And it’s in, obviously, the popular vote, the electoral college, all of it. And technically speaking, you know, they finagle the bagel, and those blue spots really should be red. But it’s okay. It’s fine. We won. That’s the important thing. You know, look, the Quantum Summit tickets have started to sell because everybody wants to be part of the celebration, and everybody will descend down. The only thing I got to tell you, I got to put this in the beginning of the video. Some people may not watch all the way till the end, and I don’t want to put at the end specifically for this reason.
February 17, February 20, at the very, very outside ticket sales stop. It doesn’t matter what happens. This is a different kind of situation because you’re coming down. There’s food involved. There’s gala dinners. There’s all kinds of things that are part of the event. You cannot come down at the door and expect to buy a ticket, because we have to tell the chef staff and the, you know, the head chef and the sous chef, and all these guys say, here’s the list of people that are coming down. This is how many people are coming down, have to buy enough food accordingly so that they can accommodate everybody.
So if you come last minute and you think you’re going to crash the party, I got really, really bad news for you. You can’t. Okay? So if you’re planning on coming, now is the time to buy the ticket. And this will be the last Quantum Summit. There will be no more Quantum Summit after this. There’s no reason to. Now we all focus on creating leaders that will literally take the bull by the horn and put this country back on track and make it a model country for the rest of the world to follow. And it looks like Donald Trump is definitely moving towards a Nesara Gesara state of mind.
Whether you call it that or you call it something different, it doesn’t matter. He says Listen, as the appetizer, I’m cutting the federal government down by 50%. 5. Oh, that’s just the hors d’oeuvre. Okay? The appetizer, the soup and the salad comes next. And we will go down to 95%. Okay, staying alive prices. I want to discuss that now. We have a new website with a double E. The prices we launched with were supposed to only last for six months, but we understood that we were in a new world order and the economy was very, very bad.
And gas prices up, you know, 100% from when Donald Trump left, for example. Maybe not 100, but like, like 80, 75, 80%. You know, food prices, even though they tell you on the line, mean mainstream media, that it’s only up by 22% and 21%. Those are bullshit numbers. You understand that? I understand that. I could tell you that it’s more like 200%, 300%. Food prices have gone up literally through the roof. Trump is going to fix all of that, but it requires you guys. You guys are part of the plan. You can’t expect me and Nino Rodriguez and Rob Cunningham and Molly Elmore to come in and do all the work for you guys.
Get a microphone, speak out. I want to address this because I think it’s very, very important. What is important is how Donald Trump, besides, you know, obviously he’s going to take. He’s going to go after things that are very, very important going forward. Immediately, the border gets closed down, the Keystone pipeline gets reopened. We become energy efficient. We import instead of import, our energy instead of exporting it. And we’re not, you know, literally on our knees to other petrol companies, if you will. So the bottom line is that what I’m trying to get at is the economy was really, really bad.
So when we opened up Staying Alive, we had the lowest, lowest prices, and we still are extremely low. And I didn’t do this to compete, and I’m not competing with anybody. I didn’t do it for that. I did it because I am a humanitarian at heart. That’s a fact. And we want people to heal, but you can’t heal people if they can’t afford the program. So I had to figure out, how do I create more real estate with more chairs so that I can make it up on the volume. Obviously, yes, we would have to work harder to earn our money because you’re dealing with more people.
You have to hire more staff, you have to have more insurance, you have to have more of everything, right? So it doesn’t matter we don’t mind working hard. We like working hard. Okay? And smart. So we make up the same money or maybe even more than the other centers that are looking to really, you know, charge a premium for their service. But I believe the service is going to go mainstream and I’m going to get to that in a second. Now, the staying live prices went up a little bit, but we’re always throwing specials because we want to entice people to come and, you know, use, utilize our services.
The testimonials are through the roof. Staying alive price was only supposed to last for six months. We went way beyond a year with the lowest possible prices. We’re talking 80, 85% cheaper, not in some cases even 90% cheaper than a lot of the other centers. Now, we didn’t do it to compete because we love everybody. But the thing is, I wanted to make sure that first and foremost that nobody comes in my territory, which I’ve done a very good job of that nobody wants to come and compete with the Ex Pizzeria and Brazari or why? Because I’m willing to work harder.
