Example, Elon Musk came out today quoted in NBC News and it says, yeah, we’ll be lucky to get 1 trillion, not 2. It’s not going to happen. We won’t get 2 trillion in cuts for Doge. Okay, well, it’s already beginning to the realization that things are going to be worse than they think and they’re doing all they can to make it worse heading into, into the inauguration. So it’s going to be an interesting time, no question about it. A quick break to remind you that you need to protect your assets. We’re in a period of financial instability.
The markets, the entire world is resetting. There is an attack on our dollar. We will be seeing change like we haven’t seen in maybe hundreds of years. The whole geopolitical chessboard is shifting around and you want to protect your assets with gold and silver. The central bankers are accumulating gold and silver like never before. The prices manipulated and suppressed. It is never more important to secure your assets by getting into gold and silver. And I use Miles Franklin. Why? Because they are the best in the industry. They give you the best prices and they give you the best service.
Many companies out there charge you premiums of over 10% and they do not give you anywhere near the service that you’re going to get for Miles Franklin. If you tell them Sarah sent you, you email them at infoiles franklin.com tell them that I sent you, tell them Sarah sent you and they will give you a private price list. What you see on the Internet is not what you can get. If you email them and tell them that I sent you and you want access to their private price list because they can’t advertise these prices to the world because it’s their competitive advantage.
Okay, make sure you send an email to infomilesfranklin.com and tell them that Sarah sent you and you want access to that private price list. Okay, let’s get back into the show. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have my friend Andy Schectman coming back to the program. We’re going to talk about all the chaos going on right now, the fact that there’s been more chaos in 2025 than we have seen ever. I. I’ve never seen in my adult life everything that’s going on right now already in 2025. And is there going to be more chaos coming? We both agree that there will be and it’s.
They’re going to make it as difficult and is it a diversion? I talk about that and then we talk about how bitcoin can be used as a Trojan horse. I don’t see Bitcoin as a CBDC’s surveillance, you know, manage every part of your bot, your life kind of situation. Because bitcoin can’t be that. It’s not written into the code unless they rewrite it and fork it off. But they can do it with a digital ID and make it so that you can’t even buy or sell bitcoin or do anything online without a digital id. And we’re going to talk about that.
That’s why I say it’s important for people to understand what the actions are that are behind what’s happening. Don’t get caught caught up in the words. As soon as you’re caught up in the word CBDC and you think you defeated that, you’re done. Doesn’t work that way. You need to understand what the actions are, what the algorithms are, what they’re actually doing. That’s why it’s important that we have people who are informed in those industries and those fields. Big tech is taking over the world. We don’t have people that know much about big tech. If you don’t want big tech to take over, then we better start getting people in there that understand big tech.
It’s that basic. So that’s the situation we’re in. But anyways, this is a really great conversation that I have with Andy. If you are interested in getting gold and silver, he highly rec I highly recommend it’s wealth. It is a protection of your assets. Going to him directly is better than buying retail online because you’re going to get better prices and service. He’ll give you a private price list. If you tell him. You email him at info miles franklin.com, tell him Sarah sent you and you’ll get access to the private price list. And you, you will get amazing service.
They nobody complains about the service. At least I haven’t heard a complaint. And I’ve been working with them for a long, I’ve known them for a decade now and I was the first one to interview them way back in the day. So I hope you contact them and you take that seriously because it’s a really important for preserving your assets and protecting yourself with all the turbulence that’s coming. And he’s going to explain the big guys, they’re all buying gold and silver while they’re telling everybody to buy bitcoin and crypto. So you got to pay attention to what they’re doing because that’s where things are at.
Okay, let’s get into my conversation with my friend Andy Schectman. Hi, Andy. Welcome back to the program. Great to see you, Sarah. Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you. We have started this year with total chaos. I think that there’s more going on now than we’ve seen. I mean, 10 years ago, we just didn’t get this kind of chaos on a nonstop basis. Yeah, I would, it’s like the air is charged, the atmosphere is charged. You know, we lived through Bizarro World for four years and now it just seems we’re trying to make this transition, but the, the evil forces don’t want to let go.
And, and they’re making it very difficult now. You can make that very simple. And, and, and you know, I use evil forces kind of tongue in cheek and look at the things that they’re trying to do to derail the administration, the one that’s coming in, the Trump administration. You can talk about, you know, Trump, Trump’s agenda of drill, baby, drill. Well, all of the, the executive orders that he just signed at the 12th hour here, that being Biden off the, to disallow drilling around the coastline of the country where it’s supposedly so rich in oil, untapped oil reserves.
Or how about selling off the border wall at $0.05 on the dollar? How about the fact that the poor folks in Palisades, California, including my assistant’s family, have lost everything or the folks in North Carolina or who were just awful destruction with the hurricane or and I think, wait, wasn’t it called Palisades, Ohio? Do they have something against the word Palisades? I’m not sure. I think it was called Palisades, Ohio. I think it was Palestine. I don’t know. I’m not. And then paradise. That was another one. That was another one. And then, of course, Lahaina and all of that destruction.
You keep hearing the same thing. There’s so little in the way of assistance and help, and yet we just decided to give another $500 million to the Ukraine as a parting gift. And this is just such insanity when you take a look and see that they’ve given $275 million to the Ukraine as our country’s infrastructure is becoming decayed and crumbling and the border is a sieve and they continue to let people in. And all of the problems that could have addressed homelessness, could have addressed so many things, side effects from treatments, everything. I mean, that’s so much money that could have gone to better uses here at home instead of giving it to a war that we have nothing to do with.
