Top Scientists are Dying Blocking Important Trials Alternative Treatments w/ Matt Hazen

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➡ Masterpiece is a product that helps remove toxins and heavy metals from your body, improving your health. The company is dedicated to proving its effectiveness through trials and research. Despite facing challenges from various sources, they continue to persevere. The product costs $52.99 for a two-month supply and can help you feel better by detoxing your body from harmful substances.
➡ The text discusses the belief that viruses aren’t real and are used as an excuse for vaccines and social distancing. It suggests that our health problems are due to pollutants and biohazardous industrial chemicals in our environment. The text also talks about a product called Masterpiece, which has been clinically tested and shown to reduce toxins in the body. However, the lab that conducted the tests has shut down after the sudden death of its founder, causing uncertainty about the future of the product.
➡ The speaker hired a private detective agency to negotiate with a lab to test the levels of 24 people. Despite offering $20,000, the lab refused to cooperate. The speaker then found an alternative solution by discovering a superior sea mineral water. The speaker also mentioned a documentary that discusses the transhumanism agenda and the use of graphene oxide in the body, which they believe can be removed with a specific product and protocol.
➡ The text discusses a study involving mRNA technology and graphene, a substance that is believed to be harmful to the body. The study aims to reduce the levels of graphene in the body, which is thought to be linked to a network system within the body. The researchers are also exploring other potential harmful substances and their effects. They are committed to finding solutions to these issues, despite challenges and criticism.
➡ People are learning to use their resources to achieve their goals, like paying off their house. This knowledge isn’t taught in traditional education systems, so people have to teach themselves. In the scientific world, powerful microscopes are used to observe tiny particles, but these tools are expensive and require expertise to use correctly. There’s concern about the increase of nano-sized particles in our environment, as they can enter cells and potentially cause health issues.
➡ The speaker discusses the increasing contamination of our environment, particularly in water and soil, with harmful substances like heavy metals and microplastics. They express concern about the impact of these toxins on people’s health, noting that younger individuals seem healthier but still lack energy. The speaker also criticizes the medical industry for focusing on treating symptoms rather than finding cures. They end by advocating for a product that they claim can reduce the amount of these toxins in the body, improving overall health and well-being.


Because if they’re providing results, in this case, to something that is an antidote, a true solution to the pollution and to our body pollution and to our. The main part of our health problem is us being poisoned. These heavy metals in our body, these things that are stuck, well, we didn’t tell anybody, the lab, until we just published our peer reviewed paper through ACta. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body.

We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream. And I like masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide, it removes aluminum, it removes microplastics and all sorts of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business, game changers.

I’m Sarah Westall. I have the CEO of masterpiece coming to the program, Matt Hazen. And we are going to talk about all the issues he’s been going through, trying to get the trial results done and stuff. But I gotta tell you, I have a window that’s behind me and I have a big tree. I live in the woods, and right on the tree, when I’m looking straight at it, about not 20ft away from me, outside the window, a bald eagle landed on the branch and it’s sitting there. I’m gonna show you this. I have never had anything in the middle of her interview.

This is what he landed there, or she landed there and is just sitting there in the middle of our interview. And I’ve never in my entire life had anything like this. And we’ve lived here for 25 years, never had this before. And it happened right in the middle of our interview. I think it’s absolutely phenomenal. And I’m just excited about it because it’s so cool. And maybe it’s a message, I don’t know, but I’m showing you a picture of it now. It is just majestic. It’s really cool. And maybe that’s a. It’s a message about how important this interview is, or just the solutions and the fact that we’re making a difference.

And I’m just excited. I’ve never had this happen before. So you get to join me in some of my excitement here. I hope that makes your day as much as it made it my day to see a bald eagle like this. Anyways, Matt and I talk about how he’s persevering through these issues that he’s having. They’re doing everything they can just try to stop. The FDA sees his material. They killed the person who ran the lab, the top scientists in Germany that ran the lab doing his work. They just keep pushing and persevering and figuring out ways to prove to you that masterpiece is working.

And they’re doing that. And so if you are interested in trying, he’s going to explain. It’s a zeolite, very small. It gets rid of microplastics and heavy metals and aluminum, graphene oxide out of our system. And it’s the. They’re proving it. They’re working to. He’s working with doctor Young and Carolyn Mansfield to another doctor, and they are working to prove that this works. And it’s just a phenomenal product. It costs $52.99 for a two month supply. And you can start to feel better. And he’s going to explain all the stuff that he’s been going through, and you got to listen to it.

Okay, here is my conversation with Matt Hazen. Hi, Matt. Welcome back to the program. Hello. Hello. Great to be back. Sarah, how are you today? I’m good. I’m glad you’re here. It took us a while to get connected here, but we are connected. And I want to talk about of the things that you’ve been going through because you sell masterpiece. It’s something I promote, but I’m just. I’m watching all this go on from a distance. This just the stuff that you’re going through just to prove to people it works. And the shenanigans from the custom agents, from what happened at the labs, from competitors, from.

It’s incredible the lengths people are going through to mess you up and try to get rid of it. Get rid of you? Yeah. And you’re just plugging along trying to prove you have a product that works. Can you talk about some of the things? Well, I want to talk about what happened at the lab and what happened in customs, and then I’m going to talk about some of the competitors, and then I want to talk about the product a bit, but talk about, like, what the heck happened at the lab. I mean, you’re. Your masterpiece is a product that detoxes the body from heavy metals, aluminum, graphene oxide, microplastics.