I’m willing to work longer. I’m willing to work 18 hour days, 17 hour days. I will outwork and outrun anybody and nobody can get in my way. So because nobody wants to come in the Brevard county area or the surrounding county areas and have low prices like me, because they want to make a killing. And that’s okay. Listen, if you could figure out a way to charge these what I believe to be exuberant prices, because this is not to me, this is more about healing than it is about making money. My focus is on healing you.
My focus is how I can get the price down to $12 an hour per chair. But I have 47 chairs full. You feeling me? You got. Okay, so that’s where my, my mentality sort out. It’s the same technology. It’s the same, you know, factory. It doesn’t come from a different factory. It’s not like a copy that was made in China. It was made from Dr. Sandra’s, you know, factory with her son. And the same identical, you know, hardware, software, whatever. It’s the same people that installed. The other people around the world are the people that installed us.
Same identical stuff, except we’re a bigger place. We want to have the prices so low so that you guys, if you. Even if you’re a minimum wage person, as I always say, and I sound like a broken record, and that’s okay. We always got new people coming in but if you’re a minimum wage person making 14, 15, 18 an hour, and you have, you know, a house that you’re renting with three other roommates or five other roommates, whatever the case may be, you’re able to save a little bit of money because you’re only renting a room in your little private bathroom, whatever, maybe it’s costing you, I don’t know, 800amonth, you’re able to stack away some dollars and even a minimum wage person can come in and literally heal.
Now, if you’re broke, you come talk to me and we’ll. We’ll. We’ll work with you, okay? We’re not. It’s not about dollars and cents. It’s about healing. Okay? I can. I can give you countless stories of people who come to us that didn’t have a lot of money to play with, and we sat down and we worked with them so that we could figure out a way to get them to heal, because that’s the important thing. I don’t get. See, listen, let go and let God. Okay? You ever hear that terminology? It’s very true. You can’t give enough.
Because when you. When you do it and you do it with your heart, with no expectations in return, it comes back to you tenfold. It really does. And we’re experiencing that now. We’re in the midst of trying to figure it out. But, you know, the fact that Jason shur. I got to give this kid some kudos, man. This guy’s got balls. You know, Jason sh. Has got cojones. That’s what is attractive to me about a guy. Not that I’m. I’m not gay. I don’t like guys coones. I just like the fact that he’s got the. The chutzpah, the.
The. The backbone, you know? Ne. Never to give up, never to give in. He’s balls against the wall, man. You know what I mean? And the fact that he’s interviewed. Now what’s his name? Rfk. And RFK is completely, completely complete with health. And he’s consumed with putting the trace minerals back in the dirt. He’s consumed with getting rid of the chemtrails. He’s consumed with reversing the air that we breathe so that it’s healthier. Just like when you’re inside the EE system, the biophotons make that air pristine, as if you were to go back 3,000 years ago.
You feeling me okay? When you’re breathing in that air, your cells understand that air. Your cells understand the Biophoton, the light system that goes through your body at 1.4 times faster than the speed of light, it understands what the role of the body is. The body will regenerate billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of healthy cells. And when that happens, by default, your body will actually go into repair mode. These are not medical devices. The. The machines will not heal you. They just provide an atmosphere that your body understands. And then it’s the body that does all of the heavy lifting.
And if you got five or six or seven things wrong with you, it will prioritize. It knows which one is the one that’s most critical, which one, which one is the second most critical, third most critical, and it goes right down the line. And yes, the reason why we’re thinking about, for example, coming up with a unlimited package. There are people out there that are very, very ill. I mean, unlimited package, 24 hours, if you don’t mind us cleaning the room while you’re in there, but you’re still soaking up the energy. You can hang out in our system the entire.
The entire 24 hours for 30 days. And that price tag is going to be 8,000, I believe $8,777. And I don’t know exactly how much that comes out to, and I’ll probably calculate it here for you real quick. Let me get my calculator out. 8777. Those are God’s numbers, by the way. 17. 17. You know exactly which team we’re on. So 8777.17. How many hours are in one in one month, right? You’re looking at 30 days. Average times 24 equals 720 hours, right? So remember that number, 720 hours. Okay? So it’s 8777 divided by 7, 2, 0.
Boom. It comes out to a whopping $12 and 19 cents per hour. You feeling me? 1219. I wish it was like 1217. I think I’ll just charge 1217. What do you think? But anyway, needless to say, 12.19 per hour. Anybody? I don’t give a who you are, even if you have to borrow the money and pay it back at a later time. Okay? But I believe this technology, folks, is about to go mainstream simply because of who is in charge. Okay? We know that RFK has the technology now because what’s his name, Jason gave him a cubicle.
