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His gravesite. So that, that was, uh, a big tale, uh, about where and who, uh, you know, Juan O. Saban is and where his, his leanings are and so forth. So, uh, behold the Pale Horse. In it, he talks about, uh, the vaccination program and how the vaccination program has been found. Thank you guys for letting me know that I was. That I was silent. I saw your. Saw your text in there. Five by five now. Good. Thank you. So it’s. It’s absolutely, incredibly important that we stay on these guys because they’re going to pull out all the stops now to try and take us down.
It is, it is going to be very, very important for us to be very vigilant and call out every single little thing that they’re trying to do. So I’ve been. I’ve been hammering pretty hard on the bird flu. Now they’ve been making some inroads with the bird flu. We’ll bring it up now. I know a lot of people or like, you’re. You’re like a predictor of the future. Yeah. That’s why I tell you about some of this stuff so we can stop it from happening. And they’re like, well, it didn’t happen like you said it would because we were, like, on top of it.
We stopped it from happening. So people start to forget that it’s very, very important to stay on top of these people. All right? Because no one’s arresting them yet. No one’s executing them yet. No one’s putting them in prison for the rest of their lives yet. Right. Maybe some. Some of them. Maybe some of them we’re gonna find out have, have gone off the, off the screen. Just from the way I look at stuff and from my background and how I was behind the scenes. And a lot of. Some of these people are off, off the board guys, all right? They’re.
They’re gone and they have, you know, they, they Keep putting out, you know, people that seem to be like them, but they’re gone. All right, so it will. At some point we will. We see their trials and executions probably, but for the most part, as we’re seeing, they’re still, they’re still out there. They’re still having, you know, pushback on a lot of us. So we saw in New York how Kathy Hochul basically, you know, stopped. She’s, she’s pushing the, the, the bioweapon, the bird flu shutting down. Uh, she’s called a health emergency. No, no more, uh, birds, uh, can be traded or live birds and all that kind of stuff for a week or something like that.
And all the places where they were, uh, you know, uh, having to be where they’re being sold, they basically shut them down. Have to clean. Had to clean completely. Just. It’s the same thing with the, the COVID lie, guys. So they’re vaccinating the chickens and they’re infecting them. They’re infecting the chickens with the COVID With the, with the bird flu. And then they come in and they test and it’s like, oh, look, this bird has bird flu. We gotta like, call the whole, oh, herd, you know, million million birds gone. Oh, wow, look, the. The price of eggs is skyrocketing.
How. How did that happen? So they’re taking away our food sources. At some point they’re going to mutate this thing. They’ve already got it mutated. They’ve already got gain of function on this thing. Mutating from birds to cattle, from cattle to us. It’s, it’s. It’s already in the works, guys. And they’ve already got a vaccination for it which will basically infect us even more. Just like the COVID 19 vaccination infected us more. So I’m going to play a little clip from the book, the audio book, Behold a Pill Horse. It’s read by the author, William Cooper.
Bill Cooper. Right. So absolute classic work. I highly recommend you guys, you know, look at this. Read this. Become. Find out the, the information. It’s very, very. It’s not that long. It’s a very quick read. Or if you’re, if you have the audiobook, it’s a quick listen, but you’ll want to go back and listen again and again because it’s. He’s revealing so much information. It’s like a fire hose of information. And they had to kill him because he basically destroyed them. And he was destroying them. So they came in and they shot Him. All right, so let’s listen this one little piece.
The United States population was infected in 1978 with the hepatitis B vaccine. Dr. Wolf Z. Munis, the ex roommate of Pope John Paul II, was the mastermind behind the November 78 to October 79 and March 8 to October 81 experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Centers for Disease Control in New York, San Francisco, and four other American cities. He loosed the plague of AIDS upon the American people. The gay population was infected. The ads for participants specifically asked for for promiscuous homosexual male volunteers. Whatever causes AIDS was in the vaccine. The vaccine was manufactured and bottled in Phoenix, Arizona.
Many other population controls have been promulgated. The reduction of the world’s population to workable levels has been virtually assured. It is only a matter of time. The problem will be to curtail further human reproduction beyond approved levels. To handle that problem, the new world order will adopt a communist Chinese model of population control. Okay, so this is, this is what’s in store for us, you know, more vaccination. He said that there would be in this work. Behold, a pill. Of course, he talks about how they had planned. Now this, this book, if I’m. I think it was back in the 80s that this book came out.
So it’s, it’s been. Been quite some time. Let’s see if I can see the, the date. Uh, since 1991, uh, basically Phoenix Books, where, uh, William Cooper read it. So it was, it was, it was released in the 80s. And then he, uh, he read the book. So it’s been out. It’s been out for a long time. And in the, and in the work, he talks about their plan to have a vaccination that would destroy the immune system. Boom. All right. COVID 19 MRNA. Vaccination destroys the immune system. Takes down the immune system, causes myocarditis, even in children, even in young adults, and it destroys the testes of men.
So it is, it is here. We have been infected with the, the information that, you know, William Cooper warned us about, you know, how long ago? Like 40 years ago. So 40 years ago. He’s basically warning us that they’re going to, like, you know, do this vaccination program. And he gave, you know, examples of how it had been used against the gay population. It was a test. So Fauci used the gay population as test dummies, unfortunately. And of course, you know, the gay population and the transgenders and so forth are put on a pedestal and then they’re used.
They’re used by the deep State because they’re a small group of people and they can manipulate them and use them and kill them very easily. So they had the monkey flu, which they said was being, you know, transmitted by homosexuals. Remember that monkey member of the monkey flu. Remember how they were saying trans homosexuals were transmitting it? We came out, many of us, I came out like the day that it came out and said, this is complete BS and everybody else jumped on board. We, we gang piled monkey, monkey pox, all right? And suffocated from all of us talking about it.
Now, we have been doing the same thing. We’ve tried to do the same thing with the, with the bird flu, but people haven’t. People are like, we’re not going to fall for that again. No, you don’t understand. It’s not falling for this again. They’re pushing it and we have to call it out. We have to stop Nan, Kathy Hochul from shutting down New York. She’s already doing it. You guys are letting her do it. So don’t tell me that we’re not going to let that happen again. It’s already happening. We have Gavin Newsom. That’s called an emergency, a health emergency in California.
Remember how they use the health emergencies basically to basically lock all of us down, make us mask, mandate vaccinations in New York and California? That’s where it stopped. All right? Illinois was trying to push it. I don’t know if it ever caught, caught hold there, but it’s, you know, all these deep blue states, guys have. And you. And a lot of people are like, well, New York is mostly red. California is mostly red. Well, you wouldn’t know it from the, the, the control system, the controllers, guys, it can be red, all it is, but if they can come in and control you, it’s not red.
It’s not red. So get over that, get over that con, get over that conversation that our state is red. I’m red in Florida. But we still have a rhino that’s controlling Florida, right? It doesn’t matter that everybody’s red. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get involved, you don’t get involved. You’re effed, right? You’re effed. So this is, this is. I can’t be strong enough on this. It is, it is coming. And people don’t want to hear it. They want to, like, discount it. They want to say, ah, yeah, you, you make predictions, they don’t always come true.
So I hope they don’t come true because I give you a heads up that it’s coming. I tell you the ambush is up ahead so that you can not go down that trail and get your ass blown away. So we’re about to get blown away on bird flu. I’m. I did the same thing with COVID Same thing with COVID I called it out early. I called it out early. So. And I’m calling out bird flu. It’s coming. It’s already here. It’s already solidified in, right? So the same process that they had for health emergency still exist in states.
Some of the people that pushed the COVID lie have not been prosecuted, have not been locked up still, right? So if they’re still there, they can still do this. They can still do this stuff again, guys, right? So it doesn’t matter that you guys aren’t going to fall for it. We’re already falling for it. We’re already falling for it. It’s already happening. BER flu was already here, right? Now we have to push back on it because they. And every time they gain a little itch, they take a mile. We’re almost at the point where they’re going to take a mile.