That’s just upsetting the whole apple cart globally. It’s just unbelievable to me. And it is chaotic. It truly is chaotic. And the things that are being done, I mean, even look at, even look at the way that they have gone into the fiscal year 2025. The fiscal year 2025 started in October, and the amount of money that they’ve spent in the first two months of the fiscal year. The treasury just released the data. In November, the second month of the fiscal year, the United States spent a massive 584.2 billion, it says a 14% increase from the prior year.
The highest deficit on record for the first two months of the year. And that includes the spending insanity during the COVID crisis. The worst start to a year for the Treasury. On record. On record. Now that’s the kind of hornet’s nest that he is walking into. And they’re doing all they can to destabilize the system. Everything he wants to do, they’re doing all they can to destabilize it. What happens once he takes office? They’re not letting go now. They tried to kill him. That didn’t work. They’re trying to disrupt all of his agendas. We’ll see how that goes.
And then what happens after he takes office? I don’t know. I can’t tell you. You know, I’ve just been hearing about climate change causing all the, the, you know, the fires in LA and stuff. How stupid do people have to be? I mean, at what point it’s. That’s just one example, the stupidity. And I hear people all the time and, you know, where I live, about the, the immigrants coming in and how bad the spin on this stuff about the immigrants and how it really isn’t what they’re saying, and they’re lying. And it’s climate change and the wall is stupid, stupid.
Do people have to be, Are they that stupid? I mean, what is going on here? It’s, it’s, as far as I’m concerned, treasonous on behalf of all of the media. Six companies own all of the media and the media spins it in a way that creates stupidity. I’ve said that on your channel forever. You are the new Sarah. You have courage, which has always been something that I’ve deeply admired about you. You are one brave lady. And, and I think I have courage too, to say the things that I do, come to think of it. And that’s right.
But we spend more time trying to bring real truth to the world than abc, cbs, NBC, CNN do combined on a daily basis. And that’s the problem. There are people that are very well informed. I have family members in my extended family who I consider to be quite bright, quite well read. They just read the wrong shit. And that’s the problem. So if all you do is focus on the wrong stuff, you become smarter and smarter about less and less until you’re an expert on nothing. And that’s kind of what has happened with the dumbing down of the country.
And you know, when we were kids, you and I, Sarah, one parent could create a stable living environment for a family, the mom or the dad, whoever it may be, usually the mom was able to stay home and raise the kids and there was a life outside of work. And now with inflation like as an example, in terms of how inflation, how insidious it truly is, you have the cost of living going through the roof and the CP lie by the bls, or call it the bs, you know, makes us believe inflation isn’t as bad as we think, but we see that the effects are really worse than they’re telling us.
You go back to example. My dad graduated college in 1963, he was married then he got married to my mom and he graduated college. He said his first job out of college was 6,500 a year and he could live comfortably, he and my mom in Minneapolis on $6,500 per year. And you look at what’s happened to the value of the dollar through inflation, and it’s just eroded and eroded and eroded. So now people usually have to have two people working. They have to work their ass off. They have to, if they’re putting their kids in daycare, they rush to get their kids out of daycare, they rush home, they try and put food on the table, they try and relax for 30 seconds, put their kids to bed, sit down on the couch and look at what’s going on.
And it’s 11 o’clock at night and you’re like, oh my God, I’m so tired, I gotta do it. And bang. It’s this repetitive cycle. They don’t have time to research, to watch independent news outlets on your channel or on the Internet that are giving truisms. They rely upon what’s in the background and that’s the CNBC or the Evening News or 60 Minutes. And look at what 60 Minutes did. They were once an institution. We used to look at the media as a check and balance between government and the people to make sure they were held accountable.
And now they have just become puppets of this agenda. So there are people that I care about a lot that I can’t speak to in a heartfelt, meaningful way or it will lead to a disastrous fight because of the divisiveness and the idiocy and the stupidity that has been fostered by the mainstream media. Even people who are incredibly intelligent. That’s right. Just following the wrong path and almost more so, but it’s not their fault. You know, I talked to my dad about this a lot. You know, I was a jock and I played, you know, high level sports my whole life and, but my parents were hippies and growing up and I had an older sister in the 70s and I, you know, sex, drugs and rock and roll.
I had a flag above my bed that said sex, drugs and rock and roll. The big button on it that said that on a flag that, you know, I climbed up a flagpole when I was 13 years old, stupidly, and took down, had it across my whole wall in my, in my basement bedroom. And did you get in trouble for that? No, no one caught me. I was, I was too clever back then. But, you know, it, it idea, I just respected everyone’s right to choose and, and, and to do all of these things. But, but that’s, that’s, that’s just, it’s a whole different world right now.
It truly is. And I, I don’t know where all of this is heading, but I do think that, I do think that getting our culture back is something we should all be very excited about. And that appears to be what Trump is doing. But in terms of where we’re going financially as a country or the pain that we’re going to have to deal with, that’s real. And I’ve said a lot lately on podcasts using the same euphemism it’s like the Shawshank Redemption and you have to crawl through a two mile tunnel of crap to get to the other end.
I don’t think they’re going to make it easy on him. In fact, I think it will become very challenging for him not only to do the things he’s wanting to do. For example, Elon Musk came out today quoted in NBC News and it says, yeah, we’ll be lucky to get 1 trillion, not 2. It’s not going to happen. We won’t get 2 trillion in cuts for Doge. Okay, well, it’s already beginning to the realization that things are going to be worse than they think and they’re doing all they can to make it worse heading into, into the inauguration.
