Trump Appointees Trigger Panic Will the Wars Continue? BRICS Power Play w/ Harley Schlanger

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➡ The text discusses the idea of criticizing Israel, introduces a new product called the Love Pod, and emphasizes the importance of open discussions on difficult topics. The Love Pod is a device that turns other devices into satellite devices, harmonizes with your body’s frequency, and provides a secure VPN. The text also encourages people to think critically about media narratives and engage in debates, rather than blindly following one side or the other. Lastly, it touches on geopolitical issues, particularly the U.S.’s unique support for Israel and the complex situation in Syria.
➡ There’s a global shift happening where countries are breaking free from old imperial control, like West African countries who have ousted the French. This shift is part of a larger geopolitical struggle that dates back to the 19th century. The situation in Israel is complex, with its roots in British imperialism and the idea of Zionism. The treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government is criticized, with the argument that the Holocaust should not be used as an excuse for oppression. The influence of powerful financiers and the Zionist lobby on U.S. politics is also discussed, as well as the role of Russia in asserting national sovereignty.
➡ Ethiopia and Iran have joined the BRICs, a group of emerging economies. This move has caused concern in Washington and London as it disrupts their strategy of keeping certain nations divided. The focus of this time is on sovereignty and the fight for it. The article also discusses the controversial history of U.S. involvement in the Middle East and Afghanistan, suggesting that the U.S. has often supported conflict and division for its own benefit.
➡ The text discusses the political and economic issues in Ukraine and the United States. It highlights how Ukraine’s fight against Russia led to loans that are being repaid by giving land to multinational corporations, causing loss of land and lives. The text also criticizes the influence of corporate cartels and billionaires on the political system, using the example of Kamala Harris’s campaign funding. Lastly, it discusses the potential impacts of Trump’s proposed 100% tariffs and the need for internal investment in countries like Russia, rather than dependence on the West.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, focusing on the influence of the Zionist lobby, the role of the US and UK in the Middle East, and the controversial actions of political figures like Tulsi Gabbard and Donald Trump. It also touches on the corruption allegations against Netanyahu and the potential for war with Iran. The text ends with a discussion on the misrepresented image of Putin and the need for cooperation between countries, rather than conflict.
➡ The discussion revolves around the perceived threats to the United States from foreign powers and internal establishments. It suggests that the U.S. is hurting itself through sanctions and wars, leading to global instability. The conversation also highlights the need for banking regulation and the restoration of constitutional principles. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of the American people’s role in shaping the country’s future.
➡ The text discusses the importance of open conversations and understanding different perspectives to find common interests. It emphasizes the need for compassion and unity to avoid polarization and conflict. The speaker mentions a conference to discuss these issues, featuring prominent figures. The speaker also encourages people to visit their website for daily updates and articles on current political situations.


Well, the idea that you can’t criticize Israel because of the Holocaust is a classic example of a fraud, a historic fraud. That’s right. Because the fact is the Holocaust was horrible and the treatment of Jews in Europe was terrible. That’s right. But the solution is not to say, okay, now you can go and do what your oppressors did to the people that you can control. Just pausing really quick to share this with you. This is the Love Pod. It’s an amazing new product that’s available. It turns up to nine devices into satellite devices, but not just like a satellite phone where it only does text and call, maybe does text, mostly just calling.

This is a full blown Internet device where you can do web surfing and video and everything. But what makes it so remarkable isn’t just if the grid goes down and turns all your devices into satellite devices. It also takes the frequency and turns it into a frequency that harmonizes with your body. What does that mean? EMFs are everywhere and we’re in this toxic soup of danger. It’s pollution. It, it destroys or it hurts you at a cellular level. This changes that and makes the EMF harmonize with your body. So it’s frequencies that are not doing that.

That works well with your body, but it does even more. It’s also a VPN so all of your data is secure and nobody can access it. And the more people that use it, the faster it is because it works on a distributed mesh network. I know that sounds complicated, but it’s not that bad. The more of these that are out there, the faster it gets. It’s only dollar plus a data package so you can have peace of mind knowing that all your devices will work even in a grid down situation. And it’s private and it doesn’t hurt your body.

So check it out. Makes a perfect Christmas gift. Welcome to business. Game changers. I have Harley Schlinger coming back to the program. We had a really good discussion, as we always do, and as he says, Sarah, you always aren’t willing to go into difficult topics and get people thinking. And that’s the whole point, is for you to think about these things and not be afraid. We are in this controlled media environment. You think that you aren’t, but you really are because these are some of the topics and some of the conversations that you’re not allowed to have.

One side has one and you’re very carefully crafted into that. The other one has another and you carefully crafted into that. And it’s a divide and conquer. But we really should be talking about things holistically and having those discussions and you can tell that’s being divided and conquered because when you’re being pushed into one side or the other, they see it as if it’s fact. And if it’s just this is what you have to believe because it just is. And both sides do that. And then you feel like, well, I got to decide on one or the other.

But in reality, no, you need to dive into these and really dissect it. And where do we want to go as a human race and how can we be better? And that’s what we’re going to talk about today. But we’re going to do it on a geopolitical level. And I, I hope you get something out of this and it doesn’t mean that it’s right. I want you to think about these things. And I invite, and I say this at the end, if somebody doesn’t agree with Harley, I invite you to. I want to have a debate online.

I’ll bring both of you in and you can talk about a topic and debate it. That is perfect. That’s what we want because we want to talk about these issues and not just make the entire American people be forced into two unthinking camps like we are today. That’s just not the way things need to be done. If we want to evolve and take advantage of these tools that we have to have discussions and so forth. So anyways, I hope you do that. I hope you listen to the whole thing and you can also have the link below so you can go visit Harley and learn more about him.

