We’re not paying you a single dime. We’re telling all these entities like the IRS, the FTC, the SEC at some point. They’re all gonna be gone because they’ve been putting here in place to stress you out, steal your money, and they do nothing for humanity. The SEC doesn’t work for you folks. The SEC works for Wall Street. The SEC is not here to protect the little people, not even a little bit. I’ve been fighting these entities for 36 years. I’m not giving up now, especially when I see the writing on the wall that Donald Trump is about to wipe the slate clean on everything.
And the writing that the IRS is gonna get the hell out of our balls is everywhere. You have to be dumb, deaf, stupid, and blind not to be able to see it. I don’t really give a shit what people like 107 say even though 107 and I are friends. Him and I are completely at odds. Listen, I could sit down with 107 and just make a show just on one thing alone. Say let’s go to the document number 9 at QFS 1776. Let’s open up the document and let’s compare it to what’s happening right now.
And guess what? 107, as powerful as he is, as rich as he is, as knowledgeable as the fact that he was a spy, probably still is something with the government today. Just travels a little bit more than the average person by a factor of like 100. The fact that he is who he is, Mel Carmine, would take him to the good shredder. Do you understand? Do you understand the overstand? I’m gonna be proven right. Come hell over hot water and I know that I’ve been right so far and I’m not tooting my own horn but I am tooting my own horn because the facts are all around us and they’re about to manifest in a very very big way.
Can’t wait to see all that the quantum summit. How many times does Donald Trump have to say we need a new level monetary playing field? Well what does that mean? Well in my opinion and I could be wrong but I believe that I am absolutely right. 100 trillion percent means that we are going to literally literally wipe out all the debt completely get rid of it and start from a clean slate. I’m not talking about just personal debt. I’m talking about every country, every town, every county, every village, every hamlet.
Everybody is gonna wipe the debt clean. We have to start from a system, a new system, a reset that makes sense and it’s coming. It’s coming fast. Donald Trump will be back in office. This is exciting. You know why it’s exciting? Because some of us know how to read the tea leaves. We know exactly what is in store. Life extension technology, clean air, clean soil, organic, super organic foods, no more psychotropic drugs and the holistic doctors, the holistic doctors of the world are gonna reign supreme. The holistic approach to health, frequency-based technologies are gonna reign supreme.
Places like staying alive here in Cape Canaveral are gonna reign supreme. We’re about to take over the world folks in an incredible way that most of you can’t not even fathom or imagine. Flying cars are coming. There’s a video that I’ve queued up at home. So right now I’m sitting in my beautiful energy system here in Cape Canaveral soaking up the energy. I’m gonna be sitting, staying here all the way up until the Quantum Summit. There’s a video that I queued up and it’s got Gigi Ping and the thumbnail it says got a picture of Gigi Ping and about a thousand flying cars behind him.
Obviously that’s a 4.4 million in just a couple of days. You know why? Because people are in anticipation for this technology to manifest finally and it’s coming. All of it. I will be proven right on all of it. Not to toot my own horn that that it makes me better than anybody out there but I know how to pay attention to the right stuff and one day whether they like me or not they have to respect the fact that there were a few of us a handful of us that got it right.
When you got these guys here at XRP Army 1.0 at best saying that we’re gonna use XRP to pay off the national debt. They obviously don’t know what the hell they’re talking about because they’re not paying attention to the Nisara Jisara narrative. As a matter of fact I hate to tell you if you were to bring up if you were to bring up Nisara Jisara to some of these people and even if you tell them they’re not gonna call it the sorry Jisara but I could point to document number nine at QFS1776.com and show you stuff that’s going on right now stuff that’s in the news right now that they’re talking about doing and implementing that’s in that document they would still laugh at you these are the same people that if a UFO landed in their backyard and nine extra-thresholds got out and got it had a picnic they would deny that that incident even happened that’s what we’re dealing with just because they’re smart on XRP in a three-dimensional world that doesn’t mean they are smart on XRP in a fourth dimensional world that’s where I come in welcome to Carmine’s gold.com don’t waste not even a second looking cheaper prices just don’t exist how important is it for you to own gold and silver right now what does it mean to me personally there’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words I’m gonna educate you on gold and silver are you ready you need to own some simple time is of the essence as the walls are closing in this crash is visibly in motion right now don’t kid yourself the only way to preserve wealth is to become your own central bank just by owning gold and silver the banks that are going into survival mode are currently stacking gold and silver like it’s going out of style you have the same opportunity instead of keeping your money in paper which is worthless again this is not financial advice going into survival mode is everything preserving your wealth and positioning your family to thrive in the near future is paramount the time to take action is beyond crucial God’s money cannot be faked it’s got intrinsic value it’s got plenty of usability and because the crypto game could be extremely complicated for most this becomes the only way to preserve your wealth in the current times we live in the price manipulation that has occurred over the last hundred and fifty years is about to come to a full stop as we move into an extremely different world and the true value of gold and silver is going to shine like never before the people who vividly see what happening have moved into panic buying right now the people who get it who are positioned for wealth preservation who are accumulating every week every month stand to change their course of history for a hundred generations to come buying gold and silver from car mines gold dot-com at unbeatable prices is the best decision you’ll ever make I’m going to end by saying this this is my opinion and not financial advice this crash is knocking on the door and it’s clear it’s here we can fill any size order five hundred dollars five hundred thousand dollars and yes even ten million dollars your best option to preserve wealth if you don’t understand cryptocurrency is gold and silver do it now