Spread the truth



➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, encourages listeners to spread his message and take action. He discusses global instability and the potential failure of currencies, suggesting that precious metals like gold and silver are safer investments. He recommends Noble Gold, a company that can help secure your retirement by backing it with precious metals. He also warns about the risks of banks taking your savings due to the Dodd-Frank Law of 2010.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are The Show, freeing America one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. It’s really good to be with you. We ask you to amplify our efforts. Let’s make up one million minds at a time. And let’s share this work far and wide. We need to wake up people and move them to action. But across the globe, action is happening. And this is going to be a short, almost like what they call a YouTube short or a TikTok short. This is going to be a short.

And it’s going to be, well, along the lines of showing you what’s happening in part in other nations. And we’re going to focus exclusively on the UK. But we’re going to talk about other nations and then talk about what this holds for us. It’s pretty dramatic, everybody. We are brought to you by Noble Gold. And as the world destabilizes, and it clearly is, destabilizing. It’s not just the United States. Currencies are going to fail. Fiat currencies backed by nothing are going to go. What’s going to be left? Precious metals. Noble Gold can help you with this.

Particularly if you have a retirement account in the bank, it could soon be gone. Because you’re an unsecured creditor, according to the Dodd-Frank Law of 2010. So they can take any time they want. Why would you let them? You’ve worked your whole life to do what? Save for retirement? It’s bad enough. Your taxes are going up. It’s bad enough that inflation’s out of control. Let’s take that option away from the banks. Noble Gold can extricate your retirement. And they can do a really great thing. Put it under your control and back it with precious metals, either gold or silver.

Gold’s held its value for 6,000 years. Now, the FTC wants me to give you a disclaimer and basically tell you that all investments carry inherent risk. We agree with giving that warning. And that past performance can’t be construed with future expectation. I think there should add one corollary to that warning. The banks can steal from you. And they’ve made it legal, even though it’s wholly unconstitutional. Okay, so what are you going to do? Well, do what I did. Six and a half years ago, I became a customer. Shortly after I was an advertiser, because I saw the value of what they did.

They will not push you. They simply want to inform you. They’ll let you make the choices based on the options they provide. I can send you a list of what those options will be. Go to Dave Hodges Dave Hodges And I’ll send it out to you electronically. It’s short, sweet, easy to read in layman’s terms. And on its Noble Gold’s number. Now you’re saying, gee, things are really moving quickly. Maybe I should act on this sooner rather than later. Well, then what you should do is call Noble Gold at 877-646-5347-877-646-5347. Tell them Dave Hodges of the common sense show sent you.

Okay, we are going to take a look at some footage out of Great Britain. This is out of Great Britain. A migrant brutally murdered three children. And the police didn’t see the need to act because it was a migrant. And this country is in flames all over the country. But see, this is not just unique to the UK. This type of thing is going on all over the planet. We’ve seen it in Chile. We’ve seen it in Ireland. We’ve seen it in France. We’ve seen it in Germany. We’ve seen the farmers protests. Things are getting increasingly violent.

And my warning here to you is that is soon going to come here. The political divide is so deceptive. And there’s so much at stake. And there’s so much cheating going on. And there’s so much evil. I mean, I literally could wake up from dawn to dusk and do nothing but Kamala Harris and her corruption. And she’s just typical. This is going to be the result in this country before much longer. I don’t advocate it. As they say, I’m too old to fight and too fat to run, as the saying goes, but I know human nature.

This is our future right here. Now, Antifa and Black Lives Matter did this in against Donald Trump to try to destabilize America in attempts, excuse me, attempt to swing votes. But that was contrived. This is spontaneous anger. And it’s spreading globally. New Zealand’s on the verge of this too, because New Zealand’s doing a bunch of stuff they should not be doing. Look at this. This is how we want to live. One, you better get prepped. Food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, tools, the Bible, the Constitution for the rebuild if necessary. Next. You really need to be praying every day.

This is a problem that’s spiritual at its core. And there’s no physical solution to an at core physical spiritual issue. And that’s what this is. This is pure evil. And people are angry. I would remind people that would engage in these activities, revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord. And I do believe God’s putting nations, not just America, but he’s putting nations under judgment. And I said earlier today, repentance or consequences. Repentance or reckoning. And when you have the major Olympic opening ceremonies events, and you have the Last Supper and Jesus being mocked, the Lord will not be mocked.

There’s going to be a consequence. And then you have in the same Olympics, men beating up women. I thought it was wrong for a man to hit a woman, but not with the Olympics. Oh, and you’re wrong. And you’re somehow prejudice because you dare to bring it up. These types of actions, not to mention the degradation of our money, the lessening of our rights, interfering and raising children, government schools propagandizing the kids to all kinds of inherent evil from puberty blockers to having your genitals cut off. This is the result of this anger. And then when you start to harm the children, this is how the people are going to respond and people were there as a country.

Train, prep and pray. That’s it for the Common Sense Show. Thank you so much for joining us. God bless all of you. Let’s pray for peace. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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