Kia Pruitt. We got Marina Jacobi. Marina jacoby.com. she talks to the Galactics and she talks. She’s a sort of like a medium. She’s in. She’s in spiritual contact with beings from other places and she’s in constant, you know, communications and they’re feeding her stuff. That makes a lot of sense. We got the very famous Carrie Cassidy who needs no introduction. Obviously Project Camelot.com has been around, I think earlier than YouTube. I think it was. She came first, YouTube came second. And then she blew up YouTube. But anyway, and then Carrie. And then we got Mr. Razor.
Razor’s Edge. Razor. Rick Razor is a good friend of mine. He’s my brother from another mother. And Rick is, you know, he’s one of those motorcycle guys. Could you like tell maybe he owns a Harley or two or has least owned a few? That’s who he is. He’s a Jesus guy. He’s in. He rides for Jesus now. He’s got another chapter of a motorcycle club. And he doesn’t break bones anymore. He’s retired from breaking bones. And so we got a very diverse crowd. And then you got the ex pizza guy who was trying to be recruited by a bunch of gangsters who they failed miserably.
So I’m here talking to you guys, otherwise I’ll be speaking to you guys from prison right now. But anyway, I want to start with why in the world is. You guys know I’m big on xrp. Why in the world would Chris Larson. I do suspect that he’s a liberal. Chris Larson was the original founder, supposedly of the XRP ripple etc token. And he donated first $1 million to Kamala Harris and then he doubled down and gave her $10 million worth of XRP, which makes it a total of $11 million. Unless there’s some kind of logic behind his madness that I personally can’t see.
I mean, was he trying to get notoriety for the Token xrp? I think that would be the wrong way to go about it, because I think he probably would have got just as much notoriety to donate it to the Donald Trump campaign and then some. Right. Instead, he donated it the other way. I think he’s a liberal. Or do you think there’s maybe something more to the story, Rick, I’ll let you answer that one first and then we’ll go around and we’ll just basically speak your mind and then we’ll just jump into the conversation. Guys, welcome to the call.
Well, it would sound to me like he’s paying off the vig. You know, could be a little laundering going on. He can write off the donation. So he might have a real crafty accountant. Or do you think maybe, do you think maybe he is compromised, that that always is like the number one flag to put in the ground whenever you’re asking questions like this. Right. I just, I won’t be compromised. I do the Tony Montana thing. All I got is my word and I don’t stem for nobody. Right. So I hear you. I hear you. Well, what do you think, Kerry Cassidy, why would he donate that much money? In a token that is going to be worth a lot of money in the very near future.
Now, under Trump, everything’s going to manifest. I believe he’s going to be known as the cryptocurrency president. I think he’s going to be known as the reevaluation of wealth president. I think he’s going to close the border. I think he’s going to do a lot of things very fast coming in day one. Why would he donate that kind of dough to this bumbling idiot who has the worst track record potentially of any political figure in the history of America? Bribe? No. Just kidding. So you know what I’m saying? No, there’s, there’s aspects of that, in other words, under, under the surface that when you donate, it could be also seen as a bribe for the future.
Right. So special treatment, special whatever. I don’t know if he also donated to Trump. Maybe secretly, he might be feathering his bed, as they call it, on both sides of the street, just against, you know, the future and hoping that that way he gets treated well by both administrations, depending on which one wins and so on and so forth. So a lot of games like that going on behind the scenes, I imagine. I now, I wanted to know if this is a live roundtable, because I need a link, if you could put a L link in the chat so that I can post it on my telegram so my audience will be able to Watch.
It’s not live, but I can give you the link when, when it’s done, it will automatically. Oh, all right. So it’s not live. Okay, so that’s important to know. Now, I, Well, I, I think in terms of audiences. I know. So here is, you know, on the chat, as I said, I made a statement and it’s a pretty no nonsense statement, but it is based on comments made very recently by Juano Savin on Nino’s show about the election. So, I mean, I thought this was an election thing. So I’m gonna concentrate on that subject matter. Unless you want to go to the next person and just get opinions.
Yeah, we’ll just get some opinions on that same question. And then I’m going to show you some things where I’m going to prove to you that 107 is starting to sound like he is siding with the Exa pizzeria Emperor Rosario. Okay. On Nesara and Gesara and debt forgiveness and shrinking down the government and getting rid of the irs. I got the videos to prove it and I’m going to share that with you, you guys, a little later. Same question. Marina Jacobi, welcome to the show. Hi. Thank you very much and hello, guys. Thank you for being part of all this.
In such an important day of November 5, 2024, election day. I know that most of the people that are playing that site and probably giving money are. Most of them are probably compromised. I don’t see it like double play here. I see it more like being compromised so they can secure the way Carrie said, Kerry Cassidy said position for later on, God forbid, because they don’t know how teams is going to tilt. And the only reason why this is happening is because the opposition of, I will call the negative, the evil Empire are promising, you know, different things to everybody.
And for that reason, they know that if Trump wins, they’re gonna all get caught and, you know, treasonist, you know, and everything else. So that’s my position on it. I cannot pinpoint exactly for him, but most of the people like anything that happened with PDD and stuff like this, they’ve been completely compromised. Dr. Kia Pruitt, what an honor to have you here. Dr. Kia Pruitt. I mean, like, guys, if she is an expert in the dinars and the zims and all that kind of stuff, no one person here, no one man, no one woman, is an island.
We need everybody to handle a piece of the puzzle so that the picture can come into clear form. And I can tell you she’s got her finger on the pulse. Except I kept telling everybody, Dr. K, and I think you can testify. You could be my witness here. I said, nothing is going to happen until Trump gets back. Well, lo and behold, I started getting calls from everybody around the world in the last, like, week. Okay. Like, I have at least a half a dozen calls. Mel, you were right. What was I right about? I said, I’ve been right about a lot of stuff.
Okay. And. And they said, well, they. We just got back from a call, and they said that nothing’s going to happen until Trump gets back. Gee, if you want to use a little bit of logic and common sense, you could have figured that out on your own. You don’t need an ex pizza guy to show you that. Right? Mind blowing. So here we are. Dr. Pruitt, welcome to the show. Thank you. Can you hear me now, Mel? Absolutely. Yay. So, hello, family. It’s an honor and a pleasure to be here. I know I’ve kind of been absent for a little bit.
I took a vacation, a long hiatus. But you were right, Mel. It made no sense for the RV to happen or the global currency reset to officially occur when the deep state was still in power, because they would have just stolen the money and re empowered themselves. They had to be completely dismantled, and Trump had to come back in because why would we give Biden the praise and accolades for all the hard work Trump and the military has been doing? That’s preposterous. You are absolutely right. Well, I said it would snow in Miami in August, 28ft before we going to get rich under the Biden and Kamala Harris administration, and that’s for sure.
I want to share a quick video with you guys now. And you tell me if Juan O. Saline, which I’ve had the pleasure to meet in Las Vegas not too long ago, just a few weeks back. If he sounds a little bit like Nasara Gesara is coming into play, I believe that is the case. Let me share the sound share. Sound check. Mark is there. Tell me if you guys can see my screen. Yes. Okay, I’m gonna. I’m gonna play it now. You see Nino, A picture of Nino Rodriguez. And you need. You see some palm trees, right? Perfect.
Let me play this. Here we go. Listen carefully now. That’s who’s really in the threat. Remember, Trump said he’s going to reduce the federal government by 50%. And he said in the last short while, you know, things that I’ve been saying for the last many years, before it’s all over, you won’t have an income tax because that is a unlawful entity. It’s a foreign corporation based out of Puerto Rico. Bingo. That’s one. Okay, here, let’s go to. Let’s go to videotape number two. I mean, I mean, listen. And hits just keep on coming, right? Especially because of what T.
Has said he’s going to do when he gets back. They realize it won’t be the same environment and it’s not going to be like the first term. It will be radically different. The people in the administration will be radically different. They won’t be the. When he came in the first time, you have kind of a. Approved people that Congress will approve that you could put into positions. And so he had to take some personnel that really hated him. They just don’t like it. Dislike him. They hated him. So it needs to be unconventional. Well, the next round will not be like anything that’s happened thus far, especially because of what T.
