I. My day started, like, really early. I woke up at like, I don’t know, like I didn’t intend on waking up at 1:15, but I did. And then it was a struggle to go back to sleep. And then finally, I think I feel like finally, like just said hell with it and got up and got some coffee about 4:30. So if I yawn tonight, just know that it’s coming from a place I’m pretty tired. So I woke up at noon my time, which would have. You’d have been up. You’d have been up for a while. Yeah, I would have.
I would. I had been up for a while. In fact, actually I texted your wife because I didn’t want to text you because I was like, I just don’t trust that he may not be awake yet. So. So that’s right. So I was. I. And I hate. I hate calling sometimes because I. It’s morning. Because I know. I know you struggle sleeping sometimes. So I just. Anyway, when it’s morning, that’s. That’s typically my. My M.O. but anyway, kind of want to talk a little bit about the Assad situation in Syria. I don’t think that’s getting a lot of play.
And I think what I may do here, guys, is I’m probably going to. I’m going to play a video that I found or it’s just a clip of a video that I found. And let me see here. I’m going to go ahead and play this. It’s about three and a half minutes long. There was this group called the Project for a New American Century run by a bunch of, like, Jewish American individuals. A lot of them went on to go work in the Defense Department under George Bush. But a few of them wrote this memo called the Clean Break Memo.
It was written by David Wormser, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Fife, Clean Break, Securing the Realm. And it was talking about dealing with Israel’s security problems. And it was a policy document that was written to Bibi Netanyahu. Basically, it was talking about how to deal with these security concerns of Israel. They said that all these times that we’ve tried to secure a peace deal have failed. So now we have to start spreading Western values to these nations that are a security threat to Israel. Right after this memo was written, the authors of this memo go on to work for George Bush in the Defense Department.
After 9, 11, all of a sudden we get document after document after document which they call intelligence coming in from the government of Israel. A lot of people don’t know this. The vast majority of the intel about weapons of mass destruction came from Israel. It came from Bibi Netanyahu. Saddam’s attempts to conceal and deceive the world to conceal the efforts that he’s making at producing weapons of mass destruction. We in Israel have known this for a long time. We’ve shared this intelligence with the United States. Intelligence piece after intelligence piece coming into our government. It came into Douglas Feith’s office actually.
Douglas Feith, one of the authors of the Clean Break memo, was actually investigated by the Inspector General for doctoring intelligence on weapons of mass destruction coming in from Israel. The most frequent and damaging charge has been that Feith used his Pentagon office to produce alternative intelligence reports that link Saddam to Al Qaeda, then pass them on to the White House. An investigation by the Pentagon’s Inspector General called FY’s activities inappropriate but not illegal or unauthorized. This was a rebuke, you agree? Yes, and I. And I think it was an unfounded rebuke. Do you still think this was the right thing to do, knowing now what you know? I think the President made the right decision, given what he knew and given what we all knew.
And to tell you the truth, even given what we’ve learned since. And then you had a man who worked in his office under Douglas Fife named Lawrence Franklin getting all of this information about what our Mideast policy was going to be. Lawrence Franklin was passing this classified information to the country of Israel through apac. So if this is not like the best example of why AIPAC should be registered under the Foreign Agents Act, I don’t know what is right. They’re the only foreign lobby that doesn’t have to register under this act. And anyone that suggests that they have to register under this act is deemed anti Semitic.
So he was passing secrets to Israel through aipac. Right through these two employees at aipac. They were all caught up in this. The AIPAC employees, Douglas Fife, Lawrence Franklin, the two AIPAC employees, one of which boasted to the New Yorker that we’ve got people in the Clinton administration. We can have the signature of 70 senators on a blank cocktail napkin if we wanted to. Doesn’t matter what happens. They were investigated, they were indicted and then the charges were dropped. I think like four weeks later, the only person that went to jail was the non Jewish guy.
What is going on here? What is. If that’s not power, I don’t know what is. All right, so there’s the, so there was that. Now I want to share this as well because this, these are a couple of, let’s see here. Where is the. I chose the wrong one. Damn it. Here we go. So this is a story that came out in 2017. Now keep in mind all that stuff that you’re muted, brother. I don’t know if you know that. All that, all that stuff that. Yeah, okay, no worries. I just want to make sure you’re still there.
All the stuff that, that he’s talking about there was pre 911 and right around 911 it’s actually about a half hour video and that’s a kind of a, that’s, that’s a, that’s a portion of that half hour video cut down into like three and a half minutes. But he’s the point that he’s making there, and correct me if I’m wrong on this, that these are all the globalists and they were basically setting the stage for everything that was going to transpire on in a post 911 world. And then once 911 occurred, then, you know, it’s all part of the, you know, the Greater Israel Project, you know, for, and if those of you who don’t know what the Greater Israel Project is, basically it means that everything between the Nile and the Euphrates should belong to Israel.
And that’s so, so like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, all that area belong. Egypt, all that area, truly it at the end of the day belongs and should belong to Israel and, and it’s going to be their territory. So good luck with that. Right? Oh, I agree. I’m not saying, I’m not saying that that’s what is going to happen. I’m saying that’s what they want to happen. I’m saying in reference to them. But I mean, you know, you had that group of neocons, Wolfowitz Crystal, half dozen more, the garmentage. Not all of them are Jewish. No. And you know, they were kind of, they were kind of what you, I, I would term a.
What’s his name Br. Like a Brzezinski squad. Right. You know, keep the, keep the fighting going. Keep the keep, keep things status quo in the Middle East. All up. Yes. As, as the, as they say in, in the military snap snafu. Yeah. Situation normal. All up. Yeah. You know, again, when they named the seven countries in five years that they wanted to go in, they were not, they were not under the, the fist of the IMF or World bank, in effect in the central banking system or under bis. And look at an old map versus a new map will show you that of biscuits, member states and affiliates and all of that.
That’s part of it. But the idea that, that Saddam Hussein was working on weapons of mass destruction. No, he wasn’t because, you know, he even said it to his own inner circles. It’s not worth it because, you know, they’ll come after us. Basically. They knew what the score would be if they started working on any type of nuclear weapons, that we were going to clobber them if that were the case. It was never the case. What we, they did have that we gave them and this was, I believe they got rid of a lot of them after the first Gulf War was high grade anthrax.
Yes. And we gave it to them with their conflict with Iran. And he would have been real stupid to abuse them in the Persian Gulf War. He knows what, what would have happened to him at that point. It wouldn’t have ended. Wouldn’t have ended. It would have ended earlier and you know, with a lot more with him being dead far sooner than he was. I mean this is, you know, everybody knows what that whole mess was about, what got us into it. And yes, intelligence agencies lying. I mean, well, gee whiz, Steele dossier. What. There’s a hundred thousand other examples of things like that.
So, you know, you know, it was all part of a setup. And they 9, 11 came and went and then the bullshit started. The, and I guess the, the kind of, the foundation that I’m trying to lay here. And, and this, you know, this isn’t necessarily attack on Jews. That’s not where I’m going with this. But it is absolutely, in my opinion, a Zionist plot. Now Zionism is very closely tied to the nation state of Israel, not necessarily the people, but certainly the nation state and absolutely the government. But it’s also tied to the upper echelons of American government.
And, and I think that’s the point that he’s trying to make here is that all of these neo, these neocons who are also Zionists, they’re, you know, if you go back and you look, it’s all to serve the globalist agenda. It’s all to serve the globalist agenda. And the, you know, the neoconservatives really are. I, I heard it explained the other day very, very well on, on the Mises YouTube channel, there’s a guy who did like a 10 minute video about this and it was talked about how the back after who was it not, not Cleveland, who was the, who was the president in 1929.
The guy was Herbert Hoover Hoover. Herbert Hoover was the president during the stock market crash in 1929. And then shortly thereafter he didn’t, the people perceived that he wasn’t doing enough. And that was when FDR came in. And of course FDR just made it worse and furthered the problems. But looking in fdr, FDR was really more of a communist and the kind of like in the lines of Lenin, Stalin, at least in that kind of vein. But Trotsky over there, he viewed communism a little bit differently. And the conservative movement in the United States adopted much more, or at least the fascistic conservative movement.
The guys like Herbert Walker Bush, Allen Dulles, you know, the Dulles brothers, all those, all the guys that were CIA, they, they adopted much more of like a Trotsky style control of government where, or communism rather, where. But it masqueraded as conservatism. And so you had the, basically you had the coming. I’d say it was a mixture and I’ll, I’ll justify that in a minute. Okay, so the, and the point I’m trying to make here is that, that Israel is smack dab in the middle of all of this stuff. And I believe that’s one of the main reasons why on the board that talked about, you know, we’re saving them for last and a very specific reason why it’s only been mentioned once.
So, but that’s, that’s not to say that every single person in Israel walking around is evil. And, and, and, and that’s just, you can’t do that about anybody who’s a Jewish heritage either. Well then do people really know what’s going on over there right now? If you go to their websites, the different newspapers, Times of Israel, Drew, Jerusalem Post, what you’re seeing over there right now is very, very, let’s say, not so good. You have like their, their equivalent of state secret police. I don’t know what the name is off the top of my head, but they have been picking up people, you know, four in the Morning type thing and no access to family attorneys.
And these are right wingers. They’re picking up and a lot of people in surround in the sphere of his administration and the ones that are doing this are leftists. So you gotta really, you know, I’m still trying to wrap my head around what’s going on over there, but it’s not, it’s not what people would think. There’s a lot of internal turmoil and, you know, there’s a lot of, you know, questioning of why didn’t certain services tell Netanyahu about the October, what was it? October 7th. October 7th attack and all of that for hours and hours after it began.
You see, there’s some games going on over there that. Well, let me, let me ask you. People should look into. Let me ask you, do you think that, do you think that October 7th was a inside job from Israel’s part or do you think that it was an actual attack? I think it was in. I think it, well, it was an attack, obviously, but I think it was encouraged inside. That’s my personal opinion. I, Everything that I’ve heard, 911 type thing, right? Everything I’ve heard about, about the, the October 7th thing with, with the, you know, with the, like the, the, all of the walls and how they guard all that stuff.
It’s. I mean, that thing is those things, it’s like if a flea or a mosquito moved, you know, they’d be responding with, you know, armed helicopters and tanks and soldiers, you know, in a matter of. And they’re literally five, ten minutes from, on, from base to, you know, on station to attack. Right. And it took them seven hours to respond. That’s like, that’s like saying that you, that your, your house is three doors down from the fire station. Your house is on fire and the fire department is there and they don’t respond to your fire, you know, for six hours, seven hours.
Your house is gone. Yeah, and your house is gone. So that’s basically, that’s kind of what happened on October 7th. So. And they, they utilize this to, to create that conflict over there, you know, bombing of Gaza, all this other stuff. And, you know, I mean, I think it was Ron Paul who said it from, from the house floor that, that Hezbollah is nothing more than a, is like, it’s, you know, it’s not too, not too dissimilar from Al Qaeda being a CIA creation. Hey, it was always the rule of thumb for the last 30, 35, 40 years that, you know, didn’t matter who got in left or Right.
Republican or Democrat didn’t matter. You’re going to get a new boogeyman. And everybody can look back and, and say for themselves on that. That was one of, one of the basically top five things that will continue to happen in addition to, you know, moral fiber of this country breaking down. Well, look at what’s happened with this whole less than 1% of the population type thing and kids, what they’re doing to kids. Who would have thought of that back in 2000 that that would have ever been a thing whatsoever. But these things are, there’s basically five major categories and that’s another one of them.
