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➡ Dave Hodges and Doug Thornton discuss the current political climate, expressing concern over the volatile state of affairs. They criticize the Democrats for their behavior and accuse them of resisting government accountability and infringing on constitutional rights. They also discuss the potential for a communist revolution and the possibility of war with countries like China, Iran, and Russia. They question how unity can be achieved in such a divided government.
➡ The speaker believes that Democrats, with the help of their allies, might stage an attack to unite both parties against a common enemy. They also suspect that Democrats are planning a violent revolution, supported by illegal immigrants. The speaker questions why no action has been taken against known criminals, including politicians, and expresses frustration with the lack of justice. They suggest that the Trump administration needs to prioritize prosecuting these individuals, despite potential backlash.
➡ The speaker discusses various political issues, including the alleged crimes of Hillary Clinton and George Soros, the potential for civil war, and the perceived threat of terrorism from the Democrats. They express frustration with Trump’s inaction on these issues and call for justice and accountability. They also mention potential economic collapse, war, and the disregard for government processes by some politicians. Lastly, they touch on the topic of a cult involved in a murder spree across the US.
➡ The text discusses a perceived threat of violence and rebellion from a minority group, possibly incited by a social media post. The post encourages this group to organize, prepare, and act against the current government, which is seen as a threat to their rights. The author of the text believes this could lead to serious conflict and potential acts of domestic terrorism. The text also mentions the involvement of external forces and funding, suggesting a larger conspiracy.
➡ The text discusses the tense political situation involving the US, Iran, and other countries. It mentions the possibility of military action against Iran, which could lead to a world war. The text also talks about Operation Nitro Zeus, a plan for a massive invasion on Iran, which could result in significant losses for the US military. Lastly, it discusses the role of Russia and the potential for a nuclear deal brokered by Putin, as well as the potential for Ukraine to disrupt peace talks.
➡ The discussion revolves around the potential alliances between Trump, Putin, and Ukraine, and the possible formation of a European army. It also touches on the economic struggles of France, Germany, and Britain, and the role of BlackRock in managing companies. The conversation ends with the assertion that Trump and Putin will prevent escalation, and the Democrats may resort to using terrorists they’ve allowed into the country.


Hey, everybody, Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense show. And Doug Thornton, the host of American Vindictive. Together. Together. Excuse me. We are the Doug and Dave Intel Report and we’ve got some breaking news items here that we want to cover with you. And it’s. I’ll tell you, this is the most volatile time I think I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. People say going back to the Cuban missile crisis maybe, maybe because we have a lot more hanging over our head than just nuclear war. But that’s enough right there. Hey, on my end. We’re coming to you from the Noble Gold studios and we’re brought to you by Noble Gold.

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And also the number 877-64-65347 to call Noble Gold. By the way, quick disclaimer courtesy of the federal government. There are no guarantees. Okay, I’ll just say this in response. I have been a customer for over seven and a half years, an advertiser for over eight and a half years. It’s best company I’ve ever dealt with. You will say the same thing, Doug. Boy, we got a full menu of crap. And it just, it’s needless nonsense. But I just want to digress just for a second. Doug, let’s go to Trump’s speech on Tuesday, last Tuesday night. Have you ever seen such infantile behavior from a group of adults that are supposed to be professionals, as we did with the Democrats? You know, man, I’ve watched that and it’s reprehensible to see the Democrats act the way they do.

But at this point in time, I’m not shocked by any behavior. But you know, if we’re going to have some sort of a respective congressional meeting with, you know, the sitting U. S. President, you would expect that everyone would be on their best P’s and q’s, but right now, the way the Democrats want to do things, it’s like it appears that Volatility is very, very high in the Democrats and I would also say the Republicans some extent. But it makes you kind of wonder when we talk about civil strife in the foreshadowing to civil war, how close are we? Yeah, you know, the Democrats doing what they did, that one representative out of Houston, he’s always been a problem child.

He’s always been that way. I can’t believe that guy even gets voted into Congress every year. But, you know, it’s, it just tells me this is the mindset of the Democrats. They’re all about resist, resist, resist. And the things that they want to resist right now doesn’t even seem understandable to me. They’re resisting what, you know, a smaller government. I thought they were about that. Government accountability. I thought they wanted that to lessen the budget, to help the people. I thought they were about that. I thought that’s what the Democrat Party was about. But we’re not talking about the Democratic Party anymore.

Not, you know, your granddad’s Democratic Party. You know, it’s changed. It is very much, I would say, pro socialist, fascist, communistic. And it just tells you where the progression of the Democrats is eventually going to. They, they want to take away the Second Amendment rights. They want to in interfere on your Fourth Amendment rights. They don’t care about your First Amendment. They want to tamper with the, the family, household and the children as much as possible. And if anything, the Democrats in a lot of ways have become the representatives of the government that you’ve been warned about for so, so long.

Of course, the Democrats point across the aisle at the right, the right point across the aisle at the Democrats. Both have done many, many things that I strongly disagree with. But on the face, the Democrats currently have seemed to just completely lost their minds, lost the integrity of what they were supposed to have been. If you look at legacy Democrats, there’s always been an issue there with the Democrats. But you know, at what point in time, or let’s say it like this, Dave, what will it take to see cohesiveness between both parties? Trump ran on being the great unifier.