And you guys are on a mission to prove to people that it works. And one of. Yeah, yeah. Find more ways to prove it. More ways to prove it. You’ve proven it, but you want to prove it from all these different angles. Prove it safe, which is what everyone should be wanting to do when it comes to a product. So. But what the heck? Talk about what happened with the lab because you were working on some clinical. What happened. I mean, you didn’t let it stop you. Now you’re still working, but what happened? Yeah, and with every time we’ve been pressured, like when we got pressured, when the FDA seized $70,000 of marine plasma, which they had been letting come in for 20 years unabated, no problems, it was plainly the marine.

The part of the ocean where sea turtles lived to be 300 years old. And they made up, they said the reason why they were confiscating ours is because they looked on their website and they feel like it’s classified as a drug. The ocean water was classified, which again, they can just say anything they want. That’s. We live in a world where everybody, for whatever reasons or agenda they have, can unfortunately claim and say anything they want. So you’re marine, you can’t. But yeah, your marine plasma, your marine plasma was stopped and seized by the FDA. You figured out a way to get new, but they’ve never done that before.

Suddenly your water from the ocean was deemed as a drug, and they only did it to you, right? Yes. Yeah. Doctor Tom Cowan. They didn’t. They still, they still are letting his in. And he’s a very well known, very highly respected, and I highly respect him. Offered some incredible books on the heart and incredible person for the truth. They led his in just fine. But he’s not making masterpiece with his. That’s the difference, you know, they want to cut off your supply line when they see something coming in, that’s a major problem. They go into the art of war mode on you.

And that’s what we’re witnessing. We’re witnessing character assassination attempts, which you can’t really. We knew going into it with the way people were feeling it, the way my family was feeling at the beginning, and what it should be doing because of the two ingredients, which was the most bioavailable broad range mineral supplement that we knew of at that time on earth, and natural zeolite, which has been shown in countless studies in every type of rigor, to be amazing at grabbing toxins and neutralizing their. I electrical charge, which, you know, in a world with heavy metals and the things that are toxic against us, most people aren’t aware of.

But the common theme they have is that these hazardous, biohazardous, environmental pollutants, 99% of them have positive magnetic charges. And so zeolite is an incredibly negative, the most highly negatively charged natural mineral that’s not harmful to the body’s never shown any weight. So we just put those two ingredients together and it’s been a match made in heaven. But I tell you, they’ve, the world don’t want this cup to come together. Well the world does. It’s just certain. The world, yeah, the world needs it, but the powers of the world, yeah, yeah. So, well you know, let’s, let’s ask just to start off a simple question.

What happens if something was. What happens if 4 billion people on earth felt better for no other reason than they had in decades? A lot of them, most of them, and they were having incredible sleep, they had better energy, they had their ability to be present and critically think was heightened and they became a better version of themselves. Those same people, they don’t go by ibuprofen, they don’t go by over the counter drugs, they don’t go by allergies, they don’t feel bad where they’re needing to take whatever everybody takes with over the counter drugs. People that feel good don’t show up for their doctor’s appointments to feel good don’t see a reason why they need to go get a painful jab in their arm for any reason.

People that feel good are not controllable. And so what masterpiece does is shed the lights in the room, which is hey, we’re really not sick. They haven’t even proved viruses are real. They’ve never isolated or proven that viruses actually exist. We’re still talking about them, but they have not been proven. It’s their booking man. It’s their reason to produce vaccines, it’s their reason to social distance people. And what we’re dealing with is a product that is a attacks big harma system. It’s alternative medicine. Doctors and people who are telling you the protocol that you need to be your healthiest.

The reality of this is that our health crisis and the reason why people feel bad is because they have been inundated in our environment, in our ecosystem, is inundated with pollutants, with pollution, biohazardous industrial chemicals that are unmanageable to the ecosystem, unmanageable to our bodies. Our bodies are divine devices. They are electrical beings, metals, and then messes up our electrical charge and how we operate on every level, central nervous system, you name it. And the metal, microplastics, all that stuff in our bodies are the reason why we don’t feel good. Masterpiece we’ve proven underneath clinical trials, using third party lab testing, to significantly be able to reduce the levels of lifelong accumulated toxins a lot quicker than they’re coming back in.

The reason why I say that is because we had 360 year old people who have been alive, if you think about it, twelve months times 60 years, or give or take a few years difference there. But that’s 720 months. We put them on masterpiece for three months. We reduced the levels of their toxins on everything. We measured by like 80% almost. So everybody was experiencing a higher quality of life. Nobody who sells products, nobody that is involved in the health and medicine field wants a $53 bottle to do everything that their 15 overpriced products are trying to do.

Okay? So that’s clear. There’s a lot of competitors that are going after you with really high price things and protocols and just figuring out if there’s a. And I don’t think they’re all bad people. I think they just, they get almost cross eyed when it comes to money and they’re so competitive that, and they. It’s weird what the human mind does when it comes to money and greed, but how far they’re willing to lie and just make up things, just demonize something. Yeah. So what, what did you deal with with the lab? Because that was so at the very beginning, when.