So it’s going to be an interesting time, no question about it. Do you think that they are purposely causing the chaos that’s already occurring in 2025? I don’t the, the LA Trumper or the others, the others making chaos, just. I don’t know who all the others are. I think it’s anybody that wants to take down the United States and create a chaotic event situation. I think it’s a big diversion to other things that they want to get accomplished. The diversions are real because they’re real events that are hurting people. But it’s like the LA fires, for example.
There’s pretty good evidence that these are arson, that it’s not something happened here that sparked all these fires. People are talking arson. It’ll find, we’ll find out over the next few days and maybe by the time this airs there’ll be better information. You know, the winds aren’t natural. Then we have all these, these terror attacks and people dying. It’s just seems like they’re fabricated events. Even if they’re real events, it seems that they’re fueled on purpose. You don’t have this much chaos in a short period of time in history. I mean, this is new for us.
You know, there, there’s, there’s such a fine line between conspiracy and reality. And you’re in this business as long as I am, you start to always look down that line. As an example, how many of the big insurance companies canceled people over the last 60 days in California? Canceled them. It’s just like trying to get insurance in Florida because of hurricanes, it’s difficult. Same thing there. It’s because of the fire threat. There were like, I think all state, they pulled out and canceled everybody. A lot of other residents at best get 60% coverage. But a lot of this Happened just over the last few weeks where they said we’re done and you’re not.
We’re not re upping your policy. So these poor folks are completely and totally out of insurance. You look at the insiders, do the insiders know something we don’t? Right now if you look at the inside selling versus inside buying, meaning the, the C suite, the corporates, the, the traders or the, the shareholders on the inside, the CEOs, the CFOs, the high up executives are selling at a 6 to 1 clip over buying. That’s always tracked because it’s public information. So for everyone. Yes. For every one purchase there’s six sales think they know something about what’s coming.
Do you think that, that these things are told to the elite or not? Do the federal. Is the Federal Reserve propping it up so they can sell it? Because that’s what’s happened in the past. They, they flooded the. I know I did. This was like 10 years ago and I was really diving into it. The stock market was staying inflated only because of government funding or. Yeah, that’s exactly right. Then the elites get pulled out and then it keeps it propped up and then it doesn’t panic the regular people. They’re in there and then at some point it’s going to collapse.
Yeah, I mean you’re right. The only reason the market, the only reason that all asset prices are where they are is due to government printing. It’s money printing, it’s inflation. And money creation is the definition of inflation. And you’re right, that is the only reason all asset prices are the way that they are. The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet was 800 billion at the financial crisis of 08. At the peak two years ago, a year and a half ago, it was 9 trillion. In other words, all of those purchases that they buy are typically in the form of US Treasuries, which lower interest rates, support the bond market, the elite, and make it easier for the businesses to borrow money and the hedge funds to borrow money and all of us to go into debt and buy a car at 0% interest for 72 months and well, let’s just buy that new furniture for the house.
Zero percent interest, you don’t have to pay for two years. And, and let’s just take on more debt and speculate and speculate and we keep interest rates low and then we’ll buy commercial backed mortgages to keep the mortgage rates low and well, we can buy that house that we want on Lake Minnetonka or up in the north woods or wherever. And we’ll just pay twice what we can really afford because rates are so low now that we can afford it. They incentivized everyone to go into debt, no question about it. And they’ve also. Which ultimately enriches the elite.
And at the same time they have there, there is this enrichment, of course, through the low interest rates and through that inflation. And it, it, the people closest to the money spigot benefit disproportionately. And, and they do, because the, the highfalutin big money who can borrow money at next to nothing for all of these years have been able to borrow it at next to nothing. They didn’t need it. They have enough to do it themselves. But hey, why not let’s borrow it at 0%. We’ll plow it into the stock market or maybe even buy back our own shares, jack the price up and it looks like our company’s doing really good.
But we haven’t created anything, we haven’t improved our company or the infrastructure. We just bought back the shares. So the share price goes up, so we get a big bonus. Or maybe we’ll just create a fund and buy up Airbnb properties, all make a big Airbnb hedge fund and we’ll just buy all up the properties all over the place and rent them out and make money on that. Prices of property goes way up or whatever, and then they’re able to cash out and they are able to make all of that profit in their assets. But when they decide they want to sell those assets and realize that profit and cash out, that money then trickles down to buy more stuff, that money trickles down into the economy.
And then the lower income folks who don’t have access to that money as it’s first created, receive it in the way of price inflation. Things start to go much, much higher, grow higher in prices because you have more money chasing fewer goods and services. But the big money who was able to to get that money early, before the inflation hit, was able to put it into assets that all went up. And so the wealthy get wealthier through asset appreciation. In inflationary times, they don’t care that food and gas cost more money. Their assets have gone parabolic.
Well, that’s what’s happened with easy money and low interest rates. Low interest rates are kind of like the illusion that it creates is kind of like the guy who’s been taking steroids his whole life and he’s our age and he’s just jacked and he looks like he works out all the time and then all of a sudden just drops dead because he’s pumped that stuff into him for so long that it’s artificial, it’s an illusion. Well that’s kind of like what maintaining these low interest rates forever have been. They’ve created this jacked up economy that looks big and strong and asset prices to the moon.