They’ve gained their inch, all right? Kathy Hochul, New York. Gavin Newsom in California. They gained their inch, right? They did the same thing with COVID in Seattle. They had a senior center that had an outbreak, and then they had another outbreak in New York, and then it was all over. They got their inch, and boom, that’s all it takes. We’re at that inch. They have their itch. So. So you guys can say fear mongering all you want from the mainstream media from. You can call it fear mongering all you want, guys, because they’re. They are fear mongering, and they’re people that still listen to it.
Every Democrat in every. Every state listen to it. And who has control in those states? Democrats. So all they have to do is fear monger their population like they did for Covid, and bam, that inch goes a mile, and then another mile and another mile, and then, bam, the whole country shut down, right? Don’t tell me you’re. You’re not going to shut down. Don’t tell. You might not shut down, all right? I didn’t shut down. I still went out and did whatever I wanted. All right? No mask. And when I went into a store, I put the mask on because I just wanted to go get myself and get out, right? I can fight.
I. I can fight battles, guys. I fought battles like crazy online and got hammered, but some. Sometimes you got to know when to fight your battles and when not. What. What do you think, Raphael? Thank you. That was great. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, that was. That was beautiful. It’s so true. They. I. Michael, they’re gonna get their plague, but, you know, like, are they going to get their plague with us? We might get sick because they’re trying like crazy to spread it. I have a video that just popped up like 30 minutes ago. I’m like, oh, my gosh.
It’s right in our face, what they’re doing. And, like, they’re giving the birds the bird flu. And I got this video just like, wow, it’s right in our face. But, yeah, they’re. They’re we. Well, I. Bianca, who’s running for. For, you know, governor against what he calls the felon. It’s fascinating he mentions this, but he says, like you just mentioned that we. We did it to ourselves. Gavin Newsom and all the politicians, he said we’ve done it to ourselves. And so he started, you know, we’re pushing back, but. But yeah, bingo. I was. I was just listening to you.
And. And you’re right. Like, we can’t move one inch, and we have to actually move forward if. If there’s back on them. So you missed a little part. I did. I played a little, little piece from the hold of Hell Horse by Bill Cooper, and he read point where. And I told everybody. He’s like. He talked about a vaccination coming out that would destroy the immune system. They already had it planned. So he’s talking back in 1985 about this. Yeah, and then he did it. He did an audio on the Behold a hill horse. And it was 91, but it.
It was already out. So that’s like 40 years ago. He’s. He was warning. Or if we back it up in the. So 35 years ago, when you look at when Covid basically dropped. So Covid is destroying the immune system of a lot of people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He’s vaccination. Not Covid, but Covid vaccination. Well, on, you know, on your program for the last months, we’ve pointed out that. That there really is no. There’s an exception to what I’m going to say, but there really is no outbreak that’s separated from a vaccine program, period. Yeah. So that has been their choice of delivery because they’ve.
They’ve marketed to us and we have just believed, we’ve trusted where we shouldn’t have been. We never tested these spirits to see if they’re evil. And here they are like ready to really literally. They’ve been killing our kids for a long time with it and injuring and maiming us with. With the shot for a long time, all these shots. But here we are right at the cusp of this. Like you pointed out, a third of the people are not going to make it. And I believe, Michael, they’re gonna get it. But are they going to get it with us? I.
We can’t. We can’t back down, that’s for sure. Like you said. Nope. If we. Either way, if we back down, we don’t survive. So I think it was Solz Nietzsche who pointed out Michael. He said, if people would have just got a hammer when the, when the Bolsheviks were coming into everybody’s houses. And I think others talked about this with the Nazis. If families would have just hid behind a door with a hammer and at least clubbed and killed several people coming to their house at a time, it would have changed probably the course of history.
But everybody just cowered, went into concentration camps and just got killed. Yeah. So it’s that cowering. And it’s not that I would be more familiar with it than Michael because he’s a warrior, but we, we have to face this fear place dead on. And, and like, what better leader than Michael to do. To help us do this? I don’t. Nobody else is saying this or talking about it, but they’re not talking about. In terms of. You can’t like, like what Michael just said. We can’t give an inch. We, we or we. We’re not going to survive this.
Yeah. Yeah. This, this next one will be, will be a lot more devastating. Yeah. And that’s, that’s our plan. So you’re right. Every. And you’ve said this all the. And Bill Cooper said the same thing. They basically infect us with the vaccination and then. And then claim that everyone that’s, you know, having that infection, they’re trying to stop. Yep. See, we told you guys the infection was coming and now, now people are dying. And that’s, that’s what happened with COVID 19. Yeah, we, we had, you know, they, they pushed the, the death numbers. You could like, you know, die in a car wreck.
Uh, and you had, you died because of COVID It was the car wreck that killed you. So the, and so they were pushing the death numbers. You went in, you had a little problem with, with breathing and they, you know, remdesivir intubated people and 90. 90 of the people that got, that went into that died. So they pushed the death numbers on purpose. I think at some point, if we’re lucky, the people that were involved in that will, you know, be held accountable. Oh, yeah, things are moving right now. They will be. But who knows? Maybe they’ll get another.
Another because they’re another bioweapon. Because they’re on, they know they’re on shaky ground. They knew they would be on shaky ground if Trump got back in and they thought that he wasn’t going to back in. They thought they were a green light. They didn’t think he’d get in the first time. Right. Their programs are still going to run, guys. Yes. Still going to have their talking points. They’re going to continue the talking points. They’re going to continue to shut down the food supply with the eggs. The eggs are skyrocketing price because they’re killing the bird. Bird population.
Population. Oh, look, they have bird flu. How about that? It’s, it’s amazing. So there’s that gap where like we’ve talked about many times where there’s no, they don’t track and trace anything after they give your child or the bird or cow the shot. They just go, oh, it’s got bird flu or it’s got cow flu or it’s got this or whatever. And it’s all from the shot. And there’s no, there’s not even, there’s no mechanism. There’s never been a mechanism. Because that would be like the, that would be the revelation for us of track and trace not getting the shot.
But track and trace the health of the, of us or the animal after they get the shot. And so that’s why they don’t do that. They don’t say anything about it. Just like tight lipped. That’s a classic thing. They just talk about. They have their narrative. They talk about it. They’re not going to talk about what happens after you get the shot. Yeah, but we’re talking about it and we have to because like we have to trumpet this or Trump this all over the place. So, man, bless you for, for bringing this up because this is like nobody really wants to talk about it at this level.
No, they don’t. And they want to discount it. They want to come in and like, you know, they, they have their, their troll army that comes in when we discuss this kind of stuff and spread disinformation, like try and destroy our credibility. And you know, I’ve been through this for five years, so it’s not anything new, but I see the same pattern. So a lot of people Think that we’re, we’re smarter now. They have workarounds. They have workarounds, obviously. So you’re. They, they fooled us on some of these elections. We’re like, don’t, you know, don’t vote, you know, beforehand and go day of.
And in Arizona, basically they stole the election. They, they screwed up the election machines and so we thought we had to figure it out and they had a workaround. Right. So that’s one. Just, just one example in the election scheme that these guys have. We figure their system out, we tell each other do this and then they have, they have a way to compromise that. Yeah. So we’re telling you guys that they’re, they’re coming after us for, for, with, you know, the bird flu. And they’re like, nah, we’re not gonna fall for it again. You guys are just fear mongers.
Yeah. That is going to get us in a lot of trouble. That’s going to get us in a lot of trouble. It would be like me saying, you know, I’m a lifeguard at the pool and there’s lightning coming and every. And I was like, okay, we got to get out of the pool there just, we just saw some lightning. And you’re like, screw you. You know, we, we don’t hit. We don’t. It. We. You always tell us, get out of the pool when there’s lightning coming and it never, never does anything and no one ever dies.
So you get in the pool and you start swimming a lot. Oh, lightning hits the pool and you friggin fry. So this is where we’re at. Bird flu is coming and it’s already here. They’ve got their inch, like I told you. Yep. You, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that these guys, once they get an inch, it’s pretty much done, unfortunately. Yeah. So we’ve been warning people. Warning. It’s like, oh, you don’t know, you fear monger. Fear monger. You know, it’s the, the guy that cried, cried wolf and too many times, I guess, and then people like blew it off and then the wolf ate their ass.
