That’s what’s amazing B H M D one dot com slash Dave. Well Trump has said this is going to be a golden age and I told you I’m revealing something as we go through this week and on into next week. We are revealing something that I think you’re going to find very exciting. President Trump just released an amazing statement and I’m shocked. This I know he’s courageous. I know he’s not afraid of anybody man got shot in the face. This man is not afraid of anything. Oh well he just announced is amazing.
Let me get right to it. I’m going to read to you the quote for far too long. We have relied on taxing our great people using the internal revenue service through soft and pathetically weak trade agreements. The American economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the world. While taxing ourselves it’s time for a change. I am today announcing that I will create an external revenue service to collect our tariffs duties and all revenue that come from foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with trade and they will start paying and finally pay their fair share January 20th 2025 will be the birth date of the external revenue service Make America great again.
I want to go to something a little bit behind the scenes. Who’s making money off what we develop and exports it to the world and makes money on it while we get taxed for it. The globalist bankers the new world order. People that belong to the world economic forum people that run the UN people that run the IMF that’s who you have been their little prostitute forever since 1913 in the invocation of the Federal Reserve System. After 112 years we finally have a leader that’s standing up and saying no and hell no now as I reveal what I talked about last great reset coming and what’s going to happen to facilitate this.
John Kennedy was involved in what’s about ready to happen economically. He tried to make this happen in 1963 but his assassination was the coming out party for the deep state and let me say something isn’t aside. Look, I know John Kennedy was killed over 60 years ago and it’s personally interesting to me and meaningful to me. But if we don’t learn the lessons connected to Kennedy, we won’t fully understand what happened to Donald Trump. Kennedy was killed for many of the things that Donald Trump is implementing right now.
Why do you think they tried to shoot him in the face? Why and they did. Why do you think they tried to assassinate him at his own golf club? Why do you think they discovered a dirty bomb where he was going to speak four hours later after discovery? Why do you think all these things have happened? Because he upsets the new world order. He puts America first. We right now have the ability to move forward and be the world’s dominant power. Russia knows it. China knows it and the globalists know it but they’re hoping they can destroy America by installing complicit bribed leaders who are traders to sell the country out like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George W.
Bush. Oh yes, it crosses party lines. Donald Trump has the courage of John Kennedy and that is the highest compliment I can pay for somebody. John Kennedy knew he stood a good chance of being killed. In fact, his wife said they’ve killed my husband. She knew who they was. This is such a great monumentous moment. This is unbelievable what we’re going through. Pray for Donald Trump safety. Pray that there’s not a mass casualty event at the inauguration. Pray the HHS memo that I’ve revealed is not going to come to fruition because we’ve stopped it by exposing it to the light of day.
Say a prayer that we can become God’s nation again and save humanity from itself. Only we can do that and people say, Dave, what will that day look like? I’m going to give you a crude analogy, not totally accurate and some of you will scoff and chuckle because I’ve had people chuckle when I say it. I would encourage you to watch about four or five leave it to beaver reruns and look at the relationship between husband and wife. Look at the relationship between brothers. Look at the relationship mostly between the parents and their children and their responsibility to society including their school.
Duty and honor were valued virtues at that time. There are still many of us that have those virtues because we’re lucky enough to be raised by parents who did not forsake their values for what was cool and chic. We can be a virtuous society and have the best lives ever and provide our kids with stability and a chance for real success. We sit on the precipice of real opportunity. Sarah Westall and I today had an hour and a half conversation after I did an interview with her on her station but we talked just privately not for publication or anything and we both are agreement.
There is great danger that lies ahead because of the evil people that have occupied positions power in this country and how they’re setting us up for failure but there’s also equally great opportunity. If you remain loyal to the lord, if you’re in prayer and if you act and stay engaged and help president Trump, we can do this. Thank you for joining us. God bless all of you. Make sure you sign up for our TV show. People love it. The Common Sense Show TV. We have a series called hips hiding in plain sight mysteries of the mind psychological things you don’t know about repressed history.
It’s really kind of interesting. We’re doing the pyramids and I’m doing another entry tonight. People love it. Sign up for it. The Common Sense Show TV. We’ll see you over there. I’m Dave Hodges. This is for your approbation. [tr:trw].