Your spending power will be weakened, economic, we’d probably send troops off to another location. That always happened. The only one that all these things didn’t quite happen was when Trump was in first. And you know, looking back, anyone can see that he was surrounded by deep state operatives and learned, learned a lot of lessons. Everyone learned a lot of lessons regarding all of that. So now you look at his cabinet picks and, and picks for different departments, looks like a whole new world. And you know, they’re trying their damnedest and we’ve said it a million times to cause as much, let’s say, chaos between now and when he’s inaugurated.
The main one being trying to start this, you know, a major, major conflict. And Putin’s not going to give that, that to them because the ones who want this again, you know, they wanted to take down this nation and others. So, and we’re the, we’re the holdout. We’re the ones that, we’re the ones that if we go down, others go down and that includes Russia. So it’s in his best interest not to want to go to war with us. So all this nonsense about, you know, all these idiots supporting Ukraine, they know nothing of what really was going on there or they wouldn’t be so foolish in their, all the, they’re pushing out there.
And most of this, most of this money simply went into a big money laundering operation. War. No war and equipment being sold off and trans shipped other parts of the world, you know, Sub Saharan Africa, a number of locations. And so here we are. Same same old, different day. Yeah, and, and, and kind of what I’m, the point I’m kind of bringing all this around to is from a g. I’m, I’m, I guess I’m trying to make some sense of what’s happening today and what we potentially could be facing because, you know, so many people talk about things that are happening and oh, it’s you know, it’s what the, you know, the sky is falling, it’s gonna suck.
There’d be, there very likely will be some of that, but I don’t believe that this, you know, as JFK said very well, you know, our problems are man made and they can, therefore they can be solved by man. Now that doesn’t mean that when you make a mess that you don’t have to, that it doesn’t take some effort to clean it up. But just because there’s, just because there’s effort to clean, you know, effort needed to clean it up doesn’t mean that it’s, you know, we’re going to be in dire straits in perpetuity. You know, I was having, I was having a discussion today with somebody about crypto and the, I got, it was the, the response that I got is one that I get quite frequently generally from.
And I don’t mean this in a disrespectful way, but from the older generation who don’t really understand it, don’t really want to understand it, don’t, you know, and tragically so, because I think there’s opportunities for them to pad their pension that could be in some serious trouble here. But, you know, they’re like, well, what happens if the, if the grid goes down? What happens to your money if you, if there’s no electricity? And I’m like, well, what happens now? If there’s. Exactly. If there’s no electricity, then I mean, you don’t have any gas. You can’t even use the existing financial system, much less the crypto system.
So, you know, I mean, you know, it doesn’t matter. Yeah, it just simply doesn’t matter. Okay, what if the power goes down? You’re not going to be shopping on Amazon, right? Depending on where you are, there’s just so much coulda, shoulda, woulda, or maybe right now it’s, it comes down to what, what next move is going to be made? What, what, what game is the opposition going to play? Right? I mean, what, what play are they gonna put forth next? And seems to be a, you know, even though it seems to be a lull in, in events in the background, that’s where they’re, they’re really going on.
Somebody in the chat says, what happened before we had digital money? How did we ever wash our clothes and take a bath without electricity? Seriously? It’s so true. So true. But, you know, the, my feeling is, is that what’s going on in Syria is. It is the, it’s kind of like the deep states, last ditch effort to try to, you know, keep the chaos going basically to, you know, try to push it out as far as they can. It’s, it’s, it’s like a, it’s like a delay tactic. They’re trying to do everything they can to delay, delay, delay, delay, but you, you know, you can’t, if there’s an avalanche coming or a tidal wave coming in, you, you can’t stop it.
There’s nothing you can do to stop it. It’s the power behind that is so immense that it is, I mean, only the, only the hand of God can stop it. You know, it’s just, it’s, it’s, it’s on, it’s, it’s you, you cannot impede it in any way, shape, matter or form. So I guess looking at what’s going on in Syria, this is, they have, they appear to have had a successful. And it appears to, it appears to the good guys like us that we have lost Syria. Now, I don’t necessarily think that Assad is the evil monster that everybody says.
I mean, how long has he been in power over there? Like what, 15 years? 20. 15. 20 years, something like that. You know, I mean, and it’s, it’s, Syria is a Christian country. It’s not a, it’s not a, I mean, there are, there are Muslims there, but for the most part Syria is a Christian country. So there’s, I think, I, I don’t know. Do you know what the, what the ratio is for of Christian to Muslim in Syria? No, I don’t, not off the top of my head, but. Well, would you say, if you just had to guesstimate, would you say it’s like half, like 50, 50, or would you say it’s like 70, 30 if you just had to guess and.
Oh, God, I don’t know. Let me look it up. 50. 50. Yeah, look it up. Because it could be 70, 30 Christian ratio. Syria. Good question. Let’s see here. Oh, okay, so I was wrong. More. Let’s see. Yeah, much more. Let’s see. Muslims, approximately 87% of the population with the majority being Sunni, are around 74%. Christians, around 10% of the population, with the majority belonging to autonomous Orthodox churches, Eastern Catholic and Assyrian Church of the East. So it’s like about, basically it’s about a 15 to 1 ratio. So I was way off. See what it is in Lebanon.
Let’s see here, let’s see. 20, 22, Pew Research center estimates the Christian population at 43 and a half percent. Muslims constituting the majority at 57 and a half percent. Yeah. So you’re almost out of 50, 50 there. Yep. And you know, when, when they, you know, they bomb the, out of them, you know, who are they hitting? Yeah, good question. Very good question. Because it just makes for some interesting questions. Very interesting questions indeed. A little bit more on the home front. You know, I was looking up some articles here about the border and whatnot. And I see, I see this.
Let me make the. So this is a very, this is a very interesting article that the federal government has spent seven times more money on illegals in 2023 than the development of the nuclear bomb. Now, I don’t. So, and this is here. So the Manhattan Project adjusted for inflation was $22 billion. Apollo project, adjusted for inflation is $257 billion. What about the B29 bomber? That was more expensive than the bomb itself that it delivered? It was, it was, but I, it was it. The B29 here, if I had to guess, the B29 would probably be about 30 billion and adjusted for inflation, but expenses for illegals in 2023 was a hundred and fifty billion dollars.
Yeah. What about the veterans? What about the people on the street? What about all the, what about the fentanyl crossing the border? You see how these are just, you know, you, the American people don’t matter to them. What matters is their agenda. And this is the, if this isn’t, you know, evidence toward that, I don’t know what is. Why would you, why would you spend so much on people who broke the law? Why. Very likely it’s your agenda. You want them in here. You know, we’re at 346 million and change as a population and a good probably 60, 40 to 60 million are border crossers over the years.
There’s, I’m showing this article on the, on, on the screen now and says tip of the iceberg. A California mayor predicts that a decades long crime wave fueled. They’re labeling it as the Biden invasion, but that’s not totally true. This guy was, this guy’s the mayor of what city? Oh, El Cajon. El Cajon is actually down in San, down right next to San Diego. Yeah, so, but I don’t, I wouldn’t, I don’t disagree that there’s going to be a lot of people here. That’s, but I think that Holman and that crew is going to do a whole lot of rounding up and there’s going to be a lot of people caught up in that.
And I’m Sorry. If you’re here with your family for the right reasons, if you cross the border, you broke the law. You gotta go back. Yep. Sorry. That’s just reality. By, you know, do it the right way, come back in the right way. So I don’t. I. You know, the whole thing about the left, what they trying to do is they try to pull on the. On the heartstrings. You know, they play to the emotional side of people saying, hey, we have to do that this way because, you know, we have to be humans. Yeah. They play better nature and take advantage of them that way.
And who doesn’t want to see other people, you know, thrive and do better, whether they’re in our country or not? But, you know, figure out a way to do it in your own country. It’s your country, and instead of skipping across the border, why don’t you get busy down there? That says a lot about the culture of Mexico. Yeah, a thousand percent. And I did see that Trump actually is pressing Mexico to crack down on the immigration flows or face stiff penalties. This came out a couple days ago. Donald Trump is not even president yet, but he’s already setting the agenda both domestically and internationally.
Case in point, Trump’s tariff threats. The president elect is using them as a diplomatic tool to accomplish foreign policy objectives. Canada and Mexico are two ally. Our land neighbors were put on notice by Trump. This tariff will remain in effect until such time as drugs, in particular fentanyl and all illegal aliens, stop this invasion of our country. And you know this. We’ve talked about it in the past. Everybody talks about how the southern border is so porous and everybody’s coming up here, but I would argue that the northern border is equally as porous, if not even more so.
And they’re not crossing the northern border through the wide open spaces. For the most part, they’re crossing through and being allowed through the. The border crossing stations. Well, there’s a different type of enemy that’s coming across the northern border, and that, you know, that could be. I feel like I. I feel like the things that are coming in from the northern border are more. They’re not necessarily people as much as items to be used by people that are coming in from the south. Yeah, operatives. That’s what they are. Insurgents. 100. 100. You know, that. That still stands.
You know, that’s still there. It’s when, let’s say, the opposition pushes the button before or after the. And I would think. And the way they’ve been playing it lately, I would think they push that button afterwards, because that would then be chaos. But that, excuse me, that chaos would play into exactly what needs to be done. So we’ll see. Yeah, it’s shifting a little bit, you know, because again, I’m talking about things before, and there’s obvious other ramifications for that, so. All right, well, what, what’s your take on whether or not there’s going to be an inauguration on the 20th? You think Trump will be inaugurated on the 20th, or do you think that there will be, like, there’s going to be too, a lot of chaos going on? Well, if they, if, if they don’t want him in the inauguration to go off without a hitch, they’re gonna, they’re gonna press that button beforehand and then try to fall back on, you know, state of emergency, which we’re already in again, since 33, we’ve been in a state of emergency.
They’ll just bring that to the forefront. They could then institute martial law and then, okay, until we fix this, you know, we’re going to stay in office. Well, you know, that would be, there’s a lot of legalities behind that that would make that even more difficult because I don’t think if they push it beforehand, I, I think that’s when we would see some very interesting events unfold to counter it. And no, they won’t get their way in the end. So I guess overall, I would say, yes, he’s going to be inaugurated well on, in January. A lot of the people that are saying there’s not going to be an inauguration, the same people that said there wasn’t going to be an election.
So I, you know, color me skeptical, but I’m, I am of the opinion that there’s going to be an election. Now, I, Excuse me, an inauguration on the 20th. How much of the economy and excuse me, how much chaos there is. I’m in pain. That makes for a great, great show. I know, right? Oh, yeah. It’s like I said, it was a rough night, but for both of us, I guess. Well, anyway, they. Looking at all this shit that’s coming, I completely lost my train of thought here. But I did want to talk about. What the fuck is I even saying? God, I’m seeing a lot of stuff about, oh, I know what I say.
I feel like there’s going to be a lot of chaos. And I don’t know if the chaos is going to happen before the election to try to derail the inauguration and to make an absolute disastrous mess for Trump to come into or if they’re going to wait, if the Deep state is going to wait until he actually takes office and then pull the plug on a lot of these things to essentially cause so much chaos in, in his, you know, in and around his administration that it’s going to, that it’ll make it nearly impossible for him to try to get anything accomplished.
Well, that’s when you have the options of, in reality, you have military options then. So I think one side is banking on, on the idea that that won’t be utilized. And, you know, it’s just a difficult thing to forecast because there’s reasons why, you know, looking at it objectively, there’s reasons why it could be done beforehand, but I see more afterwards because I think their goal is to cause so much chaos that the first six months are taken up just dealing with that. But I don’t think it would take six months to deal with that. I think if done correctly, it can be dealt with very rapidly and move on then press to go against them.
