Under Constitution Isnt Imprisonment Only for Intentional Harm to Another?

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➡ The speaker discusses the issue of imprisonment for victimless crimes, particularly focusing on marijuana use. They argue that the government should not have the right to imprison individuals for such actions, as it infringes on personal liberties. They also highlight the potential benefits of marijuana and hemp, suggesting that the current drug policies are flawed and need to be reevaluated. The speaker concludes by expressing appreciation for the support of Sheriff Eberly and others in their cause.


Under the Constitution isn’t imprisonment only for intentional harm to another? Yeah, I read that too. I don’t know specifically where that’s… I’m sure it’s overall… The overall philosophy is that there should be a victim, but I don’t think there’s specifically… I don’t think you can point to anything or quote anything in the Constitution that specifically addresses that. If anybody can show me in the Constitution where that’s specifically addressed, I’d like to hear it. But just the overall issue is that government protects us from somebody else hurting us, which means there should be some sort of victim.

And then you go into victimless crimes and people say, well, drug dealers are victimless crimes. Well, I don’t know if you can always say that. The victims caused by the drug trade are tremendous. Now, I will also tell you with that, I’m against the drug war as presently constituted. I do not… First of all, do I have a right as your neighbor or your neighbors who put you in jail because you have marijuana in your home? Do I have a right to put you in jail for having that? What if you’re growing marijuana in your garden? And what if you’re using it only for medicinal purposes, just like we have almost in every state now? But it doesn’t matter what you’re using it for.

Do I have a right to put you in jail, take your family away from you, whatever else, destroy your liberty? Do I as your neighbor have that right? Well, if I don’t, then how did the government give it? Because I cannot authorize my government to do something that I can’t do. And so we need to realize that government can only do what we the people also have a right to do. And we the people don’t have a right to go after our neighbors, put them in prison, take their home away, take their children away and do all that because they smoke pot.

I don’t smoke pot. And I hope that none of you do. But I have friends and family who take marijuana for some very serious medicinal problems, medical problems. And I don’t care if they do it, okay? And if we found out all the truth behind marijuana, we’d know that big pharma and some big chemical companies like, well, I won’t even say who, but they lobbied to make marijuana illegal because it was such a huge product that could have replaced them. And a natural product, by the way. There’s over 1,500 domestic uses for cannabis. And every one of us would like to use it for that.

All sorts of things, folks. Not medicinal, not getting high stuff, you know, fabric and food and clothes. I will tell you something. I have eaten hemp seeds a lot. I even took it to school when I was a teacher and gave samples of hemp seeds to my students so that they could see this whole impression. Oh, marijuana is so evil. Cannabis is so evil. Hemp is not evil. And they taste like kind of crushed walnuts. And they were good. They were a little bit sweet. And everybody got a chance to taste them. So, folks, how we’ve been all brainwashed about the drug war, I think, is something that we need to address.

And if we’re really going to get to the bottom of the drug problem, we’ve got to study one thing, the failure of the current drug policies in our country. Absolutely. You realize if you made drugs not illegal, the entire bottom would fall out of it. I mean, if they were handled in the way that they were, say, in the circa 1850, and it was privately distributed, and people bought it in a pharmacy, regulated through that system, then the cartels would have to go sell eggs or do something else. I mean, all these people, all the governments, the primary problem is that government makes so much money, so many jobs.

It’s an industry. And the lives of the people they put in jail for no reason, they don’t care. They’re just part of business, collateral damage. I agree with you. And hemp itself is one of the most versatile, useful substances on Earth. You can make a whole living just with a one-acre hemp garden. You could make medicine, rope, plastics. I mean, it’s unreal what you can do with it. Oil. Oil. And you can burn it in your lamps or whatever. So, an amazing problem. Anyway, Sheriff Eberly, I hope I didn’t shock you on that one, because I know you don’t, I don’t think you and I have ever discussed my views on the drug war, even though I was an undercover agent once.

I just don’t agree with what they’re trying to do. And I don’t agree philosophically that we have a right to do all that stuff. But anyway, any comments on that, Sheriff Eberly, before we close? No, I don’t think so. Okay. Well, we appreciate all you’ve done with us. We know that our relationship is a very solid one. We appreciate your involvement with CSPOA, and we appreciate the support you give us in telling people to join us and be part of our CSPOA Posse. You’re on the CSPOA Posse webinar right now, folks. Have a relationship with your sheriff.

I hope all of you have as good a sheriff as Sheriff Eberly is from Bowman County, North Dakota. Any of you want to move to Bowman, please do. You’ll love living there except during the winter. Oh, what’s the big industry there? What do people have jobs there? What are they doing? Probably farming, ranching, and hopefully here, the oil. Hope it takes back off there. Back up, yeah. People have made a lot of money. Any buffalo ranchers? We have two buffalo ranchers here in the county. I love buffalo. One, I love the meat, but I love the animal.

It’s a piece of Americana. It’s a piece of history, and I absolutely love buffalo. Anyway, so Sheriff Eberly, thanks so much for being here. Everybody, thank you for being here. Let’s make sure that all of you remember. I just noticed somebody commented that they’re going to go right now and donate to CSPOA. Sheriff Eberly, that’s because you were on the show today. I thank you for that, because people can see firsthand what kind of sheriffs we have in our country and involved with the CSPOA. Folks, this is real work. This is what we do. We get involved with sheriffs like this good man here.

And so, folks, get your global healing products, all those vitamins. They’re fantastic. Get a new amount of foods for your food storage. I have it. I have all of those, okay? I also use Goldco. Anybody who needs gold and silver, go on our website and get it. Turn your IRA over to a gold account. It just makes sense. Gold and silver went up. Silver, especially today. I look at them every day. And help us, because any time you do products that we’re selling and, Sheriff Eberly, I got to tell you this, you got to get body-aligned products.

If you and your kids or whatever have aches and pains, we have the pain patches. You’ve got to get those. Look at those on our website and get them. I’m telling you, folks, my wife is always in pain. And she just said, we’re out of the body patches. Oh, no. You know, so I hurried up and ordered another one. I just spent $350 on those and the EMF, protection from EMF radiation, that we have in everybody’s home. So, folks, I believe in these products, and that’s how they made it to our website. Not the other way around.

Somebody says, hey, can I pay you for this? Well, what’s your product? I have to try it first. Body-aligned works, pneumatic foods are fantastic. Global healing is fantastic. And these groups all support us, and they help us financially. So, that’s the only way we survive is with your donations and the sales we make on our books and our products and the organizations that we support. So, anything to close there, Jack? Nope. It was a wonderful show, and I appreciate Sheriff Everly’s time today. I enjoyed meeting you, and someday I’m going to get out there to Bowman and hang out with you for a day or two and see how it goes.

Maybe drive around with you in the car. That’d be fun. And we’ll look up the buffalo. Yeah. Right. Yeah, exactly. Well, thanks again, Sheriff Everly, and if you need us, give us a holler. Sounds good, Sheriff. [tr:trw].



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