But welcome. And to our Canadian friends, you’ve been through Ellenbach, and my image of Canadians, you’re rough and tough people. Why are you tolerating Trudeau? Seriously, what are you doing to remove him? Open question. Dave, what are you doing? Yeah, I hear you. It works our way, too. Anyway, welcome, and we ask you people to please, please, please share. Share what we do here, where we’re freeing America one enslaved mind at a time. We need to make it one million minds at a time, so please share far and wide. Now, we want to talk to you about something very, very serious.
If you go to the previous segment I did, where Kamala was speaking in Detroit, not only was she just lying through her teeth about Donald Trump social security, he’s going to do away with it. He’s campaigning on stopping the tax on social security. I mean, it’s the opposite. She lied about the tips, because it wasn’t her idea. I mean, this campaign is the dirtiest I’ve ever seen. And we’re not even talking about the cheating they’re going to do, but it is the dirtiest campaign I’ve ever seen. And what I want to know is where the hell is the Federal Elections Commission? Where are you worthless public servants who are taking money from me and not doing your job? She lies about Trump and abortion.
He wasn’t even in office, yet he’s doing away with abortion. The Supreme Court’s already settled that. It’s a state issue. Trump couldn’t do anything if he wanted to. Oh, wait a minute. He follows the Supreme Court, Joe Biden and the student loans, Kamala Harris and the student loans and the border, Article 4, Section 4, you’re not following the law. I’m so sick of the lies, but you know, they still want to get rid of her. The luster’s coming off the turd. And I’m sorry to be so graphic, but it’s true. It’s true. She is a reprobate.
She’s the excrement of human society. Seriously. And if you know about her past, and I’m talking public life and the private life is so gross, I don’t even want to talk about it. I’ll just say Willie Brown and that’s as good as it gets. So ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to talk to you about an update here on Kamala Harris and the fact that they’ve never had all people on board with her. Even Obama didn’t want her, but he figured, well, since we don’t really have any choice, you’re taking my campaign manager, David Plouffe, and you’re going to follow his directions.
And he’s pretty good at building up the media hype, but it’s all hype. I exposed the numbers last night on X with the interview between Elon Musk and Donald Trump, which was fantastic. It was just a discussion between two men. It was like they’re sitting down in a restaurant and just talking about how things are. What a great, great two hours I spent. And I usually don’t have the time to do that. And they’re getting ripped. Oh, nobody listened. The young people are on Kamala side. Where were they? Well, they were 70% of the audience, 25 to 34, 70% of who listened on Twitter.
Only 1% were over 50. Which one do you think I fall into? Okay. Don’t answer, please. I have feelings. Now, when we take a look at the numbers, Elon Musk was saying, Hey, when you talk about tweets and retweets and everything goes, there was a billion views on this. And Donald Trump had 73 million unique views just on his site alone. You go, Oh my gosh. And then they tried to do the DDoS attack to stop it. They know how much trouble they’re in people. A hundred million raw listeners were predicted for this and they way exceeded it.
And this went global. This went global. They’re lying about their lies now. They know they got to get rid of her. They know that at the end of the day, they have a real challenge in how much they can cheat. They know, they know, they know. Now, having said that, we now have the World Health Organization giving us a preview of what’s to come after September 22nd and 23rd, when everybody signs onto their World Health Organization pandemic treaty, not to mention CBDC through the SSG Sustainable Developmental Goals, SDGs, I should say. And that’s coming at a UN meeting globally.
It’s not getting any attention. I’ve already covered it and I didn’t get any attention. I’m going to have to cover it again. And this time, please open your ears when I say this, because this is the US formally entering into world government. And they’re going to try to negate our election. But before that happens, the Kamala Harris people, some are behind her. The donors are holding their nose and some of the donors are holding their money. They don’t want her. And there is a move right now to get rid of her. Now, I sat here and I said, let’s pray for her safety in Jesus name, because these people already tried to kill Donald Trump.