Right, let me, I’m going to share this here because I, I feel like this is another, another element. I think there’s, there’s multiple facets here in terms of chaos, creation that, that we are potentially, you know, facing here. And this is like this doctor, this pro vaccine doctor warns new viruses will begin great plague the day Trump enters office. Now, how the hell do they know that? How the do you know that? Yeah. Dr. Peter Haitz or Hoats, who was a zealous advocate of the COVID 19 vaccine, issued the dire warning while speaking on MSNBC this week.
He said that President Elect Trump will face an abundance of viral threats upon assuming office in January. It is curious. That sounds like a very prophetic. Yeah, that sounds like a. He’s the little useful idiot that was put out there. Here’s the reason why that. Let me, let me play this. Let me know if you guys can hear this, okay? Because my, my personal opinion on how that should be dealt with is a who and how any pathogen to put out there will be known. And my, my humble opinion is you go in guns blazing and arresting and say, no, not this time.
I, I look at, look at the ticker on the bottom. Bloomberg RFK Jr is too dangerous for government. No, too dangerous for Deep state. Exactly. Shadow government, but right. Just the right thing for justice when it comes to medical aspects of all this. I’m going to play this clip. It’s about a minute 30. So that was my minute and a half is here, here’s the reason why we need to care about this stuff, Nicole, is that we have some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st. Mr. Bloomberg mentioned H5N1 that I’m really worried about.
It’s all over. Wild birds on the western part of the United States and going up in the north. It’s getting into the poultry. We’re seeing sporadic human cases. No human to human, human transmission yet. But that could happen. It’s in the cattle, it’s in the milk. And that’s just the beginning. We have another major coronavirus likely brewing in Asia. We’ve had SARS in 2002, SARS 2 COVID 19 in 2019. And we know these viruses are jumping from bats to people thousands of times a year. But there’s still more. We know that we have a big problem with mosquito transmitted viruses all along the Gulf coast where I am here in Texas or expecting dengue and possibly Zika virus coming back or a pooch virus, maybe even yellow fever.
And there’s more. Then we have all this sharp rise in vaccine preventable diseases going up because of in part the anti vaccine activism that’s so prominent right now. We have a five fold rise in pertussis cases, whooping cough over the last year, 15 measles outbreaks this year. We’ve got polio that’s been in the wastewater in New York State. All that’s going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump administration. We need a really, really good team be able to handle this. Who the is this douche nozzle son of. Where does he get off saying this? Okay, he’s saying it, he’s saying it.
And the dipshits out there all go, oh my God, oh my God. He didn’t give one, one piece of evidence to back it up other than it’s coming down the pike. Well, that usually means, yeah, it’s, it’s going to be an intentional set of releases of these things. If it’s coming down the pike. If it’s, if it’s here, it’s here. If it’s natural, it, it’s already, it’s already there. But it’s not his entire mini litany there. Just told you everything you needed to know, you know. Did Bill Gates give you everything to tell? I guess. Right? I guess that’s who, that’s, that’s everything he gave you absolute asinine.
I don’t even have the words right now. That just came out of his mouth. I mean, makes no sense at all. You’re, all you’re doing is prepping the way putting it out there. And so people who don’t have the knowledge or haven’t, let’s say from COVID at least begun their own studies to see how statements like this can be just torn apart in a heartbeat. Oh, so you know that they’re coming. Yeah, you, you, you’re, you live on the Gulf coast of, of Texas. So you know it’s coming. No, you know it’s coming because you were told to say that, you dork.
Right. Well, and this is, this is another interesting article. And I’m just kind of, guys, I’m pulling, I’m just going through a whole ton of articles out here because there’s a, there’s so many things that if we just, if, if we just, like, tried to, you know, play it by ear, we. There’d be a lot of stuff that we’ve missed. And I want to touch on several of these things. This is, this, this is a, an article. Americans agree that money has too much power in Congress. And this actually goes back to the article or to that, what that guy just talked about.
Americans agree that there’s too much money in Congress, and the deep state doesn’t think so. The deep state’s trying to destroy this place and keep all the money for themselves. And they don’t want it go. They don’t want power to be taken from them and going back into the hands of the people again. You know what, you gotta look, you gotta look back at when Trump was inaugurated in 2017, and he stood there on the podium and basically the first thing he said after he was sworn in, he says this, this marks, this is the. Today is not just about transferring power from one administration to another.
It’s transferring power from Washington, D.C. back to the people. Now, a lot of people, I don’t think really, truly understood what it meant at that moment in time. And when he said that, again, I know we’ve talked about this in the past, where he had the military standing behind him when he said it. And the army with the army on their hats, you can tell on the COVID the army covers, they have like, these bands on them that, that are, that they’re indicative of what type of job they do in the service. The Navy has it as well, but it’s not, it’s not on their, it’s on their hats.
It’s like it’ll be on their sleeves or something like that. Anyway, the point of the matter is, is that the two elements of the, of the army that were there were the intelligence and the judicial or jag. And so that to me that was very, that that was meaningful because now you have that’s, that’s thing saying that the military is going to stand behind Trump to do this or at least certain elements of the military now the deep state, they don’t want that. They want to keep their power. And ses, it should be. SES should stand for.
Should be ex. Extinct soon. Exactly what said. Because this is, this is, you know, these are the things. This is the real war. It really is State and ses, the, the crossover. It’s almost one and the same. But you know, it has to end. When was SES created? Wasn’t it wasn’t, wasn’t it during the water administration? I was gonna say during the Carter administration. It was right after, right after Ford and right before Reagan. And yeah, SES is basically it’s, it’s, it’s. I don’t even know how if you’d call it like the CA on steroids, but it’s, it’s, it’s.
You call the handmaidens for the, the agenda, you know, senior executive service. Well that’s a broad term, but it’s usually people, a lot of them have been in bureaucratic, bureaucratic positions their whole careers and then they go over into that and continue to do things in the shadows and. Quite unconstitutional, wouldn’t you say? Quite, quite unconstitutional and quite. Well, for that matter. DHS is an, is an unconstitutional jurisdiction. FBI is an unconstitutional jurisdiction. CIA is an unconstitutional jurisdiction. They’re all post 14th amendment. And there’s a lot of misinformation floating around about the 14th Amendment, whereas people really understood what it was put in place for and what it accomplished.
Well, you know, what did it put in place? Well, it gave, it gave the, it opened the door for corporate citizenship. Now 1871 doesn’t matter. Whatever happened to counter that didn’t work. It obviously is in place and the evidence for that is more than in abundance. So I, I don’t want to get into off on that tangent but you know, we’ve, we’ve covered that many times. Right? And yeah, we’ve covered that a number of times. There’s. God, there was so many. Oh, this is one, this was one that I wanted to find too. Talking about, let’s see here, where is that? Okay, so the NFL and the NBA issue security alerts after migrant gangs are targeting player mansions.
Yeah, I heard about that. Isn’t that something? Very interesting indeed. So, yeah, they cross, they cross the border without an agenda, my ass. Yeah. Is there. Do you Guys, is there anybody has any questions they want to ask? If you have questions, throw some questions in the chat. Questions would be fun. Yeah, because you’re tired. Yeah, exactly. Is giving me hell. So it’d be great if the audience could. Yeah, well, why not do this? Some good directions. Why don’t I. I think I’ll open up the phone line, take a phone call or two. So let’s see here.
Well, I’m not gonna do that. I chose the wrong one here. There we go. All right, so I put the phone number down there. If you guys want to. If somebody wants to. If you guys want to call in, call in. Let’s see here. Could you please ask us about restored Republic reseeding each de jour state with Northwest ordinance. Ordinance of 18. Excuse me, 1787. You know anything about that? I. I’m not up on that. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 as much as I should be. But what’s the question again? Could you please ask about restored Republic reseeding each de jour state with Northwest Ordinance of 1787? And I put the.
Here, let me put this onto the screen and share this tab. All right, so now. But let me actually make it a little bit bigger so our old ass eyes aren’t so strained. So I can make it even bigger. Somebody is calling. Here we go. Hello, this is Ron. Who’s this? Hi, Ron. This is Ginny. Hello. Jay Janay. Ginny. It’s actually. It’s short for Virginia. Virginia. How you doing, Virginia? Yeah, good. How are you? I am well. I’m sitting here with Ghost. Hello. I know a little bit of a lag time from the. The actual broadcast, so you confuse me a little bit, but I know Rumble does that, so first of all, Merry Christmas.
Ah, Merry Christmas to you as well. Merry Christmas to you. Thank you. Thank you. Ghost. How’s your tooth feeling? Are you okay? Oh, it’s. It’s. I’ve got. That’s being taken care of, but I have severe spine injuries that have dealt with, and that’s what’s acting up. I’m gonna let you two talk first. I’m gonna let you two talk for a second. I. I have to go take care of some. Gotta get up. That’s okay. I have the question for him anyway. No, yeah, that’s okay. Or feed the. Or take care of the cats, whatever you. You know, it’s cool.
Ghost, I just wanted to ask you very quickly, as far as the deportation procedures are concerned, what is the most efficient way you believe we can remove a Lot of people. Without causing some sort of unrest. Would it be the dark of night? That’s a big question. I know, and I’m sorry to ask it. It’s just been on my mind. I, I would think that they would. That in order to do it properly, you have to. I mean, if you did it in the dark of night, you know, then I think you’re asking for trouble. I think if.
Oh, gosh, yeah. Yeah. All of those that cross the border that we, we have all the information on, we should. Then it should be blanket across the board. They receive notifications that, yes, you are going to have to go to a hearing and not five years from now or as ridiculous as those, you know. Right. Which would lead me to another question as to. They’d have to be expanded. That’s what I was just going to say. They would probably have to. To handle the volume. It’ll be. Right. Right. They’d have to set up a, let’s say a court system for that and that only.
And increase the number of judges, you know, bailiffs, everything that goes along with it. Well, it would have to be done via zoom, likely, because that’s the kind of thing where, you know, a judge and other people present could really be. Their lives could be at risk, too. That’s another, you know, angle. Yeah. But if you handled it like in the spirit that all of you will be handled equally and fairly, then it’s, well, then it’s a case of where, okay, you know, they can be upset about it, but number one, they broke the law to begin with.
There is no, you know, how many countries in this world just allow you to cross their border and say, well, I want to stay here. And then you then are given all kinds of support and money and the ability to buy food. This makes no sense. You know, obviously we know this was all a, A, A planned and executed operation because if they cross the border on their own, you’re on your own. And I don’t know if it was. Yeah. To, you know, let’s say, decrease the potential of crime associated with it. But that’s, you know, that’s almost like extortion for people just crossing the border.
And I think it has to be handled en masse. It has to be handled rapidly, and it has to be handled fairly. And, you know, then those of a different stripe with the tattoos and, you know, that’s a different story. They’re, they’re right. Those certain tattoos, unless you’re part of a criminal organization, so you should be handled right immediately. And yeah, I know they’re hiding, though, and I think they hide amongst the civilians that, you know that it could get desperate. I mean, it could be very, very messy. And I think we need to really pray very hard for divine intervention, otherwise this could get very, very messy very quickly, you know.
And like, like you were saying, under the dark cover of night, bad idea. But we have to do something else. They’ll drain us. They’re taking over conservative areas as well. I mean, I’m an hour from New York City city and it’s a mess. They’re the New Yorkers. They’re flocking here to Connecticut in droves. They’re leaving and it’s. They’re overrunning us. Basically every town in my area, they’re overrunning us. We can’t absorb all the New Yorkers. They can’t put these crap apartments up fast enough. And. Wow. And my partner out in Utah, he said it’s a conservative state.
He said in Salt Lake City, he said they’re, they’re pouring into the hospitals and into, into the city. He said it’s, it’s, it’s a mess there too. And it, Even though it’s a very deep red state, it’s purposely being turned purple. Their elections are really, really hinky, you know, because Democrats have, have gained voters in the state of Utah versus every other state, as, you know, lurched rightward during this election cycle. I’m going to respectfully disagree on that. I don’t think the Democrats have gained anything other than. Only thing they’ve gained is by theft. I don’t.