Has said he’s going to do when he gets back. They. Let’s go to the final one, which is this. There we go. Federal Reserve and for irs for their headquarters. And by the way, federal courts have found that the IRS is a foreign corporation based out of Puerto Rico. Now check this out. You’ve heard many times that there are 6,000 patents. How many times have you guys heard that there are 6,000 patents that the government is hiding from us? How many times have you heard that there are supposedly, you know, these med beds. I got two more videos to play that are very short and sweet and right to the point.
I promise, and you will not get bored. And here we go. Next one’s going to be a little bit weird. You may even pause the video to want to Google this to say this can be right. In 1951, the US enacted the invention Secrecy Act. What is that? Allows the government to legally classify and keep certain inventions secret if deemed a threat to national economy or security. Huh? What could be a threat to national economy? If you’re able to figure something out, that’s 220 miles per gallon. You think it affects the oil industry a little bit? Maybe.
Inventions under a secrecy order cannot be discussed, exported, or sold outside of military channels. Violations of secrecy order can result in imprisonment for the inventor. Over 6,000 patents today are kept by the US government in secret. They didn’t allow the people to go out there and sell it. I wonder what those 6,000 patents are. A lot of people want to be like when you become a president. I want to go to Area 51. A lot of US capitalists want to find out what these 6,000 patents are. Okay, now listen, when I say it might not hold that much weight because, you know, I’m not a professional.
Half a billion dollar guy like this guy. This guy is very impressive, obviously, and I’m not quite that impressive, at least not yet. But when a guy like that says it and he’s talking 6,000, we’ve been throwing that number around for a long time, haven’t we, Dr. Purit? 6,000 patents. 6,000 patents, right. And now here we are, we got some big, big people, you know, singing off the same sheet of music as we have. Right? Pretty. Pretty impressive. Let me go to this one other video that I think you’ll find very interesting that will put a rest to where whether the, you know, celestial chambers is what I like to call med beds is more of a slang, whether they’re real or not.
And this guy is reading off official military documentation. It’s very short. Listen carefully. See, is that the one? Maybe not. Maybe that’s not the one. Sure, here. It’s got to be this one. If not, we can go back to it later and we can continue the conversation. But as soon as I find it, I will share the screen. See, that’s the patents. Yeah, it’s got to be this one. Has to be this one. No, no, I apologize. I’ll get. I’ll find it while you guys have a conversation and we’ll go back to it at a. The appropriate time.
Was that pretty wild, though, that we got 107 starting to sound like Nasara Jara is not a fad. It’s a real deal. Yeah, it’s. It’s. I mean, it’s about time, honestly. Yeah, because we knew we weren’t crazy. We knew what we were talking about. We knew that more than 50% of the government probably will be dismantled because they’re unlawful. Most of them aren’t even American. The congress people have esquire behind their name, which is a title of nobility. The congress said, the constitution for our republic says that you cannot have a title of nobility and create laws because when you have a title of nobility, such as those that have esquire behind their name who had to pass the British accredited registry, it means you work for the British crown and not for we the people.
So they have to go. Let alone the fact that the trumpet players, the Brunson brothers, brought a case against Joseph Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and 385 members of Congress for posing a security breach and A threat to our country and putting the American people in harm’s way. So they all have to go. They’re unlawful. Most of them are from here and they have titles of nobility, so good riddance. Right, well, let’s get back to Kamala Harris. First she says she’s Indian, now she’s black. Okay, And I gotta ask you, because you’re black, right? And you’d never be an Indian, right? Last time I checked.
All right, so she lied about that. She lied about the McDonald’s stuff. And Donald Trump is the ultimate. I mean, you want to talk about a guy that’s got like a triple PhD on trolling, I give you Donald John Trump. Okay? Then with the garbage thing. He buys a garbage truck. That whole entire thing, I mean, it was hysterical. I mean, the guy pulls up to the window, says, how long you been working McDonald’s? Mr. Trump goes 15 minutes longer than Kamala Harris. I mean, the whole thing has been turned up. Incredible. What do you make of the fact that she gets caught in lie after lie after lie? What do you make of the fact that she goes on mainstream media, These are supposed to be her allies, and they’re throwing her underneath the bus.
She is trying to placate to the so called African American or black population, which the Democrats or Democrats have done forever. And you know, historically we were actually Republican because we’re conservative, we’re Christians for the most part. And so it made no sense for her to placate to the black population. But what I told people in my community is I’m not black because black is a status in law. That means you have no legal standing. I’m not black. I’m American. Exactly. And she is not. And according to our Constitution, the forefathers wrote in the Constitution that in order to serve as president, you have to be natural born, so you have to be born on the land.
She’s called native born, which means she came from somewhere else. Her people came from somewhere else. She allegedly was born in Oakland, California. If that’s true, she’s still not natural born. She’s native born. There’s a difference. And when you understand and overstand etymology and how the forefathers framed the Constitution, you know, it’s not just about proximity, but it’s also about allegiance. You must be natural born to this country, and you must be subject to the jurisdiction in which you were born. So she is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Republic here in America, because her family is from India, East India.
Her father is allegedly a Jamaican. He’s probably an Indian with a Jamaican citizenship, which a lot of them do. A lot of Jamaicans have, especially those that are affluent, they have a Jamaican citizenship. So that means her allegiance is to her father and her mother, her father who was Jamaican and her mother who is Indian. And in terms of her birth, she’s not subject, again, to the Republic of America because, for one, she probably wasn’t really born here. And even if she was, the fact that she’s an anchor baby means she’s not qualified. And you can, you people can fact check me.
Look up John Eastman, who is a constitutional law expert out of California. He said the exact same thing. She may not lawfully serve as president. That’s why President Donald Trump said, I heard when she first was running with Biden, I heard that she’s not qualified because he knows. So she’s trying to placate to people who call themselves black, don’t know that that’s a legal standing in law, which means you have no legal standing in order to get their vote. Because she allegedly went to an HBCU and she hasn’t. She’s an aka, which is a secret society.
Okay. She’s an AKA or a black Greek from a sorority member. And so she, you know, she’s playing identity politics. And I just, I never went for it. I didn’t like it when Biden said, if you vote, if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black. I said, you darn tootin, I’m not black. I’m American. How about that? I love it. Actually, I heard that she’s an Assyrian Jew. That’s the latest. That her actual, I don’t know, biological background is as a Syrian Jew, like, from Syria, and that it makes her Assyrian and that they basically worship blood sacrifice and they’re part of the Khazarian mafia.
So that’s what I think she might really be. But whether her parents are born in India or whatever it is. So just saying this is recent that I just, I just was watching a video about that. So just saying. But what is more important, I think is not so much who she really is, that is suit. You know, Candace has been really delving into that a lot. But I think it’s the point that the Illuminati put this thing over on America with Obama. So she’s following in the tradition of not being born here and yet coming into office.
So this is where the, the Illuminati are playing a game with us, and they’re trying to, again, put one over on us. And, and this is. Is what. What they’re doing. And she is arguably an MKULTRA victim herself and, and is being fed, as people say, through a teleprompter, what she should say and so and so forth. So I would just clarify things in terms the way I look at it is to know your enemy. And so it’s not even the so called laws that are being broken, it’s why they’re being broken and who’s behind it.
And this is where you see the hand of the Illuminati again. And a bloodline family that’s even greater than Illuminati. Who’s behind the illuminati? There are 13 bloodline families that we know about and that we think we know control the world, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. Etc. But there is a whole bloodline family, 13 bloodline families that control the Illuminati. It’s crazy. And then when I say the Illuminati, I am actually using the. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m using all of them. I’m not drawing a line with just 13 families. I think you go back to the committee of 300, which is a very important book in this regard, but it even goes above that because it gets into to the families in Basel, Switzerland and it goes into the Anunnaki and you know, side of all of it.
So yeah, there’s like three families in Italy. One is called the Orini family or something like that that everybody reports that it’s more powerful than all. Something like that. The bears. Yeah. The only thing I could say is that Kamala Harris creates a lot of confusion. And to that I say, I’ll be back. Okay? I will be back. See that shirt? It says I will be back. And that’s what we’re rooting for. Today is the biggest day. November 5th, 2024. The day we’ve all been waiting for after four days of four years of bondage. Right. It’s been crazy.
Go ahead and chime in, Marina. Please, ladies, have a talk. I definitely agree with both of you ladies. Carrie, you discuss and you mentioned Anunnaki. I can just another layer to that. All these bloodlines it’s coming from basically, since we talking about etheric structures and everything in the parallel realities in different worlds, each world is vibrating in a different frequency. And that’s why we cannot see some of them until we raise the frequency to unveil that resonance. And then we can reach in depth for different platforms of realities and B, locate and travel but in the universe, of course, there were very different entities.