Okay, Number one. So he’s got it. We know that Donald Trump has the technology that’s been verified to me directly from the wolf’s mouth. Dr. Sandra Rose. Michael. Okay, we know that Marla Maples knows about the technology, which really, really what spun me to go and ask questions. I’m an ask call to Dr. Sandra said, hey, Marla Maples was at the center, blah, blah, blah, in central Jersey. She stayed four overnights. Does Donald Trump have this technology? Yes. You feeling me? Okay, so this is where we’re at, man. Look, we have got to literally take the bull by the horn.
But the plan inquires you don’t sit on your ass. Let’s not get complacent. Oh, let’s go party. Relax. Donald Trump has got this and Eric Trump has got this and Trump Jr’s got this. No, you have to get off your ass. Everybody has to get. We can put this country back on track in 17, 18 months, okay? And we could do it real, real fast. And I listen. Donald Trump is starting to sound like Nassar Gesara. He hasn’t named. He doesn’t have to. He doesn’t have to because the characteristics of what he’s talking about is Nisara Jara.
I don’t give a if Nisara Jara. Those words trigger you. I couldn’t give two rips, you understand? But the characteristics of. He’s talking to Joe Rogan. So do you think you’re going to maybe go into a flat tax and get rid of the irs? And Trump turns around candidly and says, yeah, maybe. You feeling me? That’s Nasara Gesara. Are you. Are you thinking about not doing any capital gains tax? Yeah, we’re thinking about doing that. This is all documented, man. This is all on video. It’s been captured. How much more than he. Look, when he tells you that he’s going to take down the government, federal government, by 50% and he’s going to get rid of all the bad.
Listen, these people who have major, major, major dirt on their hands, they’re figuring out what is the best place for me to go hide. The people that have the wherewithal and have their private jets, if you think they’re going to stick around to face the music, you’ll be making a mistake. That is not going to happen. You see all those homes right now burning down in Ventura County, California. All the homes that are burning down are like 22,000 square feet. You think that happens by chance? No. They’re burning all the effing evidence. All of it. That’s what’s happening right now.
And it’s. Why aren’t the, you know, 16, 17, hundred square foot homes burning down. Why are the 2200 foot homes burning down? Why is it only the mega mansions burning down? Start to connect the dots. P. Diddy is their, the guy, the sanctimonian guy, the, the guy that they’re holding very, very safe right now. He’s being guarded, I mean, by some white hats, I believe, because otherwise they would have Epstein him a long time ago. He’s still alive because he is going to burn the whole thing down to the ground, all of it. And people are freaking out.
People are freaking out not because they don’t like Donald Trump’s policy, because the other one didn’t have any policies. What policies does she have getting down her knees? You feeling me? I don’t want to get gross here, but you figure out the rest of the picture. This lady has a terrible track record as the Attorney General of California. She has a terrible track record. Oh, I could just. One signature. You heard her, you heard her doing that, right? You heard her saying that, right? We got the video. One signature. I could put everybody in jail if your kids don’t go to school.
The government indoctrination camp. You feeling me? Folks? We are about to go into some challenges, but I think the, this administration this time around is going to be a very, very, very different type of situation. Because I’m listening to pbd, which I, I strive one day to be exactly like him. And I do expect that. And I want you podcasters especially, I’m going to get into that in a second to listen very carefully, but. And I listened to Laura Trump, who was there two, three days ago. Two days ago, I think. Yeah, two days ago. And about a week and a half ago, her husband, Eric Trump, who is presidential material.
I don’t know who this guy Vance is. I was sent a bunch of stuff. I can’t put my finger on it, on whether it’s real or not. So I’m not going to throw the guy underneath the bus. I can’t prove it, and if I can’t prove something, I’m not going to insist. But anybody can fabricate something to make it look real when it’s really not. You know, we live in a conspiratorial world, and so sometimes it’s just a bullshit conspiracy. So as a newscaster, an ex pizzeria impresario who’s owned nine pizza shops, made a lot of money, spent a lot of money, has traveled extensively.
