URGENT: Human Rights Atty Leigh Dundas Blows Whistle on CRITICAL Child Rape Cases in Florida on J6!

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➡ Brad Wozni and human rights lawyer Lee Dundas are hosting a live stream on Friday, January 3rd, to discuss important child abuse cases in Florida. They are calling for action and will be assisted by SGAnon from Q News Patriot, who will help broadcast the message.


I call out to all of you Patriots you divine lions and lionesses with an urgent live stream happening on Friday January 3rd at 1 p.m. Eastern hosted by myself Brad Wozni and international human rights attorney Lee Dundas who is blowing the whistle on landmark deep state child rape cases happening right now in Florida. This is a call to action and SGAnon on the Q News Patriot is here to also assist us live-streaming this brilliant important message on his platforms so that we can get Patriots at Alachua County Family Justice Center in Gainesville Florida on Monday January 6 at 10 a.m.

Eastern to assemble with Lee Dundas and literally help have a hand in saving children from being raped and trafficked in this landmark heinous court case which is being decided on Monday January the 6th all eyes on we ask you to share this powerful message any links you’re seeing on this platform stay tuned on Friday 1 p.m. Eastern on the live stream with Lee Dundas she will give you the details and we hope to see you on January 6th



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