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➡ The author discusses the mistranslations in the Bible, particularly the term “Elohim” which is often translated as “God”. However, in ancient Hebrew, “Elohim” refers to a group of individuals who governed the earth, not a singular spiritual entity. The author also mentions that the Bible talks about the relationship between the people of Israel and one of these “Elohim” named Yahweh, who was not a god but a ruler. The author suggests that these “Elohim” could be another species and that their descendants might still be ruling the earth today.
➡ The text discusses the interpretation of biblical stories, suggesting that Adam and Eve were created through genetic intervention, not from nothing. It also suggests that Jesus was a product of artificial insemination, making him a demigod. The text also discusses various mistranslations in the Bible, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, which should have been translated as crossing a sea of reeds. The text concludes by suggesting that many biblical terms have been mistranslated to give God transcendental characteristics.
➡ The text discusses the interpretation of biblical terms and stories, suggesting that they may refer to advanced technology and genetic manipulation by a species known as the Elohim. It suggests that the term ‘Kavod’, often translated as ‘glory of God’, could refer to a powerful, mechanical object. The text also discusses the idea that humans’ lifespan was genetically modified by the Elohim, reducing it from hundreds of years to 120. The text also suggests that the ‘Nephilim’ mentioned in the Bible could be another species from the constellation of Orion, rather than the offspring of the Elohim and human women as traditionally interpreted.
➡ The text discusses the complexity of translating ancient texts like the Bible, as the true meanings and authors are often unknown. It highlights that these texts are fascinating as they provide a glimpse into the history of humanity and share common stories across different cultures. The speaker also suggests that other species may have come from the stars, a theory that aligns with biblical narratives. Finally, the speaker mentions an upcoming book, co-authored with Erich von Deniken, that will explore ancient civilizations and the possibility of advanced technology existing before known history.
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Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Mauro Biglino coming back to the program and he has Elisabetta coming with him. She is his translator. But this time I’ve had him in the past and this time Maro wants to speak for himself throughout the interview. In the past he’s done, we’ve done all translation but he’s been working on his English. So we get a treat this time having Morrow, you know, speak for himself. I had him on years ago when I was still on YouTube and I got hundreds of thousands of views. It just really went viral and I just.
His information is so profound. He is a Vatican translator. He’s translated over 17 books for the Vatican. And he started translating and saying there was a lot of mistranslations in the Old Testament. And since then he’s also did the New Testament. And at that time the Vatican told them, according to him, that his translations were right, that he was right, that this. And he shared a lot of it, you know, with you today. But once he started publishing without them changing things, they fired him. And so he’s going to talk about that. He’s going to talk about what the biggest mistranslations he believes there are.
And in his books he doesn’t want to have any questions. He shows the Exact what is written and then the exact translation. And he’s very specific so that you can see for yourself. And he says he doesn’t want to have any conjecture or hypothesis. He just wants to tell you exactly what the translation is and what the mistranslations are. I mean some of them are. Elohim means plural, means gods. He’s going to talk about many gods, many powerful ones. Really. It means the powerful ones. And he says that, oh, you’re gonna. Some of this is offensive.
I think somebody who’s very, who’s learned a specific translation their whole life. I just want to warn you, if you have learned something that is means something your whole life and then he comes along and says that no, that’s mistranslated. That may be offensive to you. So I just want to warn you if it is and you don’t like to hear anything like that. Just, just don’t watch. I mean, it’s not worth it, right? If it’s going to trigger you or make you angry, don’t watch it. But if you’re open to hearing somebody else’s translation of, of the Bible, this one’s for you.
Okay. And he has multiple books. You can go tomorrow biglino.com and you can buy his books and read the translations yourself and come to your own conclusions. What do you think it means? Very interesting. I want to warn you, this is one of the most interesting topics alive that exists. He talks about the, the advanced technology, the genetic engineering of humans and we talk about who these gods really were. And you know, I, you just have to be patient with this one because he’s coming out on his own and he’s speaking on his own. So it’s not going to be really quick English.
It’s going to be him speaking in his English. His native tongue is Italian. He also has developed Tourette syndrome. So when you see him speaking, that’s what you’re seeing. It’s a, it’s a debilitating disease and he’s fighting it, but we get him. So this is remarkable. I’m so happy he’s here. Before we get into that, I want to share with you this copper peptide, it’s ghk. Cu. This helps with. It’s a. One of the best anti aging peptides there is. It comes in a spray, it comes in an injection, it even comes in capsules if you’re one of those that wants capsules.
