The radio shows are on Saturday and Sunday and again, you can go to sovereignradio.com to find all the shows. We got a great show lined up. We are going to have Ms. Dr. Jan helper Hayes will join us in about 15 minutes and we’ll talk for a little while about a myriad of political and current events. She Dr. Jan is a DoD contract for the last five years monitoring social media to get the pulse of the nation. Where are our heads at? What are we thinking? We the people? She studied this for five years now and she’ll come in and share her insights.
We’re also going to have a very interesting story from Greg Schumacher. Greg Schumacher was of the famed Schumacher Furriers, one of the largest upscale furriers in the nation out of Portland, Oregon, where the animal rights activists, the woke ones, drove him out of business, bankrupted him, caused a divorce and the man’s life fell apart. He’ll be joining us first, I mixed up Jan. Dr. Jan will join us later in the show. Greg will be joining us at a quarter past the hour. Greg’s story is fascinating and he’s not alone. The woke culture has driven many people out of business.
In this case, he had a furrier business, both a national distribution wholesale company and a retail business in Portland and they managed to wipe him out. And Greg will tell his story. So I want to talk about a couple things first. But joining me, waiting in the background, my co pilot today, our producer Mark Istratov. Mark, how’s it going, buddy? Come on in. Hey, pretty good, Scotty. Good to see you, Mark. So, hey, when are you coming to Puerto Vallarta? By the way, I’m chomping at the bed. I’d like to be down there next month. All right.
A little cool in San Diego. It’s nice, sunny, but 65 is not as nice as 80. Well, Mark, you missed the hot season. We just came off of two months of extreme heat. In the high 90s, humid, and I just got my electric bill and it’s about $150 for the month. Now in the US that would have been a thousand dollars easy. I’m sure, I’m quite sure. Lasting the air all day for four weeks on end. So the benefits of being here are many, including the warm, friendly people, as you know, Mark. And the food is amazing and everything about it.
So I encourage our listeners. You ever get a chance to come to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, look me up and we’ll, we’ll, we’ll do something fun while you’re here. Mark, I want to talk about what’s going on in your neck of the woods. San Diego county, the super, the Board of Supervisors, San Diego Board of Supervisors just voted 3 to 1 or 4 to 1. I don’t remember, I don’t remember what the vote tally was, but they voted to make a sanctuary, a super sanctuary county, not a state. San Diego county is going to be a super sanctuary county for the illegal Mexicans and the Millegal migrants from all over the world.
They’re not just Mexican. In fact, Mark, we were at the border. We saw many South American and Asians coming across, didn’t we? Yeah, yeah. The, I would say the percentage coming actually from Mexico was a very small percentage. It was people from all over. I mean, you know, the, the African countries and the Middle east and South American countries and. Yeah, so it’s, it’s really something. A lot of drama on Tuesday. Yep. There’s always something going on. To me, Merck, this is a financial bust for San Diego County. There’s no way San Diego county can support, we don’t know how many immigrants, illegals are in San Diego County.
I’d venture to say if there’s upwards of 20 plus million in the country, we have at least 20% of that in California, at least. And, you know, you split that up over the state. There’s hundreds of thousands of legals in San Diego county, no doubt. How do we fund them, Mark? How do we keep, how do we keep them off the streets? How do we keep them in jobs? Can we assimilate them? I don’t, I don’t see this going anywhere. I don’t see this standing up. Because one thing we didn’t, you haven’t brought up and we talk about is that, yeah, the, the Board of Supervisors, they passed that.
But the, the local sheriff here in San Diego County, Sheriff Martinez came out publicly with a public statement, said she, she would not be enforcing what the Board of Supervisors had passed and that they have no authority over the sheriff on. There’s no jurisdiction, you know, to dictate what the sheriff does. And the sheriff is the last stand, as you know. Yeah, he sure is. That’s why we’re aligned with Sheriff Mack and the cspoa. We know the highest elected official in the county is the sheriff. Most powerful man in the county or woman. There are some good female sheriffs and we support the cspoa.
We’re going to have Sheriff Ma on in two weeks from today or right after Christmas, one or the other next week. I do want to mention our next week, Thursday the 19th is our anniversary special, our Christmas and anniversary special. We’ll be going into our fifth year and, uh, we’re very, very excited about that. We’ll talk about that later in the show. Mark, you, your position is this won’t hold up, that it will not be super sanctuary county? Yeah, I think it puts them at risk. I mean, we saw Tom Holman, you know, come out here over the last week or two and actually put, put them on notice.
He’ll put him in jail, you know, so it’s going to be interesting to see. I’m anxious to see the corrupt swept out of these seats. You know, the, the local constituents here have had enough and they brought in paid supporters of this, this act that they act. I call it an act of treason. And you know, but the, the patriots and you know, you’re, you’re just your typical John and Mary Jones. They’ve had enough of this. So I just don’t see it withstanding. Well, I hope you’re right, Mark. We know this county board is stacked against us.
We know they’re not representing. We the people. And I her hope that we can see the end of this vis a vis the outcome you are talking about. So what, what, what’s it going to take to reverse this county ruling? I don’t, I don’t know if you can call it a law. It’s certainly not a law. They didn’t enact a law. They passed a motion to make us a county. Does that stick, Mark, or you’re saying it won’t stick? Essentially, yeah. I don’t, I don’t see it, I don’t see it sticking. I, I think that the momentum is, is, is on our side now.
I mean, we can see the tide has turned. Even just the energy just feels completely different now. And President Trump is moving very fast, as we all see. So I’m very anxious and I don’t Even know that we’re going to make it to January 20th, that an event may set things in motion to get things moving, you know, before January 20th. I heard a couple things, too, about that. They might even try to not allow Trump to come in on 20th and extend this out so that they do something with Biden or Kamala and, you know, do something.
Who knows what they’re going to do? It’s pretty quiet. And then you heard Obama the other day saying, we have time, we have time. You know, even though he’s a puppet still, you know, they’re, they’re pretty quiet. I think they know lots of pardons happening, blanket pardons with Joe Biden. He’s going to be probably the blanket pardon president of our entire history. You know, it’s nice. Hey, brother Mark, I’m going to come on a pardon you from the time you were 15 until tonight at midnight for every crime you’ve done. You know, blanket pardon you. Pretty interesting.
But I was hearing on a couple different people’s channels they’ve had some guests on talking about that they could pull something to try to prolong that Trump administration coming in. Like, you know, hey, there’s too many wars going on. We’re on the brink of something. Let’s do martial law. I don’t know. You know what I mean? It might happen the way you just said, brother Mark, or it might happen the way they’re talking about. What’s your thoughts, Scotty? Because, you know, you know, some people, you know, in, in the government of the United States of America.
So what are you hearing about this? Because we’re not, we’re like a month in eight days from this thing. Right? I mean, right. Certainly, Jimmy. We can all agree to the fact that anything is possible. We’re watching a movie. It’s playing out before our very eyes. But I’m going to answer your question by going back 10 years ago, Jimmy. Mark and I were fortunate enough to be part of a group that signed an NDA. So we can’t talk about that project very much, but I can tell you it was in that moment that we were in Nevada.
We went to Nevada to meet the people that are in our great group humanitarian project that I can tell you, and the leaders of that group gave us a very encouraging, exciting report. Many of the things they’ve told us have come to bear. They’ve been spot on, timing wise. No, they don’t happen on their timeline always because the military, who’s controlling the show, it doesn’t work on a timeline. They work on missions. I am a glass is half full, Jimmy. You know, my position is that with the coming of Donald Trump, number two presidency and his administration, we’re going to see a complete reversal on the direction we’ve been going the last four years.
As far as martial law, it may be necessary, it may not be for the reason people think. The narrative we’ll get on martial law is probably not the real story of why they’re going to do it, and I’m not going to speculate, but suffice to say there’s still 450,000 sealed indictments, federally sealed indictments during a president’s four year term. When a president finishes his term, there’s usually about six or 7,000 sealed indictments. The end of Trump’s four years, there were a half a million in indictments. You can’t say they were sitting around. What’s his name? Durham.
Durham, they said did nothing. Why are there a half a million indictments then? And each indictment can have up to 99 names. I bring that up because there’s a lot of people to go out and arrest with regards to these warrants. Hey, listen, I’m out of here on the 9th of, out of Austin and in the Dominican Republic. So I’m not sweating any of this anyways because at the end of the day, God’s got it and it’s his will and his timing and we’re just here to play a part of it. So I’m not fearing anything at all.
It’s actually, you know, back in 2015 and brother Greg’s here, so we’re going to bring him on and I’m going to pop off. But back in 2015, through prayer and meditation, God told me in my spirit, you know, sit back and enjoy the show. So I’m going to continue to sit back and enjoy this show and thrive like never before and leave all that other stuff up to everybody else. So I’m bringing brother Greg in. Yeah, and I’m popping out. Well, hey, Greg, I’ll get to you in one minute. Thank you, Brother Jimmy. And I agree with your sentiment.
The whole reason for being of Sovereign Radio the first few years was to expose the truth, and we did on many fronts. Now the mission is to find solutions to the big problems we have as a country. And the solutions are not red versus blue state, conservative versus liberal, Democrat versus Republican. This is the divide and conquer game. The mainstream media cabal and their handlers, their puppet masters played with us. We’re going to come together, bring solutions that benefit every American. And we started with Take Our Border Back, as many of our listeners know. And we’re going to continue to bring solutions for health and wellness, for legal assistance, financial assistance.
