Tuesday With Mike | Globalist Soft Power NGOs Are Destroyed Trump Dumps Hard on Bibi Satanyahoo

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âž¡ Ron Partain, in a conversation with Mike, discusses the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in global politics. He suggests that these organizations, funded by groups like the Soros and Rockefeller foundations, often act as fronts for intelligence agencies, using humanitarian aid or civil rights as a cover to influence countries politically. He also mentions that these NGOs are now being expelled from various countries, including China, Russia, and India, and even Europe is growing weary of them. This, he believes, is due to the Trump Q military operation targeting these “soft power” networks.
âž¡ Many countries worldwide are suspending or banning non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including Uganda and Nicaragua. This trend, which is seen as a significant shift in global power dynamics, is due to these countries resisting the influence of these NGOs. The decline in NGO activity is also linked to a decrease in funding and leadership. This global change is seen as a promising development, indicating a shift away from ‘soft power’ and towards more independent national governance.
âž¡ The article discusses various political events and theories, including criticism of Netanyahu’s influence on U.S. politics and wars, Trump’s stance against the Greater Israel Zionist faction, and the manipulation of public opinion to support wars. It also mentions the concept of neoconservatism, which is described as a perversion of traditional conservatism, and the influence of globalism on political decisions.
âž¡ The text discusses the evolution of the Republican Party, with a focus on its support for Israel. It suggests that this support was a strategy used by Trump to conceal his secret war against Israel. The text also predicts a resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and the end of the New World Order. It ends with a discussion about a new book on the Shroud of Turin, a religious artifact, and its mysterious properties.


To the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain. I’m cutting in and out. I apologize, I do not have any power. I’m using this on a solar backup and my. I’m tethering this to my phone for Internet. So I’m not going to be talking much. If you heard much of that. I’m going to let Mike do the majority of the talking tonight. So with that. How you been there, Mr. King? Okay, well after. I gotta. I’m gonna have to carry you. But that’s okay. You look like you know you’re in a dungeon somewhere. It’s all dark in the background.

But that’s a. That’s okay. It’s new studio. Did you prepare anything off of this or. I mean I’ve got my own stuff because I know sometimes you put together or you just got the website. Yep, that’s fine. Okay, well I prepared two pieces to talk about tonight based on New York Times articles. And you know, it’s interesting because they, they sort of relate, they sort of relate to each other because there’s two components to this New World order power elite structure. There’s, there’s the kind of, you know, Zionist Israel First, Greater Israel, Greater Israel Project. Okay.

And that’s sometimes it’s overlapping, yet it competes with the, the globalist Marxists. So that, that’s two big problems for humanity. The Greater Israel Project and then the One World Government project. And there’s a lot of overlap there. But the two pieces we’re going to cover tonight will show that both of them are, are collapsing or have collapsed or it’s done thanks to the, the weight of the Trump Q military operation and the, the fight that is taken to them. And this first one is about NGOs which stands for non government organization. But they’re very much government, they’re very much political and geopolitical.

They are, they’re essentially fronts for the intelligence agencies. So they may not receive direct money from governments, but they get, they get black money through the CIA operatives, they get money from the tax exempt foundations and these are like the Soros groups, the Rockefeller groups will fund them, Save the Children, Amnesty International, the Open Society Foundation. What these organizations do, Ron, is they will go into a targeted country which is. Could be any country in the world and they’ll bring in bags of money and they’ll set up shop using the front of humanitarian aid or civil rights or pro democracy or missionary work or feed the children, etc.

But they’re just, they’re just fronts and they use them to Draw in the internal traders who exist in every country. And you know, they, these people will come to you like flies to. They, they know that these subversive American, mostly American groups are here. And so this is how we established a soft power presence in various countries. Okay. And the term. Well, the good news about this article, if you scroll down a bit there, you’ll see that this particular article is about a pair of such characters who were arrested in Greece. And the art, the article goes on to explain how these people are being targeted now in Europe.

So, okay, I mean for a while now they’ve been tossed out of countries in Asia, in Africa, Russia, India, Turkey. But now even the libtard European nations are getting fed up with these people because these type of organizations that are, they’re at the forefront of the migrant crisis because they care so much. Right. They’re such humanitarians, but it’s all nefarious agendas, political subversion, human trafficking. A lot of them are involved in human trafficking. This is the fronts that they use. The migrant invasion so they can change the demographics of Europe. But this is the articles about, there’s a subtitle there or the title, the headline.

