. Well, but it makes sense to have a Glock in the sense that you need that for self protection in that environment. So no matter how what you are, something like that would be necessary. There’s a quote in the.

I’ve been watching the blacklist lately, and there’s the blacklist and if anybody’s seen that and there’s a scene in it where the FBI agent comes in or got beat up because she. She was. There’s this whole thing where she ended up not being an FBI agent because she was set up and she ends up having a felony and she gets beat up because it’s this big national story. And they’re like, well, she wouldn’t. And then her, her father, who is played by. Who’s he played by? One of the brat Pat guys. Anyways, so he comes in and he said, well, this never would have happened if she would have had a gun.

And then the other FBI agent who used to be her partner said, well, you think that a convicted felon needs a gun? And he goes, no, convicted felon I know doesn’t have a gun. And they moved on. And I mean, that’s a true statement. Convicted felons have guns and they have guns for the reason that they’re in a dangerous environment and they need it for self protection. We don’t want guns necessarily in the hands of criminals, but the criminals are the ones that know, really understand the value of that. Plus they use it and it’s not a good thing.

But anyways, keep going. Yeah, I mean, it’s all a little bit, like I said, cockeyed, the lens in which things are seen. But we know that there’s another code of ethics that’s going on. And he doesn’t have any respect for the government. He shamed them, he embarrassed them because here they are, you know, he gave. They gave him the shaft and then he. He gave them the shaft back. Okay, so here’s. Want to share something about. One second. So you’re looking up some information that you want to share with people. I have people on audio too, that listen to this.

So Maryam’s looking up some. She just wants to share something and find it in her documents. Yeah, I’m sorry. It has a tie also to La Raza. And La Raza is also very much a part of this George Floyd operation in the sense of Maya Santa Maria, who had La Raza radio station. And it’s the radio station that was pumping information. The news, when we were experiencing the summer of love in Minneapolis, was caught on fire. So she was very. Maya and Laraza, which is the race, you know, the race, the race. So this I’m trying Just to find.

I apologize. No, that’s okay. And you have a book that’s coming out in. When is your book coming out? So audience knows when they can buy it. People can buy a pre order the book on forward slash George Floyd. Is it. Is it available right now for pre order? No, no, it’s been. It’s been dropped by two publishers. One who arguably sourced my intelligence for his own book and then dropped for someone fearing further life. And now it’s being published by Moon Rocks and they’re telling me that it will be published in December. Yeah. When December? What? I don’t have a date.

Okay, but sometime in December. And when can they start to pre order it? Yeah, they can order it on forward/george floyd book. And to please understand that this book has faced a lot of resistance and that the information that I have, including like 240 internal emails between the MPD and the United States government that, that, you know, they do not necessarily want this book to be out and have already been threatened by the Floyd family that took a trademark and everything under the sun having to do with George Floyd, from keychains to slippers. Oh, geez.

They can’t keep press from doing a story of national. Of interest. That. That is something that isn’t allowed. But is it is. Can people buy it now or do a pre order? Is it available? Okay, good. And then they can also join your sub stack which is correct? Yes. And they can learn all sorts of stuff there as well. And I’ve written about John. I’ve written about John at length. I didn’t speak to them then, but I wrote about the ins and outs of the case when it was in Los Angeles. So I’m so sorry, I’m still looking through the specifics of the.

You know, he wants to defend and he wants to defend and really restore his name. So there is definitely ego there. And like, I mean a lot of people are stuck in ego and not seeing their blind spots. So here I’ll just read. This is a little bit about what Derek Chauvin. Can I ask you quickly? Derek Chauvin is now. Didn’t. Wasn’t killed in this episode. Right. He was just seriously injured. He was seriously injured. And now where is he? And he’s in another facility or he went back to the facility and they moved. Is he in a higher protection? Because I mean, my God, I don’t recall the name of the prison.

Right now. But the irony is that his lungs were punctured. Yep. And that when he was in the hospital he said I can’t breathe. Oh. So. But he is. He is. I mean the irony of that. That’s irony. But he’s. He’s alive and is. He’s in another prison and I would imagine he has higher security. Why is it that no one. We don’t. We haven’t heard the. The ins and outs of the. Of the case because it’s going to bring embarrassment and. That’s right. Why is there no other the little that has been written about John has been lies case.

