And we are live, everybody. Welcome to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron partain, and it is Tuesday, meaning it’s Tuesdays with Mike. And I know everybody’s, that’s like, brother, I tell you what, I get more. More people wanting to, you know, they look forward to Tuesday with you than anything. It’s like, it’s insane. The, you know, the volume of email and communications that I get, you know, in support of you is just off the chart. So that’s, that’s, that’s good to hear. I tried my best. Yeah, well, you do a very good job. But that’s good.
That’s good that there’s still people, uh, interested in history. And that’s what I try to do, is to convey to people the idea that, um, it’s all one story. Historical events aren’t just past things. And then when you understand that, that it’s all part of the same novel comes, uh, becomes more interesting. Right. That’s exactly right. And I’m glad you said that, because it is so true. We don’t, you know, I I’ve told a couple of people, like, look, I don’t, I don’t really hold back on my channel in terms of things that I like. I mean, there’s nothing that is off limits for me.
I’ll talk about politics, geopolitics, history. I’ll talk about health. I’ll talk about finance. I mean, I’ll talk about anything, because it’s all interconnected. It’s all interconnected. Sports, music, entertainment. I mean, everything is there. Everything is done. You know, it’s all, it’s all been weaponized for the specific reasons of getting people to, to, to a place of basically total and other confusion. Yeah. It’s kind of, it’s spelled out in the protocols of Zion, covers everything. Mm hmm. Meet media, religion, academia, sports, economy, etc. So it’s all part of one matrix. And we live in the matrix. We absolutely live in a matrix.
Yeah. And was it you that was telling me about the guys who created the Matrix and how they, they transitioned, and now they’re like, they’re, they’re really regretting it, and they’re trying to go out and tell everybody not to transition. Was it without you to know? I heard. I heard. I heard about those characters. I I was just never clear if they were sending us a warning or if they were putting that movie in our face. It could work either way. Wachowski brothers probably mocking us. I would think. I would think so, yeah. I would think that it was definitely well, no, actually, I think.
I think they genuinely bought into the bullshit, and then once they actually did it, they’re like, what the fuck have we just done? And now they. You know, now they’re trying to warn people, don’t do it. So I tend to think that there’s a little bit of that going on, but I could be wrong. I mean, I don’t know. Yeah, I just. I just don’t know. So now tonight, we’re going to be talking about John F. Or that, well, the Kennedy curse and kind of who is behind it. So on that said, I actually have a.
I have a document that you sent to me, so I don’t know why I didn’t have the chat up, but let me pull the chat up, because I want to make sure that I’m able to see the interactions. But do you want me. Let me know when you’re ready for me to share the. To share the document? Yeah, I’m ready. I’m going to work off of it. Yeah. Fired. Okay, let’s do it, then. All right, let’s see. See? Present. And what I intend to demonstrate is that the Kennedy curse is not anything metaphysical. Okay. Or supernatural, actually, I’m gonna.
I’m gonna stop this. I’m gonna. I’m gonna print. I’m gonna do it a different way. Because it came in a. The format that it came in was kind of difficult to manipulate. So shrink that. Yeah. You want me to shrink it or make it bigger? Well, ideally, I would like to be able to see the whole image on one screen, if that’s possible. Otherwise, we could just play with it. Yes. There you go. Okay, so we begin the story with the patriarch, the Kennedy family. That’s Joseph P. Kennedy. Very wealthy businessman, Irish Catholic. And he was, you know, at a time when this was basically an anglo saxon, northeastern establishment country.
The Irish Catholics felt a little bit left out, so they looked at people like Kennedy as their. As a hero. He’s a boy who made it big. Of course, he was never fully accepted by that anglo jewish northeastern establishment, but he was a wealthy financier, very ambitious man, and he had big plans for his. His children. And the. I traced the Kennedy curse to the. The hatred for this man. Okay. The. The anglo jewish elite came to hate this man, and I’m going to explain why. Scroll down a little bit. I think I have some writing beneath that.
Okay. Now that. That’s this. That was a book. 2013 Pulitzer Prize finalist. That book, the patriarch, it was not a very flattering book. Okay. I’m going to read you the description. I think I got this off of Amazon. Joseph P. Kennedy’s astounding fall from grace into ignominy did not come until the years leading up to and following America’s entry into the second world war, when the anti war position he took as the first irish american ambassador to London made him the subject of White House ire and popular distaste. So this is a fact of history many people have forgotten or lost track of, is that he had this quote, unquote, fall from grace.
And it’s very important to understand what that fall from grace was and who was behind it, because we’re going to build on that as we get into the deadly effects of the so called Kennedy curse. The patriarch answers many questions about Kennedy’s life, times and legacy that have continued to haunt the historical record. Was Joseph P. Kennedy an anti semite and nazi sympathizer? Boom. And I’m sure your listeners are astute enough to already see where I’m going with this, but this man was hated at the time. They didn’t turn the media big dogs on him. They went after him in a different way.
Right. Um, we go to the next panel. The next page. Okay. Okay. So there’s Papa Joe with his big family. No, back up. Oh, okay. Yeah, one at a time. There’s Papa Joe. I was here. I thought you. I was here. I thought you said to move to the next one. My apologies. Okay, so there. There’s Papa Joe with his. With his. His great big family there. He’s got four sons and five daughters. Big irish catholic family now. And John. John was the oldest. Yes. Joseph. Joseph Junior was the oldest. Okay. And, you know, I don’t think Joseph’s in this particular picture.
Some kids missing. This looks like that’s John. Yeah, yeah, that’s. That’s John. Uh, where’s Joe? He’s not in this picture, but Joseph was the oldest. John is this. That’s probably Bobby. Okay. Because Bobby would be Bobby, we number three, and then this would be a little guy in his arms. I think that might be Teddy, Edward or Ed. So it’s Joe, John, Bobby, and then Teddy was the youngest of the four sons. And then you have the various daughters. So that’s his family, his pride and Joy. Okay, the next panel. Okay, now this is where he begins to make enemies.
Now, again, FDR never really liked him, but he needed to solidify that irish catholic base, which was predominantly Democrat in those days. So he made an ambassador to London, considered a very big, honorable position at that time. So he’s ambassador at a time when the usual suspects are building up World War Two. That was their plan. As we, as we all know, Joseph Kennedy, in his position, did everything he could to prevent that. And there he is with the german foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentroph. And this is before the war even broke out. He’s. He’s trying.
He wants. He wanted to set up a meeting through Riventrop. He wanted to personally meet with Hitler. Okay? And this is on his own. So Roosevelt and the Jews around Roosevelt, they’re looking at this guy. He’s a total loose cannon doing things on his own. He had a big name in his own right, but he passionately wanted to prevent a world war two situation breaking out in Europe. So he wanted to make, do what he can to keep the peace between Britain and England. So, of course, that also makes him a mortal enemy of Churchill and that whole bunch and all the big Jews controlling Churchill and restraint.
Kosh, Bernard Baruch. So he’s. He’s gone off script here. Big time. Big time. Yeah, this is, this, this. This would be like if I could. If I can have a modern day equivalent. This would be like Sean Penn going down to Haiti and actually trying to build missions and protect children. Yeah, yeah. Like, what do you. What are you doing? Right? This is not part of the script. So, I mean, so he was always, um, kind of a headache for these people in terms of expressing his ideas and opinions. But now he’s meeting with Hitler’s right hand man, and he’s trying to maneuver things to prevent war.
And there’s a smaller picture that’s on the same page, but just a little lower. That that poor soul with, with the hood over his head in it, placed in a sack with a noose around his neck, about to be dropped through a trapdoor. That’s. That’s Ron Ribbon, Ribbentrop. That’s what they did to him after the Nuremberg kangaroo court. That’s how vicious and vindictive they were. And von Ribbentrop was a very capable statesman. He was the equivalent of their secretary of state, foreign minister. He did whatever he could to prevent the war. So that’s, these. These are the type of individuals, the mentality, that Joseph Kennedy pitted himself against.