Oh, no, no, I know. No, no. I just met in the state of Utah because I know somebody that lives there and it’s getting really strange there. Yeah, that’s. Yeah. You know. Yeah. I mean, there’s some shenanigans and I know they have a Mormon issue that affects things, so that’s all I’ll say on that. Well, and you know, talking about Democrat stuff, I see there’s an article here, so. But the sanction. The city of Denver is spending $356 million on illegals and the mayor is vowing to fight deportations. I mean, these people are literally. Who’s paying him? Well, I mean, that’s okay.
So this. The. Again, the states get the vast majority of their money from the federal government. Oh, yeah. That’s why they get the federal aid. I mean, they do get money from property taxes and gas taxes and sale taxes and stuff like that. But generally that money goes to fund local stuff. It doesn’t go to fund all the major things that the state wants to do. And, you know, there’s no way $356 million is coming in off of property taxes. And if it is, it’s. It’s not going to go to. To fund illegals. It’s going to go to fund like, fire department, police, you know, schools, things of that nature.
So. But. So that kind of only leaves one source left, and that’s the Federal Reserve. So. And that’s why these guys hate. That’s why these guys don’t want to lose their gig. They’re going to lose it. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. You know, everybody in the United States at the high levels of the government, they all knew that the Soviet Union was going to collapse. And the reason that they knew the Soviet Union was going to collapse, because their system was unsustainable. Well, our system, very similar to what the Soviet Union had, is equally unsustainable.
I mean, we have basically become the Soviet Union with just a little bit more. With a little bit more liberty. But I mean, we’ve got way too many people that are on the government dole. We’ve got way too many people that are working for the government. The government is the number one employer in the country. And I mean, that is exactly. If the government’s the number one employer, then who. I mean, how does the government get money? They print it. Exactly. Jerome Powell said he doesn’t have to step down if Trump asks him to leave. He said it would be illegal for him to do so.
What did he mean by that? Well, that shows you that the Federal Reserve is a private organization. Right, but what did he mean by law? What law? International. I’m sure. I’m sure it’s in US Code somewhere, because again, US Code is more nothing more than the operating instructions for the corporation. Well, yeah, it’s in there. Which means which we’re operating fraudulent system. Right. You know, who. Who hires him and who’s really paying him. Are you talking. Are you talking about the city of Dent? Are you talking about the mayor? No, no, I’m talking about Jerome Powell.
Oh, Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve. I had asked, you know, why did he say by law he cannot step down? Who appoints him? Well, okay, so the Federal Reserve was created to appear to be an agency of the federal government, but it’s not. The president gets to nominate the chairman of the Federal Reserve, and then the Senate has to approve him. But I think. What, what is this tenure 10 years ghost, something like that. I think it’s 10 years something. In essence, he, it would be like telling the President, telling the CEO of Federal Express you have to step down.
No, he has that had. There’s no jurisdiction there to do that now I would imagine why it goes through the process it goes through as far as nominating someone is so that number one, optics number two, so that the dovetailing of the private organization also known as the Federal Reserve has more of a, let’s say hold and more of it dovetails with the federal corporation. And in the end it’s just a subsidiary to create fiat money. So that’s just a very simple, simple way of phrasing it. But to get the point across and oh yes, you know, because in the end, you know that site you showed Ron, there’s serious questions about what they’re doing.
And this, this, this, this feeds into what I’m going to say about the Federal Reserve, you know, re inhabiting the Republic. Re populating the Republic is the proper term since it was depopulated post Civil War and into the early 20th century. Repopulating it is merely then a series of claims that have to be made and have to be put forth. And now it’s a very convoluted and sticky situation because who are you going to go to? Another subsidiary Congress or another one? The Supreme Court? There has to be, it has to be done in, in a, in a different fashion than anyone is used to or would readily understand.
And that’s how. Well, I’ll just say one word. Military. Well it’s interesting that you say that because somebody asked a little bit earlier and because the, because you just said that. I gotta find it here a little bit further back because so to all of these organizations you’ve got crimes against humanity, you’ve got sedition, treason, all of it you can, you can, you can bring to bear on them and the evidence is all there for all of that. It’s a matter of when will that move be made and why and what would be done in position of that prior to or during or after.
Here’s the question. What do you think about the post that said the military is the only way certain, let’s say certain units aspects of the military on the most of the military is not aware the ones you have to. That have to be I think re briefed on a lot of things are the JAG people and the civil affairs people and if they’re brought up to speed they’d find out exactly what their capabilities are that are still on the books, still in the manuals, and that’s, that’s the way it has to get done. So let’s say the opposition kicks off violence.
Well, perfect, perfect opportunity to do that. And this is, this might be the reason why they haven’t kicked off violence just yet. But no matter when that, if and when that kind of event happens, it opens the door wide open to doing what needs to be done. Because you’re going to find that many state, I’ll give you an example, many state children’s, you know, cps, things like that, they’ve been involved in trafficking. Well, they go down. Agents, certain agencies have been involved heavily in trafficking. They go down. And again, what you do is when you repopulate them, you rep, you repopulate things under the claim of the original jurisdiction of the Constitution and it’s the only way to do it.
Is it going to be messy? To a degree, yes, very much so, because there’s just so much overlapping. The bar, which actually comes under Army Civil affairs, but the DNA to monitor that was, let’s say, removed well over a hundred years ago. A lot of this, a lot of this falls in the purview of the true. What the true sovereign layer on this planet has done and manages to keep this constructive fraud, as they would call it, going, when in reality it can be proven it’s a fraud. If the administrative court system in this country had to defend its own validity, it couldn’t do it.
And that includes right now, the Supreme Court. Big statements, but they’re true. Now I think next week and for probably one, two to three weeks, we’re going, Lord Douglas and myself are going to go on with Armando and you’re more than welcome to come on, Ron, because you both need to put these where we’re going to go to the nth degree in those presentations. And it would do well for you to both put them on your channels because this is what people need to hear. They, you know, you have these, you know, the, these groups that are well intended and over a decade ago actually had standing if they didn’t do a few foolish things.
One of them was called the Republic. But they did a few things they should not have done because they did not have the proper, let’s say, foundation beneath them to do it. And that’s why people like Turner and others wound up in federal prison. What’s going on now? No, it doesn’t, it doesn’t pass muster. Let’s, let’s say that that website you brought up 30,000 people per state. You know, that’s not, that’s not the way it’s done. You’re. These are again, to me, that seems like an operation that’s designed to get as many people in as much trouble as possible by doing that.
And we’ll go over that in those broadcasts of why that what they’re attempting to do is, is not, it’s not the way to do it. And I think that’s what this next four years is about with this administration. If it isn’t, we’re in a lot more trouble than we ever thought we were. Well, I agree with that. If we’re not. I mean, we’re in a lot of people who talk about how if Trump was really, if he’s really, you know, on the Zionist front and he is, you know, kind of putting it out there that, you know, he’s, he’s laying it basically creating a layup situation for the deep state to, you know, to take us out, that we never had a prayer to begin with.
So I don’t, I don’t believe that to be true. I actually think that we are. We’re on the right path. I think we’re absolutely on the right path. So anyway, well, I tell. You know what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna go ahead and. Thank you. Thank you for the call. I’m gonna go ahead and hang up now because I want to open it up for somebody else. Yes, thank you. But thank you. Thank you for the call and appreciate you and maybe we’ll talk again soon. Bye bye bye. All right, guys, there is. The line is now open for another caller.
Should you want to call, call in. There’s. I don’t know, man. There’s. There’s so much crap going on right now. Is there anything, anything on your, anything on your radar? Yeah, but nothing. You feel you. Anything on your radar that you can talk about? Let me, let me look at my radar screen real quick. From sitting in your chair. Yes, it’s a very good chair force. Very good chair force person. Very good. Very comfortable right now. My back, by the way, as I found this, this, the. I went to this website about the Republic for the United States of America.
Oh, here we go. We got something. Hello, this is Ron. Hello. Hi, my name is Samantha. I’m had left a comment in the comment section and I’m a listener at the Untold History Channel. Oh, well, thank you so much for that. Good, good. I had a question. So this is maybe out of your wheelhouse. I’m a teacher out Here in Texas and I described in the comment box kind of the situation and I live in a very conservative area. I live in Texas. There’s a lot of wealthy ranchers out here. There are a lot of high end homes out here.
It’s very safe. I would think maybe 90% Republicans out here. And the conditions even in a school in our area are horrible. And you know, if there’s not a plan, I know Governor Abbott is, you know, pushing for the school choice, but is there any other plans to improve education for our kids? Because what I think is they’re in crisis right now in things. If there’s not like a plan. People in the Patriot community, it needs to be a discussion. And did you have any comments or any kind of glean any knowledge is anything coming down the pikes to change things for the kids in our schools? From what I understand, a lot of the lot of the say so is going to revert back to the states and it should.
Okay, you’ve got Department of Education that again has been pushing agendas and if you don’t go by the agenda, you don’t get the money. Well, that has to change and that is on the block to be changed from what I understand. And it is a much better way of handling things because every state is different, parts of each state is different and you know, their educational needs are what they are. And it’s not a across board, oh, we need to do this and then everyone in the country does it. No, that smacks of the, you know, the Rockefeller.
Teach them what they need to know, teach them to be obedient, you know, teaching, teach them the discipline of showing up every day kind of thing and they’ll make good workers. And that’s, that’s all of that nonsense has to, has to go, has to go into the past. And I think that’s what I would agree with that. I would agree with that. I just, you know, I see kids who even out here in Texas, they’re not learning what the things that they should be. And you know that like the engineers, you know, they can’t do it forever.
We have to raise up, you know, kids who can learn to be doctors and engineers and nurses and all kinds of professions. And I don’t see, I don’t see that happening where we live. Well, so yeah, what, what Ghost is talking about and I agree with is that there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to be going back to the states very similar to the way Roe v. Wade was. Right. The problem is the Problem is, is that the states then need to be cleaned up, because so many states, you know, look at California. I’m in California, you know, and California is way more conservative than what everybody, you know, what everybody thinks.
And I see. But as conservative as it is, you know, the bureau, the bureaucracy, at whatever level, whether it be city, county, state, you know, even. Even just tiny little municipals, you know, municipalities, I mean, there’s. Everybody is in it for themselves. I mean, so I’m gonna. Just to give you an example, I’m in a little town in Southern California and there was. There was a scandal that involved the police chief and several members of the mayor and a couple people of, from the, from the city council, and they literally got caught with their hands in the cookie jar and got investigated by the feds and several.
A couple of these people got put in jail or prison. They all lost their positions. The police chief was fired. But I mean, they basically fleeced this little community of probably about $10 million. Wow. All right. I mean, this is just a tiny little town of probably 45 to 50,000 people. So, you know, I mean, cleaning up a state is going to be a, Is going to be a ginormous task, especially a state the size of Texas. Now, if you’re like our previous caller, Rhode Island, Rhode island would be a daunting task, as small as it is.
But could you imagine having. What’s that? I think. Wasn’t she from Virginia? No, she was, she was. She. I don’t. She was either Connecticut or Rhode island, but because she kept talking about how all the people that were, that were from New York City were heading out towards her. Oh, that’s right. That’s right. So before. Right. So but, you know, imagine, you know, everybody thinks that Texas is, is awesome and it’s conservative and there’s no corruption. No. Every state is corrupt at the highest levels. Every single state. I would agree with that. I would agree. Yeah, I would agree.