You think they’re going to stop at her? I don’t think so. They’ll do what they have to do. But I don’t know that assassination is going to be what they have in mind here, although they’ll do anything. They’ll eat their own, believe me. How will they negate her unpopularity as the luster comes off the human turd? You tell me. Well, don’t have an answer. I do. I do. What they’re going to do is they’re going to create such a series of false flag attacks. When they find out for sure, hey, we can’t turn this.
The media’s on our side, the hype’s on our side. We got the fake crowds. We got the fake images. We got the fake everything. By the way, in Phoenix, when they’re telling you, all these people stood in line. I slowed down what MSNBC did. It was 241 people in line to get in. And that was the beginning. That was at the beginning. If you ever been to a Trump event, you’re there hours before and it takes forever to get through security. Okay. Now, well, except when you’re in Butler, Pennsylvania, and you’re going to get whacked, you know, it doesn’t take any time at all.
But the reality is folks, if they got a hundred to 200,000 terrorists in this country, they’ll work with them. Believe me, these people are traitors. Everything they have done has been to bring down America. Why should we put this past them? And then you also have the seven divisions of Chinese soldiers that are here. Now they’re not operating as seven divisions, but that’s the equivalent number of 10,000 a month. And I have shown the videos, the still photos and, you know, the border patrol is aghast. You know, I rubbed elbows with some border patrol people on June 28th and 29th at take our border back when I was a presenter.
And there were some in the audience that approached me after I spoke, I talked about fifth generation warfare and how we’re being conditioned to accept our demise. And some of them approached me. And then we talked about these things. And man, did they have a lot to say, I salute those of you who approached me. I truly do, but they’re going to unleash holy hell in this country. And they’ll say this, well, look at what’s going on. They tried to kill the president Trump. They tried to do this. They’re doing that there.
I don’t know if they’re going to have an election and I never bought into that before. I remember Obama won’t leave office. It’ll be 3.0. Well, that’s kind of true, but it’s behind the scenes. People were talking formally. He wouldn’t leave office. No, that wasn’t the case. And I said it wasn’t the case. I’m telling you now for the first time ever with that approach to controversy, I think it’s going to be the way that it’s going to be. We are looking down the barrel of turmoil in our society. We’ve not seen unless they think they can rig the election so much, it ain’t going to matter.
Now, I think Kamala started out with about an 80 to 20 deficit. And if they were smart, they would recruit Robert Kennedy, forget the vaccine disparity. Okay. Forget all that. They’d recruit him because he’s going to pull 10 to 12% away from them. Anyway, they’re going to lose. They’re going to lose. And because of that factor, yes, they’ve got millions of illegal aliens to vote how many will and when you have 90 million voting for Trump, I think that’s the number he’s going to be looking at. When you have 90 million voting for Trump, and you have 110 million voting for Kamala, you think the country’s going to buy this? That the country’s going to accept it? Why do you think the Chinese are here? Why do you think the terrorists are here? And now we’re getting stories about hit teams taking out assets that are getting in their way.
And they think the alternative media is next. Oh, yeah, I’m gathering data on this. And I’ve got some really good people I’m putting to work on this. But I’ve heard enough, the SGD SGT report, I’ve been fortunate to be on a couple of times. They do a great job. Fantastic organization. They interviewed a licensed to kill guy. And I watched that a couple of days ago. My goodness gracious, it parallels what I’m hearing. It’s not exactly the same. And it doesn’t involve McChrystal and his people, although I know what McChrystal is, and I know what he does.
But what I’m hearing is not about McChrystal, it goes down a different avenue. And there are parallel groups that will do the same work. What I’m telling you is people like myself and Paul Preston and Sarah Westall, we’re in danger. And we know that and I know that the veil of the Lord protects me. And as long as I’m doing his work, then I will have that veil of protection. But I want to take out the voices that oppose them and make it look like heart attacks, car accidents, Boston brakes, injection, when you’ve been knocked out that will kill you.