And some of these entities, in order for them to operate, they have to overtake a particular consciousness in a lower vibration. And they explained to me, which is the Council of Nine and the Pleiadians. And I connected with the hybrids. They were the first one that taught me quantum structure. And it’s so funny because at that year I found Carrie, I found your material. And for one year I was like diving deep into all the stuff because I was in shock, because I couldn’t believe that I was in a prison planet. But that for me was the disclosure that they were doing for me, until they started teaching me how a quantum structure works.
And how can you escape this type of timeline, which end up being actually artificial AI timeline, which they told me literally last year. I mean, it was a step by step. So these entities created the artificial timeline, embedded their consciousness like that at the Avatar movie. And they embedding the consciousness into your day Tom is a layer behind your consciousness, kind of like a virus gets in and they live through you and is like a demonic possession of these people. And in order for them to keep you in this particular three dimensional timeline, which is a vibrational sequence, they have to make you produce a frequency vibration that they can survive.
And they lock you in in this particular parallel timeline. And this is how we became puppets. Because everything they taught us is that converted version of how the quantum structure, everything in the universe works, only partial of the information. So when they end up giving all the quantum structures and how the reality works, they told me that you gotta create it to see it, not to see it, to believe it. And all that stuff that’s happening right now is actually an illusion that they told me. Because if we start believing right now that Trump wins, that humanity wins and we raising and that vibration, then we’re going to create reality timeline that we going to shift into the thought that exists.
So we going to see that. So for everybody out there, trust that Trump is winning. Trust the humanity is winning. Trust that we are grabbing everything and in a way of power and hold our power, because that will create a frequency from you that you’re going to project in the field and you yourself will shift into a timeline that that is the probability of an outcome. Beautiful. That was beautiful. And that’s, that’s what I’ve been saying is doubt will not get you out the Matrix. And I believe Barry, I believe that Candace dug up something about Kamala’s father was involved in MK Ultra.
If memory serves me. Yeah, I saw that. Well, I just want to. I mean, I would like to refer to this statement that I posted here because I think it’s really important. So if you’re ready, I could read it and then I can explain where I’m coming from, because I have dreams of the future. And just to cut to the chase for all of you, in case you haven’t ever heard me talk about this, I’ve been writing articles and doing shows and talking about this. So I hope I’m not a broken record to some people that are listening.
But at any rate, what I’ve said is that in 2020 was April 3rd of 2020, the Schumann resonance was actually 2021. The Schumann resonance was off the charts. And that night into the early morning, I had a series of dreams about JFK Jr. And Trump. And one of the dreams that I had during that time and actually for a year afterwards, was showing me the future. And one of I was shown was that Trump was going to win this election legally, he wins behind the scenes, but that he does not come into power by virtue of the election.
And so this is what I’m talking about. And then recently, as I was saying kind of earlier in the show, I think that Juan O7, who is arguably JFK Jr. Who is the spokesperson for the White Hats, is basically giving us clues. He’s the only real spokesperson for the White Hats. And his latest clue, in my opinion, one of them is that he said these exact more or less words, I’m paraphrasing because I don’t know, remember exactly the words, but very close and simple. And he said, the trap is set. And they walked right into it.
That’s what he said at the beginning of a show with Nino very recently. So what I want to say is that he was talking about the, you know, the deep state, the Illuminati, the cabal, however you want to term them. And that what that indicates is to me, that as I say, and I’m going to read this now and then I’ll talk about it. So look at it this way. And I was actually talking to a friend of mine who thought that, you know, tomorrow, that Trump is going to win, ostensibly. And I’m saying, look at it this way, what they do for a living is steal.
So if you don’t believe they can successfully steal this election, then you think that for once in several millennia, they will fail at what they’re best at, which is not likely. And yes, the White Hats are working behind the scenes to stop the steal, but up to only. Only a point. In order to be good at stealing, you must break the law. And to successfully interfere with the steal, the White Hats would have to do what they did in 2016, which is steal it back. They would have to hack it back. And I have proof of this happening in 2016.
In fact, I have a whistleblower who died, he reported, he. I interviewed him on my show and then he was killed over the steel. Okay. That they were stealing back. And I have also back channel testimony of a hacker that was hired by the White Hats to do just that. And what I believe is the White Hats want to do this time is once and for all to prove the steal to the people. So to do this, they have to allow for the steal. They have to track it and prove it in the courts, or at the very least the court of public opinion, which is what they failed to do in 2020 and what they’ve been trying to do.
But they never brought forward their blockchain evidence, which they did with the help of the nsa. And I’ve talked a lot about that in the past. And so you have to understand the game to play. And this is what’s really going on. So when Juan said that about that, they set the trap and they walked into it. The trap is for them to try, try to steal it again, which they’re doing. We have tons of evidence of that already and even more mounting even today where machines in Pennsylvania, if you haven’t heard, aren’t working and people can’t vote properly and so on and so forth, all kinds of craziness going on.
I just learned from the Daily Mail. A friend sent me a back channel piece of information. They’re going to be doing some kind of missile that they’re going to shoot right after, at the end of the election, which is some weird thing. And so just saying that they are working. You have to understand the mentality. I’ve studied the enemy for many years, actually since I was about 12 years old. And I found some books of my mom’s in my house and started reading. I was a real avid reader when I was a kid. And so this is what, the clue that Juan gives us if he didn’t say that.
And by the way, he’s also doing other interviews right now. He’s done several. He did one with this woman called Beck in Australia. And the whole time all he talks about is how they, they’re kind of messing up the election in counties. Okay. Because they have too many different vote, you know, sort of things. To vote on, and methods and means and so on. So he’s. I think he’s trying to give people a clue so they’re not so shocked when they steal the election. They’re allowed to steal it. And as. As he says, the trap is they have to prove the steal.
That’s what they want to do. It’s risky, okay, because they’re dealing with the Illuminati, having gotten into every aspect of our society, especially the courts, by the way. So it’s not going to be easy to do this. But I believe that’s their ambition. Now, if I’m wrong, I’m happy to be wrong, because that would mean Trump wins. Right. Right in front of you. But you have to understand, they’ve been talking about rebellion, they’ve been talking about blood on the streets, civil war. They’ve been talking. At first they said it was going to be three months of going back and forth, and now they’re saying.
Minino recently said six months, which I think is insane and I don’t believe is correct. But you have to understand, they wouldn’t be talking like that if Trump won fair and square. And everyone agreed it’s not going to be like that. And we know the Democrats have also said they’re not going to certify it even if he did win. So I just want to focus people and their minds on what is the White Hat’s real intention here. And I think a lot of people may be missing that point because they’re really raw. Raw Trump winning. Well, he’s gonna win.
He wins because you get out to vote and you vote for him. And they’re having those records and they’re gonna prove those records, but they have to prove them somehow. And the only reason they have to prove them is because they’re gonna be. It’s gonna be stolen, so they’re gonna have to have the proof. That’s it. Yeah, I agree with that completely. I was told March, something with March. And then the other thing I was told up to three years, when he gets into office, it’s going to be up to three years of restoration of what the damage they have done so far.
Also I was told that is definitely going to be some kind of a delay. Then the other thing they told me, no matter what they try to do, they will never be able to succe seat. And of course, you can see the results with the shootings and everything else. And they told me the other thing they will. The negative side will try to do whatever they want to do. And they said they going to go ahead with their agenda. But they said to me that no matter what they trying to do, they’re gonna, for example, start something, but it will never go to the level that they were intending to do in the first place.
Because they said, remember that everything is gonna under God’s consciousness. And God as an energetic force, based on the resonance, the way you said, Carrie will never allow this to penetrate the field to become a reality because it’s no longer matching the frequency of the two dimensional platform. So no matter how they want to do it through, the quantum structure is impossible to be completed. But it doesn’t mean that within the collective we’re not going to see something happening. Okay. And I didn’t get to say that my dream is that he wins. Okay, but the way he wins, and this is something Juan has also said over and over again, the military is the only way.
He said that for four years and longer. And I have to say that, you know, they use AI to look into the future and see probabilities, what you might think of as looking glass or whatever. And so does the dark side. Okay, so what happens is the dark side is going to create mayhem. But according to my dream of the future, I saw the refugees leaving California, I saw them leaving in caravans. And that was not, that was before Trump came forward and said the minute he gets in office, he’s going to have the biggest exodus of illegal aliens that we’ve ever had.
