Tuesdays With Mike | Will Trump Destroy The FED?

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âž¡ The show “Tuesdays with Mike and Ron” discusses the possibility of Trump dismantling the Federal Reserve. Mike believes that the Federal Reserve, which he views as a damaging weapon of the deep state, is on Trump’s agenda to be taken down. He also provides a brief history of the Federal Reserve, including its establishment and the role of Andrew Jackson in killing the second central bank of the United States. Mike concludes by stating that the Federal Reserve is a counterfeiting, market rigging, and loan sharking operation that needs to be destroyed.
âž¡ In the early 1900s, influential banker Jacob Schiff predicted a financial panic, which did occur in 1907. This led to a commission led by Nelson Aldrich, which suggested the need for a central bank to prevent future panics. This idea was further developed in a secret meeting at Jekyll Island in 1910, laying the foundation for the Federal Reserve system. This shows how powerful individuals can manipulate financial systems and events to push their agendas.
âž¡ In 1910, a secret meeting was held at Jekyll Island Club, owned by JP Morgan, to plan a reform of the nation’s banking system. This meeting laid the foundation for the Federal Reserve system. The meeting was kept secret until the 1930s. In 2010, a hundred-year anniversary event was held at the same location, attended by Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan.
âž¡ The text discusses the controversial election of Woodrow Wilson as president in 1912, which was allegedly manipulated by Bernard Baruch. Baruch supposedly convinced Teddy Roosevelt to run as a third-party candidate, splitting the Republican vote and allowing Wilson to win with only 41% of the vote. Once in office, Wilson was said to be easily controlled and pushed to pass significant legislation like the 16th and 17th Amendments and the Federal Reserve Act. The text also suggests that the Federal Reserve System is not truly federal, reserved, or a system, but rather a central bank with murky ownership and the power to create money out of thin air.
âž¡ A secret meeting took place in Georgia, involving influential figures who later played a role in World War I and the establishment of the Federal Reserve. The article also discusses the difference between currency issued directly from the Treasury and that loaned into circulation by the Fed. It mentions President Kennedy’s attempt to issue currency directly from the Treasury, and the pattern of leaders advocating for debt-free currency facing opposition. The article ends with speculation about President Trump’s intentions to reform the Federal Reserve, drawing parallels with President Andrew Jackson, who abolished the second central bank.
âž¡ The text discusses the comparison of a certain individual to Trump, highlighting their shared trait of being for the people. It also delves into the Federal Reserve’s new buying programs, which could essentially nationalize large parts of the financial markets. The text suggests that Trump understands the financial markets better than any previous president and is working towards positive changes. It also mentions potential rate cuts to stimulate the economy and the unprecedented act of Trump replacing a Federal Reserve chairman.
âž¡ The text discusses the anticipation of rapid changes in the economic system, suggesting that a brilliant team has already prepared plans for these changes. It debates the implementation of elements from the Nassar Jisara system, but not under its banner. The text also discusses the concept of debt as an asset and the possibility of a debt jubilee. Lastly, it explores the idea of changing voting rights, suggesting that only those with ‘skin in the game’ should vote, and the potential for a long-term military regime.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the issue of political control and bureaucracy, expressing a dislike for term limits and the need for change in the system. They also mention a book by Mike, which provides a unique perspective on global conspiracy, and encourage the audience to support Mike’s work. The speaker appreciates the engagement during the show and looks forward to the next one.


Welcome to the unfold issue channel. It is everybody’s favorite show Tuesdays with Mike and Ron. And tonight, Mister King has given us an extraordinary treat, because we are going to be talking about, will Trump destroy the Fed? So, and I know that Mister King, or Mike, has a lot of information about this. He’s done a tremendous amount of study. So, Mister King, it is all yours, sir. Take it away. Okay, well, as you. As you know, the, the Federal Reserve system is, um, just, just props. Second only to the fake news is the most damaging, destructive, um, weapon of the deep state in this country.

And, um, yes, I do believe that’s on the agenda. It’s been hinted at very strongly by both Q and Trump. So strongly, in fact, that you can almost take it as a, as a promise. But before we get into what’s going on now, what I think is going to happen when Trump returns with the Fed, I think it’s a good time for kind of a little crash course on the history of how it came about. And, you know, just in the interest of time, we’ll kind of fast forward this to the turn of the last century.

Okay, instead of going back to, I will mention this, Andrew Jackson killed the second central bank of the United States, which was, in essence, the Federal reserve system of its day. And it was an epic war, political war. It’s referred to in the history books as the bank war, and it almost got him killed. He was fired at twice. Both guns misfired. I mean, in the end, he prevailed. He killed the bank, and he paid the national debt down to zero. Only time in american history that ever happened. And, you know, because of his heroic deeds and killing that bank, we went, like, 80 years without a central bank.

Okay? But the gangsters based in, in Europe and their american agents here, they never give up. Okay? They’re. It’s like knocking over in Anthill. They’ll just come back and start rebuilding. And so the, the effort and the ideology continued throughout the 18 hundreds to bring this institution back, but it wasn’t going anywhere because, you know, Jackson had fundamentally altered the american people’s thinking about this institution. So the only way they were going to get it back was just and fast forward to the turn of the century and start the presentation with those exhibits I sent you.

I want to share this with you real quick, because I don’t think you saw. I created the thumbnail for this, and this was the thumbnail. And if you look nice. Yeah. Trump stands in front of a burning federal reserve building, and then over here in the corner, you had the portrait of Andrew Jackson. So little nuanced flair. They’re very nice, Ron. Yeah, I thought you’d like that. So. Yeah, so, like. But that’s it. I mean, I mean, the main thing to understand without getting too much into the technical aspects of it, I do have a booklet about it@realnewsandhistory.com.

called bank a rota, which is an allegory, kind of explains how it works. But we’re paying interest, not on loans, which in and of itself can be a problem. We’re paying interest on our very money supply because every dollar in circulation is injected into the economy in one manner or another through a loan, whether it’s the Fed taking money out of thin air, buying bonds. The bonds have to be paid back when interest or the member banks, all banks are members of the Federal Reserve system, lending money into the economy in the form of loans. So all currency comes into existence through the Fed and its member banking system in the form of loans.

It’s quite, it’s quite insane. I mean, why are we paying interest at the inception of the currency? So this just creates a never ending debt virus. So for that and many other reasons, I call it a counterfeiting market rigging and loan sharking operation, all in one that’s got to be destroyed. So none of that. Yeah. All right. You want to share that? You want. Sure. To share the book or share the. Share the, uh. Well, I don’t have the book, but we. I mean, I haven’t. I have it there. You can pull it up. Yes, in the book section.

This is really kind of, well, this is the, the PDF essential. This is the presentation. And I kind of start this storyline with the point in history when the cabal starts to really ratchet up the pressure, the political and the propaganda pressure to bring back the central banking in America. Now, that poster you’re looking at there, that’s from 1896, presidential campaign of William McKinley of Ohio Maga republican peace, prosperity, hard money guy. And you see what he’s standing on there? Gold. That’s not a manhole cover. That’s a gold coin. Okay. Because that, that’s part of this as well.

