The Second Coming of Christ: Is it A Past or Future Event? | Pastor David Curtis – LIVESTREAM BEGINS AT 7 PM EST

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âž¡ On December 30th, 2024, Pastor David Curtis from Berean Bible Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, discussed his belief in preterism, a theological view that most prophecies were fulfilled by 70 AD. He explained that preterism is about the end times of the old covenant, not the end of the world. He also shared his journey from believing in a future Second Coming to understanding it as a past event. Despite facing challenges, including being ousted from his previous church, he finds value in the intellectual curiosity and scriptural study that preterism encourages.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of understanding the Bible from its original context and language. It emphasizes the need to study the Bible deeply, using multiple translations and considering the time and audience it was written for. The speakers also discuss the concept of hermeneutics, the science of biblical interpretation, and the importance of letting scripture interpret scripture. They caution against biases in translations and encourage a thorough examination of the text to truly understand its meaning.
âž¡ The speaker discusses his journey of understanding the Bible, emphasizing the importance of correct interpretation before application. He shares his realization that some biblical teachings were culturally specific and may not apply today, such as women’s roles in the church. He also discusses the concept of ‘the day of the Lord’ as a judgment day, not the end of the world, and clarifies that biblical references to ‘the earth’ often meant ‘Israel’. The conversation ends with a discussion on the nephilim and extraterrestrial theories.
âž¡ The speaker discusses various topics including their belief in a closed system earth, the importance of organic farming, and the impact of frequencies on life. They also mention their interpretation of the Bible, and their plans to teach organic farming in Uganda. The speaker encourages comparing different Bible translations and exploring the book of Genesis for further understanding.
âž¡ The text discusses the belief that all prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled, including the coming of Christ, and we are now living in the completed form. However, this doesn’t mean that everything has stopped; it’s ongoing with people still coming to Christ and learning about God. The text also touches on the fear of a future beast system, but reassures that this is a man-made fear, not a biblical one. The speaker encourages living in victory through Christ, free from fear.
âž¡ The speaker discusses their skepticism towards organized religion, particularly the church’s teachings and practices. They believe that the true kingdom of God is within us, and that we should focus on understanding and living by the teachings of Christ rather than waiting for a future event. They also express their belief that the modern church is the true Israel, not the nation state of Israel. The speaker encourages others to find the kingdom within themselves and to enjoy the blessings they already have in Christ, rather than hoping for something in the future.
âž¡ The text is a conversation about trust in the Bible and its teachings. The speaker expresses skepticism about the Bible due to its many translations and the potential for manipulation by those who teach it. They believe in personal experiences and gut feelings as their source of truth. The other person argues that the Bible, despite being written by humans, is the inspired word of God and should be trusted as the ultimate source of truth.
âž¡ The speaker discusses their belief that while the Bible is inspirational and divine, it’s up to individuals to interpret it honestly and critically. They argue that people should focus more on personal study of the Bible rather than relying on others’ interpretations. The speaker also mentions different interpretations of the Bible’s teachings, particularly about the second coming of Christ. They believe that the Bible teaches one truth, but people interpret it differently. The conversation ends with a discussion about universalism, the belief that all people will eventually be saved, which the speaker disagrees with, stating that the Bible calls for people to believe in the gospel.
âž¡ The text is a conversation between a caller, Dave, and a pastor about the Second Coming of Christ. Dave questions the pastor’s belief that Christ’s Second Coming has already happened, as he was taught it is still to come. The pastor explains his belief, stating that prophecies have been fulfilled and align with historical events. He encourages Dave to research and challenge his views, emphasizing the importance of personal understanding and interpretation.
âž¡ The text discusses the interpretation of biblical language, particularly apocalyptic language, which uses symbolic phrases like “stars falling from the sky” to describe significant events like the destruction of a city. It emphasizes the importance of understanding different types of biblical language, such as parables and didactic literature, to correctly interpret the Bible. The text also mentions Pastor Dave’s sermons and his practice of answering questions after each sermon to ensure full understanding. Lastly, it touches on the concept of preterism, which believes all prophecies have been fulfilled, leaving Christians in the fulfilled kingdom of God.
âž¡ The speaker, Megan, discusses her spiritual journey and questions about faith, including her transition from Mormonism to Christianity. She expresses her concerns about the world’s current state, including corruption and suffering, and wonders if there could be another divine intervention to fix these issues. However, the hosts suggest that according to the Bible, there won’t be a third coming of Christ, and that despite the presence of evil, the world has already been ‘fixed’ through Christ’s second coming. Megan also expresses her distrust in certain political figures and fears about the potential manipulation of the public.
âž¡ The speaker is expressing their journey of faith and their struggle with understanding the truth about God and Christianity. They mention their skepticism towards the teachings of the church and their desire for open discussions about theology. They also express their belief in a revival of faith and their hope in God, despite the challenges they face. They appreciate the support they’ve received in their journey and encourage others to seek the truth and stand together in faith.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of understanding biblical texts in their historical and cultural context. It suggests that non-canonical texts like the Book of Enoch and the Book of Adam and Eve can provide valuable insights and context to the canonical scriptures. The text also emphasizes the importance of audience engagement and understanding the Bible from the perspective of its original audience. It concludes with a discussion on the Second Coming of Christ, suggesting it refers to a historical event rather than a future one.
âž¡ The speaker discusses their interest in learning and their appreciation for the host’s content, including the host’s cats that appear in the videos. They also mention their rural living situation, their concerns about potential threats, and their interest in topics like transhumanism. The host, Dave, is praised for his in-depth analysis of historical and scriptural components in his sermons. The conversation ends with thanks and well wishes for the New Year.
âž¡ The text discusses the interpretation of Christ’s second coming and the Book of Revelation. It suggests that the second coming was not a physical event, but a spiritual judgment on Jerusalem, not the entire planet. The Book of Revelation, written to seven churches in Asia in the first century, is seen as a divorce decree to Israel, indicating God’s end of relationship with them. The text also highlights the importance of time statements in the Bible, suggesting that the events described were meant to happen soon after they were written, not thousands of years later.
âž¡ The text discusses the interpretation of biblical events and prophecies, focusing on the emperors of Rome, the destruction of the temple, and the transition from the old to the new covenant. It suggests that the second coming of Christ and the new covenant have already occurred, changing the way we communicate with God. The text also debates the concept of a physical Messiah and the misunderstanding of scripture by modern Christians. Lastly, it touches on the idea of ‘replacement theology’, suggesting that the nation of Israel became the church after AD 70.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of personal responsibility, suggesting that blaming the devil for one’s problems is not productive. It also explores the idea of hell, suggesting it’s a misinterpretation and that the Bible actually refers to a fiery destruction of Jerusalem. The text further discusses the concept of mortality, suggesting that humans are not inherently immortal, but gain eternal life through faith in Christ. Lastly, it discusses the law of love as the guiding principle for Christians, rather than the old laws of the Torah.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of hell, suggesting it’s a tool used by the church to control people and generate income, rather than a biblical teaching. It also criticizes the doctrine of dispensationalism, arguing it misrepresents the gospel and the relationship between the church and Israel. The text concludes by suggesting the world will continue in its current state indefinitely, as the Bible doesn’t mention an end to the world.
âž¡ This text discusses the belief in preterism, which interprets biblical prophecies as events that have already happened. It suggests that the millennial reign of Christ was a 40-year period from his ascension to his second coming, not a literal thousand years. The text also discusses the significance of the feasts in the Bible, suggesting they represent God’s plan of redemption. Lastly, it mentions the growing popularity of preterism, encouraging readers to study and understand it for themselves.
âž¡ The text is a conversation about various religious topics, including interpretations of biblical passages, the concept of the Rapture, and questions about biblical figures’ lifespans. The speaker also mentions a Bible translation by Dennis Prager, which they are unfamiliar with, and discusses the idea of humans being made in God’s image. The conversation also includes a discussion about the Schofield Bible and its purpose and intention.
âž¡ The conversation revolves around the belief that evil comes from within humans, not from external forces like Satan. The speakers discuss the idea that as people gain more power, they often become more evil. They also touch on the topic of divorce in the context of God and the nation of Israel, suggesting that God allowed divorce due to infidelity. The conversation ends with a discussion about hidden cures for diseases and the hope for their revelation in the future.


The Untold History Channel Today is Monday, December 30th, almost the end of 2024. Hard to believe that it’s. That 2025 is two days away. I am joined today by a good friend of mine, Pastor David Curtis of Berean Bible Church. You are in Virginia beach, right? Correct? Yes. Yeah. Virginia Beach, Virginia, Right outside of Naval Station or the biggest naval station in the United States. You’re also, you’re also a veteran. I am. And a truther. And that’s. I love that. I. I love that about you. You know, David is not afraid to talk about controversial topics he’s not afraid to deal with.

He actually, he talks about politics quite frequently from the pulpit and is very. Not on YouTube right now. Yeah, exactly. And. But, you know, he’s got. He’s got a great story to tell, and I think, I think just, you know, to. We’re obviously talking about preterism, which is. Well, I’ll let you take. What. What is preterism? Well, preterism is an eschatology. Now, I guess we. If you want to talk about, we say that. I guess I need to explain what eschatology is. And eschatology is the study of end times. Now, what’s interesting is the, the Merriam Webster dictionary defines eschatology this way.

A branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind. And that’s, that’s just a bad definition. Okay. Because eschatology is not about. Eschatology is about end times, but it’s about the end times of Israel. It’s about the end times of the old covenant. The church has no end times. The church is under an everlasting covenant, and we don’t have any end times. So eschatology is about, you know, the final things of that age. And in, in the New Testament, they talk about two ages that this age and the age to come.

The age to come was the age of Messiah. That’s the age we live in. This age was the Old Covenant age that I believe ended in A.D. 70. Right. With the destruction of the temple. Correct. You know what. And, you know, the Bible talks about the, about, you know, Israel being a harlot and a, an adulterous bride. And, you know, one of the things that you talked about in, in a, in a previous message was about the destruction of Israel, the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army and how, how it was destroyed. And it was destroyed by bull.

The, the punishment in the Bible for adultery is death by stoning. And Israel used stones Or I’m sorry, the Roman army used stones to destroy Jerusalem. It’s interesting, some of these stones they were using, they were using catapults to throw these stones over the wall. They were 100 pound stones and they were white. Right. And so it was appeared like, you know, the Revelation talks about hail, you know, destroying them. And that’s. David Chilton’s got a good book out called the Great Tribulation. And he takes it and compares it with Josephus’s War of the Jews. It’s like a transparency laid on top of one another.

It’s pretty amazing. Yeah, yeah, I heard you talking about that the other day. Well, before we really kind of dive into, you know, predatorism and whatnot, let’s. I’d like for the audience to hear your story, kind of, you know, just a brief summary of how you came to this belief system that basically the, the, the Second Coming is a, is a past event as opposed to a futuristic event. Because as I understand it, you, at least you, at at one time you also believed that the Second Coming was a future event. Well, that’s, that’s correct. I, I became a Christian when I was, I guess I was about 20 years old and guy at work gave me a chick publication track Big Daddy.

And I read that track and I came under such conviction. I just went to him, I said, hey, what do I need to do? And you know, he told me to believe on the Lord you show the Christ. And I did. And just my life just drastically changed from then on and. But I was involved in dispensationalism. I was in a dispensational church. I had a Scofield reference Bible and. But I continue to study and research and things just in the Schofield Bible just didn’t line up. And dispensational itself is just a strange hermeneutic. I mean, just weird things that I could never seem to really make the Bible fit into that system.

And so I moved from there into partial preterism because of Gentry. I heard some stuff that Gentry was doing and it made a lot of sense to me and I, I guess I was a partial preterist for about seven years now. A partial preterist believes that, you know, most of prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70, but there’s still the Resurrection still in the future, the Second Coming still in the future, the Judgment’s still in the future, and the big three are what we believe as predators. We believe all three happened in AD 70. But I was a partial protest for a While.

And I had published some stuff on the Internet, this was back in 97, and someone contacted me through email and said, hey, do you take this preterism all the way? I didn’t even know what they meant. I’m like, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And then I had a guy contact me from work that I used to work with. I hadn’t seen him in probably 10 years and asked, said, I heard you’re a preterist. And I’m like, yeah. And he said, you take it all the way. I’m like, what are you talking about? And that very same week, I was over my mother’s for dinner and she came to me while we’re sitting at dinner.

She brought me her Bible and she’ll open it up to Matthew 16, 27, 28. And she says, what does this mean? You know, the Lord says, some of you standing here will not taste death till they see me come in my kingdom. What does that mean? And I said, mom, I’m starting to think it means just what it says. And she said, what? And this guy that I’d work with, he dropped off some books for me and I had him sitting in the corner of my desk here, but I didn’t touch him for weeks. I knew it was going to be costly because I just, you know, things were fitting together.

And finally I sat down and read one of the books and that was it. I was done. I said, yes, it’s all over now. I could not be a full preterist until I heard people tell me that I didn’t know anybody believed the Lord had returned in 8070. I was like everybody else looking for a physical coming. When he comes, the whole planet’s going to be renewed. So obviously he hadn’t come. And I started to get into it and look at it and make sense with the time statements. My view just changed and I became a full predator and it was very costly.

I got thrown out of the church, my church pastoring, and had to start over. And, you know, it’s been a good ride. I mean, I’ve been. I’ve been here for 30 years now. The church started bringing Bible church then, and Marine Bible Church is. Yeah, it’s close to 30 years old now because it’s just. It’s been a good ride, though. I mean, I met some great people. The thing I like about preterism is the people that you find within. There are people who are students, people who want to study the Bible. They don’t just want to believe what everybody tells them.

And we named the church Berean Bible Church because we want to be Bereans. We want to not take what anybody says without finding in the scripture ourselves. So we want to search the scriptures and, and see if these things are so. And as we’ve been doing and it’s, it’s been pretty interesting. It really has. That’s. That’s an excellent point. And I’d like to pause for a second, guys, and just, just say to the audience, look, guys, this. A lot of you may have heard some, you know, my past messages or past videos with Pastor Dave. Maybe you haven’t.

I’m not sure, but I don’t want to take for granted that you have. There’s going to be a lot of things in here that you’re going to hear tonight that are probably going to be just absolutely foreign. Like, what are you talking about? I’ve never heard this before. And so the only thing I can encourage everybody to do is to, you know, check your emotions at the door. And, you know, I’m going to open up the phone lines and if you want to call in and talk to Pastor Dave, you’ll have that. You’ll have that ability to, to ask questions.

And, you know, the harder the question, the better is, you know, we want people to, to, you know, to get some of their questions out tonight. So just don’t, you know, don’t be reactive in, you know, in kind of like that. Just that violent reaction of, oh, that’s just heresy. Well, how do you know? You know, you know, we’ve been lied to in this country about everything. Why would it be the case that we haven’t been lied to about. About some of the things that we believe from a spec. From a scriptural perspective. And not that I want to turn this into an anti Israel thing, not at all.

But, you know, I think it, it bears. It bears mention that, you know, you go back and you look at who Cyrus Scofield was and the, The Bible that he wrote and where and how it was distributed. I think it’s a fair assumption to say that, you know, there is an element of people out there who want us to be looking for a futuristic messiah figure so that we will just kind of be docile if things get difficult. Would you agree with that? Yeah, I think, you know, just keep people waiting for something in the future.

You know, always this eternal hope that never comes to pass. But I think it’s been a way to try to keep people in line also. You know, hey, you better not do that, because Lord could come when you’re doing that. You know, I’ve heard that quite a few times myself, you know, but it’s just a matter of digging in the Scriptures and finding out what did the Bible say? That’s. That’s all we really care about. You know, I’m not, Not interested. And if the Bible doesn’t say it, I’m not interested. I want to know a text, and I want to take that text and try to understand what does it mean, tear it apart and figure out what did it mean to the original audience.

And then how do we apply that to ourselves? And I guess that’s something. Let’s talk about hermeneutics. Yeah, exactly. But before we talk about hermeneutics, let me just say that I want to say, guys, the one thing that I really, truly admire about how Dave teaches is he doesn’t look at one. One translation of the Bible. In fact, you. More, more often than not, what you do is you go back and you actually read the original Hebrew and Greek and then you translate it yourself. So you’re actually doing a lot of the work that other translators in the past have done, and you’re essentially checking their work, and then what you do is you compare it and you’re like, wait a second, this is a bad translation.

And if you ever listen to some of the messages that he preaches, he talks about that this is a bad translation because this is what this word meant. And moreover, you. You’re a. You. You know, I love history of geopolitics and all and, and American history and things of that nature. Dave is. Dave loves all of everything that I like from a geopolitical standpoint. He likes that from a biblical standpoint. So, you know, I have. I’ve not found anybody that knows as much about the Bible and Scripture than Dave. And, and he reads a lot of periodical or, you know, works from that period of time.

And what that does is it’s. It’s almost like watching a movie, but instead of watching the, the. The, you know, the original theatrical, when you’re watching the director’s cut, it’s like an hour longer, and it gives a whole lot more context. So, you know, anyway, I’m. I’m. I’m. I’m kind of kissing his feet here. Let me just correct everything he said. Just. I view myself as a student of the Bible. You know, I just. I love to study it. I love to read it. I love to try to understand what it says. And, and there’s so much about it that I don’t know that it’s amazing because I’ve been studying it for a long time, and I just keep learning, and I’m.

I’m learning all the time, and it’s. It’s a pretty exciting thing. And, you know, I’d been studying it for probably 20 years before I became a predatorist. And then all of a sudden, I come across this view and I see it everywhere in scripture. And it just, you know, how have I gone this long and not seen this, not understood this? You know, because you’re reading it every day. And I guess the. The real thing about preterism, the thing to me that makes it so simple and so clear, it’s just really about the time statements. You know, it’s about time.

And if you. When you’re reading the Bible, if you let those time statements mean what they say, it kind of changes your view on things. Yeah, well, you talked about hermeneutics, so why don’t we kind of delve into what hermeneutics is? Okay. Yeah. I would dare say that most Christians have never heard of hermeneutics. Talk to a lot of people, and they. It’s something they. What is it? What. Never heard about it. Hermeneutics is the science of biblical interpretation. Any written document is subject to interpretation. So we want to try to figure out what does this mean.