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Okay, let’s get into this fascinating discussion with Maro Biglino. Hi, I have Maro and Elizabetta here today. I’m so glad you’re here. So welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you. Hello. Hello to you, hello to your audience and thank you for having me here. Thank you for having us. Bye. Well, I had you here many years ago. We did a show and it went viral. It got hundreds and hundreds of thousands of views. And I think people are. That was when I was back on YouTube. I think people are really, really interested in this topic.
And your background, being a Vatican translator, you’ve Translated, I believe, 17 books for the Vatican. Right. And. And now you’ve gone through and are translating the Old Testament. You’ve done that and wrote books about it. Can you talk a little bit about your background from though for those people who maybe haven’t heard about you yet? I’m sure most people have, but. Okay, first of all, I want to apologize with you, with our listeners for my English, which is very, very basic. So you have to be patient with me. So I’ll try to be able to make me understood what’s good.
So I had and have a classical background because in my high school I studied Latin, ancient Greek. And after, only for my own passion, I studied Hebrew language with the Hebrew community of my city in Turin. After that I started to translate for me, only for me some books of the Old Testament. And the main Catholic publishing house of the in Italy, which works under the Vatican, noticed my translation and asked me if I wanted to start a collaboration with them. Of course I did. And I translated for you for them 17 books of the Old Testament that they published with my name.
During this work I found many inconsistencies, many mistranslations, many mistakes and sent them these inconsistencies with great humility, of course. And I was really astounded when they replied me because I don’t think they could, they could do that. They replied me telling that I was absolutely right. Really? So the Vatican came back and told you that all of these books and Everything you’ve done, you are absolutely 100% spot on. Yes. And after that they asked me to start a collaboration, to start a collaboration. And I started to verify. This was my task in that moment, to verify, to verify the Greek language, the Greek, Latin and the Hebrew language.
After that they gave me the task to translate. And so I started and translated 17 books of the Old Testament that they published for the university, for the faculty of theology and so on. But after several years of translation, I decided to speak in public about this mistranslation, these inconsistencies. And when I wrote my first book in which I put these inconsistencies, I was immediately fired from this publishing house. So they were. Okay, so they agreed with you that what you were saying was 100% right, but they didn’t want you publishing that because when they published my, my book, the book, my translations, they had the possibility to change the translations because they were the publishing house.
And so they had a possibility and is for that, that I started to publish only for my publish independently from, from there, with, with another publishing house. And in that moment, when I publicly spoke about these inconsistencies, they fired me immediately. And so I continued only for myself, only, only for my passion. And I published 16 books sifting essay in which I put these inconsistencies and in which I analyzed the Hebrew language in which the Bible is written. And since the last our interview, I published only three book in English. One she knows, maybe this one, you know, the Naked Bible.
Yeah, Yep, yep. This is the new one. The new one. And this is what. And the last is here. About Jesus. About Jesus. And so I continue to work for, only for myself and I continue to speak in public. I continue to speak in public and to public my books with my translations. You know, in, in my book, I always put the Hebrew language with the literal translation above it so the readers can verify what I am saying. So anything, this is what you’re saying, everything that you’re saying, you put the exact translation so that there’s no confusion.
It’s not like you’re making anything up. You’re not, you are simply translating for people. So if somebody doesn’t like what you’re saying, they can go and they can see the literal translation. Yes, I, I publish the literal translation of the Hebrew language because I think that this methodology is the most intellectual, honest modality to approach to this text. So let’s talk about, because this is where it gets really interesting. What are the biggest mistranslations and how does that change Our understanding of what the Old Testament really is about. Can we start with what you think is probably the biggest mistranslation? The biggest mistranslation is also the biggest topic of the Bible is the term Elohim.
Because the term Elohim is always, always translated with God. But Elohim in ancient Hebrew. Hebrew doesn’t mean God in ancient Hebrew doesn’t exist a term who indicates a spiritual God. Elohim is a plural term which indicates a plurality of individuals who were the governors of the earth. And the Bible talks about the relationship between the people of Israel and one of those Elohim whose name is Yahweh. Yahweh, whom the theologians transformed in God but is not God. What does it mean? Nobody in the world knows the exact meaning of this term, so it is translated in many way.