He has his daily updates and I have the link below so you can go see those daily updates. If you’re listening to me on audio podcast or on the radio, go to Sarah Westall dot com. You can find his interview there. Just look for Harley Schlanger and I’ll have links to his daily updates as well there. So, but before I get into this, I want to remind you that we had a privacy seminar held earlier this week on Wednesday and now they are doing the replay. So if you are interested in seeing that, I highly recommend that everybody does.

I mean, we are in this panopticon where we’re being surveilled from all directions. There’s just, like I said, this divide and conquer. You do not want people watching every single bit of your move that you make. And there is a replay going on until Sunday the 8th, December 8th. Highly recommend that you watch it. I have the link below, so please consider watching that. Share it with your friends, it will be only up until December 8th and then it’s down. So take advantage of it. Learn how to de Google your life. Learn how to be private.

You don’t want social media feeding you ads based on what you search for, what you’re thinking about. You want to have private data, private information. Again, it’s only up until this Sunday, December 8th. Okay, let’s get into my really good conversation with Harley Schlanger. Hi, Harley, welcome back to the program. Hi, Sarah, good to see you. Love having you here. Because you give us some world views that people don’t get to hear much in this country. And that’s because you talk to people from all over the world. And I think it’s important that people get to hear different perspectives outside of this Mockingbird media platform or environment that we’re in.

Right. We talked before all these mainstream Mockingbird state funded media personalities because the business model, their business model, MSNBC and cnn, that’s not working anymore. They’re shifting to the Internet. And all that’s happening is those same personalities are being propped up on these platforms and to maintain that state controlled media. And it’s such a fresh look to talk to someone like you on what’s going on in the global stage. And I want to talk about these things, especially what’s going on with Israel. But from an objective standpoint, United States was the only one that vetoed the ceasefire and we’re the only ones supporting what’s going on.

I mean, Netanyahu, there are arrest warrants out according to the United Nations. People say United nations is a corrupt institution, we shouldn’t even listen to them. But at some point, we’re the only ones on our own supporting Israel. Can you talk about that? Oh, sure. I mean, let’s start with something that’s current right now. The situation in Syria where you have jihadist terrorists who are on the march again for regime change against Assad. Now, the first time that happened, starting in 2011, the United States, the CIA and other intelligence agents worked with the terrorists because they wanted to get rid of Assad.

Now why is it that again, all of a sudden, out of nowhere there’s a takeover of Aleppo, there’s the jihadists on the march. And the US Media is somewhat portraying it as Assad’s fault because he’s no good. Now, what they don’t do is put the whole picture together. What does this have to do with Gaza, with Hezbollah? Hezbollah is one of the main supporters of Assad when he was fighting Al Qaeda and We should have been on the side of them. Instead we were working with Al Qaeda. Now in the last 24 hours, the Russian press and the Ukrainian press listen to this, both report that there are Ukrainians helping the terrorists in Aleppo with artificial intelligence, with drone targeting.

And the Ukrainians can’t do it without US help. That’s right. So what you see is that the United States is heavily involved. And when I say the United States, I mean the collective Biden administration, whoever’s running it. It’s mostly Blinken and Sullivan, but they’re doing it with the Obama, the old Obama networks and tied to British networks, City of London networks that always are intervening in the Middle East. And so the picture that we get in the United States of Assad fighting against jihadists. And who are we for? Well, aren’t there Syrians who don’t like Assad? Well, every country has people who don’t like their leaders.

That’s right. The question is how many of those networks get arms and training and support. And that brings us back to Israel, because the United States is the only supporter of Israel right now in the world. Even the Brits are backing away for typical British reasons. Yeah, but are the Brits supporting it, the City of London supporting it behind the scenes? Because I, I have a hard time believing that they’re not. No, they are. And the reason they are is that there’s a shift, a global transformation underway, a break with the old imperial order. And again, I’m going to talk to you about things that I know you understand, but most Americans are not exposed to this, the BRICS process, the so called de dollarization.

There are governments that have been for centuries under imperial control, that are breaking free. Look, the poorest countries of West Africa, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, kicked the French out. And so what did the French do? Well, Macron says we’re going to have boots on the ground in Ukraine and his government may be overturned tomorrow because of the problem they’re having with the budget. So the west has this idea, the transatlantic, the Anglo Americans, the City of London, that we’re the sole hegemon, we’re the superpower. And they keep feeding that BS to the population. And people see that there are problems that are not being addressed, but they don’t know where it comes from.

Excuse me. Gesundheit. So the problem that we face in looking at a situation like Israel or Syria, it’s very complex. And the complexities are part of this broader geopolitical struggle that if we really wanted to take the time we’d have to go back to the 19th century when Zionism became a political tool of the British Empire, not the Jewish people. You know, I. I can speak as someone who had Jewish relatives. In fact, my whole family from Poland, Hungary and Germany, they had a choice of going to Palestine or coming to the United States. Where did they go? They went to New York.

They didn’t have this idea that we are a special people that have a title to the land. And very few European Jews really had that. There were more than 2 million. They were just normal people. Right. I mean, they go ahead. Well, they just wanted to have businesses, families. And there was antisemitism in many parts of Eastern Europe. So they came to the United States. They didn’t have this idea that as Jews, we’re entitled to a patch of land in Palestine that was a creation of a man named Herzl. But he was backed by the top levels of the British oligarchy that go back to Queen Victoria Palmerston, her son who became George vii.

What was their idea? Their idea was that they were the British Israelites and that they were the ones who should be controlling the Holy Land. And don’t you think that breeds antisemitism? Because people watch that behavior. We are the chosen ones and stuff. That breeds. And then we see what people are doing in Gaza and that breeds the backlash. And so people like me who are trying to have kind of level head are like, this is not what it’s about. This is ridiculous. Well, the idea that you can’t criticize Israel because of the Holocaust is a classic example of a fraud, a historic fraud.