The story is they came to help migrants. Now Europe has turned on them. As the legal ordeal of two aid workers shows anti migrant attitudes in Greece and across Europe have hardened. So this is good news, particularly so when you’re seeing it in, in Western Europe. Okay, and you scroll down a little bit more, you’ve got, I got a picture there of George Soros and these various aid groups. And that’s, that’s the power behind it. It’s all globalist power. And this, this goes way back. You can go back to the 1950s, you know, when Norman, Norman Dodd and the Reese Committee, they were, they were investigating the huge tax exempt foundations for promoting globalism.

This was part of it because a lot of these groups are funded by the tax exempt foundations. Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Soros, etc. So but that’s the term that they use, it’s called soft power because the, the preference is always to take down a country without firing a shot. If you can do that. And you use these soft power organizations. So you remember back in the days when they used to have color revolutions which we haven’t seen in a number of years. Now this is how they took down Ukraine or Georgia. Any place on earth where you see suddenly a spontaneous mob protesting the government.

That’s these people. This is what overthrew Ukraine in 2014. Actually they overthrew Ukraine in 2004 with a soft power revolution called the Orange Revolution, without a shot being fired. Years later, Ukrainian patriots got control of the government again. So they went with another soft power revolution in 2014, which turned into hard power. The two work hand in hand. You know, John McCain, Vicki Newland. They show up, they incite the mob. And then there was. That was a violent coup, but it started with soft power. Okay, now, if you scroll down a bit more, I want to show you a, a book cover, by the way.

Well, there’s a, there’s a Q post there. If you can scroll up a bit. It says, what if China, Russia and others are coordinating with POTUS to eliminate the New World Order? That’s q post from 2017. And it’s interesting. The mass expulsion of these NGOs began in China and Russia, also India, in 2015, right when Trump was coming down the escalator. So this was clearly part of the Q. Operation Assault is to go over, go after these soft power networks, which is critical because there’s, they represent a tentacle of the New World Order operating in every country on Earth.

Okay. Also you have the, the, the famous executive order 1, 3 cut. We cut out for a moment, but I’m back. You’re back. That’s good. Sorry, guys. I apologize. Doing the best I can with what I have. Apologize. Yeah, that’s all right. We’re making it work. So. But this executive order enabled Trump to seize the money and assets of organizations, foreign and domestic, that are involved in extreme corruption and also human rights abuse, because a lot of these will be fronts for child sex trafficking as well. So that’s why they’re dying. It’s no accident that, that all of these countries, all these countries started expelling them.

And here’s the headlines. These are headlines from 2015. New York Times Clampdown in China Restricts 7,000 Foreign Organizations. Another headline again, 2015, Unlikely Targets and Crosshairs as Russia Aims to Expose Foreign Influence. And then below that is yet another New York Times article. Again, 2015, US Ambassador criticizes India’s Crackdown on Charities and Activist Group. They’re not charities. It’s charity fraud. It’s all NGO subversion. So it started with the big boys, and then it spread out to other countries. And then when Trump came into power and he started defunding them, it really started to collapse. Now, that character there, his name is Joseph Nye, Jr.

Harvard Academic, writes a book. You see, among themselves, they, they, they speak the truth and the facts to the general public. They don’t explain this stuff, but amongst themselves they’re quite honest. But that book there, he wrote that book, it’s called, it’s called the title Soft Power the Means to Success in World Politics. Chew on that for a while. The Means to Success in World Politics. And look what he’s got on the COVID as an illustration. Chess pieces. So this is what he lays out. Soft Power could be like the Voice of America or Radio Free Europe, all of these human rights groups.

It’s, it’s a, it’s a cultural political attack that’s done without weaponry. And, and you see what something like this, how effective it can be, it’s a long term planning. But you, if you can influence or brainwash enough people that say in Europe, in Ukraine to suddenly hate Russia all of a sudden, well, not all of a sudden, but they, they groomed them that way for 20, 30 years. Soft power. And that’s actually what he writes about in his book. And it’s so important to the Building the New World Order because if you just bomb everybody and conquer everybody, you know, you don’t necessarily capture the country in the long run or the hearts and minds.