There he is with FDR. He was a point when he was appointed ambassador to England. FDR pretends to like him. He pretends to like FDR. These two men did not like each other. And later on, that became an actual visceral hatred, because FDRs, we know who he worked for. Amen. So. So there’s a big man who’s thrown a big monkey wrench into the works because, I mean, world War two was their. That was their moment to really change the world. You know, like I always say, world War two is the foundational mythology which defines the modern world.
And everybody’s supposed to be on board with it. And people who are not on board with it, they didn’t end up too well. The leader of Poland, he suddenly died in 1935. He was advocating good relations with Germany. Pulski. Okay. You know, side note, I just wanted to say that I was reading that I finished reading that book by Perloff yesterday called the shadows of power. And I don’t remember it was yesterday or the day before yesterday. Whenever it was one of the last two or three chapters where they talked about World War two was the is like they wanted to make sure that World War two could not be rewritten like World War one was.
And I swear to God, when I was reading that, I was like. I felt like I was reading a Mike King book. That was very important for them. Yes, it was, because World War one, they didn’t have that kind of control over academia yet. And it was very soon after the end of World War one, the second guessing began. Warren Harding was running on a platform of, let’s return to normalcy. No more foreign intervention. So it was immediately the wisdom of World War one was immediately questioned. Right. And that was problem that was problematic for them, because then when it came to the build up of World War two, they had to overcome the so called isolationism.
Yes. So they weren’t going to repeat that error with after World War two, which is why they jammed the whole hoax down people’s throats, which is why they had to murder and brainwash so many Germans. They learned their lesson from what happened after World War one. And that’s a lesson that Joe Kennedy learned. And there were a lot of people, a vast majority of people in this country and in Europe. I mean, it only been 20 years since the end of that horrific war. World War one, nobody wanted war. Another war, nobody except this mafia, of course.
So card this card, the cartel. Yeah, yeah. And here’s Joe Kennedy with Churchill. Again, mutual hatred and animosity. But, you know, for optics, you got to put on the nice face. There they are posing together. But the private comments that these two made about each other are very revealing. Now, I should point out there was an incident which Kennedy was sailing from Portugal to New York. This was towards the end of his tenure as an ambassador, and he was worried that Churchill was going to kill him, because just like they bring down airplanes, I mean, what does Q tell us? Seven out of ten airplanes are strategic takedowns, targeted kills.
They sank the Titanic. Yeah. Back. Well, back in those days, you didn’t have air travel. Well, you did have air travel, but typically, even at this time, if you’re going across the Atlantic, you went by ship. So it’s the same principle. Okay. He was truly concerned that Churchill was going to kill him. This is evidently after Churchill had become prime minister in 1940, because even though the war had started, after the war started, Kennedy’s new project was to keep the United States out. So he’s still a big problem. Even though he wasn’t able to prevent the european war, he’s still working to keep the United States out.
But he cables back to New York from Lisbon and Portugal saying, I believe Churchill’s trying to kill me. If something happens with this ship, it was no accident. Okay. And he later writes, I think it was in his memoirs or something. I got this from David Irving, who dug this up. He later wrote that the reason he sent that telegram is he was a little scared, but he. He figured that the British were monitoring all his communications, so he did this as a protective measure, as an insurance policy. That’s the term that makes. That makes kill me.
Yeah. Okay, so you see how serious this is? The patriarch of the Kennedy family is literally in fear of his life, thinking that church was gonna kill him. It’s very important to understand that as we’re building a foundation for when has the curse starts to unfold next. And that’s right up Churchill’s alley, because he was the lord of the Admiralty in 1915, when the Lusitania was sunk. He set that up. And the lord of. The lord of the Admiralty is basically like the secretary of the Navy in the United States. Right, right. And because the british power is based in its navy, it’s kind of, like, even bigger.
Right. It is the. It’s one of the premier positions. Yeah. It’s almost like secretary of state, in a way. Yeah, kind of like secretary of state and defense rolled into one. Yeah. It’s. It’s the british navy. The story. Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves. So it’s all about and how this clown rose to a position like that. No military background. He just silver spoon in his mouth, you know? But, you know, his daddy was Lord Randolph Churchill, big politician in the late 18 hundreds. His mommy was Jenny Jerome, the son of Leonard Jerome, who they called the king of Wall street.
So that’s. That’s how he got that. That cushy position. Lord of the admiralty at the beginning of World War one, and he was eventually removed because he was such a bumbling incompetent. He engineered the disaster in Gallipoli. The guy was a total screw up at everything he touched. But in that position, he sank to Lusitania. And if you guys don’t know what Gallipoli was, oh, man, that was just. That was an abomination. He. How many? He sent, what, like, like, what, 25,000 australian and New Zealand troops to their death trying to climb those cliffs. Yeah. He said they resented him down under because they were.
They were primarily used. As for the meat grinder. Yeah. Not the british boys, but for domestic purposes. Right. He sent the oil season to New Zealand into the. Into Turkey’s wheelhouse. Yeah, it’s like. It’d be like. It would be like trying to invade a Utah beach with four times the defenses and half the men. And much farther away. And much farther away. It was just insanity. And because of that, he was banished to obscurity that this guy might have ended up homeless. Okay, at one point, the Jews. Good old Bernard Baruch saved his ass. Yeah, Baruch.
Henry Straykosh. I learned from David Irving about a group called the focus amazing. A whole gang of these jewish financiers lifted this guy up, paid his debts, his payoff. You get us that war, and now you there, you got Papa Joe Kennedy doing everything he can to avoid the war. So, you know, he wants to kill him. He’s a killer. Next panel. All right there. Okay, now there’s Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of Great Britain in 19, 38, 39. He met with Hitler in 38, and they made a nice deal. They averted the crisis situation because the world war was to begin over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
And you see Neville Chamberlain with his trademark umbrella. Keep that in mind. He was the umbrella man. Always. Ubiquitous umbrella. Bright, sunny day, he’s got the umbrella. So he’s meeting Hitler there, and he’s got the umbrella in his hands, and he made a nice deal. This is the so called appeasement. Chamberlain never wanted war. He never wanted war. And even later on, when he declared where his heart was, never in it. That’s why Chamberlain is so denigrated by the fake historians, right? They make him look. They make him. They make him almost as though he’s french.
Like, raising. Just. Just walking around with a white flag instead of an umbrella. He’s walking around with white flag, yelled up. Yeah, what a horrible man. He wanted to avoid world war two. I know how horrible. He didn’t want. He didn’t want men to die needlessly. Right, right. What an asshole. And interesting. He was on very good terms with Joe Kennedy, and there were a number of these people in high positions in Britain and America within the respective administrations who saw it was coming and did their best to try to avert it. Now, Chamberlain confided. This is from the Forrestal diaries.
James Forrestal. They got him after the war. Suicide. Jumped out the 13th floor of Walter Reed Hospital with a cord around his neck. Yeah. Was it Walter Reed or Bethesda? I thought was Bethesda, but whatever. I recently said Bethesda, and somebody corrected me, said Walter Reed, but it was. It was one of the military. One of the military. He was a naval officer, and so I always thought it was the Navy hospital. But whatever the point of the matter is, is that he was. He was kind of taken to a. To one of these hospitals up in the.
And he was one of very high floors. And then all of a sudden, he. He just decided that he was going to commit suicide one day. But that was shortly after he had been read into all of the stuff with this council on Foreign Relations. He brought in and been brought into the CFR and been read into the whole notion of global government, and he’s like, oh, hell, no. I’m not down with this program. And they had to get rid of him. And then the first thing they did after they got rid of him was they named an aircraft carrier after him.
It wasn’t that nice of them. The USS Forrestal. Yep. Where John McStane killed a bunch of people. No, I don’t even started on that one. So, in Forrestal, another one, very wealthy Irish Catholic. So that’s considered a threat. They’re not. They’re not part of the establishment. Okay? The Kennedys, the Forrestals, the Joe McCarthy’s. You know, these are. These are Irish Americans, and they’re still looked down upon by the anglo elite. And then, of course, the elite Jews hate the Catholics. We know that. So they hate everybody that’s not jewish. Yeah. So, I mean, it is. Anyway, that’s.