That’s right. Because the fact is the Holocaust was horrible and the treatment of Jews in Europe was terrible. That’s right. But the solution is not to say, okay, now you can go and do what your oppressors did to the people that you can control. Well, and you. And. And then you have the media, who so many people repeat this is saying that, you know, I’ve lived my whole life. I’ve watched people I know who are older. I’ve watched my whole life seeing the Jews get treated like this. I know that they need to be protected. This is all propaganda.

And they get angry and they think that the Jewish people can do. Not the Jewish people. I should say that differently. The Israeli. The Zionists can do whatever they want because they use the Holocaust as the excuse for it. And people are buying that garbage. Well, and you see it to some extent in the whole question of reparations for African Americans. The whole question. It really hasn’t emerged as a big issue. But indigenous rights around the world, same thing. Yeah. And if you actually understand something that again, most people don’t know when the Balfour Declaration in 1917 declared a right for a Jewish state, and this was in a letter from Balfour, the foreign minister, to Lord Edmund Rothschild.

At that time, there were less than 60,000 Jews living in Palestine and between 600,000 and a million Palestinian Arabs who were Muslim and Christian. So how did they turn over a land title to 60,000 people based on the claim that the Bible gave them this as the chosen land? And so that’s what breeds the antisemitism. Because people are like, this is just pure bunk. Knock it off. And then we’re forced to cram down our throat that whatever the state of Israel does is equates to what Jewish people do. And we can’t criticize the state of Israel because of the Holocaust.

It’s totally absurd. Well, and it is, because what started to happen was young people in the United States were watching the social media of the slaughter of Palestinian children with the argument being that these children are going to turn out to be terrorists. Well, if you kill their parents, there’s a better chance they might end up being terrorists. But the idea that you can starve a population to death, which the Israeli government said was their plan, and the plan is to drive all the Palestinians out so that this land can be settled by Jewish settlers. Now that’s in the open.

It is part of the Adaha doctrine as well. Right or protocol. Yeah, yeah. Which is give. Do you want to explain what that is? Because that’s an important thing, that Daha protocol. Well, I may know it from a different name, but the basic idea is that the land belongs to the Zionists. They have a right to clear it. And that the idea is that this is the Jewish, the gift from God to the Jews. Well, the Daha protocol. Maybe I’m sharing something with you that you haven’t heard yet. The Daha Protocol, which I’m going to send to you, is the military strategy to provide unequal force, huge force on the civilian population.

If they, if any group does anything to Israel, they’ll give unproportional force to the civilian population, cripple them and get the army to surrender. That’s what the definition. I’ve heard that. With a different name to it. I hadn’t heard that name, but yeah, that’s. And it’s the, this is the right, the God given right to the state of Israel to do that. Yeah. And that’s just incredible. Now how does that differ than what happened to the Jews in the Holocaust where they were killing children because they were afraid that all children were going to any Jew was bad.

And so therefore we have to take get rid of the children. How does that differ from all Palestinians are bad, therefore we have to get rid of the children. Well, think about the outcome of the Nuremberg Trials with this idea that never again, never again should the world sit by and allow a slaughter of people because of their religion or ethnicity. Well, that’s now been given only as a right to the Jews to never again have to have a holocaust. But if the Zionists carry out a Holocaust, it’s okay. And you look at the United nations, the rebellion against that, and it’s now virtually every country when the UN Security Council takes up a question of ceasefire or condemnation of ethnic cleansing, the only ones who vote to defend the state of Israel is the United States.

And what the heck. Why? Well, it’s actually quite simple on one level, but it’s more complex. The simple level is you have an extremely powerful group of financiers who make up the Zionist lobby. And they have been extremely effective at infiltrating both parties, controlling the narrative and the media and so on. But that’s only part of it. And this is where you run into what you’re talking about. What turns people into antisemites is they start thinking, well, the Jews are controlling the US government. In fact, Israel is a tool in the hands of the financial and corporate cartels of the Anglo Americans in the same way the Ukrainians are.

Yep. Now think about this. We’re using Ukraine to weaken Russia. That’s what Lloyd Austin said. Biden said it, Blinken said it. We’re using Ukraine, building them up to weaken Russia. Why was Putin trying to conquer Europe? Were the Russians oppressing the rest of Europe? No, they had legitimate security demands that go back to this question of non expansion of NATO. But the real issue with Russia is that Russia stands for nationalism and sovereignty. And Russia became a model through the BRICS and the alliance with China for nations to assert their sovereign rights. Now if Iraq did that under Saddam or Libya under Gaddafi, NATO went in and crushed them.

But you can’t do that so easily to Russia because Russia is a military power. So they’re using Ukraine to batter Russia because they want the global dominance and that’s they they’ll any excuse to have that global dominance. Now when it comes to the Middle east or Southwest Asia, look at the map. What’s around Israel you have Egypt, which just joined the brics. United Arab Emirates just joined the brics. Ethiopia just joined the brics. Iran just joined the brics. The Saudis, if they had a little more cojones, would finally make a break and join the BRICs. Because they’re talking about it.

Well, they’re talking about it. And they dropped the petrodollar. Go ahead. Yeah, they ended the petrodollar agreement and the Chinese worked with the Saudis to get a rapprochement with Iran. That panicked Washington and London because the whole post 1967 policy for the Middle east was to have the Shiites against the Sunnis, that is the Iranian Shiites, Muslims against the Sunni Muslims of the Gulf states. Now what happens if they’re not fighting divide and conquer? That’s geopolitics. That’s the British imperial doctrine that Franklin Roosevelt opposed. Eisenhower opposed it. Kennedy was a little less opposed to it. But after Kennedy, every single American president has pretty much bought into the idea of British geopolitics.

Split up Russia from China. Don’t ever let them get together. Don’t let the Europeans have a presence in Eurasia. And that’s what this is all about right now. The emergence of the global south of Eurasia, of nations saying we want sovereignty. Also. This is not just for the Western countries. That’s right. And that’s what I think this is. What this time is about is sovereignty and the fight for sovereignty. Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my website@Sarah under shop. And this is Body Align.

