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âž¡ Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show warns of potential societal disruption and advises listeners to prepare by storing essentials like food, water, and tools. He suggests that the United Nations is gaining influence and may be planning to take over the U.S. government in the face of chaos. Hodges also mentions potential threats from sleeper cells and Chinese military personnel in the U.S. Lastly, he expresses concern about the lack of provisions for the elderly and disabled in future city planning concepts.
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about euthanasia, societal contributions, and the potential for a hostile takeover by the United Nations. It suggests that people who don’t contribute more to society than they take could be seen as disposable. The author also warns about a potential global governance by the UN, which could lead to a loss of individual freedoms and a forced compliance with UN directives. The author encourages readers to resist these changes and to maintain hope, suggesting spiritual strength and self-reliance as key tools for survival.
âž¡ Dave urges people to read ‘Summit of the Future’ to understand upcoming changes, as agreed upon in a significant pact. He also encourages listeners to subscribe to their newsletter for daily updates on their activities, which is sent out every evening.


Do you survive in whatever system we’re going to be forced into, if that is indeed the question? I am going to tell you that you absolutely need to prepare to be on your own. You may be forced to be on your own. The United Nations is playing an increasing role. We signed the Summit of the Future on September 22nd, and I think it’s time that I produce an intervening variable between that signing and what’s going on now and what I’ve begun to reveal about Arizona being ground zero. And I started to present some of that information yesterday.

We’re going to tie it all together here so you can see the directionality that I’m taking this. I don’t know how much time we have left for me to get the word out. Quite frankly, I’m not the only one that has this information. A couple of my colleagues, not some of my closer ones, but they’re, let’s say, hesitant for reasons of personal safety to divulge. I’m Dave Hodges, and you’re at the Common Sense show, and we are the show that’s freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. And I’ve actually been working against this in one form or another since 1980.

I was just a young guy, but I found out about the Trilateral Commission because of Pat Wood’s book. He coauthored with Anthony Sutton, and man, did I realize we could be in big trouble. And I had had enough of good education. I mean, when I took my American Government class in high school, I was actually taught how things were supposed to work. Kids don’t get that today. Not in very many places. A few do. Not many. I’m going to tell you right now that you need to store food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, and tools.

Dark days are ahead. I showed you something yesterday that was revelatory. I documented it. I’ve talked around it before. I had notions this was coming, and I gave you real specifics, and I started talking about this a few weeks ago. And it’s within my spirit now to warn people you’ve got to know the Lord, and you’ve got to be prepped. And there is no substitute for what I’m talking about. Let me talk to you about the gold. Very quickly need to do this today. If you have a retirement in the bank, get it to hell out.

Noble gold can do that for you. You’ve got bank account. Leave operating capital in, but you need to diversify right now. Whatever new world order comes in, and if they’re successful, they’re not going to be able to counter a lot of your preps. Need to hide some of it, but they’re not going to be totally able to counter this, and they know that. And this is why I’m telling you, let noble gold take care of the financial part. Your nest egg, and it’s just stuff that will be off the record, stuff you won’t have to report under the most extreme circumstances.

Under the best circumstances of a financial collapse is in our future, and many believe it is. You’ll be positioned to get through this. Noble gold can help you, and they can help you today. I want you to call them at 877-646-5347, 877-646-5347. Tell them Dave Hodges told you to call. They all know me. I’ve worked for them for eight years. I’ve been a customer for seven, so I can issue this warning in good conscience. The FTC wants me to tell you that any time you deal in an investment of any kind, that there are risks involved, and that past performance can’t be construed with future expectation of success, we’ll happily give that warning.

The warning that should also have a corollary to it is the banks can rob you blind under Dodd-Frank 2010. You’re in second place now. You’re an unsecured creditor. Bring it up to a bank official. Watch how quickly they squirm, and they will. The purpose of what I’m bringing to you is to help make you aware so you can make the best decisions. If you know what kind of danger is coming, what they’re capable of, you have a better chance to prep. And that’s my purpose. Someone wrote to me, said, oh, you’re just fear mongering. Okay. Was it fear mongering when we warned about 9-11, something like that was going to happen? Was it fear mongering when many of the people in the military knew we left our defenses open at Pearl Harbor on purpose? So we have an excuse to get into World War II and we forced Japan’s hand.

It’s called the Eight Point Plan, by the way. Was that fear mongering? No. No. We live at a pivotal time. The United Nations hates you, and they hate this nation because you are the impediment to their new world order. Let me explain to you where things are at right now. We sit on the cusp of massive civil disruption, the kind of disruption in which martial law is carried out. The UN is poised, because of the Kigali principles, to lend military and financial aid to the present administration, which is on board with selling you out. They signed the Summit of the Future, agreeing to global governance, and they signed it on September 22nd.

This year, I read to you 15 of the major 148 guiding principles. I did a three-part series on it. I told you it was coming, and I reported on as it was happening, and I summed it up when it was over. And there’s still people that don’t want to believe it, but it’s in the public record. Not one word in the mainstream media, not one. And honestly, on my side of the fence, with regard to the alternative media, I’m shocked at how sparse the coverage was. Biden’s handlers had this signed, and now they have to promote the civil disruption that will break down any resistance inside the United States.