And there’s rules to hermeneutics, so we can not go off track and what the Bible means. And one of the. One of the main rules is Scripture, interprets scripture. That means if you want to know what the Bible says, look all through the Bible at other places and find out. It’s going to explain itself in another place. You’re gonna. It’s gonna give you the understanding you need from within the book. It’s scripture. We’ll interpret scripture. And it doesn’t contradict itself. If it says something here and something seems to be contradictory over there, you got to figure it out, because it’s not a contradiction.

There’s something that you don’t understand. One of the hermeneutical principles that we really rely on in preterism is audience relevance. And that simply means that, you know, whatever the Bible says, it says to a particular people at a particular time, it’s written to people. And so we have to understand what did it mean to them, how did they understand this? And then how do we apply that to ourselves? Because there’s no, you know, there’s no book in the Bible written to the saints in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Right. You know, there just. There just isn’t. In the 21st century, you know, we don’t have any of those texts.

Okay. The Bible was finished. The canon is done, and there’s nothing to be added to that. Okay. Nothing added after 8070 to scripture. So I have a Bible, and it has the book to Californians. Yeah. Do you. I’m just teasing. I say that’s. That’s one of those bad translations. Exactly. We have a lot of good translations out now, you know, because they have so much more. They’re basing a lot of their stuff on the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran. You know, there’s just. We have more information now than we’ve ever had. So the translations are getting better, but all translators have bias.

That’s why I just encourage people use several translations, you know, so you can get the flavor of, you know, what’s happening. Some translations are so far off, you wonder, how do they even come up with that? You know, and other things they’re really good at. So. But I haven’t found one translation that I think is, you know, just awesome. Above everybody else, I use the English Standard Version. I think it’s a really good translation. But I got problems with some of the things they come up with, you know, And I’m like, how’d they come up with this? This? It doesn’t.

Because when you really start looking and comparing the original languages, you wonder how. How they came up with what they did, but they do. Well. Yeah. And. And I like Youngs. I like Young’s Literal. Yeah. I. I encourage everybody to have at least, you know, one of your translations be Young’s Literal Translation. It’s not, you know, easy to read because it’s literal. You know, they didn’t try to smooth things out, and they don’t try to. They don’t try to interpret for us. Like, if you got a Bible that has the word angel in it, that’s a trans.

That’s a transliterate, a trans. An interpretation is what that is. Okay. Because in. In the Greek or Hebrew, it’s messenger. It can be a human messenger, it can be a divine messenger, but they put angel in there. And so everybody, you know, thinks angel, that’s a divine messenger. Well, you got to compare with the context that if it is a divine messenger, if it’s a human messenger. But most translations, they do that. They just say, well, think this is a divine being. So we put angel in there. Right. Sometimes they’re right, sometimes they’re wrong. I mean, it’s definitely helpful for people.

You know, if you’re going to read the Bible, they don’t, they’re trying to make it easy for you to understand it. But sometimes, you know, like I said, everybody’s got bias and so we’ve got to be careful about that. Right. The. Well, you’ve got audience relevance and we talked about the exegesis and, and I think Isa, Jesus. What is the suit, what is the pseudo pigrapha? The pseudepigrapha are writings that took place in the second Temple period and they’re just, they’re declared suda. They’re false. False writing, so to speak. Not that they’re false themselves, but they say they’re written by, they have a name on them that doesn’t probably is probably not really written by that person.

Okay. But the pseudo pigrapha, there’s some really good stuff in there history wise. And you know, people get upset when you go outside the Bible like the book of Enoch or you know, Jubilees or whatever. But what we have to understand is the people, this is the culture of the Bible. The Bible came out of this. The people in the time of the Bible was written were familiar with all these texts. And you got Jude and you got First Peter who quote from Enoch. So they must have thought it was pretty important. I don’t think it’s part of the canon of scripture.

I don’t think it’s inspired. But it was the writing of the time and so they were familiar with this stuff. And there’s some really interesting stuff in those, in those books. It’ll be very helpful for understanding it’s a background for the scripture. Well, that’s, and that’s kind of the analogy that I was trying to draw when I said, you know, you know, reading, reading like the book of Adam or the book of Enoch or you know, those writings. What it does is that it actually illuminates things. It gives context in a way that if you just read the scriptures, you still get a good, you know, you, you still under, you can get an unders, gain an understanding, but if you read some of the other things that aren’t necessarily canonical, it basically lights them up and, and you know, makes them a lot more vibrant.

Yes, the book of Adam and Eve is such a, you know, you read the biblical story, you know, Adam and Eve, they sinned, they got kicked out of the garden and that’s kind of the end of it. You know, with the book of Adam and Eve, it goes into their life and the misery that they experience and how they kept trying to get back into the garden and kept trying to get back into the garden and how broken they were that they were separated from God. And it just, it paints this picture that shows you the heinousness of sin.

Well, the. Let’s see. You. You haven’t. Do you have anything else that you’d like to. To say? Because I, you know, the, the premise of this is really to get audience engagement. I want to get, I want to get some audience engagement in here to, you know, to ask questions of you because I know there. In fact, there’s a gentleman in here, his username is slave to him and he actually. He or she, I think it’s. He. He actually follows you all the time now. And he said he found you as a result of, I think the last time you came on.

Yeah, you sent me a screen like from the chat room from last week. I saw that in there. Yeah, that’s. Yeah, that’s really cool. Well, I guess let me just give a, a brief thing about preterism then, you know, and then we can. Like I said, predators is about time. It’s about understanding when you’re reading the, you’re reading somebody else’s mail at a different time period. And so you have to understand the Bible’s not written to you, but it is for you. So we have to understand these things. And as we do this, we see when it talks about the coming of Christ, it’s always has a time statement with.

There’s over a hundred time statements in the New Testament in connection with the coming of Christ. And they’re all soon, shortly, quickly. Some of you standing here, this generation, the judges at the door, all, all giving us this indication that this is going to happen really quickly. In that generation, the generation was 40 years. So within the generation, you know, that was living in that first century, the Lord was said to return. Now, people can’t accept that, I guess, because they look at the Second Coming like a cataclysmic world ending event. Right. And, and I can understand how they get that because you’re reading and you talked about the stars falling from heaven and the sun going out and all this stuff.

But the problem with us when we’re reading that is if you’re not familiar with the Bible and let me just. This is the biggest, the biggest difficulty we face in trying to share these truths with people is people don’t know enough about their Bible to even converse with you about it. You know, most Christians have never read their Bible. I’m talking about the whole Bible cover to cover. Because the language that the. The last quarter of the Bible uses, the New Testament, the language they use comes from the first three quarters of the book. It’s all written by Jews and it’s Jewish language.

And they talked about the sun, moon and stars falling and that collapse that was dealing with the collapse of government. That’s an apocalyptic language. And they use it for a collapse of a nation. So a nation can collapse, but the world keeps going on. So you read that stuff in the New Testament, and it’s not about the world, it’s about Israel. And Israel collapsed in AD 70. They were totally destroyed, burnt to the ground. That was the end of it. And since AD 70, they’ve never made a sacrifice. The genealogies were all destroyed. The priesthood is gone.

The tabernacle, it’s all over. God made it very clear in 80, 70, he was done with Israel as a people, as a nationality. Okay, finish with them. But most Christians, you know, they. They feel like they have to support those people over there that call themselves Israel, that they’re. There’s no bloodline connect them into Israel at all. So we’re looking at the scriptures. We got to read it. Like I said, put yourself in the pig. Who’s he talking to? What’s happening with them? Let me show you just a few things from Scripture so we can get on page what we’re talking about, and then we can.

Then we can talk about this. But let’s go to second Thessalonians. If you. If you have a Bible with you, grab it and let’s look at Second Thessalonians. Interesting text. And it’s one of those texts that, you know, you wonder how people, how we miss this, you know, when we look at it. Let’s look at 2nd Thessalonians 1, verse 5. It says, this is evidence of the righteous judgment of God that you. Now, okay, we see you and we gotta understand that’s not us. That’s the Thessalonians in the first century, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also are suffering.

The Thessalonians were suffering. They were being persecuted because of their faith in Christ. And so he’s talking to these people who are suffering. Verse 6 says, since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you. So he says, hey, God’s going to repay these people that are coming after you, that are afflicting you. And then verse 7 says, and to grant relief to you, that’s the Thessalonians. That’s the first century Thessalonians. God promises he’s going to grant relief to them who are afflicted. And then Paul says as well as to us. And then it says this.

When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels. So you’re going to get relief. Thessalonians, when are they going to get relief? When? At the second coming of Christ, when the Lord revealed from heaven with his mighty angels. Now, if the Lord did not come in the first century to give them relief, this doesn’t mean anything. This text means nothing because he promised to relieve the first. It was the 1st century Thessalonians that were suffering. It was the 1st century thessalonians who he said he was going to give relief to. And we believe he did when he returned in AD 70.

And the return was a coming in judgment on Jerusalem who were persecuting them. You know, the greatest enemy of the Christian has been the Jews. And so that this is talking, you know, verse eight says, he’s coming in flaming fire inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel of the Lord Jesus. And Jerusalem was burned to the ground. It was an inferno. The Romans just destroyed that place and burned it up. And oftentimes the Bible talks about a fiery judgment. It’s talking about the destruction of Jerusalem that happened in A.D.

70, that ended their persecution. Now, let’s just jump over to the second chapter and I’ll show you something else here. Verse chapter 2, verse 1 says, now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So they’re talking about the second coming and our being gathered together to him. We ask you brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us. All right, so they were getting correspondence from somebody claiming to be the apostles to the effect that the day of the Lord had come.

So people were putting out this word that Christ’s second coming had already happened. They missed it. He says in verse three, let no one deceive you in any way, for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the Son of destruction. Now, if the second coming was what most people today think it is, a fiery judgment that destroys the planet. How could the Thessalons ever have been confused that it happened? They could not have believed, like so many today, that is a physical, that a physical coming, because they thought it already happened.

They thought they missed It. And Paul didn’t write them and say, hey, you guys need to look out the window because everything’s still there. Nothing’s burned, nothing’s destroyed. Obviously he hadn’t come back, but nothing had changed. And yet they felt he had come back because it was a coming in judgment on Jerusalem. It was a spiritual coming, not a physical coming to destroy the planet. And it’s not about the planet. It’s about the nation, Israel, and God’s relationship with them. Let’s, let’s go look at one more thing because this is people are love of the book of Revelation.

So let’s go to the Book of Revelation. Well, and before, before you do, before you say that about, before you say that about anything about Revelations, I want to make a, just a note to, to the audience. Okay. You know, in Matthew, Mark and Luke, they all have a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Apocalypse. The apocalypse, but the judgment. No, I can’t believe I’m having a brain fart. They all have a, an Olivet discourse. They all have something about the Olivet discourse, but John doesn’t have anything about the Oliver discourse. That. But, and I think what you, you’re, you suggest that the Book of Revelation is John’s Olivet discourse.

Yes, absolutely. Okay. Yeah. And the Gospel of John, he doesn’t talk about this, but he’s got a whole book on it. You know, and Christians, people love to go to the Book of Revelation because it’s, I don’t know, so fanciful, I guess. They don’t understand it. And they, they, this is the end of the world. This is this great judgment. And you know, again, if we just take the Bible for what it says. Let’s just look at a couple, look at a couple texts here. Verse one, he says the revelation of Jesus Christ. That’s not something that’s confusing or covered up.

Revelation is to uncover, to reveal, to reveal exactly revealing of Christ which God gave him to show his servants the things that must soon take place. Now we rewrite over that and don’t pay attention, but he’s telling us these things are going to soon take place. This is written in the first century, around 60 to 65 A.D. and he said this thing’s soon going to happen. And he says he made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore witness to the word of God in the testament of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw.

Then verse three says, blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who Hear and keep what is written in it, for the time is near. So in two verses already, in three verses, we have two time statements. He says it’s going to soon take place and the time for this to happen is near. And then when I’m talking to somebody about the book of Revelation, I ask them, who was it written to? And you know, you usually get that deer in the headlights look because people think the book of Revelation was written to them like it’s a newspaper.

It just came today. And this is all about us and all about our time. But in verse four, John says John to the seven churches that are in Asia, Grace to you and peace. So he’s writing to these seven churches that exist in Asia. And you drop down to verse 11. He names the churches. He says the seven churches to Ephesus, to Smyrna, the Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. These were literal churches in the first century. And, and the order that they’re given here is on a mail route, a route that would have been travele, you know, to deliver packages and stuff.

And so they’re right on this route. And he sends this letter to the churches. He deals with each one of them. But these are things that he is writing to them in the first century. So it’s all about what’s going to happen soon, what’s going to happen shortly. I believe the book of Revelation is a divorce decree to Israel. He’s telling them, I’m done with you. She is the harlot. She’s going to be destroyed. She’s going to be burned. Well, you got those two time statements in the very first chapter. Then let’s go over to chapter 22.

Can I interrupt you just for a quick second? Because you. In the, in the, the Greek term for that is mellow, which, there’s, there’s multiple terms in Greek that talk about, that talk about a time statement. And mellow, if I remember correctly, is means that it is essentially eminent. Mellow means about to. And that’s the thing that, that’s what we mentioned, Young’s Literal Translation. You know, Young’s does a great job on the time statements like that. When you, you see mellow, you, you’ll never pick it up. In most translations, you just kind of skip right over.

You don’t know what’s happening. You know, like Paul in Book of Acts. I think it’s chapter 22. Paul says there is about to be a resurrection from the dead. And it’s mellow. It’s about to happen. But most people miss that, you know, and he’s talking from the first century. This resurrection is about to happen. So when you catch these time statements, you know, something’s got to be wrong. If he’s telling everybody. The disciples all felt like this was going to happen in their lifetime. The Lord taught them that they’re looking for something soon. And if it didn’t happen soon, then the Lord’s a false prophet.

Right? We got two time statements in the beginning. Let’s go to the last chapter of the book, chapter 22. And here we have five more time statements. That gives us seven time statements that bracket the book of Revelation. Seven is a number of perfection and completion. But, you know, so this is all about something that was to happen in their time. Let’s look at verse 20, chapter 22, verse 6 says, and he said to me, these words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord God of the spirits of the prophets has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.

So this is going to happen soon. The very next verses and behold, I’m coming soon. Blessed is the one. That’s the Lord speaking. I’m coming soon. He says, he said it in the first century. You can’t make soon be 2000 years if you drop down to verse 10. And he said to me, do not seal up the words of this prophecy, for the time is near. Daniel was told to seal up the prophecy because it was a long way off. That was 500 years that was referred to. He’s saying, don’t seal it up. So the time is near now.

500 years. Was. Was a long time to seal it up then. We can’t have near be over 2,000 years. It just doesn’t fit right. Exactly, exactly. Verse 12 says, behold, I’m coming soon, bringing my recompense with me to repay each one for what he has done. And again, it’s just you got these. And then the last one is in verse 20. He who testifies these things says, surely I am coming soon. Amen. Come Lord. Yeshua. So again we have these time statements that bracket the whole book. Everything in the middle was to happen in the first century.

And if you look at the book of Josephus, the war of the Jews, much of the stuff you see in Revelation, you’ll see Josephus telling of that, that this happened during the war of the Jews in AD 70. It’s just, it’s incredible. Some of the things that happen that it predicted would happen. Well, and you know what? It’s. It do me a Favor and kind of go over the, like the last, you know, talking about how. Because you, you know, you. And I believe that the Antichrist was Nero because. And, and there’s like a line is like one is coming to.

There must be one and two and then, and, and then one will be for a short time and then this. And then. So I’m, I’m, I’m butchering it. I know, but don’t, don’t, don’t hold it against me. But I, I’d kind of like you to give an analysis of like the last like five years or so there and how the Bible talks about that and how, how the, the historical account actually says that and how. And how the Antichrist is related in there. Okay, I’m not sure I understand the question. Okay, so. Okay, I’m trying the history of what happened.

Yeah, so like it’s in Revelation and maybe I should look it up. But, but in Revelation it talks about, it gives like times, like it talks about the emperors that are coming. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know what you’re talking about. Right. Yeah. And yeah, I think that’s in chapter 13, I think, but I’m not sure. Yeah, one has fallen and you know, and he gives the order of the emperors. If you look at what, what he says there, that tells us that the emperor that, that was in power at that time was Nero. Right. And then he says in one shell and there’s one to follow.

And he just librains for a short time. And that’s Galba, the, the emperor Galba. So you get this time statement of. You also see in Revelation that John’s told to, to go measure the temple. Well, you can’t measure the temple if it’s not there. So this had to be, you know, because a lot of people want to say that Revelation was written in 96 AD and that’s. If it was written in Revelation in 96, there was no temple. There’s no temple to measure. There’s nothing there. And it’s a huge event. And the fact that that would happen at 96 and then no one would talk about it, you know, that, that it had taken place would just be an incredible event for people not to realize that.

But yeah, if you go, if you go back to Deuteronomy 28, we have the blessings and cursings that God’s telling Israel. If you read through the curses and then you go and read Josephus about what happened in the temple during that, the women eating their own children. I mean, just such horrible things that he is recording happen during that time. And these are things that God said would happen to Israel if they turned their back on him. And that’s exactly what happened. Yeah. And you know, and a lot of the physical manifestations, I think people, I think modern day Christians literally are looking for the same thing that the Jews of old were looking for in terms of a messiah figure.

We’ve got people today that literally don’t want to do anything, get involved in anything. Jesus is going to come and fix it for us. And it’s just like what the Jews of old were like, hey, we’re looking for our Messiah figure. So both the modern day Christians are essentially in the same camp as, as the Jews of the of old in terms of they are looking for something that is not going to come. They have, it’s a complete misunderstanding of, of scripture. Well the Jews wanted a physical deliverer. They wanted to be free from Rome. They’re under Roman bondage.