Right. So we’re about to get hit with bird flu. Yeah, it’s. It’s between now and the war and so anytime in the next now from now till probably this fall, I’m guessing I call it this time of Sukkot, which is kind of like the, the judgment kind of time on nations that have been in rebellion and serious rebellion and, and one of the things that Trump and I, I Almost love the name because it’s like the I. The concept of a trump or trumpet is like an announcement. And one of the things, we pointed this out a little bit last week that I think God is doing, Michael, is he said, I’m going to pull your.
Your skirt right up over your head. And so in a sexual context, that’s like you’re seeing everything. That’s the most intimate thing. And I think I. I think what we’re seeing in being revealed is. Is just starting. We’re gonna know. We’re gonna find out everything they’re doing, where the money’s going, what they’re using it for, who it is, everything. But then after that comes the war. And so I think between now and then is like you said, I think it’s. They’re going to throw this bioweapon out on us and, and try to lock us down. They will.
They will lock down. So they’re already locking stuff down in New York. So they’ve already, you know, locked down places that sell live chickens. They’ve already done it. It’s done. Yeah, yeah. No one pushed back. It’s done. There you go. That no one thought that it was. I don’t. I don’t buy love chickens. I don’t care. Yeah, they got their inch. They got their inch, all right. And the next. Next thing you guys are going to see, it’s going to be something a lot more aggressive. A lot more aggressive. And there’s not going to be any.
Anybody there in New York to stop them. Haven’t been taken out of power since COVID No one’s gone to jail. And, and they, We. We’re revealing. We’re revealing about COVID but how many people are really on board with COVID and the vaccination program? We don’t have a, A very strong, you know, pushback on it yet. No, man, I mean, if you have, if, if, if quarter million people have listened and followed the show, that’s, you know, we’re doing good. But oh, my gosh, we need millions to, to understand this, that it’s simply. It’s a bioweapons war against us.
It’s part of this great evil that’s now upon us. And, and like, like Bianca said, and like, he’s like, repeating what God said. You brought this onto yourselves. And so we can’t participate anymore. It’s just that simple. We. We go either way. Yep. So here’s this just came out, very urgent. Yale researchers have found immune system exhaustion, just like Bill Cooper said. They’re going to come after immune system and prolonged spike protein production in some Kobe jab patients. Now some, I think it’s a lot because they only did. Yeah, they only did a small, very small portion.
So. Yale University team led by top immunologist has found that some people who receive the COVID vaccines have damage to their immune systems as well as high and rising levels of spike protein in their blood. Yes. How often these problems occur or if the immune system damage might open people to infections is unclear as yet. Now look at. Remember how I played that one clip about the homosexuals basically volunteering for Anthony Fauci’s vaccine program and then the AIDS came out. So immune system damage, the researchers found, is similar, though not identical to changes caused by hiv, the human immunodeficiency virus that can eventually lead to aids.
So they’re cut. They can’t. We basically called out of, you know, the gay population called out Fauci. They called him out. They said, he’s killing us. They’re very. They do not laugh like Fauci, but they’re a small, small little group. Like I said, guys, and no voice them. They can use them like they did with HIV and cause all that scare and God, that was. That was a. That was frustrating for everybody in the world, right? And that was just the gay population right now. They’re like, you know, they. With the new Fauci, you know, COVID 19 injection.
And it. It infected billions of people. Not just gay people, gay population, very small community. Now there’s billions infected, guys. Yep. Billions around the world. And we’ve talked about how they’re going to activate whatever they put in that vaccine because they loaded the vaccine with a lot of bad stuff, right. And they’re going to start, you know, through the 5G system, they’re going to start turning some of that stuff on. They’ve already started doing, I believe. Absolutely. Yeah. So they got it rolled out. It’s that simple. So. And I’m not. If you got the shot, you got to get it out.
It’s. That’s. It’s period. You got to get it out. And like in. So in the store. We’ll get to that maybe in a little bit when we look in the store. But like, we’ve already shown how to get them out. And it’s not just the COVID shot. You got to get them all out. And we’ve got these insane schedules like. Michael, this is like you talking about. This is incredible because talk about giving an inch. I mean, now that the vaccine Schedule for children is like, from 0 to 18 is like 70 shots. Talk about taking, like.
I mean, they just came right through the door. And, and here we are. Here we find ourselves in this. So they could be. They’re putting this technology anywhere they want. That’s why they can tell us now anything they want. Oh, it’s bird flu. I just. This morning I pull up an article, but I don’t even want to leave Michael right now. It’s like, says, so watch out for the trifecta in New York or Minnesota. And then the latest is, oh, there’s a quadamic coming. It’s the. This, like, this HIV and the flu and the bird flu, and all these are coming together.
The. It’s like. No, they’re coming together because of the shot. Yeah. And. And so it’s. It’s out. Yeah. Well, just like they warned that when, you know, Fauci warned that when Trump comes in, he’s going to have a. A major pandemic on his hands in advance. Like, they’re right in our face telling us what they’re gonna do. So, so yeah, there’s. There’s lots of people saying they’re not going to comply, but how many. Five billion people complied on the last one, guys. Five billion. So this one’s going to be worse. Yeah, but. And a lot of people are saying that we have learned.
Talk. Talk to me about that. Like, I saw that. What do you. What are you feeling about that? Have we really learned? No, it doesn’t look like we have. No. Because I get pushed back. We get push back. When we talk about some of these, Some of the problems right now. This is a hard thing to get a hold of that. And I, I, We. We’ll talk a little bit more about. I call it Lyroly now, where we’ve grown up now, like, my whole life. And it’s really. Michael, for the last just, oh, five years, 10 years, where we’re starting to go, wait a minute.
No, no, this complete. This. This whole thing’s a complete life. So we have this. This thing sort of locked in our psyche that’s like, you know, there’s people. Are they really that evil? They. They would do this to us. We can’t believe that. And I think it makes it hard. And we’ve grown up hearing about virus and, oh, we’re fine. But no, these infections sections have been here for a century in biological weapons, sort of warfare against God’s kids. Us, we the people. Yeah. Now, Andrew Basaggio, who’s basically on the. He was on a program as a kid where they sent him back in time and forward in time.
So he’s talked about this. He’s on many shows. He talked about how he went into the future and the population was radically decreased and everybody seemed like they were all like, sick and unwell. Wow. Yeah. So, I mean, this, this is stuff that’s been out there for a long time. I think Andrew Passaggio has been out for probably a couple decades now talking about this and how he wasn’t a part of that, you know, program, time. Time travel program. He and he and other kids. So, yeah, this. And I was like, I remember thinking, I don’t think that’s going to happen.
I mean. Yeah. Why? Well, we won’t let that happen. Oh, but, you know, 5 billion people got the shot. We’d let it happen. It’s Pegasus project. Yeah. Thank you, lady in the lake. So it is, it is out there. The information’s been out there. The warning’s been out there. The side geo, uh, has, has disclosed it. Uh, we’ve seen it through Bill Cooper and behold a pale horse. We have been disclosing it. The, the warnings are there now. It’s, it’s frustrating, but we know that a lot of people don’t care. And we’ll, we’ll come in and laugh and, and they’ll, they’ll like, look those guys.
And then they’ll die because they died for the COVID A lot of the people that laughed at me are gone. Right. A lot of people, when I warn them, you need to like, change your, your attitude in wartime. They’re gone. All right. A lot of my friends that were, you know, had that thought the anger was like the, the thing you need to be in. You’re like, oh, macho, they’re dead. So. And then a lot of people that laughed at me when I, I was like, warning about. And me and other people were warning about the, you know, Covid lie and then the vaccination lie.
I started worrying about the vaccination lie before it even came out. Before it even came out. Yep. And you know, it’s. So you guys, you know, go ahead and laugh and giggle and, you know, say fear mongering. Don’t take heed. You, you can, you can say, ah, you know, we’re, we’re going to take heed, but you’re going to be surrounded with people that are going to be dying potentially. I hope not. But probably going to be dying on a massive scale. Yeah. It’ll be like 1918, when you had a neighborhood and, and half the houses were sick.