We’ve got a lot of things in the work. So without further ado, let me introduce our guest. He’s here now, Greg Schumacher. Greg has a most interesting story. I met Greg through a mutual friend who’s actually in the same group I referred to, the humanitarian group. Wonderful friend, Kimberly Stiller. We have worked together, Kimberly, on a couple projects. She introduced me to Greg and I’m going to let him tell his story. But suffice to say, before you sits a man that was driven out of business, into bankruptcy, into divorce, into losing everything he worked hard to build over many, many years.
And as a business owner, if you’re listening, you can appreciate if you’re an entrepreneur of decades, it’s pretty hard to face the fact that you’ve been driven out of business by a woke culture. In this case, they were animal rights activists. So Greg, just give us a background on you and tell them about your story that you told me on that’ll air on a radio show this Saturday, in fact. Sure. Well, thank you for having me. So I own a company which is called Schumacher Firs usa, which is the oldest fur company in America. We’re established in 1895 and were manufacturers, designers and retailers of fur product internationally.
And I’m going to kind of fast Forward to year 2005 through 2007 where our company and headquarters in Portland, Oregon and also New York were attacked and terrorized by extremist groups, antifa type groups and Black Lives Matter type groups and also animal rights groups. And what’s interesting about this whole story is, is that this terrorism lasted for two years every day at our headquarters right in downtown Portland, right in the heart of the business district. And there was absolutely zero law enforcement. Now we see a lot of this zero law enforcement going on the last four years.
We’re flashing back to 18 years ago and I was the only business that was actually being targeted. And you know, they were terrorizing my family and our customer base. And you know, every time we reached out to law enforcement, law enforcement did absolutely nothing. We had zero law enforcement from the mayor, the city. I even went to President Bush at that time and asked him to please enforce the laws that are on the books. And I couldn’t get anyone to enforce the laws. The result of that was after two years of this, we could no longer get insurance.
And in the fur industry we have high dollar inventory levels, which of course we have to have insurance to operate. No one in the nation would insure us because of the terrorism. It was just too high of a risk. So that all being said, we ended up closing our retail operations. And this just killed me because business was. Even during the protests and the terrorism business was brisk. We were doing. We were doing very, very well in our sales. And I just saw no end to this because I could not get law enforcement to offer a solution to the problem which they should have arrested and prosecuted these people when they were doing all these criminal acts for sure.
Greg, let me ask you a question. Did law enforcement or any of your fellow businesses. I’m sure there was a chamber of commerce that you could go to a group of business people in the area, law enforcement, the sheriff. Did you approach people for help? I approached everyone for help. As a matter of fact, my wife Linda, she at that time, she literally walked around to all the businesses in downtown Portland. We had a flyer that we made up and asked for support. We opened up a legal fund. Okay. And marketed the legal fund. I got a total of $785 contributed to my legal fund, which this whole thing cost me a fortune.
Okay. As well as my business. But we reached out to the mayor, we reached out to city council, we went to all the business groups. We were very, very well known throughout Oregon and actually America, our name is, and we’re very reputable. I know a lot of people and I could not seem to get help from anyone in the business district. Believe it or not, Nordstrom’s right across the street from us. They were getting protested too, and they did absolutely nothing to help us. The police went and helped Nordstrom, but they didn’t help us. Just as an example of the way how corrupt this whole system was.
Yeah, Greg, what, What year was the downfall? What? What year? Take us back to that year. What, when was that? This is year 2005 through 2007. We ended up ceasing our operations in 2007. So you’re founded in the 18, late 1800s. Correct. You survived a lot of years of, I’m sure, up and down business. Like most entrepreneurs, there were years you stug struggled with cash flow issues, employees, employees, lawyers and accountants and all the things we deal with. Those of us who own businesses. And it all comes to an abrupt end over a two year period crescendos with you closing the doors.
Take us back to the store. Put me inside that store every day when you were being picketed and protested what was going on outside your store? We would have, depending on what day it was, the weekends were much more heavier traffic with the terrorists and the protesters. We’d have up to 250 people outside of our door on the sidewalk. They would literally take up the entire street. Okay. They didn’t even have permits. Okay. They actually had a parade that they did up Morrison street, which is the street that we were on. They would be yelling, they would stalk our customers.
I hired six security people for two years because I couldn’t get police to secure us. So I hired private security, which cost me a lot of money, 24 7. And they escorted me and our employees in and out of the store so we could operate the business. We had to arrange all of our customers to call ahead of time to so our security could go out to their cars and bring them into the store so they could get in safely and also take them back out. They were firebombing us. They were yelling, they were stalking us.
They were out at my house. They were destroy my car. They didn’t destroy your property, did they? Oh yes they did. They did a lot of things. Oh yes, they spray painted it. They glued our locks so we couldn’t get in the stores on a daily basis. They put human feces all over our display windows. On July 4th weekend, I came into the store and there were, believe it or not, human feces all over our display windows. It was just totally gross. Of course, the police did nothing about that either or the FBI. We had Animal Liberation Front present which is one of the number one terrorist organizations in America.
Okay. They were part of the groups that were after us, of course. PETA and Humane Society and SBAC are these corrupt, radical animal rights organizations that are not animal welfare organizations but are animal rights organizations which basically believe that humans cannot use animals for anything. Clothing, entertainment, food or animal research disease. Craig is quite, quite the vivid picture you just painted. Similar to 2020 when Antifa and BLM took to the streets, were burning down, businesses were just causing mayhem. It sounds like mayhem outside your store. And what did you think as you were working your business when this started? Did you think it was going to pass over? Did you see where it was going when it started? I had no idea that it would last and be this in depth.
I thought for sure law enforcement would come to our aid with all these criminal acts going on. I mean we sat. I could I even today and it’s 18 years later. I can’t believe it. I mean it’s, it’s unbelievable what we experienced. I mean, if you look at the 2020 video coverage of the protests and terrorism, you know, the rioting, etc, throughout America, if you take that video coverage, we have the same video coverage in front of our store of what happened, okay? It was that intense. I mean this was heavy, heavy duty. This was not five or ten people out there protesting and yelling at us not to sell fur, okay? This was, this was literally terrorism.
This was not protests. Protests. And I hate that word that everyone uses in America because these are not protests that are going on throughout America. This is literally terrorism that’s going out in America. When you see these acts of violence, okay? Protest is a peaceful gathering to bring about social change. That’s what a protest is. That’s not what happened in front of our store. And, and most of the incidences that are happening across America, these are not protests. This is literally terrorism, which is intimidating and harassing people to change their ways. Yeah, Greg, as I’m listening to you, I’m thinking about the word protest and what I think about protest comes to mind.
A group of 100 of us walk through Balboa park in San Diego holding signs up and chanting. I don’t remember what we were protesting, but it was very peaceful, very friendly. In fact, we were friendly to those who opposed us as we’d walk by and we got some thumbs down and some cackling and. But we stayed the course. And you were on a track of losing a lot more than most people because you owned a successful business. I assume your grandfather, somebody in your family started that business. My great grandfather started great grandfather. So you’re the third, you’re the fourth generation? I’m the fourth generation.
I mean I grew up, I grew up with a broom in my hand at 6 years old. I remember my grandfather teaching me how to make fur coats. And you know, I have 16 years of apprenticeship besides four years of college, okay, with three degrees. But I went through an apprenticeship for about 16 years, give or take of learning to make fur coats and manufacture fur coats. So, you know, I’m not only. I’m not just in the fur business, I’m actually a fur your which I’m capable of making a coat with my own two hands from scratch.
And you know, I’m very proud of that. And you know, I. Our family was so proud of the tradition of Schumachers, you know, especially having a four moving into five generation business and which is unusual nowadays to have that long of the longevity of a business, you know, and we were very honest people, which of course we still are. And we had a great reputation. We serviced our customers. We were known throughout, internationally as producing the finest mint coats in the world. Literally. We sold coats to Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom’s, Bloomingdale’s, Bergdorf Goodman, Maximilian, all the high end luxury department stores and boutiques throughout America.
Greg, as you talk about it today, you’re many years past the closing of your doors and being run out of business. As you think about it right now, how do you feel? You know, I feel, I feel saddened. You know, I’m not necessarily angry. I’m just, I feel so disappointed in the American system. I have to tell you the honest truth. Okay. I don’t believe in the democracy. I have difficulty believing in American way especially is what we’ve seen in the last four years. But actually, you know, with my experience, I mean, when you, when you do not have constitutional laws being enforced in city ordinance laws and state constitutional laws being enforced, there’s a big problem.
And you know, of course, I’m not the only one that’s experienced this. We saw in the last four years this happening all across America with, you know, constitutional law being violated, which has caused, you know, serious damage to businesses and individuals. I’ve put myself in your shoes since I met you a couple times. It’s hard to do because I’ve never had anything quite like that. The, the protesting for two years outside your door had to get very old. Very discouraging. Were they ever physical with your employees or anybody? Your customers, did they get physical with them? Yes, they did.
Not on a regular basis, but they did. You know, they’re, they’re very, very aggressive. There’s even on my website, restore law and order.com again, www.restorelawinorder.com. you’ll see four minutes of the video coverage, which is a sampling of what happened to us, you know, and that, you know, because of what happened to us. Of course. It, it’s the reason that I started to restore law and order, you know, which is to hold government officials and government agencies accountable for their illegal actions and lawlessness of not enforcing constitutional law. Yeah, I think we can all get behind what you just said about law and order.
We need to bring law and order back. What happened to you and what’s happening around us with the illegal migrants and the economy. It’s all a systematic and destructive force by design. That was no coincidence that the oldest, one of the largest, oldest furriers and you had distribution in other countries. I’m sure those expensive make coats Were making their way to other countries. Do you know how many people or did you sell out of the country? We did, we did. We sold over in Japan, Korea. Those were our two main places that we did. Yeah. So I can’t really walk in your shoes because I’ve never, I, I’ve had businesses go bad, but never because of an outsider, because bad timing.