But it’s artificial. It’s manipulation of mother nature by holding interest rates down. And when interest rates rise like we’re beginning to see, even when they try to lower the federal funds rate, drop it by 100 basis points or 1%, the 10 year treasury at the other end of the curve has said no, we’re going up 100 basis points. It’s rebuffing. The Federal Reserve does not have the ability to buy the back end of the bond market unless they do it privately through yield curve control or monetization of the debt. Meaning they print money and buy 10 year treasuries to keep those rates down.
Because the 10 year is what most of the debt is balanced or calculated off of credit cards, loans, leases, mortgages, etc. They can only push the very, very, very the overnight rate that the banks charge to one another or that the Fed charges to the banks. And so that will keep real short term rates down. But the long term, no, the market says we’re not taking these lower rates for your inflationary and risk filled agenda. So anyways, the bottom line is, is that yes, as interest rates rise, you’re going to have a situation where asset prices find equilibrium in a rising interest rate environment.
Now the 20 year treasury, which is something people don’t talk about very often, it’s kind of either the 10 or the 30, 20 year treasury just hit 5% yesterday. And that’s that moment right where you saw silicon and signature break. We’re right at that level. At the same, at the same time, the btfp, the bank term funding program, it expired in March. That means they were able to write loans up to March. So there’s still some out there where the banks were given a lifeline. They have to be paid back by this coming March, at which point it’s done and the repo market is almost down to zero.
These were the two funding mechanisms to bail out the banks. Well you want to pull the rug on the new administration the way that they’re trying to do it and tried to kill them before that. Let’s just say if this were a movie and that’s what they wanted to do, the banking sector is primed to get walloped. As rates continue to move higher, their balance sheet becomes more and more and more toxic as they’re filled with 10 year treasuries. They bet that this wouldn’t Happen, happen again two years ago or in 2023 after it happened. Okay, we got it in under control and they’ve loaded back up on Treasuries and they bet that they wouldn’t go up from 3 or 4%, would they? Well, they are and that’s.
What do you think? What do you think? Because my daughter’s trying to build buy a home and the interest rate up, went by, up by 1%. Now she’s shopping at just this past week. She should have, if she would have closed a week ago. She’s kind of kicking herself. Do you people are saying that they think it’ll go down when I don’t in office. Do you think it’s just going to continue climbing? Yes. You think it’ll stabilize? I mean, I don’t know how high it goes and if it does stabilize, it’ll be done artificially through yield curve control.
But what is the natural. Okay, let’s, what is the natural mortgage rate? Do you think? If it’s just, they let it go. And what is a healthy rate you think the government should try to set it at? Well, that’s the problem. The government shouldn’t set it in anything. Fat white bankers should not be setting the, the interest rates. Interest rates are supposed to be. Even if it goes up to 13%. It’s, it’s not. That’s, that’s, that’s the, that’s the release mechanism. That’s the truth mechanism. That’s, that’s. In other words, interest rates are supposed to be set by the market.
In other words, you and I, our trading partners, you want to borrow money from me and you know, you’ve had a, you’re a really sweet person, you’ve had a really bad drug problem, you’ve been in and out of jail, you got a decent job right now, but you’re very, and you’re making a lot of money, but you’re not real trustworthy. So what should your interest rate be? Well, the market would say 18% for you. And this person over here, well, they’ve kept their nose clean. They work a government job, they’ve never been late for a moment.
They have stability, they have tons of savings. What’s their rate? 4%. The point of it is that that’s kind of how the market is supposed to deal with countries or with businesses. If A business is very risky, but turns up a lot of money, that rate’s going to be higher. If a business is stable and boring and steady, it’s going to be lower. The point of it is, is that the risk is supposed to be derived from the market, not set by the bankers, the policymakers. And that’s what’s messing with Mother Nature. They said, well, let’s artificially drive the price down of money or of interest rates.
And that creates misallocations of capital and resources where maybe you own a business and interest rates are at zero and have been for five years and they’re not going higher. So, you know what? Let’s buy that other business. You know, you’re a baker. Let’s buy the other baker down the street and consolidate. It’s okay that it costs 4 million bucks. We’re getting a really good rate. It’s a variable rate, but that’s okay. And then things get bad and the rate goes up. You’re in big trouble. But with lower rates, it incentivizes these kinds of things. It creates these distortions, not only in asset prices, where, you know, how much is your home worth at a 3% mortgage rate, a 6% mortgage rate, or a 9% mortgage rate, or a 12%, because each, each time it’s.
The cost of money doubles. That means fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer people have the ability to buy that house at those levels. And that’s the problem. So, you know, I just think that. I think that interest rates are going to go much higher, and where should it be? I don’t know, because they’ve been suppressed for so long, nobody really knows. And every time they get anywhere near the 5% rate, which will break, they come in and try to quantitative easing, which is another form of messing with Mother Nature. It’s. It’s coiling the spring further and further and further.
You never find what real value or real price discovery truly is. Well, Trump’s going to have a lot of. I mean, he wants to lower the rate. He likes that whole system being greased like that. Right. And that is. That’s actually bad. Right? I know, but that’s what he likes to do. I know that. And that’s the problem. Well, that’s inflationary, because a strong economy needs a strong dollar to support it. And interest rates fair enough to support it. If you suppress interest rates and have a weak dollar, that’s not a good thing. It creates all sorts of distortions, and it makes it more expensive for you and me because A weak dollar and low interest rates mean loss of purchasing power.
