This is what makes us so smart. And then they talk about how we can co create to this next level. We have an option to choose co creation, and this is where we can become the. Otherwise we go extinct. We can evolve into the next super organism of humanity. So we have to be a hive mind. Otherwise we go extinct. EMS or electromagnetic fields from Wi Fi and your devices can impact your health, potentially causing headaches, fatigue and anxiety if you do not take measures to protect yourself. Even more serious conditions like cancer can develop over time.
But you can protect yourself from these dangers with EMF protection devices from my friends at Fix the world Morocco. Using cutting edge research materials, their products, like the sleeping pod and phone card, absorbs and also changes these harmful fields into frequencies that will harmonize with your body. People who suffer daily often state that they can feel an immediate relief from the ongoing EMS bombarding their body. You can learn more or buy yours today with the link below or@sarahwestall.com under shop welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have the brilliant Courtney Turner. Coming back to the program.
We’re going to talk about the UN summit of the future and this cyber polygon stuff that they did and are doing and these summits and who’s behind it, what their goals are. It’s coming up here, the end of September, and it’s their, their futuristic goals to create this global control structure under the UN. And we talk about what are their goals? What does all this mean? And the biggest obstacle is the United States. The US is an obstacle to their plans because we don’t want that control grid. The average person here does not want it. We’re fighting back.
You need to fight back locally. All the people. We also talk about this global or this campaign. It’s not global. It’s in the United States. And it’s very determined, it’s very specific to disenfranchised voters so that you won’t get involved at all. And we talk about how important it is locally because I’m like, I get involved locally and there’s a huge, I’m talking massive difference between people who are fighting back this control structure and those who aren’t. And if you’re not supporting those people, you are just sitting back, allowing yourself to become a slave of a system.
And so it’s, so it’s not very smart to sit back and say, yeah, I don’t trust anybody, I don’t want to vote. They’re all the same. And I realize there’s concerns at the federal level, but I got to tell you that at least in my area, the republican party is where the people are fighting back this control structure. That’s where their low located, where I am locally. I don’t care what you are. I’m more of an independent. I’m actually more of a libertarian minded. I don’t really care what you are. If you’re fighting back this global control structure, if you’re fighting the who treaty, I’m going to support you.
I don’t care what letter you have by your name, but to not fight and not to support those people who are putting their butt on the line fighting for you, that’s ridiculous. That means that you’ve given up. And the solutions that I’ve seen from these people, there’s, I know some of them are paid operatives. I know some of them are just following along because they don’t know any better. But when you go to some of their solutions, if the solutions is just about growing food or protecting yourself, if there is a collapse, that is not that.
While those are very important solutions because you should protect yourself, you should grow your own food, you should get into gold and silver, and I suggest Miles Franklin. But you need to get involved to fight back these global agendas. It’s not just about preserving yourself because what happens after it’s done, you’re still going to be stuck in this global control structure or decide not to be part of anything. I mean, if you’re okay being outside the community and not engaging with other people and just living kind of on a commune somewhere. But I personally, I have kids and I have family, I have neighbors.
I want to be involved in the community that I live in and I think most people do. And so you need to get involved, you need to vote. And I realize that there’s voting issues, but you got to do it. So I’m seeing this campaign, we’re going to talk about it as well. But we’re first going to talk about this whole global future summit that’s going on and also this whole global religion. She is so smart and she studies this like no one else. So I really hope you watch this and I hope you follow her.
You can find her at courtney turner.com. and before, before we get into this, I want to remind you of the EMF devices that I have with fix the world Morocco. They, they have these sleeping pods and pendants, and they’re just doing wonderful work helping people deal with the EMF that is affecting your body. A lot of people have anxiety. A lot of people can’t sleep. And their sleeping pods and pendants, it absorbs the emfs and it changes them. So it’s more harmonious for your body. You don’t want ones that block. And the reason you don’t want ones that blocked is because usually the ones that block are made of aluminum or something that.
Where it bounces off. And when it bounces off, it magnifies it. So aluminum will magnify the effects of EMF. So unless you’re in a complete Faraday cage with, with aluminum, you will probably be magnifying your problem. Because let’s say you just put your head in an aluminum, you know, like the tin foil head thing. It’ll hit your head, bounce off, magnify, and then hit your rest of your body. You don’t want that. That’s why absorbing or changing it so that it works better with your body is the best. So I have two things that you can use.
