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How to take an injectable and there shouldn’t be any fear in doing that. It is easy and straightforward. Go to sarahwestel.com under shop or use the link below and remember to use coupon code Sarah. Welcome to Business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Peter Behringer and Harley Schlanger coming to the program. They both live in German. One is a current legislator who is rerunning for office. That’s Peter and he is coming on with Harley to talk about the craziness that’s going on in Germany. He is one of the leaders of the opposition party or the populist party that is being sidelined as much as possible in Germany by the establishment.
The Issue is the German people really like these guys and the establishment is doing everything they can to suppress them, to keep them out of the the news. They wouldn’t invite them to the conference that happened last week. There has been a lot of reports lately coming out of Germany on the heels of JD Vance’s speech at that security conference last Friday. It is quite amazing what he said. I’ll just play a little clip right now. I look to Brussels where EU commission commissars warn citizens that they intend to shut down social media during times of civil unrest the moment they spot what they’ve judged to be quote, hateful content.
Or to this very country where police have carried out raids against citizens suspected of posting anti feminist comments online as part of quote, combating misogyny on the Internet. A day of action. I look to Sweden where two weeks ago the government convicted a Christian activist for participating in Koran burnings that resulted in his friends murder. And as the judge in his case chillingly noted, Sweden’s laws to supposedly protect free expression do not in fact grant, and I’m quoting, a free pass to do or say anything without risking offending the group that holds that belief. And perhaps most concerningly, I look to our very dear friends, the United Kingdom, where the backslide away from conscience rights has placed the basic liberties of religious Britons, in particular the crosshairs.
A little over two years ago, the British government charged Adam smith Connor, a 51 year old physiotherapist and an army veteran, with the heinous crime of standing 50 meters from an abortion clinic and silently praying for three minutes. Not obstructing anyone, not interacting with anyone, just silently praying on his own. After British law enforcement spotted him and demanded to know what he was praying for, Adam replied simply, it was on behalf of the unborn son he and his former girlfriend had aborted years before. Now the officers were not moved. Adam was found guilty of breaking the government’s new buffer zones law which criminalizes silent prayer and other actions that could influence a person’s decision within 200 meters of an abortion facility.
He was sentenced to pay thousands of pounds in legal costs to the prosecution. Now I wish I could say that this was a fluke, a one off crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person. But no. This last October, just a few months ago, the Scottish government began distributing letters to citizens whose houses lay within so called safe access zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes may amount to breaking the law. Naturally, the government urged readers to Report any fellow citizen suspected guilty of thought crime in Britain and across Europe.
Free speech, I fear, is in retreat. I think it’s one of the most uplifting speeches I’ve heard in a while. Because without freedom of speech, you don’t have society, you don’t have a civilized society. And they’re doing everything they can to silence speech that they don’t agree with. And they’re hiding behind misinformation, hate speech. This is an incredible clip coming from the CBS 60 Minutes that was just released on Sunday. Listen to this. Is it a crime to insult somebody in public? Yes. Yes it is. And it’s a crime to insult them online as well? Yes.
The fine could be even higher if you insult someone in the Internet. Why? Because in Internet it stays there. If we are talking here face to face, you insult me, I insult you. Okay, finish. But if you. In the Internet, if I insult you, or a politician that sticks around forever. Yeah. The prosecutors explain German law also prohibits the spread of malicious gossip, violent threats and fake quotes. If somebody posts something that’s not true and then somebody else reposts it or likes it, are they committing a crime? In the case of reposting, it is a crime as well because the reader can’t distinguish whether you just invented this or just reposted it.
That’s the same for us. The punishment for breaking hate speech laws can include jail time for repeat offenders. That’s what they’re dealing with in Germany. It is probably the most tyrannical opposition to free speech that I’ve heard in my lifetime. And you can see with 60 Minutes here, they are supporting this propaganda agenda that they’re doing. The journalist, if the journalist was a good journalist, they’d be asking the question, who decides what’s true? Information and not. And they didn’t ask a single question like that during their entire interview. They just presented it as a one side thing.
Journalism, really good journalism, never does that. And their report, they used to be 60 minutes used to be this pillar of, of journalism. It used to be a really good institution. But now we’re seeing propaganda like this coming out of there non stop. I hope people wake up to how bad this is. And they see that the propaganda. It is never a good idea to ignore what the people want and the, what the people are saying. And what happens if you do that? Then you could really get tyranny, just like in the 1930s. I think there’s a lot of parallels to the 1930s here.
I ask Peter that today. Do you see parallels to the 1930s, he says, you know, it’s different environment obviously, but you know, history rhymes. And there are parallels going on today. It was refreshing to have Harley here as well because he is living in Germany. He’s a spokesman for the Schiller Institute, which is kind of in the middle of all these geopolitical events going on worldwide. They have been moderating and doing conferences to try to, to share with the world, try to inform the world what’s really going on at an international level. So many people here in the United States are so insular.
We only look at daily event here and we don’t understand the context in a geopolitical world. And we highlighted that today with the fact that people are ignorant in economics, they’re ignorant in big tech, and that’s where things are happening. And the other thing that we highlighted today is that there is a lot of tension around the world as a global economy resets and empire falls, or there’s a huge financial reset which is going on right now in history every single time. There has been wars that have accompanied it because people are trying to fight to fill that vacuum.
And so we are at risk right now of needing these negotiations worldwide and having good statesmen and having good leaders step up to the plate and make sure that we don’t have this kind of tyranny happening worldwide. We’re seeing glimpses of that. We’re really hoping that Trump, it can be a player on the world stage of this. No more wars. If he can take, keep that mindset of not instigating wars while negotiating the situation, we maybe can elevate ourselves and get out of this mess without a world war. So that is the risk that we’re dealing with.
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And just ask so many of the men in your life, they’re losing hair and so are women. A lot of women lose hair as they age. This starts to combat that and reverse that. If you are interested in buying this amazing peptide, I will have the link below or you can go to sarahwestel.com under shop. Remember to use the coupon code Sarah so you can save 10%. Now we’re going to get to the interview with Harley Schlanger and Peter Behringer. But I want to warn you, I’m losing my camera. Part of my battery and my camera went out.