In March of next year, it is scheduled by UN Directive 0001 that the executive branch of this government will be taken over by the UN. Now, for that to happen, ladies and gentlemen, you have to have something so chaotic that the results of this election and the subsequent inauguration will be ignored. I want to remind you, we have, according to the Border Patrol, 100,000 to 200,000 terrorists in our country, hardcore sleeper cells. We have 10,000 Chinese crossing our border every month. These figures are not in dispute. I’ve shown you the pictures of the Chinese. I’ve shown you how they’re a military outfit by their mannerisms.

They will be unleashed. Yesterday, I began to talk about something I brought up a few weeks ago, Arizona’s Ground Zero, for the disruption, and it will spread. And I went through some things yesterday. And I showed you documentation that I’ve been sent. And what I showed you was just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me, you got maybe 2% of what I have. It’s so volatile for my own safety, I’ve had to distribute it to non-alternative media sources, non-electronically. And this is what the gap was between the three weeks ago when I started talking about it.

And now, when I can show you the documentation, we’re in big trouble. We’re in very big trouble. One of the things that stood out to me was over 50, your healthcare is going to be very limited. Do you remember when we talked about 15-minute cities last year? And I said to you, there’s something missing here. They have the details on how you’ll live, what your diet will be, none of which is desirable. How you won’t travel, how you’ll be limited to three articles of clothing purchase every year. How you can travel one time, I believe it’s in a five-year period and you can’t go more than 500 miles from your home.

You can’t travel routinely more than 15 minutes from your home. And I said, with all this detail in your units that you live in have to be carbon friendly, zero emissions. And I said, you know, it’s interesting with all this detail, what’s missing? And I backed up to today and I said, if I were to build an office building to support my business, and that building was going to be publicly available, I would have to have the handicap ramps, the guardrails, the bathrooms tailored, at least in part, for people with disabilities. If I dealt with the public on a routine basis, I would have to offer alternative services so they could reap the same benefit as people who aren’t disabled.

Well, don’t we get in now to the elderly population? And I said, of all the regulations that are in place now that are humanitarian, designed to lift up those that are less fortunate, create a little bit more of a level playing field for them. None of that is in evidence in the 15-minute city concept that is the brainchild of UN think tanks. Why would that be? And I said, well, if they indeed are Fabian socialists, and this is what many of us feel that the ruling elite of the UN and our international banking system are, that if you don’t put more into society than you take out, then you should be done away with.

We have seen the rise of euthanasia for the most minor of deficiencies, such as mental illness that could be transitory. Depression is treatable in most cases, yet people are euthanized in Canada for this, and it’s come to places like Washington and Oregon. They’re working on it in California. They’re working on it in New York. Isn’t that interesting? I predict this will culminate in genocide against the elderly. This all comes from, like I said, Fabian socialism, which basically was the product of Herbert Spencer in 19th century, and it’s one of the five pillars of modern sociology.

And again, if you don’t put more into society than you take out, there’s no retirement, and you should be done away with. If you’re not useful, you should be done away with. In some of the direct use from 0001 from the UN, it’s interesting. They talk about how they’re going to replace university professors that aren’t on board. They talk about how they’re going to do the same with government bureaucrats, and if they’re not on board, they’ll be out of a job. It reminds me of the Puritans and their banishment. If you disagreed with religious doctrine, we’re not going to kill you.

Just leave. It’s 20 below zero, and there’s hostile Native Americans that are pissed off that we took their land. Take your choice. We can burn you at the stake or you could leave. This is what we’re headed towards. I’m going to go through some of the UN directives here, just to show you how quickly things are going to change, but I want to make sure that you hear this and understand this transition. And this is the key focal point of what I’m telling you. In March, according to their timetable, assuming they stay on schedule, they’re taking over the military.

And those of you, and I was a doubter for a while, that didn’t think there was a White Hat military, they know this at the top levels, and they’re not on board. Tulsi Gabbard knows what I’m telling you. RFK Jr. knows what I’m telling you. He’s choosing to focus on a specific area, but they know, because what else would explain why those two in Elon Musk who did not like Donald Trump, hates the GOP, hates MAGA, or they did, spoke against it with vehemence, and now they’re partnered. They’re afraid. They know what’s coming.

Why do you think Trump would be appointing slash and burn nominees? John Thune will have UN and CIA officials hanging out with him to make sure there’s no recess appointments, and they’ll lobby against these people like Matt Gaetz, Tulsi Gabbard. They don’t want these people in there, because they might be able to block what’s coming. I think it’s an uphill battle, because as we’re seeing in Arizona, what I showed you yesterday, and what Paul Preston has, and what others have, we are in very, very dire straits. So you say, well, Dave, don’t leave us without hope.