I have the EMF devices from fix the world Morocco, which I have the link below. And then I also work with Leela Q, which is a quantum energy service. And they are phenomenal as well. And they have more studies than anyone in the world. Over 60 studies, peer reviewed, very well structured, reputable, respected institutions doing their studies, showing you their stuff works. So it depends on what you want. A lot of people like to do both, but if you want a physical device, those are great as Christmas presents. And then you can also get the Leela Q service.
So that works on you nonstop. I do both, but the Leela Q is something that I am really committed to as well. So I will have the link below for that. I highly suggest you look into both of them and see what works for you. Okay, let’s get into my show with my friend, Courtney Turner. Hi, Courtney. Welcome back to the program. Hello. Thank you for having me. How are you doing? I’m doing okay. A little disheartened by everything that I see around me, I think you are, too. It’s hard being. It’s hard being in our role because we get to see a lot of things that we’d rather not see.
I think ignorance is bliss. But I want to talk about what you have been covering with the UN and the summit of the future, or whatever they call it that’s coming up on. It seems that they’re not even hiding their plans now to just do this global control structure and they’re just openly talking about it. Yes. So this is some of the future. This is September 22 through the 24th, and it’s going to be at the UN in New York City. And this is where they’re going to be voting on their global digital compact. And, you know, so cyber Polygon is actually today.
It was yesterday and today, which I think is just interesting timing. Last night was the debate, and then today is 911. And I don’t think they ever do anything by accident. So I think it’s interesting timing. Well, tell people what cyberpolygon is, because a lot of people don’t know. Sure. So cyber polygon there was in 2020 Klaus Schwab, and I can’t do the accent, but, you know, he was saying insufficient attention. Yes, but we all must know about this. We must be aware, essentially, that there was going to be a cyber pandemic. And they were talking about the parallels between Covid-19 and the virus pandemic and the cyber security.
The lack of cybersecurity is what could potentially present a cyber pandemic where we would have some sort of like an attack on our cyber infrastructure. And so in 2021, they did this training exercise, and they were supposed to do it again last year. But because the official exoteric narrative is that, you know, because of the conflict in Ukraine, they didn’t. And so now it’s 2024. And they’ve been doing this over the past, this 24 hours exercise. And it’s by buy zone is the company that’s doing it. Buy zone is a subsidiary of Spur bank. There’s a russian bank.
And, you know, it was under the auspices that the russian bank was very concerned about some sort of a hack or a leak or some sort of cyber security insecurity, you know, some sort of the infrastructure needed to be secured. So they built this company byzone, and they’re the ones that the company was designed specifically to do cyber polygon. And they’re partnering with Mena ISC. And Mena ISC is doing their conference, and I believe it’s in Riyadh is where they’re actually holding the physical in person conference. So there’s two. There’s kind of like the, you know, private in person one.
And then they’re doing the public viral, like a, sorry, virtual where anybody can watch it remotely. And it’s, I think it’s 40 companies and 200 countries who have signed on to do this exercise. And if you go to cyberpolygon.com, they’ll show you. They’ll talk about the scenario. So they, they talk about some company that’s, you know, very successful and they have some AI product, and then there’s a competitor that comes along and then they talk about the potential hacking. And this decimates the company. And so you have all of these companies who have signed on to opt in for this war game exercise.
And they’re mostly companies out of Russia and the Middle east who are doing this. And some of their logos are very interesting. If you look through the website, they’ve only posted maybe 20 of the company. So I don’t know much about the other, but they’re mostly Russian and Middle east. But they’re working with the World Economic Forum and the. Yes, they’re working with economic forum in the UN. Yeah. And so it’s, it shows that this whole war with Russia and the Middle east, from their perspective, is possibly just one big theater. I mean, they claimed that that was the reason why they didn’t do the cyber polygon last year because Ukraine was in a state of flux.
So they, that’s why they postponed it for now. So they’re still keeping that narrative. But, yeah, I mean, it could indicate that possibly. Well, you don’t know. I mean, the point is, is that there’s always so much more nuances to all of this. Well, my concern is that whenever they war game something, that then it happens. Right. That 911. This is 911. That morning they were doing these exercises. What happens if a Ydezenhe a plane hits the building? I mean, what are the odds of a plane hitting the building? But they just happened to be doing the drill.
