Spread the truth



âž¡ In seven weeks, the United States will join a world government, which could have significant implications for Americans. This new world order could lead to changes such as food and medicine rationing, control over lifespan, and the elimination of private property. The presenter suggests that this could be a threat to personal freedoms and advises listeners to consider financial independence and alternative economies. He also warns of potential lockdowns and control measures under the guise of a “planetary emergency.”
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about a potential global climate emergency declaration, which could lead to lockdowns and the establishment of a Climate Governance Commission. The author fears this could lead to climate reparations, where wealthier countries are taxed to support poorer nations that have suffered climate damage. The text also mentions fears about population control through eugenics and forced relocations. The author expresses a sense of foreboding and warns readers to be vigilant about their personal freedoms.
âž¡ The speaker believes that there is a global plan to control and dehumanize people, led by the World Health Organization and the elite. This plan includes digitizing personal information, promoting climate change as a threat, and advancing transhumanism. The speaker sees this as a war against Christianity and a threat to humanity, urging resistance against it.


In seven weeks, the United States joins world government. I’ve taken copious notes, investigated it. I’ve got calls into my good friend Pat Wood because this crosses over into his territories with technocracy. We’re going to have a lot more on this, but I’ve got a superficial outline that is pretty involved. And, ladies and gentlemen, you’re not going to believe what I’m going to tell you. Unless, of course, you’ve been coming here every day, and you’ve come here every day, and, you know, this is the natural progression of where they’re going. And I will tell you this, this is a death sentence for Donald Trump.

It’s probably a death sentence for most Americans. I’m going to break down the major components. I will do follow ups over the next several days. But in seven weeks, the world’s nations in New York will vote on world government. And we have some of the details right here on the common sense show. I’m Dave Hodges. I’m the host. We’re the show bringing America one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. We’re brought to you by Noble gold. And what I’m telling you right here, you better get the heck out of the system immediately.

Now, what that means is get your retirement out, back it up with gold or silver. And Noble gold is fantastic because they’ll actually give you a gift for doing this, a 1oz Donald Trump silver coin. They’re also going to protect your retirement so it can never be touched. You’ll own it backed by precious metals, better than the dollar and better than the electronic digital currency. That’s coming in. Yeah, that’s coming. So what are we looking at? Saving your bank account? Saving your retirement. I’ve been a customer, noble gold, for six and a half years, so I can say this warning with all.

Well, I can say this warning without hesitation for my continued participation with Noble gold. Investments carry a risk and past performance can’t be construed with future expectations. They should be telling you world government and these banks can steal your money. Todd Frank, 2010 and your nation’s laws are about ready to mean nothing anyway you are. I’ll say this, this is the most important presentation I’ve ever made. And it’s funny that noble gold would be up for advertising because this is where you need to go to get financial independence. You can be outside the system, parallel economy, because digital can’t control this.

So what do you do? You go to Dave i’ll rush you out a free information packet. Or knowing that we have a deadline of national sovereignty of about seven weeks, well, you can call noble gold right away. 877-646-5347 877-646-5347 this is the most important broadcast I’ve ever done. The parties that are quoted for what’s coming with this conference called Summit of the Future, the Rockefeller foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the Open Society, George Soros, and of course, the Club of Rome, kind of the granddaddy of all international. Let’s have a world government organization.

September 22, September 23, the summit of the future. And by October, they want to be implementing what they call our common agenda. Now let me step aside just for a second. We’re coming up on a presidential election. Assuming it can’t be stolen, assuming they don’t stop it, it won’t mean anything. If we sign on to this, it won’t mean anything. This is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. And it’s so well organized and it contains a lot of the elements that I and others, many of my colleagues have been telling you for a few years now in detail.

And this is 1984 on steroids. Summit of the future. Our common agenda, it’s basically referred to as a global digital compact. And I think probably your minds are going to places I know they’re going to. They, they call this global digital compact, or GDC. We’ll be hearing that a lot. GDC, sustainable developmental goals. Sdgs are coming in under the sustainable agreements. Yeah, that’s right. Agenda 2030. Let me run through an outline. And this is just the first brush. We’re going to have a lot more information as we go. It was too voluminous for me to simply do this in one fell swoop.