The gold standard is important because it puts the brakes on the government, the federal government and the Federal Reserve’s ability to just create money out of thin air, because now it’s backed by something. And McKinley was very, very strong on the gold standard. So that, that’s why he’s shown, depicted standing on a gold coin, because at that time, what the bankers were doing is they wanted to go to gold and what they called free silver, which is also permissible under the Constitution, but they wanted it because it would begin the loosening up process. Ultimately, they just want paper money injected out of thin air at interest.

But as a transition, they wanted free silver. So that’s why he’s on a gold coin. It was a hard money gold standard. That’s the platform he ran on William McKinley. And he was elected in 1896, easily, and then reelected in 1900. His vice president is Garrett Hobart from my hometown, Paterson, New Jersey. And they are of like mind, McKinley and Hobart. So you can forget about any scheme to bring back a central bank or get off the gold standard. We. It looked like we were set up for the 16 years of MAGA with McKinley and Hobart in there.

Suddenly Mister Hobart up and dies at a young age, only 53, 54 years old. A shock. Shocker. Poisoned, wasn’t he? Well, we don’t have autopsy, of course, but now when we fit this into the pattern of history, there have been so many presidents and vice presidents who kind of just suddenly died when they were seemingly healthy. So it’s an impossible anomaly, even if you allow for one or two. But he dies, there’s really no cause for suspicion. At the time, nobody really asked any questions. But what was strange is now there was a faction of the republican party, I guess you might call them the early rhinos, but they were not the dominant faction, but they were gaining in power and they imposed upon William McKinley as his news vice president.

Take this guy here, Theodore Roosevelt, who they had been grooming. They made him the hero of San Juan Hill. That was all bullshit story. Spanish America war came back. They made him governor of New York state. He barely won. And now Hobart dies and they impose this tool of basically a british agent. That’s what Teddy Roosevelt was. I have a book on him, too. Teddy terrible. Teddy the terrible. So they imposed Teddy Roosevelt upon McKinley as his vice president. So now, only a heartbeat away from the presidency, you have the cabal’s man. Coincidentally, the following year, 1901, a red, an anarchist foreigner, Leon Siglos, shoots William McKinley in the abdomen.

It appears he’s going to pull through. After a number of days and weeks, the doctors finish him off. So McKinley dies and Theodore Roosevelt becomes president. This would be 1901, and they died only like nine months apart. Hobarthe and McKinley. So boom, boom, they. They. 16 year MAga dynasty gone. Teddy’s in there. Yeah. So, um, what’s next on the PDF chart there? I think I have an image here. We’ve got. So we got McKinley, and then the next thing there’s McKinley and Hobart. Okay, so these two guys are, you know, as good as you’re going to get.

And they were very. They. They were not only aligned perfectly ideologically, they were actually very good friends and their wives were good friends. You know, like I said, we were set up for 16 years of the equivalent of Maga of the day. And now they’re both gone. Chief executive. Below that, the victim of the most cowardly anarchist, McKinley was assassinated. That was big, big news back then. There were conspiracy theories that later developed. I’ll get into those later. Now there’s the book I wrote on Teddy Roosevelt. Below that, Teddy the terrible. The criminal insanity of Theodore Roosevelt.

And this is something a lot of folks in our movement don’t fully appreciate. A lot of people think he’s some kind of conservative hero or something. No, he was. He wasn’t. He was placed in there. And this was a really big move towards the establishment of federal reserve. I won’t get into his old presidency and all the other stuff he did, but what’s important and relevant to this topic is that in 1907. Well, let me back up to 1906 and pull up that gentleman there with the beard. That’s Jacob Schiffe. Okay. This is without question one of the most influential history shaping men in american history.

The Schiff family shared a home with the Rothschilds in the. The jewish quarter of Frankfurt, back in the 17 hundreds. Big international banker and political puppeteer. And he writes, in 1906, if you can scroll a little bit, you’ll see a quote beneath him. Okay? I’m gonna read that to you. This is his doctor Fauci moment, okay? His moment of prophecy. He writes, quote, such a panic in this country. He’s talking about financial panic, compared with which the three which had preceded it would look like child’s play. So he’s saying there’s a panic coming, that they used to call them panics in those days, okay? There would be a big bubble.

People would freak out and then they’d run to the bank. And the bank didn’t have the money, they didn’t have a fed back then, so they would shut the doors and you would have a crash. Because although the country did not have a federal reserve and although we were on a gold standard, there was still room to make mischief. And these, these big banks, with their. With their manipulation of the loans and then their contraction of the loans, they could still do damage and cause panics. And that’s what they did. But then they would cause the panic.

You know, the old formula, problem, reaction, solution. So they caused the panic of 1907. Totally. And there’s Jacob Schiff in 1906 predicting it. He’s such a profit, just like Fauci predicted the. The scam COVID epidemic. Okay. They’re. They’re able to have these prophetic powers because they’re the ones doing it, you understand? Very similar to how, uh, um, uh, what’s his name, Bernard Baruch, said, hey, if a war breaks out in Europe, uh, you know, and he said in 1912, if you. If war breaks out in Europe, you know, Linda, sympathetic ear, you know? That’s right. He was another one.

If war breaks out, like, he has nothing to do with it. So that’s another example. And then, of course, we all know about the peanut bunch before 911. We got to get ready. There could be a catastrophic terror attack, another Pearl harbor. It’s interesting that you say that. Not to derail this, but I was reading that book shadows of power by James Perloff the other day, and they were talking about something. Something about that in, like, world War two. They were. They were talking about, oh, we have to have. Without some sort of an event, we’re not going to be able to do anything.

And I was like, whoa, this is like, this sounds eerily familiar to the peanut agreement. So it’s like these guys have been. I mean, this has been their modus operandi for. For centuries. They always. They manipulate people into the. They either manipulate countries into conducting acts of war, or they do acts of war as a false flag and blame it on somebody else, all for the purposes of, you know, pushing their globalist agenda. That’s right. That’s how they do it. They do it countless times. And then. And then they pat themselves on the back. They come off looking as geniuses and prophets, and then everybody turns to them as the go to guydeh.

So that’s. That’s. That’s the deal with Schiff here. So he nailed it. And you go to the next panel, you’ll see the panic of 1907. Well, hold on. There’s one before that. There is that shift just behind Teddy Roosevelt. You see him right next to his shoulder. Yep. With the beard. And there’s Teddy. So he had open access. Teddy Roosevelt. And even Bernard Baruch at this time was. Was also rising. That or that early on. I mean, Baruch’s dynasty lasted almost 50 years. He started in his thirties and went out to his nineties. There’s the panic in 1907.

That’s how. And that’s how it would go down. Everybody would rush the bank, freak out, can’t get their money. But they had no idea of the type of monetary manipulations that had brought this about. So in response to this panic, what does Teddy Roosevelt do? He does what his masters tell him to do. He appoints a commission, and those things never end. Well, you got an official commissioner, Warren Commission, 911 commission. Well, this was a commission to study the panic of 1907 and make recommendations so it never happens again. And the chairman of the commission is Nelson Aldrich, the maternal grandfather of the five famous Rockefeller sons.