So you still see audio for like half the video. But so what? It doesn’t matter. I’m still there. I hope you enjoy this. I hope you share this far and wide. People need to start understanding what’s going on worldwide. Okay, here we go. Hi Peter and Harley, welcome to the program. Thank you. Sarah, good to see you. Well, I’m honored. Well Peter, I’m honored. And Harley, I’ve interviewed you many times and I’m honored to have you as a friend and, and your wisdom. But Peter, I’m really honored to have you on the program today. And Harley, thank you for bringing all of us together.
Peter, you are a current presidential candidate in Germany and we are seeing incredible things coming out of Germany. JD Vance speech that he just gave, I believe it was on Friday of last week was absolutely. I think it was an incredible time. It’s a pivotal time. Sarah, before we get into that, let me just correct one thing. Peter’s not a presidential candidate. He’s running for re election as a member of the Bundestag, the national parliament. We’re not yet at the presidential stage so I would have corrected. I had to correct that too. Okay, I apologize. I thought you were a presidential candidate so maybe you will be hopefully.
Well, it’s a difference. Yeah. Okay, well you’re going to tell everybody what you’re doing. But the, and I apologize for that. The 60 minutes just put out a thing that dropped yesterday. Felt like complete propaganda piece on protecting what’s going on. In Germany. And we have to talk about this because it feels like we’re entering into like a world war, you know, 1930s situation. It’s just with common current media, it seems very fascist and incredible. And the journalists aren’t even asking the questions to balance this stuff out. Can you, before we dive into this incredible situation, can you share with people what you, your background is, what you’re doing? And we’ll start getting into both you and your and Harley’s opinion on all this because both of you live in Germany.
Yeah. Yes, we now do. And I am German, of course. Well, I started out as an entrepreneur and as a top management consultant in the 1990s in the technology field. I seen it all in the venture capital business in those crazy late 1990s years. And the crash of 2000 and the next crash of the Eurozone in 27, 2007 and the financial crisis in 2007. I was a publicist at the time, so I covered a lot by, by writing about it. And only was in the mid 2010 years that I entered AFD party and became a professional politician at the age of 47, only so quite late.
It was not my life planning to become one. But I see becoming a politician, especially for the alternative for Deutschland, as a, as, as a part of a defense mechanism, we have to defend Germany and well, if you want to see it pathetically, the world against really enormous dangers coming from the financial side, from the monetary side, but also spilling over into society and almost every corner of society. So I think we may want to go into that anyway. And so I entered or was elected into the German Parliament, the Bundestag, in 2017. I’m the household spokesman of AfD.
Since then I was the head of the budget committee of the Deutsche Bundestag, even though I’m an opposition politician, obviously. And now I am the vice chairman of AFD party since 2022. And we’re about to have elections next Sunday, so that’ll be an interesting time. And so what position are you specifically running for? I’m one of the members of parliament. So we will have a faction of AfD of some 150 members. Let’s see what position I will fill afterwards. But it works differently. Go ahead. I’m one of the members of parliament. But maybe the more important position currently is within the party.
Not a state position, but a party position. But I also have still that household speaker position for my party that is probably the most important because there’s a lot to speak about. Excellent. Yes. Yeah, you Guys, it just works differently in Germany. How you do it like you’re. Once you get in there, then you’re elected to different positions. Is that how it works? It’s not like in the US the winner takes it all and you can only become a senator when you gain your state. No, we are elected proportionally. If your party gains 25% of. Of votes, then they usually have some 25% of the seats in the parliament and the government is elected from the parliament.
We don’t have a presidential position. Actually, we do have one, but it has purely representative purposes. Yeah, it’s. It’s different. Now my understanding is that one of the things that triggered this response, and I remember harmonly telling me about it, is that they have been working in overdrive to block certain parties out of the process. They wouldn’t let them into the United States, Biden wouldn’t. And then it looks like the conference, the security conference last week, they were members of different parties, were banned as well. Even if they were popular. Well, you can make that one party only which was blocked from that conference.
There’s another one from the very left, but they are pacifistic party, so they don’t really count here. We have an interest in defense policy. We have very good politicians in our roles and. Yeah, but still we are blocked out. We are very often blocked from the public discourse. And we will gain 25% of the seats in the next Bundestag, which will take session first session in March. So I see it as completely undemocratic and well, many people do so well, so are they concerned because you are the populist party? I mean, people are really supporting your party.
Well, if we were populist and. Well, is it a bad thing to be to. No, no, people want. No, this is a. Well, not a question for you, but it’s a rhetoric question. Yeah, and of course it’s not. And well, even if we were, it would be undemocratic to, to block us from the discourse. But what does it mean? Well, what does it mean to be a. When I said it’s like you are popular amongst the people is that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re populist. I don’t even know really what all that means other than you’re popular with people because they’ve turned it into a bad word when it just means you’re popular.
People like you. Right. You will gain. And they, they are scared of that. Yes, absolutely. I couldn’t have put it better. That’s exactly the way we see it. It is undemocratic. They have no arguments against us, so they do not want to discuss with it. They tried it eight years ago and we went through the roof with our polls, so they stopped it. And since then they’ve been blocking us all the time, whenever they can. So let’s see how, when things end. But yes, we would like to have a clear public discourse and well, be it populistic or not, that is not up to us to decide.
It’s up to the people to decide whether they want to be represented by a populist party or not. Sarah, I can tell you in terms of the German situation, what they mean when they say populist is against the establishment, against the financial, what we call in the US the Military Industrial Financial Complex. The AfD is anti war. It’s for resuming trade relations with Russia, not, not being involved in a war. It means anti green because the green policy is destroying Germany. The economic policies of the Schultz coalition have put Germany into a deindustrialization spiral. And so what Peter and his party are doing is they’re opposing the establishment and the establishment is collapsing.
The support for the establishment, the three coalition partners, correct me if I’m wrong, Peter, but they’re under 25% if you add them all together. Yes, that’s correct. Everything is correct. You said so. They’re, they’re scrambling and. But they think they’re going to win by shutting you down, keeping you out, suppressing language. But are they, Is this hate speech, all these things, are they hiding behind hate? I mean, there is hate. I mean, I get attacked all the time. Fine, there’s hate speech, but I am one of the most pro free speech people. On you you’re going to meet.