I agree. And I’ve told you, how do you tell the good ones in the alternative media from the disinfo that are only designed to scare you and induce learned helplessness, because they never give you a way out? I admit some of my solutions. Call your rep. Let them know. Do this. They’re simplistic. And sometimes there aren’t solutions that are readily available, because sometimes the problems are too complex for a simple solution. But I try to never leave you high and dry. And this is one of those times. And I’m going to start, or I should say, I’m going to finish where I began, number one, the book of Matthew is quite clear that if you know the Lord, he will not depart from you.

He’ll never be given more than you can handle. That’s where you need to start. And some of you are saying, I don’t need that God stuff, Dave. I need practical solutions. Well, that’s not just practical. It’s spiritual. You’re in a spiritual war just as much as you’re in a physical battle. The second thing that you must do is prepare to be on your own. Because your mechanisms of support, if these people get their way, and I can tell you the Trump administration is fighting tooth and nail against this. But if they get their way, you’ll bend to their will, and they still may not want you based on past behavior.

Or you can exist outside the system. And there will be resistance. There’ll be people in official capacities. We already see them, but I’m talking they’ll be military. They’ll be organized military that will fight against this. Whether or not they’ll be successful, I don’t know. The one thing I do know is this, and this is fatalistic but hopeful at the same time. If we are destined to defeat, and I’m talking Maga, resistance to the globalist, resistance to Satan, and the coming of the Antichrist. If we are to be successful, there’s no substitute for being one with Jesus.

But you’ve got to take positive steps too. I have friends that have dropped out. They don’t want anything to do with politics. They don’t want anything to do with any resistance. Let God be God. I agree, God needs to be God, and we need to let Him be God. But God put us here with a free will and the ability to do things, and I’m certain when I say that He expects us to do our part. The darkest days of America are upon us. But they’re not without hope. And I will be proven to be right, much to my chagrin.

As I say these words, I wished I could stand next to someone and say, well, Dave, you’re wrong here, you’re wrong here, you’re wrong here, and gee, the Democrats are bad, but they’re not going to do all the things that we’ve talked about. It ain’t going to be up to the Democrats. Read the Summit of the Future. United Nations, read what we signed. Let me leave you with a couple of excerpts. Before I read this to you, I just want to make sure you hear me say this very clearly, that someone contacted me last night by email.

And Dave, I’m going to this place for vacation for Thanksgiving. I’ve read what you said about Arizona. It’s in the proximity, by the way. Should I go? My answer is this, and this is what our family has decided. Until the danger is imminent and apparent, and we could get caught off guard by taking that approach. I fully admit that. You still have to live your life. These people wanted to subjugate humanity at the beginning of the century. That was agenda 21, 21st century. In the year 2000, this is what they wanted to do. They’re significantly behind schedule, and it doesn’t mean that they’re not going to remain behind schedule.

They’re racing against something, and I have a feeling it’s the Tribulation and the Second Coming of Christ. And I think they’re in a panic over this, and this is why the rapidity of what they’re doing. I don’t know, but that’s what my logic tells me. But I want to just read to you one thing that’s part of this directive. And when I was reading these documents to you back in August that the UN was proposing that we sign as a nation and all nations, basically they used the term global governance over and over. What do you think that means? That your vote doesn’t mean a damn thing.

Because your leaders are bound by international laws regulated by the United Nations. I actually call it the UNCC now. All right, I’m going to read to you just one snippet here of this. On the 5th of July 2025, all nations will commence to repaint all ships, aircraft, vehicles, both military and civilian, to the United Nations blue colors, as has already been completed in other nations of the world. Aircraft ships and vehicles numbering will remain as is, with the exception that the UN wording will precede all letters and numbers. You are further instructed to make preparations to change all uniforms for both military and civil police units to the United Nations light blue colors.

I’ve known about this for some time. Why do you think when I showed you the Chicago riot police coming out briefly a few months ago, I said, look at light blue. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I knew about this and I said, this is something that you need to be aware of. I’ll read to you one more and then we’ll close. All instructions and directives from the UN Security Council or United Nations representatives will be understood to be applicable to the entire former nation or nations and will be enforced throughout all areas and locations. That’s what they mean in that summit of the future by global governance.

Failure to comply or resist to be met by violent force, if necessary, and those not in compliance should expect to be, well, you get the idea. This is not a peaceful takeover. This is a hostile takeover. They need to promote the controversy. This is the punchline that will lead to martial law, suspension of transfer of power under the guise of protecting people, and all they have to do is make it to march. The dots are connecting. You can choose to ignore it. You can write me a comment that says, Dave, you’re fear mongering. Okay, all I got to say is, please go read summit of the future.

148 points. They tell you what the hell is coming. And we signed the dam agreement. It’s the way it is, folks. Here in what’s left of America. On this day in 2024. Thanks so much for joining us. God bless everybody. Keep up with what we do with our newsletter. Go to the comments and show.com upper right hand corner, click on the link. Put your email in and you’ll get a daily update of everything that we do. Goes out at 5 p.m. Pacific 8 p.m. Eastern and it’s a summary of the day’s activities. It’s a good way to stay abreast of things, at least as long as we’re able to do it.

Thanks for joining us. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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