And in fact, some of the, you know, the security didn’t know whether or not it was the real lot like it really happened or whether they were still doing the drill. I know that was what was going on. And so people were really confused that day. It was incredible. I just posted a report by an FBI that did, a FBI agent that did this full blown report, I can’t remember his name, working with this group called CIA Gate, which I don’t know, but their reports are really good. And I just published it, and I republish a lot of their stuff.
And then I do a big disclaimer on my involvement because I don’t really know much other than the fact that their reports are really good and they’re nice to me, but it’s information and people should look at it and vet it. But there’s some really good stuff that they share. And this one’s a report by an FBI agent showing Saadi’s involvement with 911, and then also the fact that it was organized at higher ups in our government. Interesting. Oh, go check that out. Yeah. I’m not one of these people who has, like, a very strong opinion on what exactly happened.
I just know the narrative we were told is not what happened. That’s right. Yeah. I don’t know. Yeah. And the thing is that people don’t realize when it comes to this spy espionage thing. And they say, well, I got this document. It’s like, well, what I’ve learned from really good detectives and people inside there, any document can be created for the purpose of getting you to think it’s somebody else or something else. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Disinformation is often leaked documents. That’s right. Yeah. So that’s my concern. And I just think it’s very interesting they’re doing cyber Polygon right before they’re about to vote on their global digital compact.
So what’s going on with the summit of the future? They’re very concerned. There was, I think one of the things I did actually post was a quote from Guterres talking about how they’re very behind on their agenda 2030. Let’s see if I have it. Oh, that’s interesting. They’re behind on their. So the summit of the future. Are they. Did they talk about that beforehand? Where did they say they’re behind on their agenda 2030? So Guterres had. Had posted it. It’s right on the United nations website. It says, welcome to the United nations. And this is all about their summit of the future.
And then there’s a quote from Guterres, and he says, our common agenda is aimed at turbocharging the 2030 agenda and making the sustainable development goals real in the lives of people everywhere. Because halfway to 2030, we are far off track. And if you go further down, and he said this in many occasions, he said that they’re very far behind, that it’s largely due to the United States. Yeah. Well, that’s why they need to take down the United States, because we are still sovereign. I mean, to a certain, at least in the minds of the people, they don’t want their globalist structure put upon us and that’s messing them up a little bit.
And we’re always going to be hind and going towards goals. And their goals are to control all of us. Yeah. So this global digital compact. So they proposed, there’s something called the Global Alliance PR group and they’re proposed, they work with the UN, but they’re proposing like, an official partnership with the UN. And they’re saying that they want to propose the 18th sustainable development goal. And I don’t know if they will because the number 17 is actually quite sacred to them. So, you know, well, they’re gematria and their numerology. They’re pythagorean, so it’s a pythagorean cult.
17 is sacred for them. So I don’t know that they actually will. But there are two kind of unofficial. So there’s this proposed 18th goal and then there’s the unofficial goal of sustainable development. Goal zero. Sustainable development goal is zero that they’ve talked. They’ve actually talked about this. It is their unofficial goal. That one’s joy, which is very interesting because that’s Kamala Harris’s campaign. Right. Interesting. Comes out of Nazi Germany. The strength for joy, which was all about, like, hedonism and like, you know, doing whatever you want. Well, it was very geared towards, like, tourism and like, cruises and vacation.
And so it was really about, like, luxury expenditure. It was a whole propaganda campaign. And this was straight through joy. So, like, in this hard time, we should be focusing on the joy. You know, what can we do to distract, essentially. And so that’s the Paris campaign is reviving this campaign joy. It’s also, I think, kind of tied to the. Another unofficial goal. Not goal, but like, unofficial kind of principle, which is the 8th hermetic principle. And the 8th hermetic principle is this hermetic principle of care. That’s what they call it. And care. So it’s this concept, very similar to the first principle, which is mentalism, which is this idea that there was a book years ago.
It’s like manifest your destiny from your couch. That’s your dream, something like that. And that’s the idea. The idea that whatever we envision, we can manifest into reality. And so this idea that care, the things we care about, the things that become our reality. The thing is, though, not to interrupt you, we do create our own consciousness. That is like a science. Sure. And it’s weaponizing the truth, though, right. I mean, they’re taking the truth. And there’s a difference between, you know, creating things through, like, you have intention, then you take action. We don’t just, like, poof into.