Even though I’m attacked all day long, it’s because here they were censoring truthful information and then spinning it as disinformation and, and then also characterizing people as hate speech when all they did is not agree with you. Is that happening in Germany even more so than here? Well, it’s the same all over the place. Hate speech is the speech they hate. And that’s exactly, that’s exactly what they do. It’s all, all Belgian exchanged and switched. They accuse us of things. They do them for themselves all the time. They lie all the time. They are left populist sometimes, but usually Hardy is correct.
And they are not populists. They adhere to other powers and yes, they have no arguments, so they have to resort or retort to that kind of techniques against us. What do people think with the J.D. vance speech? I thought that was pretty amazing. And I’m imagining there was a big reaction. What are you seeing in Germany based on that? I’d like both of you guys to comment on this. I think this is important. Let me try first. Of course, it depends completely who you ask, but now you’re asking me. Even to us, it came a little bit as a surprise, even though Musk and to some extent Trump as well, gave their support to us for a few weeks now, which they had not done beforehand.
And the Biden administration, obviously not at all. They were completely against us. But still Trump and Elon Musk did not really support us. Nobody supported us. And then out of the blue, Elon Musk supported us and he actually gave a vote recommendation for our party, even though he didn’t know too much about us. So it was. It really came to a surprise. And even JD Vance in his speech now gave a pretty clear, almost direct vote recommendation for us. It was a little bit indirect, but it was almost that everybody in the room understood it. That’s only our level.
But obviously he went way beyond that. And it was a complete. Well, Philippica against the vogue left globalist world and against many lies in the climate discourse. And, well, it was very refreshing. Nobody expected that. Of course, he abused his speech slot a little bit because he didn’t talk about defense policy at all in that speech, even though it was a security conference. Yes, it was very surprising and I think historic speech. I like the freshness. Obviously, should we gain power at a certain point in time, there will come a bill for that support. I’m not yet sure what that bill bill will be, but we are very happy with that support so far.
Harley. Yeah. Let me say, give you the context of the speech because that’s really what’s important. You had a fight in the United States around the Tulsi Gabbard nomination for Director of National Intelligence. And the people trying to stop her were the ones who ran Russiagate, the ones who were involved in one coup after another, constantly lying, censoring, and the fact that she got approved. It was a real fight. But all of a sudden the doors open. Musk’s committee is looking into things such as the USAID program, which is a regime change coup operation that works with Soros, that works with the National Endowment for Democracy.
They were the ones who overthrew the government in Ukraine. Then you have the Van speech, but you also had Hegseth before NATO. And what did he say? He said, look, Ukraine’s not getting into NATO and we want this war to end and you’re not going to get the territory back. You have to negotiate in good faith. This again was a total shock because while they were expecting it, on some level, they didn’t think it would be so public. Hegseth spoke at a NATO the, what’s called the Ukraine contact Group, the Ramstein Air Force meeting that has been voting up all these billions for aid to Ukraine.
So he just blew a hole in that. And then you had the, the Trump Putin phone conversation where they basically said they’re going to work on ending the Ukraine war, but they’re also going to work on trade, they’re going to work on energy, they’re going to work on migration, and they’re going to work together. And all of a sudden the Europeans are saying, wait, what about us? Are you leaving us out? And that’s why today there was a meeting in Paris called by Macron with Macron, with Starmer from the United Kingdom, a few others, but they’re hysterical.
And importantly, tomorrow, Marco Rubio, the Secretary of State, will be in Saudi Arabia to meet with Russian officials to plan a summit meeting. So all of a sudden, things are moving so fast, and it’s like the Europeans are on a merry go round, holding on to the horse as they’re about to fly off the merry go round. Well, I had someone tell me, a good friend of mine who’s also in this engine industry, tell me that, Sarah, this is, they’re implementing it like a military operation. It’s shock and awe. I mean, and, and when you think about it, they have to, if they don’t do it quickly and fast, that it will never.
I don’t think it’ll happen. Well, and when you look at the German situation, what’s happening here is a rapid disintegration of industry. The automotive sector, which is the, has been the driver not just for Germany, but for Europe, was under attack with the green policy, with the tax policy, with the trade policy. And so you’re seeing a de industrialization. And if you even raise it, you’re called a Putin puppet because they say, well, you just want to have Putin take over Germany, when in fact, Germany was strong because of the oil and gas coming, the cheap oil and gas coming from Russia, but it was still German engineering, German technology, German business, which has been under attack by this coalition government.
Do you feel that Germany is sliding back to a 1930s situation? Well, history never repeats itself directly. It rhymes, unfortunately, given the completely wrong economic policy and also the Foreign policy, which leads to extremely high energy costs. We’re talking five times the level in the US Now. Well, an economic depression is unfortunately pretty likely. And that’s how it started at the late 1920s, in the early 1930s. So yes. So there we have a few comparisons. The reasons for the depression are of course, different. Different. It’s a lengthy story to discuss the 1930 depression. But currently in Germany, all governments for at least 20, I would say 30 to 40 years have done almost everything wrong, especially in the energy sector.
And it is so interconnected with the foreign sector. As Harley pointed out, we are no longer receiving Russian pipeline gas. And even in the coldest of Cold War times, in the 1970s and 1980s, we did trade with the Soviet Union. We did trade gas. Even the left left coalitions, left governments did that. But today we are no longer allowed. And to make it completely certain that we don’t deal with Russ pipeline gas any longer, they destroyed one very important pipeline through the East Sea, the O in Europe, the North Stream pipeline, which was very bad. And these days we see other pipelines from Russia to Central Europe being destroyed by the Ukrainians.
You could say it’s a war result. But yes, officially the Ukrainians are our allies and they destroy our vital infrastructure. And so this is really bad. Through the back door, if I may say that we do receive Russian gas, but it’s all LNG gas, as we are receiving from the US we also receive a lot of US liquid natural gas and. But it’s a lot more expensive than the pipeline gas. So this really is a bad situation. And you said the Ukrainians are destroying the pipelines and they’re your allies. Well, the United States is supposedly a German ally, and if Seymour Hersh is right, it was the US that blew up the Nord Stream pipelines on the Russians.