Well, I, I think what’s unusual about our story versus other stories is the longevity of it and the intensity of it. You know, I mean, we all see on TV people getting terrorized or, you know, incidences happening on weekends, this type of thing. But you were talking in a two year stretch of every day pounding away at us. You know, I was not a well man after this. You know, the trauma on our employees and in me and my family, I mean, it was huge. And it did it there. It took a long time to recover from this.
I never actually recovered financially from it. I’m in that process. But this is, this never ever should happen to anyone in America. Okay. I mean, if you’re providing a legal product and you’re running a legal business, you know, I think you were let down on three or four levels. You’re certainly let down by your fellow retailers who sat on the sidelines. Oh, I don’t want them coming after me. I’m going to shut up. Yep. You were let down by local law enforcement who refused to do anything about this. And when it got unruly into the streets, by all means, the sheriff of the county or local police should have stopped this madness.
They didn’t. And you were also let down, I’m sure by some friends and family who you realized in that moment was weren’t really on your team, so to speak. I’m sure there was a lot of fallout. In fact, did you not become divorced over this matter? I did, yep. Marriage too? Yep. Yeah, it did. This is. No, totally, totally. Basically pretty. Pretty much every aspect of my life was totally destroyed because of this, financially, my business life. I can’t go back in the fur business because I’m a target. You know, I’m one of the most expertise in the world in the fur industry.
So, you know, I mean, you know, I absolutely loved the fur business and I was very, very good at it. And I worked very hard at it seven days a week. And to have that taken away is not right, you know. Right. I do remember the few times that police officers made it into our store. I’d say, well, I don’t understand why you don’t arrest these people. Okay. And they go, Mr. Schumacher, our hands are tied. We’re told to stand down by the mayor. That’s what they told us. Yeah. Wanted to rest and prosecute. I really believe that the majority of law enforcement wanted to step in.
Yep. But they also need their jobs to feed their families, as we know. And the fear of reprisal or coming after them, they. They just wouldn’t. The chain of command is very important in an organization like the police. And they were going to follow the chain of command, no doubt. I’m surprised you didn’t get one lone ranger cop who said, you know, I’m going to help these people. And you were left to your own. Your. The power of your will, your family’s will. And it obviously broke you apart and tore you apart, as I think it would most people.
I don’t think your reaction to all this is to feel saddened today. Family business started in the 1800s. That’s some pretty serious stuff we’re talking about. So. But you’re resilient. I can tell from our conversations you’re a resilient guy, and you’re bouncing back and you don’t give up. Fight, fight, fight. Who said fight? Fight, fight. Our president, of course. So why. Who I do I support tremendously? If you had to do overs, would you do it again? The fur business? Yes. Absolutely. Yep. Yep. So why don’t you cut. Why don’t you come to Mexico? We’ll buy a plant.
We’ll make first here. There we go. Okay. You or me joking. Because you wouldn’t sell too many furs locally. Here. Right. But your name is worth something. And one would imagine that somewhere in the fur industry, there’s work for you to be done. But I know you well enough to know you’re an entrepreneur. You’re not going to go to work for somebody very easily. I put myself in those shoes all the time. As a small business owner, I’m like, what if I didn’t have this business? I’d be working for somebody else. And that’s what motivates me, Greg.
That’s what keeps me going. I don’t want to work for anybody. So I know you’re of the same kind, and so is brother Mark. Mark, do you want to ask friend Greg a question? Yeah, sure, Greg. Good to meet you, Mark. So over the last couple of years, more and more people are waking up, and with that process, more and more people are showing courage and they’re taking action at a local level. As General Flynn has promoted for quite some time, local Action has national impact, of course. What’s the sentiment there where you’re at now in Portland? Have you seen any trends to change, you know, toward change? Are things improving or are they getting progressively worse? What are you experiencing there? Okay, well, first of all, I don’t live in Portland anymore, but I’m very familiar, I travel to Portland quite often.
So I can answer your question. Portland is not a good place to live, in my opinion. I don’t see much change happening. You have this far left liberal attitude, this indoctrination that’s been going on for years in our school system, etc, which has really penetrated into sanctuary cities like Portland, Seattle, New York, Minneapolis, et cetera. And you have a mindset of a bunch of radical people that live there and they don’t really change. And I don’t. You know, the, the biggest problem I think that we’re seeing in Portland and sanctuary cities is that the business owners that are affected financially by all of this crime, they are not dealing with the issue properly.
What they’ve been doing is trying to convince and persuade existing left wing radical politicians to enforce existing laws and policy, which that means they’re going to have to change their ideology, which they’re not going to do it. Okay. That’s like, you know, telling Biden to change his ideology and start doing things right. He’s not going to do it. Okay. Or Obama or the rest of these radical yahoos. So, you know, but you’ve got these people all the way from Phil Knight and the rest of these big players and they’re sitting around wasting their time trying to convince existing politicians that are in office, city councilmen, et cetera, to start enforcing the law.
Well, I can guarantee you that doesn’t work because if it did work in the last four years, we would have seen change in sanctuary cities. So that’s the biggest problem that we have. The only way that you can actually deal with this situation is, is with what I’m doing now with my company, Restore law and order is to hold the government officials accountable for their actions. Okay. And set up precedents so other government officials that are radical will not be wanting to run for office in these particular positions. We’ve got to turn over our government officials at a local level.
Yep. Like Chester County, California. Yep. Group of parents got together, they marched into the school board meeting, they fired the school board and rehired each other one fell swoop. So we got to change that for sure. What words of advice would you give to a small business entrepreneur that has a retail storefront should this kind of activity occur. I’m not talking about just furriers. There’s all kinds of businesses. Oh yeah, yeah, right. Well, and what happened and what happened to us, you know, what I want to clarify is really not a fur issue, okay? And I, when I was being interviewed all the time, being back 18 years ago, I was telling the press this is not a fur issue, this is a ideology issue of the government, okay? And I think I was kind of like the poster boy in Portland to do this, okay? Because look what’s happened in Portland.
I mean almost every business in Portland. There’s 43,000 businesses in Portland. Every single one of them has been affected by the government not enforcing the law, okay? Through rioting, Covid violence, illegal protest, rioting, you know, etc, right? And we see the same thing going on, you know. So you’re asking me what my advice to the business owner would be is to, you know, they need to stand up and support institutions and organizations that are trying to fix this problem by holding accountability to the government. Because that is the only answer to this problem, is to hold them accountable.
You can try to persuade government officials that are radical, they’re going to give you lip service. They’re not going to do anything, they’re going to continue doing their same BS and, and nothing is going to change. And this is why America is in the position that it’s in. It’s because of our government that is totally corrupt, which we see every day is getting away with with this illegal acts and not upholding constitutional law. Greg, what you’re talking about is a banana republic. Yeah. If somebody, somebody from the outside looking into America, let’s just say they’re from Eastern Europe and they’re looking at the usa, all of a sudden they’re seeing the same thing they’ve seen in their country for years.
All of this has happened and played out in other parts of the world at various different times. You survived. The good news is you’re here, you got your health and you’re going to get back at it. What, what is the plans for Law and Order? Restore law and order? Well, you know, our plans for, you know, Restore Law and Order is a organization which I started, a non profit organization. And you know, the purpose of it is to hold accountability to government officials personally and also city and state governments. Now what I mean by personally, when you have mayors and city councilmen and governors that took personal oaths, okay, as a government official, to uphold constitutional law and the Constitution says that if they do not do that that they can be held accountable.
Okay, for their actions. And that’s what we’re doing, though. I think we’re the only company out there that’s actually doing this in America where we’re holding government officials accountable by suing them. We’re not suing them, but we’re gathering businesses and individuals that have damages because of their lack of enforcing the law. They have damages, and we’re suing them for the financial losses and damages that the businesses have. So, you know, the results of the government not enforcing the law is. Well, Covid damage is one of them. Okay. General crime that we see every day, homelessness. All this homelessness that’s going on, this is all illegal.
These homeless people going into hotels and taking over apartments and all this. It’s all illegal. Riots that we’ve been seeing over the years, illegal protests like I went through. Okay? So all this crime that’s going on, that’s the results of the government not doing their job and not enforcing the laws. So we want to hold them accountable. The way we’re going to do it is in a court of law and use to use our U.S. constitution to do it. Well, that makes a lot of sense. You know, I’m in my mind comparing what happened in front of your store that drove you out of business to our take our border back, which mission was very similar.
It was to shine a light on the border, the spotlight, the border to hold government officials accountable, not just at a federal level, state and local. And until we do that now, I am encouraged. As we talked about earlier before you came on, there’s a half a million field indictments. Each indictment may have up to 99 names during the Trump years. They amass this just unbelievable. Normal filings for federal indictments are like 1500-2000 a year. So over the four years of Trump, you would have expected 10,000 indictments would have been a lot through the term of a presidency.
This was a half a million. So it is so profound. You know, they. They come out and they put it in our face and they think we’re going to stand down because for years we have. But I believe we’ve reached the breaking point in America, as evidenced by the elections. Trump overwhelmingly dominated, and we know why. We understand the dynamic at play. As Mark says, people are waking up, and Mark will wake. If you spend enough time with Mark, you’ll wake up. He’ll tell you so. Tell you what’s going on. But would say, I feel sorry for you, Greg, but that’s not quite.