It’s not like the book, the secret. Right. We don’t just, like. Like, sit and, oh, I have this idea, and now it just magically comes into being. It’s not, you know, it’s not magical. There. There is actually physical, like, principles of physics that apply, and there is, you know, we. Yes, the first step is that we have to envision something, and then we, you know, we can’t. We execute. Right. So that’s why in a company, you have the visionaries and then you have the. The executors, you know? That’s right. But you need both. It doesn’t just, like, happens magically.
So. But that’s the idea that they want to convey that we can just magically. I mean, they think they’re wizards. They really do think they’re wizards. And they think they’re magicians. So this 8th principle is very connected to this sustainable development goal of zero, but sustainable goal 18 that they’re proposing is responsible communication. And responsible communication is very tied to what they’re doing with their global digital compact. So the global digital compact is talking about. So when Klaus Schwab talked about the cyber polygon and the need for cyber polygon, he was saying that we have to pay attention to our shared digital future.
And, of course, the shared digital future is a digital future that is essentially the noosphere, right? It’s this tearde Chardin concept of the noosphere where we would have this tied mind, right? And they say that it will be the Internet. And so they wanted to be. And that’s like, evolutionary leaders talk about it. So people like Bruce Lipton has talked about how experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now, backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements, as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.
Scientific investigations reveal that Lela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing, and elevates ATP production in human cells. Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Leela’s tech, as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners, and leading figures in the field of biohacking. Explore a range of transformative products, from the heal capsule, shielding you from harmful emfs, to the quantum block, allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions, dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@sarahwestall.com. shop or by following the link below the shared membrane of humanity.
He’s a biologist. He says shared membrane of humanity is going to be the Internet. He does like an image of a spiral, like the hegelian dialectical spiral, which is a gnostic Jacobs ladder. But he talks about how we’ve evolved as beings. We started it off as a bacterium and then we moved to amoeba. And he says the reason the amoeba are so much smarter is because they have membrane. And this is where they get intel, they collect information. And then humans are so smart because we are these complex multicellular organisms and we have so much surface area membrane.
This is what makes us so smart. And then they talk about how we can co create to this next level. We have an option to choose co creation, and this is where we can become the. Otherwise we go extinct. We can evolve into the next super organism of humanity. So we have to be a hive mind, otherwise we go extinct, essentially. Why? Okay, I’ve heard that before, which sounds really stupid. Why do we need. In what way? In what twisted gymnastics of an argument do they say that we have to become a hive mind with so we don’t go extinct? I mean, what argument do they have? So there’s, there seems to be two camps, from what I can see, and it does look dialectical to me.
I think both end up teleologically in the same place. However, there are two camps. So there’s kind of the camp where they believe we’re already in a hive mind. Like we already have a global brain. This is kind of a spiritual nostalgia. They believe that there’s, that we. This is the idea of conscious evolution. So some of them, it’s interesting because some of the main proponents of this notion are actually disciples of Barbara Marx Hubbard. And she was a transhumanist. Very clearly. She was behind the, you know, heart math, which is working on their global coherence.
That’s what they call it. And yes, they take elements of science that are real. Like, yes, we do have an electromagnetic field around our heart. Like, some people are actually more magnetic than others. It can be. We have an aura. Well, not just aura, but your heart actually has an electronic electromagnetic field, and it can be up to 12ft. I know, it’s kind of amazing. Well, because I know our whole body has that. And then we and all of our cells can get not all of it, but our cells communicate with with frequency. And then this.
And then the water that we drink. Water carries information and we all drink it. And then that connects all of us, too. Yes. Then water can actually change molecular structure based on frequency, which is fascinating. But Momoto, the japanese scientist, did a study on that. That’s really interesting. But they’re saying that, yes. So our heart actually has one of the largest electromagnetic fields, but they’re talking about using it to create a global coherence. This is this idea that we can all resonate together and they can use it to, you know, to corral any of the detractors.
If you. Are they already doing. Are they already doing that? I mean, it feels like they’re already doing something. Yeah, they’re already using heart mouth, something. They’re already doing specifically what they’re doing with it. I don’t know if they’re working towards those ends at the moment, but I do know they’re already using heart mouth. Of course, right now they’re claiming that it does all sorts of beneficial things like help you reduce stress. And, and, you know, it’s a great way to track your vital signs. I mean, they’re couching it as a beneficial tool at the moment, but they are saying the term they use is global coherence.