Ideally you want to infiltrate, penetrate and get enough people in their political leadership to think like you. And then they do it on their own. But that’s all coming to an end. And again it all began in 2015, just when Trump came down the escalator. And here’s some more headlines here, another one. Turkey Major country suspends activities of hundreds of NGOs. And if you keep scrolling down, look at all these countries. Uganda suspends work of 54 NGOs. Increasing pressure on charities. So it then began to spread until unto these smaller, less powerful third world countries who in the past they could never stand up to these, these groups because if they ever did, next thing you know you’d be reading in the New York Times, Washington Post about this country that’s violating human rights.

And then they get sanctioned. They won’t be able to withstand that. But so this is quite astonishing to see countries like Uganda and Nicaragua telling the NOS to go F themselves and get out of here. It’s happening all over the world. There’s some more headlines. Nicaragua bans 1500 nos in the latest Crackdown against Civil society. That’s another euphemism they use for these groups. They call them civil society. Below that headline. Egypt Independent Civil Society Organizations at risk of Closure. And here’s some more pulled off the Internet. Niger Military Junta bans French humanitarian NGOs. Khartoum that’s in Sudan expels foreign aid agencies from Eastern Sudan.

There’s another one six months after Mali banned the French funding for ngo. Malley is getting into the actual. And it’s, it’s free. You could just get yourself a world map, type in a country and put expels ngos. It’s happening all over the world. And so this is really a promising development that’s just unfolded under our radars. But it’s, it’s very, it’s very important. Cannot emphasize how critical this is. This all points to the end of soft power because it dried up. The funding dried up, the leaders dried up. The New World Order is dead. What are they going to do? NATO’s dead.

We’re talking about pulling out of NATO. Right. Trump just pulled us out of the WHO. World Health Organization pulled us out of Paris climate accords. Now you have all these NGOs being expelled all over the world. So it’s just another indicator of how the world is, is changing. Can you see the screen? Transformation. Can you see the screen? Yeah. Oh, you pulled up a bunch more. How about that? Over the last 15 years, 11 African countries have adopted legislation or policies that improperly constrained nos. Yeah, improperly. And in Africa, they’re particularly wise to this because the NGOs and the bill Gates.

This is the COVID they used it to for further experiment their vaccines. It’s a big money maker for the Gates foundation, as you know. But it’s worldwide now. It’s Asia, it’s spread to Latin America. So it’s almost like in unique. So what’s this, what this shows is that the smaller, weaker countries, you have to ask where are they getting the courage from all of a sudden to tell these NGOs, which are connected to a very powerful international network to get out of our country? Well, they can do it because the power behind them is gone. Everything’s withered away.

It’s just happened slowly and, and gradually. And it’s something you don’t appreciate until you put the whole list together of every country in the world that’s recently or in the last 10 years or so expelled in NGO. Yeah. They’re expressing concern over banning them. Senators express concern. Yep, yep. Sorrows to senators. Yep. Do banned NGOs advocate the poor NGOs. They just care about the poor. African people or Asian people. They just want to help. But, you know, it’s bad when they, you start getting bounced out of Western Europe. That’s, that’s bad for them because for Europe, the last straw for a lot of these countries Particularly in the south and in the east Europe is, is this migrant invasion.

Burundi bans NGOS for tarnishing countries images. Yeah the Taliban everybody’s getting in on the act. It’s beautiful thing. Oh this is interesting choice tools of version for the new order Liberty Beacon. Yeah so I searched this up in the index and you, you know about Norman Dodd. I’m sure the, the, he did that famous interview when he was very old. But he was a young investigator. What was he investigating? Yeah so that, that’s what the network’s all about. That’s, that’s your tax exempt foundations funding these, these NGOS. The NGOs show up in foreign countries and then they recruit and cultivate internal traders who will become the government of tomorrow in those countries.

Really, really nasty nefarious stuff and it’s just coming to an end. Here we get to. Now the other, the other story we have is from another, another element of the world power structure. That’s the Greater Israel gang and that should need that. That’s your neocons. One of the ways in which the neoconservatives differ from the globalists is, I mean they’re all globalists. But two things about the neocons, one, they’re, they’re warmongers. They don’t, they don’t like the soft power stuff. They don’t have the patience for it. So like in, whereas the globalists were more inclined to subvert a country and sanction it and slowly strangle it into submission over a five to seven year period, even ten year period neocons are like screw that, let’s just bomb them.