He was the father in law of John D. Rockefeller and grandfather of, you know, Nelson and David and that whole greasy bunch. And I’m just gonna. I’m just gonna speculate that the commission ultimately decided, you know what? We need a central bank. Well, they’re smart guys, Ron. They’re the best and the brightest. Come on. So I don’t know, that was just, it just seemed like that was just the logical. You know, it’s the same logical. That’s what they, that’s, that’s what they, that’s what they were looking up. It’s problem, reaction, solution. Hey, we’re gonna create the panic because we need to bring in more government or bigger government or something.

And I mean, it just. So basically what you’re saying, what you’re suggesting, and I totally agree with, is that 1907 was a manipulated stock market collapse for the purposes of saying, we need to do something to where we can make sure that this never happens again. So answer. And there are some prominent people who even said that back then. Mm hmm. Okay. Senator Owen of Idaho, I believe there’s some interesting quotes. So, yeah, I mean, that was. That was quite obvious. And like I said, even without a fed, and even with a gold standard, you could still make mischief, because fundamentally, you’ve got to get at the problem of fractional reserve banking, because whether there’s a fed, what the Fed does is exacerbates it.

It makes it an even bigger scam. But even without a fed, you can still run these scams and do some damage. So that’s what they did, and that was their recommendation. And, you know, this is very important groundwork in context to put down, because, you know, we all blame Woodrow Wilson for signing the Fed into law, okay? And, you know, of course he’s responsible. He did that. He’s being controlled by Baruch and war, Bergen Schiff. But he wasn’t, he didn’t originate it. And he just. He was just the man who signed on the dotted line. But he was.

He was the closer. He was essentially the closer. He’s the relief pitcher. Came in in the 9th inning. But old Teddy set that up. Yeah. So, you know, let’s reserve deservable bit of scorn and contempt for Teddy. Okay? Let’s not make it all for Woody. Teddy was terrible, but he particularly bothers me because, you know, he still maintains this illusion as this great american. Yeah. And he’s on freaking Mount Rushmore. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He needs to be blasted off. Yeah. So Mount Rushmore needs a serious makeover. I’m just saying. Yeah, yeah. I’ll leave it at that.

By the way, if you, if any, if you guys are on Twitter and you want to participate, you can ask questions in the comment section and we will see it. So. Because this is going live to both Twitter and rumble. So just FYI. So that’s, that’s what comes out of Aldrich’s commission is this idea that we’ve got. We’ve got to bring the central bank back, right? Oh, now this is in process. We fast forward to 1910. Teddy didn’t run again, the president is William Howard Taft, okay? He’s another constitutional conservative guy from Ohio. Teddy had originally endorsed them.

He thought he was a progressive like him. He was in favor of an income tax, but he was very clear that it should be only on corporations. Okay. He would never have supported the one that we got later on, which is on individuals. So the years 1910s, they said they’ve got, they’ve got, they got the whole idea in mind. Now it’s just a question of the strategy of it. How do, how do we bring it forward? So there’s the infamous secret meeting at Jekyll Island. I read many years ago Griffin’s book, the creature from Jekyll island, about a secret meeting in 1910.

Big shop bankers were all there. Now, this is not conspiracy theory, because what happened many years later, some of the attendees openly spoke about it. And so I’m going to read you this expert, you put that back up. This is right from Federal Reserve history.org. okay? So this, this is them saying this and admitting this, quote. A secret gathering at a secluded island off the coast of Georgia in 1910 laid the foundations for the Federal Reserve system. Now, if you had said that back then, they’d say you were a conspiracy theorist. But so this is interesting.

In November of 1910, six men, Nelson Aldrich ap out. Andrew Henry Davidson, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip, and Paul Warburg. Now, Warburg is considered the father of the United States Federal Reserve. So he was the brains behind the operation. And they met at Jekyll Island Club. That was JP Morgan’s club. JP Morgan, frontman for the Rothschilds off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, which is another word for conspiracy. And the participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s.

But the plan written on Jekyll island laid the foundation for the Federal Reserve system. So now they, they had, they had their crisis, they had their commission, now they’ve got their plan and it’s 1910. There’s one more obstacle if you go to the next panel. Well, there’s Jekyll island, this one. And. No, no, stay here. No, go down. We’re going in order. There’s Jekyll island, the club. There’s Paul Warburg, by the way, his brother Max Warburg was running the Morgan in Germany. Central bank. That’s JP Morgan. All right. Now this is the, this image here is from Jekyll Island, 2010.

It’s the hundred year anniversary of that event, that conspiratorial meeting. And there’s Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan. So now they celebrate it. It’s like, aha, we had a big conspiracy back then. Nobody knew. And that’s how we got the fed. So they actually went down there and they had a little shindig and a conference and they gave their speeches, took pictures. So they celebrate this. So that’s 2010. Okay, continue. Now there’s William Houritoft. He’s president. He’s not going to go along with this stuff. Okay. They weren’t going to kill him again. I don’t think a bullet can penetrate him.

He’s. The fact he’s got a robust, he’s kind of robust. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So what do you do, what do you do with a problem like William Howard Taft? I want to, I want to pause you for a second, I want to pause you for a second because I’ve got a couple of questions that somebody’s actually paid money for. So I want to ask them. Number one is ask Mike if Adam Schiff, now I’m, if Adam Schiff is descended from Jacob. I have no idea about that. But it’s nothing. It’s not an uncommon jewish name. It’s not common.

So, I mean, there’s no, has never been alleged or claimed or shown. I mean, but, you know, who knows? But I’ll tell you who is directly the rest, the descendant from shift, that that would be the husband of Korina Gore, the daughter of Al Gore. Marry the Schiff, the great grandson. Interesting. Okay, so another, another question. Same person wants to know about taft dad starting skull and bones. Yeah. He wasn’t. Yeah, he was a skull and bones. You know, these, these old college secret societies. I don’t use a lot of mischief you could do through secret societies, whether it’s the Freemasons or the skull and bones.

But I think we should be cautious of painting everybody with the same brush because some people just joined for, well, whatever connections, traditions, because there’s. There is a huge gulf, ideological, political gulf between the taps and some of these other characters who’ve destroyed America. And I. Look, if you look at their records, both President Taft as president and later on, chief justice of the Supreme Court, and also his son, Robert Taft. Robert cheated out of nomination in 1952. I mean, these guys are as solid as you can get. And I think that’s what you really need to look at.

He was one of the few. He voted. He voted against NATO. He spoke out against the Nuremberg tribunals. I mean, they were. The tasks were solid men. And he was. And he actually said that he was his biggest regret forever voting for the United nations. So I think that the skull and bones on a lot of the secret societies and things that they did a long time ago, I warrant, I think they were. They were. Started much more with a. With like a pure innocence, uh, but were ultimately penetrated and utilized for malevolent, uh, malevolence. But, uh.