So everything’s, everything’s couched as a beneficial tool. I mean, otherwise you can’t sell it. And to them, in their twisted way, it is beneficial. Yes. So she was a transhumanist. She talked about Christ being transhuman. Actually, she wrote this in her book, an alternative to Armageddon. She talks about Christ being transhuman. But her disciples are people like Mark Gaffney, Kenneth Wilbur and Zack Stein. And they’ve written a book together that they go by David Temple. All three of them somehow made David Temple, which, I don’t know, that’s bizarre to me, but that’s neither here nor there.
But David Temple wrote from the office of the future. They wrote this book called Cosmo erotic Humanism. And if you hear them, they talk about how they’re very, supposedly very against transhumanism, but they’re all for conscious evolution and this idea that we will consciously evolve into a collective consciousness. So they believe. So they’re kind of of this camp. They claim that they’re anti trans humanism, but they claim that we’re already in, like what Jung said, collective unconscious. What they think is actually spiritual collective conscious. So there’s that camp, and then the other camp are the people who are vying for technological singularity.
So people like Ray Kurzweil, who say the singularity is nearer now, and that’s going to be in 2045. 2045 happens to be when the UN claims the launch of the AI World Society will be. And that is very much a singularity. And that is a, literally a hive board. Like, it’s a, it’s an AI virtual world. It’s the program that all else came up with. Yeah, yeah. This is the centennial of the UN. So that, and that’s why they’re saying 2045 is the year when they will do that. So it seems like there are these two, but I think both of them, because if you believe in a collective consciousness, then what difference does it make if we have technology that puts us all in it? Right.
Once they can get you to adopt that principle, then, and I’m not saying that there isn’t some sort of interconnectedness. I mean, yes, obviously we’re all interconnected to some extent, but we still have individual agency, and I believe we have individual conscience. Well, for sure, because there’s those of us who always feel on the outside. Yeah, wait a minute. I don’t agree with any of this. So there must be something individual or there. That’s why I think the frequency stuff, maybe they’re doing stuff with that and it’s just not working on me. I don’t know. I’m working on a lot of people and definitely doing stuff.
I just don’t know what they’re doing with the global coherence. I mean, because right now it’s all, all the, all the public references on it are just, you know, about reducing stress and, you know, improving your heart rates and heart rate variability. The good stuff. The good stuff. Although it’s not working because the stress is off the charts and anxieties off the charts. So if they’re doing that, maybe they’re creating the anxiety and the stress through all these other things, but. Okay, so before we go into more about the summit of the future, you talked about them being really into numbers.
Okay. Yes. And 17 is very important to them. That was the letter of Q. Right. 17. Why is that number so important? And do you think that’s relevant to why the number for Q? I do think it’s relevant to the number for Q, and I don’t remember why the number 17. I know they tend to like their, like, prime numbers to tend to be a big thing for them, but I don’t know particularly why you don’t remember. Okay, that’s fair. I’ll look at that, though. Yeah, and then let me know. So what is the summit of the future? How many people do you think? Because we’re talking about these esoteric ideas.
We know. We’ve been studying it. I did my whole mind control, fifth generation. I know what they’re capable of from a high tech standpoint. I don’t know everything because we’re not in the back rooms in the boardrooms implementing these things. We’re just looking at the behaviors. But how many of these people are in on it versus just a bunch of useful idiots hearing the good sounding words and thinking we’re going to this great future? Yes, I think I did just look it up really quickly. This is just a very quick overview, but they say that it’s an angel number that can be a message from the guardian to take responsibility for choices.
It can also signal a chance for positive changes, such as new opportunities, finding purpose and letting go past Earth. So we can be unburdened by what has been, you know, but they’re unburdened by what has been. So probably part of that apocalyptic thing. Unburdened by what has been. That gets back to what she’s saying. But that’s actually a positive message that can you be using anything? Because I, you know, when I look at certain numbers, the angel numbers always come up. But I think that there’s deeper because I’ve been researching some numbers that I see or other people see and I think there’s deeper meaning than the angel numbers that come up on the Internet.
Yeah. I mean, yes, but I think it’s. That actually does make sense that it’s because they’re all about erasing so they can start anew. But that doesn’t make sense. They invert everything. So whatever is sacred, they’re going to invert it for their. For sure. Yep. But the, but they say that it was in Sufi, it was the law of equilibrium. And in the tarot deck, it was a star which represents resurrection. I think that really is what it is. Rebirth, resurrection. So we can be unburdened by what has been. It says above. So below as what she.