I just. It all from the, the voting machines over the past decades, and it went all the way to that level. And there was plenty of funding to do it through organizations like Soros foundation and also Chinese involved in it. So if you had people running for a school board, they would know, they would know their backgrounds and they would put the ones in that would be most malleable or useful to, you know, having transvestites, you know, read books to, you know, kindergartners, first, second graders. I mean, who in their right mind would. Would, would that had.
And the material was kind of risque. Who, who, who in their right mind would allow that? No parent would want that for their child. Of course not. So it was the, all the way down to the county, you know, board of, county board of directors, whatever, whatever they call them, they call them different things in every counties and townships and parishes. But when it came to the, not only that, but the schools, they, they, the voting cheating was even down to that level. So that, and also in state legislatures and governors. So we, this is, this is when, when I say we’ve been under attack by, from, by and from, and directly from foreign organizations that were not only working with, let’s say, entities here to do that, and over the past three decades they were able to fill these seats with useful idiots.
And now we’re seeing, we’re seeing the results of that. We have been seeing the results of that for years where kids are graduating who don’t know how to read. Kids are graduating. I know, I think, you know, go ahead. I think parents, you know, don’t know. I don’t think they are aware of how it works. You know, like for instance, in Texas they have the, you can go onto the TEA and you can pull up the curriculum for each grade level. And so like for instance, in math, a teacher’s legally obligated to go through all of that and throughout the year and if the student didn’t get the concept or master it, there’s no time to reteach it or slow down.
They just have to move on to the next concept. And that’s how I think we are getting kids who are signed up for calculus and all these high level math classes in high school, but they can’t even pass a college. You know, when they enter into college, they take a placement test. They can’t even pass the sats or anything like that. Yes, that’s correct. And you know, I think parents aren’t even aware of, you know, these kind of things that go on. And hopefully more parents will, I don’t know, pay attention to things like that. Well, it seems hopeless when you kind of talk about it in the terms that we’re talking about it.
It just looks like it’s, you know, we’re standing, we’re standing at the base of Mount Everest and shorts and flip flops, looking up, trying to think how we’re going to heck we’re going to climb this mountain and get to the top in our current situation. Right. I mean, it just, it’s, it’s like, yeah, it almost looks like it’s, it’s, it’s just, it’s insurmountable. But think about it this way. Good people born in 1980, for example, which, that’s. That. That was about the time it kicked in the full, full gear, the dumbing down of the curriculum. Now they’re 44 years old and they’ve got kids.
Some of them may even have grandkids. Their kids and grandkids, they will them to begin with grew up not getting a serious difficult classical education. Well, if you want a serious classical education, go pick up a. Go pick up a fifth grade school book from like 1885. There you go. So Ghost hit the nail on the head. That’s it. That’s exactly what I’m trying to say is so you have two generations, you know, that were not educated properly and to any depth required to see what’s going on. Are you familiar? Are either of you familiar or ever heard of the Pot and Pottinger cats? The Pottinger cat study? No.
Okay, so I’ll make it real simple. So there was a guy, he was here in Southern California and he lived up in the hills out of like Pasadena or something, anyway, and he was doing a study with these cats. And what he did was he would feed cats what they were supposed to be fed and he would then crawl, he would breed them, and then he would feed cats. He would take another segment of cats and they feed them diets that weren’t really healthy for them, that weren’t. It wasn’t what the cats were supposed to get.
And then they, then he would breed them and then they would take their offspring and then breed them. And then, you know, three or four generations down the line, these cats that were eating diets that weren’t. Was a food that wasn’t designed for a cat. They were being born with birth defects. They were, they were, they were like skittish. They weren’t very affectionate. Whereas the cats that were eating the real good diets and you know, they went down that track three or four generations. I mean, it was like they were healthy and you know, they were like, they were the way a normal house cat, a domesticated cat would be.
Right? So, and the analogy that I’m drawing there is we are, we have been victims of poor education, which is begetting in even poorer education because you’ve got poor educated, poorly educated people teaching kids very poorly. And then they are having an even less, a more deficit in education. And then they’re trying to teach the next generation. And it’s just, it’s, it’s, it’s a downward spiral. And that is a good point. Yeah. And so, you know, that I think more. I’m hopeful that there will be more conversations among, you know, the patriot community what to do about that because we have a lot of issues in our country, a lot of problems.
But I don’t hear often people talking about what are we going to do with our youth and how are we going to make it better for them? Well, there’s. Okay, so, you know, I’m going to go back in history and I’m going to look at two particular times of history where, you know, where we had. These are times that, you know, I may get a little bit of pushback on this, and that’s okay. But you look back in, you know, in Germany Post World War I, what happened? They had the Treaty of Versailles. I mean, it basically decimated the entire population of Germany.
And I mean, they had. It ultimately culminated in hyperinflation where people were being paid one to maybe, you know, one or two, three times a day because the value of the currency was deflating so much that by the time they got paid, they’d have to take a wheelbarrow of cash just to go buy food so that they could survive for that day. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, the value of the currency declined by half almost every day for like 21 consecutive months or 20, something like that. It was, I mean, that’s almost two straight years.
Imagine if we lived in the United States where the value of the dollar tomorrow was 50 cents and then the value the next day is 25 cents and the value the next day is 12 and a half cents. Okay. Imagine families would be worried about survival. Right? That’s exactly. Well, okay, so Germany went from being. From having, you know, 30. 30 to 35% unemployment in 1933 to having. When they kicked out the central bank and they did. They got rid of usury and all that stuff, and then they, they started teaching their, the kids morality. And a lot of people, A lot of people don’t think that the German people were very moral or, you know, the churches were outlawed.
And that’s not true. The, you know, you say what you, you can say what you want about what about the Germans, but they actually were really good people. They were very good people. And that’s not to say that there weren’t science. Yeah. And in many areas. Yeah. Now, let’s, let’s, let’s take another example. You know, you look at what happened in Germany and it, it, it turned around fast from the Time that mustache man came in within, within two years Germany had like, Germany was, was like one of the top economies on the planet and had one of the best standard of living in the world in just, in a very, very short period of time.
Well, they also installed the high ranking Nazi Nazis in as to head bis which was created in the first place, quote unquote to speed reparations of that. Germany was, you know, put on the chopping block for. Well, you talking about the Treaty of Versailles? That’s part of the Treaty of Versailles. No, no, no, the Treaty of Versailles cut, cut the economic legs off of them. When he came into power, they also installed in biscuits high ranking Nazis to run it. And there was a lot of then the ability, when you’re talking about the central bank of central banks, the ability to shore up the German economy and have state sponsored works programs.
Kind of like we did here what they called the CCC camps and things like that. The, we built things like. What was it? The, the Hoover Dam, the, the Tennessee Tennessee Valley Water Project. Right, the Tennessee. There’s another. They did. They also, they also built a lot of canals and stuff like that for forest, forest maintenance, you know, just to put people to work and kind of, you know, get off the, the horrible stance of the, the engineered Great Depression. Right. Well, you know, and we’re getting, we’re getting a little off topic. Let me, let me.
What Hitler did was basically said screw the, when he became Chancellor, he said screw the, the treaty. We’re gonna, we’re gonna. They had, how they got around aviation was they had a, they used gliders, glider program and got young, young men to, you know, learn to fly gliders and then improve upon them. Well, all the, all the, while they were developing like the Dornier bombers and Heinkel Messerschmitt Dornier. They were all, they were all. Yeah, they were all working and so, you know, they basically just said to hell with it, we’re going to do and who’s going to, who’s going to stop us? Right.
They got to the point where they were so powerful that nobody could stop them. Well, the, the sec. The second event is Russia when the wall came down in 1991. Now I tend to look at our current situation and I would say a large swath of our youth and the people in this country resemble more of, I mean there’s more of the people here who resemble what came out of the Soviet Union where people didn’t do anything because they were just, you know, the, they were on government subsidy all the time. So they didn’t, you know, they, that’s what, that’s all they knew.
They just go stand in line to get bread. Well, I mean, it feels like that way right now, but it took a lot longer for Russia to come out from that because the entire society had been mired in that basically hellish lifestyle for nearly 50 years now. It’s not that bad here because we have a lot more. We’ve got, you know, we’re very innovative over 70 years. Yeah, we’re very innovative here, but we, you know, I tend to think that what we’re going to experience here is going to be something very similar to what happened in Germany, at least from a financial perspective.
And when you talk about schools, what I foresee coming is that the people are going to take it on themselves to do it on their own. They’re going to start homeschooling their kids or there’s going to be a whole bunch of people who want to homeschool and they can’t. And then what they’re going to do is they’re going to pool their efforts and have one per one parent stay back like one day a month or whatever and teach the curriculum. Or, you know, maybe they’ll quit, quit their job and then a whole bunch of people will pool some money to pay for a teacher to do that.
And you’re going to start to see homegrown schools pop up. I mean, why, why do we have to have a government sanctioned diplomacy? I mean, who, who, who determines if that diploma is in an, from an accredited school? You know, I mean, who determines? Who determines? Well, again, people, people comply when you don’t have to. You can, like a homeowners association. There’s, there’s schools out there where parents have got together and they form their own private little schools. And the bottom line is if you bring them through that and they can pass an SAT or they can, you know, if they have to get a GED or adult equivalency and then pass an sat, they can still move on to a good university, if you can find one these days.
But all of this if really looked at and dug into the laws behind what we’re discussing, it can be done without the federal government’s blessing very simply. And, you know, we homeschool and these kids are going to, you know, in the end they’re going to know more about more things than most kids that come out of public schools. It’s as simple as that. And a lot of people who homeschool, you find that These kids are very high functioning because they’ve had, you have the, you have the parents ability to say we’re gonna, you know, yes, if our son or sons or daughters are going to, if they can move faster and they can absorb all this information in a, in a relaxed home environment goes a long way.
It really does. So I’m, I’m all for homeschooling and I’m all, I’m all for, you know, private schooling, private school organizations. Well, I tend to believe, and I’m going to wind it up here, I tend to believe that we are going to see an enormous shift back to privatization and away from centralization, government control, the government money. It sounds very simplistic, but when you analyze it in these terms it makes a lot of sense. The Federal Reserve were the central bank which was created in 1913 and come and was like, put into like action I think in 1919 or 1920.
Ever since that started to happen, you saw a shift in the way the government was funded. But prior to that, the states had to send money into the federal government to fund the federal government. After the formation of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve then sent money back out to the states. So it was a total reversal of money flow. Well, who has power in a system where the money, who has the power in the system with the money? It’s the people who have the money that have the power. And by creating the Federal Reserve system, what happened was, is that it shifted power from the, from the 50 individual state houses into the central government of the federal government.
And now, and so what we’re seeing now is all these states that are saying, well we’re not going to, we’re not going to abide by this or we’re going to fight the federal government on this. Well, you know, and then people say, oh well, yeah, well they can just cut off their federal funding. Well, yeah, that’s, I get that. And that is a mechanism that you can utilize. But by cutting off federal funding, essentially what we’re doing is we’re just, we’re just continuing with the system that has failed. We need to get out of that system and we need to go back to a system of sound money and where we’re producing our own things, we’re self sufficient.
You know, at least if you look in the Great Depression, people knew how to grow food, people could do things. I mean resources were scared, scarce, but it, but at least people had skills. You know, the youth today, the only skill they know how to do is play video game on a Phone, I mean I’m, that’s probably a bit generic and harsh, but you get, I mean it’s, you understand the point that I’m making. You want to send the point I’m making. People don’t have skills anymore. So that is true. They, what I see a lot of teachers, they have, you know, all of these, every class has a, they’ve got Chromebooks and they grab their Chromebooks and they open it up and their lessons on there and you know, they don’t look, they don’t know how to, you know, look through resources and it’s all online and you know, there’s no reading, opening up a book and there’s no paper type of, you know.