Yeah, I was not, not talking about the land pipeline in Ukraine itself, not about the Nord Stream thing. But yes, I would. I have to agree hardly. What happened two years ago with the Nord Stream pipeline, well, was not brought about by the Ukrainians alone and nor by the Polish alone. There have been other secret services behind it. That’s correct. A quick break in the program to share with you that the gold market, the silver markets, are seeing huge movements not seen in our lifetimes. There is massive movements of gold coming off the comex. Coming back to the United States, we’re hearing chatter of gold being reevaluated from $42 an ounce to upwards of what market is right now, which is almost 3,000 an ounce.
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I don’t even know what you call this. It’s incredible. And there’s a breath of fresh air starting to come in of pushing back against this incredible agenda. Now what. What are the people there in Germany thinking? I’m not sure if. I’m not sure if many people really understand the big game behind it. Not many people are interested or educated in the geopolitical thinking. We are kept from too much knowledge here. But there are of course, more intelligent people and more informed people. And if I may, I would like to point us to the precious metal sector, which smells a rat.
It actually smells the distrust and the power play of the big powers currently and has been for a while, but especially these days, the precious metal market are seeing very interesting developments. It’s not just the gold price going up, but it’s physical gold leaving London to the US which shows there’s a distrust both against the British not giving out the physical gold bars, if they are there at all, and the comics. I’m sure your listeners know what I’m talking about, which is officially a paper future market. They have to bring in a lot of physical metal just to make sure that the metal is there.
Because nowadays the Comex customers demand delivery, which they had not done or had hardly ever done in the past. Officially. The reason is the well trump Threatening tariffs on commodities, on goods imported and potentially even gold, which personally I do not believe. It’s hardly impossible to put tariffs on gold. It has never happened and I don’t believe he will do that. But maybe it’s just a deception, a great deception. But he wants the gold to come to the US because gold to some extent is financial power. It is not the only power of a sovereign nation.
Currencies are nowadays not backed by gold, but they are backed by economic power. They are backed by trade surpluses and they are backed by the military. So the US has quite something to back the world currency reserve status of the dollar. But the symbolic value of gold must not be underestimated. So I think it is very interesting what we’re seeing these days in the gold market. Discuss it. Well, yeah, we can dive into it. Go ahead, Harley. Let me relate that to your question because the we’re talking about extraordinary times. My view is that we’re coming to the end of a 500 year period of European colonialism and there’s a shakeup as a result of that, especially since 1971 when the relationship of the dollar to gold was ended by Richard Nixon.
That opened the door for speculation. It opened the door for the central banks to take over economies. And increasingly every decade new developments occurred which gave more power to central bankers like the Federal Reserve, the Bundesbank in Germany, the Bank of England. And their policy was a monetarist policy as opposed to a policy of physical economics. What made Germany a powerful country was engineering, was, was scientific advanced technology, I.e. physical goods production which increased the productivity of labor. So that if you extend credit it’s backed by something physical. Once what we’ve seen in the last 30 years is a move away from that increasingly.
So we have these trillions of dollars of debt which can never be covered. And the so called military industrial complex wants to continue a looting process not just against the global south, but now increasingly against the populations of Europe and the United States. And that’s why Biden lost and that’s why we have Trump trying to figure out how to get a manufacturing revival. And the same thing is what Peter and his group are doing in Germany. So the comex. Do you have something else you want to say, Peter? No, go ahead. I have something to say, but maybe we can add it in if you want to continue with the COMEX anyway.
Well, go ahead. If you want to say something adds to Harley’s situation thing, then I want to talk about the COMEX more. I heard the term debt and That’s a very important point here. The U.S. all the world is drowning in debt, but the U.S. has a lot of debt. You have some 36.5%, $5 trillion of debt these days, I think growing by 2 trillion trillion, that’s 1,000 billion. So we’re talking about 36,000 trillion U.S. dollars growing by 2,000 billion per year. And there is a rumor in the market that potentially Trump plans an official upgrading and revaluation to upwards of the gold price in order to well somehow manage the U S national debt.
But I did a few calculations and I think that is just not possible. It takes a four thousand dollar increase per ounce of gold per ounce. That’s 31 gram if you want to six thousand if, if you want to give, if you want to give the US Fed an additional billion dollars because there’s some 250 million ounces of U S national gold. And if you multiply that by 4000, it’s 1 billion only. 1 billion only. And we’re talking then about a good price of $4,000 per ounce. Currently it is on the books of the Fed at $42 per ounce only.
And if you should you well multiply the price by 1000 by 100 so make it 4000 as opposed to 42 today, then you 1 trillion additional liquidity into the Fed system. And we’re talking about 36 trillion of US gold. So I think the revaluation point of gold will not work out. Even though the financial industry is seriously talking about that. Well what could they raise it to? Because even let’s say they did it to 100,000 would that they could, they could, but that would be a shock to the world and I think. But it would, all the banks would go bankrupt, it would hyper inflate the dollar.
Right. And it would, it wouldn’t work. That would be really a complete shock. They can’t do it. What they might be able to do just to change the book entry from 42 which where it stood since 1971 to the current market price today of close to $3,000. So they could do that and it would free up close to 1 trillion, which is fine, but it’s not enough to actually rid the US from, from debt. And the same same by the way is true because there’s another speculation regarding the bitcoin, it doesn’t work. Even if the Trump administration, which they have announced should buy 1 million pieces of Bitcoin, that would be 100 billion of value.
And even if that developed tenfold, it would still not that would then make a price of 1 million per bitcoin. Then the US would have a little more liquidity of 1 trillion which is again not enough to, to rid the US of, of debt. But, but both stories are being rumored and discussed in the, in the financial markets. Revaluation of the Bitcoin and of the end of gold. But it will not be enough. So the US will have to find another solution from the real economy by the way. The same. All other countries in the world will have to do the same.
We have to become stable again. We have to develop real economies not based on additional debt all the time as Harley has said. And the additional debt is an attempt to have liquidity so that you can have balances in exchange and transactions and so on. But it doesn’t solve the problem of insolvency. I would argue that the US economy is basically insolvent right now, but it’s got lots of liquidity. So on the books they, they back up the, the book value, the market value with paper. But everyone knows that’s just kicking the can down the road as they say.