I think people like Dick Cheney, Richard Pearl at all crowds. So that’s one of the differences. And then of course the key difference is the emphasis on Greater Israel. A guy like Netanyahu here, his primary concern is was, is to expand the borders of Israel from the, the Euphrates to the Nile, blow up the whole region. And the two factions, they overlap and they incorporate. They were both involved in the Kennedy assassination, both involved in 9 11. Okay so it’s sort of like competing mafia families yet within the same overarching structure. So now this article deals with the, the decline and decline of Bibi Netanyahu.

This is an op ed submitted actually by deputy editor in chief of Heretz Israeli news service to New York Times and it’s Bibi Netanyahu is falling ever upward. Now I maintain that Bibi Netanyahu was taken care of some time ago just like Biden. And we’re watching an imposter but nonetheless, you still have to destroy his image and weaken Israel in preparation for the final Middle east peace solution that I believe Trump will unveil in due time. Now, Bibi Netanyahu, and you would know this. It’s been, how long has this character been on the world stage? 30 years? Something like that.

Like that. At least like that. I mean, he used to, used to drive Bill Clinton nuts. You know, Bill Clinton was part of more of the globalist faction. He didn’t like Netanyahu. But he goes back to the 90s. He wrote his book in 1995 actually where he said one day they’re going to come, come again for the World Trade center and they might put a nuke in the basement. He was already telegraphing 9, 11 back in 1995. So that’s 30 years ago. She’s been around a long time in various positions, Defense minister, prime minister, and then he’s out and he comes back at prime minister.

So he’s always held one of the top positions, leader of the coup, one of the leaders of the coup party for the longest time and all throughout these last three decades. Yeah, that’s right. His brother led the raid on Entebbe. Yeah, see that comment there? But for the longest time he was a man, you know, whether you liked him or not, they had to respect him. He could just walk in and out of world capitals and meet with the leaders and just come up how many times he come to the UN advocating screaming for war against Iran.

Remember his little, his little cartoons with the bomb, Iran is at 90%, you know, blow weapons of mass destruction. He was and he was feared. Now he’s an international laughingstock. So again, we talk about this change in the world. There’s a bunch of countries now, if he shows up, he’s going to be arrested. If he shows up in those countries, he’s not popular in Israel. And, and what’s interesting now, it’s all of a sudden it is socially permissible to dump on Netanyahu and it’s coming from the so called left and center. And even Trump now has gotten into the act.

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but a few days ago, less than a week ago, Trump posted a video clip of a Columbia professor named Sachs, Jewish guy, no less. It’s a brief clip and Sachs is saying, well, it’s beautiful. You know, you dump something like this out, you put in the mouth of, of a Jew professor and he puts it on true social. So, you know, yeah, it’s not Me saying it’s the professor. But what does Sachs say in the video? It’s a brief video clip and he says Netanyahu, he gets us into wars.

He’s still trying to get us into war with Iran. The war with Iraq was phony. He’s a deep, dark son of a. That’s her exact words. Trump posted that. So now I, I hope this will finally convince. You know what I call the black pill? People who maintain that Trump is a Zionist, whatever that. No, he was just playing the game all along, but now he’s unchained and he’s, he no longer has to play this game. And just that’s what he posted. You, you might be able to dig that up if you put his name in.

I think it’s Jeffrey Sachs. Netanyahu. The video went viral and then a bunch of news outlets across the country and the world picked up on it. So that amplified the message that Trump is saying that Netanyahu is a deep, dark son of a. Who’s trying to get the United States into war with Iran. So again, this could never have happened years ago. Do you know how many politicians, academics, journalists have been destroyed for criticizing Israel? Look what happened to JFK when he was leaning on Bengurian Tuars writing him letters demanding an expect inspection. So there he is.

Let’s listen. And you may actually hear from grown up reporters who are lying through their teeth or ignorant. Can you hear that? Yes, perfectly beyond imagining that. Oh, the war in Syria. Yes. Russia intervened in Syria. Well, do you know that the, that Obama tasks the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government starting four years before Russia intervened? What kind of nonsense is that? And how many times did the New York Times report on Operation Timber Sycamore, which was the presidential order to the CIA to overthrow Bashar Al Assad? Three times in 10 years. This is not democracy.