And a lot of Democrats, prominent ones that were liberal leaning, more centralist, liberal leaning, they came to the side of Trump. And so for those far left extremists, what is, what is it that’s eventually going to be the thing that Trump could say, hey, here’s something we can all agree on, or is it just going to be division non stop? Dave, there’s my answer to that question, is the Democrats aren’t interested in cooperation and compromise. They are only interested in domination. And I define them as Bolshevik communists with satanic overtones. And when you want to cut the genitals off of kids and give them puberty blockers and block it from the parents, in terms of being aware, these people are satanic, there is no other word for it.

They are also mentally ill because they’re so extreme in their behavior, they defy normal rationality. And, and I’m saying this is, is a former therapist that I look at, Nancy Pelosi. Not only is he a sociopath, she’s mentally ill, she’s paranoid. She’s got borderline personality disorder. She’s got antisocial personality disorder, which is the old sociopath psychopath. And, and so do a lot of the Democrats and so does Mitch McConnell and so does Lindsey Graham and some of these people. I will point to one person, though, that has shocked me. I don’t agree with him on much, but at least he tries to be rational.

And I’m talking about Fetterman, at least Fetterman at least will engage. He said the other day, I have a 13 year old daughter who plays basketball. I don’t want her to get her mowed over by someone who’s pretending to be a woman. I think you’re a Democrat saying that, oh boy, oh boy, you’re going to get a crappy committee placement in your position. But at least he can objectively look at things and not fall into the party line. And Doug, I’ll say this final comment. We are going through a communist revolution. It still continues even though we’ve had a change in elected leadership.

And when you have a communist takeover, one of the first things they do is try to overturn the culture as a distraction to take away from eyes on the political change that takes place with extreme dictatorship and also repressive behavior of the government. And they are going after every aspect of culture. And so their MO is to oppose anything Trump says. Trump could say the sun rises in the east and they’ll go, no, it’s in the west. Trump could say it’s night. No, they’ll say it’s day. Their whole modus operandi is to be oppositional for the purposes of overthrow.

So let’s, let’s stay there on that. That conversation of civil strife, the, the revolution. There is a, another America that these people want. The one side you have the golden age of America, which I question that strongly, and then you have the other side that wants something that’s not even America anymore. It’s this new Weird blue haired freak liberal utopia that absolutely embraces Satanism to its core because everything that they embrace is completely anti Jesus. And so you have these two clashes of the very strong military industrial complex, you know, pro patriotism, rah rah. And then you have the other side that is, I don’t even know what to explain it anymore except it is literally bizarro world.

What the Democrats want, where this gets very interesting to me when we start to analyze all the data that’s out there, all the intelligence that’s out there is that we have clearly in some near future of America, a war that will eventually be fought against the likes of China, most likely along with their proxy countries to include Iran and what appears to be maybe even Russia. And I wonder to what extent and once again we just have to take consideration of the history of what’s happened already. What will they do to try and cause a war? Now we know with Trump that they used antifa non stop for four or five years, try to throw eggs in the face of all the Republicans.

They went against every, pretty much every type of orderly, I guess you could say, constitutional directive that would keep America the same. They wanted to just disintegrate the document and create something new, which is very dangerous because they don’t even know what the hell they want. And so here we are, you know, we’re staring down the, the double barrel of war on multiple fronts. How is it that we get a unified government except go to war? I think that’s the only way you get a unified government. And along with that, part of my conspiratorial mind chime in anytime is that you have to have a major false flag or some sort of a, some sort of an attack upon America for us all agree to do one thing which is attack the enemy.

Now they want Russia and they want us to get no fight with Russia. The Republicans want to make peace with Russia but want to go to war with China. And both a Republican and Democrat are willing to step in for Israel. Now part of me thinks that with this new idea of revolution, I would not put a past Democrats to be staging with their Islamic extremist allies and their, you know, antifa allies, the communists that are out there to stage some sort of attack upon either America or our allies or something in the like of that that would draw both parties together vis a vis another 9, 11, as we’ve been warned about so much.

But I just, you know, part of me also says that also sounds insane because it doesn’t sound like the Democrats Want to agree to do anything right now, which, you know, whatever. That’s our politics. They’re in revolutionary mode. That’s why they can’t agree to anything. Their goal is to have, if need be, a violent revolution. I mean, look at. They imported, according to J.J. carell, you know, former supervisor, Border Patrol, and, and Gil Maza saying the same thing. 13 to 15 gotaways who avoided federal benefits, free hotels, free transportation, money, a cell phone, food. Okay, why would you do that? Because you’re a terrorist.

13 to 15 million, Doug. This is called this. We’re going to come to this. It’s called a violent revolution, and it’s sponsored by the Democratic Party. Who allowed these people in? Well, and you would have to. You’d have to think. I mean, I saw it firsthand on the border. The Democrats are in Central America. The Democrats are in Mexico, and they’re doing some sort of sweetheart deal with either Mexico or the cartels or with whoever it is. So, I mean, here’s the thing, man. How many different things can we pin down on governments, right? On Democrats right now in this government? Probably a lot if we would just follow up on old investigations that we’ve already done.