And then if people were dying, there’s. There’s no mechanism at that point. You just drag them out in the street yourself because nobody’s. Nope, it’s too busy. The hospitals and the, the mechanism that we have today for, you know, dead. Dead bodies will never. Will never cope with this. We. We won’t understand what it’s like. And so what we don’t know, we can’t believe because we’ve never experienced it. I think it makes it really difficult. But I, I just like, you know, I have a couple thoughts I think I’d like to share about it because I, I do hear, you know, people are like, I, I even.
I hate to even break it up or bring it up because it’s almost embarrassing, but I do hear people and I see some of the feedback and it’s not most of you, but there are these, these guys that are going, oh, Michael’s just doing this for money. Or, or he’s doing this, you know, he’s a. Like, like you said, he’s like a bad news. I had a guy the other day said, you, you better shut up or I’m going to take you out back behind the barn and kick the. Out of you. Because I’m like, going, you guys, this is.
This is trouble. This, this. We’re getting a plague. Oh, you’re just a bad news thing. And Jesus wouldn’t want that. And I’m like, okay, well, he was, you know, he. He had a lot of bad news, but he also said, according to the way you believe, let it be done that way unto you. And so I would prefer, rather than, like, what we saw this week to have where we see, like, it’s just the beginning where, where the administration and Musk have revealed that there’s like $5 trillion missing from the Treasury. They don’t even know where these payments went.
And I’m like, excuse my mouth, but I’m starting to get on a stand again. I’m like, give a trillion to Michael. You guys talking about, oh, he’s trying to sell stuff. Everything that I’m connected with Michael to, not just because of the store, because I know he cares. This is a love vibration, everybody. It’s not just so he can get richer or something like that. He lives very humbly. And, like, so I’m, like, already fed up with hearing that kind of stuff. Support it, because when this thing hits, that store is going to be empty. We’re not going to even have Access to this stuff.
And I’m working really hard, Michael, by the way, and all you guys to bring out more anti infectives for this coming plague. We’re going to stock a few more things in the store for the immune system. They’re in development right now and really close to being. Being in the store. And I’ll share in detail over the next couple weeks what those are because they’re. We’re really close on those. Oh, good. So we want this, the, the Michael Jaco to store to have stuff for this coming event. But it’s going to be overwhelmed and there’s. Yeah, we have to clean.
We have to clean the last one. And plus we have another one coming. Yes. So lady in the lake, 24 says, and she’s always got some great insights. Says We’ve lost over 200 people in my 55 plus community in the last three years. Average is about 30 a year. Over 90% of them shot. Never happened before. Yeah, shot. So we’re getting independent sourcing that. The, the COVID shot is catastrophic. We saw the death reports from the insurance companies. We aren’t seeing those anymore. We used to get more. We used to get a lot of info from like the undertakers and so forth.
They don’t report anymore. Is, is it because there’s no more or is it because they’re not reporting anymore because they got a lot of pushback and they’re like, like a lot of people now. People don’t want to hear it anymore. They’re like, they’re, they want to move on with life, but life is not going to move on for a lot of people. It’s going to catch them and take them down. Even, even the young. So we have somebody that, you know, one of our friends that we work with, her grandson had myocarditis and he’s like in his 20s or something like that.
Lacrosse player, super healthy, super fit. Had to go in the hospital for myocarditis. Yeah, myocarditis is pretty much a death sentence. Oh yeah. Sticking time bomb. No, no, he’s, he’s not going to make it unless he, unless he calls us and gets into the store. Yeah, yeah, it is. So there’s going to be, you know, a lot of people that are going down. Immune systems are compromised. The ticking dime bomb for a lot of people, like cancers or like one day you’re like walking, you’re healthy, the next day you get like days to live. It’s, it’s, it’s incredible.
The, the hyper. I mean, it’s like turbo cancer, like beyond belief. And I remember when they started coming out, when they first came out with a coveted vaccination doctor, Dr. Jill Biden’s wife came out and she said, I remember her saying this. I was like, she’s. They’re telling us what’s coming. She said that we’re going to have to, like, really look at cancer in the future and come up with some good, good stuff for cancer in the future. Yeah. And that was when the vaccination program first came out, because they knew it was going to, like, you know, turbo cancers, like crazy.
So I’ve talked to so many people that had cancers in remission that came back with a vengeance, and they’re like, you know, cutting stuff out and just all kinds of great. All just. And they. It doesn’t work. So all the, all the cancer treatments that used to kind of work aren’t working anymore. So. And some people it does, but it’s, it’s taking time bomb for a lot of people, unfortunately, it is. This is their plan, you know, to, to eliminate the population. All they’re doing is trying to, you know, just keep things going. Like Trump’s coming after them.
So, like. And then they’re like, you know, resigning, resigning, resigning and just, you know, backing off. Running, running to other countries. Probably. We, we know a lot of Hollywood has already run to other countries. Some, probably a lot of them that don’t have, you know, basically return for people. I, I can’t remember what that is, but there’s basically, for a lot of countries, we have, if, if we have someone that we want them for Extradition. Yeah, extradition, that’s right. So, uh, countries that don’t. Thank you. So ex. That don’t have extradition with us. So I, I promise you a lot of these people that have said, I’m gonna leave if Trump comes back in.
And it wasn’t like a political thing. It was like they had to get the hell out because they knew that they’re gonna like, get. Go to jail, all right. Or something worse. So they’re like leaving a lot of them. All right, I’m gonna resign now. And then, boom, they’re gone to. Not extradition country. But that, that’s not going to work long term. But I mean, how many, how many of these guys are doing that? You know, you, you, you called a lot of stuff out over the last, you know, year or so. You know, all the, all the fda, the cdc, they haven’t gone away.
Yeah. Trump has said he’s not going to fund them anymore, but that’s okay. They had, you know, they had Biden in there for four years, pumping money at them through USAID on a massive scale. They got their billions in the bank, in the underground facilities. So they’ll say, oh, we’re going to have to shut down operations. We’re going to have to shut down operations. That’s just a. That’s just the facade. Yeah, They’re. They’re going to try and stay in the background as long as they can and until everything just disintegrates and then they’ll step back in again.
They’ve done this over. They’ve done this thousand years, guys. Totally. And, and I’ve even noticed Michael, they’re just chameleons. Like, Trump gets in. They’re like, oh, that’s great. And they’re just standing there with the gun behind their back or their knife behind their back, ready for their opportunity. But what we’re talking about, I think, Michael, is like, this is like, maybe stuff that’s even beyond their pay grade. Even though they should be making arrests of guys like Biden and Fauci know, Gates, I mean, yeah, all these guys should be like, I’m gonna jump back real quick.
I’m gonna diverge. Like when Trump on Inauguration Day, in. What was it, 2017, on that day, I told all my friends, because we were kind of watching the inauguration, I said, if I were Trump, if I were president, while they’re videotaping Obama walking to the helicopter, who would be a SWAT team? He would be face down with handcuffs right then in the world to watch. But these guys are still. They’re still roaming about. And when Musk finds $5 trillion out of the treasury, he’s like, we have no clue where this stuff went. How many years have they been doing this? Right.
Right Directly out of the Treasury. They don’t have to go to usaid. It’s like they’re. They’re getting it right to the back door out of the, out of, out of the treasury or even the Federal Reserve. That may not even be auditable. So, yeah, you’re. They’re right. There’s. There’s no shortage of money for these programs in the black world, in the stuff we don’t even see. So there. That’s where they live. Yeah. So you’re, you’re seeing the main, the mainstream media. Everybody thought the mainstream media would basically disintegrate when Trump came in. They’re still going, yeah, where are they getting the money? Because hardly anybody, like, you know, goes in and because they’re.
They exist normally through advertising. So if no one’s watching them anymore, hardly, then their advertisers aren’t making any money. Where are they getting the money? So they. We’re finding out the USAID was like slipping them all kinds of millions and billions of dollars. Yeah. And now that they got a rug pull on that. So they’re still there, though. Still there. They’re still getting money from somewhere. Guys pumping out stuff like unreal, unreal, and it’s opposite of what’s reality like. Like the bird flu or the cow flu. All of the flus. It’s definitely there, it’s coming, it’s here.