The meaning more close to the real is the power ones. And it’s plural. The powerful ones. And it’s plural like there’s multiple. It’s not the powerful one. It means the powerful ones. The powerful ones because Elohim is a plural term. And they were. And they were a multiplicity of individual who subdivide the the earth in land, in many lands to rule over. They had a chief who in the Bible is named Elion. This term means who stay above, I. E. The chief. And this Elyon In Deuteronomy chapter 32 subdivided the earth and assigned each land to each of each or one of these Elohim.
And to Yahweh he assigned only the people of Israel, I. E. The song Joshua and his songs. Not all the world. This is important. Not human, not humankind was assigned to Yahweh, but only the people of Israel. And Israel is the name who assumed Joshua after and after a precise episode. But the history is too long. So. So Yahweh rule ruled only over the people of Israel. A quick break in the program to share with you is that the gold market, the silver markets are seeing huge movements not seen in our lifetimes. There is massive movements of gold coming up off the comex.
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Okay, back to the program. And he was one or only one of the Elohim. I would say one of the less, the lesser Elohim, because the people assigned to him didn’t have even a land. So he had the need to conquer a land in which put his people and to rule over, to have a sort of sovereignty on a land, on a territory. And this territory was the territory of Canaan. So let, let me ask so what you’re saying is that the Elohim was controlling different parts of the world and different they each had different parts that they controlled.
And the part of Israel was just one part, and it wasn’t even the most powerful part. Just. Yes, just a little part. One little part, one little, one small land which is the land of Canaan or Palestine. Well, how did it get to the point in that they missed. So there was is the mistranslation that Israel was everything. Is that a mistranslation then? Because that’s lost in the Bible. People think everything happened there. But that’s not true. No. It’s necessary to know that all around the world there were these individuals who ruled each of one land.
So we have the all the ancient people all around the world who talk about these individuals. For example, we have in the Middle east we have other Elohim who are named in the Bible, for example, Milcom, Camosh, Dagon, Asherah and so on. And for example, in Asia, India we have the Deva. In Mizo and South America we have the Viracochas. In the north of Europe we have the azi. But they are all the same individuals who subdivide the planet in many territories in order to control these territories. And each Elohim had one territory Territory. But also in the Bible is clearly written that they were fighting against each other in order to conquer other lands, to rule over.
It’s the normal history of the humanity, a history of war. Because the Bible actually is a book of war. So it’s a book of war. So I want you to expand on that. It’s explaining war, but there’s more than war. I mean, was it just like a manual for war? It talk about, as I said before, talk about the, the relationship between Yahweh and his people and. But the problem was that Yahweh with his people had the need to conquer territory, to dwell on it and to rule on it. So who is Yahweh in the Old Testament and from.
Go ahead. Yahweh was an individual as just, just like all other Elohim was an individual in flesh and blood. Okay. He had just like Elohim an higher technology and higher knowledge. And so they, the Elohim had a great power over the humankind. So does it say where these gods came from? Are they old humans that have. That were still here or we. Or were they another species? What were they in according to the Bible? I think I could say that they were another species. The Bible, the Bible doesn’t tell us where they came from. So I.
So I don’t know because I want to remain close to the literal meaning of the Bible. This Elohim are in flesh and blood. They were walking, they were eating, they. They were speaking face to face with humankind. They also could die. So says clearly the Bible in the Psalms 82. They just lived a lot longer, right? They lived over a thousand years. Oh yes, they. They lived thousands years. And so it’s possible that someone of them is still alive. For example, Protestant pastor tells in his book that the Elohim are here. The pastor is. Barry Downing tells and writes that the Elohim are here and are still ruling all the planet.
Interesting. So who are the fallen angels for the fall angels were the Elo. Some 200 Elohim who decided to live on the Earth and to take human women in order to have wives and in order to have a family. Because they know, they knew that they should have the needs to live forever on the Earth. And so they created family. Did their offspring? Could their offspring live longer too? And they had an offspring. And it’s possible also that these offspring gave the origin to the family of the governant of the human governor. Governor of the. Of the Earth.