Quite Right. Because you can teach a lot of lessons for this. And you could have, you know, make lemonade out of lemons, which I know you’re trying to do. You started this 501C3 Restor Law and Order, and if we can help you grow it in any way, we’d like to do that. So any final words for the audience, Craig? I would say that, you know, on the point that you just made, you know, I think, and this may sound a little bit odd, but I think what happened to me was a plan that was, by God, I think maybe he put me through this for an example, to be able to go on with my mission that I’m doing with Restore law and order and try to help other businesses and help other people, because I’m able to do that.
You know, I’m a guy that’s actually went through this stuff. I’m not just viewing it. And I went through the terrorism, I went through the loss of the business. And, you know, now it’s, it’s propelled me into creating this wonderful organization, Restore Law and Order, and which I think is going to really make a difference out there for businesses and for people, you know, and, you know, that. I guess, I guess this all happened for a reason, you know, and one other thing I’m really pleased is that President Trump is now our president. Think that things are going to go through, at least on a federal level.
I think you’re going to see a lot of positive change, especially with the people he surrounded himself with. And so I’m very, very pleased about that. Yeah. I think Trump at a federal level will take our government to bigger and better things than we’ve ever had. Absolutely. They’ve had a lot of years to plan this, and planning they did. There were twists and curves along the way that threw off their plan, made them change course. But the people running the show, namely U.S. military at the top of the control, the real puppet masters right now are the US Military.
I know audience doesn’t want to believe that military shouldn’t interfere with our business, but they had to. And they kept Donald Trump on the sidelines, very protected, except for that shot fired. I forgot where. What was the city. It was in Pennsylvania. Right. When he got shot? I believe so, yes. Yeah. So, you know, we’re, we’re in a situation where we as people have to take care of each other. And if your neighbors, retail wise, won’t take care of each other, then we have really, we don’t have a society left. And if it continues to go in this direction.
The impact would be devastating if we allowed this to go on at a scale that they could do it, and they may try to do it right before Trump gets in office or inaugurated, who knows? But Restore Law and Order is a great cause and we’d like to help you. Where can our listeners find your website? It’s pretty simple. Just go to www.restorelawandorder.com restore law and order.com and you can just read about what we’re doing. It’s probably in five minutes on the website, you’ll get a real good, you know, drift of what we’re trying to accomplish through these lawsuits that we’re doing.
And also, not just lawsuits, but also putting pressure on the government officials to do their job. That’s the main point. We, if we don’t have government officials in there upholding constitutional law and doing the right thing, we got a big problem. And we can, I think, on a federal level, President Trump is going to be able to do miraculous things. He’s an amazing guy. But I still think we’re going to have situations on the city and state level that we deal with, and that’s where Restore Law and Order is really penetrating in these sanctuary cities, these lawless cities that have radical liberals running them.
Yeah. Marcus, sitting in a county where the board voted the other day unanimous. It wasn’t one dissenting. One vote said no. They voted to make San Diego a super sanctuary city. Super sanctuary. They say come. Come as you are. Come broke. I’m sick that the cost to our health care system is unreal. The numbers are stacking up into the billions of dollars I know people have been doing. Emergency room couldn’t get seen for like 12 hours because first come, first serve. I know. I’m aware of that. You’re right. Filled with illegals. The waiting room in the emergency room was filled with illegal immigrants.
Nobody was speaking English, and it was utter chaos. And this is the price we pay for letting this get away from us. It’s literally just a bunch of, is what it is. Okay. Yes. Everything that this government has done is a bunch of. I mean, every one of these guys should be held accountable. I cannot believe Biden in this administration, what they’ve done done in the last four years to this country. Okay. And prior to that, Obama. Okay. I mean, for years we’ve been under this radical liberal ideology which is harmed America to an extent where if it wasn’t for President Trump, I don’t know if we’d ever be able to come back from it.
You know, you talk about Obama and Clinton and all of our past. They’re all bad players. All of them. They are all bad players. Donald Trump is an outsider, although he may come from a family bloodline that could be traced back to the, you know, the, the, the cabal families. He is not playing their game. He’s marching to his own beat. And again that takes us to a federal level. Internationally we’re going to be fine. But at a local level we got to get involved and activate, get rid of the school board members, get rid of the county board members and we the people have to run.
We want plumbers and truck drivers and doctors to represent us in Washington and to represent us in city hall. We don’t want these career politicians are the worst people to put into position of power because they, you know, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So Greg, thank you for being here. To continue the story, you can go to his website, restore law and order.com and Greg, good luck and we’ll stay posted on Restore Law and Order. Sounds good. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. Pleasure. Thank you. Huh. See you, Mark. You know Scotty, it, it all comes down to the elections.
We’ve got to have these elections cleaned up. You know, the people are taking action at a local level. I mean I see it all around me. But until the elections are restored with integrity and they eliminate these machines, you know it’s a losing battle, right? Yeah, it’s like swimming uphill with a strong current against you. They are going to do anything and everything to keep their power. They’re losing it at a federal and international level. We know what’s going on behind the scenes. Taking down some large puppet masters, middle, I’ll call them middle managers. Obama and all these woke politicians are nothing but middle managers.
To run a task to a country going give it your own slaver but keep, keep it going so we can execute our one world order. That’s their goal. That’s why all these things happen. They want to destroy us. We understand that. What. After listening to Greg, what’s your take on the way law enforcement handled this? Well, I think a lot of it is they’re controlled, you know the correct. The corruption is permeated at every, every aspect of our society, throughout our government, at every level, federal, state, city, county. And we’ve been living in this corporate world.
You know, it’s corporation to corporation federal government. We’ve been living under a corporate federal government since as we know, 1871. The Organic act of 1871. And that all has to be taken down and has the. Essentially, it’s got to be flushed, you know, it’s got to be flushed down the drain. And those people have to be held accountable that have done wrong, you know, that have inflicted the. These tyrannical policies upon the people. And we really need a fresh start. We need a constitutional republic restored. And as you and I believe, that’s in process. But it takes, we the people at the local level, you know, President Trump and the military and, and as we call white hats, this alliance, all of that can only do so much.
It’s going to take us the people, people at the local level. And I believe that’s why General Flynn has been so boots on the ground out there for, you know, the last four years. Yeah, he’s walking his talk. He is out meeting with patriots every day, lines for him to shake his hand. He never, never disappoints anybody. But, you know, there truly are. There truly are a lot of great people as we have met and gotten to know that truly love this country and have the courage to stand up and they’re on the front line, you know.
You know, we. We all have roles and we have our calling and we go where, you know, for me, I know it’s where God leads me in this fight. But if we don’t fight, we lose it. Well, that’s the key now. We have to stay wide awake so this never happens again. And I think that’s what they’ve been working on the last four years to expose the truth. Sometimes people need to see it for themselves. I can tell somebody, well, we’re not watching Joe Biden, that’s an actor, but that somebody’s not going to believe me unless they figure it out with their own eyes, in their own ears and their own research and due diligence.
That’s the important thing. When you listen to a show like Sovereign Radio, you have to do your own research, you have to come to your own conclusions using discernment and critical thinking. We’re not always right, but I think we’re on the, the righteous side for sure, because we know this is good versus evil. These people we’re up against are evil to the core. The satanic rituals, the human trafficking, the adrenochrome, the things we’ve talked about for years seem to always come back into play because this is what guides their life. They’re guided by Satan. We’re a nation of God and God and country, man.
That’s. That’s what we are, you know, so, you know, if I think you have to take the 40,000foot view here as well. You know, everybody is kind of focused on January 20th, Trump, you know, taking control, you know, once he’s inaugurated. But if you think about it, we essentially, we have two things going on here. You’ve got a corporation government that is essentially bankrupt, defunct, the Biden administration, and you have behind the scenes a republic taking shape. And there has to be an event. There has to be something that happens, in my opinion, before January 20th, but well before January 20th.
Because if Trump, if they go through this process January 6th and they certify the electoral college votes and then Trump is inaugurated and then he does begins to do the cleanup work, you know, after that, it doesn’t fix the 2020 fraud. It doesn’t, it doesn’t address the, the issue of accountability. There has to be something that happens between now and January 20th, an event, something. I would agree, something to set the record straight, to get things on course. Because otherwise you just legitimize an election that really is not a legitimate election because it’s an election for a bankrupt, defunct corporation.
Now, we all know about, you know, Derek Johnson’s done a great job of showing the, in a documented sense of what Trump did with the pede. We haven’t seen the peed yet, but we see Trump walking around with a red folder a lot. The continuity of government moves that Trump made, all of these executive orders that were put in place, the revisions to the law of war manual that took place even before Trump took office, that began. So something’s got to give. Something’s got to happen between now and January 20th, in my opinion. Well, everything you say makes sense.
We’ll just have to see how it plays out. I’m very much in align with your thinking because we’ve seen many things, maybe I’ll say through the back door we came to some of the information we get, but we see some things that would tell us that this movie is going to end very well for us, that we’re going to get a financial reset not run by the cabal, but run by the white hats that blockchain and crypto and XRP is going to be part of the system. It’s baked into the cake of the new financial system and that starts to turn around.
It all starts with our banking because everything flows from money. Money can’t buy happiness, but as my father used to say, sure, shit helps. So basically we are on the cusp of something very big. Mark, I agree. What event? What’s going to happen to shock and awe the people out of their sleep and realize what we’ve known for a decade. What kind of events do you think are going to happen? Mark? Well, I think everything is predicated on the, the new financial system we refer to as a quantum financial system, the QFS and the recalibration of assets, everything being tokenized with asset backing, currencies being revalued and supported with assets.
We certainly have heard about some of the President Trump’s moves in the first term. You know where the, the Federal Reserve, the IRS quietly shifted under the umbrella of the treasury back in March of 2020 and do believe that this has a been a a designed structured implosion of the old guard fiat central banking system. I mean where have the Roth trials been? You know, you don’t hear from them. We know ex we know executive order 13818 allowed them to seizer of assets. N138,48 on the elections. Yep. And certainly there’s been a lot of power shift.