Like George Soros, like his links to all the destruction that’s gone on to all these cities. Have you ever asked yourself, why the hell haven’t these cities sued George Soros? Why hasn’t Portland sued it? Why hasn’t Kenosha? Why hasn’t Seattle? Why hasn’t Dallas? Why hasn’t D.C. why haven’t the state attorney generals got together and say, hey, George Soros, you and all the things that you funded with the violent terrorism known as antifa, you cost us tens of thousands, if not millions of dollars in either revenue or destruction of private state and government property. Why don’t they go after them? Because if you attack George Soros, you will then have to follow that investigation to the path of least resistance to eventually, as it happens in investigations, you follow the path until it leads to its end, which along that way will lead to quite a few Democrats and probably a few other organizations out there, Red Cross being one of them.

And I just asked myself if, if we’ve got. Let’s not kid ourselves, guys. I was in the government and I know plenty of people still in it. And I was involved in these operations. Knowing what we know, why haven’t any. Why hasn’t anyone done anything to include Pam, Bondi, Trump, all them. You know what they’ve done. You know who they did it with. You know the bank accounts, we’ve traced it before. Why are we not doing anything about it? Why is that not precedence? I don’t have an answer. Okay, I’m going to say this, and I’m not making excuses, but I’m being practical.

The Trump administration hasn’t had full time to deal with it. Not that they will, not that they won’t, but you can’t do everything at once. And, and I would say I think we need to do more of a wait and see. And along those lines, Doug, I’m right there with you. I. I did a couple of presentations last week where I said, president Trump, it’s time for a perp walk. We need to have 2, 3, or 10 or 20 people do a perp walk in the orange jumpsuits, in handcuffs, be indicted and put on trial. And it’s almost like they’re afraid to do it.

It’s time, Doug. It’s. It’s time. Because here’s the bottom line, Pam. Bondi talks tough. The leakers for ICE raids are going to face 10 years in prison. Well, you already said you know who the hell they are. Then why haven’t they been arrested? Well, we know some of those are Democrats. We know. Arrest them. We know for a fact some of them are congressmen and senators. Yeah, once again. Hey, Pam, do you have the Epstein files? Do you not. Hey, Pam, if you have the EP Epstein files, start making the arrest. I don’t care who was on there.

Do the right thing. Did he? Did he? Did he. Same thing. He. Yeah, but it. Okay, but with Diddy and all the Hollywood elite that can be sucked up into this, why are we not doing it? Why is it that Trump has enough time to think about taking over Gaza, doing a new, you know, deal with Ukraine to get money? Why is it all about money? Where’s the justice that was promised? Where’s your head at? Where’s the justice that was promised? If we get into another war, you really want to keep all these politicians who are willing to backstab you, not in wartime, still in the same office of power, still talking to their constituents.

By constituents, I mean China and whoever else pays them to look the other way or to help smuggle people, you want to keep them in power, you want to keep them in these, you know, different types of Senate hearings where they’re on intelligence committees and so on and so forth. I, I just, I don’t like it. I mean, maybe to me, because I’m a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But when there are true, legitimate issues to this country. I think we as the American people are just tired of the wait and see. Like, if you still believe the whole QAnon white hats, they’re going to do this, they’re going to do that.

Just trust the plan. You’re insane and smoking crack at this point because none of that has happened. There hasn’t been 30,000 arrest warrants. There hadn’t been, you know, all these trials and people are going to Gitmo and they’re going to have a mass execution. Stop believing everything that the CIA and the FBI are trying to feed to you people to try in appease you. And just, it’s a, it’s a carrot and the stick. Keep entertaining the masses. Keep sending out another QAnon theory. It’s not real. What is real is that we have crime that’s been committed.

We’ve got the names. Somebody has the little black book somewhere in this government. What about Hunter Biden’s laptop and all the information on that? Joe Biden didn’t recuse himself from all the, you know, laws that he probably violated. You know that he violated them. You know that we know that he violated them. Why are we doing anything there? Like in, in my mind, are we doing a tit for tat? Are we doing what Trump did originally? Here’s the bottom line. And you’re right about Hunter Biden and his pardon is illegal, by the way. I’ve gotten a lot of legal opinions on this.

You can’t pardon someone for future offenses that will be uncovered. And also too there, some of the crimes he committed were against individual states and not the federal government. Biden has no jurisdiction there either. But anyway, that having been said, the answer to your question I think is pretty obvious. My. The only thing I can say right now is the Trump administration has set priorities. They’ll get around to it. That could be one thing. Okay. And I’m not making excuses, but I will say this. You need a symbolic perp walk one way or the other. And, and here’s why they may not be doing it, Doug.

And I don’t know if you lined up Joe Biden for what he’s done. And you line up some of these other people say a Nancy Pelosi and her deal with the cartels. Yes, I said it. Deal with the cartels. We have her and Niedo walking the streets of Mexico, sitting on film with Beto O’Rourke. Okay. If you do that, you invite violence, false flags, and maybe they’re trying to avoid that coming out of the gate from the election and the inauguration. And I’m not making excuses, but by the way, I disagree. If that’s their, if that’s their purpose, they need to step up right now and find the most vulnerable politicians and prosecute them right now.