They didn’t want that. So yes, their, their deliverer, their Messiah was to be a warrior to set them free from Rome. And so when Christ comes along and died, they didn’t want a crucified Messiah. They didn’t want someone who died on the cross. They want a warrior. And I think it’s the same situation for the church today. The church wants a Messiah that’s going to destroy this planet and take away all their problems and take them to heaven. And that’s what they’re looking for. And that’s not what the Bible teaches. And I think anybody would, any Christian would probably say to deny the second coming would be to deny inspiration.

Right. Would you agree with that? I agree. 100. Let me take it a step further. I think to deny the timing of the second coming is also to deny inspiration. And we’ve got timing all through the New Testament like I said in the time statements. And yet people just reject that. There’s no way you can make soon be 2000 years. It just won’t fit. But yeah, apocalyptic language again. So you know, we’re not looking for the stars to fall out of heaven. Okay. That’s apocalyptic language just describing the destruction of a city. We’re not looking for that.

When you understand that’s not what we’re looking for. We’re looking for a covenantal change that moves us into the new covenant and all of its blessings. Then we understand that the Lord has returned and has brought in the fullness of the new covenant. Well, and you know, I, I, I in, in a kind of a, a broad sense of the word I say, look, you know, in the Old Testament, how did you talk to God? You didn’t, you had to go to Jerusalem. You had to go to Jerusalem where the temple was and you had to, you know, buy an animal, a pure animal and sacrifice it.

And then the, the priest would go inside the Holy of Holies and, and you know, talk to God on your behalf. Well, when Christ came, we got the, we were now filled with the Holy Spirit. So now we actually can talk to God. We, we are walking, you know, we are now the temple and, and we are in communion with God on the daily, we can talk to him through prayer. And that is what is referred to when in terms of the new heavens and the new earth. It’s not a physical manifestation of a new earth.

It’s the new way of how we’re, of how we communicate with God. And that’s, I, I, I hope I, I said that right? And if I didn’t, then correct me. Yeah. And that’s what Revelation, if we look at Revelation 21, that’s what promises of the new covenant. And like you said, the new heaven and earth. Revelation 21:1 says, Then I saw a new heaven, a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and there’s no more sea. The old covenant world passed away. That was the old heaven and earth. It was the old covenant world.

We’re in the new covenant. The new heavens and earth is the new covenant. They’re synonymous. Verse two says, and I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, behold, the dwelling place of God is with men. That’s what you were talking about. They didn’t have access to God. We do. God dwells with them. He will dwell with them. They will be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God. That’s where we live right now.

We have access to God 24 7. We’re his people. He dwells with us. You know, it’s sad to read the book of Revelation and see that and say, oh, I can’t wait for that to happen. You’re missing it. It’s already here. God dwells with us. Right? The new covenant. That’s what it is. It’s the fullness. The new covenant is the new heavens and the new earth where righteousness dwells. And I think it’s also important to note that when you’re talking about heavens and earth, the earth was Israel it wasn’t the globe. The earth was. The earth was, was Israel.

And, you know, and, you know, I, I have friends who, they say they do not believe in, you know, replacement theology. They think that that’s heresy. And, you know, I mean, how, I don’t know how you can look at, I don’t know how you can miss that and not see replacement theology because, you know, Israel does exist, but Israel is, Israel stopped being the nation of Israel in AD 70, and it became the church. And, you know, you. And another thing is when in, in Revelation, when it talks about when you see the, the army that has surrounded Jerusalem leave, flee to the hills.

Well, if you fled to the hills and then the army comes back and then the earth is destroyed, what good is going to be going to flee into the hills? It kind of localizes it, doesn’t it? Yeah. So, I mean, there’s, there’s so many things that are nuanced, but I, I think, you know, but, you know, you said it right. Most people don’t read the Bible and they don’t have an understanding. And, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m guilty of not reading nearly as often as I should. But, but, you know, I, I, I feel like I know a lot more than other people, but, you know, I sure don’t know as much as you do.

I will say that. But before, before I open it up for, you know, for anybody to, that wants to call in, do you have any other statements that you’d like to kind of throw out? I don’t know. I think we kind of laid it out there. I mean, I’m sure there are questions that people will have, and that’s, that’s fine. I would, you know, love to try to answer those questions. Now, I, I shared this view with a couple that was attending our church. So I sat down with them, my wife and I, and we had a conversation and I laid out predatorism and so that I could see the ladies, the gears were turning in her head, and she goes, well, then we’re Satan.

You know, that’s what she wanted to know. What about Satan? I’m like, satan was destroyed. You know, this battle that took place in 80, 70, it was taking place on Earth and the Romans were destroying Jerusalem. But there was also a battle taking place in heaven at that same time, and Satan and his demons were destroyed. That was the end of it. And so that was kind of hard for her to accept, but she came to me about, I don’t know, I guess two months later, and Said, I want you to know that you changed my life.

And I said, how so? She goes, well, I had a lot of problems, but I always blamed them on the devil. When you took the devil away, I had to take responsibility for my own problems. And so I’ve made a lot of changes in my life’s a whole lot better now. And I thought, wow, that’s amazing. You know, that’s where theology gets real practical. You can’t blame the devil for everything that goes on in your life. You take personal responsibility. You know, people want to say, well, something bad happens. I had the devil, had to do that.

No, James says in chapter one that every man is tempted when he’s drawn away of his own lust and enticed. You know, we, we fall into things because we have lust. It comes from ourself. It’s not, we don’t need the devil to get into bad stuff. Correct. And you know, I think a lot of people feel as though Satan is omnipotent and omnipresent. And that’s not, that’s not the case. You know, you go. When you look at the, when you look at the scriptures, especially in the Old Testament, every Satan was mentioned. It was more in terms of going after governments or, or things that would impact a whole, a whole host of people, not just single individuals.

I mean, not like Job, but, but you get, you get the, the gist of what I’m trying to say. There’s, you know, we, Satan does not deal with us. And, and to your point, Satan has been, Satan has been bound and now Satan is in hell. And I know that you, you know, you kind of take a, a point on hell, that hell is not for the non believer, Hell is for the saints that rebelled against God in heaven. That is, that, that’s eternal torment. Hell being eternal torment. Yes. No, I take the position that, okay, if you see the word hell in your Bible, it’s a bad translation, okay, because there’s no, there’s no such thing as, as hell.

That’s a total Catholic doctrine that was made up the Bible. When the Bible talks about that it used the word gehenna, which is. Gehenna is used of national judgment. And so when you see these verses that talk about hell, they’re talking about the destruction and warning about the destruction of Jerusalem, which was a fiery destruction where they were burned up. That’s what the reference is to. It’s to the coming judgment against Jerusalem that God is warning these Jewish people of. That’s what I said. I don’t Think there’s a literal, ongoing judgment. The Bible and the idea that.

We think the whole idea came from Greeks, this idea that the soul is immortal. The Hebrews never taught that, okay, you don’t have an immortal soul. Men are mortal. And that’s why in First Corinthians 15, it talks about. And you become a Christian when you trust Christ, you put on immortality, you get eternal life. Okay, if you’re not a Christian and you, you die, you don’t have immortality, you’re dead. That’s it. The Bible says you perish. You know the famous verse, Everybody knows John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that who’s ever believe in him should not.

Doesn’t say go to hell. It says, should not perish, but everlasting life. So that’s. I think that the references, all the references to hell in the Gospels are dealing with the coming judgment that was going to take place on Jerusalem. And, you know, this was, this is a huge event, bigger than we could understand. You know, it was a covenantal judgment against Israel because of their sin. And God was telling them, I’m done with you. I’m finished with Israel as a nation, as a people. I am done. And he destroyed that place. And now the Christians are receiving all the benefits, all the blessings, all the names that God used to use for the old covenant people the church are now called, you know, we’re a priesthood, we’re a holy temple.

Peter tells us, you know, these, these were things that the Jews were called. Well, now we’re the temple. God dwells in us. We are his people and we receive all those blessings. So, you know, they call it replacement theology. It’s just fulfillment theology is what it is. The church is fulfilled. The promises that were made to Israel, we are the Israel of God, as Paul says in Galatians 6. So some. There’s a couple of questions in the, in the chat here, and one question was, so does this belief system believe in God’s law? And then I, I said, define God’s law.

And he said the first five books of the Bible. So I’ll let you take that. Okay. All right. You’re talking about Torah, the first five books of the Bible. All right, well, you know, God gave us the ten Commandments. And all of those, all of those commandments were repeated in the New Testament, except for one. Which one was that? The Sabbath. Remember the Sabbath? That was not, that was not brought over. Okay. And the reason it wasn’t is Christ is our Sabbath rest now, the law. When you’re talking law, if you’re talking Torah, the law of Israel, the law that God gave Israel, that is done.

That law ended when he finished with Jerusalem. The Bible over and over teaches, we as Christians are not under the law now. We are under the law of Christ, which is the law of love. And that’s why Christ boiled it down. They asked him, what’s the greatest commandment, Lord? And they asked that because the Jews had a system, they would evaluate commands, which command is greater, and you would keep the greater and not keep the lesser. In a situation where they conflicted, like, okay, as an example, they were commanded to keep the Sabbath. But what happens if their neighbor’s ox fell in a ditch on the Sabbath? Should they not help their neighbor out and get the ox out, or should they.

Which one do they keep? They had to break one to keep the other. And so they. They ranked the commandments in order. When they asked the Lord, what’s the greatest commandment, he said, love God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. On this hangs all the law and the prophets. So everything in the law and the prophets, the Torah boils down to love God, love your neighbor. That’s the law we’re under. We’re under the law of love in the New Covenant. All right, here’s. Here’s a. Here’s a question. Somebody said, where is it here said, this understanding of parish is incorrect.

And then I responded with, what would. I don’t understand that. Could you clarify? And in Genesis, God said, on that day, you shall surely die. But Adam was not annihilated when he ate of the tree, right? Correct. He wasn’t enough. He lived 900 years longer than that. Right, but it’s. But the, It’s. I think the, the sentiment there is not. That’s. Well, I’ll let you. I’ll let you talk about that, because you’re gonna. I don’t want to butcher it. Well, I’m not, you know, I’m not sure how we’re connecting Adam, you know, with the idea of perishing.

He was told he would die that day. And now the big debate is, did he. Was he threatening with physical death? I don’t believe it was. I believe it was spiritual death he was threatened with. Because, again, I believe man was created mortal. I believe we know we’re created. We’re going to die someday. We’re not created to live here forever. We’re created to live with God. And we have to die to go and be in that realm. So I think, you know, the promise to Adam was the day, the day you eat of it, you will surely die.

Well, he didn’t die physically for 900 more years, but he died spiritually that day because God kicked him out of the garden. The garden was the presence of God. And to be out of God’s presence is to be dead. That’s spiritual death. And Romans 5:12 teaches, all men are born into this world dead, spiritually. We’re separated because of what Adam did. Adam was our federal representative. He represented all mankind. And when he sinned, we sinned. And so men are born today spiritually dead. That’s why we need a new birth, because First Corinthians 2:14 says, the natural man doesn’t understand the things of the spirit of God.

He cannot understand them. They’re foolishness to him because we have to be born again first. We can’t understand the natural man who’s the man without the spirit. He doesn’t understand spiritual things. So you need a new birth to be alive. God creates life. God is one who gives people life, and then they can have a relationship with him. But to be out of God’s presence is death. And when you die physically in a state of spiritual death, that’s it for you, you’re gone, you perish. Right. And the, and, and, you know, everlasting life is, is a reward for those who are believers and.

Right. And the, you know, the, the fear of eternal, eternal torment, which is what is, you know, taught by, you know, most churches with hell. The majority of that is really is derived from Dante’s Inferno, correct? Yeah. And it was a, it was a. Basically a weapon used by the church to keep people in line. And it was a money making idea. You know, they brought in a lot, a lot of money. You ever heard the expression cold as hell? Yes. Where does that come from? How can you be cold? Everybody thinks hot as hell is fire.

So how do you get cold as hell? Well, in Dante’s Inferno, the lowest level of hell was cold. Freezing. That came from Dante. So that’s where they got the expression cold as hell from. Really? I did not. You know what, I know you’ve said that in the past, and I probably just forgot it, but that’s, that’s. Wow, I’d forgotten that. But now that you say that, I do remember you saying that. But, you know, hell is a doctrine that does keep people in fear and does, you know, they hope it keeps people in line, you know, in the Catholic Church.

Then came up with purgatory to, you know, make it even worse. And you could buy your relatives out of purgatory. And it’s just a, it’s a money making scheme. And I think hell is the same thing. You try, you know, you try to use hell to keep people online. Well, you’re going to burn in fire forever. Okay, who’s going to burn? Are we literally physically going to burn? Is this body going to burn? What happens when you throw something into fire? It burns up, it’s gone. You know, it doesn’t burn forever. So unless we are, you know, God takes people and turns them into asbestos people and then throws them in a fire that’s going to burn forever and torment them.

That just, you know, that seems very cruel and unusual that God would do that to people when he’s the one who calls people to himself. So I don’t think the Bible teaches hell. I think if you dig into it, you find out that there’s no justification for that at all. I, if you want to go to our website, I’ve got several messages on the issue of hell where we really dig into the languages and deal with the whole idea of it. All right, so there’s a follow up question here. Why wouldn’t perish then be eternal separation from God instead of annihilation? Well, it is eternal separation from God.

I mean if you die without Christ, you’re eternally separated. You’re just gone, you’re done, you’re, you perish like an animal. The Bible talks about that the unsaved man is like an animal. He dies, he’s gone, there’s nothing. It’s only us who have give, been given eternal life by Christ. You know, again, it’s the, it’s a Greek idea that man has immortality and so he has to go one place or another. That’s not what the Bible teaches. Bible teaches all men need eternal life and if they don’t get eternal life, if they don’t trust Christ, they perish.

I, and, and I absolutely agree with that. I’m trying to go up here and the, the chat’s moving kind of fast here. So I’m trying to, I’m trying to catch up with it here. Let’s see, Adam knows what evil is now and he realized he was running Adam knows what evil is now and he is, and he realized he was running around naked and, and how to lie. Okay, the church in Ireland is dated 939 A.D. a parish could be just the folks living in the hills. I don’t really see any like questions here. So why don’t I do this? Let’s.

Yeah, okay, perfect. Thank you, Joe. I have a, I actually asked a couple of moderators to come in tonight because this. I know, I know this topic is incendiary. It is, it is very controversial if you’ve never, if you’ve never listened to it. So, guys, listen, I, I’m going to try to get to everybody’s questions and I want, you know where I’m. Listen, Dave and I are not here trying to force our belief system on you guys at all. This is what we believe. And you know, and, and we believe actually is a. You know, I, I feel like preterism actually makes more sense today than any other, you know, of the dispensational.

Well, you know, why don’t you do this? Why don’t you describe what dispensationalism is? Because I don’t, I don’t think a lot of people really understand that. Oh, I don’t. It’s been so long. Okay. I mean, if you don’t want to, it’s okay. No, it’s like it says dispensations. They divide everything up in different dispensations. Okay. But the, basically the different dispensational view is that, you know, they, they say there’s a coming of Christ, but they really have several coming because Christ comes in a rapture and takes a bunch of people. And then you have seven years of tribulation.

You know that the church, then the arguing there are the church going to go through the tribulation? Well, we believe the tribulation happened. It was judgment on Jerusalem. And Daniel talked about that. Daniel talked about, you know, the suffering of the people. It’s going to be three and a half years. And you know, the Bible talks about, the New Testament tells that the tribulation took place. It was a judgment against Israel. And the Roman siege of Jerusalem lasted for three and a half years. And then you got this thousand year millennial reign of Christ where Christ comes down to the earth and reigns in.

And here’s the crazy thing about dispensationalism. During the thousand years, they’re going back to sacrificing. I’m like, that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The whole Old Covenant was pointing to Christ, all about Christ, every sacrifice, everything they did, all their feast days, everything pointed to Christ. Christ came, fulfilled all the law. And then they want to, they have the reality of Christ. Now we have salvation. They want to go back to sacrificing. What would be the point of that. It was only a picture to point to Christ. We have the reality. Be absolutely foolish to go back to that.

And then the Lord comes and reigns on the earth and we all reign on the physical planet. Of course, they. The big thing of dispensationalism, they make a big distinction between Israel and the church. Two different peoples, two different destinies. One goes to heaven, one lives on the earth, two different covenants. And you know John Hagee, who’s a big ultra dispensationalist. Yeah. You know, he’s. He’s out there teaching that. That Israel doesn’t need the gospel. Okay. We don’t need. They have their own gospel. They don’t need our gospel. And I’m like, do you know that for the first 10 years of the church there was.

That the preaching was only to Jews. The gospel was only going to the Jews for the first 10 years. Why in the world would you say the Jews don’t need the covenant? They don’t need Christ. They don’t need the death of Christ. They have their own covenant. Everybody needs the death of Christ. If we don’t have that, we have nothing. But John Hagee makes a mess of the gospel. He just destroys it. And he’s got Israel out there thinking there’s some special people. Listen, God was finished with Israel in AD 70. He demonstrated that very clearly.

He wiped it out. It is over. Nobody can demonstrate their genealogy going back to them, those people at all anymore. They’re Ashkenazi Jews that live over in the land right now. They have no connection to Christ. They don’t believe in the Bible. They don’t follow the Bible. They believe that Christ is burning an excrement in hell right now. That’s right. That’s what the Jews believe. That they believe the Talmud, but they don’t believe the Bible. And they are not friends of Christians at all. You’ll get arrested in Israel for sharing the gospel. It is against the law.

But Christians want to support these people, send these people their money. These people hate us, okay? Not only do they hate us, they laugh at us. Yeah. So here’s. Here’s a really good question. If Revelations has been fulfilled, this world would continue on for eternity in its current state? Yes. I mean, we believe the Bible doesn’t say anything about the end of the world. It doesn’t. Now, if you have a King James Bible, it talks about the end of the world, but that the world, the word world there is. I own the Greek word ion, and ion means Age.

So I think we can understand that an age can end, but the world goes on. The Bible talks about, you know, God promised never again to destroy the earth and that it’s going to go on and why couldn’t it go on in the way it is right now? The gospel keeps going out, we keep sharing with people, people who come into the faith, they come into the kingdom of God. When we die here, phys, we go into the presence of God. I don’t see any indication of the world ending. All indications are really of the age that was to end and that age ended.