We see CEOs stepping down, we see politicians stepping down. We see actors and actresses just kind of going away. I mean some of them have just kind of, you don’t hear much from them anymore. Same could be said true about the media business men I know for years that have run large radio or TV networks, ran big businesses, mainstream media puppets they are, and they’ll, they’ll be going down in history as puppets playing on the wrong side, but they are taking them down. Media’s an interesting game because you can work as long as you can work into your 70s.
But these guys, their greatest fear is to lose their job in the, you know, in their 50s or 60s because they wouldn’t know where to go. So they walk the line. Most of the executives and media are walking a very fine line because they know what’s going on. But they don’t want to lose their job and come out and speak ill will against the agenda. The agenda is very clear. One world government. That’s the end game. And it all stops. It all goes through America. So we have to be prepared as an, as a nation to rise up at a local level and take a stand.
I don’t know how well these local officials are going to fare without their bosses gone. Imagine if your paycheck under the tables coming through some organization that’s tied to the banking cabal, that money is going to stop flowing, I’m sure. So it leaves them in a very vulnerable position. As we have said, Mark, we believe they’re in checkmate. We’re just watching them scramble now and see what they’re going to do and how they’re going to try to get out of this mess because they got nowhere to go right now. We took all we being the white hats.
I don’t care if they’re Republicans or Democrats or they’re the same. Two different wings of the same bird. But they’re all shaking in their boots now because we know what’s going to happen to anybody that was involved in human trafficking, pedophilia, international corruption. The mayor in Tennessee. I’m not the mayor. The sheriff in Tennessee, his name is Sean Taylor. Do I remember correctly? I believe so, yeah. Yeah. He has a case they’re sitting on that involves 17 states immediately, but he says it plays out in every state. It involves mortgage fraud and corruption and bribery and blackmail.
All the things, tools they use, and that’s what we got to get rid of. You can’t be blackmailed or bribed as the politician because the results are what we got. Where we stand in 2024 is a direct result of their system that they created, they executed, and they did it very well. But times they are changing and their playbook is very limited now. Would you agree? They don’t have a lot of plays left in the playbook. Yeah, it ain’t Bill Belichick coaching either. He just took a new job, by the way. Yeah, I’m very optimistic and very enthused and excited about moving forward.
I love President Trump’s coded language. Him and Elon both really putting out some strong messaging. I mean, we hear Trump say little hints about, okay, no tax on tips, no tax on Social Security, no tax on overtime. And then Elon comes out and says, you know what? Why do we need the irs? We just need to get rid of the Federal Reserve and we won’t need the irs. And, you know, these income taxes need to be stopped. And then Trump kind of reinforces that with his messaging. And so it’s definitely the tide has turned and the frequency, the energy level is a lot more positive now than.
Yeah, we’ve got lots of distractions. I mean, we can, we can focus on drones in New Jersey or we can focus on a CEO of a health care firm getting assassinated and all of these distractions taking place. Are there going to be UFOs coming from. From the sky? But the reality of it is is that there’s some very positive changes taking place. And I’m very enthused and excited about moving into a 2025 that I think will be monumental. A Couple a couple things I want to ask you and that we’re on this subject. You know, I think that we have to remember the real pyramid in our lives that everything has to be run through.
And what I mean by that is, and I’ll stay on here until he gets back, is that you have God, Christ and the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, I don’t care what the names are. I hate that arguing about that. You have the planet and you have the people. And even capitalism, people say, oh, capitalism is the greatest thing in the world. If it’s, if it’s looking for God, you know, the Godhead and the planet and the people and it’s looking out for that before the prophet. Not that you can’t make the profit. Right. You want to make the profit, but not hurting the people on the planet.
And there’s so, and then, you know, disrespecting the Creator and there’s so many people doing that, there’s so many companies doing that where it’s all about the profit and it’s not about the people or the planet and it’s not respecting the Creator, the divine Creator of all things in any way, shape or form. And I think once we understand that as a civilization and we start basing what we’re doing off of that, we’ll see abundance and prosperity like we’ve never seen on this planet before. Well, it all comes down to the spiritual war that we’ve been in really since the origin of sin.
Right. I mean, yeah, so it’s who prevails. Well, we know who prevails. I mean God does, you know, the God Almighty, the, the, the master creator of heaven and earth. Right. So yeah, you know, as long as we stay connected, you know, to the Spirit and led by the Spirit, I’ve, I’ve found that over the last decade my outlook towards life has completely changed. It used to be very, I hate to say self centered, you know, but it was about, you know, accumulating wealth and you know, security and all of that for my family and all of that.
But with where things are now, it’s about serving others. So it looks like Jimmy, Jimmy bounced out again. But we were talking about the, you know, really it comes down to the spiritual aspect, the spiritual war that we’ve been in and, and God versus Satan against God. And we have, have evolved into this secular world society that we, that we’re in and you know, the, the worshiping of idols and that comes in a whole variety of, of ways and how it really needs needed to shift back to relationship with, with God through Christ. Regardless of what your spiritual beliefs are.
We have one creator, we have one master, almighty God that gave us life. And it’s that connection, you know, and letting the spirit guide us. Well, we know this is truly good versus evil and God versus Satan. We the people against the deep state. There’s all kinds of spiritual wars going on. I know we can feel the shift and change. Yeah, it’s a, it’s a period of redemption. I really, I mean turning back to God and that’s the only thing that will save us. I mean as we know, you know from 2nd 2nd Chronicles, you know, chapter 7, verse 14, you know, is, you know, we need to, we need to get, we need a reset.
Sure do. I want to talk a minute. I’m going to change the subject because I was on a space this morning and I told the truckers that were in that space that I was going to mention this today. So the trucking industry which is most critical and vital to our lives, nothing gets that, nothing moves. That last mile with that truck contains on chips by rail, by plane, but it ends up in the back of a truck to be delivered to its destination. There are millions of truck drivers that are being affected. The small business owners were speak specifically about the small independent owner operator that for years has been able to put food on the table, pay his mortgage, been able to send his kids to college.
Truck drivers were making good money. And the last four years it’s all been taken away from. And there’s a document you can sign. We’ll put the URL in the link below. I want to ask you to go to this website, make a comment. The issue for the trucking industry is the brokers. The brokers get the big deals and the brokers price they pay to the truckers to put more in their pocket. So they’re extensively. They need about $3amile, 350amile to make a business profitable. And they’re taking gigs at a, a buck 65amile, $75. Why? Because it’s cash flow.
They can at least go buy some food and they’re just getting further and further into debt. So how important is trucking to, to, to our economy, Mark, do you think? Well, it, it, it moves. It’s the supply chain, right? It is part of the supply chain and moving, moving goods to, you know, to the, you know, the end users. Right. Which is us. Right. You know I, I have a friend of mine that worked for a trucking firm, it was a contract trucking firm And I won’t mention the, the, the parent company but this goes back several years where they were squeezing them each year a little more, a little more, a little more.
Squeezing them, squeezing them to the point where he couldn’t make a profit. And so he wound up unloading the business and wound up going into an entirely different business. But this was, gosh, probably 20 years ago. He was just getting squeezed and it was one of those cabal driven multinational trucking firms. Delivery, you know, delivery firms. And yeah, so it’s a, it’s been an awesome. What’s going on. The banking, the globalist agenda is at play with the trucking industry big time. They’re trying to wipe out the small independent owner operators off the map so they can get more market share with the big multinational trucking companies and the conglomerates and funded by State street and Vanguard and BlackRock.
We, we know what’s going down. It’s just that how do we stop it? And the truckers this morning on the spaces were very optimistic if they could get even a thousand signatures on this document. Leaving comments. You got to leave a comment. Let me check out the, the web address. I have it on my phone here. You want to go to regulations.gov and you’re looking for the transparency in property broker transactions. Transparency is all they’re looking for. So the brokers do not have to supply even though it’s law. It’s, it’s a regulation. They’re supposed to supply their logs and keep detail records of the, the money and the trips they make.
It’s not being done and the little guys are getting squeezed out of jobs. They run big. The $75 they want to pay them. So we’re going to help the truckers, the independent, not the multinationals. They got enough business. We got to get those independents back in the fold so they get more and more deliveries. But the brokers are the key. They hold the jobs. Trucking companies rely on brokers to get their job. Brokers just bring you deals. I got a load here. It’s got to get to Seattle tomorrow, you know, and I’ll pay you X. And they’re taking work again just to pay some bills.
But we gotta, I think President Trump has been pretty vocal about trying to revive the trucking industry as well. And hey, if Canada becomes the 51st state then the Canadian truckers can be, can be helped. Right? And you follow it very closely. And one of the things you showed me probably about six or eight months ago was the federal debt. It had been going down not up. What happened there? Well, explain to our audience what we think the, the federal death is a, is a, is ticking upward but the, the U. S Debt clock and, and you know I’ve certainly been interested to know who’s has their hand on that, that, that website.
But the statistics that have been out there for a long time, they were showing you Federal res. Reserve statistics for the most part. And then we reached the point where they started to add some statistics that was reflective of the Treasury, United States treasury as opposed to the Federal Reserve. And they were kind of side by side and you would see very strange statistics kind of showing up. And then there were some message overlays that began to be appear, you know, at certain times, in certain days that would give you some indication that there’s some change taking place.
