And that’s why, you know, I got a lot of, I and he was getting a lot of problems in his life, like people that reveal that program. Another guy that was very similar, you can look back on this guy, Kerry Cassidy did interviews with him, Bill Broadbreaker. And he, he was basically revealing that the military was striking missile strikes into civilian targets. So this guy was going to do the same thing. He was going to reveal that they were doing, you know, strikes and killing civilians to keep these wars going and so forth.
So they’re still doing it. They’re still doing those operations. I’m, I was pretty convinced they were. It doesn’t mean, you know, Bill Broadbreaker, they destroyed his life. He’s disappeared. You know, they’ve destroyed my life by just having mention of him, saying that, hey, I think that guy’s legit. And then my life got turned upside down. So this guy, as you see, I think what they did is they even talked about it. So let me, let me give you a little bit of the stuff. He said, he says, I have knowledge of this program.
So you saying that likely homeland defense and FBI were, were about to make a move on him. They were tracking him, he felt. So, you know, we, we know these, these organizations are corrupt. I have corrupt people in them. I’m sure there’s good people in there, just like I was a good person inside of the CIA, but there’s corrupt people in these organizations. So he’s saying, I have knowledge of this program, basically, his drone program. And the drones, he talked about the drones were anti-gravitic that were coming out of the ocean.
China was running them. We have the same technology, but China is running this technology on us and they could have massive payloads on them, probably dirty nukes and so forth on these drones. And anti-gravitic is basically very, like I talked about, I said, for my remote views, I said, they were coming out of the base. We’re probably being launched from a Chinese sub and that they were coming over land. And we were, you know, doing, doing stuff against them. We’re making sure that they weren’t planning, I guess, nukes or something like that going to drop nukes.
So that’s probably some of the technology that we had out there against them. So of course, the military is not going to have a nuclear war. So he says, a US government needs to get the history of this and how we are employing it and weaponizing it, how China is employing them and what the way forward is. China is poised to attack anywhere in the East coast. So I’ve been saying kind of the same thing. That’s what I’ve been getting. There could possibly be a nuke somewhere in New Jersey. All right.
So he goes on. He’s been followed by the FBI. And he says, I have knowledge of this program and also war crimes that were covered up during airstrikes in numerous province Afghanistan in 2019 by the admin, Department of Defense, DEA and CIA. I conducted targeting for these strikes of over 125 buildings. So that’s what Bill Brodbrecher was involved with targeting. He was a missile tech. There was a bunch of missile techs that were, they were trying to push him through training when I was the chief of the phase and first phase where we do the Hell Week and Buds training.
We saw some sketchy stuff. We are basically our commanding officer was trying to push them through, came in and had a talk with me, but we got a way to make sure those guys didn’t get through training, but some of them did. And some of the ones that were pushing out, they tried to do, they tried to put them in our Hell Week. We said no. They said, do you mind if we just train them separately? And we’re like, don’t care what you guys do with them, but you’re not putting them in our Hell Week.
So we could hear them off in the distance or some of the guys throughout the night and the teams could hear these guys doing a separate Hell Week with these guys. And I think they did a couple of them over the course of a year or so that I was there. So these guys, Bill Brodbrecher, I believe was part of that program. I don’t know for sure because they scrubbed his record. They can scrub anybody’s record, scrub my record, but I have my information, but who knows? Maybe they can get in and get that too.
So we’re dealing with some very dirty people that have done some very bad things and are still doing things. So he says, I conducted targeting for these strikes of over 125 buildings. So Bill Brodbrecher and some of these other guys were missile techs. A missile hit the Pentagon and probably exposed the planet in the buildings of 9-11, so forth. Bill Brodbrecher talked about that. And that’s probably one of the reasons why I really came after him and took him down. So he goes on to talk about strikes of over 125 buildings.
65 were struck because of civ-cas, so civilian casualties. They want to kill the civilians to make these wars go longer and cause death and destruction and piss people off. The same thing they’re doing in Gaza. It’s the same thing as you’re killing innocent civilians, so war crimes by the US government. They killed hundreds of civilians in a single day. They continued the strikes after spotting civilians on initial surveillance. It was supposed to take six minutes and scramble all the aircraft in CENTCOM. The UN basically called these war crimes, but the administration made them disappear.
I was part of that cover-up with an agent that’s been redacted of the DEA. So I don’t know if my abduction attempt is related to either. I worked with General Miller’s 10 staff on this as well as a response to Bala Merkab. AOB, I don’t know what some of these acronyms are, commander at the time redacted. I can validate this. So he put some words in. He put some people in here. Matthew Livesburger. He was active duty. He basically came back on leave. There’s some kind of issue they had with his wife, supposedly divorced his wife or was divorcing his wife or something.
It looks like it was on the run. It looks like they got hold of him and then tried to make him into a bad guy. But we’re exposing it. It’s being exposed. So this is something that we all need to be aware of. We need to all push forward. When Trump comes in, we need to get him to start to do the right thing and take down this deep state military guys. So I just want to jump on and throw my two cents out there. A lot of guys are disclosing. There’s going to be more that’s going to be disclosed going forward.
There are some bad guys that work in the military in the industrial conflict. We’ve known that, but now we’re starting to bring more and more of this to light and we’re going to expose these people that are involved with this stuff and they’re going to be held to justice. It’s going to get hairy, guys, because they’re going to pull out all the stops now. All right, lots of love, and I will see you guys next time. [tr:trw].