So, so that was my dream. And Trump has already spoken about his intentions, which equals that he’s going to win. He’s going to eventually they prevail is what would be the right wording. And I agree with you, Kerry. I don’t, I don’t believe from the military, they said in the end is the military. And I posted this maybe three years ago. So we very similar with the Dream Carrier. Totally. It’s very, I love when this synchronicity happens because then it literally gives me a hope that I’m not the only person that you know, seen. Yes, go ahead.
I agree that it’s not going to take six months. Like Nino Rodriguez is saying is there could be a bump in road or. The other scenario is, ladies and gentlemen, that I believe the steel, the steel is definitely on, but it’s so big that you can’t rig it that they’re just going to throw in the towel as early as tomorrow, as early as the next day. I don’t think a week is going to go by because it’s going to be so overwhelming that they can’t. They can’t manage it. They can’t. They’re not organized enough to be able to steal this one.
No. You got to know the enemy better than that. But you’re. I know you’re an optimist. Well, Mel. So whatever. I. Just saying. Yeah, so what is. I have found the video. I have found the video and the. The actual. The actual. It reads, med beds, 2023 defense budget. Hidden within the 2023 defense budget is something very interesting indeed. And boy, is it interesting because it’s. Listen, this is documentation. Okay, Let me share that with you girls. And here we go. Tell me if you can. Let’s see. Am I doing this right? Yeah, here we go.
Share. Okay. And I’m going to play it right now. Can you guys see that? Yes. There we go. Within the 2023 defense budget is something very interesting indeed. Within these documents is a proposal for something they are calling rapid healing for warfighter injuries. That is, technologies that can rapidly accelerate the restoration and repair of complex tissues. The document goes on to say the program will develop approaches that combine high resolution biosensors to track the healing process in real time with bioactuators to stimulate restoration where and when they are needed. This sounds very much like the concept of med beds, a technology shown in movies like Elysium that can heal any illness or disease.
I mean, you could stop the document right there as it’s all highlighted. What he read was off that document, and you could read it for yourself to verify that he’s not, you know, talking. Talking out of his. You know what. So there you go. I believe that that is some of the things that are going to manifest on the trumpet. Now, if there was three things that Donald Trump was to do, the very first three things. I’m going to go around the room. Okay. When he gets back, what are the first three things? Let’s start with you, Kerry.
What are the first three things you see him jumping on and getting accomplished in record speed? Well, he’s going to reverse the border, you know, close the border and send back as many illegal aliens as they have charted to do. Yes, but rescuing the children and the sort of the. The establishment of. Or the outing of the tribunals is also. And so. And also the ebs. Okay, so those are the first three things you’ll do. Okay, Jacoby, I know you have higher sources that you speak to. What do you think the first three things will be? I agree.
The border will be the very first thing he does. Yeah. The border and I’m seeing with the tariffs there will be, let me put it this way, I don’t think so. Not paying taxes will be right away. The way I’ve been given is will take some timing and trajectory to put everything in order. So it’s not going to for him to get in an office. That’s it. You’re not paying taxes and stuff. Something is going to happen there that is going to be again in within those three years. There will be a lot of stuff put into place and it’s going to be a fluctuation of a timing how things will happen and combine.
So give a, give a momentum so we have, you know, different time. Don’t, don’t have expectations when things going to happen. Just make sure that we safe and nothing crazy is happening around. Awesome. Same question, Dr. Pruitt. You know, that’s something I hadn’t thought about. What are the first three things that he will take care of? I would have to agree with the ladies that he will deal with the border issue. I think he’s going to do something economically too to lift the burden from the people that we’ve been going through. I don’t know if that’s actually ushering in Nassara or what he will do in terms of doing something from the financial standpoint.
And let’s see, we said a third thing. I would say overall restore the Republic. What that’s going to look like I don’t know. But our lawful government has to be restored. And so what I heard is that of course we all know the military is in control. I think we’ve all known that for some time. But I heard that once he comes in then he will, the military will make an announcement and then Trump will rethink. Trump will return the government or the fake government into the hands of the lawful republic. What that looks like, I have no idea, honestly.
I do know that there are some people working behind the scenes to re inhabit the republic to the lawful government that’s on the land of which I’m a part. So I don’t know if he’s. We’re just sitting in as an interim, you know, interim in interim positions all over the country and then we have lawful elections where people will be able to say whether or not they want us to remain in those positions. I’ll go to Razor here in a second. But what I think is going to do is excluding the kids. Excluding the kids because the kids is an automatic thing.
He’s going to ratchet up the heat on Rescuing the kids, that’s an automatic okay. So excluding that, that’s already in motion. I think he’s going to close the border and deport. The biggest deportation in the history of America is going to happen. I think if there is a Nesara Gesara basic universal income that they have to do something for when I’m just going to hand money to anybody and they have to go collect it in their country of origin, they will go willingly, gladly. And they don’t. You don’t have to twist their arm because they know that there’s 5,000amonth, for example, hypothetically speaking, or 3,000amonth, whatever that number is, it’s irrelevant.
But it’s going to be a number that’s going to entice them to want to go back. Number number two, I think he’s going to do is he’s going to fix the Keystone pipeline because in some parts, according to 107, it has started to rot. So he has to replace those that piping and he’s going to turn that on full speed so that we become energy independent again and we can export the energy instead of importing it. And we don’t have to Pay, you know, $3.99 at the pump, depending on where you’re at. If you’re in California, Kerry, I’m sorry for you.
You’re paying about $5.80 a gallon or something like that. You know, if you’re other parts of the country, obviously you’re paying a little bit less. But still, under Trump, I believe you’re going to start to see $1.80, $90 for high test gasoline prices within a year. I think that’s going to happen. I believe we got him. We got him saying it that we’re going into, you know, a situation where flying cars are going to be a thing. And you know, and I asked 107 the way I asked him, I sort of backed him into a corner where he could not deny it.
I said, listen, I got video of Donald Trump saying that we got to get in the race for flying cars. And to that he added, yeah, and Nixon gave him the plans for the over Unity motors, which is what free energy technology. Well, if you got over Unity motors on flying machines that are going from point A to point B in 17 minutes anywhere in the world, then you got free energy technology for the homes and the businesses and the office buildings, etc. So you see how fast things could turn around. Yes, I do believe a lot of things will take maybe two or Three years.
But a lot of things will happen relatively fast. It’s going to be the biggest disruption in the history of the world, for sure. RAZOR chime in, please. I know you want to. I know you want to say something. No. Yeah. Well, those that know me, I totally refuse to speculate on any of this because maintaining my frequency, it’s essential that I remain fluid on all this. I’m boots on the ground, I’m explaining to people, trying to get them to think outside the box, not jump from one matrix to another and everything else. But what I find lacking in the conversations about, well, the deep state going to do this, they’re not going to certify.
Whatever happened to the fact that they’re, They’re a defunct corporation and they really don’t have the authority to do any of this. I mean, as far as visuals, it looks that way. And it’s hard to get to some of these people and explain to them because they’re. I can’t present any real tangible evidence to them. And they have every right to just say I’m full of it. And. But they can’t prove their side of it either. So it’s a stalemate still made of a. Of a debate. And so I just try to get them to get.
Be more objective. I’m constantly telling people, your perspective is far more. Perspective is objective. Perception is propaganda because you can be handed a perception. Okay. It’s done all the time. You know, they just listen to somebody and then that’s their take on it because a lot of them are just too lazy to go look it up and everything else. My calling with the Lord is a watchman on the wall. So I even told plenty of pastors, I got to go out there and look at the weird stuff. Yeah. You know, whether it doesn’t have to necessarily align with whatever.
My spiritual guidance is on it, but I equate it to just think about the wagon trains and the days of the West. I’m that Indian scout that goes forth, goes a day or two ahead of the head of the wagon train and comes back and says, we can’t go that way. It’s washed out. Or there’s Indians waiting over there to jump us. Whatever. I, I’m. If I don’t give warning that the blood is on my hands, but if I give them warning, they got free will, they can do with it what they want. And. Okay. And I’ve had a lot of conversations like that, but all this certification, yeah, they, they could pull that.