Look, they put Mendez in prison, right? So politicians aren’t off limits. The precedent’s been set. And I will tell you this. Nancy Pelosi is low hanging fruit from what we know she has done. And I don’t care if she’s 180 years old, that woman deserves to go to prison. Hillary Clinton committed 18 felonies. Statute of limitations. You’re right, Doug, you’re right. But statute, there’s no statute of limitations. There’s no statute of limitations. You committed 18 felonies. If you went on the run for a thousand years and you committed 18 felonies and the government wanted you, they dig your bones up and prosecute you.

That’s, that’s. We. I don’t think it would go any. This is where I respectfully disagree with you, because there are statute of limitations. Merchant in New York, when he put Trump on trial, he violated statute of limitations, clearly. And if that ever got to the Supreme Court, it’s being thrown out on that basis. Well, the only, the only crime. There’s two crimes that aren’t statute of limitation, treason and murder. Okay, then what about the statute of limitations on Weinstein? And pretty much everything was a hearsay if you look at it doctrinally in court. Yes, they retroactively went back 20, 30 years, impended to that man, and they gladly put him in prison.

And I mean, we, we have for a fact 18 felonies. The FBI director came out himself and said, and as far as I know, she hasn’t been pardoned by nobody. But then again, look back at Trump. Yeah, as soon as I get to become president, first thing I’m gonna do is lock you up. Well, now he says, well, I’m not gonna lock her up because it would look bad. Are you not gonna arrest other politicians because it would look bad? Are you not gonna arrest George Soros because it would look bad? I mean, what is it that we the people want is justice.

We want true accountability. If it’s not going to be done, then, man, dude, Trump, you’re useless to me. Prosecute George Soros. He would ensure midterm victories because the people would so rally behind that. Right now, George Soros, one of the most hated men in America. Now Trump is tiptoeing around the issue. He has ordered the FCC to Look into sources. Illegal being a foreigner, illegal purchase of 200 radio stations. They’re doing that. But to me, you’re tiptoeing. Let’s go to the heart of the matter. You can, you can tie him to election fraud, you can tie him to banking fraud.

I mean, he’s committed so many crimes, he’s so vulnerable. And you could, you could make that man, you can make, you could make that man out to be on the terrorism watch list, and we can send the FBI, HRT team or any one of our tier one teams to go and snatch him right now, and it ain’t done. But I think Trump. Okay, I’m going to put myself in Trump’s place. And I don’t agree with this, but I think this is what’s going on. I don’t want to trigger what would move towards being a civil war because there would be a kinetic fallback on this.

I disagree. I, I say, though the heavens may fall, let justice prevail. To quote William Shakespeare, let the cards fall where they may. Do what needs to be done right now. Start prosecuting. And I will tell you this, the Democrats are going to promote false flags using a variety of sources to push us into a war with Russia. So, and Trump has to know this. So therefore, since we already know what their end game is, then why the hell are you tiptoeing around these people now? Yeah, that’s, that’s, yeah, that’s exactly what I’m getting to. The Democrats have so many different resources when it comes to terrorism.

They’ve expressed it before. And once again, here we are. We’re looking at an economic, potential economic collapse. We’re looking at potential war in the Pacific. We’re looking at potential, you know, new state of war over in Europe. I mean, Trump recently just said he’s considering moving 35, 000 more troops into Europe just in case this whole deal with Ukraine doesn’t go down the way it’s supposed to. Well, what are you going to do with them? You’re going to put them into Ukraine? Well, now we’re in direct conflict. Military versus military. Not contractors. Right? Not mercenaries, not, not the intelligence agencies.

Where someone dies out, well, you know, it’ll be a black star somewhere on a, on a, A billboard will never know about. It’s. It is such a dangerous game. And he’s making all the moves between, you know, talking to Canada, the Panama Canal, the stuff with Greenland, the stuff with, you know, Israel trying to remove all the people from Palestine. He’s making so many Waves just with the whole Israel, Palestine thing, we could start having sporadic terrorism in this country right now. I’m surprised we haven’t actually. So I, I don’t know, I, I think if that was Trump’s real excuse, I’m sorry, I’m going to call BS on that.

Do what you promised that you would do. I mean for, for the life of me, America is already wealthy. Just open up the oil reserves and we will surpass everyone and everything. He’s doing good with, you know, canceling the new green deal, there’s a few policies he’s put forth and executive orders he’s put forth that I think are actually very helpful though I don’t trust the man at all. But at the same time on the same face of that is like, look, here’s the low hanging fruit. Go after them. You’re going after all the illegals. You ran hard on that.

You also ran on hard on bringing justice back to America. Well, we can do multi front operations in this country, we do it all the time, we can do it right now. So I just, I hope it’s not a, I have to save face because if I start arresting politicians and civil war and blah blah, blah, hey man, they did that to you. They, if they became, you know, president again, they would be doing that to you. They were trying to put you in prison. They try to put half the staff that was there to support Trump to include what, 12 different lawyers in prison.

So you know, I, optic wise it doesn’t look good but you know, for your base, if you’re going to be true to the people who voted for you, which I didn’t vote for them, but if you’re going to be true to the people who voted for you, then stick with it. For me, as someone who’s a constitutionalist, I believe in the Constitution. It’s, for me it’s, I serve the kingdom first but after that all we have is really the Constitution and our word. So what are we going to do, man? Like support the Constitution? The people who violated it, who’ve made themselves enemies against the state, they’ve considered themselves by their own statements to be a threat towards the constitutionality, towards the President, to, towards the Supreme Court, towards the Joint Chiefs, like these are things that we in the federal government already know.

