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I haven’t jumped sides, but right is right. Anyway, we are brought to you by Noble Gold. And the scandal right now that’s going is gold certificates aren’t going to be redeemed in very many places. I mean, you might find some places, you might find someone dumb enough to buy it off your hands. But I got to be honest with you, unless you hold the real thing, you’re really looking up being up a creek without a paddle. So Noble Gold can offer you a way out of having your savings devastated. That’s right. The banks can steal your money.
Don’t people get this? I’ve been saying this for years. Dodd-Frank 2010. Look the law up. You’re number two. You’re in last place. The banks own your retirement and your money when you put it in their bank. And when they’re failing, what do you think they’re going to do? They’re going to steal it from you. There are 600 plus banks on the watch list from the Federal Reserve in danger of closing. Cheryl Westall’s research tells me that it’s more like 1600. Word to the wise, if you have retirement in the bank, I don’t care what bank it’s in.
Big five, no big five, bottom five, doesn’t matter. Get your retirement out of the bank. I don’t know how to do that. Well, then call Noble Gold. 877-646-5347. That’s their specialty. And they’ll also give you a 110 ounce gold coin for qualifying first time customers. And they’re really good at what they do. No pressure whatsoever, just results. And you’ll end up having a retirement that you own that’s backed by precious metals that’ll appreciate and value and increase your revenue here. And this is ridiculous. You’d keep this in the bank. Wake up, America. Everyone needs to take their retirement out of their bank now.
877-646-5347. Well, in Arizona, we are very proud of our Navajo fellow citizens. They add greatly to this country and they have done so militarily. First of all, let’s back up and let’s take a realistic look at history. Can anyone argue that Native American tribes across this country got royally screwed by this country? This is not a shining moment when we look at this part of history. Now, I know the people alive today had nothing to do with it. There are some generous programs directed towards Native Americans. Firstly, I don’t think it’s enough for stealing someone’s land.
But that’s my personal view. But something happened yesterday, came to fruition, and I am really, really pissed off about this. And you should be too. Navajo Code Talkers. Coming from a people that have been royally screwed by this government, stepped up and volunteered in World War II. Yeah, we can help. We want to help the war effort. We want to be good Americans. And we needed to honor that, and we did for years on military websites, platitudes, praise, remembrance of brave history for the Code Talkers. Do you know the Code Talkers had someone assigned to them? And if they were about to be captured, they had to be executed by their American military bodyguard.
Afraid they would talk and give up their language. If you don’t know what a Code Talker is, it was the use of the ancient dialect of the Navajo Nation that was used as code to transmit troop movements and stuff like that. And the Japanese listening in, they couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Brave people with a valuable war service. And what happened? Well, Pete Hexeth, and I could not disagree with you more, Pete. I like you. I think you’re the right man for the job, but you are making a horrible decision. The military has gone on this anti-DEI.
Okay, you can argue that’s a legitimate position, and I won’t argue with you. But I will tell you this. When you honor people that did what they did for us in World War II, especially after the abuse that these people had suffered at the hands of this government, and you start removing them from military websites and calling a DEI, no, you’re removing people who have the status, in my opinion, of Silver Star Award winners, Medal of Honor Award. These people were heroes. And they really asked for nothing. They just did their job. They didn’t say, now you have to honor us.
They never said that. But they deserve that. And we need to have President Trump step in today and reverse this and said, all reference to the Code Talkers goes back on the website. There’s nothing DEI about it, unless DEI, in this sense, means bravery and commitment to country. There’s no two ways to look at this. Am I on board with rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse? Is some of the other nonsense of the Biden administration? Absolutely. But not in this case. Now, maybe I’m hypersensitive to it because I’m in Arizona and we have a large Navajo population.
But I wouldn’t care if the Navajos were centered in Arkansas or Illinois. It doesn’t matter to me. They need to be honored, and that honor needs to stay in perpetuity and become part of our permanent history, where people offered their culture up with their ancient language to help win a war. Simple. Isn’t it simple? Yeah, it’s really simple. Now, President Trump, step up and correct this outrageous excuse. I can tell you, folks, the media in Arizona sucks. It’s as bad as anything nationally. It’s biased. It’s prejudiced. If you love God, if you love your country, it’s red, white, and blue.
Celebrate the Fourth of July. They don’t like you. And they make it really clear very subtly every time. But in this case, I find myself agreeing with them, but only on this issue. Tell me what you think. Should we honor the Code Talkers in perpetuity? Or do we say it’s DEI and hey, thanks for your service, but see ya. Tell me what you think in the comment section. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter at the commonsensehow.com. Click the link in the upper right hand corner for newsletter and put in your email. You’re going to get one stop shopping.
Over 50,000 people are taking advantage of this. Everything we do will come to you in an email, and that will cover a 24-hour period. You’ll get that email once a day, and that email comes late afternoon or early evening, depending on your time zone. Also, too, we have a really good TV show, the commonsensehow.tv, and we’re making some major changes in this in April. In other words, we’re going to have some really exclusive content here, and you really need to take a look at this, and you need to step up and become part of this, because it’s stuff that you’re not going to get anywhere else, not starting in April.
The commonsensehow.tv. Jump in now with the existing conditions. Thanks for joining us, and may I suggest that you contact your Congressman and Senator about the Code Talkers. This is something that I think even the Democrats can get on board with. We’ll see you back here next time. I’m Dave Hodges. This is The Common Sense Show. [tr:trw].