And I’m not sure I understand all of what’s coming. Here we go. No cars, no guns. In fact, I’ve actually read things supplemental to this, not in the actual agreements. You have a gun, they can execute you, not just put you in prison. Food rationing, medicine rationing. We knew that was coming. I’ve talked about this before with the WHO pandemic treaty that they backed off of, and this is why they backed off. They’re going to wait for this to come in, and then the World Health Organization is going to come in under this umbrella with their nonsense.

This is what they’ve been waiting for. We thought we won a victory. I said then we did not win a victory. I said, they will be back. And now I know why. They’ll be back. They’ll be back. Under this umbrella of this 190 nation agreement that they’re all going to sign, including the United States, where they sign away their national sovereignty to become part of world government. Okay, let me continue. Not only are they having medicine rationing, they’re going to control lifespan people is what I’m telling you. Do you remember what I said about 15 minutes cities, which is part of this.

Do you remember when I said that they have no provisions for the elderly or the handicapped? It’s because they’re going to get rid of them. These people are fabian socialists. And I’ve been saying this, and there’s so many ways to look at this and know that I’m right. They’re going to determine how long you live. It reminds me of the 1970s movie Logan’s run. Some of you will be old enough to remember this, but in that movie, there was overpopulation in this geodesic dome that was constructed to protect against radiation from a nuclear war. And they couldn’t house that many people.

So when you got to be 30, they killed you. That’s what this is going to be continuing. No travel, no currency. You’ll have CBDC only. That’s why I’m telling you. Gold and silver, bartering, black market. They won’t be able to control totally trading and bartering, although they want to move towards digit digitization of everything to try to prevent that. But they still won’t be able to control gold and silver. No meat, no dairy. We’ve heard that quite a bit. Now. See, this is all coming together, isn’t it? No private property. In fact, the way they’re going to get you off private property is they’re saying by the end of 2025, they want net zero.

I thought it was 2030, but they’re saying now 2025. And what this means is, if you can’t mitigate your home to be completely carbon neutral, that’s impossible. If you’re cooking, if you turn on the heat, if you turn on the air, you are not going to be carbon neutral under any circumstance. And probably just human beings breathing within your structure, you’re not going to be carbon neutral. And so this calls for home mitigation or confiscation. It’s the elimination of private property as we know it. What are your two biggest private properties that you own? Your cardinal and your home.

There will be international taxes. This is the hallmark of world government. When an international body can levy taxes on the world, this is world government. You can have all the laws or no laws at all, but if you have financial control over people. You control them effectively by government control. And we know this to our imperialistic ways. The United States has always controlled governments by controlling economic issues. This is what they’re going to do to us. No hate speech. Hate speech particularly designed to prevent criticism of the existing world order. So people like me. Bye bye, Dave.

Bye bye, you. And you’re thinking, well, I’ll just be good going forward. Do you think that people like this are going to respect what we call ex post facto laws? Meaning you can’t make illegal something on Tuesday that you did on Monday and get punished for it. Of course they’re going to go backwards in time. They’ve already constructed their list. All of you have a score from the NSA, 16 scales, and you have an aggregate score. We don’t know a lot about it. We just know it exists from whistleblowers. But there’s a line drawn somewhere. The people above the line get to live.

The people below the line, we have to do away with them. They’re going to adopt something they call the Declaration of planetary emergency. And this is from the World Health Organization, which is going to be part of this schema. And what they’re talking about here is they’re going to go into lockdowns while they implement their control. I told you, Covid, was a beta test. If you followed me for any length of time, going back to Covid, I said, first of all, don’t obey them. Disobey these people. And I said, because this is a dangerous beta test for future imprisonment while they lock us down and control us and strip us of everything that we own.