You can’t make threats towards the President, scotus, the Pentagon, Joint Chiefs of Staff, you can’t make a threat against the Constitution and things that’s going to be happening because you can be held liable by the federal government for that, but it’s not happening. It’s not happening. And you, if we keep going down this same path of ignoring Caesar when he says I’m gonna burn Rome down, well, don’t be surprised when he does it. And don’t, you know, get all pissed off when he does. You had the opportunity to stop the incoming terrorism from the left. Stop it now or brace for impact.

It’s coming. I can read you the reports. It’s coming. These people are unhinged. They’re undone. And they’re just waiting for some idiot in the Democrat party to say, all right, well, today’s the day, open season. They’re already saying another octave shooter. I’ve seen quotes from multitudes of Democrats. War in a war, it’s time to bring the weapons to the war. I’ve seen these quotes, I mean, I’ve seen them on video saying this. It’s not hearsay. They’re already speaking like insurrectionists and revolutionaries. And honestly, their behavior in congress which triggered this little tirade by the two of us, their, their, their behavior in congress speaks to the fact that they have complete disregard for the processes of our government, the traditions of our government, the decorum of our government, the procedures on how to conduct yourself in legislative sessions.

They’re saying we’re above all that we are not subject to your rules. And that is revolution talk. That is absolute insurrection. And so anyway, that I think, I think we pretty well have expanded on that. I want to change gears a little bit here. Let me, let me read just one thing just to solidify this, if you may. So this is part of the, the growing hostilities in America. We’ve talked about antifa quite a bit on this, on this platform. There was recently a cult that was arrested for a spree of murders across the US Called the Zizian cult.

And this is considered to be the trans army or tran tifa. Well, I have, I have personal knowledge of this from arresting these people. They are die hard communists, very cult like. I cannot even explain to you their thought patterns except for the fact that these people are, you know, as, as sad as it is. I think they are very, very much demonically possessed or just given over at this point in time. I think the lord has hardened some of their hearts and they’re just going to do what it is that they feel they need to do, which is obviously violence coming this country.

When Trump told Pete Hegseth, the new head of the, of the Pentagon to get rid of all the trans that are in the U. S. Military shortly after this came out so I believe this is on twitter from the handle is called trans army and it reads like this for all trans people in the U. S. Which what is that? Like a minority of 2% of people? The US government has been overtaken by a loyalist. Just listen to the language here. The US government has been overtaken by loyalists that supports dictatorships and threatens democracy everywhere. At this point, rebellion is inevitable and necessary.

Anyone telling you that this can be fought through legal means is either a white CIS man God or privileged enough that it won’t affect them. Though literally 95% of these people are white people saying this. They don’t get skin in the game. You do now. The responsibility to do something is yours. If you are reading this, you are the resistance. Don’t expect others to do it for you. You must act now or you won’t have the chance later. So real quick, this is very suggestive writing that is meant to go out to very weak minded, unstable people that are on who knows how many different types of barbiturates, psychologically affecting medicine, hormone balancing, imbalancing medications out there that.

I mean the type of people that this statement goes out to are people who are already what we would be calling concerning, maybe deranged. So it’s very suggestive. It’s all up to you. Go out and start the war now. Good job, CIA. You wrote that one. Great. Here’s what you need to do. All right, here’s step one. Regroup. You need to regroup with other trans people. Contact your local trans organization. Contact other communities that are threatened by Trump Agenda to establish a united front. If you have resources or space to accommodate people, make it known to your local trans organization.

It gets worse. Step two, Organize. Either we stand together or you die alone. You will need to structure your people and assign roles to everyone based on their capabilities. Doesn’t this sound very militaristic? Everyone can help. People with military backgrounds that have been, that have seen combat should lead. Learn from them. Despite your hatred for the military, as we said, there’s no place for ideologues. If you want to survive, do not let influencers take the lead. They. They won’t be of any help. You need soldiers if you want to succeed. The US military trained a lot of good ones and they’ll know their playbook.

You need them. What are we talking about here? We’re talking about a future conflict of just a few people crazy enough to be the next active shooter or the next domestic terrorism attack. And, and here’s the playbook already they, it’s already being put out there. Whether you believe it’s them or you believe it’s the CIA that wrote it for them, this is the playbook. And it will inspire attacks. It’s just like what Al Qaeda and the Taliban do. They put out inspirational jargon that’s out there. And you know, in the feds we monitor a lot of this and we watch a lot of it.

Sometimes it’s staged where the FBI will be like, hey, look, here’s you know, one idiot who says, you know, death to America 300 times on his Facebook. Let’s go and interview them and see if we can’t get him to, you know, detonate a fake bomb. But, but what they’re doing right now is very different because I just have to say this off of personal experience. I’ve dealt with the organization from these people. They are actually very well organized. Like in a very militaristic form, they’re very well organized. And not only that, they’re highly funded from the Democrats, from George Soros at the tune of millions of whenever you want it, it’s sitting there in a bank account somewhere and it’s always an offshore bank account.