It kills the savers. It forces speculation. And you can’t leave your money in Treasuries. You know, like if you had 10 interest rates as an example, and a strong dollar and a strong economy. As you’re like your parents, you know that they’re not working anymore, but. And they have this money, and they don’t really want to speculate it in the stock market. Well, they could put it into treasuries at 10%. The law of 70 seconds says every 7.2 years. Then, because you take 10 and divided into 72, whatever your interest rate is. I want to show you someone.
This is the newest member to my family. How old is he? She’s. She’s like five months. And she just. There’s a moment outside, and she just came running in, just got a haircut. I. What kind of dog is she? She is a Yorkie. A Yorkie. Oh, she is adorable. What’s her name? Mila. The combination of my two dogs that we have. Minnie from Minnesota and Isla. And the other dog that passed away, Mishka. So, Mila. Hi, honey. Anyway, my daughter just got a puppy, and she was gonna call him Milo. Instead, she called him Kylo, but it’s like, Mila.
Mila. Oh, it’s so awesome. Yeah. Okay. We got distracted. Yeah. What was I saying? I’m sorry. You know what I do, Andy? You know what I do during COVID I was like, the puppy person. I’ve placed seven puppies with people. I go, and anybody wants a puppy. I was so stressed out, I would go with them to this puppy place that was like an hour out of town, and we wouldn’t. I’m like, I know the perfect puppy place. And literally seven puppies. I help people get well that. You couldn’t even get a dog during COVID because everyone was home and wanted a dog to make a them feel better.
So it’s a good thing. I think people who like dogs are good people. Yeah, I just. It was a. It was a break. I. Okay, I’m gonna stop talking about all this really bad stuff. I don’t remember what we saying. I don’t know. I like just going down the rabbit hole with you and just letting things go where they go well. So my. I have a big a question. Okay. I just heard a theory from somebody who really does a lot of research, and they believe that the way that the US Government’s going to get out of, you know, do this whole reset is they believe it’s going to be based on bitcoin.
Bitcoin’s going. This is just their theory. Okay, I’m going to throw it out there. They believe that bitcoin’s going to go up to a million dollars per coin. They’re going to back the US dollar based on bitcoin and get us out of debt. What do you think of it? I’m just throwing this weird theory. No, I’ve seen that theory. And then you know, and then they. So here’s kind of one of the things that they’re doing right now. But while bitcoin. Everyone’s talking bitcoin. Bitcoin, bitcoin. You want to talk psyop? I mean let’s just play the other side for a moment.
Everyone’s talking bitcoin. And what are the central banks doing? They’re doubling down on their gold purchases. Doubling down to the month of November was then after he was already won the election the purchases by the central banks were double the 12 month moving averages the over the last year and I’ll address the bitcoin part in a second. Over the last year in while in. In November they added 53 tons. The central bank set at the most in 14 months. It’s the 18th consecutive monthly purchase. They’ve bought over 800 tons in the first 11 months of 2024 December numbers haven’t come out yet.
That’s the third largest this century. And so they’re continuing to buy gold hand over fist. And so the little people are buying bitcoin, the big people are buying gold. 553 million ounces of. I think that’s right. Let me just make sure. That sounds like a lot. I think it might just be 53 million. So hold on. It was. I want to say 53 million ounces were of silver. I think that’s the number were delivered off of the Comex market in the month of December. Let’s go with 53 million. I think that’s what it was was delivered.
Who’s got that kind of bread? Who’s got that bread? I have no idea who’s got that kind of bread where. Yes it was. 53 million ounces were delivered off of Comex in the month of December. And so these deliveries are massive. And it was silver. Right, because. And that’s. So they’re buying gold and silver and taking possession of it. Now as far as bitcoin, let’s talk about that. I’m familiar with that idea and it’s. That’s the Michael Saylor Argument where you try and take the bitcoin and back it by the dollar or back, back it behind the dollar.
They’re kind of sort of doing that already in a less perfect way. But before I answer that, which I will, you want to talk about pulling the rug. You got all this money in bitcoin, you have record money in money markets, over 7 trillion and everyone in seven stocks, you pull the rug on the banks or the financial system, bang, all three collapse. Because bitcoin’s been massively financialized. But what they’ve been doing with bitcoin behind the scenes is that you have all these countries selling our Treasuries, they don’t want them anymore. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, not even as much because of the massive indebtedness, but more so because of the stupidity of sanctioning, stealing Russians $5 billion and using it to give to me.
Yes. People off. Yeah. And they don’t want the risk. I want to tell you, Andy, one thing. I had a friend down in Mexico who tried to get exchange their dollars for pesos and they had six banks not let them do that because they didn’t want the dollar. Well, and that’s it. So it’s losing its demand, it’s losing its share. The Treasuries are losing luster because not only has gold outperformed it, as an example, the 10 year treasury for last 25 years by a factor of double. It has sanctioned risk now. And Trump is coming in and doing the wrong thing.
Instead of handing out the olive branch and saying these idiots were wrong, let’s all work together, let’s be a unified world. He’s saying, if you do this or don’t do this, we will sanction you 100. That’s not a we will tariff you. That’s not a tariff. That is a sanction masquerading as a tariff. A tariff is set to protect your domestic manufacturing. It’s not what he’s doing. Well, tariff is at a certain percentage, but as soon as it gets to 100%, which is a sanction, is to shut people down completely. 100% tariff is essentially shutting them down completely.