That’s. That’s after the fact. And, you know, Forrestal, anti world government, anti communist, very much opposed to establishing state of Israel. I wanted to read that quote. Go ahead. Sorry, go back up. So this is from the Forrestal diaries. Neville Chamberlain, speaking off the record to Joe Kennedy while playing golf, stated that America and the world. Jews had forced England into the war, and we all know that. But this is. This is how Chamberlain and Kennedy spoke privately amongst themselves. And actually, Joe Kennedy said some of this stuff publicly. And in the next panel, we see a cartoon, propaganda cartoon.
You go lower. You see the cartoon. Can you scroll down right here? Yeah, there’s. There’s Neville Chamberlain. I think there’s a little bit of a delay. Oh, okay. Well, there’s the cartoon. It’s a french propaganda cartoon. Neville Chamberlain with the. The evil italian dictator, the Japanese, and Hitler. He’s got his umbrella on his wrist, and he’s offering to shake Hitler’s hand. The. Hitler’s got. Looks like a gun and behind his back and appears to be, in French, the gentlemen at less gangsters. The gentlemen and the gangsters. And this is how Neville Chamberlain has been portrayed ever since.
Okay, weakling, appeaser. He caused the war because he was weak, blah, blah. Now, Chamberlain is replaced in May of 1940, which is when the war in the west begins between England, France and Germany. Later that same year, he up and dies, conveniently, because he’s still a coincidence. What a coincidence. They all. A number of these people died. Lawrence of Arabia died in a motorcycle. Yeah, because he was. He was already. They had. He was. He was pissed when he found out that. That his government double crossed him because he. He and all the Arabs got mad at him because the.
Because they. Because they felt betrayed. And. And he was pissed because he betrayed them unknowingly. Yeah, because they were supposed to get their own state. Instead, they get chopped up between the British and the French and Palestine. They let the Jews start coming in. They get the Sykes pico agreement. Not. He was also starting to speak out against the buildup to World War two. So they took out Lawrence of Arabia, they took out Marshall Pazzewski of Poland, and now Neville Chamberlain dies in 1940. Okay? So this is all important foundational context for understanding the. The Kennedy curse that is about to materialize.
Now, here’s Papa Joe with his two oldest boys, Joe Kennedy on the left and John F. Kennedy on the right. And he was. He just had this burning ambition. He wanted them to be big politicians and presidents one day. Okay, so he’s not a perfect man. I mean, his ambition was a little bit too much, but I. He did not want war. He was anti communist. Oh, and he liked Hitler, by the way. He said some nice things about Hitler. And evidently, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree because so did JFK when he was a young man.
All right. In fact, I’m going to find that right now. Hold on a second. I’m going to find that. Sure. And Kennedy, then 28, predicted Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of was of which legends are made, he continued. Kennedy wrote in the early summer of 1945 after touring the german dictators bavarian mountain retreat. Yep. So are you guys all seeing where I’m going with this? But it’s a lot worse than you. What might have imagined? There’s a lot more to the curse than what most people know.
I mean, everybody knows about JFK, but there’s more to it. So what happens next? Okay. August 1943. John F. Kennedy in the PT 109 incident. He commanded a patrol boat and they were in the Pacific Sea, in the asian theater. Pacific theater. And they were given orders one night to just pack it in for the night, turn off the engines, get some sleep. Boss, you there for a second? Just for the people who don’t know what’s going on, a PT means a patrol boat torpedo. And it was, they’re very small that, I mean, they’re not small.
They’re, but, but they’re relatively small compared, compared to other naval vessels. But they were, they were really, really fast boats that could, they could get on the surface of the water and they could go, they could go really, really fast and they could launch torpedoes and get away from the, and get away from the major artillery that was that the big ships had. So PT boats had their, their place. And Kennedy was the commander of PT 109. That’s right. So he was given the order, parked the boat for the night, and then out of nowhere comes a japanese vessel.
I don’t know what kind of vessel, destroyer or whatever, but it saw the boat and their lights are off and it’s dark. And it rammed PT 109, split it in half. I think. There were a couple men killed, some injured. But he, you know, he led them to safety is, his actions were considered very brave, heroic. He hurt his back that night, but he’s alive by miracle. Now these, these things happen in war, but we later come to learn after the war actual, I don’t know who’s the commander of the ship or an officer in a japanese ship later revealed because he was known, somebody famous was on a ship or became president.
He says, we were aware of the boat’s presence there. Now how are they aware of this little boat is dark out and they made a beeline for it and rammed it. It indicates to me, given the context, everything else we talked about and what’s yet to come, I’m of the opinion, and admittedly this is an opinion, that they were tipped off by someone to kill John F. Kennedy. Okay? You can’t get Papa Joe. You get his sons. That’s how vindictive and cruel they are. And if this sounds a little bit too speculative at this point, understandable.
Wait until we get into the other stuff, and then you begin to see a pattern. And maybe this was the first attempt to kill a Kennedy. Tip off the Japs and have them blow up the boat or ram it the following year. That is the older son, Joe Kennedy Junior. August 1944. He’s on a mission. He’s. Air Force is not a combat mission, okay? Everybody knows Joe Kennedy’s senior junior was killed in World War Two. So you automatically assume his plane got shot down. No, they were flying in formation. It was some kind of routine mission.
And his plane just blows up. He’s gone dead. The only plane in the squadron to blow up just blew up. And all that we know about this incident, the official report comes to us from the commander of that squadron, Elliot Roosevelt, the son of Franklin D. Roosevelt. What an interesting coincidence. So that’s how. Yeah. Okay, so he was flying a B 24. Kennedy piloted a land based consolidated B 24 Liberator that was used as a patrol aircraft where they were doing anti submarine warfare. And. Yeah, and that the plane just blew up out of nowhere. There was.
He wasn’t hit or anything. It just. It was just. It just blew up. Right? No crash, no combat. These things happen. Right? And I’ll tell you this. I’ll tell you this. No. From being. Knowing what I know about world war two, if you were doing anti submarine warfare from the air, that was a very safe place to be. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, that. Maybe that’s why they put Roosevelt there to senate, the son of Franklin D. Roosevelt. So. But it’s just too much for me that he happens to be the commander of that squadron. It blows up, and then he gives the official story.
And that same year, and this is according to Harry Truman, Truman writes about how he had a little confrontation with Papa Joe Kennedy, and he had to put him in his place, at least according to Truman. But he said that. Joe Kennedy said to harry Truman, harry, what are you doing campaigning for that cripple son of a bitch who killed my son Joe? He quotes Papa Joe Kennedy. Wow. He said that. Now, I don’t know if Papa Joe is speaking in the context of he brought us to war, my son died, therefore he killed him. Or is he saying he killed my son on the squadron? I happen to think it’s the latter.
And then Truman tells about how he, you know, he got in his face and he said, don’t you dare talk about him like that. You know, so, so very, very close to both sons, number one and number two, who he wanted both to be president one day, almost killed. And they shouldn’t have been. PT 109 should not have happened, and especially this explosion should not have happened. So that’s the first casualty of the Kennedy curse, a plane just spontaneously blowing up. There’s Elliot Roosevelt, commander of the squadron, who gives us the official story. How convenient. Moving right along after the war, 1948.
That’s Kathleen Kennedy, one of Joe Kennedy’s daughters. Her nickname was Kick Kick Kennedy. She’s on her way to meet her dad. She’s on a small, clean flying over France. It crashes and she dies. So this is one element, the Kennedy curse, which is seldom mentioned. They always talk about John and Bobby and then of course, John John, but he lost a daughter. Another, that’s two. Two kids dead for plane crashes. One a spontaneous explosion and one crash. And she’s on her way to meet daddy, presumably to begin the process of a reconciliation, because I think she married a protestant guy.