I got to bring you the damn truth. That is my obligation. So I’m not going to jump on A bandwagon like, you know, Jason Shirk, I love you for asking RFK, is Trump Jr still alive? Absolutely not. And I’ve said that for a long time. Anybody who knows that’s been following me, you understand that I held my ground pretty strong on that. Even though I don’t have any proof. I think believe. I believe the guy now. It’s been confirmed by his uncle. Of course he’s dead. Would I love for him to be alive? Yes. Is it going to change my situation whether he’s alive or dead? No, but I would rather see him to be alive.
But he’s not. But they got everybody fighting, oh, no, he’s alive. No, he’s dead. Stop with the bullshit. They want to keep you guys fighting over nonsensical. Nonsensical stuff that means absolutely nothing to keep you distracted and stressed. When you have stress, it causes oxidative stress in your body and your cells start to deteriorate, which, hence the reason why you need to come see a guy like me with staying alive to rebuild those cells. Because you stressing over some, that’s going to get you sick. Stop doing that. Stop stressing over stuff that’s going to give you anxiety or agita.
Just chill out, guys. We got our work cut out for us. Now I want to get to. And I gotta really choose my words very, very carefully here because I want to use this video on YouTube. And YouTube is being run by a bunch of people who have very, very different ideas, very, very different views of the world. And it’s not that they’re on a bad team. It’s just that these people have been thought. They have a thought process that they’ve been conditioned to think a certain way. And in their mind, they think they’re right. In our mind, we know we’re right.
Right? And so there’s a new sheriff in town that was not so new a few years back. And even he will tell you that he messed up by listening to people he should have never listened to. And he appointed people he should have never appointed. He should have never listened to guys like Hannity. Hannity is a disaster, Mr. President. Hannity is a effing disaster. He’s the last guy on planet Earth you should ever take any advice from. So listening to Laura yesterday or day before yesterday on PBD and listening to Eric Trump, they’re moving in a very, very different direction.
And what I’m hearing them saying, podcasters, listen carefully. Donald Trump, in my opinion, for whatever it’s worth, is about to shun out mainstream media completely and entirely. What do I mean by that? Mr. Trump, you are requested to be on Fox News tomorrow night at 9:00. Trump doesn’t even bother answering them, completely shutting them out, completely believing that they don’t even exist. And he’s going to go back to Joe Rogan and he’s going to go back to PBD and he’s going to go back to now an independent contractor. Tucker Carlson, this is the new media. We, we the XP3 Emperor Zario one day.
Don’t be shocked when you see Mel Carmine interviewing Donald Trump. I’m not afraid to ask him some tough questions. You know why? Because he’s up for the challenge anyway. He’s a big boy. He knows how to put his pants on in the morning. Now the fact that you got RFK on his team, the fact that you have, you know, Elon Musk on his team, the fact that the people that are surrounding themselves with and the, and the decision making process is so, so different than 2016, 2017, mind blowing where they’re not going to bring any outsider.
They’re assembling a dream team to make sure they measure nine times, cut once, no mistakes. And the podcasters will become the new mainstream media. Oh, Mr. Trump, we need you to come down and talk to the MSN lsd, you know, newscast there. By the way, MSNBC is up for sale. You know what? They’re worth less than a third that they were five years ago. You know why? Because Donald Trump single handedly is a, is a destroying the mainstream mocking tur. Third media. Mocking turd, get it? Media. And these are trained professional liars by the CIA. And he’s going to single handedly destroy and we as podcasters are going to help him destroy them entirely.
Because we are the new media. We’re done with the nonsense. Now the Nino Rodriguezes are going to benefit from this. I believe the Mel Carmines are going to be next in line as well. I believe that he’s going to go after the guys who have huge, huge platforms in the millions obviously first and then as he gets, you know, win debt. Hey, Mel Carmine’s coming up in the ranks. He’s up to a million, he’s up to 2 million followers. And there’s a plan to do that, a very aggressive, aggressive plan, may I add. When they figure out that hey, this guy doesn’t deserve to be 2 million, this ex pizzeria impresario needs to be 20 million, let’s expose him, boom, he’s going to come Down.
He’s going to give me a 30 minute interview. Massive global explosion, massive growth. And we’re off to the races. And he’s going to. He’s going to help build a new media empire that is going to bring in the Nino Rodriguez, the Mel Carmines, Chip and Jeff from Live on the Chain. Molly Elmore, Robert Cunningham, Jimmy Valley, Black Swan Capital. These are the next guys in line. That will be, by the way, at the Quantum Summit. You might want to go check out the kind of food you guys are getting somebody not to get off track. It’s going to be delicious.