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They also have this overall wellness band which has over 300 frequencies from everywhere from getting your vitamins and minerals to reducing stress and anxiety, just overall wellness. So go to under shop or you can go to a Sarah so either link works but you can always go to sarah under shop and see all the options that they have. Giuliani came on my show and it wasn’t the most pleasant. I think you’ve seen it. I saw. Yeah, it was an interesting experience for me, to say the least. But he did make a point that it ended up being okay at the end because I just wanted to have a conversation.

But one of the points that he made that I think needs to get flushed out is he said that this is an. This is an ally of ours and it’s central to the whole Middle east and we need to protect our ally because they’re the only place in that whole region where we have a strong hold. What do you say about that? Because that’s a realistic conversation to have. Well, the question is, who’s using who? And let me tell you about a document that very few people know about called Clean Break, or there are other names for it.

But the idea is that the US Will use Israel to provoke a situation that Israel can’t handle militarily on its own and will need to bring in the United States to allow the US to say, well, this is justified for us to get involved when it’s not. Let’s take an example, a concrete example. 1956, the British, the French and the Israelis attacked Egypt because Nasser was going to nationalize the Suez Canal. Why shouldn’t he? It’s an Egyptian. The Egyptians built it. It’s there for them. And so they asked Eisenhower for support. Eisenhower said no, in fact, you guys get the hell out of there.

Because he didn’t want to have a war on behalf of Zionism. And he threatened the British if they didn’t get out, the US Would dump its pound holdings. And so the Brits ended the war. The Suez crisis ended pretty quickly. Now, that’s when the United States functioned as a supporter of sovereign nation states because they didn’t want to see a country like Egypt swallowed up by France and Britain. Now, what’s happened since then is that we’ve become the leader of the imperial faction and we. I mean, the powers in the United States. And if you think about it, this is bipartisan.

And I just wrote an article a little while ago that the Democrats had Brzezinski as their geopolitical guide, the geopolitical chessboard and so on. And the Republicans had Kissinger, and their approach was the United States will be the major power in the world provided we can divide the rest of the world against each other. They were pretty much on the same page. Brzezinski and Kissinger. Right. I mean, they’re both kind of odd guys when you dig into them. The difference is Kissinger had this idea of realism and balance of power and Brzezinski instead had this British idea of divide and conquer.

You play the old great game, which was the Islamic card. Look, when did the United States first start supporting Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan against the Soviets? Because of Brzezinski and the Carter administration. We armed and trained them how. That’s why the world is so angry with us. We talk about against terrorism and then we arm them and we train them. Now I want to ask you, I think this is very important that all the military equipment that we left behind in Afghanistan was strategic. It had to be. We’re not that everything we do at that level when you’re talking about billions and billions and billions of dollars left of military advanced military equipment in Afghanistan was there strategically to go to whom and what was it used for? I think people need to understand this.

That whole evacuation was an operation. They didn’t, they knew what they were doing when it came to that. Well, if you go back to what I was just talking about when Brzezinski lured the Soviets into Afghanistan in 1979 because there was a pro Soviet government and what Brzezinski started was arming the tribalists who became the Taliban. The Islamic tribalists were armed by the United States, by Brzezinski. And then when Kissinger came in, they brought in Osama bin Laden and created Al Qaeda. So you had Al Qaeda and the Taliban deployed against the Soviet forces. And Brzezinski said this is brilliant.

We’re going to do to them what they did to us in Vietnam. Now what’s the damage? The idea was, well, a lot of Afghans will die. Well no, because terrorism doesn’t really know borders. And we saw the effects of that with 911 but we’ve seen since then. And by the way, 911 may not have been an Islamic terrorist operation, but one that was defended and supported by networks in the CIA and the US Intelligence community. Which is false flag. That’s right. It was a false flag. So what we’re dealing with here is a strategic theory of dividing the rest of the world up so that the London Wall street and maybe some of the European corporate cartels can get the cheap raw materials and cheap labor from around the world.

Now what happened in the 50s is you had something called Bandung and the Non Aligned Nations Movement movement which tried to break with that and that was Nasser, it was Sukarno of Indonesia, it was a Nehru of India and it was pretty much defeated. And you know, the Gandhi family has been murdered in India, the Bhutto family has been murdered in Pakistan. Sukarno was overthrown. You have these deployments that only make sense when you think about what does it mean to be the sole superpower. And then there’s this famous book by this former State Department IMF official, Perkins called Economic Hitmen, where he describes how the US goes into these countries and destroys them.

I’ve had him on. Puts in puppet regimes. Yeah, I’ve had him on multiple times. So people can watch. These people should go and look at that. He changed. This was probably ten years ago now. I had him on for the first time. He changed my view of global economics and global politics. When I saw that, his book was a real revelation. Yeah, because he said, look, we went in to do good and what did we actually do? We created oligarchies, we created authoritarians, we didn’t create democracy. But that’s why the BRICs want to get out from underneath the dollar and why we created that.

Because we have these central bankers that go in, they utilize the resources locally. These multinational corporations which happen in Ukraine with the land, and that’s a whole other thing. They go in, they take over the resources and multinational corporations, but the local people have to pay the loan back. But they don’t get the resources or the benefit of their own resources. Well, you’re just. That’s the imperial model now In Ukraine, it’s BlackRock, it’s Vanguard, it’s the grain cartels, because the land is very fertile there. Well, and what they did. But I want to say this. Kennedy did a great.

RFK Jr did a great video on that where he talks about. I just thought he nailed it in a very concise two minute little dialogue. But what they did in the land is they said that the Ukrainians were fighting to keep their land from the Russians. Right. But then to order to fund the war, they took out loans and those loans are getting repaid back by giving that land to multinational corporations. And they’re losing it anyways. Yeah. And the idea that this is a fight for freedom and democracy is a classic fraud. Freedom and democracy for what? To become a serf? To think in blackrock and they lose a whole generation of people, whole generation of men and some women are wiped out so that they can have their land.