Masterpiece. Right before we opened, I was approached by a woman named Carolyn Mansfield. She had been working at a COVID vaccine injury clinic. She was seeing all different types of various bio resonance quantum healing devices, medved different things that were being used with people that were vaccine injured. And she was seeing what things worked, what things didn’t work. And she also does live blood analysis. She’s very much a specialist at microscopy. And she’s looked at countless different products over the years and helped those companies to improve their products. And she told me that from what she understood, she believed masterpiece would work the best at removing the mRNA delivery system, which is what everybody hears about is being in the jab, but it’s really in your hygiene products and everything at home.

Anybody that ever listens to this video, next time you’re at Walmart, next time you’re at CV’s, go to the hygiene products, the skin lotions, go to your deodorants, turn the ingredients over, look for stuff that says polyethylene glycol and EDta, that is the housing for the graphene oxide. That’s the mRNA delivery system. Say it again. What are the two ingredients? The mRNA delivery system is simply this. You have a blob of graphene. It is enclosed in polyethylene glycol, which is layered in with EDTA. It looks like a layered, but in a ball. So then you have polyethylene glycol.

You have the edta, polyethylene glycol, edta. And then if it was a prescription drug, it would have then a tag or a marker, which, if you wanted it to, you know, when you take a pill, it goes to your, wherever it’s supposed to go, to the way that knows where to go. It has nothing to do with the ingredients. It only has to do with the nucleic acid tag, the marker that they put on it, so it stops where it’s supposed to stop. So that’s the mRNA delivery system. The only reason why they don’t put the tag on, like our deodorants and on our skin creams and our conditioners and stuff, because isn’t everything owned by Blackrock? They’re going to poison you just one way and not the other.

They do it all right. Don’t they take their best technology and get it out into their whole thing? And so what we did is we tested for the things that comprise the mRNA delivery system. We used a phlebotomist, we took their blood. We did a initial pilot study. We put in the work to set it up, to do this. We found the lab. The lab was the most leading, cutting edge lab in the world. There was only one lab to doing this intracellular electrical capacity test that we could find. They were in Germany. It is Germany’s number one lab.

Germany is known for medicine, for engineering, and for everything else. It’s a country, I believe, with only four or 5 million people in it. And, you know, look at what their feats and look at their different engineering, their reverse engineering gurus. They value engineering. They value engineering. And a lot of other places don’t value engineering to the same level, totally. So we told people from the jump, when we did this study, our competitors would say, well, what’s the lab? What’s the lab? And so we would say, well, we’re doing another study. And we don’t want to say the lab, because we don’t want them to come under heat.

Because if they’re providing results, in this case, to something that is an antidote a true solution to the pollution and to our body pollution and to our. The main part of our health problem is us being poisoned. These heavy metals in our body, these things that are stuck. Well, we didn’t tell anybody, the lab, until we just published our peer reviewed paper through ACTA. And on the bottom of the. We obviously had to disclose the lab at that point. We have an. We had an ongoing study with 24 deaf subjects where we were studying for 27 things that we were 90 days into.

And we had decided that we were going to get our final results, which didn’t just include the blood. We were also taking hair tests. We’re also taking urine tests. We were testing for everything that we could in all three fluids, all three ways, so that we could really show where the toxins are going, if they’re being removed or if they’re just being pushed in somewhere else in the body. However. Well, as soon as we put out the published peer reviewed paper, that same week, the owner, founder, and operations manager of this lab put out a paper talking about how environmental toxins are being shown to be in high amounts in people’s body fluids and why.

I is specific IEC test at this german lab called IgL. Anybody can look up Igl lab in Germany, you’ll find it’s my municipal. But anyways. And he put out a paper saying that why his test was so important, so that we could understand what’s going on, the people’s health at the same time that we sent up our published, peer reviewed paper. And that week, he fell deathly ill, and in two days, and at nighttime, he died. And so now, suddenly he died. The guy running your lab test died. Okay. Yeah, it’s not funny at all. It’s so that the immediate thing that they did, because of the circumstances, which they will not divulge outside of he felt deathly ill and died in his sleep, is that we then contacted.

We have over 200,000 invested in this study. It’s very expensive to do these when you have 24 subjects and you’re sending it off, and it’s got to be next to air blood, and it’s got to be looked at right away. You’re talking like a hit, you know? So we contacted a german detective agency. We had several of our. Everybody that we are partnered with in any type of way, well intentioned, that are fluent in Germany, all contact this lab. All try to. And if anybody goes on IGL labs in Germany, you’ll see where the gentleman’s name Stephanie past and out of 15 different types of testing they do.

Two days after he died, they set up an email and said, hey, we’re shut down to at least October 15, we don’t know what we’re going to do. And then not even a week later they sent up another email and they said, we’re still planning on opening on October 15. The one thing we will no longer be offering is the IEC testing. Oh geez. One test. The one test leading edge. And the one test he did a paper about. And then I paid. Yeah. And then, so I contacted, because I’m a person who gets things done, I just have a job to do.

And so I contacted an agency, you know, private detective agency in Germany that also had offices in America. And I told him, I said, what does it cost? I need you to go up there private, tell them it’s confidential, and I need you to make an offer that they can’t refuse. I need to tell them, we’re trying to get these 24 people’s levels tested. So if someone could just turn on the machine and get these results for these last twelve subjects, we got $20,000 ready, we want to wire you. And I did everything. We did all that just to try and pull it off.