Am I going to let my hair down that day? You better believe it. I like to indulge a little bit every now and then. This is a reason to celebrate and like I said earlier, not to get off track. This is no longer a Quantum Summit, this is a Quantum celebration and we are going to sell out. And do not buy a ticket. By the 17th to 20th, the very, very latest, there’s gonna be a cut off. You cannot show up at the door. I’m gonna repeat that again throughout the podcast because I don’t want you guys showing up at the door.
And then you get mad at me. Don’t get mad at me. Don’t do it. Okay, on the 17th, February 17th, the 20th, the very latest, you can no longer buy a ticket. Even if you wanted to pay me triple or quadruple, I can’t get you in. I can’t do it. By the way, the swag that’s coming. Oh, my God. I had this guy yesterday. I got this big box that was sent to us at Staying Alive, 166 Center street in Cape Canaveral. Sweet 200. And I turned around and said, amber, what the hell? But she’s. She loves Jeff Bezos, my wife.
Because we don’t have time to go shopping like normal people. We’re everything but normal. We don’t have a normal life because we are here in the fight for you guys, for humanity. So we have no choice but to shop with Jeff Bezos. Even though I’m a hypocrite for saying it, you shouldn’t shop if you ain’t got the time. Don’t shop with Jeff Bezos. Don’t do what we do. Do what we say. Go shop with. So we’re podcasters. You want to get busy and you blow up as a podcaster and you get as busy as Mel Karma.
You understand what the word busy even means? I can’t tell you until you physically live or walk a mile in My shoes. Now I’m like, what the hell? Did you order something from Jeff Bezos? No. Are you sure? Amber, I’m done buying stuff from Jeff Bezos. I get pretty aggravated. But we need some of the stuff, and he’s got it at the cheapest prices. They bring it the very next day, sometimes the same day that you order it. There’s no charge because we’re on part of the prime program. Prime or crime? I think it’s Prime. But anyway, so needless to say, I open up this box in this huge, huge, huge artwork.
I mean, I’m like, who the hell sent this to me? So I’m looking through the box and everything. It’s got all the names in the back. Every. Every podcaster that’s significant in this XRP movement is on the back of that canvas, which is gorgeous. It took the guy three years. Three years to actually create this. He’s been following me since, like, the very first week that I started a podcast. That’s how long this guy. Chris. And thank you, Chris. I want to thank you publicly. Dude. You’re amazing. I mean, this guy, he’s going to be at the Quantum Summit.
I told him if you could roll up some of those canvases and put them in a big luggage bag, bring them on down, because I know you guys are going to probably want to support this guy and. But when you see what I’m talking about, as a matter of fact, let me go ahead and try to share my screen. This way, I could show you precisely what it is I am talking about, and hopefully it comes out good here. Let me see if I can blow it up even more. This is pretty amazing, amazing stuff. I mean, look at the detail of this.
I mean, check this out. Hopefully you guys can see this. And you guys may want to freeze the screen because this is a very busy type of artwork. And there’s a lot of nuggets inside that artwork. That was what was sent to me. Okay. And on the back of it, it’s got all these names. I mean, I’m going to blow this up a little bit just for you guys. Look at all the details. There are pictures embedded in here of John F. Kennedy with John, John Jr. Sitting on the bottom. You got Q right here. You got Donald Trump.
You got the XRP train. You got. Man, you got a lot of anomalies. You got Pleiadians, all the different extraterrestrials, which I believe they have something to do with us having the biggest transfer of wealth. And while bitcoin is about to hit 80,000. Because they need you. They need you to keep distracted. The XRP still stuck in the mud at 55 cents. Don’t let that fool you. Don’t let that fool you. Now let me show you the back of this thing, okay? Look at all the names on this thing. Look at all the names. I mean, look at all the names.
Luke is at the very top of this thing. Huh? You see that guy right there? Mel Carmine. Okay, read all of that. That is pretty, pretty wild. And thank you, Chris, again, that was. I was blown away. I was in tears yesterday when I saw that. I was like, are you kidding me? You know, and I’m like, I called the guy and he’s like, he wasn’t even, he wasn’t even thinking that I was going to call him. How could you send me something like that and send me your name and telephone number with pictures of your family and telling me your whole family story for about 30 minutes on the phone and me not call you? Of course I’m going to call you.