And not only that, they are very well armed. I don’t think very well trained, but they are very well armed. Just armed enough to be considered probably a very serious terroristic. They’re very serious. I’d categorize them this way and I’m being, I’m embellishing a little bit, but I would say their MO is meet at the Bastille and bring your guillotines. That’s how I see these people. Well, they, that’s more metaphorical than realistic. But these people are going to be involved in insurrection. The one thing that they don’t have in their favor, they don’t have Merrick Garland to bail them out when they’re arrested.

No, they don’t. They might not need it for what they plan on. Listen this Dave, if anyone that this person needs to learn how to write better. If anyone that wants to make it about themselves should be avoided. Take people who don’t care about attention to lead you. Smart is what you need. Avoid narcissists. Stock up on medical supply, weapons, food and anything that might be needed. Medical supplies, weapons, food and anything that might not that might be needed. What in the hell are you planning on doing? I mean it gets weird. Train yourself or others to weapon handling every day.

They’re not talking about peace loving crabs over here. They’re not talking about you know, you know, One Love and all that they’re talking about. Get geared up, get all the supplies you need. Start your training soon. We attack. That’s literally what they’re saying. Become one with your weapon. Here’s, here’s the next thing. Study their flaws, learn their strategies. Listen to experienced people, which in their terms of experienced people, whenever we were dealing with them, it was the cartel and it was isis. Except that you don’t have all the answers. Use lattice based encryption instead of prime based encryption.

It’s quantum safe. Establish proof of life and canaries to determine if you or others are compromised. Do not use hosted AI to plan. Get a local LLN instead. LM Studio has plenty of those. Or go for unrestricted models. They’re pretty nasty when it comes to chemistry. Well, I don’t know what they’re talking about. If they’re talking about using, you know, chemical weapons, that’s not good. Deep Seek is a good model that can run on a lot of devices. So right now with Deep Seq, they’re also talking about using different types of encryption and things that they can use for communication because they know that we monitor them.

When I say we, it’s a really bad thing. I need to stop saying we as in when I was in the government for so long, we did monitor everything that they did. For the most part. We just didn’t do anything about it, apparently. Do not let them divide you. They’re counting on us. Trust that they will try to divide you. They will use all the strategies that they used against our, against other countries, against you. Learn those strategies. Step 4. Act. Any action that you can do must be decisive. No half measures. Be ready for anything.

Be okay with anything. I don’t like that. Be okay with any what? Killing kids? Is that, Is that where we’re okay with anything? Killing all the innocent people who don’t dye their hair green? Use technology that cannot be jammed and established signals that you can use in the event of a jam. There’s also tech that can use meshing for off grid communication. Breyer is one of them. This is talking about systems like Mesh Tactic or atax. This is the stuff that the military uses to the extent some of the federal agencies use. And it’s texting and sending emails and pictures and videos via radio.

And you’re using a certain type of app on your phone that’s very military rated. To all trans military members. Here’s the last post. We need you to contact your local trans organization and offer your support. You need to help Train other trans people and help them prepare for what’s coming. Your skills and training will be needed. You know. So, Doug, I’d say tell me there’s not nothing to worry about. Let’s forget the trans thing for a second. I think that’s a cover for a planned paramilitary operation. I don’t care if it’s trans. I don’t care if they’re bisexual.

I don’t care if they’re polka dot people. It’s a cover for paramilitary action in terrorism. That’s all it is. A couple of things I wanted to bring up here before we have to close, and I want to jump to what I think is really important. Hamas and Iran. The way to war with Russia is to get a war with Iran, forcing Russia to step in. Yep. That’s. I think that’s the most common thing that we need to fear. And right now, the Democrats are supporting this. You’ve got the Europeans pushing this. The Europeans desperately want to draw us into war.

In fact, Trump, to his credit, actually came out today and he said, we are not participating in military maneuvers in Europe. And of course, he pulled back aid to Ukraine, military aid to Ukraine. So to his credit, he’s taken some proactive steps towards peace. But what’s your feeling on the Hamas, Iran situation? Trump’s got in the sand, and I fear World War III is coming if this is handled wrong. Well, you have the Israeli government, the US Government, right now saying that they have just a mere matter of days to release all the hostages to, including even those who are deceased and any of their remains.

And they also said, and they better be intact, or what Trump said earlier was they are going to face swift and decisive military action. He said that he wrote a letter to the Iranian president, I believe today or yesterday that should have already reached the eyes and ears of the president over there, that they need to be. Be ready to come to the table for some sort of negotiation about Hamas and about Gaza, or they’re going to face military action. And right now, we have reports that there was a US Spy drone that was tracked near Iran.

And so we’re thinking that, you know, it’s being tracked because the aspect for an attack upon Iran is growing every day. And then you have Putin, who says that he will agree to help Trump broker a nuclear deal. Nuclear talk, excuse me, with Iran, but Iran speaks out of the other side of his mouth that says, we’re not listening to the Great Satan. We’re not doing this, we’re not doing that. You know, death to America. And, you know, death to Israel. You have two factions in Persia, in Iran, you have the Tehranian faction, which is the Moolahs, and the absolutely crazy people who want doomsday now.