I mean, it ends up. It really makes people in other countries angry and with the Internet and hopefully people are evolving and seeing all this stuff and learning. People just want humanity to be better. Look, there’s Friedrich Schiller, who my institute is named after, had this statement, a poem called Hope Hoffman, which ends by saying, we are born for that which is better, and the hoping spirit will never betray that. Now, the idea that what you just said is true. People want security. They want safety. They want to know that there’s going to be something of posterity after they go.

And that’s whether it’s a religious belief or whether it’s just a natural thought that’s common for all mankind. That’s what John Kennedy meant in his famous speech in 1963 where he said, what do we have in common with the Russians? We hate communism, but we, like the Russians, love our children, we look forward to their future, and we are all mortal. We’re all human beings. That common interest should be at the basis of all international trade and commerce. Instead, what you have is corporate cartels, which are interlocking boards of directors, handfuls of billionaires who control the political system through owning the parties.

Look, how did Kamala Harris get a billion dollars in three weeks? Well, she wasn’t even voted. See, the thing is, is that the people we do have a lot of. That’s the problem with having the Mockingbird media still controlling the propaganda and the state controlling, because we have whole portions of this country okay with voting for a candidate that was never voted in. I mean, they were okay with that. Well, it was. It was a coup, as I described it at the time, to have the. To save the Biden policies without Biden. And just as we know Biden wasn’t making those policies.

The guy could hardly walk across a room and keep his pants zipped up. So those policies. This is why the Russians call it the collective Biden, referring to the Blinkens and the Obamas and the Clintons and others that they were. I mean, here’s the irony, Sarah. I’m sure you saw this. If he’s not capable of running for president because of his mental state, why keep him in office? Why is he capable now? I mean, I just said it’s like, why has he been capable since they ran that couple? That coup should have been him being taken out of office.

And her being put in at that point is really what should have happened. And regardless of whether you like her or not, but that’s the right thing to do. Well, and what’s Biden being used for right now? The war in Ukraine, the Syria situation, the Gaza situation, the threat to go to war with China that they’re trying to lock in a situation where If Trump is truly going to end these wars, he won’t be able to. Well, and they also talked about Trump. Trump put out something about 100% tariffs and he’s threatening the world when it comes to the brics.

I don’t know what to think about that. What do you think about that? Well, I do know I have my opinions. I’ve said it before. But what do you think about it? I think it’s a lot of talk. Look, first of all. Well, some of it’s bluster. Tariffs. You know, if you have a 10% tariff, that, that might make a difference, 100% tariff, then you’re going to have the other countries put a tariff against US Goods. But here’s the other point. Well, then it’s like, hold on. It’s like in Russia where they did 100%. They cut us off them off completely.

All that did is make them independent. It built up the Chinese automobile industry. It, it got the, the whole. That end quickly ended the petrodollar, because now they’re doing. Got fired. Yeah. But it backfired at such a level. It was incredible because that was the catalyst for ending the petrodollar. Well, and the other point is that these global supply chains right now, if you jack up a tariff to 100%, then American corporations aren’t going to be able to get products that they need as components of their final product. Because we’re a world economy now. Yeah. We do not have a full set economy anymore.

We’re dependent on other countries. And if you cut them off, it’s not going to work. So I think what Trump is trying to do with that is to make a certain kind of point. What I’m hoping is that he’s not going to listen to people like Lighthizer and the hardcore. The Peter Navarro is the hardcore trade warriors, because trade war just is going to hurt everybody. It’s like the sanctions policy. What sanctions against Russia did was force them to do what they should have done after the fall of the Soviet Union, which was invest in their own industry.

They have tremendous raw materials. They have scientists, they have engineers, they have a skilled population. But they didn’t have credit. They were dependent on the west for credit. Finally, what Putin said is we’re going to generate a certain amount of credit internally, but we’re going to use our resources to build up our country and we’re not going to worry about what Europe wants or the US Wants. Now, who’s suffering the most from that? I live here in Germany. Our prices for electricity have gone up 200% since the Nord Stream pipeline was blown up. Now, who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline? There’s obviously the United States.

And here you have the German chancellor who’s at about 15% in the polls right now, was standing next to Biden when Biden said, we’re not going to let you have this oil and gas. And he didn’t raise a peep. Are people really angry? I mean, people know. Yeah. His coalition has been smashed in the last three state elections. The Greens are barely able to get 5%, which means to be in the parliament. Well, is it fixed there? I mean, because we know elections are fixed in most places or in a lot of places where it’s strategic.

Is that fixed? How would you win? Well, what happened? Here’s what’s interesting. You have an emergence on the left of the so called Sara Wagenkonnect party. She’s a former leader of the Links Parti, which is the left party, which comes out of East Germany. Her husband was a former official of the Social Democrats, but they’re traditional Social Democratic liberals. Then you have the if Day, the Alternative for Deutschland, which is supposedly right wing extremist. It’s a lot like maga. It’s for sovereignty. They say Germany doesn’t have sovereignty. We need to become a sovereign state. Yep. But the two, the left and the right, what are they both saying? End the war, end the green policy and stop the immigration.

Now here you have an interesting paradigm which we see in the United States. What happened that gave Trump the big victory. People were sick of what they were seeing from the two parties and Trump was above that. And whatever else you’ll say about Trump, he was pretty smart the way he ran the campaign. And the smartest thing he said, and this is where he’s going to have to really fulfill his promise, is that he learned from what happened in his first term about the deep state. So what does he do? He appoints Matt Gates to be Attorney General.

Now, I kind of like that appointment because Gates is a real fighter, but he had too much baggage. So now they got a woman who’s got the same views as Gates but is a little more demure and can get confirmed. Then he takes Cash Patel to be the FBI director. Brilliant, because Patel exposed the whole Russiagate operation with Devin Nunez. He showed that the Christopher Steele report was a fraud, that it was a Clinton British fake in order to destroy Trump. So what do you think is going on inside the agencies with him being. They’re terrified of trapping their pants.