And Rose Kennedy was such a holy catholic, so there was a problem with that. But, you know, those things aren’t gonna last. So she’s on her way to meet Daddy and she’s dead. So that’s two. Two down, three incidents. Two dead. The children of the man who feared that Churchill was going to kill him. 1969. Oh, we skipped one, did we? Um, this is the, this is the. Well, you know what? I might have gone out of order, so pass. Should be something. And go to the next. 119. 63, yeah, let’s go to 63. 69. Shouldn’t have been up there.
I’m sorry. Okay. That’s okay. I’ll come back. 1963. Well, we all know what happened in 1963. There’s. There’s John F. Kennedy and he has a whole litany of offenses on top of what his father did. And we know that pressuring Israel not to. Not to build a new. Not to build atomic bomb, printing his own interest free currency, wanting to get the advisors out of Vietnam and prevent the Vietnam War, etc. Etc. He’s not with the program going after the. Going, going after organized crime. Yeah, yeah, organized crime, which ties into the deep state. Assassin kills and actually trying to make peace with people who were with, with communist countries, trying to make peace with them.
It’s like, look, you know what? You want to live the way you want to live, that’s. That’s on you. Right? You know, that doesn’t mean that we have to be enemies. You can live. You can live. He wants to. Then the cold war. That’s right. Right. Look at the headline. Governor of Texas, wounded marxist, accused of murder. Yeah, marxist, sure. When it. When it’s convenient, the establishment turns anti communist, you know? Right. Blame it on Lee Harvey Oswald, the communist. This is Mossad, CIA. Same people did. 911 did that. Now this is. I’m going to tie this back.
Now, there’s umbrella man. He opened his umbrella at the precise moment that the gunshots rang out. And a lot of people believe that that was a signal. So he’s more commonly known to students of the Kennedy assassination, but in front of him is a guy who appears to be given a nazi salute. We could call him Sig Heil man. And after this shooting, both of these men sit down on the curb, and they’re just hanging out. And we never got answers on this. It’s just remarkable at the precise moment that he opens his umbrellas when Kennedy gets shot.
And who are these two fellows? One’s opening his umbrella, was given a sigal salute. Now, years later, this is like 1974 ish, five ish. They’re doing some after the fact investigation, limited hangout type thing. And I think this is the Senate house. Louis Steven Witt, he’s umbrella man, and he’s testifying. And they asked him, what were you doing there with that umbrella that day? He says, well, that was my way of protesting, because Kennedy’s father was. He was very close to Neville Chamberlain, and they were. They were isolationists. So my umbrella was my way of protesting.
Joe Kennedy and Neville Chamberlain, he said that. So now you’ve got umbrella man and Hitler man. We tie it back to Papa Joe because that’s how these people do. They send these little comms, these little messages. So there you go. Joe Kennedy. Look what we just did to your son. Okay? You. You, Neville Chamberlain lover, you Hitler lover, and we just took your son out. That. That’s the only way to read that this guy’s CIA. All the way. This is. This is the most mysterious, unsolved mystery of them all. Who were these two guys opens the umbrella at the precise moment the shots ring out, and then they sit down together on the curb, just hanging out like nothing happened.
Right? So that’s your Kennedy curse right there. Are they Chamberlain and Hitler, they never forgot. And, of course, all the stuff Kennedy did, John F. Kennedy did not serve to ameliorate or mitigate this. It’s like he’s as bad as. He’s as bad as his father. Right. Okay. I was looking for the. I was looking to see if I could find where, you see here. This is a minute and 10 seconds here. I’m going to play this just real quick because it’s, it talks. It’s, this is, this is a scene from the movie JFK. And I think I need to stop the screen, reset it with audio.
Okay. Screen share. And I’m going to bring this down and just. It’s, it’s, it’s going to be kind of. Kind of patchy, but just hear it out here. This is Donald Sutherland, who’s a, portraying Al Fletcher Prouty, talking about security along the line of the JFK route. No volume. Never would have let a man open an umbrella along the, along that route ever. And I get that that is fiction. But Fletcher Prouty, if he’s talking about it, I guarantee you there’s not. It’s, it’s. He wasn’t saying anything about fiction. And, and Fletcher Prouty was a. He was the advisor to that movie.
Yeah. So, yeah, this, this, this thing here where they opened the umbrella along the route and had. And what he talks about how all the, all the windows were open along in Dealey Plaza. No, that would never have happened if you were trying to protect the client. Yeah. So anyway. Didn’t mean to steal your thunder there, brother. No, that’s, that’s, that’s perfect. I mean, because it’s a very, I mean, everybody’s heard about umbrella man, but you seldom hear the tie to Neville Chamberlain, but it comes right out of umbrella man’s mouth years after the fact. And, which is my whole thing I had, you know, that’s interesting.
World War one, too. Yeah. I never heard that either. That’s interesting. But umbrella man is Neville Chamberlain’s nickname. Wow. So that was now, the following year, freshman senator Edward Kennedy, his plane goes down. Fatal plane crash. I think there were two people killed on there. He was on there with another senator. Their wives, some other people. Two people got killed and he got hurt, but he survived. This is the same guy from Chappaquiddick? Yeah, Ted Kennedy. He survived. Too bad he survived, actually. I mean, he’s the black sheep. I mean, Johnny and Bobby. I like this guy turned out to be a piece of shit, but.
Well, he probably turned out to be a piece of shit because he had to be mighty might have got the memo. He might have got some message. Either be a piece of shit. Either. Either. Either be alive and be a piece of shit or be dead. Well, you know, all he had to do to protect himself was not run for president, but his record as a senator. And I’ll never forget the way he treated Judge Bork. Remember that. But anyway, he’s not in the category of his brothers. This is your third fatal plane crash. Not fatal for him, but people died.
You got Joe, you got Kathleen, and now you got this one. What are the statistical probabilities of three members of the family? Just. Just a plane crashing or blowing up. There it is. So he was almost killed in 1964, one year after his brother. Too much. Was there something that I. It’s. Oh, no, no. Okay. Chappaquiddick is out of order. So after. I’m gonna go back to Chappaquiddick. Next. After this is 1968, right? 1968. Bobby Kennedy, shot dead. When was he shot then? Just after winning the Democrat primary in California and a shitload of electoral, rather, delegates.
Yep. So he’s on his way. The brother of. He was a presumptive nominee. Yeah, we’re gonna beat him. Just out of sympathy. They were gonna beat him. So now, how can you allow the brother and the closest confidant of JFK to become president? You know he’s going to come after you. Have you ever seen the Luis Guillaume or whatever, the french guy who makes the connection that it was Mossad trying to prevent that the Mossad killed Kennedy because he was really trying to. Was one of the main, uh, culprits in killing Kennedy, because he was trying to get them to, uh, uh, uh, stop the nuclear weapons program.
Right. Um, and so all the stuff that they put out there, that was, like. It was redirected to make it look like it was CIA who did it as opposed to Mossad. Um, and but can. But. But RFK, had he become president, would have gone back in and opened up that entire investigation and gone back through everything and the most. And then Israel would have been shown to be culpable in Kennedy’s assassination. So they had to kill RfK, too. Yeah, well, I mean, Mossad is intertwined with CIA. And certainly american based globalists also had ample motive to want to kill Kennedy.
So I see it as a joint operation. Masado is in a period position of superiority. And according to the Pew Q posts, mos is above CIA. That’s. That’s one of the posts. So it’s very similar to 911. And clearly there was an advanced domestic presence in the 911 conspiracy. But of course it was Mossad, so. Well, and I. And I. And I’m not naive enough to think that it was exclusively Mossad and always the Jews. Nah, I. Well, no, because you know what, Ron? You have factions within the ruling power structure and sort of like mafia families.
When something this big has to go down, they all work together. They got to be on bright. You guys okay? Yeah. Okay, good. So just like 911, because there’s no love lost between some of the globalists and the ultra Zionists, they have disagreements, but like competing mafia families, they got to respect each other. They’re both involved in 911 and they’re both involved with killing John F. Kennedy and RF Kennedy. But before we get to chap a quick, there was one other element of that panel I wanted to go over with. Right? Yeah. Okay. That’s RFK. With Joe McCarthy.