Yes, that makes more sense. Okay. I think that is what it is. Okay. So, yeah, so how many, let’s get back to my question about how many people are useful idiots versus the people who are strategically, purposely making this happen, making their future, their agenda, 2030, their singularity, their hive mind, like all these objectives that they have in place. Are we talking 2000 people or are we talking. What? Are we talking? Because those are the people that are, you know, projecting us into this future. I don’t know what the number is. I mean, I’ve heard, maybe I’ve heard various accounts, like 10,000, 50,000.
I mean, it’s a small number, relatively speaking. But, I mean, everybody who works at the UN is fomenting this agenda now. They don’t necessarily see it as an evil agenda. I think there are a lot of people who genuinely believe this is the best pass forward. This is the hope for the future of humanity. This is a peace loving organization. There are a lot of people, though, who work on the inside, who do feel betrayed. I’ve actually, I’ve heard that from people who worked for the UN who said, you know, this was like a bait and switch.
I didn’t, you know, when I signed, it’s not what I thought that this was gonna be. I have a whistleblower from the UN that’s gonna. That I’ve been talking to. I’m trying to get back to come onto the show. It’ll be a really good show once we get disconnected and we’re working on it. But I also know people who work at the UN who truly believe the only path forward for humanity to be peaceful is to create a globalist society. Yes, they genuinely believe that. For me, the part of this summit of the future that was the most scary is their discussion about their control over, essentially, ever the planet, really, because they say members, but most countries are members, right? If there’s any kind of global shock.
So this means it would essentially give them power to do, like, martial law globally. It would give them the power to, let’s say, like the who shut down the Internet, if, you know, there was too much hate speech that they didn’t like. And the global digital compact is all about regulating hate speech, because Guterres keep saying he’s very concerned about hate speech. He’s concerned about lack of inclusion. So they’re trying to make it accessible. It’s very similar to what the WHO’s argument for what was the pandemic treaty and then became the agreement because it didn’t have to be ratified.
But their whole argument was that these countries, these quote, unquote, underprivileged countries didn’t have access to these vaccines. So I’m like, wait. But somehow they were much healthier and better off. They were really lucky. You guys are lucky to not have access. But they, but the WHO was complaining that because they didn’t have access, we need to make sure that the vaccines are accessible next time to everybody. And that’s kind of what they’re arguing with the Internet. They’re saying that there’s these under developed countries that don’t have access and we need to include them. Why do we need to include them? Because we need to set up a well being economy.
Well being economy that does not rely on GDP. They keep saying that, that GDP is not a good economic system. We need a UBI, we need universal basic income. I’m seeing that everywhere now. We need a digital currency, like a central bank digital currency, not like a crypto decentralized. But, you know, we need something where we can control the well being economy. And it’s, it’s all integrated, everything. I think that’s part of why that unofficial goal is zero. It’s a circle. It’s about whole, right? It’s a, where everything is integrated. It’s one ism. And they talk about like, even their, even their one health plan is all about like, animal health to environment, health to humans.
It’s all connected. They’re trying. Well, because they’re, they’re paganists. I mean, they’re guy at their earth according. Their pantheist. Yeah, or whatever you want. Well, a lot of people call them like, devolved pagans because they kept their old religion. When Christianity came, they didn’t just stop being what they were. I mean, they, you know, who’s gonna stop being what they are? So they just kept it and it went. And according to Alex Newman, who went to school with a lot of these guys, and like, how many of them openly still practice their old religion? He said, oh, good.
Third. I mean, they’re just, that’s what their religion has always been. Yeah, there, well, and now, so most of what’s evolved into a lot of the new age, you know, kind of a new, like theosophy. That’s really what theosophy was, a new, it was a new school of Theosophy has now moved into new thought. And new thought is very similar. It’s just a stronger focus on mentalism them. But they, these are the evolutionary leaders. They’re all in behind the UN. I mean, the world parliament of religious religions is largely new thought leaders. The Lucius trust is obviously theosophy.
That was Alice Bailey, who was a disciple of Madam Blavatsky. Madame Blavatsky created the Theosophical Society in 1875 and. Yeah, but they still have their old religion, though. I mean, their old, it’s just like Christianity was started back then and they still kept their old religion. And so those might be like offshoots of it. But they still have their thing that they’re plotting along with. Well, you said no, the whole purpose of the theosophical framework is to blur the distinctions. So they claim they accept, they say it’s not a religion. They say it’s a perennial philosophy, so they accept all religions.