And we got the biggest lab in the world now talking with a few of our people to figure out if they can try to build this machine, to try to figure, they are masterminds and they really see how amazing this equipment was. We’re trying to buy them equipment. They’re not selling it, they don’t want to sell it, they don’t want to even talk. They are freaked out. That lab is completely freaked out. They will not talk to anyone, anything. And so that was actually the same week, if you remember those scientists, experts that were going down to Brazil and they were going to explain, remember that plane cracked, the doctors and experts, various people were going down to Brazil to make a big exposure of explaining how the mRNA delivery system, which I just kind of explained here, was responsible for the increased rate of cancers and all other disease that were seeing.

And they redirected four of their flights to one flight and then that flight down. So a lot of people missed their flights and can make it. Yeah, magically. There’s always all these problems and people die and all these things. So you though got that trial back on track, right? Yeah, you know, we’re completing right now. So we have baselines for all, everything. You can test minerals and heavy metals. For hair, we did the most comprehensive one, we did the best one for urine, everything that we could test for, we blood, for regular blood markers. You know, you have companies with products that will take people’s blood markers, just their biomarkers, and they’ll say, oh, your d dimer levels are better, or this liver enzyme is better.

And so they can. And then they try to say, well, you know, it was only that even though you don’t really know, it’s not underneath the clinical trial, because they don’t know if they changed anything else in their diet. What we did with masterpiece on our trials is we didn’t tell them their levels. We told them, do not change a single thing. We didn’t want to talk to them too much about detox and get them worried or thinking. We didn’t want them to start. Right. I mean, you want. You wanted to test the effectiveness. Yes. Yeah, we wanted.

So. But what about the machine that you needed at this lab? So what did you do to resolve that issue? They wouldn’t sell it. So what, even sell the equipment, so we can’t get the. So the final results for graphing oxide glyphosate, those things, we thought we had another lab that thought they could do it, and it was going to be measured in this. It was FGS labs out of British Columbia. They actually have an office in America, they have one in Germany also and a few other places. They’re very well respected. They are very leading edge.

They thought they could do it, but then they didn’t. They really can’t. The equipment, they would have to add to it a little bit, and it would be at least six months in the making. We had all of their seat, all their CEO’s of their different continents on a phone call. So what do you guys. They were so intrigued by the, by the thing, because we were. We were getting a hold of every lab trying to see. Have you ever heard of IEC? Can you please get us this? We were scrambling, you know, so what did you come up with? What was the ultimate solution to deal with getting these levels figured out? Well, you know, so this, this is, this is where we took it.

And just like with the marine plasma getting confiscated, and it pushes us in a direction where there is no way anybody could have ever told me there’s some better mineral water on earth than that marine plasma. I would say, please. Sea turtles been migrating there and they lived to 300 years. That is clean water, right? That’s clean mineral water. It’s not structured well. We ended up finding even better sea mineral water in every way you can test it. It’s electrical capacity, it’s electromagnetic capacity, and its mineral ratio is identical because it’s sea plasma. It’s just like marine plasma.

And it has been ocean water. It’s also been dead sea. It’s actually, the concentration of the minerals is much denser. It’s the densest out of any ocean, any dead sea, any live sea, any lake in the world. So you happen to find an alternative that was actually a little better, that’s making the product form much better. It’s much. It’s going to taste much saltier because it’s much more minerally, it’s much more potent. It has a much higher electrical charge. You tasting something, when you taste it and it’s pulled, you know. Okay, well, that’s good, though. So you found an alternative.

So what did you do that’s good. That’s a solution. That’s what entrepreneurs have to do. You got to constantly look for some supply line. But I’ll tell you, I’ll never tell people. Like I told people, oh, we got it from marine plasma, from my visa form in Spain. You can’t do that when you’re changing the world, because they listen, they hear that stuff, and they go, there’s his supply line. That’s right. All of a sudden, they do what they did, you know? But that same week, they seized FDA. Did paypal help? $47,000 for five, six months.

Way after they’re even, when they’re like, we’ll just close the account. Then you don’t have to worry about if it’s. There’s gonna be charged, because there’s way pastor. All their regulations, they just kept stripe held 20,000 the same week. We had a whole entourage of stuff. But I wanted to get back on point, so. Well, yeah, I want to know back with the lab. What did you end up doing with as an alternative to this? Yeah. Yeah. So have you seen the Blue Truth documentary? It’s a very popular documentary. I’ll say. In a nutshell, they. We know if we’ve investigated the graphene biosystem and the transhumanism agenda, you know, that the way they do it is they got a Internet of bodies or w band.

I don’t know the specific little terms, but I. I do know that they turn you on and you are connected to a Mac address. So they did a documentary where they actually had people that have been Jab ACR and whatnot and brought them, and they took. And anybody can do this, and it’s this simple download on the app store, El Espanner, and then get their paid version, which is only, like, four or $5 a month. Now go out into the middle of nowhere field and turn it on, because when you turn it on at the gym or you turn it on in your house, you’re going to pick up all kinds of wifi devices, people’s ipod, earbuds, things like that.

You’re going to see a lot of unknown addresses that look. That are unknown addresses, and those are almost all these people. And so if you go out into the middle of the field and go to where you don’t have a map until you only have one Mac address, which you. Or none if you have not. Okay, I’ll just be. Unless you’ve been taking a very good product and protocol that is actually working, which means it’s actually getting out the graphene oxide. It takes the graphene oxide in your body to make a Mac address, to make you transhumanism the keystone thing.