Sarah, to Be a little vulgar, but that’s what’s happening. And, you know, a lot of these guys are getting lawyers now because Patel wrote a book called something like Government Gangsters. And he has at the end of it a list of 60 people who he said work on behalf of these corporate cartels against the American people. And that’s beautiful, actually. That’s perfect. Yeah. And he’s also a fighter, and that’s what Trump likes in him. So we’ve got a chance to clean up some of this. Now, the other person who’s interesting in that regard is Tulsi Gabbard.

I don’t like her policy on the Middle east because she’s supporting Netanyahu in the Gaza war. But she went to Syria in 2013. She later met with Assad. She reported that the US and the British were arming and working with the terrorists. And she joined Mike Flynn in saying that, because Flynn at the Defense Intelligence Agency warned that the US Was working with the jihadists. And Jake Sullivan sent an email to Hillary Clinton in 2015 saying, the jihadists are on our side. Now, what will happen if you have the new Director of National Intelligence, who. She also said that the reason for the Ukraine war was NATO expansion.

And this flipped out Nikki Haley, who did a podcast the other day, which was an hour of a rant against Tulsi Gabbard. They’re terrified. Well, Tulsi is also a targeted individual, which is a good thing, because she’s realizing they’re using the intelligence agencies and things to target people. And remember, the first time we heard something about her was when she was a DNC official who blew the whistle on the fraud being pulled by Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders, which was the beginning of Russia Game, which is. And there was a lot more going on with that, with the guy that they killed and everything else.

But one thing. Seth Rich. Yes, but one thing. With the Israeli Gaza situation, everyone in political office almost is publicly supporting it. That tells me they have to. And I just. That’s so disturbing that we’re in a situation where everyone in politics believes they have to support it because nothing is 100% supported. Nothing. And so that means there’s. There’s a. There’s a hidden hand that forces them to. Well, the Zionist lobby is known for two things. Giving a lot of money to people who join them and running blackmail and dirty tricks against people who stand up against them.

And that’s what’s happening. Yeah. And. Because it makes no sense otherwise. Well, one other aspect. The overall brainwashing in the media, in the academic world, the think tanks. You know, it’s interesting, John Mearsheimer, who’s become somewhat popular because of his appearances with Judge Napolitano, he initially made his name for his expose of the Zionist lobby. He downplays that now, but that was something that nearly cost him his career. Norm Finkelstein is another person who’s excellent on this. And Finkelstein, because he’s Jewish, they have a harder time attacking him. But he’s very polemical on this question of Zionism.

And what we’re seeing is young American Jews joining groups like Voices for Peace or not on our watch that are coming out against the genocide that’s been committed against the people of Gaza. And those people need to be highlighted more because the reason why I like the fact that you’re Jewish is highlighting that. And those kids should be highlighted because it’ll stop this anti Semitism and say this is not a Jewish issue, this is a state policy issue. And the fact that you’re turning it into a Jewish issue hurts Jewish people and it hurts them immensely.

Well, and here’s one of the Trump appointees I don’t like at all, Elise Stefanik as UN Ambassador, she was the one who browbeat the presidents of universities for not cracking down on the protests. And the Congress passed, the House, passed a bill, it wasn’t passed in the Senate, saying that being against Israel is anti Semitic. So this is a fight that we’re going to have to wage. But I think younger people who are not as connected to the Holocaust industry. And when I say that the Holocaust is real, it happened, but then what happened is it became a club to be used against anyone who opposed the policies of Israel.

And that’s. That hurts the Jewish people in the long run. It’s backfire. It also is urinating on the graves of those who were the victims of the Holocaust. That’s right, because they had nothing to do with causing this other than being Jewish. But now you’re using them, using their deaths as a basis for clubbing and destroying other people. You’re using their deaths to do the same thing that happened to them. And that is horrifying. That’s what they don’t want. That’s what we don’t want. The world the never again means this, don’t do this. And so they’re using that to do it again.

And it’s the worst of the worst. Well, there’s something interesting going on in Israel now. Remember before October 7th of 2023, there were hundreds of Thousands of people in the street demanding that Netanyahu step down because of his corruption. Now I think what we’re going to find is that October 7th was allowed to happen for sure. It was a false flag. It’s very obvious. They stood down for hours upon hours. And Netanyahu used that to stay in office. And for him to stay in office now means more war and he’s going to try and go against Iran.

The clean break and breakaway ally scenario. I couldn’t remember the other one. The breakaway ally scenario was cooked up by Paul Wolfowitz, the guy who also was involved in the weapons of mass destruction fraud. And what Wolfowitz and Cheney and others wrote was a document for Netanyahu which said, you go ahead and take on Iran and then we’ll come in and treat you as a breakaway ally, but we’ll protect you. So it’s setting up Israel to launch these wars for the US and NATO to come in on top. And this is the same pattern that was done in Libya to get rid of Gaddafi.

It was what was done to get rid of Saddam. And what was Gaddafi and Saddam’s crime? They wanted to move away from the dollar system. Gaddafi was trying to set up an oil and gold based African currency and he was investing heavily in major infrastructure projects. Building the biggest clean water lake in Africa. Well, they were the most well off best in the whole Middle east from what I understand. And then they destroyed, within two weeks they destroyed their whole infrastructure and really hurt their country. Same thing with Iraq. With Iraq they ran the Iraq Iran war so that Iran and Iraq would kill each other.

And at a certain point they decided not to do that. And then what happens? The US goes in with the Desert Storm and then the 2000 post 911 targeting Iraq, which had nothing to do with it. Well, and so how do we get ourselves out of this? I mean, we don’t want to destroy our country. Right. And I think the world is trying to destroy the United States and we don’t want to prop up that. And we also don’t want our country to be destroyed. Destroyed. Right. And both is happening. It’s like they’re either destroying this, the two extremes right now, they’re destroying our country or they’re propagating this.

