Tom Barnet on natural law. Ollie Damagard will be speaking virtually about all the false flags and all the evidence of it. David Avocado-Wolf will be there. Anna Maria Oliver. Shinya Murti will be speaking virtually. Beth Martins will be speaking in person. Mike Winner of Alpha Vedic. Andrew Treglia, the director of Jones Plantation. Steve Falconer of Space Busters. Christoph Melchizedek. He’s an amazing guy, a mystical shaman. Bodre Fraser, co-creator of IHEL Collective. Dr. Lydia Naturio de Leon of Geophilia. Logan Jason, a metaphysician. Michael Cobb of ECI will be there. Adam Biggleson. Holographic blood.
Jay Noone on man camp. Persephone Ashwari, who’s a Greek unschooler type person, lives off grid. Charlie Robinson, of course. Catherine Blash Bonadine, who runs in Arkapoko. Tom Shaw. Flat Earth Dave Weiss will be having a Flat Earth debate again this year. Aaron Day, Marcelo Ortega-Mata of Partido Libertaria Mejicana. There’s a whole thing before it. There’s a whole thing during it. We’re going to have a visual arts club meetup. We’re going to have a Tesla machine owner meetup. We haven’t decided on the exact dates of that yet, but I know a lot of them come to Arkapoko anyway.
There’s a whole week afterwards called the Narcoforco. It’s going to be an incredible event. There’s going to be all kinds of plant medicines, ayahuasca, all kinds of things. You can do all kinds of things this year in Arkapoko. It’s going to be an incredible event coming up in February. You can get tickets to it now. [tr:trw].