Here’s another good question. When was the millennial reign? Well, as preterists, we believe the millennial Reign was the 40 year period from Christ’s ascension until the second coming. That 40 years was the reign of Christ and that’s what we believe. And the millennium fits into that. Again, on our website we’ve got an excellent message. You go to the website, use the search engine, type in millennium. There’s a message on there by Bob Crookshank Jr. On the Millennium that’ll just answer your questions completely. It’s, it’s a really thorough investigation of that thousand year period. Bob goes over the idea of numbers and how these numbers are not literal.

It’s not literally a thousand years. You know, the Bible says that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Well, who owns it on the thousand and one hills? You know, isn’t that God too? It’s just these numbers are greatly exaggerated in scripture because that’s how the people of that time did it. You know, you read some of the numbers of the armies and some of the people that died and all those numbers are highly exaggerated for a purpose. That’s how they did it in those cultures. And Bob does a great job explaining all that but you know, it’s an hour message that it will give you a lot a good understanding of how we view the millennium.

Okay, so here’s another question. It says Yeshua kept the feast days. Was it just a cultural thing? And I should just point, I just, I just want to give this, this use this opportunity to plug your book, the seven feasts of Yahweh, a book that you didn’t know you wrote. And here’s what’s interesting to brought the feast. Okay, you brought up the feast. The feast, the feast perfectly. Lay out this doctrine of preterism they give. You know, when I studied these feasts and figured out what was going on there, this is, this is a beautiful picture of preterism because most of the church today, anybody that knows anything about the feast, and not many people even know anything about them, they believe the first four feasts were fulfilled, the spring feasts fulfilled exactly at the date and time that God said they would be fulfilled exactly.

And then you have a 40 year gap, which is this four month period between the spring feast and the fall feast, which is the dry season in Israel. Then you have the fall feast and the fall feast, you know, represent the trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the, the Feast of Tabernacles, where we dwell with God and those things all picture. See, you can’t separate the fall feast from the spring feast by 2000 years. No, they happened. There was that 40 year gap and then the fall fees were fulfilled, just like they said. And the Feast of Trumpets is the judgment of God.

And God came in judgment on Jerusalem. It was a trumpet coming, a trumpet judgment. And the Feast of Trumpets was the only feast that was celebrated on the first day of the month, which in Israel, you know, having a lunar calendar, they weren’t, they had to watch and try to figure out when the first day is going to be. They didn’t know. That’s why I said no one knows the day or the hour. They didn’t know for sure when it was going to come. And they needed two witnesses to go before the Sanhedrin and say the, the month has started.

And so these fall feasts bring the completion of redemption. And God’s perfect plan of redemption is laid out in the feasts that were given to Israel. And he told us exact dates when they would happen. It’s amazing. And Jerusalem fell in August of A.D. 70. And that’s when the Feast of Trumpets took place. Yeah. Again, if you go back and you look at Josephus’s what was the Jewish war? And you read that account, the firsthand account of what was going on, it literally is like an overlay of, of Revelation. It absolutely is. And I would challenge you to read the book of Revelation.

And they read Josephus, War of the Jews and then read Rebel and you’ll see it’s like, what in the world they’re talking about the exact same thing. And like, if you want to make it a little quicker, get David Chilton’s book Days of Vengeance. And Chilton does that. He shows you Revelation, then he shows you, here’s what Josephus says and you can see how they match up so incredibly. I mean this, this is not coincidence, people. This is providence. There’s a, there’s a, there’s a great, there’s a great book that was written by Pete and Rachel Rue.

Am I saying that correctly? Yes, you are. Yep. Yeah. So here’s this book here. I’m sorry, I got my, my lights. It’s glossy and it’s. This is a really, really good book. Big, big writing. It’s kind of. It’s almost like one of Mike King’s books. Right. It’s not a. It’s not a super fast read. It has a little bit of, of, you know, studying and whatnot. But it, it gives you everything that you. If you are curious about revelation and whatnot. This is a fantastic book. It is. Pete, Rachel did a great job. They got scriptures in there.

They got charts and graphs and just a good layout of the preterist view with all the scriptures that go with it. So you can check it out. And let me just say something that I say to the church all the time. I’m not asking you to believe me, okay? I’m not asking you to accept this and I’m not. I’m asking you, don’t reject it. What I’m asking you to do is study it. That’s all I. That’s all I want. Just look into it for yourself and see if the things I’m saying are true and if they bear witness, then believe it.

If not, go on. Here, here is a good question. How popular is preterism internationally today and historically? Well, I don’t know how popular. I know it’s growing in popularity. I mean, I hear from people every week and, and there’s people, yes, there’s people overseas. I know of people in a lot of different countries. I know pastors in different countries. There’s a pastor in Mexico that we as a church support who is a full preterist. There’s a pastor in Ukraine who’s a full preterist that, you know, is involved in ministry work there and taking the gospel of the people of Ukraine.

And, and like I said, I. There’s more and more people coming on board. Right. I was thinking just today, you know, I was online back in 97. There wasn’t. There wasn’t much going on online back then. Now there’s predators, preachers popping up all over the place, you know, people doing YouTube videos on predatorism and a lot of good stuff out there. And I’m just amazed at how much is out there now. And you know, you can find it on Tick Tock. You can find it on YouTube. And we’re on Rumble because we keep getting kicked off of YouTube because they censor everything I say.

Yeah. And, and I, I would say that the, the idea of, you know, the rapture and this, the dispensational, most of that really is derived out of the Scofield reference Bible, which was targeted specifically to an American audience. Correct. And for a purpose. And for a purpose. And so the, you know, when you realize that, you know, I would say, you know, you go back and you look at a lot of these, A lot of the churches, like you know, Russian Orthodox or Greek Orthodox, they don’t necessarily, I don’t know where they are in terms of, of a futuristic second coming, but I do know that they, they’re not, they don’t teach Rapture.

Rapture theology. Yeah, well, I think a lot of people are waking up and moving away from that whole idea. But, but yeah, it’s definitely growing. I mean there’s, because of the Internet now especially, like I said, I see. I hear from new people all the time. Write me and tell me that they, they’ve just come to this view and many pastors are seeing this and they’re just, there’s some pastors right now and some fairly large churches that are having their eyes open and they’re just stuck. Now what do I do? Do I reveal this to the people or, you know, and it’s, it can be pretty scary.

Like you said, you know, you could lose your job. But I got kicked out of my church because they just, you know, they couldn’t handle that. So that’s okay. You know, this is, I just asked that you would look at these scriptures and look at these time statements and what are they telling you? Why does he have a time statement with every time he talks about the coming of Christ? And you just can’t make soon be 2, 000 years. It just destroys the word soon. It doesn’t mean what it says, you know, and God meant what he says then, you know, in the book of Hebrews.

The writer of Hebrews says in a very, very little while, he who is coming will come and will not tarry. I mean he. You just couldn’t make more emphasis upon it than. And that was like written like five or six years before the Lord came. So he was really stressing it’s very soon. Here’s a question. Which one was it to be? 930 some years old, having 45 generations of 20 year olds. I can’t imagine how many great, great, great, great status that is at one time. I’m not really sure I understand that question. Yeah, when they live that long you know, I mean, Adam was probably still alive when Noah was alive.

Right? You can imagine that and you can imagine the history and sharing with one another. I mean, that’s incredible. Okay, so. And somebody’s asking me about Dennis Prater, Dennis Prager’s recent Bible translation. Any opinions? I don’t know a thing about it. Never heard of it. Okay, is the Rapture from Darby? Well, supposedly that’s where it came from. Yeah, Darby is some Scottish girl had some vision or something and you know, he put the whole thing together and came up with this. It’s just, you know, it comes out of 1st Thessalonians 4, you know, but I don’t think there’s any rapture in that passage.

It’s just, you know, it talks about the second coming is what that’s dealing with and us being caught up to be with the Lord in the sense, in a spiritual sense, not literally being in the air, but the believers taking on eternal life because once they trusted in him. Once they become Christians and we have eternal life, how. How can Adam or mankind be made in God’s image, but some perish like the beast of the field at the same time? Good question. I don’t know. The Bible definitely says we’re made in the image, but you know, if you don’t believe in perishing, then you believe in hell and so that.

Is that better? Yeah, I’m assuming they are pretty interesting. But he. I don’t, I don’t know if this is a question. Maybe I’m getting. He doesn’t believe. Yeshua, it was Messiah. I don’t. That we don’t believe that. Not at all. Follow up. First century Christians believed in preterism. Right. Isn’t this a current problem, last couple hundred years? Well, I think the first century Christians, like I said, they believed that Christ was coming in their generation. Right. Bible is very clear on that, you know, and the Lord said this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

And if you look at back in the context of Matthew 24, all these things are, you know, he names what they all are and the coming of Christ. You know, these things all took place in that generation. Now I think, you know, if you go back through past generations, you know, you can find people all over the place who certain passages they take in a preteristic sense, they understand what the passage was saying, they understood what soon mean, what shortly meant, but they never put the whole thing together to understand. Yes, this was the coming of Christ, but you can find plenty of it in history.

Where the people did believe certain texts the way we do. MP20, can you please speak more on the purpose and intention of the Schofield Bible? I would. I’m gonna. You. I’m not. This is. That’s. This is the wrong conversation for that. I’m going to direct you to a couple of. Of shows that I did quite a while, probably in the last. Within the last year that talk about. That talk about the Schofield reference Bible and who, you know, Darby and Schofield and how you know all that stuff and why. And it was. It was articles written by.

Oh, it says. My, my. I’m having. I’m having a brain fart today. What was James Perloff? I. I will post that link. It’s actually. Didn’t Candace Owens recently do something on that, too? I think so. Yeah. Yeah, she. Yeah, she’s. She’s. She’s kind of on it now. Like, she’s. She’s really on it right now. So. You know what, guys? The chat’s moving so doggone fast. I’m just gonna put the phone number up because I want to get. I want to begin to get you guys some phone calls here. So I’m going to go ahead and show the phone number.

If you want to participate, give me a call and we will. And then you can actually talk to Pastor Dave yourself. So. Because I want to get your. I want to get your questions answered, but I think it would be much better if you actually call in, so. Oh, I guess I need to turn the do not disturb off. So if anybody does call, it will answer. Let me see while we’re waiting on that. Are you familiar with James Perloff? Me? Yeah. Yes, I am. Okay. I’ve used some of his material when I was dealing with the messages I did on Israel, you know.

Right. Here we go. Hello. Hey, Ron. Hello. Who’s. Who do we have the pleasure of talking to? S. Jones. S. Jones. How you doing? I’m doing good. I’m doing good. I am so glad you had Pastor Dave back. Okay. Because I’m. I’ve been. You can hear. Can you. Can you hear her? I can. Okay. Okay. So I have, like, just a couple of small questions because it’s like, been beating my head against the wall with family members. I finally got them to understand that, you know, the happening now in this generation and all that. They’re opening their eyes to that.

Can you hear me? Yep. Okay. So. But they keep throwing in my face, but what about the Rapture? And I just. I don’t I can’t get them to understand that where do you see in the Bible rapture? And they immediately go to the preaching of their pastors and all that. And I can’t get them to understand that that is like an interpretation and not actually what’s in the Bible. Right. There’s a. There’s actually a really. Let’s see, where is it? I think I have that. Do I have that book right here? But there’s a book. Doesn’t Don Preston talk about that last days identified.

Doesn’t he talk about the Rapture in this one? I’m not sure. I’m sure he talks about it somewhere. Yeah. But I’ve got so many books about this. I can only pick out a few. But I identified the idea itself comes from 1st Thessalonians, chapter 4. And the word rapture is not in there, but you know, the word harpazo is. And they try to take it from that, but the texts are talking about First Thessalonians 4, 13 says, I do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep. You may not grieve as others who have no hope.

So people are dying and they’re worried about what happens to our. Our dead loved ones. All right? For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so through Jesus, God will bring with us those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare by you the word of the Lord that we who are alive and left until the coming will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of a command, the voice of archangel, the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

And that’s the idea. They said they somehow got a rapture out of this passage, that God is sucking people off the planet. And that’s not what the text is talking about at all. Yeah. And then trying. Actually, the rapture comes from verse 14, I mean, verse 17, where it says, then we who are alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. That’s the one. Yeah. And so shall we always be with the Lord. Well, caught up in the clouds is the one, right? They just hang on.

Yeah, they really do. And. And you know, like I said, the rapture is not there. Caught up is the word harpazo. But I don’t think it has anything to do with, you know, physically being in the air. It’s being and joining in the presence of the Lord in a spiritual sense. If you want to Go to our website. We got that, that, that passage. We dealt with all of Thessalonians. So you can go in there and, and we got recently, and you can, you can get all the information that I put in there. It’s about an hour long message on that should answer your question.

Some ammunition to deal with them, I believe. Sj, is she. She follows you all the time now? I’m a frequent, frequent person there. Frequent flyer, yeah. Oh, a very frequent flyer. Ever since the first time I saw you on Ron’s shadow, I have been in your church. Wow, that’s amazing. How long ago was that? Four years. It’s been over a year now. Okay, so the last one. Last time we were doing it. Ron. Yeah, yeah, the last one we did, I think it was about 18 months ago. Okay. If I remember correctly. So. And the other problem, and I.

I actually saw it in the chat too, that, you know, because everybody’s on the Satan kick and the devil and all this stuff, and they’re. They’re. Well, the world is so evil and so coordinated. How could Satan be gone? How do people not realize that men are evil? Yeah. Yeah, they certainly are. We are just. We are evil. It is the depravity of man has nothing to do with Satan. Well, people feel they need them and they want someone to blame for all the evil in the world. But, yeah, like I said, James makes it clear that the evil comes from within us.

It’s out of our own desires that these things come. You know, you look at something like our, Our current congress and you can understand that, you know, there might be demon possession because you see those men and there’s so much evil there. But it’s just. It’s just, you know, more. The more power people get, the more evil they become, the more they think they can have and they can take. And, you know, it’s just. It’s man’s depravity. Men are evil and they need Christ. And that’s what I always tell people. Yeah, absolutely. That’s your question. All right, I have another.

This is another person. I’m gonna follow up. That was somebody called in while you were. While you were on. So I’m gonna. I’m gonna hang up with you. Good to see you again, Pastor Dave. Thanks for watching. Appreciate it. Thanks, sj. We’ll talk to you soon. Take care. Bye. Okay, you got guys, when you call. That’s loud. Hello, this is. Hey, Mike. Okay. And. And just let me make a quick announcement, guys, if you could. If you call in and I’M gonna. I’m probably going to. If I’m on the phone with somebody, I’m gonna. I’m gonna, like, reject the call and text you back.

So everybody’s calls are going to get answered tonight. So, Mike, what’s your question for. What’s your question for Pastor Dave? Well, it isn’t as much a question as much as it is a clarification of why God allowed divorce when they negotiated that with Moses. And basically, it’s for infidelity. And as such, God had to kill his first bride, the nation of Israel, in order to marry his new bride, the church through Christ. And that’s something I think would help people understand that. Why did God have to destroy Israel? Because he had to divorce them. And by divorcing him, he had to kill them.

Because if you. The only way you can remarry is if one of the two participants has died. Does that make sense? What do you. What are your thoughts on that day? Yeah, God did divorce Israel. There’s no doubt about that. And he did destroy it. I don’t think he destroyed it just because he had to. He destroyed it because they were evil. That’s the problem. You know, man just gave him the law to say, you know, the law was to prove you can’t live this way. You can’t live this way on your own. You need me.

And that’s what it’s all about. We have. We need Christ. We can’t honor God with our life apart from him. True, true. So we’ve been through. I’m with Mike Grace and his Bible study group. We will. We’ve been going through Hebrews quite a bit. And that was where I came up with that. That kind of. That idea that, okay, God had to allow divorce, but only for infidelity and wanted to accuse the whole nation of Israel for centuries. Infidelity. So are you guys still meeting in Florida? Yes, we are. We’ve been. I’ve been with them for a couple of years now, but they’ve been doing this for more than 15 years, I think.

So. Mike, Mike, can you turn off the volume of whatever’s in the background? Well, it’s. You guys. I know. It’s. It’s. There you go. Okay. Okay. Much. Much better. Thank you. All right. I just. I just muted it, but yeah. In fact, Dave, I’m so excited I met you at Jones at. Over Jonesboro. Okay. You know, we’re Mike and Connie from Florida, and basically we had a wonderful time there, and I’m looking forward to coming to your Conference in April. I’ve already signed up and we’ve got our hotel booked and everything. So we’re excited about that.

Yeah, I know. I know who you are now. Okay. I remember you. There was quite a few people in Jones. I know. Now, Mike Sullivan challenged me to write an article about something that I confronted him with. I said, with the deep state. I’m convinced they’re preterists because they know that Jesus isn’t coming to judge them and that’s why they’re doing all of this stuff and why they’re putting that sign out to everybody to disarm all the Christians so that they don’t rise up against them. And I think they know. And so I wrote an article for Mike Sullivan’s website.

He challenged me to write it and put it in writing. He said he’d publish it on there. But I can send you that article if you’d like to see it, or you can go to Mike Sullivan’s website. Okay, read it there. But I’ll have to check it out because they’re going to get your comments. Whether they believe the Lord came or not, they’re going to get judged. Oh, exactly. I said, what? And that’s what I point out in the article. One thing that they. They think if we can get our family to control the world, we’ll control this earth forever because Jesus isn’t coming back.

Well, what they forget about is God is sovereign and he’s only allowing what he allows until he doesn’t again. Amen, brother. And so, you know, it’s really fascinating and I, you know, we are avid members of your church online, and we’re never going to stop that because you’re the only one that I find that really makes sense of everything. Did you, did you find him because of me? Yes, I did that. I saw your headline two years ago a little more that said, the end times may not be what you think. And I said, I did studies on it.