It’s like, no, stop doing that and let’s rebuild our country to be healthy. I don’t want either. Well, here’s the point. Americans don’t really know what Putin is doing and what the BRICs are doing. We’re getting a very stilted picture. Putin has given three speeches in the last two weeks. And what does he say? We’re not setting up a new monetary system. We’re setting up payment transaction exchanges so that countries that don’t have dollars or countries that are under attack can use their own currencies or can work with other countries to survive. That’s the goal. But.

And then he went on to say, we would welcome the Western European countries in the United States to work with us, to cooperate with us, not to be members of the brics, because we don’t want them to take it over, but to cooperate, to be partners. And that’s what Putin has said he’s wanted from the time he became president in 2000. Now we’re told that Putin is this evil dictator who wants to run over Poland and the Baltic states and then take over Germany. All he’s ever said for about 14 years, up to the Maidan coup in 2014, is we want to have you recognize our legitimate security interests, just as we recognize yours.

Remember, Putin was the first one to call George W. Bush after 911 and offer to help. So we’ve demonized, we’ve made him into an image, an enemy image, for the sake of the military buildup and the preparation for war. Now, in the process, Russia and China became the closest of allies, and they are working together. Now, the Indians are involved in that, and the British are doing everything they can to pull all the colonial strings to pull India out of that, and they can’t do it because the Indians don’t want to be a puppet of the dollar empire.

We’ve hurt people too much, so people want out of that. But. So, like I said, go ahead. Oh, you were saying. How do we get out of it? Yeah, we want to get out of that, but we also don’t want people to destroy our country because obviously, and I got to tell you, Harley, those guys are also trying to undermine our country because they want to build themselves up and they feel they need to destroy us. So we want to stop doing hurting them, and we also want them to stop hurting us. Well, I’m not sure that the Russians want to hurt us.

If Putin really wanted to hurt us, he would have done much more damage in Ukraine already. Well, I think China’s more on board with that than Putin is, and I don’t know. I know, but, you know, China’s involved with the fentanyl trade, and I do believe there’s propaganda all over the place. But we are in the middle of a psychological operation here, a color revolution. In the United States there is a clear operation to take us down. But Sarah, here’s the point. Who’s doing that? Is it Putin? Is it Xi Jinping? No, it’s coming from the establishment.

Well, why would they destroy us when they’re going to destroy us all? They’re going to make us is weaker so that the east can implement their plans while they’re fighting the East. It’s stupid. Well, they are stupid. That’s why we’re in this mess in the first place. Let’s go back. Let’s go back a step. Well, it’s good. These conversations are good. You know, people can hear different perspectives and opinions. This is great. Sure. But here’s the point. Who is hurting the United States with the sanctions? We’re hurting ourselves. The sanctions are being that are causing the anti dollar.

That’s true. We just talked about implemented by Blinken and Sullivan and Trump did sanctions. Also who has been running these wars in the Middle east that’s leading to refugees flooding into Europe. But I gotta say, and this is why Trump was elected is how the Biden regime has operated with sanctions. They screwed up the petrodollar, they screwed up Afghanistan, they screwed up Ukraine. You can love them or hate him with Trump, but we were much better off during those four years. From a geopolitical question about that and I’ve written extensively about why they tried to destroy Trump.

Because Trump was not part of the establishment. He was not part of the neocons. In fact, Trump has said over and over and over that he’s against wars and he was the only one that didn’t start wars in four decades. Yeah. So the question now is will he follow through with his pledge to get the war hawks out of positions of influence and will he then come up with policies that will allow for the United States to be a partner with countries in the poorer parts of the world or to continue to allow U.S. corporations to loot them.

And I think that if we give him an opportunity, but not just give him an opportunity, we the American people have to continue to be vocal. The American people rejected the Biden policy. They rejected the what was being done under the Democrats. Now the question is the hard part. You know, it’s easy to be against something. Question is, what do you do? Now? This is where I just wrote something about Trump’s 2016 campaign. He came out for banking reregulation in 2016. He put it in the Republican party platform, returned the glass Steagall banking separation. That would be a wonderful first step because the too big to fail banks are controlling the United States through the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It’s run by the largest six banks. Well, and it’s also run by the central bankers out of Europe are heavily in London. Yeah, they have an influence. But it’s the Wall street banks that through the New York Fed control the policies of the Federal Reserve. Now that’s something Trump could do something about, take on that control. And the way to do it, the first step would be banking reregulation because the deregulation from 1971 till the final repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999 gave the banks a free hand to create as much funny money as they could to speculate.

And this is why I’m worried about the cent. The Treasury Secretary designee, he was working with Soros when Soros was one of the major benefactors of the deregulated banking system. And I’ve heard Soros once that’s uncovered and peeled back, he’s worse. He makes P. Diddy and Epstein look like nothing. His blackmail trail, sure, he’s bad news and I hope that gets uncovered. Well, so if we have the Justice Department taken out of the hands of the permanent bureaucracy and the FBI taken out of the hands of the comey’s and the McCabes and Peter strokes and people like that, that’s a big step towards reestablishing what people call the rule of law.

And the rule of law under our Constitution means that the Congress is responsible for monetary policy. The Congress is responsible for whether we go to war or not. Not one or two generals and corporations and just the President. So if you do that, those are the first steps toward returning to the constitutional principles that would make the United States a good partner for countries that want to develop well, and Trump is right where the UN and these World Health Organization and NATO and all these big international organizations are taking advantage of the United States. But then, so we need to work that out and get on equal footing with that and not be taken being taken advantage of.