Interest. RFK. I wonder if that was McCarthy. Yeah, that’s. That’s St. Joseph of Wisconsin. Okay. Get my book. Already read it. You ready? Ready. That’s right. He was an attorney on McCarthy’s investigative committee. To Irish Catholics. Anti establishment, anti communist. Okay. And he was so close with RFK. He asked RFK to be the godfather to his. Excuse me? RFK asked Joe McCarthy to be godfather to his daughter, Kathleen Kennedy towns. That’s. Joe McCarthy is the godfather of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. Wow. And when they voted to censure McCarthy over bullshit in 1954, every Democrat senator had his arm twisted to vote to censure Joe McCarthy.
Except one. He called out sick that day. That was JFK. Young JFK senator. I remember that. So this is, this is what, you know, the Kennedys, the McCarthy’s, the Forrestals. So this is when there was still an element of Democrat party which was patriotic and anti communist and anti secret society, etc. Yeah. And, you know, there’s a fact of history that you’ll never. That they like to cover up. And when Kathleen Kennedy Townsend ran for attorney general in Maryland, you know, that’s something she didn’t want know. But Sean McCarthy’s her godfather. The. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s amazing to me because, you know, when, when we’re looking at this kind of information, to me there were some really good quality, very excellent men that were involved in government in the United States that wanted what was really good for the people and wanted what was good for the country and wanted what was good for the world.
And they were basically shut out, killed, isolated, whatever. I mean, character assassinated. I mean, you name it. I mean, they. They will do anything that they can to further their power, the evil people. And. And if that means. If that means, you know, just making good people be, you know, slandering them, then that’s what it means. Yeah. Yeah. And at some point, good men will just realize, you know what I mean? I mean, to take. To take on something when you got a 50 50 chance at success, that takes courage, right? But after a while, when you realize you got no shot, then you just had a suicide run.
So in due time, people just shut up and they don’t challenge it, which is why the military was the only way, right. In the end, I. Well, I’ll just say I ain’t one of those because I’ll go down on my. I will definitely go down on my feet, not on my knees. Yeah. So that’s how I went with these guys. Now, at a certain point, well, you’re back to. You’re back to Chappaquiddick now. Now we’re back to Chappaquiddick, 1969. I think at a certain point, this goes. Starts to go beyond historical vendetta against Papa Joe Kennedy and his heroic efforts to prevent.
First to prevent world War two and then to try to block the United States for entering world War two at some point. Now it’s about the COVID up, okay? We can’t let Bobby in there because he’s going to expose Johnny. We can’t let Edward in there because now he’s going to expose Bobby and Johnny. You understand? So I don’t. I don’t think these subsequent killings have to do with Papa Joe, but I do believe Papa Joe is when. When it started. Okay? But 1969, Kennedy has another near death experience. There may be an alternative explanation for this one.
He. Maybe he was drunk. Maybe the girl was pregnant and he tried. He wanted to kill her. I don’t know this one. I don’t know about the other ones, I feel quite confident were murders and attempted murders. Well, nonetheless, almost died. I’m of the opinion, or, I mean, that there’s the possibility that it. This was a. This was a. A fix where the car was. Something happened in the car, was like. Maybe there was some sort of a rudimentary remote control device or whatever which caused it to, like, speed up and go over the bridge, whatever the.
At the end of the day, you know, the chappaquiddick incident basically destroyed Edward Kennedy’s. He. I mean, he could be a senator, but he was never going to be anything more. No, that was it for him. That was it. For him. So they didn’t quite assassinate him from. Yeah, they care president. So their secret was safe. What they did to Johnny and Bobby. Oh, by the way, I’m Bobby. Let me mention something on Bobby. With Bobby, they got a two for one deal. Because the assassins. Sir, hand, sir, handheld. They scripted it. So he’s a palestinian.
Okay, right, exactly. You get a black. You get a black mark on the Palestinians. Just, what, one year after the USS Liberty, and, and you get. And you take up Bobby. It’s a twofer. There was somebody, somebody just said in the chat and said, I heard that she was dead in the car, a planted death to make him look bad. He had no idea she was in the Cardinal. I don’t know if you can get away with that because I think she was found on the front seat. But again, I wasn’t there, so I don’t know.
I don’t know. I don’t know if there’s any validity to that. But I mean, you know what? At this point, anything is possible. I don’t close my. I don’t close off to anything because I don’t know. But what we do know is they were not going to allow this man to be president. Yes, exactly. It doesn’t matter how left wing he was. He’s still blood. He’s still brother. You put him in that office, you don’t want him poking around what they did to his older brothers. So no doubt about that one. Somebody said, don’t forget about poor Rosemary Lauer, or Rosemary.
Lower IQ and mood problems. Joe forced a lobotomy which seriously disabled her from. For the rest of her life. I’m. I’m not sure what that is. Well, there’s another Kennedy daughter, and, you know, I didn’t want to link this one to the deep state because it was Joe who called for this procedure, but it said that she was very pretty. She was the prettiest of all the Kennedy daughters. And it was said that she used to get around, you know, and in those days, that could be a big embarrassment for the family. Right. So, you know, she probably had some issues, emotional issues.
But he, he had a lobotomy procedure that went bad, and then she ended up basically in the loony bin. But she was still. Many years later, her mother came to visit. She supposedly flipped out on her mother, so she was aware of what was done to her. So that was a tragic story. Another one of the daughters. Now, could it be that he wanted to have this procedure done just to calm her down? And then once the doctors got their hands on her. They finished her off as well. That’s possible, too, but that’s a very sad story.
Beautiful young woman, brain damaged. Anything is possible these days, man. I don’t. I don’t like, I don’t. I don’t tune out to anything anymore. You gotta figure if he’s turning his daughter over to doctors, okay, he’s Kennedy. You know, they’re elite doctors, and at that level of society, almost anybody’s connected. So look how they did. Joan Rivers. That was her doctor, right? What, just. Just one month after saying, Michelle’s a trainee. So, I mean, that. That’s how it goes. Now we go to 1999. John, John, it is now known, wanted to run for the Senate seat, which I think was being vacated by Eldamotto at the time, but as we all know, that seat was reserved for the Hillary Clinton era parent.
Yeah, she just. The heir, apparently bought a house in New York. I’m a New Yorker now and wanted to run for Senate, and that was the plan. Hillary, the Senate and then eventually the White House. That was set in stone by the globalists, the people behind her. But not if this guy throws his hat in the ring. You gonna beat him? I mean, look at the son of Jfk, movie star looks. Are you kidding me? That’s it. That not only was that c is for the taken, but a pathway to the White House. So I’m trying to find something here.
There was somebody who could. Go ahead and continue. I’m trying to find something here because somebody said something before you jumped in and the comment disappeared and I want to find it. I just saw. Anyway, go ahead. Well, I mean, there’s. There’s. There’s another one that. They had to knit this one in the bud big time, okay? I mean, come on. The son of. The son of JFK, they built up that Kennedy dynasty in that aura. I mean, this was auto. But this would have been an automatic slam dunk for the senate and then the White House eventually.
Right? So it’s playing now, I am aware there’s this theory out there that he faked his death and they were buried at sea for that reason. He’s going to resurface. I don’t attach any. I don’t attach much credibility to it, but I don’t rule anything out. Maybe he went into some witness protection program and we’ll see him next year. I wouldn’t bet money on it. But nonetheless, you know, whether he did it to protect himself or I, whether he was killed, that’s what happened. This had the effect of clearing the path for Hillary Clinton. Yeah, there.
There are some. There’s quite smart. There’s some pretty smart people out there who do believe that he did, in fact, fake his own death. And that was, in fact, that was the. That was the. The comment that I was searching for, because it was the very first one in the live stream. And what he said was. And for some odd reason, it’s gone, what he said, and let me see if he’s. If he said something about it yet. He didn’t say anything. I don’t remember exactly who it was. But anyway, he said that he was on vacation up there at that time around the hamptons, and he said the general consensus amongst the people there was, is that he was on the run, that he did not die in the plane crash.