So the offspring are running the earth is what you think based on the translations, it’s absolutely possible. So it’s. This is really fascinating. Let’s talk about Adam and Eve. How were, how was Adam created according to the. The translation that you, you know, the real translation. Oh, Adam was formed. I don’t like use to term create because for. For us create indicate to create from nothing. Instead, according to the Bible, Adam was formed with an interview on the hominid, on the primitive species of ominid. So like an ape type intervention. Intervention. Sorry, don’t. Not interview, but intervention.
Genetic. Genetic intervention. So they operated with genetic engineering. And also that is clearly written in the Bible. When the Bible talks about the fabrication of Eve. The Bible, the Bible we have at home tell that Eve was made with ribs with arib of Adam. Adam. But the Hebrew term doesn’t mean only rib, but means a curved lateral part of the body, just like for example the iliac crest from which we today take the stem cells for cloning. And this is confirmed also by rabbis. For example, Professor Safran, which is professor of medical, medical ethics at the.
In the Hebrew University at Jerusalem, says that the cloning is not a problem because the Bible knows this procedure, this surgical intervention from 4,000, 4,000 years. So for the rabbis, the cloning is not a problem. So we are. We could say. We could say it’s reasonable to assume that we are a fruit of an intervention of cloning. So we. So were they trying to take, according to the translations, were they trying to take a primitive human like. Like an ape or something and turn us into something that was more evolved, that was more like them? Oh, yes, yes.
And then what was the. And then tell us also why they did that according to the translation. First of all, they took Homo erectus or Homo habilis, intervened with genetic engineering, introduced in that individuals a small part of their genetic DNA. And they. And the Elohim did that formed Homo sapiens because they had the need to have the workers. It was for workers. So the. The New Testament is a completely different document, right? Jesus and that what is your. Because you said that Jesus the demigod, you have a new book about that. Did you translate some of the New Testament too? Oh yes, I translated for me the New Testament from the Greek.
And it’s necessary to say that the name Gabriel with according to the tradition, who is the. The angel who met Mary and after that she became pregnant. This name Gabriel is not a name of one person, but is a functional name that indicates someone who exercises the power for an L. L is a singular. Singular of the term Elohim oh, and. And so after this meeting between Gabriel and Mary, she became pregnant. So do you think she was artificially inseminated? This is the motive, the cause, because Jesus was a demigod, that is a son of a human woman and one of the Elohim.
But these tales are more. The tales of these encounters, this meeting between these individuals and human women are more precise in the laws of the Sumerian, of the Akkadian, of the Assyrian, of the Babylonian people, who were very, very precise in the description of the, of the formation of the, of the humankind. So let’s dive a little bit more into who Jesus was. Jesus was Mary, was, was she artificially inseminated? And then who did Jesus become according to the Old, the New Testament? Oh, Jesus was probably. Was a prophet, was a rabbi that. And I don’t know if, because the Gospel doesn’t speak about that.
I don’t know if was. If he was inseminated or we had the red a mate. I don’t know because the Gospels doesn’t speak about that. So Jesus was a rabbi, he was very influential. What did he think about the Old Testament? Did he know what the Old Testament was really about? Jesus knew absolutely the Old Testament because Jesus was a rabbi, but was also a Messiah. The Messiah about the Messiah about him speaks the Bible, the Old Testament. And his task was to free his people from the Roman, Roman tyranny, Roman dominion. But he failed in this task and so he was processed and he was damned condemned for as a rebellious leader.
A lot of people interpret that as he did free us because he brought so much knowledge of how to think about stuff. And so he freed us from a mental standpoint. Oh yes. Oh yes. It’s necessary in. Necessary to divide, to separate the two concepts. One is it is the historical concept, the historical events. And the other thing is the message who he lived to the humanity. And the message is absolutely important for all the humanity. But he couldn’t reach is task to liberate, to free the, to free the people of Israel from the Romans. And in effect one when he was crucified he said phrases very important.
He said L E. L E. That means my L, my El. Why did you leave me? So Jesus had as a father an L. And when he was crucified he revolves his prayer to this L, to this L. But the Gospel doesn’t explain and doesn’t tell the name of this L. So we don’t know. So we don’t know what which of the Elohim was. We could say that wasn’t Yahweh because Jesus doesn’t speak of Yahweh ever. And Jesus doesn’t name Yahweh. And also the Church, the Roman Church, says the Pope, the Pope Ratzinger said to the bishops not to use the name Yahweh in the liturgy because the name Yahweh is not Christian.