But I think at the. At the outset of their creation, I don’t think they were created with malevolence in mind. Um, no, it’s, uh, it’s similar to, like, some of the men who were in the Freemasons. I mean, Andrew Jackson, Washington. These were girls, you know. Yeah. And then there’s. There’s another question that kind of. The. Kind of piggybacks on this, and this is just a weird question. How far back does the plan to destroy us go? I wake every day just shaking my head about everything I thought I knew was a lie. And I can absolutely appreciate that, SJ, 1000%, because I’ve asked myself that same question.

And I would say that, you know, if you’re asking me, I would say that the plan to really destroy this country really started off. I mean, right from the freaking get go. And it’s been. It’s been a, it’s been a tug of war. But I think that the, you know, at times, the, the deep state had the upper hand, and at times the Patriots had the upper hand. You know, you look at the, the first central bank, you know, the charter ended then, you know, it went away. And then there was another one that was created and that was the one that Jackson paid off.

Then there wasn’t another central bank until the Federal Reserve. And when they did, at that time, they did it with a lot more sophistication and, and trickery. You know, one of the things that I say that people don’t know is that when they were, and when they were. When, when the Federal Reserve legislation was being debated, the bankers actually took out articles in the major papers of the day saying that they didn’t want the legislation to pass. So it was a complete reverse psychology because the people thought, well, if the bankers don’t want this, then it must be a good thing.

So, I mean, there, there was a lot of chicanery going along in the background with this. But to answer your question, I think, you know, there’s always been forces out there that were anti, you know, the United States in terms of where it’s, you know, its role in the world with its come with our constitution and whatnot. But I don’t really think that it got into, it kicked into high gear until the early part of the, of the 20th century with the progressive movement and trying to get rid of people in opposition. You know, the, you know, Taft, McKinley, people like that sinking of the Titanic with the, the majority, the major businessmen who were invited onto the Titanic by JP Morgan, who bailed out at the last minute.

I mean, there’s a lot of things that went on there. So I would say that the core of what we are dealing with and facing today really began with the progressive movement in the early part of the 20th century, the early 19 hundreds. Then, of course, the follow up with the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. All of the foundations, the tax free foundations that essentially funded education and all these people to essentially manipulate the information that was going to go in textbooks for the purposes of brainwashing american children from a ripe young age. So anyway, anything that you want to piggyback on what I just said there, Mike? Well, in my summary of the new world order crash course nwo, you can get this on Amazon.

I got some of my books back on Amazon. I’m not gonna put my world War two stuff. They won’t allow that, but crash course nwo, 250 years of globalist conspiracy in just 1 hour. Mike S. King I begin the story in 1776 with the founding of the Illuminati because that’s actually the moment in time where you can begin to actually document stuff and have hard evidence of conspiratorial networks. And out of that grew the French Revolution. And even at the beginning of the republic, they had their. Their assets here. Um, but beyond that, there’s not. There’s not much you can sink your teeth into.

But just from inference and bits and pieces, it seems like it goes on through several centuries, at least, maybe in an informal source. The shifts in the rot and the Rothschild share the family in the early 17 hundreds. They shared a home. They were doing money lending business. So it’s deep. I want to give a shout out to Tim, who’s watching this on Twitter. So thank you, Tim. Appreciate it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So amazing. Mind blowing, to say the least, to hear the complete scumbaggery that exists in our history. His story very apropos there and still apparently continues to today, for the love of money, 100%.

So, again, thank you, Tim. Appreciate your participation. Next, we have. Now we have the obstacle of Taft. He’s the incumbent. He’s popular. Republicans have won every presidential election since 1860 to the. Up until the modern day. Up until that time, the only exception was Grover Cleveland. And the only. The only. The only reason he snuck in there is because Garfield was assassinated. And then he had his vice president finished his term, but he didn’t want to run. Garfield would have been president for eight years. So you had a dynasty at a republican dynasty, and there’s no way they’re going to get rid of Taft, because on top of everything, he’s an incumbent now, too.

So they hatched a plot to bring Teddy Roosevelt again, our friend, out of mothballs. Bernard Baruch, ran this project. The same Bernard Baruch who used to. You know that famous quote from FDR, son in law, brought Woodrow Wilson to New York Democrat headquarters, leading him like a poodle on a string. He also goes to Teddy, plays on his ego, says, we need you back. So Teddy throws his hat into the ring. Third party splits the republican vote, and Woodrow Wilson is elected president with only 41% of the vote. So that’s a totally fraudulent election. That kind of stuff should not be permitted.

You can’t just, you know. We’re going to recruit a candidate just so we could take votes from another candidate. Right? Totally corrupt. But that’s how they got Woodrow Wilson elected. And, you know, he paid. He paid off. I want to find that. I want to find. Yeah, I want to find that. I want to find that. That thing that I have from that book. It’s actually really apropos, but if I can’t find it, then it’s the, it’s the five things that talked, talked about leading was the book by Curtis B. Dahl, FDR, my exploited father in law, basically talks about how Bernard Baruch brought in Woodrow Wilson and I, uh, Teddy Roosevelt into the democratic headquarters and essentially made them guarantee that they would apply or that they would adhere to the five principles.

Number one was make sure the 16th Amendment got passed for the graduated income tax, make sure the Federal Reserve legislation got passed, make sure that the 17th Amendment was passed so that this. So that they could reconfigure how the senators were elected to Congress. Because at that time, senators were elected by the states. And it was very, it was very difficult to manipulate the state elections for senators. So they went to a direct vote, which is a total violation. I mean, and I still to this day, do not know how. How and why the states ever gave that up.

But I actually, I don’t think that, that that amendment was ever fully, truly ratified. I think it was just declared as ratified. The fourth thing was to lend a sympathetic ear if war were to break out in Europe. And then the fifth thing was be amenable to whoever we want you to put onto your cabinet in the government. So both Taft wanted nothing to do with that, but both Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt were amenable to it. And just like in 1992, they split the vote with a third party candidate and made sure that Wilson, who was really not involved in politics in any way, may shape better reform, except for being like a governor for a year in New Jersey.

You know, he became president and he was very easily controlled. Yeah, well, they cleared their path for him and they had blackmail dirt on him. This is confirmed from Benjamin Friedman, who was personal secretary, Bernard, as a young man. So they had him by the balls and they preferred him over Teddy. Okay, because, you know, with, with Teddy, he could always go off on his own. But when you got that kind of blackmail dirt on someone, they, they rode Wilson hard. Wilson had no choice. They. They wrote him to a stroke. He ended up with a stroke in his last year in office.

So that’s. That’s how the election of 1912 went down and Wilson becomes president. Besides the, the Federal Reserve act into law and the. The leading opposition to it at the time, well, there are many, but Congressman Charles Lindbergh, the father of the famous aviator, yes. He really went out these people hard and he exposed them. And I. And I believe they killed his grandson, the Lindbergh baby, because of this years later, very strange anomalies regarding that event. But that dates back to then they hated the Lindberghs because the Lindberghs were powerful, especially when the sun crossed the Atlantic.