That’s right. And now, now remarkably was John involved in this case before he was in prison and then stabbed Derek? So was he a peripheral member of the case before this even? No. So he wasn’t. He was just a cartel member that worked with the FBI on different stuff. Yeah. Okay. So let. According to Derek Chauvin’s medical reports and doctors interviews with the FBI state that Derek Chauvin is lucky to be alive. Had he not undergone surgery. So we don’t know about the surgery then surely he would have died. All of this information is also contained in a thumb drive which I don’t have yet.

The burning question on everyone’s mind should be what in the world was Derek Chauvin even doing at FCI Tucson Known bad as a prison for bad standing gang dropouts medium custody facility in the first place. Derek chauvin has a 22 year federal sentence. 20 years or more is high custody USP. Moreover, Derek Chauvin was not not a gang member. He was a disgraced cop and should have been sent to USP Coleman Florida where all the other dirty cops are housed. Adding to the fact that that the fraun frop. I guess the the cops was what the authorities were fully aware by NGU intelligence that gang members who are in bad standing could easily wipe out.

Wipe out their slate clean and get back in good graces with their organization by whacking a dirty cop like Derek Chauvin who is known throughout the entire penal system as being a trophy. So yeah, it does. So it means that they purposely put him into an unsafe situation. So seems so Sarah. Seems so interesting and you know the. The ins and outs of the school of assassins and the history and the fact that Derek graduated from the technical college. Dakota Technical College. As a cook. As a cook. Okay. And so when I obtained. Why is that relevant to you? Well, it’s just ridiculous.

Okay, I’ll tell you. I’m about to tell you. So in looking and deconstructing the psychological operation, one of the traits of a false flag is this training, right. That we see preceding the event. And I make a case for this being a multi layered psyop, one of the layers being the duty to intervene exercise that they played, that they played out. So I obtained a training document and it was a driver’s training on May 29, which is the day that Derek ended up getting arrested. And that training was canceled in April and Derek was supposed to have attended.

And two of the lieutenants that ended up testifying against Derek were also part of this SOAP training. So I go to see, well, who put on this training? Oh, it’s the Dakota Technical College. What, what do they have to do? So apparently they, you know, they, they plot out these scenarios and we are learning and we have learned in the past five years, thanks to Bill Gates, all of these exercises, right. Thanks to Mike Pompeo saying to Trump, it’s a, it’s a live exercise, right. So it’s all these live exercises. So I call the Dakota Technical College, of course, nobody calls me back many times, email them many times and then go and look to see where are they getting their funding from.

Oh look, Ecolab. Oh look. Oh look. All the usual suspects that are sitting on the board. And I still do not know to this day what on earth was this actual training that Derek Chauvin just happened to be on the day that he ends up getting arrested. Well, and I think. Go ahead. I was going to say that, that, that it’s a very limited need to know basis. So people who are listening to this, that work for Dakota county or you know, the Technical Institute or go to it or whatever, they aren’t in the need to know.

Most of them aren’t. So when they hear this information they’re like, oh, this is ridiculous. But what they need to understand and there’s very few people that are, that are, you know, read in to these operations or that are involved. Go ahead. Yeah, no, it’s, it’s absolutely true. And the information that I’ve, I’m sharing with you now, I’m the only one who’s connected the dots and I am the world’s leading authority on George Floyd and I’ll take anyone on. And so when I see, you know, working, you know, I raised a million dollars to make Vanishing of the Bees.

It took me two years to raise a measly $15,000. When I’m a badass enough and bought all the footage from the United States government, only to see a year later, the Fall of Minneapolis coming out by Liz Collin. And it’s not to dissuade. I mean it’s a well made documentary and it’s looking at a specific angle of the police that I don’t have access to. She’s married to Lieutenant Kroll. That was the resigned. But the way I see it now in this, this world of psychological operations, that she’s just playing the role of me, an independent journalist, but she’s still an Emmy award winning journalist.

The first 10 minutes of that movie looks like, like they know they saw my movie because the person who showed them my movie interviewed me and they just kind of poo pooed the shot when Tutau, who’s acting as a traffic conductor, motions to the bystanders and that they all come in unison after that and people can just watch the real timeline and make the decision for themselves. That’s why I made it to open up the conversation because we were not not told the full extent. And of course the government does not want to establish without, I think a shadow of a doubt in my book their role in ushering in this Cutler revolution.

And now it seems like, you know, they just would throw this dirty cop because these people are disposable. They use people they arguably use George Floyd. George Floyd was very arguably a FBI informant that got, you know, they use, they go to these federal public housing. He was, he grew up in a bricks boys, which is also a reference to masons. Also kind of interesting given there were piles. Now you could probably hear this, right? I think zoom is a lot better now the recording software that I’m using, well, you know, I gotta say about the fall of Minneapolis, that exposes a lot of things that were really important.