Um, I knew, uh, I, um. There’s a guy that is a. Another content creator who also was in the navy, who served. I believe it was on the Eisenhower. And I think it was the Eisenhower that was up in. That was it the Eisenhower. I think it was the Eisenhower that was the aircraft carrier that was up in that general vicinity that assisted in looking for his plane. And he said, we saw all the stuff that they were pulling out of the ocean. We saw it. And there were no bodies. Yeah. There were no bodies whatsoever.
Yeah. And so, I mean, you know, take it for what you will. I don’t know. Well, I’m absolutely open to it. First of all, what. One thing that the. The age of Q has taught us is that anything is possible. But also, there’s a number of anomalies with this story. The burial at sea doesn’t make sense. I mean, supposedly, the Kennedys are big Catholics, right? At least nominally. Catholics don’t bury at sea, you know, so that. That’s interesting. You would also have to infer that he certainly was aware that he’s in danger. Oh, I found it.
I found you look at Hillary Clinton’s body count. So, you know, we’ll have to see. We’ll. We’ll have to. We’ll have to see what happens with this. I found the comment. It says, I was on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, 716 of 99 when junior died off the coast. The sentiment all over the island was that he went on the run. I was young, 20 years old, and didn’t understand that view, but I get it now. Wow. The sentiment on the island. So that means that was the sentiment amongst, you know, people, because his words are. The sentiment all over the island was that he went on the run.
Wow. Boy, wouldn’t that be something? Yeah, that sure would be something. Let’s, let’s hope that’s true. Now, you do remember, you do remember the cue post where it talked about the very beginning, right? I. The start. This. This was the start, right? There’s two ways to interpret that. You know, one could be that this was the start. He goes on the ground, he returns another play. Another way to interpret it is this was when this was the last straw for Donald Trump, because they needed that front. They needed the front man. And, and Trump is really the only guy who could have pulled it off.
So, um, you know, we’ll have to see what that means. But certainly that is a theme of the cue posts, not saying that he’s alive, but saying that this is a significant event in the process. But either, either way, whether they killed him or whether he faked it, there’s no question that they were gonna kill him. Well, and I find it interesting. Hillary’s, Hillary’s path have to be cleared. You know, when you’re, when you, when you look at a lot of the George magazines and a lot of the things that they, they wrote in those magazines, I mean, some of that stuff is just downright like, whoa, how in the hell did you know that? And how did you know that this was going to be this way 20 years from now? So, I mean, it’s.
Let’s see. Lee Walton says, I’m from Kennedy country, Ted, and Chappaquiddick was not what has even been or was not, is not what has even told. There was one woman asleep in the backseat at Mary Jo. No one. Mary Jo, no one knew in the front seat, Peter Lawford, another lady. And there’s. It’s disjointed. But he’s basically saying that, as I understand it, that it’s not what it’s being portrayed as in the media. Yeah. So, yeah, but anyway, a little bit past that. But the. If you, if you look at all of the inconsistencies around JFK Junior’s death, it would not surprise me if, in fact, that he did, you know, kind of resurface from the dead.
Yeah, I’m. But I’m nothing. Listen, you know, I was on. I was on a Twitter space the other night, and we were kind of debating, you know, pro and anti Q. You had a, you had a segment of the population that was anti and in a segment that was pro, and, and one of the anti things was that, oh, all the cube people believe that JFK Junior is going to come back and see, I was like, no, no, no, no. That’s not what, that’s not what we said. It’s not the stuff that comes from the anti Q people always reveals that they haven’t studied the matter.
Correct. Okay. I don’t know what it is. People have to opine on things that they don’t know anything about. I mean, you asked me about if I go to a mechanic, he starts, I don’t pretend that I know what he’s talking about. I just say, I don’t know. But some people have to, they have to express their opinion on everything because they can’t say I don’t know. So they make an opinion on Q. But they haven’t read the 5000 posts, haven’t followed it over the years. They haven’t matched it up to events and Trump’s post. And then, and when they come out and say something as ignorant as all the Q people are saying, JFK Junior.
No. In fact, Q, for what it’s worth, was, was asked that question, is JFK Junior still live? He responded, no. Of course, if he was alive, he’s still going to respond, no. But the point is that doesn’t come from Q as people’s speculations. Q is Q. It doesn’t say anything about JFK Junior still being alive. So that really pisses me off when people cite that as a way of discrediting Q, and they always do. But there’s nothing in the Q posts to even suggest he’s alive. Just it does say starting point and it gives the date of this incident.
But there’s two ways to interpret that because Donald Trump was quite close with, with JFK Junior. Here’s one. So as I was close to the area, Cisco, are you being you, when you say close to the area, are you talking about trappaquiddick or are you talking about JFK Junior s plane? Because he says, I was close to the area when the crash happened. A rumor was going around that the bad dudes tossed junior’s luggage on Jackie’s lawn to shut her up. Up. Interesting, no? What’s next? Here, let me put the rest something in the chat. In the chat.
Listen, guys, I know Juan O’Sovereign. I know his real name. You may know his real name, you may not. Juan is not JFK Juniore, okay? You’re not. That is, I’ve met him personally. I’ve talked to him. I’ve got his phone number. I can call him right now. I’ve talked to him many, many times. Met him in person probably ten times. That is not, he is not junior. So I don’t care what Kerry Cassidy says. And I was there when Kerry Cassidy asked him and he said no. I mean, I was right there when he said it.
So that John Juan O’sovereign is not JFK junior. Just take that and get it out of your brain. That’s not, that’s not who he is. So JFK junior may still be alive, but it is not 107. So that said, and I’m not trying to ruffle anybody’s feathers, I’m just saying that is, I know for an abs, I would bet my life on that. So anyway, next thing you got here is this is the George magazine and Trump and, yeah, so they were, I mean, they were close and they liked each other. I don’t mean just elite New Yorkers who bumped into each other in public sometimes and said, hello.
Nice words. There was a bond and an affection between these two men. Okay? So it’s easy to understand. And when Trump heard the news, whether the event was real or not, I mean, it, let’s assume it was real, it would be very upset about it. So that could be what Q meant about the starting point. And indeed, just two years later, Trump ran for president, the Reform party ticket. He lost the Pap Buchanan, if you recall. So that, that might have been his first foray. That might have been what, what motivated that he ran for president in 2000 on a reform party ticket.
And then, so here’s, here’s kind of where you’re going into the whole thing with, uh, um, yeah. Uh, you’re kind of doing some, some of the stuff with Vincent Fushka and because this is, this is, this is what, uh, the lady who did fall, Cabal did. And she actually, if you’ve, if you’ve ever seen fall, she was, yeah, well, go ahead. She made it. She made, she made a decent case for it. But, you know, I’m, I’m still not convinced. If it happens, I’ll be elated, but I’m not going to count on it. Yeah. No, I personally don’t believe it because trying to assess this, this character’s height, just by examining many photos of him standing next to people and women and, I mean, we don’t know how the people, I’ll tell the people are he’s standing next to, but he just comes off as a guy who’s, uh, average height, five, 9510, maybe junior six one.
He does not look like a six one character. So I, I don’t believe, I never believe that this character is JFK. Junior. But what’s interesting is that his name, and he is a character, it just looks like he’s wearing a disguise with the. Yeah, the hair and the hat. He’s had all the Trump rallies, but his name, Vincent Fiska, derives from Latin, Vincent, to win over victory, over darkness, dark to light. Chewing on terminology. But the reason I pull this picture up is here he is at the so called assassination attempt of Donald Trump, front and center.
He’s just looking around. He’s not even flinching. And it’s just odd that he’s there. And just, I think last week at another rally in Harrisburg, Trump points him out. He says, hey, this fellow here is at all my rallies now, whether by design or accidental consequence, we don’t know. But the point is, when you see him reflects that reflexively. You think of JFK Junior only because everybody keeps saying it, whether it’s true or not, and I don’t think it’s true. So this seems like it comes full circle. You have the guy who’s associated, who’s linked inextricably with, with JFK Junior is at the moment of the so called assassination, reenacting the JFK assassination.