Well, there are some paper assignments, but a lot of it’s done on the Chromebook and that’s how they learn today. For the good or the bad. Yeah, I know. And it’s, it’s, it’s like I said, it’s, it’s a crappy situation because we look up and we, it’s. Again, I says we see, we see, we see an extraordinarily tall mountain that, you know, we’re not, we’re not, we’re not dressed to climb. And it just is, you know, it’s daunting, but it’s, you know, we as Americans are the most, some of the most resourceful and inventive people out there.
And if there’s anybody that can handle a situation, it’s going to be us. So, you know, hold your hand, head up high, you know, and a lot of the resistance to the policies that are, that we want to implement as good Americans and this is, I don’t mean, I don’t mean to say it the way that it’s going to come out. And maybe I do in a way, I don’t want anybody to die unnecessarily. But the vast majority of the people that are standing in our way are vaccinated. And I’ll just leave it at that. That’s true.
I never got the vaccine, but I know those who have. It’s really sad. Yeah. But the vast majority of the people that are on the left, that are standing in our way of implementing changes that would be of a conservative mindset, that would be self sufficient where, where we go into a decentralized economy where it’s, you know, those are the people that want to control our lives. They’re all vaccinated, so, and their immune systems are compromised and hopefully, you know, there are some good people out there who kind of got sucked into the vaccine and hopefully there will be some things.
But a lot of the people, they don’t, that don’t subscribe to there was any problem with the vaccine. They’re, they’re, I just don’t think they’re going to be around very long. I think this is, they’re, it’s that we’re, we’re coming into a system where it’s going to be very, very bad for the left. We’re, it’s all, we’re already seeing it manifest by virtue of the election. Yeah, well, I agree. I, I, you know, I don’t see, where I live, I don’t see a lot of, well, I’ll just call them rainbow teachers. I don’t see, you know, the typical thing that you see that you imagine teachers, the bad rep they get.
I don’t see that. I see it’s, you know, it’s, it’s just a lose, lose situation in the schools and. Well, I don’t know if I 100% agree with that because I do know that there are some, there’s a lot of really good people out there trying to teach and trying to do the best job that they can in a really crappy situation. And that’s exactly right. Right. And, and what we have to do is we have to get rid of this just immense bureaucracy that is weighing us down that we can no longer shoulder the weight, you know.
Have you ever heard of Atlas Shrugged? Yes. Okay, so the whole point of Atlas Shrugged is Atlas was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and he couldn’t take it anymore. So he shrugged and the world fell off of his shoulders. That’s the whole point of the book. That’s why they call it out of the Shrugged because he couldn’t, he couldn’t carry the, couldn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders anymore. And that is where we are in the United States. We can’t carry the weight of the world. And the other point that I wanted, the other one that I wanted to say that I forgot I got and is that, you know, you look at Russia and it took Russia, what, like 25 years to get out of the, out of the situation that they’re in.
But they started with the youth and they started teaching the youth. Putin started this in the late night, late 90s, early 2000s, where he started teaching. Everybody had to learn more. Everybody had to go through morality training, either secular morality training, Christian morality training, Muslim morality training, whatever, whatever, whatever faith or whatever you had, you had to go through morality training in school. And now you’re seeing the Russian people are actually really good people. That it’s like, you know, Russia’s coming back and Russia is the center of Christianity in the world. They’ve got the fastest growing economy on the planet right now.
So. So there’s, there’s hope there. There is hope out there. But, but it’s going to be a rough period. It’s going to be a rough patch before we get to get to that. So in my opinion. Well, thank you, gentlemen. Thank you for your attention. Oh, you’re very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to call in. It was a good call. So. All right, thank you. Thank you. Have a good night. You too. Bye. Bye. Okay, this is. Somebody else called in and I’m gonna. You there? Yes. Okay. Hello? Hello, who’s this? Hi, Ron, this is Tammy.
Tammy, how you doing, Tammy? Yes, I’m good. How are you? I am well. Am I on the air yet? Yes, right now. Oh great. The whole world can hear you. Fabulous. I have a couple of topics so you guys get to pick which one you’d like to answer A question about. The first one would be ses. Another one. And I know it’s been done a lot, but vaccine question. Okay. Either or I would say let’s go with the SES question because I think that’s. The vaccine question has been handled ad nauseam at ses. That’s what I thought.
Yeah, that’s what I thought too. The ses, they burned my ass like about a three foot flame. How do we get rid of them? Is it something that the President would have to like since it was created by the executive branch? Would it be something they have to get rid of or can the people do it since it’s unelected? I mean, how does that, how, how would you go about doing that? I’m gonna, I’m gonna default to you, my friend. Phrase that question again. I was listening. How do we get rid of the ses? Oh yeah.
Well, number one, go back to its origins. It’s basically a cross pond organization. And I think the name Christine Marcy and a few others come to mind. She’s the sister of fighter pilot. He was Marine and Air force fighter pilot Colonel Field McConnell and McConnell came out okay years ago, very vocal against his own sister and what she was involved in. And basically at that time she was Hillary Clinton’s handler, Marcy. Oh. And one thing led to another. They, you know, they not infiltrated but were more of a, let’s say consulting organization. For bureaucrats. In other words, here’s, here’s the agenda and here’s, here’s what you’re going to do.
And then they would, you know, depending on, depending on what agenda certain individuals are dealing with, that’s what they would push. And you know, the dumbing down of education was one of them. There’s, there’s a lot of, a lot of things that they’ve done. They are an unconstitutional organization. And this is where, again, the claims would have to be made against them and it have to be done from the jurisdiction of the Republic. That way you don’t have the, the fraudulent administrative court system standing in the way because there’s a lot of SES members in that and steering the legal world.
So there’s. To go into details of how you would do it would take a long time, but suffice it to say it can be done. So basically it would have to be done by the people who initiate that process. Or could we ask representatives to start that process? Or I mean, just to even. Where do you start to do something? Because I went on their website. It’s crazy how many people are actually involved there. There’s so many people and people that are FBI taking paychecks from them also on their payroll. It’s pretty crazy. It’s pretty crazy.
So I was like, well, is it something President Trump, I mean, since it was created, you know, instituted by Carter, can the president say, hey, is that something we should ask him to do? Or we just start doing it so the executive branch can, can make moves in that direction? And that’s I, let’s say, in my humble opinion, you know, that’s one issue that’s going to be handled this four years. And this is why that would be great. This is why they’re afraid, why they’re so virulent in their attempts to take him down in any way they can with using the legal system as it stands against them.
And where did that get them? Not very far. And I know there’s people out there saying that certain things can be done to, you know, put off the inauguration. I don’t see that happening. I just do not see that happening. And who would be. Who is already in up their eyeballs in it as. And their. That’s your. In. In essence, and I’ll say it again, that’s your. Those are your handmaidens for the globalist agenda. Right, Right. Crimes committed. I’m sure plenty have. But people ask, well, why don’t they do anything about it right away? All right, you you have an organized crime organization, so let’s, you know, let’s make a fictitious organized crime organization.
You can get all the lower level guys if you want, but they’re just going to be replaced. You’ve got to do it in such a way that when the timing is right and everything is in place to take it down from cut, chop the head off on down. That’s how it has to be done. So, yeah, yeah, you, you hear every, you know, they’re going to clean out the FBI, they’re going to get rid of, you know, the CIA or. I don’t think it’s fixable, but I’m thinking, well, the problems in those organizations and institutions stem from the ses.
So yeah, in reality, even if we move back into the Republic, we’re going to need, yes, a premier intelligence agency that, that whose main, whose main job is to work overseas. We’re going to need, let’s say, a revamped FBI because of internal corruption and crime. But again, I say revamped because there’s too much corruption in all of them. And yes, you’re correct in your assessment that SES had a great deal to do with it over the years. But then again, certain agencies, you know, you had, what was that one? Right. Reinhard Galen. That was the Nazi.
Nazi. He was SS and his, his primary job was counterintelligence with the Soviets. So following the war we brought him over here. He was one of the minds that created CIA and the National Security act of 1947. But so, you know, from late 70s to today, yes, it’s been, it’s been SES. Prior to that it was, hey, let’s do whatever we need to do to maintain national security. So you know, a lot of the games and the, the not so moral activities that began in the 40s and 50s. SES, I think was put in place to expedite and to work as go betweens between many agencies and to so to compromise people who weren’t who, let’s say weren’t playing ball.
Just a whole lot of things they, they had their hands in on and they were there to expedite because things weren’t moving fast enough. It was supposed to be 2000 and then Agenda 20, Agenda 21, now Agenda 30. The pushback against it has caused those, those change in, in, in timelines, so to speak. But you know, it is, it is within the power of what exists now to be done to, let’s say, let’s say take a lot of these organizations to task. Yeah, I’d really like to see them dismantled or the public needs to even they don’t say, yeah, nobody really knows about it.
And when you talk, but I’ve talked to people and they look at me, their eyes glaze over. They have no idea. They’re like this deep state. This deep state. I’m like, yeah, I think it’s coming from a specific place in the government that nobody knows about. It’s actually a branch that’s unelected. And I realized that the corporation could do whatever they wanted and they created it. But I was just kind of wondering or hoping that when Trump’s in, he might dismantle it also. Just because if, if it, if it’s been given back to us, the Republic.
Well, we didn’t vote him in. Let me, in my humble opinion. Yes. Let me address a little bit of that though, because I think the mindset of Americans needs to change. Because the mindset of Americans is we are essentially looking to Trump to be a dictator, to fix all of our problems, and we need to change out of that mindset. I believe that Trump is going to lead us, to make, to help lead us and, and show us the ways that we can change. But he’ll change the things that he has the power to change. But people have to be, but the people have to do it.
And as long as we have, as long as we live in this janitorial society where we’re looking at other people to come in and clean up our mess, you know, it, it’s not going to work out well for us. We, you know, what, what made the United States great, you know, prior to World War II was our self sufficiency. And we are no right, we are no longer self sufficient. Absolutely. That’s why I’ve always said we need to become autonomous again. And I’ve been saying since 20, when I was 24, why are we not tariffing the hell out of these people and just make everything here? I’ll tell you why, you know, crazy, I’ll answer that question for you.
The reason is because after World War II, see, the whole, the whole thing about World War II was it was the World War II was designed or the, was cultivated, if you will, for the destruction of the United States and for the emergence of, of global governance. And the now the United States was enormously powerful Post World War II, and we still are militarily, but we are morally, educationally, intelligently. Every other aspect of what made us great Pre World War II is rotten outside of the military. Yeah, yeah. Our moral compass might as well be sitting over the Bermuda Triangle spinning right now.
You know, that’s, that is the problem. You know, you know, the satanic belief is do what thou wilt. Well, yeah, but you got what you reap, what you sow, you gotta reap. And you know, there’s been a huge influence of that type. And you can go back to the Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska scandal and it’s still going on these days there, D.C. and all over the country. When you have people in positions of where they’re supposed to be serving the public and they’re engaging in activities like that, what the hell do we expect? And that’s where the American people come in and on local and state and federal elections.
Because I think we’re going to see an end to this, let’s say, voting issue in the coming years, then we can fix it, but we have to. It is imperative that the Republic be repopulated. And that jurisdiction is the only jurisdiction. Exactly. And once, once we get to, on the path to that and then we take care of the voting issue, which can be done, and I feel very strongly, having worked with a lot of it, it will be done. Then we can begin to repair the nation from the county level, the municipality level to the county level, on up.
And that’s what our job is. And those who play games and you know, engage in fraud and etc. No, there should be no tolerance for that. And if you, if the Republic is restored, then Congress loses all sovereign immunity that they vote in themselves. I mean, yeah, that, that’d be great, brilliant move on their part, but just completely, you know, off the, off the rails should have never happened. And it won’t matter in the end when people are calling the carpet, your sovereign immunity will be sovereign. You have. If it was enacted during a time of fraud, which we are living in, both financial and legal fraudulent times, the entire global system is a fraud.