Looks like I was right. Declaration of planetary emergency with lockdowns for implementation of total control. In this phase, they will establish what’s called a climate governance commission. And so we’ve heard about this, we’ve talked about this, that we were afraid that the World Health Organization would come in and declare a climate emergency. Those were the rumors we were getting out of Davos. Well, it looks like we were really right, but it’s much worse than what we had heard. Climate declaration of planetary emergency. Lockdowns for implementation. Establishing the climate governance commission are called the CGC, and they’ll include things like climate reparations.

So they’ve said this for a long time, and I’ve heard this, and I never thought they’d be able to implement this. I mean, I underestimated this, where they can take money from you, they can tax you in your nation as being an american, and they can take a good chunk of money and give it to a third world country that we deemed to have violated their climate sovereignty. That’s called climate reparations. If they’re going to do the climate reparations, do you not think they’ll do it in the United States where if you’re a white person, you’re going to be playing paying reparations to non white people? We’ve heard the talk in liberal circles and universities.

I think that’s the next step. Now that I haven’t read that in this, but to me it seems like a natural progression. 50% of reduction by carbon by 2030, 50% on an implementation basis. In other words, progressive. By this date, you’ll have this low. I told you, home mitigation will be required or you’ll be out of your home. My home’s paid off. Tough luck. Tough luck. You are going to be out of your home. Here’s something that’s really interesting. We’ve talked about this and I have made this exact statement, have I not, that the powers that be on the planet glorify every lifestyle.

Unusual, different, perverse, choose your adjective. But they embrace every lifestyle that does not end in procreation. And children. Correct. Okay, let’s just go back to the Olympics opening ceremony that has so many people upset. Boy, I’ll tell you. You know what that opening ceremony was? It was basically a declaration of victory over humanity. A declaration of victory over mankind. The last Supper, Jesus telling the disciples, you need to go out, you need to spread the word about the glory of God. Instead, what they do, they brought in transgenders. They didn’t even have twelve disciples of Jesus, they had 13, whatever they were, and a mockery of Jesus.

These people are going to burn in hell one day, but until then, we’re going to be burning ourselves on this planet. And then they had guillotine. So this is one thing that really caught my attention, and I didn’t get this the first time through. The second time through the opening ceremonies, they showed a guillotine. Did you know that Barack Obama brought in 11,000 guillotines in his administration? He also brought in a lot of hydrogen cyanide from Brazil, which is what the Nazis used to kill the jews in the showers, in the death camps. The guillotine was a statement.

You have the mockery of christians and then you have the guillotine. Do you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what they’re telling you? Do I really need to explain it to you? And, you know, the modern guillotines that they brought in, they can behead 300 people an hour. I think it’s something like they can kill 30 million people a day. I did the math somewhere, and like I said, it was years ago and I did it, but it was some ridiculous number. Are you laughing now? I felt it in my spirit that Doug Thornton and his wife and I last night had a three way conversation.

And they said, are you troubled in your spirit? Doug and I were talking about this, and I said, you know, Doug, I’ve been waking up at 230 in the morning. I’ve had impending feelings of doom. And, yeah, you know, I’ll talk about these negative things, but people that know me privately well, if I was playing in a game, I’m going to win. If I was coaching in a game, I’m going to win. If I’m taking on a business deal, I’m going to try to help everybody win so we can all benefit, you know, and that’s optimism.

And there’s nothing that I take on, that I really take on, like, gee, I hope it works. I take it on, we’re going to make it work. And people who know me personally know that that’s true. And yet I’ve got this feeling of foreboding. In fact, it’s interesting. After I was taking on the co conspirators behind the Trump assassination, my son and I were driving home from the gym late at night, very late at night. And in my remote rural area, we don’t have a lot of traffic at midnight. That’s what time we were coming home.

And so we turn about six and a half miles from where we live, off this main thoroughfare that runs north through the state, and going up this two lane road, cows run free, open range, no street lights, and we’re being followed. And so we go to where we have to turn in to approach our home. And we take the first turn, and they take the first turn, we take the second turn. And even my son noticed, dad, we’re being followed. And see, this is very unusual because we don’t get this kind of thing late at night out where we live at all.