I taught on it for a decade. And so basically what I did was I said, well, okay, I’ll listen just to hear another take on it. And they blew me away. And when I found out about preterism, it’s like, whoa. So I got the book from, from Glen Hill, read that, ordered 10 more of them, gave those out. And I got kicked out of my church because I gave it to two of the pastors in my church to read that book. And they said, you’re okay. So this is, this is full circle for me because I got a phone call one day From Dave and he was talking about you.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this is full circle. Well, I also gave him my cancer protocol. Right. Yep. That and basically, you know, just I’m convinced because I’m never going to take chemo or radiation and I’ve had five different melanomas, but none of them have gone outside the margins. And so, so that’s why, you know, I felt I needed to put that in writing and put a little bit of substance to it so people could understand that Fenbens is always a cure for cancer and we just need to be able to let people know that. So at any rate’s good stuff.

A lot of good stuff. It is really good stuff. Absolutely. Well, it is. And it cures so many other things. And I think there’s more things that are parasite driven than people realize. A thousand, A thousand percent agree with you. Well, there’s a lot of, A lot of cures out there that they’re trying to keep covered up and hidden, you know, and I’m hoping with this new administration. Oh, I know there see some things. There were multiple ones in the 20s and 30s and yet they all got law, fared to death and run out. That’s because the Rothschilds bought out the medical industry and produced their own textbooks and covered up all the truth.

Well, exactly, exactly. Well, David, I, I sometime one of these days, you and I have to get on the phone together. I’d love to talk to you about a few of the things that we’re going through in our Bible study and just we’d love to have you join us if you’d like. Don Preston has joined us on a couple of occasions. Well, that’s cool. That’s awesome. So, all right. Well guys, I love what you’re doing and I appreciate it and we’ve got to bring this subject up more often because I think this is going to become the predominant view once people realize that, wait a minute, the end time isn’t coming and it’s going to be a lot of disillusioned Christians and they’re going to be looking for something to give them some answers.

And I think this is the answer. I think it’s interesting, Mike, that you know, you were somebody who was hardcore believer in a futuristic second coming and were swayed. What was, what was it? Let me ask you this because this is, this is, I think this is important. What was it that was like your aha moment? What was it? Just realized I’d never heard of hermeneutics. And to be honest, in all the studies That I did. There was never one time a mention of A.D. 70. And that’s what threw me off. When David started talking 80, 70, what in the world is that? And then he clarified and I thought, oh, well, yeah, I knew it was gone, but I, you know, Revelation was written in what, 93.

At least that’s what I thought. So what relevance does that have? Well, Kenneth Gentry’s book really brought that into perspective. And, but it was just that idea that, Wait a minute, audience, relevance. I, I taught for 40 years in the church. I was a Bible teacher and I understood the Bible. I thought I said it was a love letter from God to me and man. That was an eye opener to realize I’m reading somebody else’s mail. I got a fur and see this Bible study group, they’re so intent on finding the interpretation. Well, I’m an application guy.

So I would come up and I’d say something. They’d say, merck, Merck, stop. That’s an application. We’re looking for the interpretation. So I’d give myself a slap on the face and then we’d go on again and I’d say something else. They said, merck, Merck, that’s an application. Okay? And I’ve learned now that, you know, I’ve understood that I gotta stop looking for an application until I get the correct interpretation to see if it really pertains. It’s much like this issue of, of women speaking Church. Wait a minute. You’re supposed to have your head covered. You’re not supposed to speak and you can’t teach a man.

Well, that was cultural. Then why can’t a woman teach today? Well, they can. And my daughter is a very strong teacher with the Navigator Ministry in Australia and she’s very authoritative and understands Scripture. Why can’t she teach? Well, culturally, in today’s society, you can. So it didn’t really have application for that purpose. That’s an interesting, that’s, that’s an interesting thought. I, you know, I never, I’d never really given that much, much consideration. But that’s, but that’s, that’s interesting thought talking about it being cultural because, because if you, you look back at that, that area of the world, and even to this day, culturally speaking, women are basically second class citizens.

Right? But that’s not the culture here. And as such, you know, it doesn’t go against the Bible for a woman to speak speak because again, make application based on what was cultural at that time and what it meant to the right, to the readers at that time. Right? We don’t have the same impression today. So that’s one example I use to show people how you apply something culturally and whether it really applies to you today Biblically. I’m going to pause you here for a second because there’s a question in here, and I’m going to ask this to Dave.

The, the phrase, the phrase world to be burned with fervent heat is a. In. Is a reference to The Bible verse 2nd Peter3.10, which describes the day of the Lord where, where the elements will melt with fervent heat. How can you say the earth will not be destroyed? That’s a good question. And I understand that that verse in, in Second Peter chapter three, would, you know, people read that and they, they automatically. It sounds like, oh, this is. Definitely sounds like the world burning up. But the word elements there is the. Is the Greek word stoichion.

And actually, you know, stoichion has the idea of principles of Judaism, but it can also be used of false gods. All right, so that’s an interesting text there. But the second Peter is talking about the day of the Lord. Okay, so if you take that back to Malachi, the day of the Lord is a day of judgment against Jerusalem. That is the context. That’s what the day of the Lord is all about. And as you use the day of the Lord, all the times that’s used in the Old Testament, it’s used of many different destructions. When God wiped out a country, wiped out a nation, in the New Testament, it’s only used about Israel.

All right, if the day of the Lord is God’s judgment on Israel, he brought the Roman army in. He destroyed them. That language is apocalyptic. And if you’re not familiar with the writings of the Old Testament, you’re not going to understand that. That’s not talking about, figuratively, you know, the elements. There is not talking about the elements of matter. The periodic table. That’s not what that word is. That’s not what it’s talking about. And the fiery judgment was a judgment that Jerusalem experienced. Rome burned Jerusalem to the ground. Now, again, if you want to go on our website, we’ve got 2nd Peter 3 on the website and we had a great search engine.

You can search hardly anything you want, but if you search Day of the Lord, it’ll bring up that idea of Peter and give you a good explanation of what’s going on there. But that’s what that text is about. That text is not about the end of the world. And, and again, the earth as you have to Understand, when they talk about the Earth, they’re not talking about the globe and the planet. They’re talking the Earth back then was a euphemism for Israel. Yeah. And the word there is gay, and gay means the land. Right. The land being the land of Israel.

Right. The whole world. Correct. So. All right, well, Mike, did you have any other questions? No, that was pretty much just a comment that I wanted to add in there. But I enjoy what you’re doing, and thank you very much. And if, Ron, if you would want me to send you that protocol that I sent today, please do. Just text me. Email, Text me your email, and I will send that to you. I will do that. Actually, I’m going to text you from a different number that is, that you’re calling from, but I’ll text you shortly.

Yeah, because this, this is my personal cell phone, so you can text me back to this and. Okay. Yeah, this is, this is, this is my, this is the number that I use strictly for Collins, but it is, it is, it’s. It. I can text from it, but I don’t really. I don’t use it to. Only, Only for this purpose. Okay, well, thanks, Mike. I appreciate what you’re doing with the cancer protocol. We definitely need some alternatives to, to cut, poison and burn. Amen. Exactly. Yeah. All right, both of you, I appreciate what you’re doing and keep carrying on, brother.

Thanks, Mike. Appreciate it. Thanks, Mike. All right, anybody, Anybody else want to call in? We’re only, we’re only an hour and a half in, guys. Come on. We, we got some, we got some time to kill and some. I mean, but I’m not going to keep David here forever if, But I mean, I, I, I sincerely want you to call. I. We put this together specifically for people who have questions about, you know, about this topic. And the harder the question, the better because, you know, a lot of people, they don’t want to participate because they’re afraid that they’re going to sound stupid or, or whatever.

Don’t, don’t feel, don’t feel that way at all. We want to please call in if. And if you’re, you know, you want to just be incognito about it, just go to our website and you can, like I said, type in any question, anything in the search engine. It’ll bring up every message we did on that. And we have everything there in text form. We have an audio form. We have it in video form. So you can pick your choice and listen or watch however you want. Okay. How you doing, Gary? Hello, Ron, you got. If you have me on the audio in the background, please turn that.

Or please turn that down. Turning it down right now. It’s down now. All right. How you doing, Gary? Hanging in there yourself? I am. Well, what are you. What’s your. You have a question for Dave? I don’t know. You have never heard you guys speak about Elena Danon, Michael Salah or Alex Collier. The whole E. T. UFO Stuff going on. But I wanted to maybe ask pastor David what his thoughts are on about Anunnaki, the nephilim. And just. I just watched Alana Danon’s YouTube video. It was a few weeks ago when the drones came out and she was suggesting it’s a mix of Etsy.

Then the deep state are sending, you know, regular drones in to kind of mess with and. And, you know, distract the topic. I just wanted to ask his opinion on that. Maybe. I don’t know. Well, I. I know you did. You did a message yesterday on the. On the nephilim. Right. I can. I can talk about the nephilim. I believe the nephilim were giants. I believe they were all wiped out with the flood, first of all, and then secondly, with the conquest of David that. That race was wiped out. So I, I believe that they are, you know, but as far as extraterrestrials, ets, I don’t.

I believe we live in a closed system and there’s no way they could get in or influence our world. That’s my view. Interesting. I believe the Bible teaches we live on a flat earth with a dome over it and. Okay, I’m sorry, we’re protected. It’s a closed environment. Okay. So. Yeah, and, you know, I’m. I, I think we’re a globe, but I think there’s a. There’s a shield around us that is containing us somehow, some way. And that’s kind of, you know, I. Hard to. Hard to come down on that because. Have you been out there yet or have I been out there in outer space yet? No, I have the Bible and the Bible talks about the rakia and I think it gives us quite a bit of information about it.

And I have an older king James Bible, 50 years old, and that’s why I was asking earlier, I typed earlier about Dennis Prager’s bibles is, you know, getting through that thousand page book or so. It’s a little print in my eyes. But appreciate. Appreciate your opinion and I’m gonna be a new follower of your well, thanks. Thanks for joining us Appreciate you coming. Appreciate the question. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Yep. Ron, thanks. Take care. Okay, so somebody, I think that probably got here a little bit late and they asked about the millennial reign and I’ll just let you just kind of just repeat what you talked about in terms, you know, go to, go to the, go to the website and look at the.

Bob. Good chick. But that’s a, that’s a very difficult name. Predators have different views on a lot of things. You know, we’re not unified on a lot of things. I mean. Correct. But, but I think most predators believe that the millennium was from the ascent the ascension of Christ until the second coming. Okay, so it was a, during. It was a 40 year period on this earth. And I, I told people before, if you go to our website and type in the search engine Bob Crookshank or type in millennium, you’ll get Bob’s message on it. Bob did an excellent message on the millennium.

Great detail. I think, I think you’ll enjoy that. Let’s see the. We have a phone call. And who are, who do we have the pleasure of talking to? Hello, my name is Ray. Hey Ray, how you doing? I am totally fascinated and I have been bugging heavenly Father and bugging him. I said things just are not right. My understanding is Schofield and Darby were funded by Rothschild money which automatically, as I looked into that, put warning signs up in me. My question is this. I have been an organic farmer and gardener before. It was cool. I teach organic farming and gardening.

Covid shut me down from going to Uganda to teach but as well as save seed strains. Now my question to you sir, if you would, Pastor, is what information, if anything, can you help steer me in the direction of. Because I’m very fascinated with. You know, we found that the frequency of early morning birds open up the stomata cells on the other side of the leaves. We just found a number of things out which trace that back to me to pre flood days. And, and so my, my avid curiosity is planned in the Bible, Genesis, what.

What information do you have? Anything in the regards of that? I’m sorry, I don’t sir, but that sounds like an interesting subject. That’s for sure. And I, I really appreciate, appreciate you as an organic farmer because they’re trying to kill us with these crops. They are. And I also just real quick. My favorite translation is the Pashetta. I feel it’s one of the more accurate translations I’ve been able to find and I was curious what you thought of that. The Aramaic text being translated into English in the Pashetta and what you prefer? Well, I think it’s good.

I use the esv. I like the esv. I like the Christian Standard Bible, but there’s a lot of good translations out there. My thing is, though, compare them, you know, use several different, you know, do your Bible reading in different translations. You’ll get a different, different flavor for things at different times. But I just try to encourage people to compare the different translations and spot where there’s great differences. Okay. Now, do you have, how much translation can you get into in your website with your information? I’ve already got that together. Do you have anything in regards to Genesis and the understanding of things? Because what I’m seeing is it all involves frequencies, it involves light, just, just a, a number of things.

I, I, I found that, for example, by using the early morning songbird frequencies and by using a dilution of trace minerals and amino acids, which are, you see, the plants and humans and animals all need the same things to be up and kicking proper. And if we don’t get them from the plants or the minerals, we aren’t going to kick property, you know, or the animals with the food leave. And that’s where we’ve gotten into trouble today. And, and so I’m, I’m just kind of curious. I, I’m craving to know more in regards to Genesis and anything I can find out along those lines.

And I didn’t know if you had any further information that might help steer me in that direction. No, I have some stuff on Genesis, but nothing as far as the vibrations and stuff like that. I, I think there’s, there’s definitely something to that. I mean, we’re, we are vibration, you know, we are frequency. So I definitely understand what you’re talking about there. But no, I have not done much on that in Genesis. I don’t know anybody that has. Okay. All right. What I have found is that, for example, we have pecan trees growing in Minnesota, you know, in Wisconsin.

And, and we had unheard of things happening every year. The nuts got bigger, the walnuts and the butternuts and, and others had bigger and, and more leaves, even of the leaflets in the butternuts and walnuts. And it just fascinates me because I, I think this is again, pre flood in the way the Garden of Eden was designed. Right. Well, I saw something, I saw something just the other day where they had palm trees on the side of a cell phone tower, and the palm trees right around the tower had all died. Right. That’s interesting. Yeah. And every time they change frequencies, you know, people come down with these different sicknesses.

So I, I think, you know, there’s a lot in the world we don’t understand. Yeah, there’s a lot to. There’s a lot to that. There’s a lot to that. Well, I, I know that the, the food is more nutritionally dense. I know the food, when I started supplying it, harvested right fresh and took proper care of it and delivered it right away. They, they said great, two weeks later and I’m pleased another order with you. And look at this is in my cooler and lettuce doesn’t last this long or you know. And so I see the longevity and storage just so many different things.

But to me the key is nutritionally, that’s what the key is. And the thing is we need the same trace minerals and amino acids that plants and animals do to thrive. And if we don’t have them, we don’t work copper. I agree. So anyway, I just wondered that. I was hoping digging up any information I can to help better educate people. I, I am praying that I’ll be able to get back get over to Uganda and nurse her over there. I’m ordained administrator and, and as well as teach organic farming and seed saving. I’ve. I’ve got Mountain of the Moon University and Fort Portal and others.

I’ll be working with students over, over there. So I’m just trying to gather as much together as I can before I head that direction. I appreciate that. Keep up the good work. Keep it up. Absolutely. Appreciate the. Appreciate before to a live call. I greatly appreciate it and I’m going to be digging into your website and probably give you an email or two. I’d like to keep up communication with you if I could please pass. All right, brother, excellent. We appreciate it. And a new year. Thank you so much for that. I appreciate it. Alrighty. Have a good night, brother.

All right, there’s a great question in here. Let’s see, where is it here? The chat’s moving really fast. Where is it? You can’t stop that from rolling through. Oh, I wish I could. It’s. It comes well right now it’s coming in fast. We talked about the 40 years. Where is it? Here, I think. Okay, I answered that one. I think there was a different. I thought, oh no, here it is. It was. Okay, I’m confused. If all the Bible has been fulfilled and I’m what you’re meaning by that yarn is if all. If all prophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled why should we even follow it now? Are we just reliving history now? That’s a good question.

What we’re saying as preterists is all prophecy has been fulfilled. God made these different prophecies, prophecies of the coming of Christ and all that would. Now we’re living in the completed form. It’s. It’s. When we say prophecy is fulfilled, it doesn’t mean it’s fulfilled and stopped. It’s fulfilled and it’s ongoing. All right? Men are still coming into the kingdom. In Revelation, the Spirit and the bride say, come, and men are coming to Christ. They’re. They’re coming into the kingdom of God, they’re learning of God, they’re serving God. The world goes on, you know, and when we physically die, we go into the spirit realm to dwell eternally with the Lord, but it’s ongoing.

And. And we. We’re taking the gospel to people who’ve never heard it and sharing it with them. And that could be someone right next door to you who’s never heard of it before. But. So it is ongoing. It is not finished. Prophecy is over in the sense that the things that they prophesied were the coming of Christ, and that has come. The Messiah has come. He has died for man’s sin. He’s provided redemption. We’re living in that. So we’re living in the eternal kingdom right now, enjoying the blessings of that kingdom. It’s ours and it’s ongoing, and it will be ongoing.

Men will be born into it, live in it, and die. But because prophecy is fulfilled doesn’t mean it’s over. It’s just we’re in a completed state now. It’s consummated. Okay, so I’m. I was waiting for. I got lost there. I was waiting on a phone call. I thought we were on a phone call, but that was not so. Duh. Let’s see here. Yeah, I believe cell towers are dangerous as well. Trying to go back here. And. And, guys, listen, I. I know there’s some people in here who. They. They didn’t really like what you said about flat earth, because the flat earth is kind of a.

Is another incendiary topic. Yeah, sorry. I’m not smart enough to keep my mouth shut when I should, maybe. But, you know, that’s just. I. I’m sorry. I just think the Bible teaches that, you know, so. Right. And. And guys, he’s not taking that stance because that’s. It’s a popular stance. He’s taking that stance from reading from Scripture. So. So don’t yeah, believe me, I know, I know. It’s not popular. Yeah, forgive me. Who do I have the pleasure of, of talking to in the chat? Hello, ron, this is MP20. Hi, my name is Mary. Mary, hi.

Nice. I’m so glad you called in because you actually have good questions. So. What? Well, I was so excited that you decided to do this instead of sending me an email with a bunch of links. This is like unbelievable. That’s right. I forgot I was supposed to send you an email and I got sidetracked and failed. So my apologies. Well, that’s okay to be said, you know, take your time. No rush. So, yeah, so I have studied a lot, but this is one area I never took seriously and have not really, you know, looked into it much because, you know, I thought, well, they think the millennial reign has already happened and that’s ridiculous.