It’s financial. Yeah, but he’s open about that. He says, I’m going to do financial warfare. Well, but that’s what it is. He calls it, he should just call a sanction, not a tariff. Because a tariff would be if in the state of Minnesota they, they manufactured widgets better than anyone in the world. And, and the other states said, well, you know, we make widgets too. But yours are so much better. And, and you’re killing our manufacturing in, in Wisconsin and Iowa and north and South Dakota. So if sell to the stores in those states, you’re gonna, you’re gonna have to, we’re going to impose a 25 tariff so that it caught.
But so normally they would. The, the logic is, is that well, the manufacturer will absorb that. He, he won’t. He’ll just raise his prices by 25 cents or 25%. And if they don’t want to buy it, fine. They’re still the best in the world. They’ll sell it everywhere else so it get, gets passed on. But that’s, but that’s a, a good example of somebody over being actually better. The example of using a tariff when somebody, it’s cheap labor. It’s less expensive because they have cheap labor. The China subsidizes everything. So the government subsidizing everything. In order to deal with the government subsidies and the cheap labor, you have to put a tariff on it.
Otherwise our stood and that our labor would have to go way down and we’d have to subsidize. But what is that, what is that protecting? It’s protecting your manufacturing. That’s right. What are, what are tariffs protecting? That he calls tariffs. If you don’t do this, then if you use your other, if you don’t use the US dollar, we’ll give you 100% tariff. That’s not terrifying. I’m not protecting. You’re protecting the dollar. But that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s a sanction, that’s a threat and it’s different. So anyways, yeah, I mean it just depends how the rest of the world looks at it.
So I think rates will go higher as the rest of the world starts to shun treasuries and that will have a profound effect on things and they would rather own commodities. So here’s the thing. We go back to the bitcoin deal and again, what are all the central banks buying? Gold. What are they not really buying? Bitcoin. But the idea behind the bitcoin deal. When Cynthia. Well, when Trump spoke, starting with in Tennessee at the bitcoin conference, he talked about having a strategic reserve, use it to pay down the debt. Cynthia Loomis got up right after the senator from Wyoming and said, well, I’m going to float a bill to revalue the gold that’s held by the treasury on behalf or on the Fed on behalf of the treasury and we can use some of the proceeds to to buy Bitcoin.
Now, it’s funny because in every central bank balance sheet across the globe, including the central bank of the Netherlands, the, the Dutch central banker has been screaming for two years, we should all revalue gold on our balance sheets. It’s held in a gold revaluation account. That’s the name of it. You can’t make it up. The gold revaluation account is the name of the account on every central bank balance sheet. Cynthia Loomis said the same thing. We should revalue gold and we should use it to buy Bitcoin. Now, that Bitcoin in Trump’s mind was not meant to do to make the country money as much as it was to pay off the debt.
But it’s interesting because I’m going to get to the gold part of it in a moment. But as the rest of the world has been selling Treasuries, as I was saying, dumping Treasuries because they don’t want that sanction risk and because they don’t want that inflation risk and they don’t want that default risk, they are instead buying commodities. And so Russia, China, Saudi, Brazil, India, they’re all dumping Treasuries. Japan, China had almost 3 trillion. They have about 700 billion now. So it’s getting less and less and less and less over the last. Since the start of the Ukraine war, just from the London import export numbers, China’s bought a thousand metric tons of gold and sold 250 billion of treasuries.
They’re going up. One’s going up, one’s going down. But the point of it is, is that since this has been happening, who’s been buying up all of the treasury debt? When you talk about resetting and bringing a guy like Trump into the fold to reset the situation, who’s been buying all the debt? Well, that’s the American public. Seven trillion in. In money markets, the, the insurance companies, the, the pension funds that’s all loaded in Treasuries. And who else? Oh, the cryptos. Really? How does that happen? Well, it does when you’re in the crypto space. I remember tether was in big trouble by the Justice Department.
Where’d that go? Why are they not in trouble anymore, I wonder? So what happens is the tether’s balance sheet, which is a one to one stable coin with the dollar. Supposedly when you’re in the crypto sphere and you go from one coin to another, you don’t go back in the dollars, you go into a stable coin. You don’t want to go back into the ecosystem, you go back into a stable coin like Tether, which is USDT or USDC which is run by Goldman Sachs or the new one that is is by Ripple Labs. They’re all dollar based stable coins.
Guess what? They’re invested in almost entirely U.S. treasuries. And that was I think the deal the justice department made with Tether. You’re gonna, you’re gonna not have your balance sheet backed with all this other stuff. You’re gonna put 85, 90% of every penny that comes in in treasuries. And every time someone goes into Tether they create another unit which then is, is giving more ammunition to buy U S Treasuries to support the legacy system. So as all of these people are quietly leaving the legacy system, going to the cryptoverse, they’re supporting the system they’re trying to leave because the rest of the world doesn’t want to know.
I don’t know how long that goes for, but I asked someone the other day on a podcast, who knows more than I do, but what happens if the bond market collapses because of the rest of world dumps it? If the bond market is so intertwined right now with the crypto space, what then? And you know, you bring the whole thing down, you rug pull the whole thing. So that’s the trojan horse that they’re, they’re saying is going to happen. Where I disagree, I think that could happen. Where I disagree is I don’t think bitcoin in its current form can be not just track and trace, but, but track and trace and then shut us down out of the, the whole system.