Listen, there’s movies that depict this. This is where we’re at, folks, we’re on the edge of total chaos to prevent Kamala from losing, but they don’t know she’s going to lose yet. What can they do to close the 80-20 gap? Well, I think they’re probably going to get about 10 million illegal votes. They’ll fill them out for them. These people won’t even know they’re voting. They’re going to get about 10 million. That’s still not enough to offset this difference. Okay, how much can the voting machines do? And I understand there’s a limitation of about 12 to 15%.
Now, I don’t know if that’s valid, but I hear this a lot. And there’s a range in there. But they can’t, if it was a 90-10, they can’t flip enough. That’s what I understand. Now, the ballot stuffing, they know that they got a challenge in cheating. And this is why they’re doing the hike. Can they move that needle from 80 to 20 to say 60 to 40? And if they can do that, they got a chance to win. And Kamala has any more appearances like she had in Detroit. And you might want to look at the earlier segment, because I covered that in detail.
And you’ll see her temper tantrum when she gets heckled in a blue city. Trump will win. Trump will win. Excuse me, I’m speaking. And then she just glared for about 45 seconds. Her immaturity was on full display. It was on full display. And the Kamala crowd started chanting her name. But the other group was so persistent, the Kamala cult gave up. You see, there’s a real problem when that happens. Oh, and in Phoenix, going back to that, actually, it was in Glendale, Arizona, right next to where the Arizona Cardinals play. They had the whole upper bowl empty.
And there were fake people inside that were brought there, not of their own volition. I don’t know how many, but there were enough. This is where we’re at, folks, they’re desperate. Could they take us to war and stop an election? Yeah. Would they allow the utter devastation in the United States through thermonuclear exchange? There’s a reason why the elite are going underground. There’s a reason why the elite are going underground. It’s another option. They will not leave office without a physical fight. Jamie Raskin made the poster child statement. Donald Trump wins, we’re going to have a civil war.
Well, they’re going to put Donald Trump in prison. That’s going to happen on September 18th. We live in wild times, don’t we? I sincerely hope that collectively as a country, we can say, well, you can kill Trump, you can put him in prison, you can steal the election, you can cancel the election, but we ain’t going to do a freaking thing you say. And if they’re going to pull that crap, why would you pay tax to an illegitimate government that has become a communist dictatorship? Ask yourself that question. Are you too spineless to stand up to these people? And I said it yesterday, where are the men? Where are the men? And I’ll tell you what’ll turn this around.
And when SGT report was interviewing this licensed to kill guy, you know what he said? Your only chance is to get on bended knee and repent and have a revival and all do it at the same time. So we change God’s judgment. And I was shocked because how many times you heard me say Nineveh versus Babylon. We have a choice. We can repent like Nineveh. We can keep sitting like Babylon and be destroyed. That was brought up. It’s amazing how many people are beginning to see the clear picture, but not enough of the men in this country are, or we’d have real leadership to stop this cold and its tracks.
And I’m not talking taken to the street with your AK 47, not talking about that. But we have men too afraid to even speak out. And it starts with the men. Oh, women, I love you. There’s great women activists out there, tremendous women activists, but I’m warning you. I’m warning you hell on earth is coming in the next 80 days. And it could be in 10. It could be in five. It could be an 80. But they’re not going to allow Kamala Harris and the whack job Tim Waltz to win. That’s just, I mean, to lose, excuse me, that’s not going to happen.
Are you prepared for the social chaos? Well, my Patriot Supply has three month food special for $300 off. They’re practically giving it away. And you get restaurant quality food, lots of diversity. It’s a tremendous opportunity for you right now to get prepared in one of your most critical areas. You also need water treatment. You have those two things in abundance. You might be able to sit this out. Now, if you’re in a blue city, there’s going to be hell to pay in your apartment building probably will be burned down. You’ll certainly be looted.
If you’re in outlying areas, I would suggest forming collectives, but it starts with food and water preparation. It’s food, water, guns, gold, ammo, silver, natural medicine, and tools. That’s where you need to go. Preparewithdave.com. Do it while you can. There’s a time stamp on this people. [tr:trw].