So I said, yeah, I think you’re probably right. And we bypassed where I should have turned to go to my house. They turned to go to my house. And it was like I just had a holy, you know, what? Moment. So we swoop around and take a back way in, and I observe them sitting in a circular driveway of someone about a quarter of a mile for us with their engine running. So I tried not to make a big deal about it, you know, so you get home, I’m not done with this. I go back out and I’m prepared, if you know what I mean.

And so I’m working my way down to them, trying to stay concealed, but I wasn’t real concealed because when I got spotted, they sped off at extremely high rate of speed. And I take this as the purge is coming for people like me. In fact, I’ve had this discussion with Doug, with Sarah Westall. I’ve had this discussion recently with Lisa Haven, Paul Preston. And Paul and I have talked about this a number of times. The president of the new California movement, most popular digital show in America, Agenda 21 radio. Paul and I probably talked two or three days a week, and this often comes up in our discussions, folks, we know they’re coming for us, but they’re also going to come for you.

They’re going to come for the purveyors of information they don’t like, and then they’re going to come for people who follow them closely and they know where you visit, they know how long you’re on a site, what you’re reading, what you’re looking at, and you have a threat matrix score that I just described earlier. I think the following that I had four nights ago is a warning sign. Okay, let me continue on with this summit of the future, our common agenda set to launch September 22 and 23rd, seven weeks from now. You know, they’re into eugenics.

This is the nazi model. But eugenics actually started here in our country with the early breed of psychologists, John Watson and so forth. But eugenics, who can breed, who can’t, selective breeding. And so they’re going to make it so you may never have children if you’re young, you may never be a grandparent. And they’re basically going to decide who gets to breed and who doesn’t as they force you out of your home. Where are you going to live? Well, this is what we’ve been talking about. World Economic Forum, 15 minutes, cities. And we have this group in America, it’s called the c 40 cities, and a little less than 100 major cities belong to this.

And they’ve agreed to all these things we’ve talked about. Well, it’s here in this summit. This is kind of like the unified field theory of subjugation of humanity going forward. This is everything we’ve talked about under one house. And this is no longer speculation, rumor. This is absolutely the way that they want it to be. I say, over my dead body they have declared. And this is part of their justification for eugenics, that mankind is the enemy of the planet. We’ve heard this out of the UN and their climate change fanatics for years. We’ve been called the human pox and we have heard a member lizard professor from the University of Texas, I forget his name.

He said, we need to wave 90% of the planet. Well, so did the royal family, so did Jacques Cousteau. Anyone who’s had any association with the globalists have called for roughly a 90% reduction in humanity. Some of it’s going to be obtained through eugenics, and I believe some of it’s going to be leveled towards doing away with christians, which are, what? About two to 3 billion people on this planet. I’m not joking when I say this, people, I mean this sincerely. They are coming for christians. This is a war against Christ. This is the establishment of the hierarchy.

They need to have the false prophet, the Antichrist and the tribulation, particularly the last three and a half years of hell on earth. That’s what this is. This is how I see this. Global surveillance is interesting. I never anticipated it be this direct, but global surveillance is going to come in under the auspices of the World Health Organization. That’s what their documents for the summit of the future are telling us. In other words, everything’s going to be digitized. Everything about you, your health, your wealth, everything’s going to be in a chip that you’re forced to take.

Yeah, I think there’s a real good chance this is mark of the beast stuff and the Bible is quite clear, the book of revelation. You take the mark of the beast, you’re going to hell. You have sealed your fate, and some of us are going to be forced into making a decision. Short term life here, eternity with God. I’m not joking when I say all these things I’ve just outlined for you, and I’m not even. I’ve made a dent in this. I haven’t even exposed the whole thing. But I had to make this palpable for one presentation.

Global surveillance by the WHO. Wish it was the rock group. We won’t get fooled again. But no, we’re talking the who is the World Health Organization, and they’re anything but scientific. Climate change is anything but scientific, but it’s going to be used. The excuse to take everything away from you. You know, I mentioned earlier today I was watching local channel three in Phoenix the other night. Last night, actually, and I just caught it on the way out. It was on. Somebody had been watching it in the house and they talked about the relationship between tree bark and climate change.