This is a game. And it’s a game of narrative. Why did the U.S. invade Iraq in 2003? Well, first of all, it was completely phony pretenses. It wasn’t. Oh, we were so wrong. They didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. They actually did focus groups in the fall of 2002 to find out what would sell that war to the American people. Abe Schulzky, if you want to know the name of the PR genius, they did focus groups on the war. They wanted the war all the time. They had to figure out how to sell the war to the American people, how to scare the shit out of the American people.

It was a phony war. Where did that war come from? You know what? It’s quite surprising that war came from Netanyahu, actually. You know that it’s weird. And the way it is is that Netanyahu had, from 1995 onward, the theory that the only way we’re going to get rid of Hamas and Hezbollah is by toppling the governments that support them. That’s Iraq, Syria and Iran. And the guy’s nothing if not obsessive. And he’s still trying to get us to fight Iran this day, this week. He’s a deep, dark son of a. Sorry to tell you, because he’s gotten us into endless wars and because of the power of all of this in the US Politics, he’s gotten his way.

But that war was totally phony. So what is this? Democracy versus Dictatorship? Come on. This is. These are not even sensible terms. So that’s some powerful stuff. And again, Trump posted that on his True social, went viral and then all the other media, the world picked it up. So there’s your indicator right there where Trump’s true sentiments are towards this deep, dark son of a. And this isn’t the first time, but this is certainly the most high profile time that Trump put that kind of information out there. If we scroll a little lower here, I’d like to show you a headline from some years ago.

Okay? That’s the game he played, playing like he’s all buddies and besties with Netanyahu. And I think at one point they thought he’s going to take out Iran and Syria for us. That’s how Trump was acting and talking. That was all set up. Never had any intention of doing so in 2021. This from Rolling Stone magazine here. Trump blast Netanyahu for disloyalty. F U C K him another occasion. He said that Netanyahu doesn’t want peace, he never wanted peace, etc. So it’s abundantly clear by now, and this is just like the final nail that shows that Trump has indeed been waging war against this Greater Israel Zionist faction, just like he’s been waging war against the globalist faction.

And by necessity it had to be concealed with all of these insincere professions of love and loyalty for Israel. Okay, so he played, played it beautifully. Okay, so that’s Jeffrey Sachs. And what do we have here at the bottom? And this is a good indicator. I mean, it hasn’t happened until it happens. It hasn’t happened. But maybe we’re going to go head in the direction of 911 truth and linking it to Israel because it’s interesting that Jeffrey Sachs said that Netanyahu has been saying since 1995 because that year was when Netanyahu wrote a book in which he said the World Trade center, they’re gonna, they’re gonna put a nuke in it.

He said Iraq was, was going to do it. So we’ll see. But there is the, the Q post, the prophetic. It’s easy to be prophetic when you’re the one writing the script, of course, but Q Post 916, March 10, 2018. We are saving Israel for last. And indeed we are. That’s. That, that’s where we are now. So the way I see it, we are in very good position now and we don’t have to play the game anymore of what I call Trump dash because he’s, he’s been president all along. 45, 47. Now we were in the dash with so called Biden playing the role of president.

So obviously you couldn’t finish the movie. But now that’s over and already we’re starting to see moves and I think every day we’re going to see really good progress in terms of ripping down the New World Order and the Greater Israel Project which has already been ripped down, but kind of reenacting it and revealing things to the public. So it’s, We’ve already seen Trump pull this right out of the. Who was a bunch of executive orders. I haven’t reviewed them yet but you know, now it’s time to deliver. Okay, now it’s time to deliver all of the, the comms and the Q interpretations.

It’s all been fun. But now we want, I won’t say we want results because I truly believe we already have the results. Most of these people are dead, gone and Gitmo. But we want to see the public exposure of it in the public punishment. Okay, yeah, I can hear you. But. Right. I want to share this. Neoconservatives and Trotskyism. Yeah. And I don’t know how much you can see it, but basically Irving Crystal, who’s William Crisp? Dad, these guys are communists, but they masquerade as conservatives. Yeah. And they, and they, they’ve adopt Trotskism as opposed to Leninism.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, they were, they were, yeah, they were, they were Marxist Trotskyites throughout their youth, 50s, 60s and 70s. Then when it was right around the time Jimmy Carter and Z Brinsky began leaning on Israel. Okay. To make a peace deal. Get the, get the area pacified. It’s not because of any empathy for the Palestinians. No. But A lot of the globalists have always seen that problem in the Middle east as kind of a, a hindrance towards their objectives because they, they want corrupt Arab leaders who are going to be on board with the New World Order.