They need the crux of what this, for the transhumanism biosystem to work their whole plan. If you can get the graphene out of people’s body, it messes the whole thing up. It jack. It throws a monkey wrench in their whole thing. Why? Because they can’t turn you on. They can’t kill you. They can’t fry you. That’s a network. Graphene oxide is a. The hot, most conductive element on the planet. And using it as, like, a Wi Fi network, it’s just. You think of it as, like, a ethernet cable, but it’s in your body. Yeah, yeah. And so what we proved in our initial pilot study, and I know I’m coming back around on your question here, but what we proved in the study is that we reduced, out of all the things that we tested for, which was the other mRNA delivery system, which is the polyethylene glycol, which doesn’t serve a purpose other than delivering the graphene.

That’s all it’s doing. The only thing. The EDTA and the polyethylene glycol and the mRNA delivery system. And guess what? Anybody go look up any patent on any lipid mRNA technology or peptide mRNA technology, and you will see, it’s the way you got it. You got to wrap it in polyethylene glycol and eDta. And so to protect the graphene. So when. When the graphene. The graphene is the paramagnetic that they need. Without the graphene, they can’t turn you on Internet of bodies. And what we proved in our pilot study is that we got out about 60% of it after 35 days.

And we got out even more at 90 days because, you know, we’re getting retransfected. You’re getting. Yeah. So it’s coming back in. So you can only get it down so far, but you want to keep it down. You don’t want it to go back up. So what we ended up doing it started using our logical thinking, because, hey, now all of a sudden, we can get these final results, and we’re always searching for ways. This is. See, this is what happens when you have intention, where you want to prove something works, so everybody knows it works for them.

Okay? What you do is you start searching for other ways that you can make it work. Okay, well, here, if masterpiece, which we’ve irrefutably, undeniably proven to get the graphene levels down, we made the next logical step and said, well, then, wouldn’t that turn people’s Mac addresses off if it worked? Right? Because that would be the whole reason why. If we’re worried about this acute danger right now, this greppy bio system, which is in our face and undeniable, no matter how Sci-Fi and bizarre it sounds, but that thing shouldn’t be on and be able to work if we’re getting enough graphene out of the body.

And so what we started doing is we started taking our 24 test subjects, and we haven’t done all of them yet, but I gotta tell you, the ones that are. Because we had six placebo, we didn’t. We doing a full blown real study. So some people got placebos, didn’t get masterpiece at all. Okay? And what we are so far, free with the Mac addresses being off of the people. And what’s really scary is when everybody’s going to download this ble scanner, and if you. If you haven’t been real serious about your health or you’ve not been taking the right kind of stuff, you go out into the middle of the field, you’re going to see a loan.

It’s all over the Bluetooth documentary. All 30 of those had Mac addresses, and they proved it. Yeah, and I’ve seen that, too. I think the graphene being. It’s the. Essentially the network, it might not get rid of the computer. You know? Like what? I’m not sure of all the different mechanisms they’re using, because unless you’re in the back room when they’re planning, with the engineers and the scientists, you don’t know everything they’re trying to do, but the graphene is from everything that I’ve researched. Is the network, right? You’re getting rid of the network. I will tell you why I think network.

I have my understanding. Yeah. It’s the network part of it. And they’re wrapping them. Yeah. When in the labs that manufacture the lipid or the wrapping system, they don’t wrap anything other than graphing oxide. If there is more components to the. To the system, it would be wrapping more than just graphing oxide. Well, what I’m saying is that there could be. The graphing oxide is the network, the network aspect of it. But it’s kind of like on the Internet, you have the computers and then you have the network. If you don’t have the network, then the computers can’t communicate.

I don’t know what else they have in our bodies. Or they can even use our bodies itself as the computer. Right. Because we are a operating computer. So there has to be some brains there, too. I just don’t know everything they’re doing. I wish I was in the. I keep saying this. I wish I was in the back room with these engineers in the boardroom hearing what they’re doing. Because we’re trying to figure it out from looking at it in a black box, because we’re not there. Right. But clearly, the graphene oxide is their network plan.

And they could probably do other things, but at this point, that was their big deal because they’re putting it in everything. They’re putting them in everything. So you guys, you guys are under attack from all over the place. I mean, you reverse engineered the two top nano zeolite companies. The first thing we ever did, way before we became a company, when we were in the formulation process, is the gentleman that mentored me and helped me and had a passion for helping humanity, and ended up, who is a chief scientific officer of a major university and a founder of a nano lab.

Been in nano formulations and things for 25 years. Did this for free. And the only thing he did was tell me how to get the zeolite down to the smallest size. Because that was relevant, right? I mean, that was irrelevant. He had his life work put into the Pfizer and biotech vaccine, which about emotionally, it did emotionally destroy him. Because he thought this mRNA delivery system is what was going to make medications work better. Also with the, you know, also the insecticides, they were supposed to be more biodegradable. That was the main thing that he was always done his whole life with.

But they took that exact technology and put it in the vaccine. And since he had a non disclosure agreement with him because he did the research and development. He couldn’t do anything to stop it other than tell people behind closed doors. I tell everybody I know, don’t ever do. There’s nothing that’s good in there that could be good for a human being. There’s like. And so, you know, I understand what’s in that. You know, I know it, and it’s only graphene now, but so what we’re looking at what we want to do and what we are doing is we are doing a study that’s going to be starting within weeks.