But what they’re describing and how it’s arriving is complete lie. Lyrologists, Lyrology. I like it. So, yeah, so we’re like, we have to be like, almost EMF sensitive, like to, to all of this. Whatever’s coming our way, we really have to be really discerning. And I know that your show is one of those ways to get that, because the information war right now is like, I’ve never imagined it would be like this. And I think it’s going to get worse, which is hard for me to imagine, but I think it is. And I, but I also think the revelations are going to go just exponential as well.
Yeah, well, it is. It is worse in Europe. They. They’re, they’re coming into people’s homes and, and taking their computers and cell phones, arresting people, throwing them in jail all throughout Europe. So the, the Nazi state is alive and well in Europe. Yeah. So will that come to America? Not Trump’s term, but yes. You have to remember that even with, you know, During World War II, America was like, safe, but all the men went away. Now we’re, we’re hearing like, I think it was like a year or two ago that we, we were getting. So who writes history is the victor? Right.
So we were writing that the Nazis, the Germans were losing massive numbers of troops against Americans, and now we’re finding out it was the other way around. We were the ones losing more men. We were getting slaughtered more than the Germans. So what. What’s gonna, what’s going to change this time? What is being kept from us? Even from the seeming. Victoria, the Trump team, they’re, they’re not disclosing everything, and it might not be disclosed for decades, but what, what is happening right now in America? Are we seeing stuff like that and they’re not letting it out because it would be too traumatic? I say yes, I Say yes on a lot of, on a lot of levels.
Yeah. How much can we handle? It seems overwhelming right now. Yeah. But, you know, I, speaking of the media, I’m, I’ve always, I’ve thought for a long time, hey, the FCC is licensing all these people. So go to the fcc. That’s where we need to knock. And it’s, it’s completely criminal because they’re allowing, condoning, conspiring with and, and failing to prevent complete lies, fraud, slanders, all kinds of crazy stuff. And just picking this one topic of the coming flu, it’s all a fraud. And so we actually, as, as men and women, we, we have the opportunity to not just like, like you said earlier, not just say, say no, but to like with, with the, with the things that are changing that, that feel pretty good for us with the Trump coming in.
It’s our opportunity also, I believe, Michael, to go offensive. If we need to file lawsuits, do it. We need to get offensive. If you got sick from the shot Pfizer and the CDC and the NIJ and asked for big, big, big bucks, huge. We’re going to be talking about all this stuff in Hogan’s Heroes. So, you know, join up if you guys are interested in, in defending yourself or going on the offensive and attacking because we’re getting started. But yeah, it’s in our laps. And so, so you got something about urgent virus review and you were going to share something.
What, what, what was it going to share? Well, you got a lot of stuff. I could, I could just go through several screens. It might be helpful for people just to see this. So let me go to present here and share screen. All right, I’ll just start kind of with some of these. So here’s. Can bird flu be the next pandemic? No. Daw. Of course it is. Mixed with. Here’s another one. These are all mainstream. Minnesota declares state of emergency amid trifecta of diseases. And then of course, this morning’s was, oh, he’s all happy about it.
Health experts now warn of quademic. So all of these different things coming together and I’ll show you what that looks like. Now I want to show this video real quick because this is incredible to me, Michael. I’ll just, I won’t play the sound, but I’ll show the. This guy’s in a chicken farm talking about a devastating bird flu. And really they’re showing us where this bird flu is coming from. Check this out. He’s mixing it. He’s at the chicken ranch. And then it shows him going through each cage to these young birds, giving them shots. Look at that.
There’s your bird flu right there. Right there. Wow. And then, and then, of course, this guy who looks really healthy, doesn’t he? So he talks about millions of deaths will occur. So he’s, he’s right. They don’t have. They don’t even have to reinstate any of this foreign aid funding. It’s just that he’s pissed off because he’s participating in this, in this little revolving door of criminal, super criminal circle with the FDA and the NIH and the CDC and Pfizer and all this stuff. So, so he, they give him $5 billion and then he, then they come onto the media and say, oh, I’m giving 800 million back to, you know, the WHO and all this stuff, it’s all coming from this dark mind money that’s being revealed.
And so I felt like I had to point that out. But I want to show this because we’ve been on this. This is the Pfizer case. And I’ll bring up this. I put it in, in terms. So this was from the Pfizer docs that we talked about before many times that had 11, 20 new diseases. Here’s just the pulmonary, pulmonary ones I pulled off of it, Michael. Pulmonary, pulmillary, amyloid. I can’t even say these words. But these are creations of these bioweapons labs where they put them into vaccines, they spray them into the atmosphere. And here’s just the pulmonary ones, you guys from that document.
Amyloidoidosis. Let’s see what that is. A hereditary. Because it’s the. It affects, this changes the genes, it mutates the genes. This is what amylodoidosis is. Of course. Now what are they talking about? Healthy rounds. Gene editing is. Holds the key to preventing down syndrome. You have to be kidding me. So they’re completely lying to us where they’re gene editing us to get sick and die. So all of these and, and look at this. Because I’ve said this from day one, Michael, on in my clinic, I said, this is what, this is what they’re spraying. This is what I’m seeing in my clinic.
Pneumonia, mycoplasma. And I’m. I’m clearing this. Everybody that came into my practice with COVID I was clearing this in like three days and without any problem at all. But this was coming, this was coming from the spray, you guys. So this mycoplasma is what was in the vaccines that created the Gulf War Syndrome. Remember that you guys. So we’ll come back to this when we talk about virus again because I want everyone to understand this again. So I’m going to go ahead and come back to you, Michael. I just wanted to go through those screens real quick for everybody so that they could see what I was kind of thinking about.
Yeah. Earlier. So all of those pulmonary and cardiovascular issues are all from that one Pfizer shot. We don’t know about Moderna. We don’t know about Johnson and Johnson. I haven’t even looked into that. But because Pfizer was the one who lost the court case and the judge said, reveal it. 80,000 pages. You can’t even. This. This. What world are we living in? You can’t even make that up. It’s so bad. And. And the document I have is only like 40 pages with eight pages of those 1120 diseases. Mind boggling. So. So somebody’s sharing, also sharing that she’s talking to chicken ranchers and just released his video that he has no bird flu back east.
And my local chicken rancher and SoCal told me the same six months ago. No issues at his ranch. But if they’re being forced to vaccinate, like you saw that one guy vaccinating. Yep. Your chickens are gonna. And those are the chicks. So the chicks are going to grow and then they’re going to come in and they’re going to do a test and they’re going to like, look, look at this chicken. Right. Six months ago it was a chick, but now it’s a chicken and it has bird flu. Wow. Yep. And was it vaccinated against bird flu, but it has bird flu, so.
Yep. So I guess that program is not going like we keep talking about. The vaccination is basically inserting the virus or virus. But you know, the thing that causes. So there is. There is a definite correlation with these, you know, problems, guys. Yep. And so the right. Spot on right there, they’re injecting the whole thing. So now they can say whatever they want. Okay. They don’t even have to because the. If. If they’ve injected a herd and, and tinkered with the EMF 5G and. And, you know, birds start getting sick and they can say whatever they want, anything, because they’re dying.
And I think, Michael, that’s what, that’s what sort of caused us when they talked about COVID and we were getting normal seasonal flu or, or pneumonia or things like that, because we were getting sick and our loved ones were getting sick and. And then we were going into the hospital. And they were killing us. We then couldn’t separate that they were killing us from what they were saying. Oh, it’s, it’s Covid. Oh, must be coveted because we can’t imagine that they would actually kill us this way. And, but, but we’re waking up and you know, thank, thank Yahweh for shows like yours, that here we are, that the truth will set us free and the.
We’re gonna watch the plague like King David said. There’s going to be a thousand, they’re going to die on your right, 10,000 on your left. But you’re not going to be harmed. Why? Because you live, believe and do something different. It’s so in critical that that’s. That we stay on that path. We live, we believe and we do something totally different. Yeah, than what? Than what they’re wanting us to do. Crazy. So what, what. Sheriff Bianca for California governor. I’m going to show the screen on this guy because. Let’s see, Let me find him. There he is.