He became an instant legend. So very similar to how they killed. They had some formidable adversaries in the form of the Lindberghs, especially the sun. Very similar to how they killed some of the Kennedys. Yeah. Yeah. That’s what they do. They’ll go after. Go after you. They’ll go after your kids. So if you bring that, uh, exhibit up, there’s this cartoon there want to show you, if you go, okay, well, there’s Nelson Aldrich, and this is an opposition cartoon. The original idea, it was called the National Reserve association, the coming money Trust. And. And that’s so accurate, that cartoon that the.

This, this monopoly, this money monopoly, would, in due time, control industry, government, education, everything. They called it the Octopus, the Aldrich plan. And it was originally killed because it was too controversial. So they went back to the drawing board, did a little tweak here and there, little marketing, a little reverse psychology like you spoke about with. They had some odious bankers come out and say, we’re against this stuff like that. But they repackaged it, and they. Then they renamed it to the Federal Reserve system. And all three elements of that name are fraudulent because it’s not federal, it’s privately owned, just like the first two central banks.

And even the ownership, the main shareholders, all of that stuff is murky, traces back to Europe. So it’s not federal, it’s not reserved. They don’t hold reserves. They hold debt as reserves, and they create money out of thin air. It’s not like you go to the fed and there’s stacks of gold there. And it’s not a system either. They found a much. Yeah. Can you hear me? I found a much sharper cartoon of this, the coming money trust. And you can see here, you’ve got the US treasury here, the White House, the Capitol, and then it says the National Reserve association, the New York Stock Exchange, and Wall street, the bank, the farm and the factory.

So it’s like this, this octopus, this evil octopus that’s only interested in money, private syndicates, is basically strangling the entire country, whether it be the government or whether it be Wall street, government Street or Main street. It’s. I mean, it’s. It’s going after every facet of society, right? And that’s exactly how it turned out to be. So that cartoon was very prophetic. But they. So they changed the name. The Federal reserve system. And I talked about federal is fraudulent, and reserve is fraudulent. They gave the name system to create the illusion that is somehow decentralized. It’s not New York.

We got branches. And if you pull out bills out of your wallet and you’ll see the various letters on the bills, they all correspond to different cities. There’s the Federal Reserve of Denver, the Federal Reserve of Chicago, of Dallas, Atlanta, etcetera. But there’s only one that. That’s all. That’s all a smoke screen. It’s not centralized, okay? I mean, it’s not decentralized. It is an absolute central bank. They couldn’t call it a central bank. That’s why they call it the Federal Reserve system. Make it sound innocuous, benign, but it’s not. It’s that octopus. And there’s a great quote from Lindbergh’s father, Charles Lindbergh.

When they, after that bill died and they repackaged it, they said, this is the Aldrich bill all over again in disguise. That’s exactly what it was. He says it right here. The Federal Reserve establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. Trust monopoly. When the president Wilson signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized. Sounds like he’s been reading Q posts. Seriously above. If you look at this headline above, you want to talk about fake news? Okay. After it passed, I think this is New York Times, new era, new era near, say, bankers praising Federal Reserve.

The United States may become a creditor nation, not a borrower. Can you believe, I mean, can you believe that? Saying that with a straight face, that may become a creditor nation. What’s the national debt these days, Ron? Yeah, it’s, it’s, I think I want to say with unfunded liability, and you’re not even including unfunded liabilities right now. The national debt’s like 35 trillion. But if you, if you include unfunded liabilities, it goes into like, I think I want to say it’s like almost 100 to 150, maybe even $200 trillion. Hey, look at this sub headline here.

Businesses to expand, panics no longer feared. So I guess they didn’t foresee 1929 and 1997, 2008. The current panics no longer feared. So that’s the kind of fake news. The debt clock, we’ve got three. We got 35 trillion in national debt credited. Go down to the unfunded liabilities. It’s 200. Just. The unfunded liabilities are $217 trillion. Yep. That’s just on Social Security liability. Yeah. None of this is possible without the Federal Reserve and without the severance of the gold standard. Correct. Which these people did. Who told us no more debt, no more panics. So this, this is high level criminality.

It’s not just, it’s not a government blunder. And, and of course, I mean, what would you, how could anything good come out of secret meetings? And there’s a whole story there. Um, they met in secret. And they use code. No, they only, they use code names. No first names. We’re all going to meet in Hoboken in the back of Senator Aldrich’s train, cardinal, and we’re going to go down to Georgia. I mean, it was cloak and dagger stuff. They admit this, they wrote about it years later. How could anything good. Correct. So, yeah, well, next we have, next we have a newspaper, or a newspaper of the predecessor.

President and signature enacts currency law. Wilson declares it was the first of a series of constructive acts to aid business. God, what a joke that is. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Mister Warburg, Mister Schiff, Mister Baruch. By the way, as this is going on, World War one is being planned to erupt in Europe the following year. And the timing is critical because the US would need a central bank and an income tax to fund that operation as well. So it’s the same players. So it all goes hand in hand. The Fed and the world War one.

Uh, very, very dark stuff. Very, very interesting activities. This is, this is interesting. The, uh, the, it’s the picture of the, of the $5 bill. Yeah, let me shrink it a little so that I can get them both on here. Uh, yeah, the one up top is the one you’ll see in your wallet all the bills, federal or reserve? No, the one on the bottom, issued in 1963, president was John F. Kennedy. It says United States note. So that came direct from the treasury as opposed to the Fed. Meaning it was spent into circulation, not loaned into circulation.

That’s a big no no. Is this a silver certificate, like payable to the bearer on demand? Five. $5 of silver. I don’t know what it says on the back. It might, it might be. I know they also issued silver coins that year, or partially silver. And every once in a while you’ll come across them. They have a distinctive ting to them. If you get that one of those in your pocket, hold on to. It’s probably worth like $3 in terms of silver content. I think I found one here. Let’s see if this is. It doesn’t see here.

This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, because it says United States notes. And on the back it doesn’t say anything but. Yeah, that’s what all of our currency should say that, you know. So. Thousand percent agree. Yep. So let’s see here, what we got next. Yeah, there’s another coincidence. All these. All these hard money guys and all the. All these debt free currency guys, they end up. Dad, you know, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley. Well, Todd didn’t die, but he was cheated out of office. Now you got JFK. Interesting pattern. Of course, JFK did a lot of other things, too, to piss off the powers that be, you know, pressuring Israel on the nukes.

I mean, threatening to bust up the CIA. Yeah, yeah. And he messed. He pissed off the mob, he pissed off the. I mean, he pissed off. He pissed off Cuba and he pissed off everybody. Yeah, yeah. But so he was. Yeah, he was his father’s son, that’s for sure. I was reading an interesting quote by him as a. He was a. When he was a member of the House of representatives in the late forties, he said something on the floor that it’s like, hey, you know what? It’s like? This is despicable. All of the land that we fought and died for in Eastern Europe, in Asia, is all being like, just given away haphazardly to the communists.