Fraud vitiates all. So, right, you can simply say, no, that’s null and void. And the victims of the fraud actually are the ones who get to say what contracts remain and what contracts, even though they don’t know it’s a contract, can be rendered null and void. So in, let’s say a, let’s say tribunals, for example, it could be any number of, let’s say juris methods of jurisprudence put forth as far as a cleanup organization. A lot of anything that’s committed during that period of fraud, which has been a long, long time, just simply can be rendered null and void because it was enacted during the fraud, it was Enacted to even bolster the.
The defenses of the fraud. So these things can be made to go away readily. They just have to be. They just have. They just have to be counterclaimed. And there’s a number of ways to do it. The American people could file a class action lawsuit if there were attorneys out there who were schooled enough to know how to do it. Most of them, unfortunately, are not. I don’t think any of them are brave enough, actually. If they could be. It’s. It’s really. They’re all in the other system, cowards. So it seems like. Yeah. Yeah, I was.
Because I was thinking, should I even bother trying to do an amicus brief with a bunch of other people on my own about the ses? Is that my. Is that our position? We wait. But I know we need to get the election stuff fixed and then. But it. They’re. They’re the ones making it hard to get to that, you know, who’s wanting to file amicus briefs. Oh, everybody’s talking about it. Are you. Sorry. Brief simply means I’m a friend of the court. Well, what are you a friend of the court on? And what’s the court actually going to do for you if it’s still a.
In the administrative system? Exactly. The fraud, like I said. Which is my point. Which is my point. How do we start getting rid of these people? It has to be right. Exactly. Done in a different way. Way. And. Yeah, I’m gonna see if people can read between the lines on that one without saying it out loud. I think I gotcha. Yeah, that’d be nice. Well, on that note, thank you. You’re very welcome. Thank you for calling in. Thank you. I. I’ve got a couple more calls to return here, so. Okay. Appreciate the call. And I hope we were helpful to you.
You were. Thank you so much. Thanks for taking the time with me. You guys have a great night. You as well. Good night, Ghost. Good night. Good night. All right, so let’s call our next gentleman. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello. Hello. Can you hear me? I can. Is this Spark? It sure is. How you doing, Spark? I’m doing great, actually. This is. This is fantastic. I mean, there isn’t a single show that you do that is not. You’re too confident. I have to turn this tablet down because I’m getting defeat. The. The delay. Yeah, turn. Well, turn.
Yeah, turn, Turn. The. It’s your. There’s a delay too. So turn that. Yeah, the delay is. Yep, there. So I’m looking at you and talking to you now. I Remember? I re. If I remember correctly, you worked for the government at the fcc. No, I did not. I was radio. Okay. I used to do radio on what you know now as Sirius Radio. Okay, maybe. Okay, so maybe I was thinking that you, you did stuff and you were, you understood all the stuff about the fcc. Maybe that was where I was wrong. Was that more accurate? Yeah, I was.
I’m an FTC licensed broadcaster is what I am. Okay. Okay. All right. So I was, I was wrong. My sister was in 19. Well, it was the early 70s. She was one of the first female jocks in Maine. And back then you could not own but one radio station, AM&FM per Market Square or area, which meant you could own other radio stations. However, you could not in that state. You would have to have them separate. Trying to keep that whole concept of monopoly and control of whatever. And it’s totally. I was working at a radio station in Denver and I knew it was already for sale, but it was already going to be sold to another company after it was sold by Jefferson Pilot.
Well, did they. I don’t want to read into what you’re saying, but did you see a consolidation of ownership? Oh, completely. Because you couldn’t you before, you could only own a few radio stations. And what do you have now? You have. Is it five now or four companies that own all of the radio and TV networks? I want to say it’s six. I want to say it’s six companies that own all of the major media. Is it six still? I thought it had gone down. I don’t. Neither here nor there. That’s ridiculous. Whatever. It’s a single digit number and it shouldn’t be that way.
Absolutely. I, I was listening and there were a couple of things that I wanted to say. First of all, both for you and, and ghost, you are wonderful. Thank you so much for your service because. Oh, thank you. For anyone who, for anyone who doesn’t do this stuff. I mean it. There’s a lot of work involved and a lot of thought time involved and it’s, it’s a big deal. I mean, I appreciate what you do. Well. And we’re also enemies of the state now. Well, and that’s a good thing. Well, I always say if you’re not on a list, you’re, you’re, you’re, you’re not doing something right.
I, I’ve been through this, the mill myself. I, I’ve had a few instances. I. Back. Way back when. Way back when listening back in the early 2010, 2011, when architects and Engineers came out, I started speaking up, and that’s when everything started getting difficult. That was. Were you speaking out publicly on air? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. And then I was stalked. I was stalked for a while. Yeah. You were stopped or stalked? S T O P P E D or S T A L K E D A L, L, K E D. Okay. For several years. And, you know, you.
You do what you need to do, you know, so became an RVer. So. But anyway, now you just travel the country. Yeah, I. I used to. I. I kind of an abrupt stop after. I live in Perry, Florida, now. Oh, okay. Well, it’s nice and warm. I moved here in 2022 because they didn’t have hurricanes, and I’ve just been through four in a year. What do they say about the best laid plans? Yeah, exactly. You know, there’s. There’s a couple of things that I wanted to note that I’m clean and sober. When I got clean and sober, I was young.
But one of the things that my. One of the sponsors that I had suggested, and this was back in 1987, they suggested that I don’t get books published after 1945. And I said, why? And he. They told me, because the meaning and the use of words were switched around. So I was told to get a dictionary that was pre 1940, if possible. That’s interesting. I. Well, that fits. Yeah, it fits. Absolutely. It fits. I actually think that, you know, if you look at history books, if you go back and you find. If you’re. If you’re able to locate a history book.
Exactly, you know, from like the eight, late 1800s or early 1900s, and you compare it to the history of, you know, of the last, you know, 80 years. Really, or since World War II. Yes, all of the. So, you know, Mike King actually talks about this very well. He talks about how World War I, you know, there were a lot of the elements post World War I that were there, but they were weak. It’s kind of almost. Almost like, if I can use American terms, it was almost like the end of World War I where they tried to establish global government.
It was almost like the Articles of Confederation where it was weak, it didn’t have the teeth that it needed to have, so they had to have another war to ultimately. To ultimately bring in the mechanisms for global government. And of course, what came out, you know, what was the. What was what. What. What was created in the immediate aftermath of World War II? You had the United nations, you had NATO, you had the. The origins of the European Union, you had The Warsaw Pact. You had the Cold War, which, you know, we had. We. We had the boogeyman of the Russians, or we had, you know, we always.
We had this cloud hanging over our head of nuclear destruction. So they utilized that fear, you know, to. That was the fear that they utilized to, you know, to take liberties away. And then you had the original rhino of, Of Eisenhower come in and completely gut the conservative movement in the United States. And it, and what it did was it left two factions of globalists on the right and on the left. And that’s what we’ve been under since the assassination of Kennedy. Kennedy, I think, realized a lot of that. I mean, he talks when he’s. When he made his speech about the, you know, his secret society speech, you know, he gave that, he gave that speech in New York City to all the, all the publishers and the editors of these newspapers, and he was basically asking for their help to expose all this stuff.
And. Right. And. And little did he know that they were in on it, of course. So, I mean, it was just fault. All of this stuff fell on deaf ears. But, you know, to your point, whenever I go back and whenever I go try to find books, I had this conversation with a friend of mine the other day, and I said, yeah, when I find a book, if. The more expensive the book, the more I trust that it’s accurate. Yes. And he said, wow. He didn’t really. He didn’t understand what I meant by that. And I said, well, because books that are rarer are, you know, the.
There is an element out there who goes through and takes books out of circulation that they don’t, you know, that they don’t. What’s that? Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to step on you. Oh, no, you’re good. There is, There’s. There’s a group of people out there who are filtering through the books and they are. They are sifting through things that they do not want to be circulated, you know, in the world. They don’t want that information out there, and they don’t want it out there for a reason. Because if you can, you know, if you look at the Internet, how many times have you gone to a website where there was really good information and now that website’s gone? Because I got a couple.
Yeah, because those. What? Because that. Those websites have been scrubbed or you remember seeing a really cool video from a long time ago and now that video is gone, you can’t find it anymore? Well, exactly. Yeah. And so that’s. That’s one of the reasons why Whenever I come across a really good video. I’m very, very big on capturing video. I think I. On my computer, I probably have somewhere. I think I have maybe 200 terabytes of data, data storage capacity on my computer. A lot. And it’s not all taken, but I have an enormous amount because I like to capture video when I see videos and a lot of PDFs, I’ll print out PDFs of web pages and things like that because I want to keep that information.
And as long as I have a digital copy of it on a hard drive that, you know, I mean, if my. Something happens to the house, I’m kind of screwed. But I don’t put it on a cloud, I put it on a. I put it in a device that I own in my possession. And I much prefer to buy, to buy books. I mean if you look at the, if you look at the screen behind me, it is a green, It’s a green screen, but it’s a green screen of my books. Those are my books. Yep.
I have a small collection myself. Yeah, I prefer to have the. I prefer to have the real book because. The real book. Yeah, I mean you. The thing about the Kindles. Everybody likes Kindles. Okay, well, the thing about a Kindle is you can change the text. Well, you know, the other thought is though is as you’re sitting there focusing on that screen, what’s focusing on your brain back at you. Think about the technology that goes in with that, you know, and I’ve heard a little bit about that too, where the pixels and things, it emits a frequency and a certain type of a light that comes out and it can cause, you know, it could cause.
Not brain damage, but it can cause. It’s used in the, in the MK Ultra amber colored glasses, things like that. You can. I had a picture of. Sorry, no, go ahead. Yeah, I, I had a picture on my, on my tablet of George Bush when he was seven years old and he was in his Nazi uniform doing the aisle and I don’t have it anymore. All of a sudden it’s gone. I was looking for it in my thousands and thousands. I’m not computer savvy, so I’m, I’m an old gal. So I have to tell you one of.
Oh, well, most people don’t think I am. I don’t act it either. I saw there were two things about the other reason in agreement with you as far as talking about saving information. Many, well, many. I’m going to say 10 years, 12 years ago, the former five star general that retired from. Who was in charge of education. He was still in his uniform and he sat down at his desk and I equate him to looking kind of like, like John Candy with curly hair. And he sat there and he looked into the camera and all he said was, there’s a reason why they call it school programming.
Oh, television programming too. And it’s exactly all, all of it is. Well, when I, when I, I was almost ready to leave the industry, they started handing us index cards and telling us what we were going to say. And that was back in 1990. Well, 97. What kind of, what kind of were you like talk show did you do? Like DJs? A movie? Like I was like a news station, music station? What kind of. I start. I started out first in Wyoming and my. We had a sister radio station and one of the guys on the station was a Cheney.
Interesting. Yeah. And I have no clue if I could even connect him. When you were a broadcaster, were you doing like news or were you doing music? What you. What, what was the. What was the broad. Did everything. Okay, you did everything when I first started. And then as everything changed, you just. I started doing just regular radio. And I didn’t get into being a truth or doing truth radio until I actually left the industry because they wouldn’t let me speak. Everything was rip and read off of the AP wire. And that was where you got everything no matter what.
And that was 4am Script dump, huh? You got it. Exactly. And this was back before there were DVDs. Oh, no, I take that back. Yes. Before DVDs you had six tracks or eight tracks. Eight track tapes. Eight track tapes. And first it was. The music was even on eight tracks. And then they started. Oh, geez. Trying to think. Oh, I was in Boston, right. At Worcester. They started introducing the DVDs. And. But you still. All your commercials were still on the eight tracks. And then of course, satellite. Satellite. Actually for. Along. For the very beginning when I was doing that, it was.