What is it is not Catholic. And in effect Yahweh is not Christian. Yahweh belonged to another species. And he said that. The Pope said that? Yes. And Pope wrote that letter to the, to all the bishops. Wow. And he said it was really another 2018, if I remember. Exactly. The Pope sent this letter to the bishops telling not to use the term because isn’t Christian. So what other areas of the Bible do you believe is the next biggest mistranslation? Oh yes, there are many others. And they. I am satisfied in this moment. In this moment, because for example, I since 2010, when I started with my public activity, I always said that in the book of Isaiah, the prophecy about a virgin that will give birth to Jesus doesn’t exist.
And now finally from 2017 in German started to say that this prophecy doesn’t exist. In this new Bible, in English, for example, is written that the Bible in Hebrew doesn’t speak about a virgin. Because as I was saying in 2010, the term Hebrew Alma doesn’t mean virgin, but mean young girl. And in Hebrew virgin is Bethulah. But the prophecy of Isaiah talks about an Alma. And in this English Revised Bible in the footnotes is written the young woman could be the wife either of the prophet who is not mentioned in this passage or of the king.
Not Mary is not Mary. And when I many years ago were speaking about this passage of in the Bible, I always said that this young woman was the wife of the king Akats of Judah and she was pregnant when these verses were written down. And in the footnote, in effect they write that this young woman will give birth within months. So when these verses were written down, the young woman was already pregnant and give birth to a child whose name is Ezekiah. But there are other, for example, another simple example of mistranslation when the Bible speak about the exodus of the people of Israel from the Egypt.
We always have in our normal Bibles that they crossed the Red Sea. But this is absolutely a mistranslation is a great mistake because the Bible tells that the people of Israel crossed a sea of reeds because Yam suf means sea of reeds in which the water could be 1 meter, 1 meter and a half high. And finally. So what does that mean? Hold on a second. What does that mean? Instead of parting the Red Sea, they had a thing of wreaths that allowed them to walk across, or what does that mean? Okay, yes. And, and in, in the, in this Bible, in the German Bible, in the German New Bible, in Italian New Bible is effectively clearly written that they crossed a swamp.
So where did they cross? So, so they didn’t cross the Red Sea, they crossed something else. They closed a swamp, a sea of reeds. And now finally, and I am very, very, very satisfied because I said that 15 years ago now that is written in the Bible, finally they recognize that the Red Sea was a mistake. And it was a mistake because the Greeks, when translated the Hebrew Bible, translated yam suf as Red Sea. And from that moment, the tradition passed over the centuries the term Red Sea. But in the Hebrew Bible, the Red Sea doesn’t exist, exists sea of reeds.
Another mistranslation is the term olam, which is always translated with the term eternity. But olam doesn’t mean eternity. Olam means. Olam means an unknown amount of time or an unknown place. And so this is important because the theologians who transformed the Elohim in God had the necessity to give to God transcendental characteristics. And so they translated olam with eternity. Or for example, el Shaddai. El is the singular of Elohim. And Shaddai was always translated the Almighty. But finally in the notes is written that Shaddai doesn’t mean the Almighty, but means God of the mountain or God of the open desert.
So it was one of the Elohim that was a leader of that area. Yes, yes. And Yahweh in other cultures, out of the culture of Israel, for example, the Ugaritic culture was known as Governor of the Taman, that is, governor of the south territories. Wow. Okay. I want to ask two, I want to make sure we cover two things before we’re done. I want to, I want to make sure you tell us what the technology was that they had. And we’re going to touch on what the end times was really about. So can you explain what some of the mistranslations were that point to the advanced technology that they had and do we still have that today? For example, we add in the Bible the term Kavod.
Kavod is always translated as glory of God. But kavod in Hebrew language means something heavy, something of power, something mechanical, and in effect, when Moses in the book of Exodus asks Yahweh to see is Kavod that it means that Yahweh in that moment doesn’t have the Kavod with him. Of course. So it could it the Kavod could not be the glory, because. Because God doesn’t could move around without his glory. Of course. And Moses asks to can see is Kabod. And Yahweh answered, yes, yes, you can be ready for tomorrow morning. But when I will pass with my Kavod, you have to hide yourself behind these rocks, because if you are in front of my Kavod, you will die.