Okay, so pro Trump California sheriff expected to run for governor. So this is the guy. Remember, Michael? We’ve shown him a couple times where during the Corona thing, he’s like, nah, we’re not shutting down now. We’re not doing that now. We’re not doing that to Newsom. So now he’s like, you know what? I’m gonna run for governor and let’s see if we can get rid of this trash. And the reason I wanted to show this was not so much that he’s running for governor, but what he said, Michael, I thought was incredible. So this is KTLA Channel 5.
And I don’t know if you can see, I’m going to highlight this. This is what he said in the video. You guys should probably find this video. He says this love affair that our governor and state legislatures have with criminals is based on the belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions, that they are victims of society. And really, this is amazing. He said it’s our fault. So I see him saying two things in here, Michael. One is that by saying that our governor in the legislature has, has a love affair with criminals, is saying that these guys are all criminals.
That’s what, what he’s saying. And. But then he’s going on to say, hey, it’s our fault. We’ve kind of done this to ourselves. But I thought that was important for everybody to know. And then I’m going to come back to you and then, and then talk about it for just a minute because One of the things that I would like to see him do that I could, like, he could almost guarantee himself a victory. I’m back. There you go. Is that so? We’ve, we’ve talked about this the last, I don’t know, several months where Trump was starting to do it.
Really good. They were in the Congress, was starting to do it. We’re going to invite you in and ask you a few questions, questions about some of your activities. And of course, it’s happening with, with Gavin, with his rail system, this rail train that’s been on the Blackburner, but there’s already been billions and billions of dollars involved and they believe he’s involved in scamming some of that money. Of course, but so Bianca or the California Sheriff’s association, just one, maybe LA County Sheriff or San Bernardino County Sheriff or, or San Diego or any of the bigger areas.
All they would have to say is we’re doing an investigation on, say, Gavin Newsom’s relationship to Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, all the vaccine companies. We’re doing a little investigation to see if he wasn’t receiving bribes and stuff like that when he was promoting the vaccine. All they would have to do is announce that they’re doing an investigation, invite him in to answer a few questions in front of the camera, and he would get slaughtered just from that in the gubernatorial race and Bianca would be like, sitting on top. So I want to give, like, if I could, I would give your sheriffs, you guys are still the highest law enforcement in the nation.
Not the Fed, not the FBI, not the U. S. Attorney, none of that. You guys, the Fed can’t even come into your county without your permission. So you guys, man, pick up this banner that we’re talking about, start investigating the aerial spraying, your grandkids, your daughters and sons, you are breathing this stuff as well. So you guys can be the tip of the spear and flip this around so fast, Fast, if you wanted to. And because you’re in association, what, I don’t know how many counties are in California, 40 or something like that. And there’s a California Sheriff’s association, you guys could dominate this thing.
You wouldn’t have to wait. Why are we waiting for politicians? Even though we, we’re grateful for RFK for Trump and what these guys are doing, you guys are already there to do it. You don’t have to wait for Gavin Newsome to give you permission to do an investigation on Gavin Newsome. And for crying out loud, here we go. Like, I’m like, want to Strangle people. But, like, what is, what are these Capitol Police for? Is that a police force to protect the guys that Bianca just called criminals? What about you? Capitol Police, law enforcement, or the state law enforcement are investigating what the FBI calls public corruption, the largest criminal threat to our national security in all of American history.
How about doing your job for a change? All right, I’ll stop preaching at those guys for now. It’s really that simple. Just open a little investigation now. You have powers of obstruction and all kinds of stuff and just invite them on the air as guests to your, to your sheriff’s news conference. It would be incredible. Gavin will, will lose by a landslide, Bianca, if you just did that. So. Yeah, look, you know, people have to, like, get out there and they have to, like, make sure their polling isn’t being compromised. And we haven’t seen that in California yet.
It’s just not going to be different. I know. I, I, I don’t see California’s getting involved. They, they, they, they rarely get involved. They just go to the beach and I know I used, I used to live in California. I know the, the mentality, it’s, it’s tough. It’s very tough. I was always very involved, but I was the one percenter, all right? So, yeah, Californians aren’t involved and they’re not gonna, they’re not gonna make sure their elections are not stolen. Again, I’m sorry, but I hate to be bring her bad news, but I, I don’t see California getting involved.
Yeah, when I talk like this, they get really pissed and they, they, they make me. Right. I’ll show you. We, we’re not going to get involved now because you said that well, last, if we had, if we had 1 or 2% that got involved, it would be, it would be over. Yeah. Yeah. That’s all it would take. Yeah, it really would. So, you know, there might be three people, and, and what happens is, like, what, what happens is because nobody’s involved, like, like Bianca just said, we’re doing anything at all. So then what happens is they charge Tina Peters, and because nobody around her is there to help, they just slaughter her in court.
Yeah. So they, they succumb to the lawfare. And that’s because, as simple as that. It’s because we, we think we can’t defend ourselves. They keep us in this fear place. And I’m, I’m, I’m there. I mean, I, I feel it with you. But if, if we stay there, it, it’s over. Period. It’s over. Yeah. So I I, you know, I, I hope that me being, being the, would like get people motivated, but it just makes people dig in deeper. I’m stupid really. And Californians are very good at that. And so we’re seeing that a lot of, you know, big blue states.
California is about the bluest state there is. Even though you have massive Republicans, more Republicans than Democrats, but still, because you have people not involved, you’re going to get basically slaughtered again. And the same thing’s going to happen in New York, same thing’s going to happen in Illinois. It’s just, just there’s, there’s nothing has changed. People aren’t getting involved and they, they, they think that because Republican has, has won that it’s all, all good. We, we saw this last time that Trump was elected. Eventually they came in and basically, you know, tore him down two years in, had a, had a midterm election and basically lost, uh, lost the Congress to Nancy Pelosi and she just did, uh, you know, came after him one after another with impeachments.
So, you know, that’s. That they basically took away from draining the swamp. So that’s why I came in so heavy and hard in the beginning. That’s why we’re seeing him. Basically. He knows he’s got to get it in because he’s probably unfortunately not going to get the backing that he needs to, to go, go deeper and harder. And it’s, it’s really, you know, I like, he’s, I don’t agree with everything, so I, and I probably shouldn’t even have to qualify that, but he’s in my prayers because this time around, even though I, what I see him right now, what he’s doing, he is maybe, maybe you guys, the last president and he may be, he’s right now, he’s a war president, but it’s inside right now.
What the deep state left him was, was this thing with China and Russia and stuff where it’s not just enemies from within. It’s like, it’s almost like these large, large enemies looming have been developed and, and conspired with this deep state apparatus that are sort of ccp, Communist, Marxist, which is, which is how we’ve been compelled to sort of change and live our life not as free liberty, freedom loving people, but like we get boots almost on our neck. And you started the show that way where, you know, we give an inch and it’s over. And so Trump is fighting this.
I see him right now as a wartime president and I pray that he, he survives it literally physically. Physically? Yeah, definitely physically. Yeah. So now the, the law fear that they pushed on him. We’re seeing that being used around the world. Yes. So it’s, it’s like a, it’s like America in World War II again, we’re like the last, last bastion. That’s it. We saw even in Australia, the Japanese were bombing Australia. They made it all the way to Australia. Like they went all the way through the Pacific Islands and made it all the way to Australia.
And they were bombing, I think Darwin. Uh, and then Americans showed up, right? Yeah. Uh, and Europe was overrun. Yeah. And you know, all of Europe and they were, they were moving into North Africa. And then Patton showed up and started pushing back. So it is, we’re. I, it feels like we’re there again. We, we may not see ourselves in a World War iii, but we are by all measures. And I mentioned a few weeks ago that this, we see Europe, Australia, as you mentioned, Canada, America. This is compromised completely. Yeah, yeah. And this is the west, you guys, the bricks of the east.
And this is, these are ancient brothers and he’s the ancient brother of the, the bricks. They don’t want, they don’t want America. So this, this war that we’re seeing is that Trump’s know, plopped in the middle of is like you, you just said it. We’re on the right, on the verge of another one. And so we need to pray for him. We need to be involved because if we sit back and wait this time and, and yeah, it’s, it’s not going to work out very well for us. And the ancient prophets said that. So I’m like, getting back to, like back to what you said at the beginning of the show.