But then, you know, there have been some things that I’ve. Well, my lunch break, for example. You know, that channel is awesome, you know, and they’re always talking about, you know, the, the old, you know, world and the structures and, you know, there are a lot of that don’t line up, you know, that I look at. And so I am interested in learning more about this. And the question I called in with right now was the Beast System. The Beast system, as in, like, as in the Mark of the Beast? Yes. Okay, so what’s your, what, what, what is your question specifically about the Beast? Is it, are you, are you, are, are you thinking that the, the, the Mark of the Beast and the Beast is still a futuristic type type situation? Is that kind of what you, is that where you’re going with that? Well, that’s what a lot of people fear.

I mean, they live ripped with fear daily, like with the financial system, qfs, all of it. And so, you know, I’m interested to know what the preterist view is on it. Well, the book of Revelation as a, as I shared earlier, the time statements bracket the book. Everything in that book was to happen soon in the first century. It was written to seven literal churches that existed in Asia Minor at that time. And it was written to them and to the people in those churches. And all that stuff was to happen. And it all held to deal with Rome.

The beast was Nero. Rome was the one that attacked and destroyed Jerusalem and wiped it out. All those things, the apocalyptic language in there is all stuff that was prophesied though through Isaiah and Jeremiah and the prophets talked about this, what would happen and that people don’t. The sad thing is People don’t have to live in fear of that. That’s. It’s something that’s in our past. The great tribulation is over. It was against Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the three and a half year wait war that Rome waged against Jerusalem. And you know, it’s done the 666. That, that was Nero.

And you know, if you read into Nero and some of his history, he was a beast. He was, he was, he did the people he killed. He killed his own mother. He killed, he just, he was a. Just a sick person. He would take Christians and put them on stakes, poles, cover them with tar and light them on fire to light his garden. He would cover Christians with animal skins and then release wild animals to tear them apart. He was, he was a terrible person. And the tribulation was during his reign. But it’s all over, you know, it’s history for us.

But I think what you’re getting at is, you know, I think the, the popular Christian, the evangelical mindset towards the beast system is that we are, we are still facing a system that is going to be persecuting Christians. Well, Christians have been persecuted all throughout, throughout time. Always. Yeah. And they always will be. I feel as though that is something that, let’s just call it the deep state, for lack of a better term for conversational purposes, that the deep state is utilizing the, Our fear of a beast system and the churches, I call it churchianity in terms of.

Not Christianity, because I don’t really truly believe the churches are doing, you know, favors to Christians. And I don’t eat. They’re leading, they’re leading them like lambs to the slaughter specifically for this, you know, into this beast system that you talk about. But this system that’s being cultivated is being cultivated by man. It’s not being, being cultivated by, by a, you know, a godlike figure. Correct. Would you say that’s accurate, Dave? Yeah, I tell you the truth today. I would think the head of the beast is Israel, you know, and they’re teaching Christians that Israel is all.

There are people and we’re supposed to support them and, you know, be all in their favor. And they’re the ones who are propagating most of this stuff. You know, that’s where the, a lot of the junk comes from, the persecution and misinformation and. But yeah, that, that system, that system is over. That system is done. You know, we live in the kingdom of God now. And if Christians would just understand who they are and what they have in Christ, you know, there’s no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear. We don’t have to live in fear.

We can live in victory through Christ. So then the, the scriptures that talk about, you know, bearing the mark of the, the, the beast, the number of, you know, man, 666 and not being able to buy or sell without it. Has that already happened? Yes, that’s already happened. All the book of Revelation was fulfilled in AD 67 through AD 70. There’s a three and a half year period, the Great Tribulation and it was the destruction of Jerusalem. And if you read some of the things they went through in that slaughter, it’s, it’s heart wrenching. But that is all past, it’s all history.

It ended in 80, 70. So, and, and, and to address your question, I think from, from a more historical and you know, geopolitical perspective there. What, that’s what they, I mean, trust me, the people who are, who are wanting us to be subjugated in slavery in perpetuity on this planet, they know exactly what they’re doing and they’re utilizing religion or churchianity, if you will, to foster that belief system in people. And so, you know, I do believe that there is a system that’s coming that is trying, that where man is trying to instill a beast like system.

But it’s not anything that is biblical. It’s something that is derived by man, by those men who are trying to control society and they’re using it as, as a, as a fear mechanism. Well then one more. Well, I’m just gonna make no statement. No, no, you don’t, you don’t. You, you have, if, if you have more questions, I’ll, I’ll keep you on as long as you want. Okay? Well, I do, but I also wanted to say that I don’t believe in organized religion and I really haven’t, you know, for most of my life. I went to a Baptist church when I was younger and when they would sit and talk about Israel, Israel, Israel, I was wondering about us.

Where did that leave us? You know. And so anyways, I have done, you know, a lot of, you know, in home Bible studies and things like that that are not affiliated. So just to. Well, I have no problem with that. I, I agree with you. Organized religion is an absolute mess right now. The church is so upside down and what it teaches and what it does, it’s not even funny. So far from Christianity part of the problem, I mean, from the beginning, I mean when people talk to me about, you know, well, look at what The Church fathers, you know, say I’m not like they’re the part of the problem.

And so I just, you know, I don’t subscribe to any of that. But in, again, in Revelations, it talks about, you know, in the end there’s like three, seven signs I have to come to gather, you know, for composite, all happening at the same time, I think. And you know, it’s the one, you know, the one there’s when they proclaim, you know, true peace and security, though sudden destruction will follow. So again, back in that three and a half year period that you’re talking about in the time frame for Revelations, that also happened during that time.

Yes, it did. And that’s the thing. We just, you know, again, all the, all the Bible passages that talk about the second Coming, that talk about the judgment, to talk about the resurrection, they’re all time statements with them talking about soon, quickly, shortly, this generation, some of you standing there and it, it’s all addressed to the first century generation. It was all to take place within that generation. And it did. And that’s why Revelations bracketed by those time statements. Everything has to fit in the soon time statement. And we can’t take something that he told those churches that were literal, physical churches, the seven churches in Asia Minor.

He told them he’s coming soon. If he didn’t do that, if he didn’t come like he said he would, then Christ is a false prophet and we’re all wasting our time. But I believe he did come and he did just exactly what he said he would do. And he did it when he said he would do it. But we’re missing, we’re ignoring all these over a hundred time statements in the New Testament of the coming. So if we’re living in the kingdom now and our world is a mess, is this like the kingdom of God is within us? And we, through the teachings of Christ, that is where we have God, is within us.

And, and here’s the thing. If you go to Book of Revelation in the last chapters, he talked, he’s talking about the kingdom of God. But he said outside are sorcerers and whoremongers and those that practice lying. And so that’s outside the kingdom of God. That’s the world that’s, you know, that of unbelievers. There’s worth, they’re still out there, they’re still doing their thing. But the kingdom of God is God’s people. And it’s not spatial, okay? It is God dwelling in us. We are the kingdom. So we’re not, we’re not waiting for a light kingdom where people outside the walls are fed Leviathan.

No, we’re not waiting for anything. Nothing at all. I mean, most people are hoping for something in the future when it’s sad because they already have everything they’re hoping for. Hope has been fulfilled in Christ and we have everything. We have redemption, we have the completion of redemption. We’re dwelling in Christ. We’re in union with Him. We share everything he is and has. And so this is the kingdom of God. It’s the new covenant. And we just need to be. Start enjoying it instead of looking forward to something that we already have. So, so your teachings basically are.

Are trying to help people to find the kingdom within. I just try to teach the Bible verse by verse. So whatever we’re dealing with, we deal with that. If it talks about eschatology, that’s what we talk about. If it talks about, you know, we’re in First Peter right now talking about slavery and what it means to be a slave. We’re called to be slaves to Christ. Here’s an interesting, here’s an interesting comment, and it goes along with kind of what we’re talking about right now here says Pastor Dave is right. Evil wants us to sit back and wait for the Second coming instead of fighting this B system, AKA Kazarian Mafia, AKA Israel.

Now, I, I would, I would actually, I would quantify that and say more of, of Zionist because there are, there are Christians living in Israel and there are, you know, they’re not everybody living there is. Is evil. But, but, but it’s, that’s, that’s. I mean, it’s. I, I think it’s kind of a relatively small number. But the, the point is, is that, you know, Israel in the Bible is. Talks about the church. The modern Israel is supposed to be the church, not the nation state of Israel. And I think that’s where a lot of people really get conf.

Could get it wrong. Right. The church is the Israel of God. Yeah. Tel Aviv over there in Israel is no representation for God whatsoever. No, they’re not. Absolutely not. Yeah. It’s Sodom, basically. If you want to know what Sodom and Gomorrah is, go to Tel Aviv. Yeah, right. It’s incredible that people just gloss over that, you know, with glazed eyes. It’s unbelievable. And so now I. There’s a lot of false teachers out there telling Christians they’re supposed to support Israel and stand by Israel no matter what they do or say. Right. And that, that was one of the things when I was a 14 year old.

That woke me up. That was a long time ago. I was gonna say. What is it? Was that like 10 years ago? No, no, I sound younger, but no, Ron, you and I think are the same age. Okay, I’ll just say that. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So anyways, yeah, I did have another question and it was a good one. No, no, nobody’s calling. Nobody’s calling in right now. So. Yeah, I mean, as long as. Until somebody calls in or needs lions open up, you know, I’ll leave you on. Well, I appreciate that, but right now I’m drawing a blank.

I, I had another question in queue in my brain and it’s gone. So I, I understand that. Trust me. It happens to me a lot more frequently these days. Yeah, well, you can always go to our website, type in any question you want and you, you probably be able to. To find our, the answer there on the website. At least what we think about it. I will, I’m. I’m very interested and I really appreciate this, your time and your teaching and I thank you. Thank you. Thanks for calling in. Thank you, Mary. I’ll. I will text you later.

All right, sounds good. Thank you. Bye bye bye. Hello. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? So frame boys. Oh, hey, how you doing? Frey? Yeah. Do you remember me calling in the past? I. I do. Okay. I don’t remember what, what, what the question was, but I do remember you calling in. I’ve been kicked off a badlands, so I don’t get to call in there anymore. Okay. I don’t know if that’s a buzzing or a curse. I’m a big Red Pill 78 fan though. Oh, yes. And I’m also a big fan of yours.

Yeah. Well, thank you. Anyways, what’s your question? What’s your question for Pastor Dave? Let me give you, let me give you some background where I’m coming from. I, I grew up as a Lutheran and I was a problem child and I was never confirmed because I got caught making out with Kathy Bertrand in the classroom and I got kicked out of confirmation class. I’ve been a sinner my whole life, but I found myself in later on in life in some situations that led me to be a soldier. I went to Iraq. I served a couple tours.

And I know that God is real and I know Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. But what I don’t trust is, is that the Bible has been handed down through generation after generation after generation. The way that is presented to us now with, with all the Information we got as far as the Jesuits and the, the way that the Catholic Church got involved in, in back in the day, in the Roman times and all that, I, I just can’t. I presume you’re going to talk about the Council of Nicaea. Yeah, and all that. I just have such a hesitation with, with what’s presented to us at face value because that is what the devil does.

Okay, so is that your question or did you, did you have a question? Did you, Was, was that your. I’m not trying to cut you off. I’m getting to it. I’m getting to it. Okay. So, I mean, I’m, I’m pretty sure that Pastor David has heard my, my side of this. And, and I just don’t trust the people that present the Bible to us. It’s not that they’re, they’re evil or whatever. It’s just that if it’s been tainted so many times through the years through so many different filters, you know, you hear about, you know, the Vatican and what, all the information they’re sitting on and this and that and blah, blah, blah.

But what, what I like, what I, what I appreciate about what God has done for me and what Jesus has done for me and is that I don’t have to believe in all that because I’ve seen it, the actions of my own life. You know, I, I understand that I’m given the opportunity of choice and the older I’ve gotten and the more experience I’ve gotten, I’ve been able to understand where different kind of choices will lead me down the road. And I, I, I hate to get into, to all this. Well, yeah, yeah. Biblical prophecy and this and that, when it’s really not that complicated because God talks to us every day.

If we, if we can only silence ourselves enough to listen. So I was wondering what Pastor David would, would think about where I’m coming from on that. Well, I’m hearing a couple different things. Is it the Bible you don’t trust or is it people who teach the Bible that you don’t trust? Trust all the above. The people that teach the Bible are the ones that have written the Bible. I mean, the Bible. Well, people were teaching the Bible today, didn’t write it. You gotta. What is your source for truth then? My source for truth is only my gut feeling, really.

I’m not a Bible scholar. I, I don’t, I don’t participate anymore and nor do I want to because the people that have always invited me to go back into Bible studies or anything like that. They’ve always been so corrupted that it’s really turned me off. Well, you said that earlier that Jesus Christ died on the cross, right? Your gut didn’t tell you that, correct? Yes, sir. No, my gut did tell me that. Your gut didn’t tell you Jesus died? No, what Jesus did. See, I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. I believe it’s all true.

I believe that God protected what he wanted in that book. Yes, it’s written by men. It’s written by 40 men over a period of hundreds of years. And yet there’s no contradictions. All prophecy, you know, is so incredibly fulfilled. Prophecies that were made hundreds of years ago, we see them fleshed out. Like we talked earlier about the Feast of the Lord, we see all those things fulfilled. The Bible is amazing book and it is the word of God. And without it we don’t have a sort, we don’t have any other source to know about God apart from His Word.

There’s no other way. You can feel one way about one thing, someone else can feel different way about it. And who knows who’s right. Just decide for yourself what’s right and what’s wrong. But the Bible has laid it out for us. Yes, I agree that people who teach it today, there’s problems there. Okay, but that’s not the book’s fault. I think there’s, there’s a. Mary just said she remembered her question and she said, and it kind of bears on this particular conversation says, do we, Do I believe that a lot of the scripture that, that has, Do I believe any scripture has been kept from us? I don’t know.

Again, I go back to the sovereignty of God. God gave us the book. I think he controlled what went in it. You know, there was arguments about a lot of things. Martin Luther didn’t want the book of James to be in the canon. It’s in there. I think James is a great book if you understand what it’s saying. But you know, I believe it’s the word of God and God sovereignly gave us what he wanted. And there’s a lot of other things out there that have been left out. But usually if you read into those, you see why they’ve left out.

I mean, the Eastern Orthodox Church included Enoch. I think there’s some things in Enoch that go against the word of God. And therefore to me it’s can’t be part of the canon of scripture. But again, I, I, I think the Bible, as my presupposition is I’m a presuppositionalist and my presupposition is the Bible is the living and active word of God. Everything based on that, that’s my standard. It doesn’t change. So I know it’s going to be the same today, tomorrow, you know, it’s always going to be the same. It’s the living word of God. I don’t go by my emotions.

I don’t go by my feelings. I go by what the word of God says. That’s my position. Is it true, though, is it true, though, that the Catholic. The Catholic faith has probably had the most influence on the Christian religion and how it interprets the Bible? Yeah, you’re probably right about that. You know, the Catholic Bible, other than the 13 extra books, they have the, you know, the Apocrypha in between, the Old New Testament, their Bible’s pretty much the same as ours. But, yeah, their translation and how they’ve, you know, controlled the masses is. Yes, has a huge influence on society.

You know, you know, I. I guess, you know, if. If you’re gonna. If you’re going to pastor whatever you want to call it, maybe, maybe we should talk more about how even though that some of these, like the Catholic religion, you know, they’ve been taking a lot of hits lately. You know, I mean, there’s so much information out there going that, you know, that the Pope is. Is on the Satanist side of things. I wouldn’t doubt it. We know. We know for sure. They’re a bunch of pedophiles and they’ve gotten away with it. They have pedophiles that have.

Just move them. What do we do with that? How do, how do we come out the other side? I trust on my experiences and what God has showed me in my life and my experiences. Right. Let me, Let me address that a little bit. Okay. Okay. You’re. What you’re talking about is, you’re talking about God’s gonna have. God’s gonna have to judge them, not us. That’s not. That’s not for man to decide. That’s for God to decide. So, you know, that is something that we don’t have control of, that we only have control of ourselves. Would you agree with that? Dave? Dave, you there? You froze up for a second.

I’d love the opportunity to be able to give us that privilege. What? So you froze up there for a second. I didn’t hear any. Yeah, go ahead. What was your thought on that? He’s frozen up again. Still froze. Dave. Davey, there. I’m not, I’m not trying to, to be anti Christian. I get it. I, I didn’t, I didn’t. I don’t take it that way. Not at all. I’m just skeptical. I’m skeptical about a lot of things. It just seems too easy that this whole Trump thing happened so easy. Now. I love, I love where it’s heading, but I’m, but I’m paranoid.

You know what I mean? I get that, Dave, you’re. I don’t know if you have an Internet connectivity issues or whatever, but you. I don’t know what happened. It went blank for a while. I’m back. Can you hear me now? Yeah, I can hear you fine. So. Okay, so go ahead and address what you were going to say, if you were going to say, because I don’t know if you said anything or not. I was just saying I would love the opportunity to judge, but you know, that’s not our calling. You know, we don’t have all the information.

God is the one who judges. God will take care of these people and he lets them do what they’re doing for a time in his providence. I don’t know why, but God is the ultimate judge and he’ll take care of things. Yeah. And it’s, it’s not. But they’re the ones that are presenting us the Bible and their word or, you know, you know what I’m saying? Yeah, they are. And that’s the problem I have. Here’s the thing though. We have the Bible. We don’t have to believe them. We can read our own now. During the Dark Ages, they didn’t have that privilege.

Somebody. It didn’t come from, it didn’t get directly transmitted from God. It was written by men. Right. Inspired by God, born along by the Holy Spirit. Peter says, well, I’m, I feel I’m inspired by God. Do you want me to write the Bible? Well, I don’t think you are. Inspiration is closed, Fred. It’s a kind of tone it down a little bit. I, I sense a little frustration. I’m just saying, I’m just not. For an example, I feel inspired by God a lot of times in my life. Okay. But I’m just saying that human beings are easily tricked.