So that kind of brings everything full circle. Now, Papa Joe Kennedy, Joe McCarthy, the Kennedy Curse, Neville Chamberlain, Minnie Fusco, Donald Trump, it’s all one big story. You understand that? And like I said, I think you begin to see the Kennedy curse is not coincidental or metaphysical. It’s pure. It’s pure revenge. Started with revenge to get revenge on Papa Joe. Remember, he was, he feared that Churchill was going to sink his ship. But then over the years, it evolved into something else. Now, it’s just a question. We got to cover up the old crimes. We got to kill all the Kennedys.
Right? The gentleman, the gentleman who put the initial post up there, he put, put up another one. And it was similar, but it, but it said something else. I was on my, I was on Martha Vineyard 17 719 99. And the sentiment on the island was that he was on the run. People almost seemed happy that he was away from his enemies. Interesting. I was only 20. Didn’t understand that. The island being Martha’s vineyard. Yes. Right. Yeah. He said Mv Martha’s vineyard. Well, you know, those people live in a different world than we do. So in other words, they can know things that we don’t.
That’s right. Understand things amongst themselves. It’s almost like there are different race of people. Okay, so that would be very telling that people on an island of that elite class felt this way because that would explain how, you know, they would know, but we don’t, because that’s the way it goes in that world. There really. There is. There really is a big gulf between that kind of upper crust that goes to Martha’s vineyard and. And the rest of us. So that’s a very interesting comment coming from someone who evidently is plugged into this. I don’t know whose family is, but, yeah, I don’t either.
Your average Joe. And apparently she corrected me. She says, I’m not a gentleman. I clearly love the lady lady. So my apologies. It wasn’t. I. User names do not really reveal gender very well, so forgive me. I wasn’t trying to be insulting. So. And then on at the very tail end here, you have another picture of Fuschka, and then you have your NW. There’s fuska with a yellow towel sticking out of his pocket. I guess there’s two ways to interpret that. It was clearly a communication of some sort. It could be the horrible. The terrible towel of Pittsburgh Steeler fame yellow.
The yellow flag stands for the letter Q in boat terminology. Usually quarantine, but it could also stand for just Q. So you got Vinnie Fuska with a Q in his pocket. Well, a yellow flag is. I mean, there’s 20, 21, 27, or 26. What? 27? Exactly. Good lord. I’m out of elementary school. Right. 26 flags for 26 letters. Right. And a solid yellow flag is the letter Q. Yeah. And very interestingly enough, the. Do you remember when they were in. I think they were in Kansas City, and there was. There was a bunch of people right outside of I 35 when the motorcade cam came by, and somebody held up a sign.
It said, honk for Q. And then one of the vehicles honked, and they’re honking. Cadence was Morse code Q. When was this? This was in recent. It was in 2018, 2000. There were all kinds of wink winks going on. But my. My point is, is that the. My point is, is that the haunt. The honk of the horn of the van was, um. Was Morse code Q, right? Yeah. Yeah. And thank you, Lee Walden. I appreciate it. Thank you so much for the. For the. For the $2. And he says, mike, I’ve got intel about Ted at Chappaquiddick, and I will get his.
I’ll get the email address and send it over to you so you can. If you want to talk to him again. So. But that’s pretty much it for tonight, unless you have anything else. Oh, no, I think that pretty much covers it. I mean, we’re far beyond the laws of probability here. Okay. Just so, so many deaths and so many near deaths. You know. Think anyone should have any doubt about this? Well, I think. I think what I, what I brought here tonight that might be new to most people is the, the thing with the Neville chamberlain and just how passionately anti war and obstructionist Papa Joe Kennedy was.
So they. Really. Yeah. And, and, and, um, I was actually in the book that I was reading. Uh, let me. In fact, I mean, uh, I’m going to pull this up again because it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s very relevant. This is the shadows of power. Let’s see here. JFK. Let me see here. If. Let’s see. This is the sixties. Let’s see. Where was he? Why do we go to Vietnam? No, here, actually, I’m going to do Kennedy, because Kennedy actually said something as a, as a congressman, not as. Because he, I guess right after he was a congressman in 19, what, 47 or 48? Actually, that’s what I’ll do.
I’ll look up Congressman because there’s too many. There’s way too many. All right, let’s see the congressman. No, no, no. It was. Let’s see Bob McKinney. No. You know. You know, one thing that we really ought to do would be going after the death of Lawrence McDonald and on the Kaliefen double seven, double zero seven flight. That’s a very interesting story that he covers a lot. Little bit in here. But let’s see here. I want to find this thing about. See John F. Kennedy, 100. 911. Eleven. Okay. Between limited wars. And see here, if it talks about.
It was clear to MacArthur because MacArthur got fired, he supported Taft. And then, well, it’s. And then after the war, Eisenhower. But it was something about John F. Kennedy, who said, bernard Baruch became a close acquaintance, although he had no academic background. Eisenhower was made president. The Democrats tried to draft him in 48, and Harry Truman had even approached him. I can’t find it. But anyway, the point of the matter is, is that Kennedy actually said from the House floor that all of the fighting that the men did in world War two and in, and in Korea, literally, were they.
It’s like the, the politicians are giving up all the land that we conquered, you know, that we took away from the communists. We’re giving it all back. Yeah. And he’s. I mean, he said that right from the floor. So, I mean, he was vehemently anti communist and vehemently anti communist. Yeah. They supported McCarthy. Papa Joe. Papa Joe is a big fan of Father cock. Coughlin. Coughlin. The so called anti semitic irish priest. I’m going to ask. There’s two questions here and then I’m going to let you go. Okay. Question one, Mike, where do you put the whole Kennedy Northwood story? True or no? Oh, that’s absolutely true.
The. The Northwoods conspiracy, that’s declassified documents. Yeah. That’s fired limits. You give you the actual documents. Yeah. I don’t know when they were finally declassified, but that’s the way it goes with these things. By the time they declassify, nobody cares anymore because it’s 2030 years earlier, just like the Venona intercepts. But no Northwoods was real. And they presented him with the problem. He said. He not only said, get the hell out of here with this stuff, he fired Lemnitzer. Yeah, he fired Lemnitz of it. And he problem with what he did when he fired limit, sir, is Limnitzer.
He fired limits or out of the position of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs. But then limits are went to go ahead and NATO. Yeah, he didn’t. He wasn’t. He wasn’t kicked out of the army. He literally went to go head NATO, which was like even a deeper. He’s one of those characters, you know, people got to understand that there’s people that outrank the president in the reality of things, if not technically, even though he got rid of them. You know, I don’t think a president even has any say in appointing the head. It’s sort of like the Federal Reserve.
Technically, the president puts chairman of the fab, but he doesn’t. He’s given a list here. Pick one of these guys. Next question. Do you think deep state may have caused Joe senior severe stroke? He was incapacitated. They can. They can cause fatal heart attacks. So no one suspects. Is it possible that they caused a stroke? Well, anything’s possible. I mean. I mean, he was of a good age, you know, probably what, seventies, eighties? I mean, yeah, I don’t know. Yeah, anything’s possible. But, you know, this here’s a joke. I’m guessing now. This is. I don’t know.
I’m not gonna say it’s. I’m not gonna say gender. This person says, I am from Massachusetts. Spent lots of time in Hyannis. Hi. Hannah’s. Is it Hianus Hyannis? Yeah. Every summer, something more coming on. All things Kennedy. I wish I knew. To ask my grandfather when he was alive. JFK. JFK. He knew JFK was at his funeral. Ron, quick question. What do you and Mike think was said between Trump and Netanyahu last week at Mar a Lago. Just curious. I’m glad you asked that question. I’m going to give my answer and then I’m going to let Mike give his.