We don’t have the exact number, but we’re going to get as close to 30 people as we can. And this is going to be full videoed, multiple angles. Nobody can ever say anything is done by a professional documentary team who has done several documentaries, one of them having over a billion views, as I understand it. So even more successful than Michael thrives with Forrester and Kimberly Gamble. And what we’re going to do is show people with Mac addresses. And if Masterpiece is getting out the thing that causes the system to come on, then they couldn’t have a Mac address after taking masterpiece for long enough.

And so we’re going to once again challenge masterpiece, masterpiece to the test. And then, as everybody else wants to just point fingers and try to discredit our work and discredit the science and discredit the facts and waste their time on that, we’re going to keep forging ahead and providing solutions to the real problems that humanity is facing. Because if we don’t, aren’t going to do it, they’re not going to be in their time, and they’re trying to demonize other products and, you know, making a mockery of the movement. Almost all these, you know, instead of coming together, aren’t we, aren’t we the ones that knew they were separating us the first, and then we still separate each other over money, their fiat.

Oh, haven’t we learned yet? So we’re going to keep role modeling what it’s going to take for our world to change. I do believe that the most preyed upon thing in our world is human consciousness. That’s why they poisoned us, pinned us down. If I can control your mind, I can get you to go run around, do anything, plant my crops, build my buildings, do this, go to my wars, right? So human consciousness is absolutely the most lucrative, always has been, always will be resource on earth. These sickos prey on it. These sickos use all the resources to do it.

And now they come up with a real sick system. Just the problem is they never planned on anybody or any group of people that were just going to have to find a solution. And humanity always does this. And, you know, usually on these great ideas, what do they say the most powerful thing in the world is? An idea whose time has come. That’s right. Well, usually these ideas come to 20 people at once all across the world, the hundredth month. But maybe we’re in such a state of affairs where it really took, it wasn’t a specialist, it wasn’t the best looking person.

Maybe it was just the most fearless and incorruptible. But now we got thousands of us, and it’s going to be millions soon. Because guess what? There’s people groups out here doing things. There’s a billion dollar corporation that owns its own bank, and they’re good guys. They are starting a platform to change the whole consumer so that people don’t buy stuff from box stores. And we have. And that’s just one thing. They’re the law stuff. Everybody that’s getting into this private law and trust and stuff, there’s people cracking the code with how we’ve been used, with our birth certificate and different things.

But they’re cracking the code. They’re using. Yeah. They’re using their straw man. They’re getting. So we have big things happening. I’m gonna tell you right now, everybody. Oh, yeah. They’re using their straw man to get to the money to find what we need to fund. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And now we have people that are so self taught and are learning that now they are actually learning how to use their straw man to go get whatever vehicles right off their house note. And there’s people. And it’s getting done. There’s examples. There’s hundreds of people.

They’re not out there. I want to get. Because it’ll make you a target. Yeah. Be able to stand in your. I am a woman. I am a man. Yeah. I am not capital locks. I am not a fictitious entity. I’m not a corporation that you barter. I’m not lost at sea. You know, to stand in that power, you have to learn it. I’m very. I know. There’s everything we’re gonna. It’s self taught. Yeah. Because wherever we learned, whatever parents you had, right. Whatever place you come from, whatever school system you came, you weren’t taught the truth.

They didn’t know the truth to teach it to you. So now we have to, if we want to know the truth, we can’t go find it in the system. We have to put in the work. We have to make the mistakes. We have to figure it out. Yeah. And so, you know, that’s so great. Yes. That is so great. That’s so true. And. And that’s what I love about what you guys are doing, because you’re trying to prove to be. You’re doing the trials. You’re saying, and what quantifiable evidence. I want ironclad evidence to keep, and we got a mountain of it already, and we’re going to keep piling it up.

And if, you know, the idea about the Mac address thing came six months before the Bluetooth documentary. Come on. And you know why I didn’t jump on it? I didn’t jump on it because I quantifiable inside the cell blood lab that we were doing the studies on, where it’s like, hey, here’s the number, and it goes down. I should have if. See, that’s what happens. They force you and they press you, and all this sudden, you can’t get that test, and you got to hold on. I got to find a new way to prove this. I got to find a new way to prove how this works.

And all of a sudden, you go back into the options and you go, oh, well, if it works, it would turn off the w band. Yeah, we got some other stuff. Yeah, let’s get a big documentary on this thing and make it ironclad. Well, let’s talk about Carolyn Mansfield’s work with microscopy that she. It’s not just her. It’s also doctor young. They both are experts at this. And there’s people in our era. Anybody rife, royal rife, whatever the gentleman’s name was, this microscope was more cutting, edging. Even what we know is out there today. Post rife, doctor young is known as the goat, the dawn of microscopy.

His microscopy course costs $30,000. It’s the best. Well, let’s talk about that. But one thing that I’ve learned about that is that you can’t just do it for a year with a less powerful microscope and assume that you know what you’re doing, because when you’re. It’s like a whole world of itself down there. And newbies that look at this, especially with the microscope, that’s not as powerful. But newbies who haven’t been doing it for that long, and they can really get confused as to what they’re looking at. Absolutely. And if you think about it, most microscopy courses, they don’t want you looking underneath the microscope for, like, six months.