Yeah, I mean, he said that from the congressional floor. I was like, whoa. I didn’t even know that. I mean, I knew he was a senator, but I didn’t realize that he was also a. He was a friend in. So Porter, as was Bobby. Of Joe McCarthy. Yes. So, you know, I mean, it’s not till you get to Teddy that the Kennedy’s turn rotten. But Papa Joe John, you know, RFK. So. But that’s, that. That’s why. And certainly the Fed is part of this. This mix. Well, now we’re going to get into some meat and potatoes here because this is from the Hill audit the Fed.

Fed bill gets new push under Trump. And this is from. I don’t see when this is within the speaker. That was. That was either early in his presidency or during the campaign. So he did speak about this often, auditing the Fed. Now you get the naysayers say, well, he was there for four years. Nothing happened. You know what? Be patient, because when he comes back, he’s going to have dictatorial powers and you’re going to see what he’s going to do. You couldn’t move against the Fed in 2017. 2018. What are you, nuts? But he planted the seeds.

And I believe he did take control of the Fed because it’s interesting. You haven’t seen any rate cuts these last two years. I mean, Trump is coming back, and the globalists have the ability to stop him. You would think if they still control the Fed, they could drop the rates, create a little economic boom, and all of a sudden, people will love Biden again. But they’re not. But he did say that on several occasions. He also said, this is NPR. Trump favors returning to the gold standard. Few economists agree. Oh, surprise, surprise. You know, of course they do.

You can buy, they like the debt based system. You could buy an economist like, you could buy a crack whore. Same principle. Okay. Now he’s elected president in six weeks, in office on March 15, 2017. That’s the birthday of Andrew Jackson. Where does Trump go? He goes to the hermitage in Tennessee. If you could scroll a little bit so we can see that better to pay homage to Andrew Jackson. No, no, up. I want to see the picture where he’s. Is it up or down? Okay. He’s saluted. There it is right there, playing a wreath. And he’s saluting at the tomb of Andrew Jackson.

And he later spoke at the event. Jackson’s his favorite president. I see so many parallels between what they did to him, they’re doing to me, etc. Etc. Cetera. So he’s made it clear that Andrew Jackson is his favorite president. Below that, you see the portrait in the Oval Office. There’s old hick. This is above his desk. Okay. That’s not by accident. He placed them there. Obama didn’t have him there. Nope. So. And, you know, the media went nuts when he did this because, you know, supposedly Andrew Jackson was mean to the Indians. That’s all bullshit. Story to trail of tears.

The exaggerated story. How many people know Andrew Jackson actually adopted an indian orphan child, raised him as his own? So he was not a cruel man by any means. So there’s Andrew Jackson surrounded by gold everywhere. We scroll down a little bit. And this is. This was big for me because had it not been for Trump, our ATM’s in 2020 would have been spitting out $20 bills with Harriet Tubman on it instead of Jackson. Obama did that. Okay. Andy was coming off the bill in 2020. Trump got in there first order very early on. Not on my watch.

Treasury secretary. Nope. We’re keeping Andrew Jackson. There’s NPR. Not on Trump’s watch. Yeah, not on my watch. Yeah. Now this is. We go below. This is from truth social. He posted this. Trump did, or he reposted it. Nothing can stop what’s coming. That’s. That’s pure Q lingo. Nothing can stop what’s coming nothing. Right? This is so many examples of this. Trump telling us, by the way, me and Q are working together, the Q operation. So this is a repost. But, you know, they select reposts for a purpose. But over his shoulder there, that little statuette. Go back.

You know, that is, yeah, that’s Andrew Jackson. That’s Andrew Jackson, again, the little statue. Okay. And these are just a few examples, Ron. I mean, he kept doing this. There’s an Andrew Jackson fixation here. What’s going on with that? This historical personage from nearly two centuries ago? Why is Trump so enamored with him? Because he’s the one who killed the second central bank and Trump is going to kill the fed, or at least fundamentally reform and reshape it in such a manner. That’s an honest monetary system. So that’s what he’s telling Andrew Jackson. A lot of people don’t know Andrew Jackson was much more than just a president.

I mean, he was also, he also was the defender of New Orleans on the battle of New Orleans when they beat the British. And I mean, they were outnumbered grossly. And he had some tactics. I mean, he, he was, he was extreme. He was extremely involved. Was it was, did he ever get to be a general or was he just a get to highest general? Jackson. And he was a general, okay. And that was an interesting force he put together. It was very diverse for the day. You know, blacks, Indians, it was a people’s army. But he was always like, he was a populist, was always a populist as a military man, political leader.

As a young boy, he just hated and despised the British. So he’s much like Trump. He rose to this high position, but everything about him was truly for the people. And they had it, they headed in for him from day one to, you know, what he endorsed is a survived, basically the Trump story of the day. They hit him with everything. Okay. Yes, exactly correct. Very, very well said. Very well said. And this is, this is interesting, this article, I don’t know if it also showed up in Yahoo. Finance, but I do remember seeing something about this.

But this is, there was an article, this is from Bloomberg here, but it’s called the Fed’s cure risks being worse than the disease. An Alphabet soup of new buying programs will essentially nationalize large swaths of the financial markets. And the consequence could be profound. But going down here, I’m not going to read the entire thing, but there’s one thing that I want to say, says there, to put it bluntly, the Fed isn’t allowed to do any of this. The central bank is only allowed to purchase or lend. That’s not here. It is. In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large loss of the financial markets.

The Fed is providing the money to do it. Blackrock will be doing the trades. The scheme essentially merges the Fed and treasury into one organization. So meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump. Wow. Good find. You know, I’m aware of these stories, but this is the first one I’ve seen that you can, like, directly source that kind of language to so called mainstream media. And so these kind of things are always uniquely powerful because they really make your point. Yeah. In 2008, when something similar was done, it was on a smaller scale since few understood it.

But the Bush, the Bush Obama ceded total control to those acronym programs to then fair chairman Ben Bernanke. He unwound them at first available opportunity. But now, twelve years later, we have a much better understanding of how they work. So anyway, the whole point here is that Trump, Trump understanding the financial markets better than probably any president thus far. He is in this to do some very good things. And there’s a couple of articles that were written by some of the Badlands guys that talk a lot about this. And I’ll send those over to you, Mike.

I think you’d find some very interesting material in them that basically backs up some of the things that you’re talking about. And who knows, maybe taking from that material that we could even do a part two of this show because it would be some stuff that would even be more in depth. But I’ll send those to you and we can communicate and decide if we want to go down that road or nothing. But this, there’s some, there’s some really interesting stuff here about Trump and the Fed. And, you know, I have a very good friend of mine who is involved with this, and he, and I asked him about rate cuts, and he says, yeah, he says there are rate cuts that are built into the September numbers.

So I believe that we are going to see some rate cuts specifically because they want to try to get the economy moving a little bit, because they don’t, to give Harris a little bit of an edge, but it’s ultimately going to fail. So it’s ultimately going to fail. But I do believe that we are going to see some minimal rate cuts in September and October just to try to get things moving a little bit for the pre election. Well, that’ll be Trump doing it. I guess he hits the ground running already have momentum because Powell is his, is his boy.