And so the statistics that are in the Federal Reserve statistics, a lot of them have been taken out now. They don’t show you the, the Federal Reserve fiat dollars in circulation out there now they’re showing United States States treasury currency that is going up by the way. And the other thing is the silver in relation to the dollar, gold in relation to the dollar. Those numbers are changing quite dramatically which is not reflective of what the spot price is in the market which as we know it’s manipulated to keep it down very low because every dollar, as we’ve been told, every dollar increase in the spot price on silver hits B of A to the tune of about 800 million.
Right. So yeah, some very strange things on the US Debt clock and it’s certainly worth keeping an eye on. Yeah, well it requires a lot of attention to detail. You got to look inside that, read between the lines. It’s fascinating. I’m not one to go down the dead clock rabbit hole because I know there are messages there, I know there are hidden messages there. I know they’re communicating with us. Whoever has their hand on that deck clock is sending us messages all the time, kind of like Q. It’s almost like a different form of Q. Right.
Telling us things through. Well, it’s quite, it’s quite obvious that we’re going through a financial reset. You know the fiat central banking system is going away and they’re bringing in an asset backed system as you and I both know and you know the terminology is quantum financial system qfs. Now in my bank that I deal with they don’t refer to it as the QFs and they’ve already, they’re on the new system, they refer to it as a real time, a real time instant settlement System is the terminology that is throughout their materials and their website when you log into the online banking.
And of course they’re promoting you know, digital wallets and you know, electronic transaction processing through like you know, apps like Zelle and very interesting time to be alive. We’re going to see a lot of changes but it all comes back to we got to change the financial system, the slavery, the taxes up and down. The system they created was not for you and me. It was a system where only the banking firms win pretty high places in the world right now like a Donald Trump and its counterparts in other nations that believe we must return to an asset backed currency.
In fact 70% of the world’s population through 40 BRICS nations are now doing so. So we’re, we’re inevitable if we stayed fiat, nobody would do business with our dollar while they’re outgoing asset. We can’t stay fiat, we can’t business brother. Jimmy, you want to come in and talk? Yeah, I wanted to say, I wanted to reiterate what I was, you know, when you had that electrical issue and I’m used. I understand what you’re talking about. You know we have those battery backups in Dominican Republic, you know what I’m talking about. That, that so it’s interesting but you know it’s, it’s the Godhead, right? The Creator, the point of origin, the whole, the spirit, the Son, the Christ, it’s the planets, the people, you know, it’s this that we have to respect and we have to build everything upon respecting this, respecting the Creator, his Son and his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, respecting the planet, respecting the people.
It can’t just be for profit. Like capitalism has to be restructured. Every pillar of society has to be restructured with that being the foundational point. It’s like if I buy a piece of land and I’m going to build a new house and there’s a house on it, what am I going to do guys? I’m going to rip the house down, I’m going to remove the foundation and I’m going to re structure the, the foundation again and then I’m going to build the house. We have to do that here. It’s going to be, look, I pray every day that it’s going to be as painless as possible.
Okay? I really truly do. And I think some people, you know, I believe that there’ll be people that are thriving through this, there’ll be people that are just barely surviving through this and there’ll be people that don’t make it through this. Okay? You know, they’re already talking about that there’s five new viruses that they’re getting ready to launch on the 21st of of January after Trump takes office, if he gets into office. Right. So I don’t see them going quietly into the night. There’s way too much money on the table. Power, you know, energy loose, you know, this, this fear, these, these sacrificing of children and other people.
You know, what they’re doing with the Adronochrome, all of this stuff, you know, they’re, they’re sucking all that in. So this is going to be very interesting this next, very short period of time. You know, my daughter said to me the other day, think about it was about a month ago or something when I, she knew when we were leaving for Dominican Republic. She said, you sure you don’t want to change your flight until after the inauguration? And I said, look, I live by faith, not by fear. I’m going to continue to do what I’m doing and I’ll watch people die on my right side and my.
And fall on my side and on my right side, and I’ll see the, the reward of the wicked with my eyes as long as I have. Like you said, Brother Mark, and I say this all the time, too. That relationship. Are you spending time on that relationship with the Creator that makes sure that you have some really clear understanding and discernment so that you’re following the path, that you’re here for this moment in time? This is a big moment in time. There’s more opportunity that is headed our way than we’ve ever seen on this planet. Okay? But there’s also more shaking that we’ve ever, ever seen on this planet coming, too.
And it’s coming simultaneously, believe it or not, just like in the, in the scriptures when it talks about, you know, Egypt and what was going on with the Pharaoh, with Moses and all that over here, you know, all kinds of plagues, all kinds of crazy stuff going on. Babies dying, you know, the firstborn dying. And over here, nothing is going on, right? It’s clear as day, weather’s beautiful, everything’s good, everything’s great. You know, so what I think God morally wants us all to do is really repent and get on our knees, ask him to intercede for us, because this is what you brother Scotty, said.
I say, and Brother Mark says all the time, this is the battle against the heavenly Creator of all things. You know, even. Even though other creations have created. And that’s a whole another door that most people won’t even understand. But it’s a battle between good and evil. It truly is a battle against evil. Yeah, good and evil. And we’re just a bunch of pieces on God’s chessboard. Right? At a level that we don’t even understand. You know, I want to tell you in your narrative that you just delivered so well lies the biggest problem. Much of the world, much, much of the black cat world, I should say, don’t worship God.
They worship Satan. No. Right. So we, that, you know, trying to get back to Judeo Christian values is not going to be easy. And I agree with you. They’re not going to go down without a fight. They’re not going to wave white flags and surrender. They’re going to go down and just, I think scorched earth, what happened in Lahaina, they’d like to do all over the country now and go out scorched earth. But going out, getting lost, they will do. They, they will not be around a few years from now. Right? So say we do this transition, okay? And we, we’ve got this transition going, right? There’s, there’s trials and tribulations happening.
You know, we’re getting through them. We’re, you know, focusing on the solutions and not putting our energy into the problems. But, you know, about six years from now, by 2030, a lot of jobs are going to be gone, including a lot of the truckers jobs, just so you know, because everything’s going to be run by robotics. You know, these robots, these, these robot taxis, these robot semi trucks, these robot row. They’re automating everything. I mean, America, you know, you can go to these different countries and you see the, their airports, their, you know, their, their subway stations, their trains.
I mean, they’ve got trains that are going almost as fast as planes now. I mean, we’re a little bit behind on, on the whole thing, but AI in robotics is moving very aggressively, very fast. And we got to be really careful with that because that can end up being some of the worst parts of scripture that we’ve seen. You know, you read about with, you know, the, the Bible. I’ve read a lot of different religions. Almost 80% of it’s the same talking. You know, it’s the same thing and then there’s a little bit of difference, right? But most of it is the same.
It really truly is. But what are we going to do? Think about this. Because we can’t have capitalism like we have now. Again, it doesn’t, it doesn’t do its works Based on that, what we talked about, that pyramid, you know, God the creator, the son, the spirit, the planet and the people. And so we have to think about that and we have to think about what are all these people going to do that can’t even get a job because robots have taken their place, AI has taken their place. Well, I mean, I think it comes down, Jimmy, I think it comes down to retooling.
Retooling for the technologies as we move forward into this new era that, that we think we’re approaching here. Right? Prosperity for everybody. Right. Nobody needs to worry about the rent. I gotta jump in because our next guest, Jan Helper Hayes, has been delayed. She cannot come on until 3:30 our time. Of course, the show’s scheduled to air end at 1, from 1 to 3. Jimmy, how do you want to handle this? Should we. Well, unfortunately we’ll have to bring her on, on a different show because you know, we do these shows. That’s what we’ll do. Yeah, we’ll bring her on a different show.
It’s, it is what it is and it’s okay. I think that you and brother Mark and myself have enough to talk about over the next 25 minutes. And it’s important, Mark, I agree with you. What I think has to happen is this world has to really start working in, in alignment with the creator and it can’t. The capitalism or whatever it’s going to be called that’s going to be created here isn’t going to be about the Vanguards, the state streets, the black rocks. And I mean it’s, I think it’s Vanguard that owns these other two or at least has massive, you know, stock in a BlackRock.
Ownership of BlackRock. It’s got to be something totally different. I mean every pillar of society that we currently have right now has to be totally different. What are you going to do when you have an AI teacher who’s, who’s for each student? Now you got one on one that’s smarter than any human being pretty much that could be, understand exactly what this child needs to learn because there’s criteria within that. And then what happens to all the teachers, the janitors? I mean, we’re gonna have a, a retooling, maybe cleaning the planet up, you know, maybe going into a, a totally different era, you know, where money doesn’t matter, you know, everybody’s got the basic needs covered.
Yeah, but you’re leaving, you’re leaving one thing out, Jimmy, and that is, is that there’s always a need for human interaction. So there’s always going to be a role for, you know, somewhere in the chain of whether it’s a sale, whether it’s, you know, whatever it is, there’s going to be human act interaction, not much. So you understand, I can take you right now off of any video clip that you’ve done on the Internet. I can turn you into AI. You will not know the difference. Every characteristic of you it will be doing with your voice, making cold call phone calls.
It is incredible how fast. And remember, Scotty, you and I, we’re different. We’re not the majority, we’re the minority because we, you know, what am I doing? I’m building an AI company. I’m implementing AI into all of our businesses. We’re teaching other business owners to, you know, to how to do AI. We’re launching Patriots Business coach in the first of the year. That’s going to be right there to help coach, you know, business patriot business owners to help them get through this so they can thrive through it. But how about the average people, Mark, that are, you know, and I mean, I’m not saying average is a person, but average is a skill, skill set.