And then you have the people who just live there. They’re going to be nothing more than thralls at the end of this. They’re just going to be more casualties in another needless war. But according to the Republicans and Democrats, going to fight with Iran is not needless. It’s needed. And once again, ergo, we go back to the potential of an Operation Nitrogen Zeus. I was just going to bring that up. Yeah. First of all, I want to say this before I ask you to elaborate on Nitro Zeus. Israel is going to exacerbate attack on Iran, too.

They’re not. It’s not just Europe and it’s just not the Democratic Party. Also, Israel wants us to attack Iran because Iran, Iran’s their biggest threat. So they want us to do their bidding. Operation Nitro Zeus, I’m familiar with it. We’ve talked to someone involved in it before to tell the audience what that is. Exactly. So Nitro Zeus, it’s on the Internet, so I’m not giving away any government secrets. But the idea behind it was that at some point in time, some sort of conflict will occur against Iran. And with that, there is going to be a very large massive invasion from America onto Israel, or, excuse me, onto Iran.

And it’s going to be massive bombardment followed by our special operations units that will jump in. And the goal is to try to get down to the nuclear centrifuges and destroy them. Now, with the congressional hearings, when they were reviewing this plan from the Pentagon, it was understood that we would lose 80% or higher of all special operations units in the military because it will need all special operations units. If we lose 80% of our special operations community, do you think we just weaken the US Military? The answer is yes. The answer is absolutely yes. We’re going to have to start making a high risk, it’s all or nothing investment is what it is.

To me, it’s a high risk, low reward. Why, why, oh why would you want to go in and try and start a damn war with Iran knowing China’s going to be there, knowing Russia is going to be there, knowing that we all got nukes. Three of the three of the countries have boomers. And the moment you do that, Pakistan is going to move on India and India is going to nuclear annihilate Pakistan, and Pakistan will probably do the same damn thing right back. It’s, it’s a big, it’s a big crap sandwich everyone in the world would take a bite out of because you’re gonna have to have the Marines involved in it.

You’re gonna have to have the Air Force, Space Force, you’ll have the army, you’ll have the Navy, most likely our SEAL brothers that’ll be in there. And along with that, what is Israel gonna do? Who are they going to move on? Because Turkey now has, you know, they’ve broached the scene. Turkey has established a new president, a new government in Syria, in the leader of Hamas and isis. One of those combinations is now a guy who was on the terrorism watch list, who was taken off the terrorism watch list because of Biden, is now the new president of Syria.

So, you know, and there’s already a massacre that’s going on in Syria right now. It was reported today that 2, 000 people were massacred today by ISIS out there. So. Well, this is a, this is definitely a civil war in Syria. Yeah, well, it will be an ongoing conflict. I couldn’t agree with you more on that. That’s very dangerous. And, but let me give you a silver lining as I see it, and I don’t know if you or the audience will agree with me, but you mentioned earlier that Putin has offered to broker a nuclear deal between the US And Russia.

I gotta believe before we went into Iran on that basis, Trump has already reached a deal with Russia. Under what circumstances can you take military action without us being involved? I gotta believe that discussion has already happened. I, I, I would think that these conversations are being had now or had done already. But the wild card really is Zelensky. He really is the wild card. How do you ruin any type of talks where we can find some sort of semblance of peace in the Middle east, if not anything, A, a momentary pause to get back to some sort of stability.

It’s Ukraine. Ukraine has the ability, and they’ve done it before with their own terrorists committing assassinations across the world against other politicians. And if they really want that war, and they really want the blood from NATO and the troops from NATO, which includes U.S. in Ukraine, don’t put it past the Ukrainians to do some of the most utmost, heinous things to get us in there. And the Democrats are friendly with them, they want this. So, ergo, let’s go back to the very beginning of the talks of revolution. What aren’t the democrats willing to do to cause World War 3? I don’t know what their End goal is.

But if it’s, you know, I think like this man, does this make sense when I make this statement? We want to release some sort of a chemical biological agent upon the world to cause disease and famine and plague across the world because we hate Trump. How about this? We want to start nuclear holocaust because we hate Trump. It doesn’t make sense. Not even a madman would say, I want to live in the same nuclear biological wasteland as everyone else, because there is no safe place to go. Once you go down that route, what are you going to rule over? The ashes of what once was America? And ergo, let’s go back to that other conversation.

If we know these are the conversations happening with the Democrats and these other people from around the world, if we know those are the end goal of intentions for at least some of these Democrats, and we can link them to federal crimes, we can link them to international crimes. And we also have the international crime boss, the James Bond boss himself, freaking Soros. Why haven’t you done anything? I know, you’re absolutely right. I couldn’t even elaborate on that any better than you just said it. But I still think Russia and the US have forged agreements to try to prevent nuclear war.

Here’s the bottom line. When you take the global structure, the World Economic Forum, the un, all the rest of their organizations, and. And lying in reserve is the wannabe world policeman. China, Russia is under threat because they have actually allowed open Christianity. They don’t embrace the transgender crap. They’re not doing the climate scam crap. They have broken away from the World Economic Forum entirely. And Trump is not part of this either. They have a natural alliance waiting to happen. And this is, this is why. Let me just say this. In Trump’s first term, when they went after General Flynn, and I’ve talked to General Flynn about this, we’re in the Green Room at Clay Clark’s conference that we both spoke at.