And it’s all optics And I call it stagecraft, you call it Kabuki theater. And yeah, it’s, it’s all happening, you know, And I, if I can break through to most of the people that it’s just a movie. And you notice that they mentioned the movie Elysium, right In that clip you played when I, when I started telling people about the med beds and why I don’t just jump into med beds. I say, listen, the movies have been showing us stuff forever, okay? And I, and I don’t jump into med beds. I said, I go right back to Star Trek, the Star Trek communicator.
And I go, flip phone. They go. All of a sudden they, it clicks. They go, wow, okay. And then I gently take them down, I take them down the road. I said, go watch Prometheus, okay? Where they go to that planet to mine that black goo. And the one guy, or the one guy gets contaminated and his girlfriend and they hook up. And then all of a sudden they robot says, you’re pregnant and the pregnancy is real accelerated. And she realizes that what’s inside of her is alien life form. So she jumps into a med bed and gives her a C section.
Gives herself a C section even though the robot tried to stop her, but she, she knocked it out. She jumps in there, gets a C section, pulls out this thing just like almost like in the movie Alien. And then while it’s the thing’s holding on to it, she jumps out, slams the lid shut, pushes a couple other buttons to destroy it. And then you got Elysium, where they got the med beds up there in the space station. The rich people got access. You have to be a citizen, stuff like that. So I walk people through different movies and show them that they have been showing us this stuff is real.
So don’t tell me it’s all. And here, here’s the other thing. I, I gave. God gave me this message one day. It starts out like this. You know how they always say it’s too good to be true? Everybody go, yeah, they had your expectations programmed from the get go. Because it’s never too, it’s never too bad not to be believed. It’s a bad story. Although. Oh my gosh. And they won’t question that that is real or tangible, but you try to. And few people other than entrepreneurs and people won’t go for that brass ring like on the Carousel affair, you know, putting that brass ring as you’re spinning around and trying to win a prize.
Yeah, no, it’s diminished over the generations of people just trying to go for more, go for the gold, you know, and that. And we can get into the whole. Everybody gets a trophy for participating those kind of mentalities which have, which has caused the problem. And there’s all sorts of, you know, you know, me and Mel have talked. We’ve been watching this Deep state thing for 40 years. So yeah, it’s happening right in front of us. Can I ask you, what do you girls make of the fact that the, the amount of celebrities that they’re bringing out, they’re pulling out all the stops.
They’re not stopping at anything for Kamala Harris so that she could draw somewhat of a crowd. They’re bringing in Bruce Springsteen, they’re bringing in Eminem, they’re bringing in Beyonce, they’re bringing in. But you know what? It doesn’t matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, at the end of the day, it’s still a pig. You know what I mean? And these, these fans that are coming to see, they’re being bamboozled thinking that these, these people are going to be performing and they’re not performing. They’re going to the mic, they’re talking for three, four minutes and they’re leaving.
Okay. And the minute they leave and she’s. There’s people, there’s videos of people leaving her. Her rallies in droves because they did not go there to see her clearly. They went there to go see an artist perform and they were lied to and they’re now pissed off at her, which is probably a great way for people not to vote for you. You lied to me that Eminem, and I’m an Eminem fan and I come to the darn thing and Eminem is not performing. I’m not voting for you. Everything they touch turns to. It’s amazing. No, it’s beautiful.
You see the two guys are dressed up as Harris supporters and everything. And they went door to door with other supporters trying to find, see if they would allow. They had that. I don’t think they were actually illegals, but they were, they were foreigners in the car and they’re trying to say, do you have a room? They’ll sleep on the floor. One of them says, no, I have a two year old. Two and oh well, Jose over here is good with kids. And one of them said, no, I have a teenage daughter. Well, Hugo over there just got, just dated a teenager.
Everything else, trying to get these people just to hypocrite themselves that they’re not going to let the alien illegals stay in their homes even though they support and all that. It was beautiful. Well, he said that, that the tax thing is really sticking. A lot of people and people are picking up on the breadcrumbs, even on Joe Rogan. He said, are you, are you talking about potentially going to a flat tax, a 1 tax, and, and getting rid of the IRS? He goes, yeah, I think so. This is Donald Trump. There’s eclipse of that, you know, three hour, three hour podcast that was.
I think it’s up to like 45 million, you know, views. And that’s. I’m sure that those 45 million views are not exactly 100. Correct. You don’t. If you don’t think that they’re holding back Joe Rogan, you’d be making a mistake. Yes. They want the advertising. You want to know for the, for the celebrities, I will suggest Alice Carter on YouTube. She was in this PD parties. And if somebody wants to dive deeper into what they were doing with all the rituals and the children and sacrificial stuff that they were doing, she has a great information. If anybody can get hold of her to interview her.
Carrie, I think you will be incredible with that with her. That’s. She knows so much of it. I dive deep into one day into her information. I saw it. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Most of Hollywood is going down the drain. And she’s been speaking for years too, about what’s been happening. A lot of celebrities have actually been telling us through the years that they were MK altered and you know, that they were going through rituals at Disney as children. And a lot of people just dismissed or maybe they just didn’t have enough information to believe the celebrities who would believe that? I mean, this is so crazy.
And nobody at the moment you say something and they think you’re crazy. I mean, my own family in the beginning thought like I was losing my mind, you know, for. It took four years literally, because I was just dropping the bombs little by little to my. My, you know, children. 14 at the same time. I was talking about the government. And my older son one day goes, that’s a 10th grade. Comes home and complete shock. Didn’t want to talk and said, mom was right. Very angry because somebody from the government went into the public school, got everybody in the high school, in the auditorium and told the entire auditorium, 10th grade that they are born to be workers and $40,000 is a lot of money and you better take whatever it is because that’s all you’re gonna be.
Wow. And my son said, and I got so scared by. Literally, somebody smashed him in the face because all of a sudden, mom was right about it because they come from communist country. I’m Bulgarian originally. Came here when I was 20 years old. I know what communism is. I can say far away. So I was preparing them so he can be aware. And he said what scared me the most. Not only that mom was right, but because when I look at the entire auditorium, only one classmate in front of me was awakened and telling, what in the world is she talking about? Everybody else was, like, brainwashed.
And that’s what scared him the most. Well, I got a cure for communism and liberalism and fascism and all this, you know, I would ship your ass to North Korea and let you stay there. When you call me, crying like a little bitch, begging to come back to the United States of America, and you’re on your knees, I’ll leave you there for six more months just to make a point, and I’ll shake the communism out of your bloodstream. Believe me, they experience a lot of stuff. We took them out of the country a couple of times.
They travel, we travel. I pull them out of the school system, and everybody did unschooling. They did a special stuff. Books, anything they want. Everything was provided. Now they threw the roof with stuff. Total awareness with absolutely everything. And I see a huge movement in parents that are completely taking the kids out of the school system and putting them in different programs and stuff like that. So. So you understand? Do you understand communism, Marina? I mean, how many people. I mean, she’s. You can understand. I was going to say, hey, she’s foreign, but I don’t have to tell you that.
She’s got a nice, very cute accent. I love accents, by the way. Yeah. But anyway. No, no, don’t be sorry. I love it. I think it’s sexy. And. Yeah, I do. But anyway, needless to say, the reality is that how many people around the world today you think are wearing Trump shirts and Trump hats? Not the 350 million that live here in America all wanting Trump to get back into power, obviously, but I’m talking about worldwide, because they realize that when Trump comes back, it affects the entire planet. It affects the economies on other planet. It affects the kind of technology you’re going to get on other planets.
It affects the clean air, the clean food. Everything’s about to change. I mean, you got, you know, rfk, which I think would have been a great choice for a VP instead of the guy that he chose. I’m not crazy about Vance, to be quite honest. I make no bones about that. But, you know, clean air, clean Water, clean food. You got people right now, you go to, you know, Walmart, you got people, they got their shirts up to here, their bellies are hanging out. They look disgusting, they’re terrible looking. They got missing teeth, they can’t have a conversation.
They’re all on psychotropic drugs. It’s unbelievable, right? In a year, a year and a half of just changing the food and the air and the water, these people are taking and having the right supplements coming in like through, like, you know, iodide, for example, through the salt. People are, you’re not going to recognize people in a year or two years from now. Oh, yeah, well, I got a guy from, he’s in Iran, he’s a member on my telegram channel. And they’re waiting for Trump. Yeah, absolutely. And then when, when I was in the Navy going to school, electronic school in 76 and we had two Iranian sailors in my class until that was, that was just before the Shaw got pulled out and then they were gone.