You know, as far as a job, like people that are working as a plumber or you know, as a plumber. Plumbers are good. They’re coming. These robots and AIs are coming from pretty much almost every job. I mean developers, programmers, graphic designers, I mean mobile app producer, everything. Right now it’s not even 12 months away till it eliminates that. Unless you’re a person with the skill set, say you are with your financials, right. And you’ve got 10 AI agents working because that’s the demand you got and you know, the how the orchestra needs to play so you can oversee that.
Yes, I believe those type of jobs are going to be in abundance. But what about the folks that are, you know, driving those trucks or having those Ubers and late lifts about all those people that are just trying to get by, where, where are they? Where what are they going to be doing? Like, you know what I mean? Like what are they going to be doing? Maybe they’re helping create the robots. Maybe there’s a whole place where. But then how long is it before robots are building robots? Because robots are already building cars. So I think we have to really think about it and make sure that all these wars are done and we’re taking care of every single person on this planet.
Nobody is without water, food, energy, all of it. Medical care. Well, all of that has to be a right to Life, it has to be a right. I think that is, Jimmy, that’s a part of the new system. Everything you just described, that’s where they’re going. That’s where they want to get to. They still have a lot of challenges to get there, namely the deep state that’s hanging out and still hanging on to their power. And we’ll. We’ll continue to do so until taken down. There are no second chances for us. This is it. If we don’t play our role now at this point in history and get involved in whatever role you can play, if that means you simply go to a school board meeting and, and take notes and share it with your friends or you.
You do something, you run for a local office. Yeah. Strictly garden. The uniform community gardens. Those are going to be important. Maybe we’ll have a whole new farming industry. People realize what they’ve done to our food, and we got to get back to mother nature and the. The wholesome foods that God has provided for us. But it’s a fascinating conversation because we don’t know what we don’t know today. We don’t know where the future lies with employment and with AI. It could potentially wipe out 80% of all the jobs. But something has to give in the process.
And, man, particularly in Western America, we’re very resilient. We bounce back. We’ll figure out how to handle it, you know, when. Well, America will lead the charge, Scotty. Yeah. You know that as well as I do. It can only be America that can lead the charge of the change that we have to do. You know, you were talking about xrp, both of you guys, and we’ve talked about this before, and brother Joseph Land has talked to me about it for a few years. I started buying it a few years ago. And there’s some other coins that are very interesting that are coming up because you talked about the digitalization of all assets, right.
From real estate to everything, you know, art, all of it. And so that the average person can also enter into that arena without, you know, with, you know, that digitalization fractionalization situation. And so there’s a. There’s a coin out there that I just purchased. It’s interesting because if, when I get it, and I’m not a financial advisor, I’m not giving financial advice, but I’m looking at these cryptos based on what are they offering, you know, what is their value proposition to that IND industry. Well, XRP is pretty clear. And now the stable coins coming out. Trump loves the freaking crypto.
He put A crypto guy in the sec. Ahead of the SEC now, right. So that whole thing’s going to swing. Ripple is made in the United States going to do an ipo. So I would advise people to, you know, hold on to your ripple. If you want to trade the up and down, maybe split your, your 5050 and trade up and down on 150 and keep the other 50 and don’t touch it, leave it alone. But this other one is nine. It was, it was. It’s funny because you know, discernment, you have to act upon it.
It. Right? And one of the things we all do is we procrastinate. Would you agree? You guys still procrastinate in some areas of life. Would you say that it’s human nature to procrastinate something sometime, right? We’ve all been there. So God puts this in this XDC X D C. He puts it into my radar because nothing is by coincidence. It’s all divine, right? Regardless of its negative or positive, it’s divine. To move you further. And this thing was like about four and a half cents at that time, right. And so I went to go buy it on Coinbase and it wouldn’t let me buy it on Coinbase.
So that was the end of my search for it. And I had done that with an AI stock that was 4 cents that now just merged with another AI company. It’s like a dollar 75, you know what I mean? Out of 4 cents. 175 work that number. So then I thought oh, maybe I can get this on upload up. It’s called Let me pull my wallet up here. Uphold. Uphold. Right. Which I first got turned on that from Joseph and it was there to buy. So I said you know what, I’m going to put a few th.
Couple thousand dollars into this because hey, this thing went from 5 to 10 and it just got the deal with one of the biggest companies that are going to be doing this. This. Let me pull up the name of it so people can research it. But it’s going to be doing this digitalization of assets. So I’m like okay, this is, this is. I, I looked into this company before when I. It’s called Arc A R C H A X. You know that mark. Not familiar with that one. I’ve got my eyes on Hedera and XTC of course.
Xlm. Yeah. H Bar you’re talking about. Yeah, I told people that about that a few weeks. I bought probably 20,000 of those. And so you know there is massive freaking opportunity in this crypto space, if you pay attention to what you’re buying and not like these meme coins and all this, you want to go in there and buy and you make a lot of money, sell it. You know, like you hit the lottery or you, you hit the, the slot in Vegas. But if you’re looking at something that like you’re looking at a company that you want to invest in, you’re looking at a crypto coin you want to invest in, it really needs to serve a purpose.
This, it really needs to bring massive value. It needs to be a utility, I think for the long term. And I believe that this and AI today. Scotty, I didn’t tell you I was going in, Mark. I was going over with brother Jack Mullen, who’s a genius. This Guy’s got like 5 degrees, one of them being a computer science degree. And he is the master at the language of Python, JavaScript. And Python is what you write most of the code for AI. Okay, Python. And so we were going through Master Pro AI and looking at what we’re at and where we’re going and one of the things we’re doing is we’re implementing it into Sovereign Radio.
You know, it’s implemented in the Sovereign Radio and we’re looking at our build out in 2025 and what we’re going to be able to do. And I’m sitting here thinking, my gosh, I would have to have a crew of like 15, 20 people to do what we’re going to do for these brands. And one person or two people will be able to handle like five brands. So you would need like 25, 30 people to do the same thing that AI is going to do for those brains. I mean complete, I mean, you know, from even creating content in your style, Scotty, or your style, Mark, on a topics that you guys are passionate about in your tone, you know, creating your blog post, creating your, your audio with your voice and if you want, creating your video of your avatar AI of you doing a video about it and then transcribing, summarizing, tagging, long keyword phrasing, SEOing and then distribution, all done by AI, all run by one person, you know, with the AI.
So I believe I. And, and not why am I doing that? Because I’m building a company that is going to be able to bring in cash flow, but also an opportunity because you know, people are putting a lot of investment into AI. So everybody’s got to look at what’s happening. You know, wellness AI, you know, the new Media, Scotty, that you always talk about the new media. This is, it’s happening. You see lots of deals going on. We’re ground floor, we’re part of that new media. And what you and I are working on with Sovereign Radio to bring couple hundred hosts o channel and then couple hundred radio stations.
We’re, we’re going to be a sizable media force and I’m looking forward to even opening offices in other countries. Jimmy, when we get to that point, we want to, you know, we want to grow internationally because news, news around the world is important these days. So wait, we covered a lot of ground, guys, from crypto to technology. What do you guys think is our biggest challenge right now? What, what, what should, what should we be looking at and doing right now? I think we need to get a constitutional republic in place and we have to gut out all of these corporate entities that have created these regulate regulations, they call them laws, but they’re not laws.
Right. The regulations that dictate how we live our lives. That needs to be all fleshed out and we need to get back to sovereign living, sovereign governance, constitutional governance and moving forward, you know, as you know, we were talking about the spiritual aspects is that it’s a, a condition of the heart. Right. And so there needs to be a, in our country, there needs to be repentance and turning back to God. And it has to be about brother helping brother and sister helping sister, a hand up and not everything so greed driven where it’s everybody out for themselves.
So yeah, I think it, but the foundation of course is going to be God as the center and a constitutional republic and, and give people sovereign, true sovereign freedom. And then we can, we can build from there 100%. And you know, we got to focus on the solutions like we talk about, Scotty, you know, there’s priorities of these solutions because if one, like we’ve been talking about what’s going on with the electromagnetic pollution. Okay, all of this stuff that we’re talking about here today is beautiful. You know, moving to the light, moving over to a republic, moving over to sovereignty for everybody.
You know, getting closer to God, getting repentance. Like the Nineveh, you know, remember Nineveh, Joan, Joa, Jonah, what was it? Jonah who got eaten by the, the, the whale or fish and Nineveh who got warned and they, they repented and they got another, I think 40, 50, 60 years. But you know, we’ve got to make sure that we’re prepared to handle the things that are going to be happening, but keep our Eyes on solutions that we’re involved in in order to, you know, not get caught up into that fear because there’s going to be a lot of hard things that have to happen in order to get to what you’re talking about, Mark and Scotty.
I mean, because again, you know, I love the fact that the FBI director is resigning, Ray. I think he’s a freaking traitor. Absolutely. He’s, he’s disgusting and he, you know, he’s a, he’s, he’s a waste. And I love the other guy coming in. Love, Cash Patel. Yeah, he’s, he’s awesome. He’s awesome. And you know, there’s going to be a lot of shaking and waking, but don’t think for one second they ain’t going to be fighting and don’t think for one second that ain’t going to happen in every single three letter agency that we have in the government.
So as that’s going on, I think that we need to focus locally on our neighborhood, our family, you know, our town. Like you said, Scotty, go to, you know, the school boards, you know, get involved, you know, get more patriots involved in government, local government, county government, state government, and really focus on our states and of course support federal government with our prayers and, you know, and anything that we can do. But that is going to be interesting to watch as we are working on our local side. We got to work on our local side in a big way.