Because a lot of people think that this was Netanyahu coming to, coming here and telling us what we’re going to do for him and all this other stuff. And I am on the complete opposite end of that spectrum. I think Netanyahu sees the writing on the wall and he’s, he was here to beg for mercy. Well, first of all, we did a whole program of how Trump has totally defanged, declawed and de balled the whole zionist mafia. They’re done. And Trump did that in secret on the down low. But it goes further than that. Net, Netanyahu is another Joe Biden.
He’s dead. All these people are dead. I mean, he met with Joe Biden. We know Joe Biden’s fake. If Biden’s fake, then who the hell, who’s Netanyahu? Who’s he meeting with? We’ll have to do maybe a whole show on us. It’s an in depth topic. But this, this is an international takedown. And so much of what you’re seeing is not real. I am convinced that Bibi Netanyahu was executed some years ago and now they’re destroying his Persona just like they’re destroying the Persona of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. These people are gone. Yeah, it’s very interesting.
Scary stuff might be coming out of the Middle east, war with Iran. Iran is backed by China and Russia. Remember we talked about the semifinal fear scenario? Yes. Everybody relax. You’re probably gonna see some wild, scary stuff between now and November. Maybe after November, after the election, who knows what’s going to happen? I don’t have a script, but it is a script. So, you know, there was a, there was a great line in the movie, and it’s extremely apropos for right now. Now I am. So, Mike, Mike is of the opinion that a lot of these people have been captured and tried and executed.
I’m not really of that opinion, but it’s okay. We can do, we can agree to disagree. I don’t think they’ve been executed. I think they’re still in holding cells someplace. Maybe they’ve died, but whatever, because I think they’re going to, if they’re going to do executions, they need to show them to the public. That’s what I kind of think. But anyway, that’s just my own opinion. I have nothing to substantiate that. But this is what, in the movie gladiator, when, when Russell Crowe, who had been a general, is captured as a slave, and then he ultimately gets onto the floor of the coliseum, and it turns out that he’s alive, they, he, they said the, the black guy, who is his friend, says, you have a great name, and they have to kill your name before they kill you.
And that is exactly what all this stuff is. Then there’s body doubles, and there’s people who are doing this. It’s like they have created a Persona of somebody in government, and they have to keep that Persona alive. Whether or not it’s. That person is alive or not, it makes no difference that that Persona is, is the, the juice, if you will. Yes. And, and Q told us quite clearly that the dangerous pieces have to be removed from the chessboard because they’re so dangerous. So you’re just surrounded one by one. They don’t know who’s next, where, where the attack is coming from.
But now you have the problem, okay, of ha, what do you do once you’ve removed all these pliers? Can you simply announce to the public, hey, by the way, why you guys were sleeping. We arrested and executed everybody, but it was for your own good. Let us explain. People won’t understand that. They won’t accept that it can’t be done that way. Well, keep their Personas alive. Right. And then you repeat it. Yeah. It’s a, it’s a replay. Only with, only with actors. That’s right. And when you look and you see, I mean, I mean, it’s a statistical fact that they upgraded.
They upgraded Guantanamo Bay with extensive facilities for geriatric stuff. And who’s geriatric? Yeah, who’s geriatric? I mean, that’s going to be all these old politicians, not people that they’re pulling out of, you know, not 20 year olds that they’re pulling out of Afghanistan or Iraq. You know? You know, so, I mean, use your brain and think about that for a second. So, and if. And I’m, again, I’m more convinced than ever that they have taken these people and isolated them so that they can’t be a danger anybody or. And they can’t kill themselves so that they can stand trial in front of everybody and everybody can see it, because that we could be watching replays, right? Or we could be watching shows, replays of the trials that already occurred.
Right? So we, you know, we don’t know how they’re gonna play that, but it’s a big part of the Q operation. Q makes this very clear. One is the takedown of the bad guys, but the other is the delicate process of explaining this and pulling people out of their mass hypnosis because you can’t just say, hey, we arrested everybody we killed. People will be shocked with what’s going on here. So the way they’re going to do this is a drip, drip. And right now, I think we’re in the early stages, because, again, Trump just truth this yesterday he says these, these crazy people are going to lead us in the world War three, an economic collapse.
So that’s not going away. But it’s got to be the vehicle to really shock people. If we go to the precipice of World War three, which isn’t going to happen. It’s all stage managed. Agreed. Cisco. I’m going to ask that you hold on to that question for next week because we are already over and I mean, we only go an hour and we’re a half an hour over, and so I need to get Mike out of here. So please save that, save that question for next week. I think what we, what we, what we might do next week is something on cue.
I would like to play the, like the eight minute clip of Jerome Corsi when he talked about the plan where. Yeah, I think that would be a very good, kind of like a, you know, to start off the show and then kind of go in and talk a little bit more about Q. I think it would be, and this is just me, you know, postulating, but I think it would be wise for us to at least one, one Tuesday a month, really focus heavily on the Q operation and kind of just things that are going on, because I think so many people just, they just, they, either they reject it outright or they, they’re not, they’re not informed enough, maybe, that they’ve woken up, you know, in the last couple of years and really didn’t pay that close attention to the queue operation or thought it foolhardy in the past.
So I think it might be a good opera, a good idea to at least once a month kind of maybe talk a little bit about the queue operation. I think that’d be a worthwhile endeavor. So. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. Well, Mike, where can people find you? The usual place. Realnewsandhistory.com and I mixed the history with the news and I tie the two together. But you will find there a lot of day to day analysis of the current events tying into the cube plan. It’s just now more self evident than ever, even though it appears quite a number of people have fallen off the Q wagon.
But the plan is, in effect, 100%. I’m convinced of it. So real news and history.com. there’s one person, the same person who said that she was on the island on vacation said that. She said, I joined late. Did you talk about junior’s ashes in a Tiffany blue box? On inauguration day, Melania dressed like Jackie and gave Obama’s a gift in a Tiffany blue box. I saw that as a sign. Blew my mind. Now, I don’t know. I doubt that they would have given ashes of J. That’s too much. But definitely Melania and dresses. There’s quite a few comms on this.
Oh, it absolutely means something. So that’s something you forgot to mention tonight. I’m glad she brought that up. That’s a Jackie O trademark dress. That blue dress. He wasn’t wearing it. I don’t think that. Was that the one? She wasn’t wearing that in a day, the assassination? I don’t think she. No, she was wearing the pink one. She was wearing the pink one on the day. The session was another occasion. And that she was known for. She was. That was the one. This is what they do. They do this with Melania a lot. She wore. She wore that on an inauguration day of 60, 61.
That was what she did. So. But it was just very, very interesting comms there. A lot of stuff. Now, I absolutely believe that the box was. Was. Was. Was a message, but I don’t think it’s going to have ashes of somebody’s dead body in there. So that’s. That’s a definitely a message as well as many, many other. Many other Melania dresses. Definitely. So. Yeah. But anyway, guys. Okay. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for tuning in and for the super chats or the rumble rants or whatever the heck they called.
I hardly ever get any, so it’s like, I don’t even know what they’re called. But every little bit helps, because ever since I started showing, I did, about six weeks ago, I started playing Europa, and they kept censoring it. Rumble keeps. Rumble keeps taking down the Europa that I uploaded. And now all of my videos are demonetized. Every single one of the videos that I put up, whether I’m considered opening up a new channel. Well, if I do, then I gotta. I’ve got so many. I. Maybe. But maybe that might be something. But I’m starting to upload stuff onto Odyssey and whatnot.
Oh, I did want to ask you, actually, I’m going to ask you offline. But, guys, little thank you very much, literally, for tonight. It was awesome. I really had a good time with Mike tonight. Time just flew by. So thank you, guys. But I want to get Mike out of here because it’s late for him and he needs his beauty rest. So thank you, guys. Have a great night. And I will be back tomorrow. I’m going to be going through the Perloff book about Lincoln since he’s coming on the channel here in about two weeks. So we’re going to, we’re going to go through that book so that we’re prepared when we interview him.
So anyway, guys, have a wonderful evening, and I will see you tomorrow, and Mike will see you all next week. Have a great night, everybody. Good night.