And I thought, how much more ridiculous are we going to get? But this is their obsession. They’re using this as an excuse to take everything away from you. This is total dehumanization of every person on the earth except for the controlling class. Let me tell you what I think the logical end conclusion is here. And I have not come across this yet. And this is one of the reasons I have a call into my friend Pat Wood, because he’s such an, he is the expert on technocracy. He is the guy. And I think transhumanism enters in here.

The elite are trying to meld man and machine for longevity, and they’ve made some progress. I mean, look how long these bastards live, right? Kissinger, Rockefeller, Brzezinski, they’ve all lived over 100 years. But they’re looking for more permanent solutions to almost gain eternal life. This is their answer for not having to submit to the Lord Jesus Christ to have eternal life there. They’re trying to do it through transhumanism. And this is why they have a war on Christianity. This is satanically inspired, and this comes down to a spiritual war. Now, everything I’ve said up to this point speaks to the physical world and how you’re going to be deprived and controlled.

But ultimately, this is a war for your soul. You will not have transhumanism available to you. You will not, you’ll continue to be poisoned. So you have a shortened life. We should be living to be 120 years of age. According to people that study longevity all cause mortality. You should be living to be about 120, which actually matches is the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. God says, I will limit humans to live 120 years. Paraphrase of Genesis six, I believe it is. This is where this is going. You’re going to have transhumanists. And so let’s go.

Why are they unafraid of AI? Because these quote, humans, or fallen angels that took human wives, and these are our descendants of this group, which is my belief. They are intertwined with AI. They don’t need to fear AI, but AI will be surveilling you in ways we can’t even think of. And we will have a greatly reduced population, and this will become a prison planet. I will have much more on this as we gain more information. But I want to stress this to you. They’re voting on this, September 22, September 23, to join world government, our common agenda, summit of the future.

And I just outline some, not all, some of the major points. My personal feeling I’m not violent. But when it comes to resisting Satan and this ultimately what this is, I’ll use any means possible. I’ve never advocated for the overthrow of my government, the killing of public officials, in fact, actually, you know, I pray for the safety of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I don’t want to see them assassinated. Nations fall apart when that kind of crap happens. I have never advocated for harm to come to Barack Obama as evil as he is in as much as he is Satan’s servant.

But they bring this b’s to us. I believe we have the right to self defense because they’re going to kill a hell of a lot of us in this process. This is not conspiracy theories, people. This is publicly available information that was just released. Our common agenda, summit of the future. Sorry. Sorry. This is not clickbait. This is. Maybe I was born 20 years too late because I wished I didn’t have to go through this. But we don’t get to choose that. I would. I’ve talked about this before. I would prefer repentance revival. And we become Nineveh and get God’s blessing again instead of Sodom and gore, Mora and get this crap.

I would prefer that to push the n days, so to speak, the tribulation, off to future generations somewhere in the future and live out a natural life. That is my preference as a human being. But what we want is not necessarily what God is going to ordain to happen, given the circumstances, the depravity of humanity. Can you imagine? You have the olympics and you’re mocking the Lord Jesus in the last supper. Do you understand how bad that is? Just for a second, try to imagine how God views this now. It’s hard to imagine how the creator views things because he’s so far beyond us.

But just in this one narrow sliver, I think we can kind of get a feeling. You’re mocking my son. You’re mocking what will lead to the salvation of humanity. In other words, the creation of the mission for the disciples. You’re mocking this. You’re mocking the creation of communion, communing with God, the broken body and bread, the blood spilled in the wine. Usually in churches, it’s grape juice. It’s fine. But you’re mocking all this. Then you’re declaring war in this ceremony of international attention, with guillotine. I don’t know how much more clear that I make. I have to make this to be.

This is the end of humanity as we know it. This is the tribulation. If we allow it to go through. And I will resist this every inch of my fiber. We’ll talk to you later. Lot to consider. Please share this foreign wine.



Spread the truth

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