You know, do the, what do you call it, manage everything single thing about our life. I don’t think bitcoin is set up to be able to do that. Like no, it may not be, but, but I think it can be a trojan horse to do what you’re saying. Well, I do also. And the thing about managing your life, you know, I did an interview with Francis Hunt and he told me that Trump was selected, not elected, not saying. I believe this is what he said and he said it was done so and his cabinet to bring in usher in the digital surveillance state.
Now for over a year probably on your show, I’ve been saying they would issue a digital ID because of this election nonsense. And what do you know, Trump just said digital id. Now if you do a little homework and look at who has the patents on the digital id, I think I can probably pull this up. I think, let me just see Real quick. It’ll blow you away. I think I have it right here, so. Oh, no, did I put. But what they’ll do, and this is what I think, they’ll make you have a digital ID to even trade in cryptos.
They’ll make you have a digital ID to even get on the Internet. It. They’ll make you have a digital idea ID to do anything. And then that’s how they track trace and make sure that you’re doing. They should shut you off. That way they don’t have to do. That’s why I always say, don’t look at cbdc, the word cbdc. Look at the actions that they’re doing. Yeah, for sure. Let me. I think I have it right here. Give me one second. Where did I put it? No, me. Yeah, this must be it. So he’s looking something up.
One other thing that Trump’s doing that’s pretty weird, is he wants to change the Gulf of Mexico code to the Gulf of Americas, and he’s flipping up the idea of Canada being another 51st state, and he wants to buy Greenland. I mean, there’s just all these weird things going on. The Panama Canal. I. I agree that we need to make sure that that thing isn’t controlled by an adversary of ours. I think that needs to be free trade. They don’t. The world doesn’t like the Panama Canal being controlled by the U.S. but we don’t want it controlled by China or somebody else.
We want it to be as free and open as humanly possible. Right. Well, in the Chinese Belt Road initiative there, between that and the bricks, they are controlling so much of the. The sea routes and land routes that that is a big deal. I don’t think we need to be this empire and. And go after Greenland and go after Canada. It’s intriguing to think of the natural resources and of the strategic interests. I just don’t know how that would play out. I really don’t. It’ll be weird. There’s gonna be a lot of weirdness. It would be weird.
It would be. I can’t find it. But the bottom line is, if you look at who is behind the digital ID, who has the patents, the digital ID 2020. It’s the bill Gates Foundation. It is the Rockefeller foundation. And it’s that. Gavi. Gavi. The. It’s all the good guys. Yeah. And the Gavi is the vaccine. Vaccine. They all have patents surrounding Digital ID 2020. And. And then the idea was to incorporate it with your health records, your passport, your bank numbers, and everything. Is there. It’s the digital surveillance state. So Francis says. That’s what the entire.
He says so much of what we saw the last four years was orchestrated to bring someone in with no challenger worth a dime, so that he comes in and cleans things up from a cultural standpoint with great support. Because I. I mean, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but Kamala Harris. And it was really sad because I think it made. From a female standpoint. I didn’t like the fact they did that because she was so bad that I didn’t like seeing something like that being put up like that. You know what I mean? It was.
It was awful. And I got. I got. I’m gonna. Listeners probably don’t know this. The amount of emails and abuse that I got online, because I’m always a woman. I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life. And I wasn’t even for Kamala Harris, you know what I mean? I was, like, fighting against walls. But the amount of stuff I got, I. It was really hard. And I was like, what is going on here? Now it’s reversed. And it’s almost like people are trying to make up for it and they’re being better, but. And now it’s back.
You know, it’s. It’s weight that’s gone now. But it kind of pisses me off that they put somebody so bad in there and then they did that. It’s what the hell? And so it does. Well, maybe they did that so he would for sure win, because she wasn’t just bad, she was ridiculous. I mean, that’s what. It so pisses me off. Yeah, well, I mean, you would have been a far better candidate than she would have been. I could have at least BS my way through. Well, you could have at least been coherent. That’s what I mean.
I could have said. I could have said better things on stuff that I knew nothing about than what she did, even though I know quite a bit. Yes. That’s what pissed me off. It’s like I could throw a dartboard and find somebody better than her almost. You know, that was kind of what he was saying, that they did this and they created the election interference so that the people would. And if you look when he. When he said this a few weeks ago about. Well, now we’ll have election integrity with the digital id, people were all over Twitter going, yeah, right, that.
About time. Well, they’ve psyoped everyone into wanting to take the digital id. There’s cameras everywhere. There’s biometrics now on your face. Everywhere you go, your watch knows, your phone knows, your car knows. Think of just the value of that information. Everywhere you go is trackable. And they can sell that to people who then sell it to the, to the retailers. Well, she, she loves Starbucks. She goes there three times a week. And, and she likes to buy this at the grocery store. And we, you know, she takes this route each way so we know how much gas she uses for a carbon footprint.
And I mean, all of that stuff, as, as, as dystopic as it sounds, that’s a digital id. That’s where it can be. It can’t be in Bitcoin, but it can be the route to get. But the idea was to open everyone’s eyes and comfort level to the digital sphere through things like Bitcoin or dogecoin. Have a cabinet member that is very techy, that does all of this stuff, and then people feel comfortable with it. So to me, the delineating factor of whether he is on the horse or is the horse would be if the system resets.