And this is also unprecedented, that Trump got rid of a Fed chairman. That’s a big no no. You don’t do that. Technically, her term was up, but what happens is your term is up. You just get another one appointed. Yellen. Talking about Yellen. Trump shit canned her, essentially, and put Powell in there. And she was already trying to undermine him early on. So that’s another huge indicator. Where’d you get this power to essentially fire a Fed chairman? Nobody does that. They tell the president the money. Masters tell the president to give you a list. So technically, the president appoints Greenspan, or Bernanke isn’t a point.

If you ever want. If you ever question that, all you got to do is find the clip of Bernanke. Excuse me, of Greenspan, who comes out and basically flaunts it. It’s like, yeah, well, you know, we are unique in the fact that. No, we. We are under no supervision of the government. I mean, he was. He was asked questions about where the money go at a hearing. It was a Senate hearing. He said, well, I can’t tell you. Right? So, you know, but now comes Trump, and it’s like, Janet, you’re out. It’s things. Things have changed.

I think at the end of this document, I have a Q post, if I’m not mistaken. Let’s see, we left off with. No, it’s off. That’s. That’s the last picture, is the. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Do you know? Okay, well, if you go to Q alert, it’s one of the very. Might be the very last one. Most recent or very close, because Q disappeared and then he resurfaced in 2022 with, like, a handful of posts, and then he was gone again. If you put who end the endless. Here we go. This is descending. It’s one of the most recent.

This is. This is descending order. Okay. Yeah, this is. This is 1127. Any. Right there in the center. Who are the silent thieves? Why are they manipulating you? How are they stealing your wealth? Bubble, crash, steal, lie, repeat. What is inflation, monetary manipulation, taxation without representation? All caps. Put an end to the endless. 1913 jew. Okay, who will put an end to the endless? And then the one prior actually asked that question. Who will put an end to the endless? So who put in taking control? Q. Exactly. We’re going to. We’re going to kill us. Wars, endless infection, endless printing, endless oppression, endless subjugation, endless surveillance.

Who will put an end to the endless? And obviously, they’re talking about the, you know, white hats or patriots or whatever. So. So that’s why I’m very optimistic. Trump. Thank you. Through coded language, some cryptic, some not so cryptic, have made it clear that they’re going to kill this evil institution. And, um, you know, that’s. That’s very exciting. Can’t happen fast enough, brother return, because when he comes back, he’s going to be able to do whatever the hell he wants. Yeah. And, you know, I, you know, I know it’s probably sacrosanct to, to compare Trump to Hitler, but, you know, I’m looking and looking at 1930s Germany, thirty’s Germany, but I think it.

I think it’s. I think it’s apropos. And I’m not saying this because I’m trying to be laudatory about Hitler. Not at all. What I am saying, though, is there is a historical precedent for a country to come back from basically the depths of despair in a very rapid fashion. If you look at what happened from 1934 to 1936 in Germany, while the rest of the world was mired in depression, the Germany came back and had the. And had the greatest standard of living in the world in just two years. And now, granted, we are not Germany.

We are a much bigger country. And there’s, you know, it’s a little bit different timeframe. But that said, if we have the right leader and we have the right mentality, that, you know, I mean, when Trump talks about it coming back fast, he’s not lying. And I truly believe that with, with the, with, you know, laying the foundation for, you know, using digital assets, blockchain technology, for transparency, for rapid transfer of money. I mean, the system of money. I say this all the time. You know, it’s. It would be faster for you to go get a.

If you needed to send. Let’s just say you needed to send $10,000 to China for something. It would be faster for you to go get $10,000 out of the bank, put it in cash, fly it to China and hand it over. That would be faster than if you send it electronically. If you send electronically, it takes five days anywhere in the world. And I just, I just had a fellow from Germany wire me money to buy some books. I said, be careful with that stuff in Germany. Keep a brown bag on it. It took a week for it to hit my account, his payment week.

So it’s a wire, I mean, international transfer. So, I mean, that’s. And. And it’s all done on the swift system, which basically controls, you know, that. What did they do? They took Russia off of swift. You know, that was the whole point of trying to sanction Russia so that they couldn’t, they couldn’t take part in the global economy. Well, when, when we have a global economy that’s going to be based on blockchain with transparency and a lot of this other stuff, and they’re not going to have the regulations like they do, and it’s going to be decentralized.

Things are going to, you know, the velocity of money is going to be so fast and things are going to start, to start to happen on a much, much more rapid scale. Things you’re not even going to believe how fast things come back. It’s, it’s, it’s going to be, it’s going to be mind boggling. Your head’s going to spin so much. I mean, I’m truly excited for that. Yeah. Well, you know, you have, you have to infer that a team this brilliant an operation is brilliant, this tactical, this methodical, that put this whole storm together, that they also have the plans for the economic stuff already in place.

I don’t think it’s going to be a situation where Trump goes in there. It’s like, okay, let’s. Let’s begin fixing this. I think it’s all ready to go. I agree. It doesn’t make sense. They thought out everything. They’ve thought out everything. It’s just, just phenomenal. When I, and I go back and I read the cube posts and rereading them and seeing stuff that I missed and just seeing, I just, the way things unfold, you know, I wonder what kind of supercomputers they put together to help model this stuff because they didn’t miss anything so. Right. It would be really incongruent to think that they missed economic stuff.

So I don’t think that we’re going to be winging that stuff with congressional committees and commissions and all that, I think everything is ready to go. And I hear all these stories about the, the system, the Gesara, then the SaR. I don’t know. I can’t confirm. I don’t have inside knowledge. But what I do feel confident about is whatever they got cooked up is ready to go. Well, I’m not, for the record, I’m not a big fan of the whole Nassar Gesara thing. I don’t. I don’t necessarily agree with that. However, I do think that there are certain elements of the Nassar Jisara that are going to be implemented, but it’s not going to be under the banner of an asara and Jasara isn’t.

Jasara is a global thing. The Sarah is more of a national thing. And Jasara is basically taking whatever’s going to be happening in the United States and just, you know, applying it internationally. And I, you know, there’s no international community to do that other than the United nations, and I doubt they’re going to implement something like that. But the, you know, in terms of the debt jubilee, you know, what we’re going to come into, as I see it, is if we’re going to come into a system where there’s sound money, you’re not going to be bringing debt based money or.

Because in this. In this. This system, it’s freaking taught. It’s upside down from the standpoint where debt is considered an asset, and, you know, how in the world is debt considered an asset? So when we come into a world where debt is not going to be an asset, I tend to think that there may be some debt jubilee to get rid of that so that we, you know, mathematically impossible. What are we up to now? Like, 70% of income tax revenues are consumed just for interest on it? I mean, there has to be. There has to be elimination of the debt like Napoleon did when he came to power.