Personal responsibility. And Bianca just said that we’ve allowed this to happen. And so I see the prophets even saying, Michael, like when it gets really hard, people are going to say, and you’ve just talked about this, but people are going to say, how could God do this to us? How come Michael didn’t tell us? So, yeah, pretty much. So we, we have, you have, we have specials in the store again. And, and one of the things, the chemtrails, uh, daily detox, intuitive, uh, oceans, pH. So that’s, that’s a good one. Uh, ultra cleans detox clay for the inside and out.
So that’s, that’s also good. And doing the paste on your arm where you get vaccinated to pull vaccinations out. We, we at least need to start with the intuitive ultra cleanse the clay and the intuitive Oceans and start out with using it in your food. We have videos for both of those. If we need to refresh those, we’ll get those to you again and it’ll be in the. In the show link. Matter of fact, off. Make sure that those are in the show notes that I provide every week so I don’t have to look them up again.
But just use the directions on the bottle for your food. Soak everything that you eat, meat, everything in that solution so that you’re removing anything that’s coming from the chemtrails. I can have pictures for this maybe next week, but showing that they sprayed us heavy. It’s really been heavy, Michael, since the election. I’ve noticed literally the day of the election, it went crazy and it hasn’t stopped. So people were reporting that it had. I saw a few days where there wasn’t spraying here in Florida, so everybody was hopeful. But, yeah, like, it reversed hard. It became even more, yeah, intense than I’ve.
Than I’ve seen it. I don’t know when I’ve seen it. They’re being sprayed right now. So there you go, guys. It’s like you can. You can say that you’re not gonna comply, but, you know, above you, the chemtrailing and know what’s. What’s in the chem trailing. The chem trailing is coming from Southwest Airlines. So you can look up. You know, I guess there’s an. An app that you. You can look up and find out where, uh, you know, if you look up and you see a chemtrail, you can go see what is flying above you at that point.
And you’ll see probably. Oh, that’s right. That’s right. Yeah. Of one of the airlines. The airlines now are contracted to spray. I’m gonna. I’m gonna show plain. There’s 10 different companies that spray. Openly spray. Oh, I’d like to get that list from you. I’m gonna. I’m gonna share my screen real quick if I’m still open to do that. Yeah, I got this video from a buddy and somebody flying a private plane because it’s was. Was zoomed in with his camera on this. You could tell it’s wobbly. So he had a handheld camera, but I can’t even.
I can’t even read what airline. If this is maybe private, but see that. Look at that. Unbelievable. So that one was a mile. I’d have to see it again, but. Kind of look like British Airways, but I don’t know. I. I don’t want to call them Out. That’s not them. So. So what? Whatever airlines or not, it looks like an airline. It does. I don’t know who’s using the 747s. I thought it was mostly, like, ups and stuff, so. But that’s, like, incredible. And that’s what we’re seeing every day. And a matter of fact, like, I’ll just.
Do we have a couple minutes? I’ll just play. All right, so this is right over my house. Wow. Yeah, every day. So then we. We see, like, this is low to you guys. And. And what it turned into was absolutely incredible. This is very heavy. It looked like that 747. All right, so this cloud right here, this was from that airplane. About 30 minutes later, this is what it turned into. Wow. Matter of fact. So you can see the sky. And I’ll show a prophecy about this next week. You can see the sky. We woke up that morning to blue sky.
And this is about three in the afternoon. The sun’s right here. This may be about 2 in the afternoon. So this is west. The ocean’s out this direction. Incredible. And so look at this, Michael. Then it rained. And look at my driveway. Wow. Look at the corrosion on the driveway at my garage. Holy moly. Targeted. Like. Like. Yeah, like they poured acid. Look at the. Look at the concrete, Michael. It’s just eroding, like, unreal. Oh, my God. I’m. I’m laughing, but I. So I’m back with you. I’m laughing, but I’m like, this is serious stuff they’re laying out on us.
And this is that mycoplasma that I talked about that’s coming in. So the last four weeks, I’ve had cases and cases and cases and cases and calls and calls. And they’re going to the store. Excuse me. And we have to overcome this because it’s sometimes, depending on the spray, I’m seeing active bacteria. Sometimes it looks like just dead bacteria. And the reason I can say that is because that with the. With the quantum forensics test, the living bacteria, the doses will grow. The dead stuff, like the mycoplasma, it won’t grow. So I could test you today, tomorrow, next week.
The doses would not change. That’s a toxin. And if the doses grow, you have a bacteria that’s multiplying. Whether it’s pneumonia or whatever, I don’t really care. When we test it, we just put the nutrients to it that kill it, and that’s how we handle it. But, yeah, so that’s right over our house. That’s SoCal almost every day. And so you guys that are getting it. I’ve, I’ve had phone calls coming in from areas that are like Oklahoma or, or Arizona and stuff. And they’re saying, yeah, we’re normally blue here and all of a sudden we get plow sprayed and we all got sick.
Oh, wow. So let’s take this. Instead of the Hogan’s ears concept. Let’s start writing letters to all these airlines that Michael talked about. The local air quality, the local sheriff. Yeah, we’re going to be. I’ll be putting all those out on that site. But it’s, it’s also, it’s not just the airlines. So you can, we can go after Southwest Airlines. Right, because we know that they’re doing it. But there’s like all these independent ones too. Like somebody in the chat was saying, like there was like all kinds of different, you know, small planes that were like, spraying.
And then they’ll spray like, like for you. They’ll spray a neighborhood. And then you get like, you know, crazy, crazy weather. Or like you got. I’ve never seen that before. Like, you know, your concrete, like getting decimated look like these. I know, it’s just dissolving. Like they poured like pool acid on the concrete. Yeah, that’s what somebody said it was like muriatic acid. Matter of fact, there was a few years ago. There’s several air bases. There’s like China Lake that you would be familiar with out here in Southern California in the desert. There’s Edwards, where they used to land the shuttle and stuff.
A big active air base. And then there was another air base at the far eastern end of like Edwards. I forget what it’s called. I want to say Abrams or. And they closed this air base down and. But if you drive, like if you’re going to Mammoth and you still, you have to drive up the 395. This air base is just a couple miles off the 395 and it’s full of large white only aircraft just parked there. And I think they’re taken off from that. That’s one of the bases. Yeah, that’s. The military is involved too.
Not, not the good guy military, but we know. I can tell you the military is compromised by, by baddies, you know. Yeah. And that has to be cleaned out. Is it being cleaned out? I want to, I want to see General Millie come back and be tried for treason. That’ll, that’ll give me. Okay, it’s, it’s, it’s getting done. They’re working like that guys, uh, it’s that high tech, uh, that’s coming from, uh, nation level, state, uh, capable, uh, military involvement like we’re seeing in the United States. There, there’s a, there’s a portion of our military that’s killing us, burning up our cities and all kind of great stuff, guys.
When my son lived out not too far from the 29 Palms Marine base, I think we talked about this. I don’t know, maybe a year ago, Michael, that, that they were the local water companies reporting uranium in the water. And I was like, nah, this is coming from. They’re using depleted uranium in their training rounds. So I called the base and they’re like, no, we’re not aware of anything that we’re using. We’re not aware of any orders to use depleted uranium in training rooms. Like, yeah, you liars. There’s no way that the water table all of a sudden gets uranium in it.
So yeah, they’re, they’re involved at every level. And part of it is this whole money issue. Like we’re seeing that they’re, they’re unveiling. But I kind of got off track to like detoxifying the, the intuitive oceans and the intuitive ultra cleanse clay baseline. You have to use it on your food and then start using it according to the label in your body. And that’s like boot camp ground zero and EMF harmonize your. Everything, your WI fi, your car, yourself, your cell phone. Those are foundational because the, the amount of, the amount of detoxification that’s going to come out of the clay and the oceans is, is very beautiful.
And of course then we have other stuff if you’re, if you’re feeling sick and fighting issues and stuff like that. We have a couple specials still. I left the, the super infection kit. No, great jump into that. And I think there’s a couple other specials. Sorry, I don’t have them. Right, like right with me. I’ll have to ask Tracy Joe to send us back to me. Oh, here we are. Yeah, it’s. If you spend a certain amount and then you get free PH roll, one way you guys to be able to check to see how your health is.
