We Can Revive Her With Some Serious CPR

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âž¡ We are fully committed to taking action, not just talking. Our goal is to encourage local leaders like sheriffs and county commissioners to establish areas that uphold the Constitution and protect people’s rights. We believe America is in a critical state and needs to be revived through a strong focus on constitutional principles, which we refer to as CPR – Constitutional Principle Resuscitation.


We’re really pushing this. We’re dead set. We’re dedicated to this, and we just don’t think we have any alternative at this point. So this is not a conference where everybody’s, all right, well, oh, man, great speech, sheriff, and, oh, pastor, great speech, and constitutional attorney, great speech. And then we go home and tell everybody what a great conference it was. No, we’re not. That’s not what we’re doing. It’s a call to action, and it’s getting the sheriffs and the county commissioners to create the barriers and create a constitutional county and make sure that everybody in the county is focused on protecting civil rights, God-given rights, the Constitution, and reviving our country, America, being on her deathbed right now.

We can revive her, but it’s going to take some real serious CPR, constitutional principle resuscitation. That’s the CPR we’re doing, and we’re doing it. [tr:trw].



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