So means that means that Yahweh wasn’t able to control the effect of his glory. And this is of course very, very strange. If Moses watch the cavod behind from behind, he remain alive. And so is clear clearly described in the Bible. In the book of Ezekiel, if I remember, chapter 10 is written that when coward of Yahweh rises from the ground behind him, it produces a loud noise. So the Bible speaks clearly about tools with which the Elohim move around. So that something that they move around with that’s loud. So it would be like advanced aircraft.
Yes, maybe. Maybe. My, my methodology is to pretend that the Bible is true. I don’t know if the Bible is true. Nobody knows. Because nobody knows who wrote the Bible. When the Bible was wrote. Nobody knows how the Bible was read, because the Bible was written only with the consonants, without vowels. So we can proceed only with hypothesis, only with suggestions. But I want to give to my readers the literal translation of the Bible without interpretation. Because in order to interpret the Bible, it’s necessary to introduce concepts that in the Bible are not explained. And I don’t want to do that.
That makes sense, because you, you want to say what it says, but no, don’t assume it what it means. So. But we know that from what what I’m hearing here is they had genetic manipulation. They could genetically modify us. They were another species. And even the Pope said that Pope Rasinger they had advanced ways of moving around. They could live over a thousand years. Now why can’t we live over a thousand years? Did they say in the Old Testament? Is there any kind of translation saying what happened to us that caused us not to live a hundred years or a thousand years because we don’t live so long.
Because in the chapter six of the Genesis is written that when the Elohim, the so called angels met with the women, the chief of Elohim established that the life of man of the humankind will be 120 years but the patriarchs before the flood lived 900 years, 800 years. So were we genetically modified? Yes, because they had a big bigger quantity of DNA of the Elohim so they could live longer. So they took some of that out. They re engineered and added more of the humanoid to. Yes yes is probably they intervened many times on the humankind in order to improve.
To improve these new species, Homo sapiens. And they intervened many times. Do you think they still are over. Over the centuries? Do you think they still are intervening now and manipulating and genetically modifying us now? Oh, I don’t know if I’m just asking. You don’t want to. You don’t want to. Yeah. Are still working on us. I I don’t know. Okay, so maybe it’s possible. Of course. You think, you think they’re still here managing the earth? Probably so. Okay. The other question is I want to talk about end times because a lot of people think we’re in this end times.
What does the Old Testament say about the end times? What are the real or your belief? The the true translations are the. The end. The. The end time is an issue very very difficult to to explain because of the end time speaks the book the Apocalypse. And is the a book not clear because is it was a sort of codex for the churches which were which were improving in that time after Jesus of course. And what will succeed for example after the death is impossible to establish. For example my friends Hebrews tell that they don’t know what will be after the death because their Yahweh didn’t anything about that Yahweh.
And the Bible concerns only what happens in this world in this now in this life. And they don’t speak about the after death afterlife. The afterlife. In the Gospels there are some concepts about afterlife but it’s necessary it’s fundamental to know that the Gospels were written under the Greek philosophy and so also the Old Testament in the. In the late late centuries before Christ was translated in Greek using the concept of the Greek philosophy which you know talks about transcendental world. But the Semitic thought the ancient Semitic thought and ancient. So ancient Hebrew thought don’t didn’t have this concept were taught very very practical very very materials for example is clearly written by the Hebrews that the benediction.
I don’t know how to say benediction benedicione benedictions in English Blessing Blessing. Blessing. The blessing was always a material blessing. The real meaning of this term indicates for ancient Hebrews songs, animals, richness richness territories territories, material possession. Nothing nothing having a Relation with life after death. But all, all have to happen here now, during this wife, this life. So is there when it says that there’s going to be an apocalypse, what does that mean? What is the literal translation of the apocalypse? I don’t know nothing about the, the end of, of the time. Because the Apocalypse written in the first century after Christ speaks about what the, the primitive Christians were opening to should have happened in those days, not in the future.
Okay, so it’s there. It’s about the past, not about now. Yes, it’s about the past. Interesting. I apologize. My. I have a syndrome of Tourette and so I. In the evening. Yeah, no, that’s okay. That’s okay. I have another person I interview who also has that. It’s, you know, it’s hard. So who are the Nephilim? Oh, the Nephilim. This is an interesting topic because the Nephilim were the giants. So, so translated the Greeks, some Hebrew exegetes tell that Nephilim indicates the product of the aborto abortion of the abortion. When the angels met with the women of Adam.