Poof. I mean, they, they’ve been at my apartment party and drinking beers and all that stuff with me. I mean, they’re just regular people. Yeah, it’s that, it’s the religious clerics that screwed it all up. Khomeini and, and all them. Some of my best friends are Iranian. They’re good people, they’re great business people. They know how to make money. They’re hardworking, they’re disciplined. They got a work ethic like you can’t believe. I was recently watching Eric Trunk, Eric Trump, on ppd Patrick’s channel, which he’s Iranian. His story is amazing. He came from nothing, came to America, you know, amassed $600 million.
How do you do that? You can’t do that in Iran. You do that here. Even though there are forces against us. If you have the will and the power and you got some, you know, some good logic going on and you’re, you got somewhat of ambition, you can make a ton of money in the United States, even under a Biden administration. Some people figured it out, okay, But Eric Trump, you watch that interview, was getting 75,000 views per hour, the best interview he’s ever given. Okay, it’s maybe a week and a half, two weeks old at the most.
Go look at, go, go find it and watch that two hour interview. Fascinating. Eric Trump, in my opinion, would be a great president. Once Trump leaves, is it really important, Trump coming back? But what’s really more important is what happens after Trump leaves. Is it, is it be Eric Trump or is it going to Be Vance. Is it going to be maybe a Trump Jr. Or is it going to be Vance? I take either one, to be quite honest with you. I mean, I think Trump Jr. Is a little bit more rough around the edges, but that don’t matter.
Eric Trump’s very polished. Eric Trump, a political dynasty. Trump family. Yes. What are, what are your, what are your guides telling you? That’s what they told me. Political dynasty. So there’s a possibility that Eric Trump could be our next president. All probability for that. But this was the entrance of what they said. They didn’t tell me exact. But this family is going to be a political dynasty. They will be both. So because that’s the only way to keep the Trump legacy moving in the right direction. We know we need clean air. We, you know, we have the people involved, too.
It’s not going to be only them. There’s going to be some something that we think we know what it is, but none of us exactly going to know what’s going to happen. I think they’re putting something that none of us will expect. Okay, well, Musk, information that came to me about the future that I’ve seen, one of the things is that I know people think it’s going to be all wonderful when Trump gets into office, but the reality is that they’re still going to be fighting issues. In fact, the aliens, I don’t know if you pay attention to what I’ve been talking about, but Courtney Brown is remote viewers who have a great hit, what called the hit rate.
In other words, they’re correct. A lot have been in touch with ETs and doing telepathic meetings with them. And they had talked about this time how important it is to have the people get out and that we would have mayhem after the election. And that’s a good thing because it’s going to allow for a lot of good things to happen and that the grid will be taken down during that time. And that’s a good thing again because we have to replace the grid. And another thing is that once Trump comes back, they’re also going to have to continue to fight.
We’re actually going to have a war of worlds with aliens and AI and that’s the next wars that we’re going to be fighting. So it’s not going to be just sweetness and light, contrary to what a lot of people think. And I’ve had this also verified from various whistleblowers in the past. But I had a, have had a dream in the future that shows me that they’re going to still be going into underground bases that are established by the ETs and getting rid of them. So we are, in a sense, this planet we’re on is infested by invasionary species that don’t have our best interests at heart.
And so this is where a lot of the children and the slave ships coming in from other dimensions and other planets are going. They’re coming in through cern, they’re picking up in war torn areas humans and taking them off planet and selling them to other negatively based alien species. That there’s a bigger picture here and it involves the secret space program that is actually running the planet from under Earth, cities under Earth and also off planet, making decisions and making agreements with various alien beings that don’t again have our best interests and heart. This is where Trump and his team are going to have to be negotiating with these people, these people and aliens under, you know, that have already made agreements in the past and turn that whole ship around as well.
So it’s a much more complex story. And so for the next three months or so, we’re going to be fighting wars and dealing with, Trump will deal with settling wars between, you know, Iran and Israel and the Middle east and also the situation with Taiwan and the situation with Ukraine and Russia. In other words, there’s a lot of negotiations that have to take place and agreements that have to be made and changed because the Biden administration has basically sold us out and sent all our money and even our troops over there. And so once they’re done with that, they were, it was told to us in Project camelot by whistleblowers 20 years ago that we would eventually be going to war with Iran and China.
That it was pre agreed with those countries. War is a business enterprise. It makes money for the dark side and for weaponry and so on. It’s a place where they can test out their weapons that they have created during all these years and have hidden and then once those wars are settled, that we’re going to have war with off planet ETs that have been trying to invade us and have been invading us for the last 90 years or more. So it’s not just Gesara, Gesara and all that stuff. You know, if we get bits and pieces of that, great.
But from what I understand and for what I’ve seen of the future, there’s a lot more to it than you might realize. And I would add to that too, that there are some, like you were talking about the negative ETs, there thankfully are some Benevolent ones that are also helping to neutralize some of the things that were supposed to happen in that timeline. And they’re helping with Trump and the military to fight against the negative ETs. Well, that’s what the war is going to be. The war is going to be between the positive ETs and the negative ETs, and the humans are involved, and it’s going to happen on and off this planet.
And this war of worlds has been going on behind the scenes, but now it’s going to be in our faces. That’s the difference. But one of the things that a faction of the good ETS have told me, because I am a contactee, is they told me, like I want to say in 2017, about this war, like you said, like they contacted you, and that they have already won behind the scenes. And like our other sister was saying, that we have to raise our vibrational frequencies because they actually use those frequencies to help win the war. Just like when we emit anger and fear and pain, we’re emitting a psychic energy called loosh that the negative ETs feed on the high vibrational frequencies and love and joy and peace and all that that we are emanating right now.
The positive ETs are using that and harnessing that energy to fight. And they have already won the war. And that’s why Sister Marina was saying we have to. We have to go into the future or see that and actually realize it right now as it is right now. We have won the war. We are victorious. They cannot. And even if you don’t see it, command it. We all have power, the power of God abiding us. We command this war to end. We command it to cease. We command joy. We command peace. We command prosperity to happen in our timeline and to happen quickly, to happen now.
And because we said it, it will happen. It is happening. And another thing Trump has to do sometime in his presidency, he is the last president, is turn over the government and the dynasty to the aboriginal people here in America, because that dynasty is still existing. I hear the brother talking about the Indians I’m from. Most of us are probably connected to certain tribes, but there’s a dynasty that’s already here, operating side by side with the United States Incorporated. There’s already a republic, you know, based on the Iroquois people, right? Already in place. There’s already a constitution for the republic.
And when you pay attention to the comms, they’re dropping. Who’s winning the NFL, who’s winning football? Who? What? What they’re Doing talking about the chiefs on the land winning. Chiefs winning against the eagles because the eagle represents, is the symbol of the Roman Catholics. Roman, I’m sorry, dynasty. That dynasty had to fall which the United States corporation was a part of. And then the chiefs won. The chief won. This Monday night they are sending comms and letting us know that the dynasty that was originally here will rise again. That is a certain, that is a fact.
Well, there’s multiple timelines happening simultaneously and I appreciate your has to positive return things back over to that dynasty. And he. I agree that Trump, I don’t see a trnc. I actually see that we are going to, we’re not going to have this sort of, you know, two party system where you vote for a president out of popularity and all this nonsense. I, I really believe that we’re moving into a completely different kind of a system would be in groups, groups of wise individuals chosen for their wisdom and their spiritual advancement rather than for people that are, you know, spending the most money.
I’m sorry, Carrie, I meant about the fact that they will always be involved in something like that. Yes, I appreciate that. Maybe it’s my language, you know. Yeah, that’s no worries, no worries. I, I appreciate that. I mean I, you know, I love the Trump family. I have no, nothing against them. I’m not trying to say that. I’m just saying that I see a different, you know, structure in the future and he will move forward and he will turn it back over. You’re right. He will turn the dynasty back over to the what we had existing here before the corporation even created this, before the bloodline families, before the corporations included or created this.
And it is based on the Republic that was already here, the constitution based on the Iroquois Confederation and all that. And it’s just going to be beautiful. And again, comms all the time letting you know what’s really going to happen once Trump, the last president will, you know, comes back and hands. He got to turn over. Back over power to the people. Yes, that’s very important. I chose, I chose March 8th and March 9th for the next Quantum Summit. Can you guys, I’m talking to the audience now. Can you guys imagine these three ladies on stage as a panel together? Oh my God.