You might even be feeling fine. And if you get a ph roll and test your ph and it’s five, four, you’re not fine. It’s so it’s a beautiful window to tell you that there’s something that’s not right because your PH should be six and a half to 72 in the first morning urine. So we’ve talked about that. And you can get that with a couple of the specials. And Michael’s showing on the screen part of the. In the infect Super Infection Kit. We’re just continually getting requests. You know, how do I take care of a cough, how do I take care of biofilm and stuff like that? So love it.
And the infection kit is the way to do it. And like I said earlier, we’re going to be adding a couple of really beautiful and other new immune support factors and anti infection nutrients real soon. The intuitive immunity is also beautiful for the immune system. You guys refilling a little down? You can grab a handful of these if you’re feeling even a little sleepy. That midday thing, A lot of times if I’m really busy working and I feel a little down, I’ll grab six of these and just pop them. That’s my snack. I lived on these on a.
My longest trip. I drove 25 hours straight one time without stopping, except for gas and to go to the bathroom and this. I didn’t eat any food because that’ll, that’ll fatigue you. And I just, I went through about 40 capsules of this on the trip. Kept me wide awake the whole time. I love these guys. Nice. Yes. We have a, we have, you know, the things are going to like, you know, turn this stuff around. Yeah. So, yeah, they’re, they’re definitely trying to kill us in our food supply. Definitely vaccinating the animals that we eat and, and then we’re ingesting it.
So it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a, it’s a constant. It’s. We’re at, we’re at war. They have their, the enemies within the gates. They’re in the city. The Trojan horse is in the city. Yeah. And you’re, you’re. The city’s on fire and literally, you know, so, you know, they’re in California. What’s the next one, what’s the next, you know, burning. They’re going to do. They’re going to. Yeah, they’re going to burn more cities and probably more cities in California because they really want to decimate California because they’ve got a governor there that gives them cover. Right. So.
And anywhere they, they get the COVID they’re going to do it. So I would be very concerned if I lived in New York City. I’d be very concerned if I lived in Chicago. And if you have a, you know, you’re in, it doesn’t matter if you’re in a red state. If you’re in Miami, You’re, You’re. That’s one of the city. That’s one of the 17 cities. They said it’s going to go away. So you, you can live in one of these cities in a red state, but if it’s compromised, it’s. It’s compromised. So. And I’ve had a lot of people say that I’m going to stay here because I’m going to make a difference.
We’ll see. You know, I’m, I’m hopeful. I believe that, you know, we have the ability to push back and cause these people to, you know, go away. Trump has given us the, the free reign. It’s. At some point, if we see that start to stall, it’s going to be. It’s going to get ugly fast. So something. Something is going to stall that. I, I see it, too, Michael, and I don’t like to say that, but I, I see it, too, from the scriptures, and I, I just have something in my heart I’d like to share because of, like, two things, if I can.
One thing is, like, so I think they’re listening to the show because I’ve never heard it anywhere else. We’re talking about, like, get your own chickens. And mainstream is now saying, oh, you shouldn’t have your own chickens, because here’s why. Fascinating. I’m seeing that now, and I’m like, they must be listening to Michael and I because. Wow, here’s why. Because your chicken could get bird flu. Yeah, it’s because they can’t control the chickens and they would be unbaxed. So get your chickens. They’re cheap to run and they give beautiful eggs. I’ve done it many times. Okay, but back to this thing in my heart right now is like this for.
For you guys, you dads or moms who have daughters or sons, and you remember where they’re like kind of young teenagers almost, where they had that invincible feeling. I have. I have a daughter like this right now. I’m like, hey, babe, when you go out, I want you to be on Yellow, like a Michael Jaco sort of yellow, where you’re kind of aware of your surroundings all the time. Yeah. Because at your age, she’s 25, she’s got a beautiful little, little boy. I’m like, you are very vulnerable. She’s like, yeah, whatever, Dad. I can handle myself.
I watch kung fu movies. I’m like, you got to be kidding me. So, like, what I was feeling about that was you guys. I know you can all relate to that, because I was like, yeah, whatever. I’m fine. I can handle myself. I remember Denise loves sister took karate classes. And then I was like, she got a white belt or yellow belt? She was like, don’t with me. I can handle myself. My keys. Okay, Right. The point I’m trying to make is what, what I, What Michael is saying is like a loving dad or a loving brother saying, you guys, this is what’s happening.
I want you to be okay. If you don’t want to listen to that, the. The consequences could be very sad. But I’m telling you, with him, he’s like a father brother giving loving warnings about what is really going on. And so, I mean, I, I love you and I love him like my brother. So thanks for hanging out. That’s good. Good insights. You know, we’ll see. You know, who’s gonna, who’s gonna, like, you know, do well going forward? So if somebody in Tampa just. Right, right in the area where I live, they’re saying that target is loan eggs every day now.
So they shop for, uh, other people in Tampa Bay area. All the targets in the Tampa area are low, and they have stated they are seeking alternative sources for chicken eggs. Now, Florida, like California, like Texas, lots of farmland. Lots and lots of farmland. And you’re seeing major farmland. States are going low on eggs. Why? So you would think the. The farmland areas that wouldn’t even have your problem. I don’t know, maybe they’re shipping it to the other states because they’re making a lot of. A lot more money. I. That’s the only thing I can think of.
Because in. In our state, we have incredible numbers of farms in Florida here too, and incredible little open spaces. If you have quarter of an acre or an acre, just, just put a fence up and throw 25, 30 chickens, and you’ll be selling eggs like crazy to all your neighbors. Yeah, my son did it for a while when he was out here and people were driving out from town to buy his eggs. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s. Anytime you can get, you know, you know, natural eggs, that’s. That’s the way we were when we lived in Sedona, the guy that did our.
Our water, we had, like, guy that had purified water, and it was, you know, amazing water. And he, he would like on a certain day of the week, in the morning, if you got in there early enough, you could. He would come in with a whole bunch of, you know, eggs. And everybody, everybody’s got the word got out, and people there in Sedona, we’re like, you know, Buying those up. If you got them too late, they were gone. You had to wait till next week. That’d be great. That’d be great. So, yeah, and, and there you go.
Because, you know, you, you make a little income and, you know, there’s no, like vaccines, vaccine free cage. Cage free. Beautiful. I think my son, four years ago was selling duck eggs for like 14 a dozen. People wanted those too. 15 a dozen right now. So it’s. That’s, that’s a lot. Yeah. But those duck eggs are like three regular chicken eggs. They’re so rich. That’s all you want. That’s all you want. It’s, it’s amazing. Beautiful. Yeah, I, I think I, I wish, you know, we had, we had a little duck farm here. I know at my, my house they were like swimming in the pool.
It’s like, maybe I could proud those. Bring it back, coax them back in here. Ducky, ducky, ducky. And like, I, I can do. I can pin up ducks. If I had like a, if I had a farm where I had a, a pond and, you know, some theaters for them and stuff like that, that’d be, that’d be pretty cool. But. Yeah, I guess that’s how they do it on those farms. They just have some kind of pond somewhere and they got feeders for them and just like the, the chickens, you know, they get a little egg laying area.
Yeah. They naturally go right in there and lay eggs. It’s really cool. Cool. Just. They want little, they want that little, little section. Safe area. Yeah. Very cool. All right, Raphael. Good show. Covered a lot of stuff. A lot of people don’t hear the, want to hear the warnings, but, you know, you got, we got to bring it up. Hopefully it makes an impact. Hopefully people get involved and if they do, we, we may not see any of these problems. And then people will be like, and I don’t care. It’s like, see, you don’t know. You don’t know, Mike.
Like, okay, that’s fine. But it’s. I, I don’t, I don’t see it not coming. So we’ll see. I hope not. I hope not too. I’ll keep praying. And I think, I think this is our, this is really our time. It’s sort of a. What, what we’re actually doing is repenting, but it’s, it’s. This is our opportunity to repent. Sort of like ancient Israel. And if we don’t get it right, we don’t get it back. Yeah, definitely. All right, everyone, lots of love. And we’ll see you guys next time. All right, love.