And this is where you need, you need bankruptcy reorganization. That’s right. That’s what I was going to say. It could. We really need a worldwide bankruptcy reorganization. Get the debts written off somehow. There are groups or one group that I know of, the Global Gold Monetary Fund who is claiming to have access to a century and thousands of year old gold. And they are claiming that they can write the debt off of every country in the world if they join this. And there’s. They claim they have all this gold and all these people are saying have you looked into that group at all? Either of you? Well I’m a gold expert and I think I stumbled across that rumor some 20 years ago.
Yes, I know what you’re talking about but. Well the story is pretty consistent. We know how much gold has been mined throughout history. It’s a 3,000 year old history, but most of the gold has actually been mined in the 20th century, 21st century. We are adding some 3,000 tons per year annually and we have some 220 to 230,000 tons above ground. And that’s it. We are not talking about millions of tons. I can’t confirm those rumors and they have never been confirmed. So unfortunately that will not work out. But obviously you can put any number to the answer.
Ultimately it mathematically it’s possible to, to back any kind of debt and indebted dollar. You could do that, but it has repercussions on so many fronts. You can’t just put a $100,000 mark per ounce, even though some gold bucks would like to see that. What would you say if it. I mean, because the people are very serious about this. I don’t know. I’m gonna, I’m gonna say, oh, I lost my camera. It’s been too long. I guess my battery wasn’t long enough. That’s okay. It can just be voice. What would. I mean, there, there are people that I’ve met with that really claim that this gold exists and that they’re being audited.
And I saw the pictures and all these things. If there is gold like that, I know this is going in a different direction and I want to get back to the COMEX and stuff. If there is gold like that, old ancient gold, could that be a solution? All I can say is I’ve been looking into that some 20 years ago, that’s how long that rumor has been around. And no, I never was able to confirm that and I’m not able to confirm it today. I don’t believe it. Well, even if it exists, since there would have to be some owner then he would have of course have to come out in the open and show his gold and somebody would have to pay him to hand over his gold or her gold.
I don’t know where this should lead to. I would not follow that track. Okay, what do you think about the Comax? The. The. This rumors that the COMEX is being going to collapse because people are taking. Because the ETFs are what like a 10 times kind of like what banks are like a bank, it’s a bank run essential essentially. But on the Comex with gold, that’s a different story. That’s a very different story. Of course there’s some truth to that. The COMEX is backed if you want by a maximum of 1 or 2% physically on the other hand.
And the professionals there would. Would say that it was never meant to be a physical exchange. It was always meant to be a future contract. Everybody knew it is not backed. But now people demand delivery and if you only have a 1 or 2% backing and then you have to ship in fresh bars pretty quickly. The London markets are different here physical metal is traded but. But now that the comics wants it because the Americans for some reason, either because they fear tariffs of Trump or they are have just a general distrust in the American system and want their physical gold, they now want it.
They now want it in large quantities. And yes, there is a run on the comics it’s not the first time I’ve been following and seeing the. That in the last 25 years. We have had those situations in the past for various reasons. Usually it was manageable because you can lease gold to whoever wants. You can. Currently the lease rates of Gold are 12% overnight leasing. Just imagine that usually it’s 2%. So the comics and American marketplaces, also unbacked or semi backed ETF hordes are struggling to get physical metal because too many of their customers demand delivery.
So it is an interesting situation. Well, but it’s not the first time in history that this is happening. But it’s. It’s serious. And that’s one of the reasons why the price is exploding currently. Is there a way to be able to do a bankruptcy reset where the debt for the world’s current. The world debt is erased without fundamentally hurting everybody? I mean, could. Could that happen? Can you see a scenario? Because it used to be back in the day, back ancient times, they used to do jubilees, right? They knew that every so often they do jubilees to refresh.
And because this happened, the debt was too large, it would grind society to a halt. Yes. And so they would do. It was planned jubilees. Do you think they could do something like that? The answer is yes. Every debt can be written off or get out of existence. Existence, be it the debt of an individual, of a nation, or currently for the whole world. Yes, you can get rid. There are two methods. One is the deflationary method. You just declare bankruptcy, you’re not paying back your debt and it’s gone, it’s out of existence. And the people who gave you the money don’t get it back.
You can do it on a national level. It happened many times in history. Argentina has been experiencing that. That two times in the last 25 years before Melee took over. And yes, it can happen all the time. Germany has had the situation in 1980, 48 after the lost Second World War. And the other method is the inflationary method. You can always grow yourself out by printing so much money that the existing stockpile, however large it is, will become irrelevant and neglectable. You can do that. Germany did that in 1919, 23, the hyperinflationary scenario, it took two or three years.
At the end it took only two or three months and everything was over. Germany had no debt after that. But the situation was horrible because everybody has lost their. So well, you can do it. And at a certain point in time even the whole world will have to do it. But it is not a Nice situation. The transition to the restart without debt is not a nice period. Usually. Yeah. And also, Sarah, it’s worth noting that it’s in periods like this that you have wars. Yep. Yes. Because the. They call them bankers wars or war is a racket.
According to General Smedley Butler, the idea that one country will decide to take it upon itself to grab something from another country to. And then create liquid assets against the loot. But the problem is that the global debt is so large right now, led by the United States. And secondly, the physical production has been contracting in much of the world. Not China, not Russia, but in much of the world, including the United States, we’ve had a contraction of physical production. And so the first question is, how do you, if you are going to do something to deal with the debt, you have to at the same time have a strategy for, for manufacturing, for making sure there’s enough food produced and enough for trade.
And this is something, this is why you have governments that have conferences. I think that what we’re looking at now, what Trump is looking at and what Putin is looking at, and maybe Xi Jinping also is trying to figure out a way to get a jump start toward a new series of international relations for trade and physical goods production. That’s the positive side. What Peter’s talking about is that if you try to protect the, the holdings of the wealthiest, then you’re going to end up with mass starvation, civil unrest and chaos. So you have to. What’s happening now? Yeah, right.
They’re really propping up the debt situation because they’re worried that if this thing collapses, they’ll lose their power position. Well, I think that’s why. I think that’s why there was so much opposition to Cash Patel and to Tulsi Gabbard. What happens if you have honest people come into government who say, we’re going to stop this, we’re not going to do these IOUs to the wealthiest people in the world that are redeemed by the poorest people. What happens if that stops? Well, that’s why you need leaders, you need statesmen. I would say the biggest problem we have is a shortage of statesmen who understand economics.