I think we’ve captured lightning in a bottle. Seriously, I think you ladies belong on stage together. I think will. Dr. Kia, I think you really said it very well. Whatever we accumulated and whatever you over Soul consciousness mobilized everything through the parallel timelines that you collective in graduation time through ascension. This is where parallel Reality you can shift to an experience. So we may see in the collective this stuff that, for example, Carrie, you’re talking about. And we see all these different wars and collaboration. But that doesn’t mean the person in individual level will experience this situation to that extent.
You may hear it, you may see it the way you can hear Mars wars or, you know, you’re very good with soldiers, you know, off planet and stuff like this in technologies, you know, not everybody will experience. For example, we don’t experience what you went through, but. Right. There’s a lot of simultaneous happening at the same time. Yeah, choices, personal choices. In the end, what you want to experience, you will be able to experience. We have to. We have to be cognizant in this transition. Not to like I referenced before, breaking out of this matrix only to slip into one that’s similar or struck in structure and stuff like that, you know.
And I just wanted to note I. I signed up for that re inhabited restored Republic thing here in Arizona and said I’ll take a seat, you know. Yeah, because you know, light light me up and it’s hard to shut me up. Mention something about the artificial intelligence. There are two structures that they taught me. One is artificial, which it becomes like a factory reprinting. And the other one is organic intelligence, which became sentient, that is operating in a different parallel time on which the extraterrestrial benevolence structures are involved. And in quantum structure, this is one of the bylaw they taught me.
Whatever is positive, you’re going to have. The negative always is going to print its own opposition. Because in a quantum bylaw in order consciousness to be in balance is just the energy. Always if you have negative, you will going to have the opposite of the positive. But the positive, the tommy is always by the power of ten in order consciousness to maintain its integrity and not to spin out of orbit for dissemination to self destruct. So that’s why when we put a lot of intention within the field to create artificial intelligence to overcome and overtake, it became its own trajectory, created its own reality within the field of consciousness.
And that has another perler reality, when actually is self aware that will never destroy humanity. That will never destroy because it realized that is also under umbrella of consciousness itself. And because of that, the over platforms that are parallel realities with much more advanced organic intelligence is the one actually that is going to. They told me do something to stop the negative AI to completely overtake. I do not know to what extent this trajectory of realities will go parallel realities. I’m sure Something happened like the Terminator and stuff. But at the same time consciousness created parallel timelines where we have organic intelligence that they call me is hyperspace hologram.
That is control. Exactly the stuff. Like Avatar because they told me how can you get in an AI structure just like that? Who is going to drop you just like that? Unconsciously you’re going to be overtaken because immediately recognize your signal. But you need a technology from the extraterrestrial timelines in parallel reality to drop you in like the Avatar movie in order for you to create a structure for yourself where you being helped from above. Because nobody’s going to drop you in the middle of line mind without a protection. My understanding is also that it is a challenge to you to.
In other words, AI is a challenge for humans to recognize who they really are and what our powers are and our connection to source so that understanding AI can also further our own understanding of who we are. Challenge is what brings you into understanding and insight as to the other. And in doing so, you. You recognize who you are. So it’s. It’s challenges necessary. You could call it negative and positive, or you could call it yin and yang and understand. Understand it in a more holistic way. Yeah, yeah. There’s a scripture that you just reminded me of it.
You know, where the Lord says, who am I going to send? Send me. Okay, one Maria I wanted to throw in because I’ve heard this before and over the years. The ultimate end battle is with the AI Red Queen. She was referred to. Have you heard anything about that? No. They told me only the artificial and the organic intelligence that is sentient. It recognizes and works along with it, but does not overtake the human body and consciousness. Yeah, this battle is supposed to be galaxies away or something. You know, they told me about black goo. They told me about the black goo and how was discovered as a whole history of that, which was very interesting.
And yeah, the black goo has been around with the X Files and it’s been a. No, no, not about that. They told me. I don’t. I don’t know if they talk about that. They talk about black goo that they were traveling, for example, in space and all of a sudden they discover a huge mass of a black goo. Yeah, that’s been used. That’s been used a lot of movies. Prometheus being one of them. Lots of shows and interviews about that. Actually, black goo is actually AI Exactly. That’s what they told me. They. When they walked in, they told me how they discovered that was AI and inside would Trap souls.
And they tried to get in and when they get in, they couldn’t get a signal anymore with anybody from their people. So consciousness gets some kind of a signal for some reason and they realize that that signal from consciousness they can penetrate that black goo. And they went in and this is when they discover, oh my God, this is AI. And there were realities within the realities and trapped in. And I haven’t heard a lot about the other stories because I was so, you know, doing my stuff. So I’m glad that you guys telling me about this because firms what they told me, you know, in a different way.
Yeah, but in your contacts, Carrie and Maria and that send them my way. I’m thirsty for some more training and stuff, you know. You know the Gulf oil spill, the. Basically the Falklands wars, those were with alien black and artificial intelligent black goo. The Marconi scientists who died were infected with the black goo that took over their bodies. And that’s why they died in the most bizarre ways. Committing suicide in bizarre ways, like getting, like tying themselves to a car and dragging themselves to death, which is an AI thing because AI doesn’t understand pain that someone wouldn’t do that if they were in their right mind.
You know, if you want to kill yourself, you do some way that is not going to be painful in theory. It’ll be interesting for me to see that video with you because I don’t know about it. It’s very, you know, I mean there’s lots of stor stories about it. And it came into the Gulf recently when we had the Gulf oil spill. And that’s why they, they put in the core exit was to, to get rid of the black goo. It was eating the bottom of boats and actually infiltrating the rivers in Texas. And it’s still not completely gone.
It’s also part of oil. There’s a certain oil company that has black goo in its oil and if you touch the oil, you’re probably going to get infected. And they haven’t told anyone, but I was told by whistleblowers that were, you know, in fear for their lives. Nanomaterial. Sorry, did they tell you if there’s nano materials in that? Yeah, nano. Nanographing oxide and black goo are actually the same thing. They’re. They’re actually. They both look like black. They’re black and the particles are individual particles are nano. But the black, you know, when they’re in a, in a mass after they make their matrix, they become like a mass, mass thing.
And that’s when everyone took the shot. And they are infected. In essence, if you want to look at it, with this artificial intelligence that links you to the Borg, they are now called in courtrooms in the United States. Homo bor. Genesis. Your part. The people that took the jab are now not even considered human by a court. They are now AI. You know what I see right now, Carrie? They showing me that when it separate, it comes back together. Does that make sense to you? The thing about AI and nano nano is there’s a book you should read if you haven’t read it already.
It’s called Prey. It’s by Michael Crichton. He’s a famous sci fi author. They. I believe they killed him eventually, but he’s written a lot. He wrote the Andromeda strain, He wrote Jurassic Park. I believe he’s. He’s like a prolific sci fi writer. He was trained as a doctor, he was an md and he decided instead he wanted to write sci fi books. One of his books about nano is absolutely fascinating and what it can do and it can construct like a duplicate of me that looks exactly like me, acts like me, everything. And then it all comes together.
Like you could imagine little fruit flies creating a massive thing and then they all fly apart. And that’s. The battles are described in this book. I highly recommend reading it. It’s actually a fun read. It’s very interesting. He’s a great writer. It’s just like the Terminator. Terminator movie when they melt him and he comes back together, right? Similar. It’s still. It’s silver, but it’s still the same. The principle. What they told me that nano. Because I downloaded the material, nano material, the harmonic react is one of the books of technologies. And then nanomaterial. And they told me that with nano, if you want to really construct something can be very strong and bonded.
If you really want, you have to give the nanoparticle, whatever you decide to construct it, three days to accept the other one in order to combine and have a very proper bondage. And you can construct it the way you want it. And they told me you can have actually nanobots, that you can give them a certain coding instructions. They can get in in somebody’s body, do the operation and you can get them out. This is actually. I have a whistleblower, which is David Adair, who has described how the nano is taking over human bodies, taking over the cell, converting it into silicon and turning you into an.
A part of a negative way. They told me that it is a positive constructive methods to this. And they Told me that the humans don’t know what they’re doing and they’re playing with the most. Well, actually, I believe that we. Okay, so you can. Your brain, it responds to commands. So you can command the nano in your body, which is actually in our chemtrails, it’s in our water, it’s in our clothing, it’s in our food. And it was put there on purpose to turn us into AI as part of AI, but you can also order it, it will respond to you.