And meantime, we also need to work with these smaller countries who have less power and not take advantage of them. I mean, it needs to be good business practices. Yeah. And what, What Helga Zeppelin LaRouche keeps saying is it wouldn’t be that hard to make the change. It would be shocking to the establishment and they’re already shocked. They really thought they had the control of the electorate and that they would win the election in November. But they had. They really did. Do you think they really Thought Harris would win. I think so. I think that’s why they put one and a half billion dollars into the campaign.

But what they see, what they think is that the American people are a bunch of rubes and the American people are stupid and can be manipulated. That’s what they do believe. Well, they, we. How large group can we. I’m sorry but we’re getting better. Well, we with the Internet and not as much censorship. Go ahead. Well, we put up with a lot, that’s true. And the American people have, are partly to blame for our own circumstances. But if we don’t wake up, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. But people are waking up. You know the fact that you had a significant Hispanic vote for Trump, that a lot of young people voted for Trump, that you have, they’re just signs that people are no longer accepting the old narratives and stories.

Now in Europe it’s the same thing. Macron couldn’t get more than 25% of the vote and he had to run rigid. A government that’s going to collapse in the next couple of days. The German government already collapsed. The British government, they voted out the most unpopular prime minister ever. Sunak. And now Starmer is already down at the level of sumac in popularity. Sunak. So what the question is, does Republican democracy not work or has it been perverted by corruption? That’s what it has. Power of the elite and the justice system not working. When the justice system doesn’t work, things can’t self correct and people are pissed.

People are pissed. The justice, the permanent bureaucracy is a tool in the hands of the bankers. That’s right. And people like Soros, who’s essentially an Epstein Epstein type character, is still in power. That those kinds of corrupt, like corrupt to the core, needs to be taken out, period. Yeah. And it’s both parties that have been corrupted. That’s right. And that’s why Trump is not a traditional Republican. Look, to get the nomination in 2016, he destroyed the Bush family machine. And the best one was in South Carolina, the debate where he had with Jeb Bush, where at one point Jeb Bush said, well, Trump said, I see your mother’s here campaigning for you, meaning you’re not strong enough to do it yourself.

And Jeb Bush said, my mother’s the strongest person I know. And then Trump said, well, maybe she should be running for president instead of you. I don’t know if you remember that, but that was the end of Jeb Bush. That was an awesome statement. That was right after Trump had gone After George W. Bush for lying us into the Iraq war. So he demolished the Bush neocons in that one debate. That’s awesome. They still hate him. That’s why Nikki Haley ran against him. He’s so awful. It’s like, gosh, how much more awful can some of these people.

Okay, Harley, these are awful. You like John. John Bolton or Pompeo. I mean, there’s a whole crew of them. Okay, well, we have to have you more. You give the different fresh perspective people need to be hearing the. And have these debates. I mean, I’ll bring on someone who doesn’t agree with you. I mean, we should even have somebody on with you who doesn’t agree with you if somebody wants to reach out. This is so perfect, because that’s why I did the censored conferences, which you were part of, because these are the conversations we need to have and bring in people with different perspectives and let’s duke it out and get it out on the table and let’s figure out where our common interests are.

Yes, because the best way to resolve these disputes is again, to go back to what is the common need for humanity. We need compassion and love for our fellow citizens. That’s right. That’s right. And you need. And when you take that out, you end up with a polarization where smaller numbers of people are joining up to fight for a bigger piece of a pie with their neighbors, with their friends, with their family, and you lose the sense of a common national purpose. That’s right. And we have to redefine that. It doesn’t mean we’re going to agree on everything.

Well, and we should agree on the big issues. And we have to agree on the big issues. And we can’t shut people down by censorship because I know you are heavily censored. And it’s worse in Germany. Now, you can’t do that because you do that. And all you have is the extremes happening right now. And this whole middle ground of people who are just trying to make sense of this stuff are the ones that are being shut down. And that is not a place to be. And that’s the divide and conquer rule. That’s what they’re probably.

Just remember, Sarah, I’m still on a Ukrainian hit list which is drawn up by NATO, not the Ukrainians. I have no problem with Ukrainians other than the fact that they’ve let themselves be cannon fodder against Russia. That’s really sad for defending them that way. They say I’m a Putin puppet and an information terrorist. That’s Very true. It hasn’t stopped me and it’s not going to stop me or my associates this weekend. I don’t know if this is going to air before this weekend, but on the 7th and 8th of December, we’re going to have a two day conference to discuss these bigger issues.

Among the speakers will be Scott Ritter, Dr. Nalendi Pandor, the South African foreign Minister. There are a number of very prominent people who are coming to the Schiller Institute now because we’ve been fighting for peace with the idea of a higher peace, not just an end to war, but how do you put together common interests to bring humanity together? And that’s the fight that has to be waged. That is, no matter where you’re at, that has to be a unifying idea because without it, we don’t even have civilization. I mean, we have to have these unifying things of what it takes to be a civilized society.

Okay, well, Harley, where can people find you and learn more about you and get your information? Well, you can go to the l a r o u c h e and then at the top you click on programs. And what will be the first thing that comes up is Harley’s daily update. So it has my daily 10 to 12 minute video update, which like we’re talking about, what’s the dynamic shaping the present political situation? What’s the historic and current developments? I also post articles I’m writing more and more these days and that’s the best place to find me.

Now. Interestingly, in the last few weeks, the German media has suddenly discovered me. I’m starting to get my articles published in journals. Excellent. So you can see that the most tightly controlled situation in Germany is breaking open now because the old system has cracked. That’s excellent. This is why we have to move quickly, make sure that Trump gets his team in. If you don’t agree with all of them, fight with them when they’re in there. That’s right. Hold their feet to the fire. And it’s not the old unipolar order of Biden and Obama and the Clintons and Bush.

The Bushes and the Clintons. Yeah, Bushes are in there too. Right. So thank you so much, Harley. There’s always wonderful discussions we have to have. Make sure you’re back. I think it was too long this time. So we’ll have you back again and thank you so much. Have an amazing Christmas and holiday and, you know, take care. All right, look forward to seeing you soon then.



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