You need to learn what it is. A whole new world. Nothing you’ve ever learned with your eyes applies down there. You know, you got to get into what that stuff is. And Carolyn’s been doing it for 25 years. I can’t even tell you how many live blood analysis experts and naturopaths and that learned underneath Robert Young that I’ve talked to. And yes, the most common thing that you could misobserve with and just to very clear everybody, the most powerful microscope out there is an electron microscope or stem, a scanning transmission electron microscope anyways, and go down to about 500,000 magnification.

But nobody has those unless you’re a real big lab somewhere. Why? Because it costs a million dollars, spent a million dollars on microscope. Okay. So anytime you watch a video out there and you got someone and they got a soldier board. So nanobots and da da da, they got a bunch of these people on substat, they’re all trying to get exposure. They’re all trying to pull you into their health protocol that they’re thinking off of. And these people are using a, what’s called a dark flow microscope and they’re using a very good microscope. It’s a $10,000 microscope.

It doesn’t go down. There’s no such thing as a dark film microscope. I can see what’s called a live slide. So live flood moving around that can go down underneath 1600 magnification. Remember that? 1600. Do you remember when I just said an electron microscope goes down 500,000? Yep. The world you see with electron microscope is sub nanometer size. So it’s thousands of times smaller than what it would take to enter a cell. It’s not small way, way smaller than a red blood cell, which is what’s looked at with white blood analysis. Those are about 8. So when I’m talking about 8 μm as compared to less than 1 nm, I’m talking about the difference of 8000 times.

So it’s red blood cells are much, much bigger. That’s why when people are talking about nano, the reason, the importance about nano nanotechnology, nano this, nano that, all they’re talking about are things that are really 150 are 100 smaller. It’s the reason why 100 smaller, it’s so important. It’s because that’s the size it takes for something to be intracellular capable inside that sub capable, which is a whole new level in our world’s case, unfortunately of toxicity and poisons. So when we started seeing the unleashment of nano herbicides, nano Pentrels nano, this nano in our products or regular products.

Once they got that out to the market, we’ve seen real quickly a whole new level of health crisis that people’s health went drastically downhill from them. So for about the last 25 years, we’ve really seen the fall off. I know it’s been real bad since 2020 because they’ve stepped it up even more. Well, because, well, 2019 is when those organic samples that you have really started jacking up with all the. Yes. Yeah, yeah. And that’s in. That’s in soil sample. That’s on organic farm fields. That’s also gentleman called. I can’t say his name because the EPA has him so much in court because he tried to get all the information out and they said, okay, dude, if you don’t stop right away, we’re gonna keep you in court so much you won’t be able to talk because you can’t talk about anything about any of your stuff.

But so little bits put you in. Courtney put him in court in like, 30 states. So I’m talking about a seven year old man that’s up to his eyeballs in court with the EPA. So I’m not going to say his name. I’m going to tell you be simply because he shared the sample. So the soil samples. Well, yeah, yeah. He’s a stubborn old mule. He is. I’m very personal friends with him at this point. Well, he said, you know, they came to me and they told me, they told me that. I said, oh, that means this is really important.

He goes, then I got a Facebook account. I just started going from crazy. But you know what? They was right. He goes, I have to drive all week to go to court, usually from one place to the next. They love it. They got him hooked up. So, you know, but he does wells. He does wells on their property, which means you always got to test the water table. Right. That’s feeding the well. Okay. Well, levels of the toxins and the contaminants and has gone up where the number would usually be, like 100 to 500 was pretty high and stuff.

Now the numbers since, like, 2019, which is where, you know, if things are dropping from the sky air, if they’re coming in from the runoff, if they’re, you know, you pour a bunch of polyethylene, you pour chemicals in the Atlantic Ocean, and it’s only a matter of time before you can test for it in the Pacific Ocean and see it. Right? Because we’re on a smorgasbord. We’re all here in a fishbowl together. So yeah, our water tables are up like 4000, like 500. Now keep in mind in 1950s and sixties, he said when he first started doing all this, when he was like in his twenties, he said it would be down to like five to 40.

He goes, then it kind of creeped up and for decades it was kind of like 5200 ish, you know, he goes, then it kind of dropped up to, sometimes I would see 500 in an area, you know, a bunch of farm fields, a lot of runoff usually and stuff. He said now 500 b, it’s hard to find 500. I mean, it’s really, you know, it’s what is very contaminated. Like microplastics. Yeah. Not, not. Yeah, yeah. Heavy metals. Yeah. So you have all that too. I’d love to get copies of that. The water. It’s terrible what we’re dealing with.

And so the masterpiece, I have to back out about third of his feet because this guy, I gave him my word. That makes sense. And I shared the soil samples with people already and we’re starting to see, we saw the huge spike in 2019 and I, so I’m not surprised. But that’s why when you look around, everybody looks sick. Really. And when you’re healthy, when you’re healthy, when you’re one of the few that are healthy, you stand out. Right? The young people, young people, you can see the energy from young people. They seem so much healthier, but you, they have less energy coming out of their bodies.

It’s really interesting. Okay, so people need to at least try this. I just hope people, I have my whole family on it. I would say this, I would say this. We have underneath clinical trials doing it full blown so that it could be, you got to understand it. The hardest thing to get approved is a fine peer reviewed study. It’s not. How many people have ever heard of. The answer is going to be zero for everybody. A health or alternative supplement company that has taken their product, their detox product. There’s all kinds of detox products out there.