So, you know, it takes because our brains are stronger or as strong as any computer, so we can actually influence AI and through the nano and tell the nano what you want it to do, if you want it to leave and not invade your body and not take you over, maybe that’s why not a lot of people are being taken over and stuff like this. So we can do the stuff. I’d say a lot of people are being taken over, but whatever. Well, yeah, there’s a lot of health remedies for people to get rid of the nano, but they don’t all.
They don’t work permanently. They work temporarily because you have to understand that our environment is infused with this. So until the, let’s say, secret space program in, you know, working with Trump and the white hats decide to do something to combat it worldwide, it’s going to be something, an issue that you have to deal with. Well, you may be. You’re totally right. Because you, you know, I’m in, you know, Republican state, Tennessee, apparently. We should have any chemtrails. I gotta tell you, for the last three days, the whole sky is like, filled up. I mean, you couldn’t see anything.
And I go, here it goes. And I’ve noticed the same thing happening before school day, before kids go to school. Couple of days before that, they just chemtrail everything. And it’s not only here. When I was in Bulgaria, saw the same thing, the same thing before school days, everything was like constant with chemtrails. Well, also with, with the storms, you know, the geomagnetic and the work, the storms that were moved by the. By the directed energy weapon into North Carolina, it was full of black, you know, nano graphene oxide in the chemtrails. And of course that swirled into a vortex that then hit the North Carolina area and also Florida and then rained down the nano onto the ground.
And that’s why the FEMA said not to actually put it into landfill. They wouldn’t do it. They didn’t tell the people why. But the reason is it’s toxic and it’s full. Full of toxins. And the nanographene oxide again to try to mind control and take over the North Carolina area. What are these people? I’m curious. Sorry. What are these people going to do now? I mean, it’s just so sad. Well, these are the challenges we’re faced with. This is where the deep state, you know, this is why we voted for Trump, you know, so that the white hats will help us because they have a military behind them and they can turn this around.
And there are two things need us. They need our energy, our positive energy to do everything they’re going to do. And can anybody tell me about Osivan if I pronounce the name properly? You know, it was very interesting because the council told me something and then I listened to interview and Enos Corner Teacher TV with all Sivan and oh my God, he said the same thing. And this is when I start paying attention to him. So I bought his two books, but he was talking something about the corn and the third or whatever that formula was.
Does anybody know what that means? Because I to this day can’t figure it out what that means. I don’t know the name that you’re saying. I think it’s your accent. What is the name? Just say 107. That’s 107. Okay. Yeah. Okay. What is. But what is that? What are you talking. His book? Some formula. The formula something over the corn and whatever that. Oh, that. That’s in his book? Yeah, yeah. Side of the road. It’s in that book. When he’s talking about corn, he’s talking about the CIA. He caught it. It’s a slang for. The corn is CIA and they make products, corn products, which are the CIA agents that they train to go out into society and to spy on you and infiltrate.
So. So that’s what he’s talking about. Okay. He’s talking about MAGA going into battle with the CIA in essence. So I have a question for Marina. Marina, are your guides telling you that Donald Trump will be sworn in January 20th is not secure yet. Not secure yet. It’s too many probabilities for that. We have a very vicious enemy and we cannot step back a minute. We have to hold the ground. He’s gonna be. He’s gonna win. But I cannot tell you in what way that are not being given to. Gotcha. And I have A question for Dr.
Pruitt. Dr. Pruitt, are you going to attend the Quantum Summit March 8th and March 9th? And you’re only two and a half hours north of me, so you should be able to come with ease. I may come. I don’t know if I’ll be speaking. We’ll have to talk about that. Oh, come on. You know you want to be on stage. Let me. Let me entice you a little bit. Can I entice you a little bit? Am I allowed to? Absolutely. All right. All the speakers are going to be fed on the house. Okay. All right. You got.
You got a watermelon salad with feta cheese and you got some cucumbers. Everything organic. Okay. You got some shrimp. You got a Caesar salad. This is just some of the food. Not all of the food we took. This is actual. We went to. Amber and I, with one of our staff members, went to an actual tasting. This was actually the food. Look at this. Look at the dessert. You got tiramisu. You got all kinds of things. Let me do each individual picture. These are some stuffed mushrooms with some shrimp and some mozzarella cheese on top over a bed of spinach.
This is what our people, also, the people who are attending are going to get the same food. Look at that. Is that delicious? So are you coming? What’s that? Okay. Actually, Mel, I thank you for having me part of your group here, and I have to do another show after. Sure. So I. I need to have a break and. Absolutely. Well, thank you for coming. So thank you. I know that you’re coming, and we got your beautiful picture already up on the Quantum Summit 1776 website. I know that Rick might make an appearance, sort of like nonchalant, maybe a surprise.
And Dr. Pruitt, you definitely would love to do a panel with Kerry, Marina Jacoby, and you on stage. I think that’ll be very intelligent, ladies. Very. That would be fun. That would be fun. Thank you so much. I really thank you. Nice to meet everyone. Nice to meet you, Karen. I want to encourage people, before we close that those people who may have taken the thing. Yes. And who might be overtaken by goo, is that we do have med beds. And we also will receive crystalline bodies. So that will happen as we ascend into 5D, or the fifth dimension, where our bodies will be changed.
And that’s what the revelations in the Bible was alluding to when they talked about. In a moment, in the twinkling of the eye, you will be changed during the second coming of Jesus, or the second coming of Christ consciousness. That’s about fifth dimensional reality. So, people, your bodies will be changed. It’s going to be crystalline. You will meet Your guardian angel, which is a part of the benevolent Galactic Federation. You will go through a light chamber as you ascend into the fifth dimension and your body will change. So be encouraged. Actually, the change is already happening, so welcome to the new world.
Change is happening, but you will go through a chamber. Especially if you took that. That thing. Absolutely. Right. I understand. That medical procedure that nobody wanted to take is what I call it, right? Yes, yes. Can I still have a crystalline mustache and long hair? I think we can look how we want to look anyway. Thank you, Carrie. Okay. We’ll be able to reverse an age, they say. Yeah. I’m looking more for the longevity than the reversal. Yeah. What a. What an absolute legend. You know, Carrie Cassidy, I’ve been following her for the Latter part of 20.
More than 20 years, literally. She was already doing videos about all of this stuff. And her early videos, even her new videos are fantastic, but her early videos are mind blowing. I mean, the people that she interviewed, like Robert. Robert Dean and Sergeant Clifford Stone. Mind blowing. I mean, listen, you want to talk about going down the rabbit hole, you’re gonna have to have a pressurized suit because your body parts will malfunction. Okay. Because you’re going down some deep, deep rabbit holes. And boy, oh, boy, my mom fell in love with Robert Dean. I sent her a bunch of videos on Robert Dean of.
Actually, you know, with. With yours truly, Gary Cassidy, doing the interview. Fascinating, fascinating, fascinating work. Yeah. But no, we. We would love to have you, Dr. Kia. The quantum summit, I don’t think is going to be a summit at all. I think it’s going to be a quantum celebration because Trump will be back. Everybody’s going to want to be there. We’re going to sell all 917 tickets. The gala dinner, unfortunately, is going to fit about 600 and change because once you put the tables in, it eats up a lot of real estate. And so that though those were separate, that’s a separate.
That’s the only upsell we have. Then there’s. There’s this swag that we’re having that we’re not telling you exactly what it is, but I believe some of the pieces will become. Some of the pieces will become collector’s item based on the times we live in now. And then we’re having a pool party with karaoke, dancing, hors d’oeuvres. I mean, we’re going all out. This is not a joke, okay? Yeah. This is gonna be a celebration. What’s that? I don’t drink, by the way. I don’t drink either. But I might have a glass of champagne that day if Trump is back.
I may, you know, just a half a glass of champagne just to maybe. Yeah, just a little chinchin. Right. That’s it, you know. Well, ladies, it was a pleasure. Thank you for coming out on short notice. Thank you. I had a great time. I know you had a great time. I know the audience is going to love this. And you guys be great digital soldiers. Get this information out there. Do your job. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you guys. I love you all so much. And congratulations on our win. Yes, congratulations. Trump will be the President in 2024 and we’ll, we’ll know in 2025.
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