You know, and people send me stuff all the time. They send amber jewelry from Mexico. They send all kinds of stuff. Gold, gold plated coins with Donald Trump on it, Silver tokens that are special. That I got them all saved in a very special place. Amazing, amazing. Folks, this is why I believe in humanity. I believe we are put here because we’re about to go into fourth and fifth density. I really do. I really believe that. We’re close, but it takes all of us, folks, I can’t do it alone. I pleading to get as much help from you guys as possible.
Go get yourself a microphone, I always say, and I’ll say it until the cows come home at nauseam. Okay? Get yourself a microphone. Speak out. Now let me get into the part that I believe is going to be very sensitive and hopefully my wife Amber gives me the okay to post this on YouTube. We have something called the Constitution here in this republic. The Constitution has been disrespected. Some entities out there. Doesn’t matter whether you’re YouTube or rumble or Twitch or Instagram. Some of these platforms don’t think that the law applies to them. Except there’s a problem.
Trump is not coming back to negotiate with you. Trump is coming back to tell you this is how it’s going to go. There is no other option at the table. You either bring the algorithms back to the way it was 12, 14 years ago. You either abide by the Constitution to the fullest extent of the law, not a little bit a Lot of bit. Not a little bit, a lot of it. Back to normal. You’re either going to abide by the law or we have people who will enforce the law. And here’s your options. Either you do what we tell you to do, you cannot even talk back to us, you’re not allowed to negotiate, you’re disqualified based on future, rather past performance.
So therefore, you either abide by the Constitution. Oh no, sir, we’re a private company. We don’t give a. You’re a company that’s private, that is registered in the United States of America, and you’re either going to abide by the law, you’re going to either allow free speech to flow, you’re not going to censor anybody unless they’re making, you know, threats like, you know, terrorist threats or something. I’m going to come, you know, do this to your house. I’m going to, you know, stupid. Obviously everything has to be within a reason. As long as you’re not threatening bodily harm to anybody, you have to abide by the rules in the Constitution of the Republic of America.
You don’t have a choice. That is your choice. Number one. You either fix it, leave it. You’re going to assign this government contract that allows us to make unannounced inspections anytime we want to make sure that the minute we hear one complaint, we might come down and investigate that one. Or there was 10, or there’s 20, or there’s 200 complaints anytime we want, unannounced. Sign here. The other option, two strikes. Not three, two. The government comes in, takes over your platform, you’re gone. We bring in our own programmers that are Patriot programmers and you’re gone. Do you want to continue to do business in the United States? Yes.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Follow the rules. This is not China, this is not Cuba, and this is not North Korea. End of story. The Patriots win now. The Nino Rodriguez’s of the world. And Chip and Jeff from Live on the Chain and the Black Swans and Digital Outlook and Digital Perspectives and Dai, who’s got 200,000 subscribers, can’t get past 12,000 views. Or Jason Sher’s got 206,000 followers, can’t get past 6,000 views. What is wrong with that picture? Besides everything? You know, we were born at night, but not last night. There’s a new party in town. We’re going to have to abide by the rules.
We’re not asking you to bend the rules. We’re asking you to abide by the Constitution of the United States. The Republic of America. Otherwise you’re going to get gonzo. What do you want to do? That’s how this negotiation is going to go down. Well, Mel, that sounds like a dictatorship. No, how does it sound like a dictatorship? If we want to reinstate freedom of speech, dictatorship is the guys who are trying to infringe on our rights of freedom of speech. We’re going to get this country back on track. We’re going to be the beacon, the model to follow.
The world is delighted. The world is delight. You see the, the videos coming in from around the world. In the uk, in Australia, in New Zealand, in Europe. You see that they’re more. They can’t thank you enough. These people over there can’t thank you enough. Because we were this close, that close. And no, that is not Gary Ginsler’s. Okay, we were that close. I think his is maybe that big. But anyway, we were that close. Gary Gensler is done, the SEC is gone. Trump is on videotape saying the IRS is going to be gonzo. You don’t want to call it nesara, that’s okay.
I have no problem with. As long as you go along the same rules that are written in document number nine at qfs10076.com all the videos. Number nine is not a video. It is the original document. If you come down to the Quantum summit, that thing is gonna be turned into an audio book that you can put on your phone. Okay? You can put on your phone and you can listen to it. When you’re going for a four hour drive, you don’t want to read it. Boom. Let your radio play it for you as you’re driving. It’s the original document as written by the farmers and presented to Congress in 1958.