Who has ever produced a study where they took test subjects, measured their levels of heavy metals or, you know, we did the whole mortgage board and then put them on the product and then 60 days later show the results of these multiple. Wouldn’t that be simple? Why haven’t they done it? Why did a company that’s now just barely a year old run by just a guy in Kansas in a small tape of doom, why are they doing the work? Why are we, this is not something that would be like if you spend all your time talking about a product working, you would obviously, at some point want to be able to prove it, not just show images underneath microscope.

I just want to go right back to one thing. I was going to point out. The most commonly mistaken thing underneath a microscope, like 400 magnification to 1600 magnification, is salt. Regular salt looks like, well, graphene construction sites look like salt, say square x. And that is one of the most common things that these morons who shouldn’t have these microscopes, they’re just trying to. They’re just trying to make a video and they’re just looking at stuff and they’re trying to tell you what it is and guess what? They’re selling things and then they’re telling you what their competitor stuff looks like underneath the microscope and you’re hitting on it.

Yeah. Or they’re getting rid of salt and they think they’re telling you they’re getting rid of graphene when it’s really salt. I mean, it’s just all sorts of stupid stuff because they don’t know what they’re not even showing you in a professional. I mean, we’ve done these work. You have to show people the slide. You have to order. You have to order a box. It’s not open. And here it is, here it is. Turn on slide. Guess what? Here’s a fact too. Just for anybody that ever dart flow microscopes go down to 1600 magnification. And what that means in terms of the size range of what they can see, you can see specs, little tiny specs on these, on the video viewer, and the specs will be about 700, which is seven tenths of one micrometerous.

So less than 1 μm, which. That’s good magnification. The problem is, is that 99% of masterpiece is 150 smaller. You definitely can’t see the mineral ions. The mineral ions are sub nano range. So they’re telling you, they’re showing you stuff and it’s not even masterpiece. You can. Yeah, yeah. They don’t have the powerful enough microscopes. They don’t have the experience. They don’t have. I mean, there’s so many reasons those microscopes are meant to look at live blood. Yeah, yeah. Blood analysis, not to look at other instead. Yeah, it’s not even. It’s a joke. It’s about getting people informed and so they understand what the whole nano world is, what microscopy, what all this, this stuff is, because they don’t.

They can. And I say the same thing with, with big tech and whatever, it’s. Since the whole industry. The structure of the industry has changed. The whole world structure has changed. The big tech is now the largest companies in the world. We’ve never seen anything like that. It’s time for people to understand the language and understand it. They can function in this world, right. And it’s the same thing with nano sized stuff. They need to start understanding the language and what we’re dealing with, because otherwise it’s so easy to be manipulated. Yes. Yes, it’s absolutely. Knowledge and truth is always going to help us.

It’s always going to see us through. If we don’t know the actual truth or knowledge, we can always be led astray. That’s right. Number one thing we have, and we have to learn the truth for ourselves because they didn’t leave it for us. They have scrubbed history and science and stuff. They scrub it every, however often they can. They had a total medical mafia king land takeover by the Rockefellers and nobody ever would ever talk if we didn’t. If the truthers didn’t talk about and try to dig it up a little bit, they basically have it completely eradicated from their system.

That Rockefellers came in, took all the natural schools, made everybody accredited, and if you wanted to keep your money, you got to, you had to start teaching their stuff and it was all based on treating symptoms, never cures, didn’t exist anymore. That’s their world’s worst word to say in that medical system, which was the allopathic western system that all the doctors are ignorant that they’re a part of. You say cure, it’s the worst word I know. That means they make no more money off of you. That’s better. And they don’t know that they’re part of that, which is they just don’t understand.

Right. Well, thank you, Matt. I really appreciate it. I know we’re in this journey together, along with all the people, people listening. They’re all in this, too. I mean, we’re just all trying to figure this out because it’s really, it’s a hard. We’ve been through a lot together and we have a lot more to go. We have a lot of solutions. And they’re coming. I’m seeing them from all directions, and you’re a breath of fresh air in that way. So thank you so much for having the courage to fight this and the people that you’re working with, because that’s so.

Thank you so much. And if I can. If I can just end it on a quick note with you, Tara, anybody that listens here, ask yourself, this. If the amount of lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, graphene oxide, glyphosate, neurotoxins that are in the air like phosphine, fluoride, you can’t avoid getting taken in. Fluoride, chlorine. We tested for these things. If you had 80% less of those in your body, how much better would you sleep, do you think? Just picture it. How much. How easier would it be? How much light hearted, kind of like your children are. When our children wake up and they’re just ready to go, how much better would you feel with a lot less of those poisons? If you want to look at our children, they’re very.

Look how childlike they are. You get a lot closer to that when you have a lot less poisons in your system. Underneath clinical trials, we have shown no negative side effects at all. No negative side effects. You’re talking about two of the most natural ingredients on earth for right at a dollar a day. So give yourself and your family a shot with that, okay? You’ll be happy that you did, if you haven’t already. So thank you so much. Love, Sarah, thank you so much for your time and providing a platform for the truth. There’s very few of you out there.

Thank you. Awesome. Awesome. Have a blessed day. Sadeena. It.



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