I think a lot of journalists who are more mainstream, if you will, that are willing to even go where as far as they did, they know that there’s only some lines that they can’t cross in order to still be able to even publish things and be able to do what they need to do. But they, but that in our area, I live in the Minneapolis area, that was really important for our era. We’re so extreme. We’re like California on almost on steroids in some ways. People don’t realize it because California gets all the media attention. We are really extreme up here.

So what they did in putting that out was important. But I can see how they didn’t go over certain red lines. That a journalist who has this full neat that really wants to dig into it. Into it would have. So where can. Because I think this is really important information, especially as history becomes more clear and it’s not so fresh and so, you know, so fresh on people’s minds. Because when a wound is fresh, people can’t see clearly. And as history passes, we’ll be able to see what this for what this is and people can start seeing it now.

It’s a. It’s an important piece of history that needs to be put out there. So even though that journalists like you and people like me are really abused. We really are abused. We went through hell over the last four years and it doesn’t feel like it’s letting up that much. I really hope the free speech stuff does because that would really help us quite a bit. People like you in history need to be shown the respect that it deserves of what you’ve contributed. And where can people. That’s why it’s important that this. That they don’t bury and rewrite history.

This stuff we don’t learn as a society unless we get the true facts and we can. That’s why true journalism and freedom of speech is so important. Where can they again get access to your book and then talk about your sub stack? Because I think it’s important that people realize that you’re doing real work here. Journalism that is a bygone area. It’s gone. And so the people who are left, a few crumbs of people that are left need to be supported. Okay, so where can they get your book so people can go to. I’ll send you the links. forward slash George Floyd book. I’m going to release re release the film on Blu Ray and DVD for Christmas as well. And they can, they can buzz on over to my magazine and marketplace that has also suffered many attacks in the, you know, world of techno, fascism and the nexus of truth and health. And. And my substack I will be putting the reports on John Ter Sack there but I write about a lot of things. Like the last, I think substack was about REM space, maybe you heard of them. And they state that they shared a word between two people.

Dreamless dreaming. Fascinating. Yeah, you can communicate versus dreaming or during your dream dream they could communicate that I read about and I was like, wow, this. And I even did some more research on it and the guy actually used a drill which might not be that different from a medical drill as long as it’s cleaned from a hardware store and implanted his own neural chip. I didn’t know it was a, what, like a drill bit. He just used a drill from the drill. But you know what, some of these medical devices, they might look fancier and everything, but that’s just what it is.

It’s a drill, you know, and we all make it think it’s different. It’s not as long as it’s cleaned. And it’s, I think, I mean, I’m not going to speak for something like, don’t go and drill into your head, guys. That’s not something I’m recommending. But the fact the guy actually did it to himself is incredible. People need to read that. And that’s at your sub stack. Yeah. And a lot of the pieces, that one’s for free. But, you know, it really goes a long way to restack, to share and to realize that we’re an endangered species, I’m an endangered species, and you at home with a little small gesture can make a difference.

I tell people in her six week lifespan, a honeybee will only produce a quarter of a teaspoon of honey. And that when you look at a jar of honey, consider, you know, every drop counts. And it really, things are, things happen when you cross pollinate and you, you collaborate and you have the right spirit. And more than ever, you know, independent journalists, like, really independent. And that I was with the mainstream and I got ousted. And when I tell normies, you know, oh, they took my bank account away. Oh, I got smeared on, on NBC, you know, they have no clue.

They have no clue. We are heroines. I am a hero for my courage, for I displayed more courage while people, I say were intentionally silent, while people were ostriches. And I, you know, we each have our karma. And Dharma, Sarah, we each have, you know, our lessons to learn. But I’m an old soul and I could tell you’re going to just keep on making the same mistakes and you have an opportunity. There is a great reset and there is a great awakening. And after, you know, doing a deep dive in the dark inverted matrix, it was swallowing my soul up.

And luckily I remember that that’s not, you know, why I came. It was kind of like an assignment to understand and learning about Tavistock. George Floyd has taught me a lot about how things, how things work. And it’s like the Heath Ledger just, just doing this over four and a half years. The impact of, the heaviness of it. Yeah, it’s, this is a hard industry. Especially over the last four years, my gosh okay. Well, thank you so much, Maryam. I really appreciate you coming on the show and sharing this and this exclusive. Thank you. Thank you.



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