However, Madame Blavatsky herself says that she’s diametrically opposed to Christianity and traditional Judaism. They accept probabilistic Judaism, but not traditional Judaism. How do you know she represents all of them? Like, like, how do you know she represents the Vatican? You know what I mean? Like the other arm of the Vatican. Well, I think the, well, that, that’s a whole nother conversation, you know what I mean? Because when the Vatican started out of Rome or when that. Not the. Yeah, when the Vatican. When they, when Christianity was formed, they kept hold of their old religion. The Vatican has two sides to it and all that stuff.
Well, the Vatican has an infiltration. I don’t know if I would say, like, it’s two sides. So there’s, I mean, we can talk about Vatican 2.0, right? No, no, no. The Vatican has always been, they’ve always had, like, the dark pope, the great pope, the, that. And it’s started from the time Rome was started. They had, they kept their old religion, the old roman religion never went away. They’re not going to just stop doing over when religion is versus, like Catholicism versus paganism. It’s their old pagan. Paganism or the pagan religion that they had back then.
But paganism isn’t Catholicism. No, absolutely, absolutely it’s not. And so they always had, they just never got rid of what the old emperors and the, you know, the caesars of the world, what they, what they worship. They didn’t just get rid of it to bring Christianity. They always still kept, kept their religion. And that’s what I was saying. Alex Newman says. Yeah, like a third of them still practice that religion. Sure. But my point is that the purpose of the theosophical society and what now the UN is doing when they’re trying to create their one more religion is they incorporate all of these.
So they say, yeah, you can keep it. You can keep your, you know, whether it’s the ancient greek mythology, whether it’s ancient egyptian, you can be a mithraian if you want. You know, I mean, there are so many of these cult religions, right, these pagan religions, and they say you can keep it. They actually, in the world parliament and religion, they even brought the Ayahuasca religion, and they celebrate the Ayahuasca religion. But what they’re saying is that you keep all of this, but now you’re under this big tent umbrella. And the purpose is to blur the distinction.
So they do it under the guise of creating this unity. They’re trying to create one more religion. Well, they created a new Ten Commandments. Yes, that’s true. They did you that and the pope was there. Yes. And now the AI World Society is working on their digital commandments. So, yeah, I mean, it’s. What you’re saying is all kind of comes together. It’s actually pretty interesting. But I wanted to ask you about before, because I know you have another thing you got to get to wrap this up. There’s this big movement, there is a big movement to disenfranchise voters.
And I know you’re seeing it as well as I do as far as bringing in communism and using communism to bring in this UN agenda that you are documenting. So. Well, you are really doing a good job with that. But behind it, they’re using communism to bring it in. It’s really to bring in technocracy. And whatever their movement is right. And they’ve documented it very well that their goal is to use communism to bring in technocracy, which is anti capitalist hate capitalism, which. Capitalism is a word that was formed by Marx, which was interesting that you told me.
But there are like hardcore communist groups that are banging away at how bad the us empire is. Us empire needs to be destroyed and they’re using Gaza as a reason for it. And I mean, I can’t argue with some of the things that they’re saying, but I do argue with destroy, burn down everything. And they’re communists and they don’t have solutions. When they. And when they were like, there’s this one woman that I talked to or that I follow, she has hundreds of thousands of fathers. She’s not suppressed at all. It’s pretty interesting. And she’s always talking about the evil us empire, but she’s like, people tell me I don’t talk about solutions.
And then she had a link to the solutions and I went and looked at her solutions. Her solutions are be better people and we need to have a revolution. I kid you not. That was our solution. And I’m like, well, those aren’t solutions. That’s bringing in the World Economic Forum reset to usher in their UN agenda. Yeah, well. And that’s communism. It’s a revolution, right? Yeah, no, that’s not the solution, but you know what I mean? That’s not a solution. That’s just kind of ridiculous. Yeah, it’s not a solution. I’m all for people being better people.
We should be the best versions of ourselves possible. But no, that’s not the solution. So, yes, they’re pitting capitalism and communism against each other. And so it’s a huge mistake to think that the people, these marionettes, if you will, at the top, are anti capitalism. Yes, Marx did coined the term in order to create clash and class division, but it is a term that is used to sow division. But these people are not anti capitalism. Most of the communists are the ones using capitalism. They love having stuff. They love. It’s controlled capitalism, that communism is state controlled capitalism.