You’re free of your debts, so the Rothschild start funding the British. Right? But, you know, everything Trump says has meaning. All this cryptic stuff, it’s not that, like, we’re loony and we’re hanging on every word and trying to decipher, yeah, people do get carried away with some of that stuff, but a lot of what he says is meaning you have to listen. And what did he say that created a firestorm last year? He says, they asked him, are you going to be an authoritarian if you get back in office? I’m only a dictator for one day.

I interpret that is everything that needs to be done is going to happen fast. Boom. Right. And put in place. So, yeah, it has to be. I’m absolutely certain that they’ve thought this through. Otherwise, what’s the point of having a storm rescuing us and then leaving us all battered just because the deep state’s gone? It doesn’t solve the problem if everybody’s, like, in that, poor and broken. So I believe they have radical plans for the recovery to follow the plans to lie. I want to ask you a quick question that’s not really related to what we’re talking about here, but I’m sure that in the audience, there’s a lot of people who want to know, and that is, what do you make of the Trump of the Trump saying when that there’s not going to be any more elections.

Speaker one. Yeah, this seemed to, there was some kind of code for that. And if you want to, I hope we’ll be under some kind of military regime. I would prefer we stay under some kind of military regime, at least for the foreseeable future. Okay. Because, I mean, come on, normies got us into this mess and we’re just going to say, okay, we’re going to go back to mob voting. Maybe that’s what that indicates. Maybe he’s talking about a different way of voting. I mean, there’s some kind of, some kind of code there, right? I don’t buy it because I make no bones about the fact I’m not a big fan of democracy, you know, at all.

Well, we are not. Okay. The term democracy is, does not appear in any of our founding documents. It does not. It doesn’t. But, you know, even if you have a republic and people are voting, I’m not a big fan of that either, unless there’s something put in place where just like when you go for a driver’s license, you need to demonstrate some level of competence in terms of evaluating political matters, philosophies. We just, that something in depth. You can’t just show. We had that initially. We had that initially when voting. Voting in the early 18 hundreds.

What you, in order, in order for you to be qualified to vote, you had to own property and you only got one vote per household when they opened up, voting for every single person, regardless of your status, you know, what they did is they did that so that they could flood the place with votes of people who didn’t have skin in the game. And, you know, and I think the most, I think for me, what I like is using the term skin in the game. If you don’t have any skin in the game, then you don’t get to vote.

And to me, skin in the game is either owning property, owning a business, owning something that, that, you know, where you, you know, you benefit from the political process in some way. But people who are benefiting from the process by getting a freaking check from the government in terms of a welfare check for subsidy, they should not be allowed to continue to vote for that person to make property and is successful. I mean, I have to be subject to his. I have no problem. I have no, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I’m just my preference.

I like Hitler’s system, you know, well, he had voting military system. But, you know, if the white hats rescue us and pull this off. They should stay in power in perpetuity and put their own commander in there. And that might sound like a very radical, extreme idea, but just remember how we got into this mess. And in the same way that democracy will turn to shit, I think one can make the case a constitutional republic in due time could turn into a democracy and then turn into shit. I’m just, I’m just not a big fan of, you know, mob, mob voting, you know, unless you could really strength it, too.

But that’s gonna, that’s gonna be a tough sell, too, because everybody knows condition. Well, I have my rights. You can’t tell me I can’t vote, you know, so I don’t know. That would be my dream world. Maybe there would be like a combination of things, like a certain iq, a certain employment history. You know, I mean, you go for an apartment or job, you have to have certain qualifications, right? So. Right, so talking about something like that. But I was just, that, I was just assumed that the cute team run things for a long time. Yeah.

You know, you know, it’s, it reminds me of the movie gladiator when, well, you know, when at the very beginning when he brings Russell Crowe in this, in his chamber and he says, you know what? I, I’m going to pass you the, my powers because I want Rome to be a republic again. Do you accept this honor that I’ve given you? And he says, with all my heart, no. And he’s like, don’t you understand this? Exactly why it has to be you? Because you don’t want it, right? Yeah. You don’t want the power. And see, what we have right now is we’ve got too many people who want the power.

And when they want the power, they’re, they operate under, they operate under, you know, pretenses that they want to control stuff. And that’s not, that’s not a healthy place to be. We need people. I’d say. I’m not a big fan of term limits. I am a fan of reducing the bureaucracy because in we, I was just talking about this with the constitution class before. The term limits have actually destroyed California. Because every time that you bring in a new person, what you have is you. Hi, buddy. What you have is, you know, basically they’re just clones of the last person.

So, but when you have new people coming in and you’ve got the bureaucracy and the staff that’s behind the scenes, that’s, that’s been there forever, you know, regardless of party, they’re the ones who tell the people how to vote. So there’s a lot of nuance that needs to be repaired in our country, so, but, and I don’t have, you know, we’re not going to get to it in the next five minutes, so. But anyway, we’re a little bit over time tonight. So, Mike, thank you for your time tonight. This, I think this was one of our best shows.

Honestly, I really do. I think this was a fantastic show. A lot of good engagement and thank you, Tim. Appreciate you. Thank you. Appreciate you for, for joining in on Twitter. Sorry, not, not to single everything, not to single him out, but I’m trying to get more on Twitter now, so, but thank you, everybody, for, for tuning in and for Mike and for his time. And we will be back, Lord willing, next Tuesday, same bad time, same bad channel. And any final words there, Mister King, where people can find you and all that good stuff? Well, right now this is my main project is getting this up to search engine at Amazon.

It’s available@realnewsandhistory.com. but it’s doing quite well, which means it goes up the search engines and normies discover it. And that’s important. We can’t just speak to the choir. So you’ll be doing that too, if you purchase a bunch of these crash course nwo, 250 years of global conspiracy, just 1 hour. It’s only 70 pages. And it really gives you a good framework for understanding and appreciating this problem. So you can get that on Amazon. So, yeah, Ron gets you a special deal if you want to join in. And you want to get all of his PDF’s.

That’s right. Yeah. And I tell you guys, you know, I’ve read several of Mike’s book on my channel, and every time I read them, I’m like, wow, I had no idea. I learned, I learned a lot. And this man has changed the way I have thought about a lot of stuff, you know, and, you know, given, giving me some, given me unique perspective that I otherwise wouldn’t have had. And you know what I mean? Mike and I don’t, we don’t, we’re not congruent on every topic. We do. We have disagreements, too. So. And that’s okay, you know, but, you know, the one thing that you cannot take away from Mike is his, his knowledge and ability to connect dots.

And he is exceptional at that. So you guys, if you haven’t gotten his, his PDF’s, by all means, go get support him@realnewsandhistory.com. and if you do backslash, Ron. You’ll get, you’ll get a little special deal, and then definitely go get a couple of his nine. Well, he’s got 911 crash course and nwo crash course. Both are great to have on a coffee table. And they’re, they’re great for gifts, birthday gifts, and even coming up for the holidays. So, anyway, on that note there, Mike, appreciate your time, sir, and look forward to seeing you again next week, okay.

Unless anything else happens. So, hey, appreciate everybody. Have a great night. Enjoy your evening, and I will see you tomorrow. Have a great night, everybody. Good night. Bye.



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