That’s right. I’d say even. And technology now, because everything’s crossing between the two. You know, with Big tech taking over. I think I’ve put this out there. I think, you know, the largest companies in the world now are all Big Tech. And there’s like nobody that really understands Big Tech. So I think, think the combination of not understanding Economics and not understanding big tech is a, is a perfect storm. Well, let me just bring something up that I’d like for Peter to address, which is that we started on talking about the effect of the J.D. vance speech at the Munich Security Conference, and now we’re seeing a scramble in Europe to respond to Trump.
How do you see this in terms of Europe? I mean, are there any stable governments? I mean, we look at Orban in Hungary, we look at what’s starting to happen with Slovakia, with, with some of these other Eastern European countries that are moving away from the European Union. Can the European Union hold together? Peter? Well, really, the European Union as it is today was thought out in the 1980s by French elites. They wanted the German money. They were money. They wanted the Bundesbank to lose its power, which was very powerful at the time. They wanted the Deutsche mark, at the time, the Faust, as they said, the atomic weaponry of Germany, which we didn’t have.
But our demark German mark was as hard and the, the French feared it. And so the European Union, and that is the truth, the historic truth behind the foundation of the European Union in 1992 is well, well, it only worked because everybody wanted Germany’s money. Well, they have received that all, almost all of that. Today there is no national power left, hardly any national power left with the nation states, states, including ours. And at a certain point, point in time, even Germany will run out of money. We have already lost 100% of our trade surpluses, which we have had for 60 years.
We were export world champion in between 1960 and 2000. Then the Euro was introduced, we were still vice champion. And today we have no trade surplus whatsoever. So that there is not too much to be gained from a union with Germany. It’ll continue for a few more years, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter even what my party says. We are very critical of the European Union, but it doesn’t really matter because the main purpose of the foundation is no longer there. And then the French will abandon it themselves. That’s my prognosis.
But it’ll take a few more years because, well, institutions take a long time to unravel. Let me ask you a question. Go ahead, go ahead, Harley, if I could just. On the, on the German election, the front runner according to the polls is Friedrich Merits, who was the head of Blackrock Germany. I don’t know if many people know that. Yes, but are you at all concerned of the, that the idea of these vulture capitalists, as they’re sometimes called that merits would, would come in and pick clean what he could from the remnants of German industry. Well, I’m not an anti capitalist.
I believe in free trade and with as less, as little regulation as possible. So I’m not completely against investment banks. But yes, those very, very big players have become so big that it’s, they constitute a problem these days. And yes, Mr. They squeeze out competition. Yes, I agree, I have to agree. It’s true and that’s not healthy for any economy. Mr. Merz has been the head of BlackRock Germany from 2015 to 2020. He still of course has his buddies there, his friends there. And well, it’s pretty good guess, I can’t prove it, but that he was installed by financial powers at the CDU helmet.
It was not easy for him to succeed Mrs. Merkel, who had been the head of the CDU party for 16 years, but ultimately he succeeded, succeeded and against a lot of resistance. So Blackrock did play a role here. And yes, of course they want their payback. He will become Chancellor, I believe only for two years because we will have very unstable governments in the next years. That’s another parallel, Sarah, compared to the 1930s. Unfortunately, I’m not comparing it completely to the 1930s and hopefully, hopefully we will not prepare for a world war again, whoever country will be involved.
But there are parallels, unfortunately. And yes, we will have new general elections latest two to three years from now and it’s, it’s the same all over Europe now. Austria is currently in a government crisis. They are not in a, able to form a proper government. The leading party would be our sister party, right Conservative Party, which must obviously not become the Chancellor Party. Mr. The head of that party must not become the Austrian Chancellor even though he has a good majority, but they wouldn’t let him. And well, in other European countries we have seen that shift in Denmark, in Italy, we are close.
I think in France, we might even be close in Britain because Mr. Starmer is not a very, very strong prime minister there. Same in Eastern Europe. All over the place, especially in Hungary and other places and obviously in Canada, on your side of the Atlantic, I believe you will get a completely new government as well. So yes, the tide is changing, but we never know who are the ultimate masters behind the new governments. I’m not talking about my, I’m not talking against my own interest, against my own party’s interest. I say we are not corrupt. My boss, Mrs.
Alice Weidel, is not corrupted. But yes, the temptation is there to somehow arrange with the big monetary powers all over the world, we too will be faced with those temptations. So it’ll be a sort of negotiation process. How populous can you remain and how much do you have to give to the big financial powers in the world? Well, I, I have some questions for you when it comes to. It ties into what Harley was saying about the 500 year, you know, change in, in, in society, about the colonization. I had the director of policy for NetChoice come on my program last week, and they are fighting for innovation.
And the Trump administration are, you know, for freedom and innovation. And the Trump administration is really pushing and putting a lot of money into innovation, AI, things like that. And one of the things he said about Europe was that Europe is fearful of AI they’re fearful of advancement. And because of that, they are shutting down innovation everywhere. And we tied it to the fact that, you know, like the printing press, for example, the countries that did not embrace the printing press because they were fearful still suffer economically today. Do you see that as a situation? They could, the whole European area could lose their, their position for centuries if they don’t embrace this.
Well, you could have said the same thing about the Internet. We were not the front runners of the Internet. That was invented in 1969 as the ARPANET in the U.S. yeah. And also in 1993 when the graphical interface, the graphical user interface was invented. That was a U.S. invention. So it’s not the first time that the U.S. is ahead of U.S. artificial intelligence. Well, we don’t have the 500, 100 billion euros or dollars that Trump allegedly will put into that sector. And that’s the national money only. There’s private money going in there as well. So it takes a lot of money that the Chinese have put a lot of effort and money into that sector too.
It’s not easy to become the world leader here so quickly. I’m an IT professional by education, I think. Sarah, you are as well, are you not? Yeah, yeah, so. So it has been a long time. I studied that in the early 1990s and even that I studied a course I remember called Applied Artificial Intelligence. And every thought, if ever everybody thought, oh, the breakthrough will be become very quickly where it took more than 30 years. But now the breakthrough is there. I must admit there that main reason is the incredible hardware calculation power of the current computers, which we just didn’t have 30 years ago.