It’s state controlled. And so they. But they capitalize on everything they possibly can, and they capitalize on especially the warring factions that they created. So they’re not anti capitalism, but they use the clash and the division, pitting the ideologies against each other to create the hegelian dialectic, so they can. And chaos, essentially, so they can usher in the technocracy. The purpose of the technocracy, what they really want is to return to the neo. They want to return to a feudal system. So this is. The technocracy is being used to create a techno fascist neo feudal system, which is what the AI world society is.
They still want their serfs, but now they’re going to have a neo feudal infrastructure. And when you talk about like the evil empire of the United States, a lot of this was created by the anglo american establishment. There was a merger and it very much looks like it was pretty successful. That between this is what Orwell called Oceania and it was really the Atlanticists. And they talked about in the 18 hundreds, they called, called it the great game. Sorry, the great reproachment. This is after the great game, which was between Russia and the UK. But the great reproachment was 100 years prior to the China reproachment plan and need to get going.
But yes, I just want to make sure we get through all this. Yeah. So the great Rapprochement was about creating this merger between the UK and the United States, but essentially to create an empire of all the english speaking countries. And what it really looks like is the UK has been brilliant at using soft power. So british intelligence, psychological operation, influence operations. And they have created, and there’s a lot of documentation when they talk about this. Certainly the roundtable groups are trilateral. They talk about using the brawn, the military of the United States. And so we’ve become the bully.
And now they’re weaponizing the truth. Because yes, we have been the bully, but we weren’t the strategic arm behind it. We weren’t the brains behind it. That’s right. We’re not the empire. Exactly. We were working at the behest of the empire. So now a lot of these operations are, you know, revealing this. They’re doing very anti american campaigns saying like, oh, we’ve been the built bullies like you know, through the past like 100, 200 years where we’re going around like the National Endowment for democracy, you know, taking down all these countries and there’s truth in that.
Yes, but who were we working at the behest of? That’s right. Well and before 1913 to tear down. Yes, and before 1913 we didn’t get involved in foreign entanglements. It started with the Federal Reserve act once the dollar and that was all. Again. British intelligence. This is the British Propaganda Bureau. And Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann under the Creel Commission were designed to oversee, they were set up to oversee Woodrow Wilson to create the propaganda for the Federal Reserve act, the Tariff act for sure, World War one, but that’s the propaganda behind it. But the goal was to create a new world currency because getting into World War one, then the dollar became more of a dominant currency that was equal with the british pound after World War one.
After World War two it was secured as the world currency. Now all these wars are because the fiat currency, they’re changing stuff. But you are brilliant. I know you got to go. I want to say one last thing about this having I work with people locally who are trying to keep our freedoms, trying to stop all this control structure, at least locally. And when people are saying that there is not a difference between all these politicians are the same, it doesn’t matter. I’m like, well it does locally to me. I mean there’s a huge difference in the people I’m working with and I’m like, if you don’t vote locally and I realize there’s some question about the election being fixed and there’s some, but if you don’t at least try to support these people, you won’t have anyone in the system working to ward off this control structure.
So it’s stupid. Yes, local, even with the, you know, cheating and rigging and whatnot, you have so much more power locally you’re dealing with that you can micromanage it so much more and you feel the direct impact of that. So I encourage everybody to take local action very much. Get involved. Whatever you’re passionate about, get involved. On that topic locally, get involved in your local politics, be the poll watcher. You know, go and buy for getting rid of machines locally, whatever you can do to oversee and to hold accountability. So it’s not just about, like, the election itself.
Hold your officials accountable and pressure will, will be really effective. You’d be really surprised. You know, of course, at the federal level is a very different story. But I don’t like this campaign of blackpilling everybody and just opting out. You know, you don’t just sit back and watch crimes. That’s not going to solve anything. Right. And the demoralization is not empowering Americans. And moreover, I, I think there is something to be said for optics. We were talking about their energy and how they weaponize the truth. There is some truth to that. If everybody were involved, engaged and they take action, and most Americans don’t want to see the subversion of this country, I think it really is the last bastion for the free will of humanity.
So we need to take a stand. That’s absolutely right. Thank you. So where can people follow you? They must follow you. Thank you. It’s courtneyturner.com. i spell my name like Courtney. It is Courtney, but it’s courtenayturner.com. and that is where you can find all of my socials on my podcast platforms. You’re awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much. And we’ll talk soon. Thank you.