And this abortion was done in order to maintain in life female for them, for the Elohim and kill the male, but kill before their birth. So they were able to make, to make pre abortion? Yes, they were able to. To make exams pre abortion in order to know if there were problems. You could know if, if, if there was this child, this child before the birth was a male or a female. But about Nephilim there is an important information. Nephila. The term Nephila in Aramaic means only the constellation of Orion. So the plural Nephilim could be those who went from Orion.
And we know that also the Quran, the Kumra. The Quran. The Quran says in the Surah 53 in the verse 39 that Allah is the Lord of Sirius. And we know that Sirius is the. The dog of the giant Orion. So we could speculate that the Nephilim were another species. In effect, the Bible writes that when the sons of the Elohim united met the women on the earth, there were Nephilim. So in according to the Bible, the Nephilim weren’t the song the songs of this meeting, but were another species instead. In the Book of Enoch, which is one of the apocrypha is written down that the Nephilim were the songs of these meetings between the Elohim and the women.
So we cannot establish with certainty which they were. I like the, the, the idea that they were another species. So is there. That’s. I mean this is incredible. So is there any other translation or anything else you want people to know before we end this? What, what is another or any other thing that you think that they need? Oh, I would say to the, to the audience to read carefully the context of the Bible when they encounter the term God, the term glory, the term eternity. Because if they read, I put in this, in this book a little list of term which should not be translated because nobody in the, in the world knows for sure what they mean, what they mean.
And it’s important the context because it’s always the context that helps us to understand what the, the ancient author of this, of those of this passage wanted to tell us. Also because we don’t know who wrote the Bible. Interesting. Also the, the. The. The books who are attributed, attributed to a single author, for example Isaiah, Ezekiel and so on. We have to know that this attribution is a traditional attribution, but it’s not true historical. It’s not historical because nobody knows for example the book of Isaiah. All scholars know that it was written from at least three diverse different individuals in 250 years.
So we cannot, we cannot say that this book is the book of Isaiah. So read the Bible read because is a very fascinating book. Is the book of the history of a part of humanity. Is a brief version of the laws which are present all around the world. Because all the ancient people told. Told us the same history. And they speak precisely of the songs of the stars who went on earth and did what is written in the Bible. So you think or from the translation the other species come from the stars? Yes, I think it is absolutely possible.
It’s reasonable to assume that this is true. And I also during my work noticed that this hypothesis, of course this hypothesis is very coherent with all the narration, all the tile of the Bible and tale of the Bible and this narration help us to understand better the Bible. Well, this is absolutely fascinating. Thank you so much for joining us. I know we’ve done a couple shows in the past of just Gone. You know, it was different because in the past she translated for you. This time you did it yourself, which is awesome. So thank you for doing that and I, I enjoy that.
I think the audience will too. Where can they buy your books? Because those are just. There’s a lot of people that like to learn and, and scholarly and just the straight translation is. Is so precious for us. So where can they buy them? Yes, you can connect with Mauro’s site is MauroBilino.com and here there is the English version of his three books. That’s excellent. And in two months a new book will be released and you will be a really surprised. What will the new book be about? About? It’s about. Is written with another author. It’s a very famous author in in the world, which is Erich von Deniken.
And it’s about the match of the Elohim and the study of Mauro with the studies of this author studying the ancient civilization in the world. Who was the other author? Who is the other author? Eric Von Deniken. Okay. The author of Chariots of the Gods is a very famous. Is in usa. Yes. Yeah. And many readers. Excellent. Excellent. So it will be. Can you explain what that book’s going to be about again just one more time? Yeah, yeah. This is a match between the studies of Mauro in the Bible. So about Elohim. Elohim technology and the history of the Bible yet explained now.
And the study of Eric, that is an author that dedicated all his life to the study of ancient civilization, focusing the theme of technology and focusing on the possibility that there was an higher civilization before the history. We know that. Yes, we’re going to have to have you back for that one. Yeah, we’ll have you back for that one. That would be very fascinating. Okay, well, thank you so much for joining me and I really appreciate it and you guys are amazing. So thank you so much. Thank you to you. Thank you. Bye. See you next.