But now you’ve got this controversial situation here. It complicates things for them. It’s like, how can we get close to the west when you’re in bed with Israel? So it’s a headache for the globalists. And that’s why Carter and Brzezinski were leaning on Israel to make some kind of final peace settlement. Palestinians. And then they could just go about continuing their business of building a New World Order. But they didn’t like that. These, these megazionists, for them, Greater Israel is even more important than the globalist agenda. So what, what these, what, what a lot of these characters did is they suddenly had an epiphany.

They discovered, hey, we’re not Trotskyites after all. We’re Reaganites. We see the errors of our way. And overnight they just announced all these, all these Jewish Marxists, Porridge, Crystal, Mona, Char and William Saf. There’s a whole list of them. And all at once a movement was born just like that and called the Neo Conservatives. And that way they were able to penetrate the right in the Republican Party and they were welcomed with open arms because people didn’t see the trick. And, and a lot of traditional conservatives thought, oh, this is so wonderful. The, these Jewish Bolsheviks now have converted and they welcomed them into their, to their publications and their magazines.

And once they’re like, in. They got a foothold, one pushes up the other. And before you knew it, traditional, you know, Taft, Goldwater, Reagan, conservatism was perverted and twisted into neo conservatism, which is basically globalism, light with some tax cuts, but mainly war, war, war for the sake of Greater Israel. We can thank Eisenhower for that. Well, he would have been of the globalist faction. He wasn’t really. Well, back then, even FDR and a lot of globalists, they were opposed to the idea of Israel. You know what, what Eisenhower did is he converted the Republican Party into a moderate party, okay? But it still had the conservative wing.

So it used to be a conservative Republican party for the longest time. And then by the time Eisenhower got done remaking it in his image, I guess you could say was 5050 with the Rhinos having the edge. But of that conservative win, they got further diluted by the neocons. And somehow along the way, it became conservative to have unwavering support for Israel. And you know that that’s how you get your Dick Cheney’s. And you see my comment there. Ike laid the foundation for the modern neocons. Yeah, well, he, he started the process of watering down the Republican Party.

So that’s how the Republican. So you had the Republican Party was based essentially all conservative, and then 50, 50 conservative rhino. And then that conservative faction went 50, 50 neocon. So they got further diluted. And, but that’s the neocons did. They managed to make the Republican Party the party of pro Israel, and that’s aided and abetted greatly by the Evangelical Zionist Christians. Right, so that’s what Trump had to deal with. This is why he had to conceal his secret war against Israel by overemphasizing his loyalty and his devotion to Israel. It was sickening to hear for a lot of people, but it was absolutely necessary.

And now we see why. Because it concealed what he was doing. And very soon, you’re going to see the end of Israel or, or at least it’ll be reconfigured in such a way that the Palestinians will have a new state, prosperous state, protected. The whole problem will be resolved. Greater Israel is over. New World Order is over. And these two articles just provide further evidence, you know, of that. You know, there might be still, still some remnants to clean up, because we are still living in an illusion. By the way, just because we had an inauguration a couple days ago doesn’t mean it’s still a military government.

Okay. And you have a bunch of characters up there who are dead, but now they live like, like, like Hillary and, and, and Joe Biden and so on. So the illusion is going to continue for a while, but the policies that are coming are going to be real. But that’s what we’re waiting for. But so far, after one full day, we’ve got all these great executive orders, we’re out of the World Health Organization. I’m expecting every day to see something bolder and bolder, but ultimately, what we have to get to and what we’ve been promised. Well, actually, Trump just reiterated this two days ago at a rally.

Disclosure, declassification of JFK files and RFK files. And if they disclose what they’re supposed to disclose, just something like that alone could be a major icebreaker. And then you build on that drip, drip, drip, drip. So let’s let, let, let’s see what happens. But all indicators now are that we’re in such a position of strength and, and control again. When you see third world countries telling NGOs pack your and get out. And when you see everybody dumping on Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, something’s happened. Don’t tell me nothing’s happened, okay? As far as I know, a lot.