Well, that’s, I think that, I’m not saying the Bible is a bunch of hui. I think it is inspirational. I think it is a portion of it is divine. But I think it’s up to us because we have the, the, the choice and, and to, to bring it out, dissect it and make it, make it even more honest. And better by eliminating some of these people have corrupted it through the years. That’s. That’s all I. I’d like to say on that matter. Okay. Okay. I. Actually, I have a. Another question that I’m gonna. That I’m gonna address here, so did you have anything else that you wanted to say? No, I’d like some feedback.

Okay. I don’t really have anything else to. To feedback other than it’s not our position on this earth to take care of those people. That’s not, that’s not. That’s. I mean, what we can do is, you know, you’ve already stated that you believe that Jesus Christ is your savior. You know, that had to come from something. You know, whether that’s intuition or, you know, or. Or scripture. I. I’m not. I’m not. I’m not 100. Sure, but you obviously have that going for you. I don’t understand why you would think that. I. I think you’re putting too much emphasis on what other men are doing and not focusing enough emphasis on.

On. On, you know, studying the Bible for yourself. And maybe. And if you don’t trust that, then, I mean, I don’t know what to tell you to do. If. I mean, because, I mean, I. I don’t. I don’t. I don’t know what to offer on that. Dave, do you have any. If the Bible’s not this. I think there’s a lot of people that feel. There’s a lot of people that feel just like me. You know, I have a good friend from California that was an atheist until about two years ago, and then I kept on reminding him about all the experiences he’s had, and if there was really not a God or if Jesus wasn’t there to save us and forgive.

Forgive our sins, where we might be, and he’s come around and, you know, I didn’t throw it on his throat. I just nonchalantly, you know, worked at it slowly and surely. And, you know, he. He has the same questions I do, and I think we could probably do a lot more of bringing people closer to God into the Bible if we. If we just try to. Well, I round us up, I think, a little bit in an easier way. I kind of think that’s what. That’s what we’re trying to do here. Yeah. All right, well, thank you so much.

God bless for taking my phone call. Thanks for calling in. I appreciate it. Yep. Bye. Bye. Okay, so here’s a. Here’s a question from. From a good friend of mine. He just texted it into me. And he says, how can two schools of thought, one being that the second coming of Christ has not happened yet in. In my school thought or Christ has already come. How do both of those teachings get inspired by the same word of God coming from the same book? Well, the Bible doesn’t. The Bible only teaches one of those. But see the thing, men come up with different interpretations of the Bible.

Hold on. Can you please turn your. Can you please turn your volume down? I’m going to answer your call here in a second. But let me, Let me. Let Dave finish this thought and also hold, hold the line real quick. Different men come up with all kinds of different views on the same Bible and same verses. And the Bible’s not teaching different things. It’s teaching one thing. We just have to try to understand what it is. And we. No one questions that the Bible teaches the second coming. The question is the timing of it. And I’m saying that the timing is very clear in the Bible.

If you. But if you’re thinking the coming of Christ is a physical destruction of the planet, then you can’t allow yourself to think it happened yet, because it wouldn’t. The planet’s still there. But if you understand what the Bible talks about, what it really was, it was a judgment on Jerusalem, then the time statements can be what they say. And in 70 AD that temple was destroyed and God moved on. That’s a. That’s a. I couldn’t have answered that any better. Okay, so we have an. We have a caller here. So Paul, apologize. It took so long.

Who do I have the person talking to? This is Greg. Hey, Greg, how you doing? Good. Pastor Dave knows me as Greg from Arkansas. Oh, okay, Greg. Yeah, I would encourage that. That last caller to listen in on your messages, everybody. I think when you really get into the scriptures like you do, you really get to see it come to life. So I would really encourage them to do that. Thanks, Greg. Appreciate that. Did you have a question, Greg? I did. I actually wanted to answer one of your earlier questions that you asked somebody else because I did have one of those moments when I learned about predatorism back in 2019 and I started studying on my own and, and I came across one verse that just made me jump up and down and start dancing around because it was like God affirming to me that this path that I’m on is the right path.

And that was Revelations 1:9. And it says, I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Yeshua. And when I read that, I was just like, whoa. He actually told him, I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation. It’s. I mean, it’s that clear. Amen. Yeah. My question, because I do, I have a lot of these conversations with, with people that are learning about predatorism and answering questions and finding answers to questions that I don’t have answers for. And when you really dig into preterism, you can easily start branching off into different.

Different clicks, different versions of predatorism, if you will. And one that I’ve come across recently, and I know you’re in pretty great opposition to this, Dave, is from a hermeneutic standpoint, understanding that it’s who the New Testament is written to. Who is Paul, who is Peter talking to from that standpoint, I had somebody argue that the need for salvation was only for that time. Yeah, right. So they are what you would call a universal. So I would like your best argument against that. Well, are they universalists? Are they Israel only? No, they are not Israel only.

As a matter of fact, they. They are opposed to that as well. Okay. So universalist, they believe everybody will be saved. It’s. What was it they called it? Ultimate restorationist is what he called himself. So. Well, everybody is eventually saved. So those that I guess would, what you would call unsaved or not a believer, they will have their opportunity after this life. Well, the Bible doesn’t teach that. That would be my biggest opposition to that. The Bible teaches that we must believe the gospel. If we don’t believe the gospel, we stand condemned. And Universal said, well, you don’t need to believe because everybody’s saved.

Well, the Bible doesn’t teach that. That, you know. And the Lord taught about the forgiveness of sin. He said, talking about this age and the age to come, and he who blasphemes the Holy Spirit won’t be forgiven in this age or the one to come. So there’s forgiveness in both ages. We’re in the age to come. We need forgiveness. And if people don’t have that, yeah, universalism just basically destroys the gospel. There’s no need for it. And that’s not what the Bible teaches at all. Over and over and over, the Bible calls men to believe. That’s why John said he wrote the gospel, that people would believe and trust in Christ.

Amen to that. And Ron, the way I met, the way I met Greg, you know, I do a question and answer at the end of the service where people text me and he texts me. He was Sitting in another church, listening to my message while he was in another chair. Greg, are you the one that I’ve been communicating with on Twitter? I am, yes. You ever got the Twitter spaces set up? Yeah. So. And I met. I met him because I was. We. We were in a. It was in a Twitter space, and we were talking about Germany, 1930s Germany.

And. And I started coming out and talking about Predatorism. And I think his jaw probably hit the ground. He’s like, oh, my God. And he reached out to me, so. And anyway, that’s so. Small world, huh? Yeah, very small world. Yeah. So. Well, Greg, appreciate. I appreciate you taking the time to call in. I really. I really do. Thank you. And I’m sorry, my cat is just. Will not leave me alone. He’s probably hungry, so. But everybody say hi to Leonidas. There we go. All right, Come on. All right. God bless you guys. Y’all have a wonderful new year.

Thank you, Greg. You as well. Happy New Year. Good talking to you. All right, I’m gonna make a. Let’s see here. Somebody else called in here, and I’m gonna call this individual back, and his name is Dave, so it’ll be easy for you to remember. Dave. Yo. Hello, Dave. How you doing? Good. Okay, calling you back. So what is your question? What’s your question for Pastor David? Well, I missed the beginning of the show, and my question to you guys was you said you don’t believe or you believe that Christ Second coming has already happened. Is.

Is that what I got from that first part? Yes. Okay, well, explain that to me. I guess from a Lutheran standpoint, we believe Christ Second coming is still yet to come. Now, I will agree with you on one aspect, with the whole 7 JD thing. I believe that a lot of this prophecy has been fulfilled through the 70 A.D. you know, with the, you know, running to the hills. If you’re, you know, if you’re pregnant, you know, whatever, you’re pregnant, woman run to the hills, all that stuff. I believe that has happened. But I think of.

I believe it’s. Mark talks about, I don’t know, they’re looking at the temple when they come out of Jerusalem there, and they’re looking at the temple. And one of the disciples, I believe, is Mark, says that, you know, when will the end times be? And I believe he asked two questions there. And when is the end of the age? I believe that’s two questions there. And Jesus answers the first one. I would believe that to be the second coming or the. The end times. As far as the end Times of the, the Jewish Israel. And the second one is still yet to come.

That’s my take on it. Okay. Is that you? So what do you think’s yet to come? And what verses would you use to talk about a future future coming? Well, I think, I think. Well, you’re saying all the revelations has been fulfilled, correct? Well, it’s bracketed by time statements. Begins with 2, ends with 5. That’s 7. Perfect number, time statements, everything. It’s right. He’s written, he’s writing to people that live in that age and he’s telling him all this is going to happen soon. So what would you say didn’t happen soon? And if it didn’t happen soon, then Christ is a false prophet.

Dan, we’re not, this isn’t, this isn’t. We’re not trying to, it’s not a, it’s not a gotcha question. We’re, we’re. This is like a genuine question, right? Well, I guess, I guess my thought is, is the end time, or at least my perception of it would be, you know, Christ physically coming down to stop the, the, you know, the, the hate on earth, the, the sin, and he’s going to put an end to it, and there will be a judgment day at some point. What happened at AD 70? He put an end to Jerusalem. The Jews were his people.

He was. The temple is where God dwelt. God destroyed all that, letting them know that he was done with that system. So, I mean, I just don’t know what scripture you would use to point to something that’s. Because you said you believe in 87. Well, I’m, I’m probably, I’m probably looking at the scripture from Revelations again. You know, we talk about Christ coming, we’re talking about him descending with, with, you know, all the, you know, the Christians and, and coming down to the. Coming to earth and just putting an end to it. Yeah, let me, let me.

If, if I may, I, I think what you’re dealing with is you’re, you’re dealing with, with an internal conflict from what you’ve been taught all your life, with hearing something that is challenging that belief and you don’t know how to reconcile it. And, but, but you’re con. You’re just conflicted. And again, I’m not, I’m not trying to be insensitive and insulting. That’s not where I’m coming from. Because I, and, and I’ll tell this, I’ll tell this to the entire audience. It took me probably a good five to six years to ultimately come to this belief system.

This isn’t something that just happened overnight. It was like I heard something. In fact, it was, it was a, it was a business customer of mine, Bonnie. Can I, should I, should I say her name? It was Bonnie. Who? Bonnie and Bonnie T. I’ll just say that. And you know, she, she said something to me and I was like, whoa. I, it totally like kind of caused me to like, tilt, right? And anyway, I got a book and told my dad about it and he started looking into it. And then the next thing you know, you know, and my dad was not a very Internet savvy guy, and the next thing I know, he’s talking to Preston and he’s talking to, he’s emailing Stevens and some of these other guys that are, you know, that, that have an online presence like you do, Dave.

And he, he, he was like, wow. He’s like, I guess, you know, looking, looking at this. It, he, he came to the realization and he was the one that kind of really helped me along, understand some of these things. So, you know, but I was equally as conflicted as you are because I’m like, how can this be? But you know, think about it. We’ve been taught what we believe since, since the beginning of time or since the beginning of our lives. So to hear, to hear this, it is, it’s something that, it’s challenging mentally. But when, when you analyze the, when you analyze the, you know, all of the, the prophecy and it being fulfilled, it literally lines up with historical, you know, factual events that were written as we talked about with Josephus.

If you take, and you read Josephus War of the Jews again and, and you overlay that with, with Revelation, it’s like, whoa, you’re like, it’s almost like you’re reading the same book. And here’s the thing we have to understand. Every time the Bible talks about the coming of Christ, there’s a time statement there. And it’s always soon, near, closely this generation. There’s never, and this will happen far off. The only coming was a soon one. And so there’s, there’s no indication anywhere in scripture of something far in the distant future coming. There was only one second coming, and that was in 80, 70.

There’s nothing in Revelation about something distant from them. Yeah, I don’t know. I, I, I’ll have to research it some. Absolutely. I’m not asking you to buy what I’m saying without looking, looking at it, please. No, I mean, you know, but yeah, you did catch my attention. I usually Watch all your shows. When I got in late today and I was catching it, I says, oh, man, that’s. That’s a little different than what I. I didn’t know what the word. No, you’re good. And, and like, you know, like what Dave, like Pastor Dave just said, you know, I don’t want anybody to believe me, and I.

I don’t want anybody to believe me wholesale. And what I say, whether it’s history or this topic or anything, I want everybody to do their own research and challenge me and make me better. Because there’s been times when I’ve said things that I like, oh, I was wrong about that. And I’m the first person to come out and say, hey, I said this. And this. This is. This was wrong. I was wrong here. So. And I know, I know Pastor Dave has had multiple times when he’s like, said things and it’s like, hey, challenge me on this.

And if something happens and, you know, watch multiple sermons that he’s done where he has said, somebody questioned me on this. I went back, and you know what? I think he’s right and I was wrong. So Pastor David not. Is not above that. Okay, Pastor Dave, now you talk about Josephus. Now this is apparently a writer that was writing back in them times. Is that correct? Okay, if you’re not familiar with Josephus. Josephus, what’s that? Josephus was a Jew, and during the Roman army, he defected and the Romans used basically, as a historian, he followed them around during this.

Yeah. And he wrote. And so we have his writings. And he wrote one of his. One of the things he wrote was called the War of the Jews. And he tells about the destruction of Jerusalem in 80, 70, and all that happened during that time. Okay, okay, now, did it. How does it line up exactly with Revelations? I mean, I’m talking like, did Christ come down with the, you know, from. From the make. Actually make his feet on the ground? He actually talks about in. In War of the Jews, he actually talks about, like, seeing sights of, like, chariots and like.

Yeah. In the heavens were like, things that were really abnormal. Tacitus talks about that too. Another Roman historian. Yeah, but one thing you have to understand, the Bible uses what’s called apocalyptic language. All right? When it talks about the stars falling from the sky, it’s not talking about literal stars coming out of the sky. That’s. That’s apocalyptic language describing the destruction of a city or nation. And if you go back to the old testament, Isaiah 13, Isaiah 26, Isaiah 19, you see that same Language used of cities that were destroyed. And when they come to the New Testament, it’s using the same language, but it’s talking about Jerusalem’s destruction.

So. Okay, I get that. I mean, I don’t really understand Book of Revelation, something I tend to, you know, take. I don’t understand it. You know, you got lots of biology there. It’s written in apocalyptic language. It’s difficult to understand. A lot of symbols. Right. A lot of symbolism. Yep. Yeah, I, I would. Okay, so if, if you want to go look at something, go go to Pastor Dave’s website and do look up the two messages that he did in understanding Revelation. He, he did a two part series and you know what, let me say something about what he does.

And that has not been mentioned yet. He does his sermons every Sunday at 11am Eastern time. And when he gets done, he puts his telephone number on the screen and if anybody who’s listened to the sermon, who isn’t actually in the building, that he’s there, can text in their questions and he will address them right there. So after every sermon he takes a Q A about everything that, that has been talked about. So, you know, he, it’s, it’s his objective not to just put everything out on the table. And hey, believe me, because I’m saying it, he literally wants people to get full understanding.

So that, that being said, go and look and look, look at the sermon. And then towards the end at one, once it’s done, you will hear a Q A and of people asking questions. So. Yeah, so anyway, on, on that note, my, I’m getting, I’m getting another phone call that I’ve, that I, that I need to answer here. So. All right, thanks for your time. Hey, my, my pleasure. Calling in. Yep, bye. Okay, here we go. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello, can you hear me? I can hear you now. Okay, great. I have a question. Who’s this? My name is Nancy.

I’m calling from Texas. Hi, Nancy, how are you doing? Great, thanks. What’s your question, Nancy? Well, we are privileged to be part of the online group that follows Pastor Dave. And I’ve got a very good friend here that I can’t talk into coming to church, which is our home and our computer, because she calls us never Trumpers. And that has nothing to do with President Trump. It has to do with the fact that we are going to miss out because we don’t believe that we’re going to hear the last trumpet sound. So she calls us never Trumpers.

And she said, why, why do they talk in spiritual Language. If the Bible doesn’t mean a thousand years, why does it say a thousand years if they didn’t actually kill 297,000 or whatever number it is on some of their stories? You know, when they’re relating the stories in the Old Testament, she goes, why do they exaggerate? I mean, why what, when do I believe what you’re saying, Nancy, that your pastor’s telling you because it’s apocalyptic, and when is it literal? And I don’t really have an answer for that. Pastor Dave. Well, there’s different languages that we have to understand the Bible.

There’s poetic narrative, there’s, there’s didactic literature, which is just basically teaching. Then you got poetic, you got, you got parables, you got psalms, you got different types of literature. And you have to understand when you’re reading it, what is it? Is it didactic? Is this a plain teaching type, or is it apocalyptic, which is very figurative, and you just have to understand the different types of language. And that’s what studying the Bible is all about. You know, we, we look at the parables and people read a parable and they say, okay, this, God said this, but this didn’t happen this way.

Well, a parable means that’s a probability. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. That’s what parables are about. The probability is high. If you do this, this will take place, okay? And so we just have to learn language and you get into parables, understand the how to interpret a parable and look at it that way. And when you’re studying, okay, that’s good. And when you’re studying didactic literature, you know, and it talks about time statements, those are taken literally, but people actually turn it upside down and they take the apocalyptic stuff literally and they take the didactic stuff figuratively, and they just really get a big mess of the whole thing.

So we can. I’ve got another friend that he said, he said, I’m almost there, Nancy, but I’m confused about the thousand years. And you’re saying that it was during the, the time of the transition. So it was actually 40 years. And I said, yes, that’s what I think. And then he said, but what about Satan being released for a little while? When did that happen? And so I thought that was before Christ came back. Well, I think that. I thought it was before 87. I think that is right at the end, just before the destruction of Jerusalem, when we have battles going on in heaven and battles going on on Earth.

And. But again, I would I don’t know if you heard me earlier, but if people have questions about the millennium, I would recommend Bob Crookshank’s message that he did at Berean on the Thousand Years. He did an excellent job. Yeah. Okay. I will find that. I’m gonna find that. Yes, I’m gonna find that message, and I’m going to re. Upload it on my channel for. For everybody. Yeah, it’s just, you know, Bob did a good job. He’s very academic. He does a good job explaining it and why and how and, you know, hopefully, and. But it does upset some people.