And what better way to reset a system than to have a guy that is master of bankruptcy, guy that is a master of reorganization. They come in with Doge, who’s already backpedaling. Look, we tried to do our best and we can only do a trillion now, is what he said today. Be lucky to get 1 trillion instead of 2. It’s worse than we thought. This whole thing is in trouble and something happens and it resets. Either he comes in with sound constitutional money, gold and silver tied to distributed ledger technology, or it’s a cbdc. And if he does the constitutional route, then he’s riding on the Trojan horse and has screwed them all.
If it’s a central bank, digital currency and a digital id, then we’ve been screwed and he is the Trojan horse. Now, I hope people will forgive me for saying that because I voted for him. I thank God he won. I’m psyched that he will change our culture and get back a society where your merit and hard work is rewarded over your lifestyle, all that stuff. But Sarah, all I’m saying is this man, is that for four years we have been screwed with, lied to and manipulated to the degree that is right out of a science fiction movie.
And if you don’t question everything right now, everything, including what seems to be the savior, you haven’t learned a damn thing. And that’s just my take. And I’m all for Trump and God bless him, I say a prayer for him. But if you don’t question everything after everything we’ve seen. I think that you missed the whole point of the exercise. You couldn’t have said it any better. I mean, I don’t want to sabotage it. I’m going to do everything I can to help it. But I am not that naive. Yeah, well. And unfortunately you are the exception to the rule.
I consider myself that as well. And there are a lot of people who I love and care about dearly, like I said, who are very well read. They just read the wrong stuff and they’re being misdirected on every level by a media that is treasonous, in my opinion that that should be prosecuted. That’s done more damage than most of the politicians have by creating this fake narrative, creating the divisiveness. Just look what it did to our home state. And I don’t know, I would just simply say to you that there’s a lot to be optimistic for but a lot to be cautious about at the same time.
Excuse me, where people. I got this little cop. Where can people get the gold and silver? They. They’d want to send us an email@infomilesfranklin.com God bless. They’d want to send us an email at info@milesfranklin.com and say Sarah Westall sent me and they get the private price list, right? Yes, a special private price list that will be as good or better than anywhere in North America. That and any questions, right. Anything you’ve heard here or other shows that, that I’m on or questions on precious metals, IRA or just generic questions on the economy or whatnot. No obligation.
We will do that. If you want to be contacted, put your phone number down. If you don’t hear from us in an hour or two, check your spam. Because a lot of times stuff come that comes from a corporate server gets spammed, flagged by spam once in a while anyways. Infoilesfranklin.com and we’ll make it worth your, your listeners while, no obligation for requesting the price list. No one will bother you, no one will call you unless he has to be called. Well, I think the important thing is, is that if you buy online, you will get the retail prices everywhere.
If they go to you, ask for the private price list and talk to you directly. You’ll have much better service, you’ll have better pricing. And if you’re going to be doing something that’s larger like an ira, which we don’t know what’s going to happen with the economy, so putting it into gold and silver I think is important. You do not want to do something like that just online. You need to talk to somebody that really knows what they’re doing. And I did check you out and I knew, I know you have better prices and service. Well prices.
I checked that out. Service. You know what, I take it very, you know, we, we’re fortunate enough to work with several people like you who, whose whole life livelihood and, and being is your reputation and, and, and you’re doing your, your research and, and we take that very seriously. We respect that. And we’ve never had a customer complaint. In February will be 35 years we’ve been in business. Never had a customer complaint ever on the Better Business Bureau anywhere online. I’m very surprised that I’ve been able to pull that off somehow because I’ve made mistakes. When we make mistakes, we make it right.
And that’s the most people are defined in my book not by the mistakes they make, but by the way they make it right and learn from them. That’s right. We won’t be your people. Won’t be the first complaint we ever get. I’ll make damn sure of that. And last, last thing before I let you go. You know, we left our corporate office in Minneapolis when I moved to Delray Beach, Florida where I’ve had a satellite office for 18 years. My oldest friend runs that, that branch here in Delray. I moved during the George Floyd riots. But I left my corporate entity in Wayzata, Minnesota.
I left it there because it’s the only state in America that mandates licensing and bonding. We’re one of the only companies in America who can say that we’re licensed and bonded in a federally non regulated industry. Most companies won’t do business in Minnesota as a result. So not only do I believe we have the best reputation in the industry, we’re accredited and bonded and, and we will uphold your, your principles and do things the way that you would expect them to be done and make sure your clients get the best price to boot. So yeah, have them send us an email at info Miles Franklin request the price list or any questions that they have and we will, we will make that happen.
And, and I’m, I’m really excited that you’ve asked me to come back once a month. I couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do. And, and in between our, our visits, if there’s ever anything that requires us to jump on, consider me excited to do so. I’m just a text message away and, and I’ll look forward to picking up where we left off real soon. Yeah, because you don’t know if something with the economy and the reset, everything barreling down, we might have to have you on more. And remember, honestly, I know you. You have some interest in the state of Florida.
When you come down this way, look me up. I got dinner with your name on it, so I know I gotta do that. I bought land during COVID I was freaked out and got land into bug out land. So. So okay five. I don’t even know what it looks. I know it’s crazy. I saw video of it because that was. Anyways, they sent me a very trusting person. I like that about you. No, I did hire a realist, a real estate agent, totally separate and she went out and checked it out so it wasn’t that stupid.
Good deal. Well, next time you’re down this way, let me know. And in the meantime, Happy New Year to you Sarah. Thanks again for everything and to everyone out there. Make it a good year and stay well. Look forward to chatting with you all real soon. Okay, thanks Dave. Or thanks Andy. Talk to you soon. Bye. Bye. Bye. Sa Sa.