And artificial intelligence uses a lot of that computing power. So, yes, that is very, very powerful now. And as with all new technology can be used to good and bad purposes. I’m not so sure if everything is good here because you can show a complete genuinely video to anybody and say this is the reality and it just is not differentiate between reality and artificial intelligence sessions videos. And that will make the world a little bit different because whoever is ahead here will have another tool to govern the world. So you can, so you don’t, you know, the hand.
No, keep going. On the other hand it is uninvitable. So we have to use that. I know many friends of mine are using it but. Well, the jury is still out where this will end. But when the Internet was in invented in 1969 or 1993, however you want, nobody knew where it would end. And today it governs our everyday life almost every moment. We are now talking about the Internet. Well, so you disagree with him in the sense of. I don’t want to put words in your mouth but he was saying that the policies of Europe is putting Europe in a position where they were gonna, they’re gonna be behind the east and behind the United States and if we don’t change our direction.
I just want to know if he has a different opinion than you. And I want to. You don’t see it quite like that. You see it as maybe you guys are fast followers and you are embracing this and he’s saying that you. That the policies are actually shutting down innovation and you guys are going to be going into a really bad spot. That’s what he said to me last week. I don’t know that person personally, I don’t know his background but I would unfortunately agree that Europe will not be adopted fast enough. I do not agree that we do not want to adopt it but.
Well, I used to work in venture capital and in as I said in the late 1990s and already at the time the innovation capital was available a lot, much more in the US than in Europe. That is probably the main reason. Second might be well, secret services all over the world who want to keep the very innovative technologies for themselves for a few years before they handed hand them over to other continents, even friend countries like ours. So that’s how I see it. But yes, we may might be a little more cautious regarding new technology as the U.S.
that’s, that’s correct. Which might not be bad in some ways. Yeah, yeah, the verdict is out. I think that’s a, that’s a point that, that needs to be addressed at least looked at because if it’s like something that if you’re behind you will be behind for centuries, you do want to look at That I would think. Do you think either of you think that we are going to go into a war? Like you said, Harley, these are bankers wars. Every time there’s been a major currency change, there’s been war over the last couple hundred years or when an empire collapses, you have wars.
But here’s what I would say. I think we’re lucky that the American people intervened and elected Donald Trump. Had Biden or Harris been in power, I’d be much more convinced that we’re heading toward a big war. If you look at it, Trump has two issues on his agenda now. Now ending the killing in Ukraine and in Gaza and we’ll see what happens when he meets with Putin. But this is, this is where, you know the, the idea of man made problems can be solved by man. Yep. And I, I think it’s hopeful that Trump is, is going in the right direction.
Now I’m not totally convinced that it’s all as planned as it seems because sometimes he says things for effect like taking over Canada for the 51st state or Greenland or something like that. That’s his art of the deal negotiation tactics. But underneath it there’s got to be a direction. And the directionality right now is to take power away from the private interests that are the ones that lead to monopolies. And again, Peter, I’m not saying against free trade, free enterprise and so on, but what happens is when you get rid of all regulations, you have a consolidation and a monopolization and those powerful interests have taken over governments and that’s why we’re losing sovereign nation states to this globalist blob, as they call it.
And so I think Trump is trying to turn that around. I agree with most of what you said, Harley. I would like to add one alternative to it need not be a hot military war with many millions dead. It is possible to get rid of debt, financial debt, and to, to somehow make it controllable. By bringing the world into a police state. You can control people by censoring them almost completely, by only letting them know the truth you want them to know. Like with artificial intelligence produced fake videos, you can force them into central bank digital currencies and thereby, well, stop their financial maneuvering and their computer.
Completely transparent. All of that is already going on. It’s not yet perfect, but maybe this is the way. And it doesn’t really matter in my opinion, whether it’s a Trump administration or a Biden administration. This is unfortunately the way we see a world police state with few people still having the freedom to maneuver and to act and to inform themselves freely. And many people are just followers and have basically no other choice. And a mass of people like that, as long as they are fed and as long as they’re entertained, gained, do not plan a revolution.
And you can even get rid of debt that way. But I get a little bit ahead of myself now. It’s a complicated process, but it might be an alternative to a hot war. And then you can decide whether this is a good or a bad alternative. That’s a terrible. Then you look at the question. That’s terrible. Harley is terrible too. Well, I know, but I don’t know. You fight wars for freedom. And so do we want to fight a war war? Do we want to be prisoners for the rest of our lives? Go ahead. But Sarah, let me, let me inject something here that I think is important.
I think the reason Peter’s in politics is that he has a view of these dangers and is trying to do something about it. And using a campaign and a political party that was created from almost scratch to build an awareness in the population in Germany that Germany has no sovereignty. That the idea of being a patriot in Germany is according to the Bundeswerfassenchuts, the Interior Ministry, that’s a Nazi idea. So the idea of being proud of your country is somewhat eliminated. But what’s happening in terms of national sovereignty and movements around the world is that people are beginning to realize that the nation state, if it’s run properly so that people have institutions of self representation, they can change things.
And that’s what the EU and that’s what the NATO is trying to stop. That’s why they’re attacking Orban in Hungary. That’s why they overturned the Romanian election. They don’t want people to think you can change things by voting. And the problem is voting itself is not enough. You actually need, need to recruit people who can think like statesmen and figure out how to take up these complex processes which Peter’s been discussing in terms of how you get out of this crisis. Just to send this because I’m glad you said that, Harley. I am a freedom fighter and have been for 25 years now in all respects we are.
My party is fighting for the free use of cash as opposed to book entries in banks only. We are fighting for the nation state, which I think is the freest form of organization possible. We are fighting for gold personally. I personally wrote a book and bring back our gold, repatriate our gold, which actually led to quite a few hundred tons to be repatriated from the US to Germany. So you were the catalyst some 10 years ago. So I’m a free freedom fighter on all fronts almost. But to some extent you have to face reality and only if you know your dangers, you can, you can fight them, as Harley put it.