Yes. Yeah. If you look up the origin of that word, it’s. I think it’s from the British Isles. But I think the Scottish term for the. The original meaning of Cheney is excuse my language here. But that would fit. That’s. That’s just, I was saying just, just what I read. You know, I’m humble opinion. Just I, I read. That’s enough said. Yes. This guy was nice. He was actually one of the good guys. I think he actually, he had issues. He had. Well, he had, he had epilepsy. Oh, wow. And he. He would know if he was on the air.
He would know if he was having a seizure. And there were code words. And when that code word went out, somebody. Because we were an AM and an fm, but we were in separate buildings, and so if we heard the code word, somebody had to shoot from whoever was not on the air and to shoot over there and make sure he was okay. The whole nine yards. It was pretty crazy. The whole nine yards. I love that saying. Yeah, that’s World War I, World War II. You know, where I came from, World War I, it was from.
I thought it was World War II. You want to make a dollar bet? Ah, do you want to go first? Okay, so. All right. All right. So my understanding is, is the ammo belts in the. Were 27ft long. 27ft long. And there was World War I. What was World War. World War II. And they. The maximum maxim. And the. The one other one. Yeah, It’s World War I. They would say, give them the whole nine yards. Give them the whole nine yards. I. I’m. I’m. I’m gonna say, I think that’s World War II. Okay. I just think I won that bet.
So you. You. You’ll owe me a dollar. Framed. And I. I’m working on you. I’m still waiting on my frame dollar. Hey. Hey. You’re gonna get it. Yeah, when hell freezes over. No, no, before he’s inaugurated. Yeah, my. My cat has something to say about that, so that’s great. Yeah, that’s great. So I have a question for you, Ghost. Yes. This one’s way up there. So I’m in. Perry. I’m literally three miles away from complete devastation and destruction. There are people there that. I mean, literally, a lot of the folks have been there all their lives, and so a lot of them had no insurance and whatnot.
And I was here the day that Biden had to cruise through town and do that fake whole narrative, and they pulled down the flags of my friend’s house, or what was left of it, and then they did their video. But my. Do you suppose there’s technology that will come in and help restore all of that quickly when Trump comes there? Let me preface it with saying this. There is. And most people know this now by word of mouth, but there’s tremendous amounts of technology that have been obviously subdued and hidden. I think that’s going to be key in as.
As the. As economic transition takes place. I think that’s going to be a key factor in the release of these new technologies. They’ll give birth to new industries. They’ll give birth, birth to what we should be doing. And that is the peaceful use of space. Yes. And do I think that some of them will be released? Yes. And they’ll do it, you know, the way they typically do through corporations because then if there’s aspects of it that you don’t want adversaries knowing, you can’t do a FOIA regarding a private, well, private or public corporation. So I do think that, I do think that we’re going to see in the coming, let’s say between now and 2030 a lot of interesting technologies put out there and it’ll be for the betterment and it’ll also secure this nation just from the perspective of national security for any.
And you know, we have the capability now to institute Internet 3.0 with technologies in it that can pretty much do away with and you know, all the hackers out there, I don’t want to burst your bubbles, but the reality is the, the Internet technologies that can be put out there will make it so much more difficult for fraud, so much more difficult for people to get away with things that they get away with now every day. They’ve left it alone because it became a multibillion dollar business, this I’m sure. And so, you know, when we look at releasing new technologies, what has the most important thing that has to be taken, let’s say, factored in is what industries like Norton 360 or Nord VPN and all the different VPNs and what’s it going to do to them if they’re, the need for them is lessened? Well, then you have, you’re going to have, you know, a hole in one area.
But you have to do it in such a way that that hole doesn’t cause more damage and that that which replaces it can fill that hole. So yes, we could get off the, the fossil fuel standards tomorrow. The technology’s there, but look at the huge transition that would take. So it’s a matter of logistics and transitioning to these new things that will benefit the human race exponentially. But of course. Oh, go ahead, go ahead. Also about Perry, and it’s not just Perry. If you, that whole curve of the Gulf coast of Florida from, if you remember where Hurricane Michael came through.
So that whole area from there down on the Gulf coast, it was Cedar, Keyhatchee, all of these, there’s nothing there. It’s just broken houses. There’s, there was a, there’s a store that had two of those giant diesel tanks there For. Because everybody boats whatnot. And it literally picked them up and they found them out in the middle of the woods, like 100 miles. A hundred miles? Yeah. Not maybe a hundred. One was way far out and one was a little bit closer. Yeah. And I don’t know if the tanks are still full or not. I don’t know, but.
Well, you know, were they. Were they. Were they doing something intentionally there? Were they taking something out below? I don’t know. I don’t know. Because this is two hurricanes in one year. Well, actually, there were four of them, but two deadly hurricanes, and they usually don’t. You know, they usually don’t hit in that area of the Gulf. The Gulf Coast? Nope. Well, and I was in a mobile park and I stayed there during Idalia and God was taking care of me because it went around me. It decimated the park. And my little pup and I were fine.
I moved very blessed, no lie. And I’m literally. I’m five miles from. I mean, there were toilets and refrigerators and I can send pictures that will just. And it’s nothing but shattered woods as. I mean, houses and whatnot. But I think technology was used in. In manipulating a number of. There’s notice. Yeah, no. No doubt. But I was just wondering if there were things underground. I’m. No, I’m not aware that we’re being. Okay, I didn’t think so. But. But there’s also why. I mean, I. I’ve. I’ve lived all over the state of Florida and. And I’ve been here since 2009.
And the ships that come and go from here and you can sit outside at night, you can watch them all the time, but especially when you get close to the. To the Gulf. So I just was wondering if there was maybe something going on. I don’t. Maybe they come and go. I don’t know. Okay. Yeah, I don’t know either. Yeah, I don’t know either. Well, Spark. Did you. Did you have. Do you have anything else? I just was wondering more. More importantly about the technology because there’s. There’s just so many people that have been devastated. I’ve.
I’m. I went through this one and I was unaffected by it. Also. I. In a great place where the landowner actually thought ahead of time, and I. Cat 5 structure. So it was good. But I just. I would love to see that technology happen quickly because people who went through Idalia, literally, some of them had just gotten their roof back literally months prior to the. Well, there was Debbie in between Idalia and. And Helene And Debbie finished off what I, Dahlia, hadn’t. So it was kind of like this non stop. Boom, boom, boom. So I just.
I. There are people that I have. I have a friend I know who bought her house cash with her husband who’s disabled, and she was up on her roof, you know, putting. Putting a tarp up because she had, you know, and she’s got no money to do things, you know, she’s gonna have to run a mortgage of some kind, but neither here nor there. I just, you know, it’s some of the old movies that I’ve watched. I call them old, but like Jupiter Ascending, where they rebuild in hours. You know, I just hoping that that kind of technology comes out sooner than later.
Don’t we all? Yeah, absolutely, that. Don’t we all? Yeah, absolutely. I. Thank you guys. You both are just fantastic. You’re always. Thank you so much. Thank you, Spark. I appreciate that. And you have a wonderful evening and we’ll talk again soon. Okay? Sounds cool. Alrighty. Thank you so much. See you guys. Oh, dude, that’s. That was a very fast three hours. We’re at 2 hours and 51 minutes. I’ll take one more. No, I actually, I’ve got. I’ve got some feline duty that I need to go take care of, so I’ve got a. Unfortunately, I’ve got things I got to do from problems.
Something like that. Something. Something like that. Although I do one of our new little kittens chewed into five pieces my wife’s cord to her headphones. And while I was reclining and I was supposed to see it, even though I didn’t, I was engaged in a film. And so, yeah, it was my fault, but. Oh, it’s always your fault. It’s always your fault. We’ve got 30 chords, so take your pick. Well, I mean, you know, when. When you’re dealing with women, it’s always your fault. Yeah, I mean, that’s just the way it is. It’s the damn cat’s fault, that’s what it is.
I know. And he got his little butt popped a few times and then the wires in his nose because he was caught in the act. So hopefully that’ll make a difference. Well, I have. I hope that he. Or was it. What was it? Was it Finn, the little one? Well, Finn and Ming. They’re twins. They’re Right from the same letter. It was Ming. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah, well, you know, I have. I kind of have my two. My two relatively new ones, and they. You know, the good thing is, is that they play with each other. So they.
And because they’re so, like, consumed with playing with each other, they don’t, they don’t go seeking out cables. But I have done a pretty good job of trying to protect cables, so. But I just don’t want the little sucker biting a 110 line and, you know, his head exploding and then I gotta bury a kitten. I don’t know if there’s enough. Is there enough power running through those things to do that? Well, I mean, I think it. I think it would hurt him, you know, might cause his jaw to clamp down on it, the electricity and then.
Yeah, yeah. And probably wouldn’t take as much as it would for a human. But real special Ed, any recommendations for documentaries on the founding of America? I can’t say any off the top of my head, but I will research that and get back. Yeah, yeah. But for you guys that don’t know there, I played the. The Manchurian candidate, the 1962 version, this past Friday for the Friday night watch party. And then this coming Friday night watch party, we’re going to be playing the 2004 remake. And afterwards I’m going to have a few people come on and discuss kind of the, you know, some of the differences, so similarities and some things that are, you know, some things that surround that.
And I’m not going to tell you who that is, but. Well, I wasn’t gonna say that he. A surprise, but. Okay, I guess a ghost is gonna be there, but there’s gonna be that up Air Force. Of course, I’m in my chair. Give me a break. But anyway. But there’s going to be a few other people there. At least one I’m reaching out to another that I think would be a really good addition to the panel. But yeah, it’s going to be. So those of you who haven’t seen it, go back and watch the number the first one, and then we’ll watch the second one this Friday and then talk about it afterwards.
So that’s what’s coming up tomorrow. Tomorrow we got the Constitution class and Tuesdays with Mike. And Tuesdays with Mike. He actually just wrote an article about the thing in Syria. So we’re going to be talking a little bit more about that. And, and anyway, got Syria. I can’t take serious. Yeah, it’s. And it’s. Okay. Well, I, I’m looking. Tending to. I look at it as the, I look at it as, as the show. It’s, it’s. It’s the scare event that’s trying to you know, craft of global thermonuclear war. You know, scaring everybody to death. And that’s kind of what I see is happening there.
So. And I look at it now as just a further proxy war of the west with Russia. Yeah, the wrong ones in the west with Russia. Some. Somebody wants to know if you ever, if you ever flew the spooky. The spooky. Well, that was the. That was the C47 that they. The C47 that ultimately became. Became the magic Dragon to see the ac. Yeah, that was during Vietnam. No, they. Yeah, the. The. What was it? The DC3 is what they used for the first one puff. Well, yeah, it was. It was a DC3 but the mil.
The military nomenclature was C47. Yeah. So. So yeah they. And it was the. They called it puffed Magic dragon and all that stuff. Now it’s the Spectre or whatever. So. Yeah. Anyway, but on that note, guys love to have been in one. Oh, I know I was on one sorta. I was on one that was in the water. We had a. We had a lot of firepower on my. On. On. Yeah, so lots. That’s. It was a World War II battleship, USS New Jersey. And yeah, that was. You fire 2700 round or 2700 pound shell almost 30 miles.
So that’s a lot that. So anyway guys, we are at the three hour mark so I’m gonna bid everybody idea. Enjoy your evening. Thank you Ghost for your time tonight. I know it wasn’t easy and. But we will be back and we’ll be back soon and so have a great night everybody. Appreciate everybody and look forward to seeing you back manana. Good night.