And they got a whole host of products. I focus on two of them. You see, I wear this wristband right here for energy. Take it off when you sleep at night. I tell you, it’s harmless, all natural. But it does give you energy and get you through the day. You’re looking here at the EMF defense. A little circular dot you put on the back of your phone. And it negates EMF radiation. You notice, all these products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. There’s also the pain patch. There’s also the sleep patch. I’m lucky I don’t need the pain patch.
I’m lucky I don’t yet need the sleep patch. Actually, my body chemistry and sleep are unique. But these other two products I use, and we’re here on the help page. 30-day money-back guarantee. People come on here, you can ask questions. A lot of this probably is AI-generated. But there’s some live people because I’ve had interaction that’s meaningful here. So you look at here, these products are great. I highly recommend the energy and the EMF defense from your cell phone so you don’t get glioblastoma. slash Dave Hodges. slash Dave Hodges. We’re going to go into causes of death here.
Rivals kill one person a day. Look at all the extraordinary effort the left uses to take our guns from us. Texting underage drinking, drunk driving. Significant. Opioids 115 per day. This is getting significant now. Where do they come from? The cartel. Where do they get them from? China. And who allows them to come across the border with these drugs that kill 100,000 plus Americans a year? The Biden administration. The left. Suicide 128 per day. Mental illness all-time high. Look at the road rage incidences. It’s hard to leave the house now without someone raging at you for no reason.
Because if you’re going too slow in the slow lane, it’s unbelievable what’s happening here. But mental illness is off the chart. Suicide is the ultimate reflection of that. The flu. COVID. Diabetes. Our crappy diet. Our crappy induced diet approved by groups like the FDA. Alzheimer’s. A toxic environment. Too much aluminum. Too much this. Too much that. This is what RFK is going to straighten out. Stroke. Same thing. Accidents. 401 a day. Now we get into some serious stuff. Cancer. 1,641 deaths a day. Major cause of cancer. Genetics is certainly 50% of it. 50% of it is also the environment and what we’re being sprayed with.
What we’re being injected with. What we’re basically just being subjected to in our food supply. Heart disease. Same answer. And then finally abortion. This is why I’m a Christian in part because look at the abortion rate. Murdering a baby before it can even get started with its life. Leading cause of death. Let’s just say about the depraved nature of America. You know, I’m warning you. If you look at the Bible, you look at Babylon, you look at Nineveh. We have a choice. Sodom and Gomorrah is probably more appropriate for us. If we don’t repent and change our ways, this last cause of death is going to lead to the destruction of our society.
A lot to consider here. I hope all of you have a great Christmas Eve night. Enjoy the time with your family, but reflect on what we need to do as a nation. It starts with you being who you are. It starts with your repentance, your revival, your witness, and we can turn this around. Trump’s bringing in people that will straighten out some of these things. But the last one on here, abortion, that’s a sickness of the soul. And only God can intervene. And we have to make that possible. Thank you so much for joining us. Merry Christmas to us all.
God bless you. We’ll see you back here next time. Thank you. [tr:trw].