Thank you for that. Well, do you think the usaid, you know, cutting the funding like Harley, what, what they are doing in USA is creating all these issues that you just articulated getting rid. And there’s other organizations besides usaid, but USAID is really what you have to say that they’re systematically cutting the funding of some of that. But are there other funding mechanisms that are continually that are at risk here? I mean, because the United States cutting their own, you know, cutting that funding can’t be the only player. There’s international players with. Well, there, there are.
But for example, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office funds all kinds of operations that, that are involved in censorship and disinformation. And you know, it’s not a surprise that the British were at the center of the russiagate attacks against Donald Trump. Trump, in fact, the city of London put out a report in 2019 saying that if Trump is re elected, it will end the special relationship between Britain and the United States. So he must be defeated. Now if you look at what AID is involved in, they are basically a center of a spider web of many organizations.
The National Endowment for Democracy, International Republican Institute, Soros is open society because there are private organizations involved. But what’s their target? Their target is the nation state, as Peter was just saying. Their target is the idea of sovereign people coming together for a common mission, to defend a tradition, a culture of a family of religious values, freedom to take on challenges, to innovate. That’s the, the idea of the nation state. And the, what we’re talking about is people who oppose that because they want a global government which is run by technocrats who don’t give a damn what the people think.
They’re going to rule over the heads of, of sovereign nations. And that’s I think what the, the big fight is. And that’s why I very much think that we’re coming to an end of an empire. Are we going to have a new empire or are we going to have two or three competing empires? Or is there a possibility for cooperation? And that’s why I’m hopeful that what Vance laid out, what Hegseth laid out, what Trump is trying to do with Putin, maybe out of that we can come up with a common agreement of how nations can cooperate for mutual Benefit it.
Because if we don’t, chaos is what’s going to occur no matter what you do. We have to, I mean, especially with the, the sophistication of the, the weapons that we have. And we really, really have to come up with some unity here or at least be able to cooperate and negotiate, which they didn’t do in Ukraine. It’s really refreshing to have Trump here and actually negotiating. So what would you say while you’re here? What do you want people of the world and people watching and people in your country to know that you are going to do and you are focused on doing for the future of freedom and sanity? Well, of course I am giving you a German perspective now.
And we would like to get rid of the really big lies. Immigration is good, multiculturalism is good all the time. Russia is the ultimate enemy and nobody else. All problems can be solved with military strength and of course the brokeness all over the place and the energy lies, especially the CO2 religion, as I put it, the world will over. The world will overheat 80 years from now according to the World Climate Council’s models, which are not proven and cannot be proven. So all that has to go. And then in Germany we will have a different story to tell.
But maybe you asked Sarah the question a little earlier whether there’s an alternative to funding as we’re doing it with the huge banks and huge investment banks. The problem, the root cause of all evil really is the unbacked monetary system. Since 1971, no backing there. And since then the those banks, those with the printing presses, the central banks, but also the big investment banks were able to print money out of thin air for in, well, incredible amounts. Too big to fail as long and they are too big to fail too. And as long as they can do, then as long as they have that status, they will dwarf every crowdfunding, every private capitalization of interesting projects.
And that hasn’t been so so before 1971. So there’s too much power essentially it’s not only you in the US this is a worldwide phenomenon and all the, all the central banks have it in conjunction with the governments which guarantee the central banks their existence. So it’s a sort of symbiosis, the government’s guarantee the central banks their existence and the central banks fund the governments and their debt. So that is the symbiosis going on here. And well, ultimately. But this is not possible to change it from Berlin. Of course, it is not even possible, possible to change that from Washington.
Well, the world will have to rethink that model. It only came into existence August 15, 1971, internationally, when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. At that day, almost all currencies were taken off the gold standard in that instant because they were all indirectly fixed to gold via the fixed line linked to the dollar. And we have to find a solution to just redo that at a certain point in time. I don’t know when that will come. It’s pretty much our number one priority. It’s what’s causing all this stuff to happen. Because they can print money as much as they want and we can’t.
You can’t. I can’t. This invest, you know, the innovation. They can’t. And then the countries are all in debt and they can print as much as they want. They can do what they want and the countries are in debt and their power is so enormous that nobody can overcome that. But isn’t that ending now? I mean, isn’t that they’re at the end of this rope because it’s. Their house of cards is collapsing. Well, I’ve heard that too often in 25 years only, so I don’t believe it. Yet. They are changing the rules. They have been changing the rules all the time, especially in the last 20 to 30 years, especially in the financial crisis when things were over both for the euro and for the dollar.
But they changed all the rules, especially in Europe. We threw overboard the Maastricht treaty, which was the cornerstone of the euro. And well, if you don’t follow any rules, you can kick the road, kick the can down quite a little longer. Go ahead, Sarah. I would say the key is educating more people to understand these things. And I know that’s what the, the people I know in the rfd, what they’re trying to do with their campaign is raise the issues that touch people in their home. You know, the inability to afford food or a house, the housing costs are going out of control in, in Germany, the cost of electricity.
So when people begin to, to be hit personally, the, the first reaction is chaos and, and panic. But if you have a political movement that actually addresses solutions and that’s what, what, what I’ve always been involved in with, with my work in the United States with Lyndon Larouche, was to put forward solutions and show people why the cause, what’s causing this crisis, why we have banks that are too big to fail, that get bailed out, but you lose your house when you can’t pay the mortgage. You know, basic fairness and justice. And where does that come from? From.
It has to come from the people. But they need to be educated and need to have real leaders who are not corrupt. And I think that’s what the big fight is. So, Peter, where can they learn more about your campaign and follow you and maybe support you? All right. I will try to send you a link to our English language program. Obviously, we are focusing on the German voters, especially these days, so most of my videos are in German. But I will try to send you something. But I think you will hear a lot more about us in the near future because it’s hard.
It’ll hardly be possible to. To not report about us. And when I did that repatriation campaign of the German gold, actually I was hurt earlier abroad than with the German press. So I’m looking forward to that. And thank you for the invitation. That was very interesting conversation. Thank you very much, sir. Yeah, thank you. Peter and Harley, where do they follow you quickly? LaRou, organization.com or just harleymail.com? okay, thank you so much, guys. Really appreciate it and good luck this coming Sunday. Thank you. Thanks, Sarah.