I’ll say it this way, I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but I’ll tell you the takeaway that I had. The takeaway was they came after Trump with the Russia, Russia, Russia. I was a casualty. And they did it to keep Russia and America apart for the reasons I just said. And now I think Trump and Putin have moved beyond that. And I think coming out of this is going to be an alliance. And I’m hopeful that Iran will be forced to stand down because Russia will say, you are on your own. Well, if a few things.

The FBI just arrested three US Military members for selling State secrets, more or less to China. So that’s already happened. Yeah. You have Macron right now in France saying that he will hold a meeting on European army chiefs in Paris next week. That goes right in line with what Germany and Britain and Ukraine also want to build a new kind of European army. So that’s not going to get off the ground. They don’t have the financial reserves to pull this off. Now Europe’s in chaos and they’ve got fragmentation with Italy, Spain and Orban in Hungary. These people are standing down to the European Union’s desire for war with Russia.

They got problems. I don’t think they can get this done. I really don’t. Well, here’s the thing. If we, if we take our time. I’m just. I’m juxtaposing. If we, America, take our time on trying to create some sort of a passive deal with Ukraine so that we can get in there and we can mine the. The middle rights that are there, well, then we take it before the crazy people in Europe do. Or you have France, Germany and Britain, who are all facing economic collapse currently. They create that hasty army, they fill the gap, they fill the void, and they sign the new lease agreement with Ukraine, beating us out of it, which, in fact, would enrich them overnight with BlackRock waiting in the wings.

Exactly right. See, BlackRock was originally under Biden. What would they promise? $15 trillion towards rebuild? And BlackRock was going to manage the companies that were going to do this. And I was sitting in the background going, hell, no, we’re not going to let that happen. No BlackRock whatsoever. And Trump has come in and cut BlackRock out, and he’s negotiated a deal with the US government and Ukraine and one that Putin would find acceptable. We need to keep blackrock out of this. And I agree with you, the Europeans and blackrock will team up on this. But the thing is, is blackrock has to ask themselves, how much of your capital reserve are you going to waste on a European army that’ll be easily defeated by Putin? Well, I mean, that’s.

That’s the thing. I think Zelensky cares. I really don’t. I think Zelinsky looks at it like this. If the European allies for America get decimated, they’re going to cry out and eventually America will respond. And if Trump doesn’t, then they’ll reach out to the Democrats and they’ll respond and they’ll pressure him in Congress because. And he’ll say, screw you, maybe. Yeah, I think there’s another element to this, too. And, and I think it’s really, really clear right now that Trump isn’t going to make deals with anybody that takes away from the power of the United States, both economically and militarily.

And, and, and I think this is, he’s showing now. This is his guiding light. I mean, he wants Greenland, he wants the Panama Canal. He, he wants Canada to become part of the United States. He’s not doing anything that’s not making America stronger. He’s resurrecting the old North American Union, but not a cooperation with Canada and Mexico like it was under Bush. It’s like, I’m in charge. America’s in charge here. It’s really, he’s an imperialistic president. It would be authoritative. But I think the. Yeah, and he’s authoritative. I agree. But also, too, we are in war mode right now in many regards domestically and across the globe.

And, and I think Trump is acting like a wartime president, and I think his actions are appropriate given the situation. You know, we’re out of time. This is, this is a good cliffhanger. We’re going to do a follow up later in the week, Doug. You know, I’m traveling, but when I’m settled, I want to do a follow up on this because we’re a cliffhanger time right here. But I think we’ve made our audience really reconsider a lot of positions. But I’ll, I’ll leave the audience with this. My position is I’m relatively comfortable that Trump and Putin are not going to let things escalate and the Democrats are going to have to resort to using the terrorists they’ve let into the country.

And I’m sure Trump is prepared. Think about this. What was Trump’s first thing he did? Go after the criminal gangs. Well, that’s some of the terrorists you’d have to fight. He went after the enemy that’s already in this country domestically anyway. Tell people how they can follow you. We are flat out of time. Well, the last thing I’ll say is that they’ll all cry peace, peace. And then sudden destruction will come. American vindicta. Oh, well, that. I gotta say that I’m gonna put five stars behind that comment. I totally agree with what you’re saying. Look, this, this is all I’m saying.

I know we’re in overtime, but there is no peace. No peace is on table. Beware. For when a man of peace comes and calls a peace deal with many praise, Jesus and the Bible. I agree with you, Doug. I totally agree. Okay. Tell people how they can follow you American Vindicta. We’re on YouTube obviously. And Ron Rumble, we have a Patreon. The channel will be coming back or excuse me, the website will be coming back soon. We also have Vindictive Solutions, a training company. Check out the type of training that we’re doing. It may be something that you like and come and test us.

Yeah, well, we’re on YouTube and rumble and the common sense and sign up for our newsletter. You just got to put your email in at the link at the common sense and you get a recapitulation of everything we’ve done in the previous 24 hours. And over 50, 000 people love it because it’s one stop shopping. Hey ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us. I hope you enjoyed the banter between Doug and I and unfortunately we didn’t get to have many arguments tonight because we’re pretty much in agreement on this. But time will tell. Things can change and we will do a follow up on this because we stopped at a cliffhanger point.

Doug, always good being with you. And to our audience, thank you for joining us. God bless all of.



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