Hence the reason why those buildings, you know where right in the Big Apple. Okay. Hence the reason why somebody put a. You know what too Clinton’s. You know what? We know the General. The General went through what? The staying alive mechanism, the machines. Dr. Sandro brought him back to life, gave him at least an additional seven years to live. Because the technology you have allows the body to heal the body. That story lives on our website. When you watch the first 13 minute 9 second video at the top, right underneath the picture of what you’re getting, the actual location itself in, in our room, there’s a video.
That story lives there. You might want to watch it. We’re part of the history, folks. And why did that guy get to, you know, put to his head? Because they did not want Nasara and Jasara so they had to create a distraction with the Pentagon. And those two things that came down, were those real planes flying in the sky or was that a movie playing in the sky? Operation Blue Beam. There’s been a lot of buildings that got hit with airplanes over the years, didn’t come down. And that thing was built like Fort Knox. We’re talking inch and a half thick steel beams.
I don’t want to get too, too deep into this because I know I’ll get in trouble, because I will. I will get. My anger will take over me, and then I will not be able to upload this video where I need to upload it where most of the eyeballs are. For now. We’re going to win, folks. But it takes all you guys. You guys are the heart and soul of these operations. You guys got to use your fingers to move the information forward until Donald Trump brings down the gauntlet. And the rules are going to be what they should have been all along.
They thought that they can come into the United States of America and usher in a totalitarian government where there’s going to be tanks. If you don’t think that that lady who lost fair and square, even though, like I said, a lot of the blue sections, really not blue, they’re red. If you don’t think that we would be in martial law the minute she takes over, if you don’t think there’d be tanks rolling in, the streets Ministry take over. If you don’t think that they would usher in what they have. The political system that lives in North Korea, the political system that lives in Cuba.
Oh, don’t. Don’t let all those, you know, lines cloud your thinking. Don’t do it. You see how I changed my background? I had to because the algorithms don’t like to see pictures of Mr. T. You notice I’m wearing an Amalfi wear a hat because the algorithms don’t like a hat. That’s Mr. T. Do you think that this is freedom of speech? Freedom of speech is going to be restored in America. Freedom of speech by default will get restored all over the world. The Second Amendment is being restored all over the world as we speak. The bottom line is, if I sound like where I’m a little bit pissed off is because I’ve been at this for 36 years, man.
I never thought you guys would ever, ever wake up. But here we are. Finally. We got to the 100th monkey syndrome. Thank you. Get this information out there, guys, please. Okay? And we want YouTube to thrive. We want YouTube to be owned by YouTube. We want YouTube to abide by the rules of the Constitution of America, the Republic. Thank you. We’ll catch you on the next one. Bye bye. Welcome to Carmines Gold dot com. Don’t waste not even a second look. Working cheaper prices just don’t exist. How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words.
I’m gonna educate you on gold and silver. Are you ready? You need to own some simple. Time is of the essence as the walls are closing in. This crash is visible in motion right now. Don’t kid yourself. The only way to preserve wealth is to become your own central bank just by owning gold and silver. The banks that are going into survival mode are currently stacking gold and silver like it’s going out of style. You have the same opportunity. Instead of keeping your money in paper, which is worthless, again, this is not financial advice. Going into survival mode is everything.
Preserving your wealth and positioning your family to thrive in the near future is paramount. The time to take action is beyond crucial. God’s money cannot be faked. It’s got intrinsical value. It’s got plenty of usability. And because the crypto game could be extremely complicated for most, this becomes the only way to preserve your wealth. In the current times we live in. The price manipulation that has occurred over the last 150 years is about to come to a full stop as we move into an extremely different world. And the true value of gold and silver is going to shine like never before.
The people who vividly see what happening, have moved into panic buying right now. The people who get it, who are positioned for wealth preservation, who are accumulating every week, every month, stand to change their course of history for a hundred generations to come. Buying gold and silver from carmines gold.com at unbeatable prices is the best decision you’ll ever make. I’m going to end by saying this. This is my opinion and not financial advice. This crash is knocking on the door and it’s clear it’s here. We can fill any size, order $500, $500,000 and yes, even $10 million.
Your best option to preserve wealth. If you don’t understand cryptocurrency is gold and silver. Do it now.