The, the last, the last three presidents who leaned on Israel, they ended up in a bad way. JFK dead. Jimmy Carter again for other motives. He got, he got run out of town. All the big Jew money turned against him. And also Bill Clinton. And again, we’re not defending Bill Clinton, of course, but he’s of that Soros globalist faction and they see the is the whole Israeli Likud parties as a headache. And you remember when Clinton brought together Arafat and Rabin and he had the big photo op, they’re making a peace deal, right? How did Rabin end up dead? Assassinated by, by a Zionist in Israel at an Arafat wind up sudden illness.

He dies. As for Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, that was a neocon operation, okay? So that’s why it’s so difficult and dangerous. Sometimes politically dangerous, other times quite literally dangerous to your life to take on an Israeli prime minister. And yet here we have Trump posting Jeffrey Sachs out there. This is truly historic and unprecedented. And people need to appreciate the change that is happening in this world when you can see NGOs told to get out and Bibi Netanyahu become the subject of ridicule and mockery from all directions. So. Well, I think we’re good then. I mean we.

You got to cover what you want to cover and. Yeah, breaking up. So I use my, I use my quota of words. So. Yeah, well, sorry guys, that I can’t go further tonight. Sorry. That’s all right. Anyway, and oh, what else I want to do here. Hey Ron, if you’re interested next week I, I think your audience might. I have a new book out, by the way. It’s called the Divine Selfie. I don’t know how much you know about the Shroud of Turin. No, yeah, I took a deep dive into the subject and I gotta tell you, I was astonished that I, as a nice Catholic boy, I didn’t know any of this stuff.

I knew about the Shroud of Torah, was never taught about the extent of the forensics that were done on, on the cloth. And it’s quite mind blowing. So I put together a book. It’s called the Divine Selfie, A Crash Course on the Jesus Shroud of Turin. And it’s not a religious book, it’s not a preaching book. That’s not my purpose. I came at it from the perspective of student of history also, but with a great interest in the. What the forensic scientists discovered. We’re talking like atheists and agnostics and even a few Jews who have investigated this thing.

They’re like, we can’t explain it. So I think it’s, it’s, it’s really remarkable mystery. But I would, I’d like to discuss this on your show next week. Yeah, it’s also. It’s available on Amazon now, too. By the way, my author page is Mike S. King. So if you want to read the. The Divine Selfie. But I’m just going to give you a little preview here. This is the image that people associate with the Shroud. Okay. But that’s not what you see when you see the Shroud. You look at the Shroud, it resembles like, almost like an impressionistic painting or something like a child put together.

Okay. It’s not. You don’t see realism. This photo was taken in 1898 when they were developing photography in the photography, you know, back in the day, you had negatives. Remember, you had to take it to the pharmacy to develop it. You can’t discern the negative. So the photographer is developing the negatives. He looks at the negative. He sees this, which you cannot see when you look at the Shroud. So in other words, unbeknownst to him, he had a negative of a negative which yielded a positive image, but you don’t see anything at all. You don’t see any level of detail like this when you’re actually looking at the shroud.

How did a negative cloth. They didn’t have photography back then as far as. So that’s the. Kind of amazing. And there’s much more in terms of the forensics. So I felt they should put that together. And it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s really amazing. Yeah, yeah. So. All right, guys, go find, go follow Mike. If you can hear me, Real news in history dot com. Real news in history dot com. That’s me. Yep. And his Amazon links are in the description, so not to his new book, but I will update that. Yeah. So pardon my. My Herc Jerky Internet.

It’s the best that I can with what I have. So everybody was, everybody was eager for Mike because I think, you know, they were, they were. They missed you last week. Yeah, well, this week they missed you. So next week we’ll get them both together. What are you turning into a third world? All right, guys, California. You get like power every other day. What the insane look. Africa in it. Internet no power, so. Yeah. Anyway. All right, guys. We’re gonna let Mike go, and I will. You. We’ll see you guys. I’ll get something up tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll have power, but.

But we’ll see. We’ll see you, Mike. Next week. Thanks for your time tonight.



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