And it surprises me, you know, as many people that hear Sheriff Mack from the CSPOA that don’t jump into becoming a posy like right away member in order to continue to work on getting more constitutional sheriffs throughout this country. Because without them in addressing some of these bigger issues like we’ve talked about, Scotty, we’re gonna have a show on soon where we’re going to talk about what’s going on again with the electromagnetic pollution in our atmosphere and our magnetic sphere. We got some big things we got to handle, man. And we just got to say, okay, you know, which one of them are the most important? Because if we have a problem with a collapse of the magnetic sphere, it won’t matter about Sheriff Mack, it won’t matter about Trump’s appointments, it won’t matter about AI, it won’t matter about robotics, it won’t matter about xrp, it won’t matter about anything because no one will be available to do it anyways.
You won’t even be able to do those things if this earth has got volcanoes going off, hurricanes like we never seen Them before. Tornadoes like we never seen them before, earthquakes like we never seen before. So there’s so much work to do, Scotty. But, you know, I’m focused on. That is a, a high focus of mine up there at the top of working with people that have shown they’ve got systems that can reverse this damage that they’ve been. I don’t know if they’re trying to terraform the planet. I don’t know what they’re trying to do. But the chemtrails and the electromagnetic pollution is eating up our atmosphere and that can’t, that’s not going to end well.
So, you know, it’s all part of their plan, Jimmy, to, you know, weaken us, to destroy us and bring us to our knees. But we’re not going there. Yeah, I would agree with you guys. Both talked about activating locally. I think that’s important. Everybody decided, okay, I’m gonna do one thing locally, civically, for my neighborhood, for my city, for my thing. I’m gonna stop at stat, not even state level, at a local, local level. Your school boards, your county boards, your city halls, the mayors. Too many mayors are on the take in cities across America, big and small cities.
So we got to root out the evil ones. It’s going to take some time. No matter how destroyed they’re left. I’m talking about the dark side, the cabal. No matter how things play out, they still got a lot of minions out there that are middle managers and running local cities and certainly governors of states like Newsom. We know the dangers in, in this crowd of people. Wait till Trump starts exporting all of these illegals and you got all these military age men in the United States. And I hear they’ve been putting weaponry into units around the United States for these people.
And you know, you listen to Obama the other day, he said, we got time. You know, this guy, he’s not the leader, but he’s definitely one of the, you know, say, you know, a lieutenant or something in, in the cabal. And so I think it’s going to get very interesting. I think that you’re, you know, my, my wife keeps on talking about going and visit New York City. I’m like, no, I’m not going to go visit New York City. I don’t want to be in any big city. You know, let this thing play out. Let’s see what happens.
And like you said, Scotty, you know, we need to support the local community. But I think the sheriff is the most important person in your local community because how do you get rid of a bad mayor, how do you get rid of a bad school board? How do you get protected against the federal government’s unlawful? I mean, even during the Trump administration, the federal government were still doing unconstitutional things. Would you not both say that? Oh, yeah, for sure. Because the deep state is still there, right? They’re still running it. They’re still running it. You know, so until that stops, until the president, you know, it blows my mind that the president has to go through Senate confirmation for his appointments.
I mean, I understand background check, but if I come in, I’m. There’s three branches of government, no administration, legislation, and judicial. So wait, so the legislation gets to pick all the people that Trump gets to appoint? Why? I mean, that’s like hiring the CEO and then having the old CEO tell, you know, the new CEO what people he can hire or not. I mean, you got to give somebody the ability to appoint their people, take responsibility for their people and not have it. What do you guys think is going to happen there? Do you think Trump’s going to get all his appointments in office? You know, they’re all going to get confirmed or what do you guys think? They ran Matt Gates out of there real quick.
Well, he was planted, Jimmy here, that was a shill game. That was 5D chess. They appointed him to smoke out the Rhinos and they did. Thirty Republicans came out and said, we’ll never support Matt Gates. So they smoked them out. It was a smoke out. Gates is going to be like a Robert Mueller. He’ll, he’ll lead a special investigation, something like that. That’s my feeling. Well, he’s taking a show, from what I’m hearing. He’s taking a show. He’s going to be on one of these networks and he’s going to have a show on one of these patriotic network type of deals.
So we’ll see what happens there. But look, guys, it’s interesting, man. We’re on. We’re at 1212, 2024 today. 1212 is the day we’re recording this. We don’t have much longer to 2025. We don’t have much longer to 20. You know, January 20th, I believe, like what Mark said. Something’s gonna, something’s gonna happen before 120. Something. I don’t know, but something’s gonna, something’s gonna pop. I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you what I think. I think there’s going to be a big event of some sort, and I don’t know what that’s going to look like. Exactly. Nor the exact timing.
But I believe we’re going to have another election and that election is going to be for the Republic and there won’t be anybody left standing as far as these Democrats go, because they will be gone. Nobody will follow them anymore when they know all the truth, truth as a result of the event. And Trump is gonna pretty much have his say on having the right people that have the right condition of the heart, that care about our country. And we’re going to get this thing on track. And that’s my, you know, that’s, that’s what I see moving forward.
Get on track. We’ll continue to play our role, which is to bring solutions to health and wellness to our environment, financial solutions, medical technology. We’re going to bring it all to you folks. So stick around. Don’t miss our shows Saturday. This Saturday, Greg Schumacher, our guest today, will be on. We also have a pushing segment with the truckers as we’re following that story. And it’s always good to be with you guys. Thanks for hanging out with me. Appreciate it. Both. So, hey Scotty, before we wrap up, can Jimmy, can you share just a minute just, could you share a little bit about what you have going there as far as solution on the empty system that you have actually on your property? Can you just share just a little bit about that? Yeah.
And that’s going to be ready for some of our patron influencers to help us with move. And that’s going to be a very controlled situation. But these devices, now there’s bigger ones that aren’t going to be brought out to the public that are already starting to be deployed. The smaller ones have been being deployed for a few years now. The version two, the, the agricultural side, when you get a dual thing where it takes out the electromagnetic pollution, protects you from the EMF radiation and cleans up the chemtrails in your sky. And its radius now is 20 kilometers.
The one I got in the backyard is only 5 kilometers. Okay. And then the radius for the agriculture is 5 kilometers where mine’s only 1 kilometer. So it’s increased. It’s still a pretty good distance. Yeah. It’s like you can really be, you know, great to your neighborhood by putting these in, in there. And what happens is now they built the outside of them all in copper. So it used to take 60, 90 days to activate. I actually felt mine within like a week, 10 days of things happening. And, you know, where you felt better, you slept better.
You know, my son who never came out of his room started coming out of his room, all these things started happening. And these new ones, they’re, they’re, they’re going quickly. And so we will be ready soon to have the show, to really get into those, the website, the new websites, One of the new websites, because you have, you have some people that want to, you know, they want to promote this from the green side of the equation. And then you have some people that want to promote this from the defending planet Earth side of the equation.
So I’m the kind of guy, I’m going to bring in both solutions. First the green side and then the defend planet Earth side. And then these are going to be available. The scientist that, that is a genius, Giovanni, he’s Italian over in Italy. And these things are built in Italy, by the way. And Italy is one of the countries that still actually has people that make stuff. You know, they manufacture stuff right in these towns and stuff. It’s pretty cool. But yeah, Mark, we’re going to have a whole show going through all of that. I just got the white paper on the big ones a few weeks ago and I have all the supporting scientific documentation and everything.
I’ve been feeding it into AI, into one of those chat GPTs. I created a chat, a GTP AI for this project and I put them all up in there and I’ve got it laying everything out for me. And it is, it is critical because all this other stuff we’re talking about, if we don’t get this environment cleaned up, you know, our, our biosphere and reverse this and we don’t clean up our soil and these devices, the agricultural ones, help clean up the soil, you know, from the GMO and all of that. And the soil is dying.
They’re saying, you know, not many years down the road here, we might not even be able to grow anything in the soil. So, you know, those things are very important. I’m glad that you, you brought that up. And we will be bringing them out, we will be introducing them to people. We are, you know, I’ve already got probably about seven or eight patriot influencers that want to, you know, be involved in that. They’re ready to go when we’re ready to go. They’re ready to have, you know, the show will do, they’ll be able to promote on their channel.
So we’ll just say, hey, the link for those in the air in the bottom of the description, that way everybody can use it, you know, everybody can use that round table that we’re going to have on, on these devices. But it, it is very important to get this, this going. You know, the, the ones that they’ve got out there have impact quite a few things in a positive way, but it’s just a very little percent, you know, of what we need to get out there. The big ones aren’t many, you know, you need a few hundred of those.
I keep on getting 350 in my mind. I don’t know why, but I do. The other ones will have hundreds of thousands or not even millions of them out there and then we’ll. They won’t there. Nothing will work for them. HARP won’t work for them. CERN won’t work for them. Destroying our environment, poisoning us. All of that stuff is over. I mean Bill Gates, by the way, did you guys hear he’s announcing the next virus? I mean they’re, you know, news reports just now. So guys, thank you Jimmy for that explanation and Mark for asking the question.
It’s 305. I think we’ll sign off here. It’s a good point to sign off. Good conversation today. Thanks to Greg Schumacher. Remember sovereignradio.com you find many great shows and many great personalities. Above all the information that you can get with Sovereign Radio. Watching Dave Hodges or Sarah Westall or Jimmy’s platform, My Patriot Network. Truth Mafia. Untold. What is it? Untold history. Untold history. We’ve got a whole bunch coming on. We’re, we’re gonna have. It’s gonna really rapidly move fast. Right Mel? Carmine? Yeah. We asked you to keep following us and stick with us and we appreciate because without an audience there’s no reason to be here.
Thank you very much. And we are gonna sign off. Jimmy Schwinn, Mark Istratoff, my co pilots, goodbye and good luck and give Sony love a big hug tonight.