Like, well, what do you mean? A thousand doesn’t mean a thousand? Well, you got to understand the culture. You know, that culture used numbers like that. Okay. They use numbers differently than we do. You know, when we think numbers, we’re really exact. We want to know exactly how many is it? You know, that’s not how they do it. It’s more of a story thing. And they use this wild, big number. And you’re like, first of all, you know, it talks about the horses, you know, and how many in the Revelation, how many people will be on horses.

And, like, there’s not that many horses in the world, you know, so it’s a. It’s just a figurative number, but that’s how that culture function. And when we understand that, we have to understand the culture that produced the Bible. So it helps us understand what’s going on there. Yeah, well. And some of them just don’t want to give up. Like, the first caller that I heard, I’m not sure when I tuned in, but the first call that I heard, they just really don’t want to give up what they’ve hung on to all their lives. And so take it easy.

Yeah, yeah. People don’t like change, and it is difficult, you know, I mean, I remember the first time I heard about it, I’m like, nah, this can’t be true. I remember my first thought was, so this is the new heaven and the new Earth. Well, we got ripped off. You know, I’m thinking physical things, you know, and we’ll get to that real heaven when we die. And I’m excited about that, you know, but right now we’re living in the kingdom of God, and I think it’s a beautiful thing. God’s in control. He’s ruling, he’s reigning. It’s awesome.

Yes. Okay. Thank you for taking my call. And we’ll be starting over with our Bible reading tomorrow. Awesome, Nancy. That’s right. The whole year. Thanks for Calling in. Yeah, we’re starting. Bye. Bye. That’s one thing. I push the people to read through the Bible every year and it’s pretty cool to hear the comments of people who do. So here is, I’m gonna, I’m gonna call Megan back here real quick here, but there was a question. So where does this leave us today as Christians? I guess the, the, I get. Let me, let me, let me clarify the question.

So if preterism, if all, if all prophecy has been fulfilled, where does this leave us today as Christians? I guess that’s the, that basically is the, the tenor leaves us in the fulfilled kingdom of God. That’s, I mean it leaves us in the place that the old covenant saints look forward to and long for and the New Testament believers look for and long for the coming of Christ and in the fulfillment of, of all the prophecy that they might enter the kingdom of God and his consummated state where Christ rules in righteousness. I mean, it leaves us where you probably think you are right now.

You know, the only difference is, you know, we have, we’re not waiting for anything. We, we’ve got it all. There’s nothing we’re waiting to happen other than the fact when we leave this planet at death, we go into the presence of God. Yeah, exactly. All right, we have Megan on the phone. How you doing, Megan? I am good. Okay. So first of all, I talk real fast. I just have to. Well, it is, but I have to thank you because you’ve, I’ve started watching you somehow I got on to you with the glitch in the Matrix and then I started just following your channel.

Well, thank you. And what’s your username? Yes. And so I’m, I, I’m, I’m probably, I think I’m tartan 73 on rumble. Okay. I’ve done a couple, couple things anyway. So I’m one of these people that just start going down little rabbit holes and watching things and it’s led me to the whole. I follow Sabrina Wallace and non waxer 420 on rumble. And now there’s a bane. I think it’s called Brains and Babes. Anyways, they’re talking about the digital bio convergence and how like we’ve already been hooked up to the Internet basically for like since the 90s and more.

And you know, how do you rectify? I guess where I’m at is I consider myself a baby Christian. I hate that term, but I’m just going to say it. First of all, I ruined Christmas because I said I was not supporting. I said, I cannot get behind and put Israel on a pedestal and give them my money. And my mother and my stepfather. Oh man, that was not the most pleasant ending to a thing because I started. Because. Well, what I started to do is I was raised Mormon and it never set with me. Me. And then I was one of these people that was pinned down with sleep paralysis.

And the only thing that got out of me, saved me from it was calling out Jesus’s name. And they left. And that was, you know, so I. My thing is that I have the faith that there’s something there and it’s God. And then as I’m going through this, you start learning about the Hebrew replacement where they say there’s a lot of, you know, that kind of goes with the Zionist movement, where they try to get you to go back over to the Torah and like, more the Tal Moody kind of thing. Well, slip you in the Talmud so that you can get ready for the Noah high laws and go underneath their thing.

So, you know, I follow that. And I brought some of Adam Green’s stuff where they say basically God, you know, and Jesus is, you know, are just the rewritten gods. Like he’s like, Jesus is Dionysus and stuff like that. And I can’t fully rip. Wrap my head around that because I just think we’ve have. There’s too much proof that there’s something. So I’ve lost a couple friends. Well, I. I don’t know how much I’ve really lost him, but I have one friend who’s a. I guess. But I. I guess it does a dispensationalist. So she thinks end times.

And my mom and them, you know. And I said. And she. They’ve asked me before, why do you fight? And I said, or why does this matter? What’s going on in the time right now? And I said, because nowhere did I read in the Bible that it says that you sit around on your thumb and you just wait for God. You’re supposed to stand up and fight and spread his word and stuff like that. And that’s what I got. And I’m rereading the Bible now and I’m on. What am I on now? Anyways, I. I’m. I just finished Micah, so I think.

So I’m on anyways, but I’m reading this and. And stuff isn’t making sense. And then I’ve gone down like the preterist when I. And so I tell people, I said, it doesn’t hurt to learn the different Theories. So where I’m going with this is basically I kind of tell people at the end of the day, we know that there’s evil and it’s evil versus good. Even if you don’t believe in God, it’s evil versus good. You have these corrupt leaders who, I, I told people that even if you believe in the end times, that they would, they would probably try to keep stuff from you.

But God’s always going to make sure that there’s true believers. I believe get the word that they need out of whatever they can find and, and he’ll lead you to the right path. So I also, when you read the. But when you read the Bible, it’s like Groundhog’s Day. It’s same thing over, you know, and God comes in and fix it. So is there a chance. So I don’t put it past. I guess what I’m asking is, isn’t there still a chance that he could come back again and help fix this mess if we don’t boomerang back like we’ve seen in history? Because I’ve told people before, we’ve had a lot harder time in history for like the end time stuff.

And if you’re having people that are just using this to try to beat the system and, and they think that God’s already, and if they already know that God’s come back anyways, do they really think that hiding everything from us, 56 miles of, you know, text and stuff like that is not going to let God, you know, like, God’s just gonna stay away and Jesus is going to stay away, I guess, is what I’m asking. Because that just, that’s where I’m kind of stuck at. It’s like everything I’ve read, even if you don’t. I think, I think I, I think I understand your question.

So. Yeah, so let me, let me save you from yourself. Yeah, I say that kindly. I say that kindly. Dave, what’s your, what are your thoughts there? Well, tell me what the question is. I, I think what she’s trying to ask is, is, is there a potentially. Is there a potential for another coming to save us from all the, the crap that we’re dealing with? And my response would be no, not that the Bible talks about it. Yeah, not that the Bible talks about that. Does that mean that he’s not going to come back again? I don’t know.

Because, but, but in terms of Scripture, if, if you’re using this, the, the Bible as your, you know, your, your guidepost, then no, there’s not going to be a third coming. There was only a second coming. Right. And he already fixed it. Things are already fixed that he’s in the kingdom. The king, he’s ruling the kingdom. His kingdom has been victorious. The enemies have been put under his feet. There’s nothing. There’s nothing to fix now. There’s still evil people in the world. There always will be evil people in the world. You know, I think revelation makes that clear.

Outside the city, the city is the kingdom of God. Outside the city, you got the sorcerers and whoremongers and dogs and those that believe the lie. Yeah, yeah. And I don’t like being attacked by them and knowing that they’re changing my DNA and what my body is and doing that against my will. Well, there’s a lot of things that we don’t like. They poisoned our food system, they’re poisoning the air, they’re doing all kinds of stuff that we don’t like. And I’m hoping this new administration is going to, you know, take a step to correct some of this stuff.

But, you know, that’s just the world we live in. I mean, and I’ll take this any other culture. Well, I hope so, too, but there’s just parts of me that still. And I know Ron’s not going to be happy with this, but I, I just think that Trump could be a rug pull and part of it, and I don’t want it to be like that. And I’m praying that it’s not. And I’m praying that, you know, it’s just, I don’t trust Elon and some of the people that he has around him. And I just, I’m too.

I just don’t like seeing the pain and the suffering and stuff like that. And it just gets me every night. Let me. So let me address that. Let me address that, because you’re not alone in thinking that. And, and Listen, I trust Trump, 99. I don’t trust him 100% because I don’t know he is. Is it possible that he is a plant to bring, to usher in everything and we are, you know, we’re all being, you know, suckered in and, and, and, and, you know, scooped into, you know, for like, the advancement of this new world order system? Is that a possibility? I have to say that.

You know what I mean, that that is a potential possibility. I don’t believe that to be the case, but I can’t say with 100 certainty that Trump isn’t. So I have to remain, keep an open mind to that and that, you know, and stay vigilant on it. But I feel as though if that were the case, we never had a prayer to begin with, so. And why go through this charade of everything? I just, I just, I don’t understand that. No, that’s what I told my husband. I said, I just don’t understand it. If there’s, if the evil thinks that they can win so bad, why don’t they just go ahead and just destroy us and, and do whatever they want or tell us the truth? I think that’s the other thing is I don’t like liars.

So I just wish they would come out with the truth about everything and then, you know, deal with it. So I guess the best thing that we can just continue to do is just pray that we’re underneath God’s cover and that we still have, you know, and I ask for everybody to. That I hope that they can find their way to repent and find the true meaning of God and that, you know, maybe as more truth comes out, I guess we have to band together. And then as, as, as faith believers and Christ followers, we have to stand up and take back everything.

I just, you know, let me say. Well, I think we are witnessing right now, we are witnessing a resurgence in, in, in, you know, in, in, I want to say Christianity, but certainly in, in believing. I, I believe that we are in the midst of a revival, you know, of God, of God and, you know, of the church. It’s been suppressed for so long deliberately and mistaught for so long. I believe that we are kind of coming out of that. And that’s kind of what I’m endeavoring to do with this. Because, you know, when I analyze preterism, to me, preterism, because I’m a, Because I, I’m a guy who likes history.

I analyze the, the, I analyze, you know, the Bible and, and, and what Christianity has taught. And I’m like, that doesn’t make any sense. But when I look at it from a preterist perspective, it falls in perfect lockstep with the history, the, the perverse history that has happened over the last hundred to 150 years. Yeah, it’s too perfect. It fits way too perfect. And. Yeah, and so it actually gives me hope. But I mean, our hope is in God and in, and, and in heaven. It’s not on earth. You know, we’re supposed to. Yeah, yeah, I understand that.

I mean, we, we have another. We have some acreage. I’m in Washington state, so we have some acreage. And all I can say is, well, even if the end times. Well, you’re in California, so trust me, that goes right back for me. My dad. My dad actually came from California. He. My dad grew up playing at the Hearst Castle. Oh, wow. I’ve been there. That’s beautiful country. Yeah. He had a St. Christopher giving him to him from two as a. Two of his. His mom’s friends. And so I’m starting to, you know. And then I request.

Well, I mean, he babysat Marilyn Monroe’s pillow or I mean, her poodle at my aunt’s gas station. And he searched with the Beach Boys and was at a party one time with the lead singer from Hermits. Hermits drunk in this tub. So that’s what I grew up with. And. And you know who Tommy Blue is a big famous music. He’s a magician. He died a few years ago from a head. Anyways, he went to school, but he went to school with Richard Dreyfus. Wow. So I grew up with this, like, illusion. I mean, that’s his. That’s his.

His yearbook. And so, you know, you grow up with it and then when you find out the truth about stuff, you’re kind of like, you know, and that’s where I think it is. The veil is being lifted from a bunch of people’s eyes. And that gives me hope and a lot. And you’ve been a huge help on me for this, so I thank you on that because I still question some of this stuff, you know, but like I said, I just continue going down and I just try to piece it all together. And I guess. I guess all we can do is, you know, and I just sit back and I say, God wouldn’t be letting any of this happen if he didn’t want it to happen.

That’s the bottom line. God is sovereign. He’s in control. Do I trust Trump? I don’t know. I don’t really know him. I like what I’ve seen that he’s done so far. But bottom line is God sets up kings. He takes down kings. My hope is in him. I rest in that. Yeah. Amen. Yeah, I can be behind that. It’s just I’ve watched some of the symbol, you know, and my thing is, I also try not to take. I mean, symbology is going to be their downfall to a point. But then I also know that, you know, you can’t take it all, everything as a symbol all the time.

You know, it’s like I said, just because you start off in Hollywood and you cover an eye doesn’t mean, you have gone down, you know, the pizza gate stuff, right? Because, you know, and so I try to say that. So, you know, even when I look at these things with him getting the. The stuff, you know, being on the Third Temple coin and some of this and some, like, Andrew chronology, I like his stuff and I like how he breaks it down. But then. But then when you start seeing and, you know, and I just pay attention to, like, the mockingbird stuff because if you get too many people repeating something and what are the key points? That’s probably the, you know, the veil that they want to cover your eyes with.

So, you know, I. I just want to say just thank you guys both. And I kind of needed this today. I think after Christmas and stuff. It’s just because I watched him last time and I got a lot of looks when people were telling me. I said, what if the Rapture already happened? And oh, my gosh. So, you know, I’m kind of in this. I’ll tell you the reason. The reason that you get that is because you’ve got. You’ve got good people who go to church on Sunday and they listen to messages that have been taught by pastors who have been mistaught, and they don’t recognize that they’ve been mistaught.

And they are preaching on things that they genuinely believe are true, but they’re unknowingly and unwittingly deceiving their, you know, their congregations. I don’t believe they’re doing it with malice. I believe they’re. They’re genuinely teaching what they believe is right. But what the thing is that they’ve been taught incorrectly. And if you teach. If you teach somebody incorrectly, they’re going to teach the following people incorrectly. And that’s where we are. It’s. What is it? The calf path or is. Yeah. So that’s where, you know. Yeah. And that’s one thing that I can say is that when I started, See, when I, I.

When I kind of got back into the church, I don’t go to any churches around here because I couldn’t find anything that I felt. I just didn’t. I had tried that with one of my friends, and I just didn’t like it. So I’m like, you know, and somebody I used to follow, Monkey works. And then he had James Cadiz on there from Calgary. And I watch him and he. He does good when he teaches scripture. I just have a problem because he is so adamant. Israel, Israel, Israel. But what I slowly noticed is that as you start getting down to These pastors and stuff, it really is like they get their little talking.

It’s. I call it the Mockingbird Church because you can literally turn on. I can watch eight different shows on a Sunday morning. And you, it’s like, you can tell which one’s got their talking points because they’re all teaching the same scripture, the same thing, you know, and I just had to step back, you know, that’s where I started questing stuff right there is. Because I was like, okay, this isn’t. And, you know, and I like the resistance chicks because they’re in the middle of this, which is the, you know, and they do Bruce. They follow like, Bruce Gore and stuff.

And I bought his book and stuff. And, and, you know, and they’re kind of like, we think we’re in the kingdom age. And then there’s a chance that, you know, he could come, you know, and that’s kind of, you know, I’m just like, I, I’m not that I’m all over the place. I’m just trying to figure it out. It’s like I told my neighbors across the street, I said, I’m just lost right now. And they’re more, I mean, they’re, they’re very Mormon, and I can have. And we’re cordial and we can talk, and that’s what I need.

And I, I just thanked them the other day because I said nobody can talk theology with me, and I’m not good on theology, but I want to talk this out and rule it out with people. So I just wanted to say thank you and. Well, you’re welcome. That’s. I, that’s I, I, you know, I, I don’t inundate Dave with, with requests to do this every week. It wouldn’t, it wouldn’t have. He’d, he’d stop taking my calls. And so I, you know, doing this, you know, once a year or something like that is something that I’m sure he can tolerate.

But if I had, if I asked him to do this on, on a more frequent basis, he’d probably be like, yeah, no, thanks. Well, I just relooked it well, you know, and I honestly had forgot about this from last time you had had him on. So I just went in and resaved his. And signed up for his email thing. So that’s going to be nice because I literally, I’m just a sponge and I just want to learn it all because I do think they’ve hid so much from us that you’re not going to get it till you Kind of can try to riddle it all out.

My sister calls me a verbal maze. So I’m sorry when I talk. So, you know, and, and I have to say though, thank you for having your cats too because you make my day when I send her pictures of the cats on your head. She, she is a cat fanatic. Oh well, I’m a cat fanatic too and I love my Bengals and yeah, every time they, every time they crawl, she’s flame point. Yeah, my sister loves her flame points. Yeah, that’s all, that’s all she has. I, I, you know, I, I, I just try to, I try to, I try to bring them in and bring them, you know, make them part of the motif of my channel and, and some people like it, some people don’t, you know, but hey, it’s my, my channel, I can do what I want, so.

Exactly. Well, so, you know, so, so anyways, what I was just saying is that, you know, I told my husband, I said, well I guess we’re doing something halfway right though because even if something happens, we still have our mountains because we’re 3,000 thousand feet roughly up a mountain. We are up an eight mile very rural road. My near, My son actually just bought the 20 acres next to us. So we have 42 together other and you know, and we’re trying to get my other son. The only problem is we’re in that biodiversity area that they want to read out and you can’t live in.

So I’m just like, what are they going to attack us with next? Because we’ve already we before we bought our house, it burnt down in a fire. So you know, I’m just trying to prep and, and you know, just get enough that I figured we could survive. My, my other thing is I have a, I bought, we bought a travel trailer and my husband, when my dad died and I told people, I said that’s my other contingency plan. I said I will be losing everything because I don’t want to go into this system. But I mean they have us so tethered in right now.

I mean if you can’t get it out of you unless you can figure out how to break out of your biofield and stuff, it’s quite a creepy. I wish you would have Sabrina or Non Baxter on to talk about this and go down this trans humanism thing because it’s freaking scary. And I’ll tell you why I don’t, I’ll tell you why I don’t. I, I try to focus on more historical stuff going Back, you know, hundreds of years. You know, would it help if she wasn’t? But. But would it help if she was actually practiced on and her grandparents and her parents were in the black? Possibly, Yeah.

I mean, because if we’re talking about history. Yeah, but I. I try to. I try to veer away from a lot of the stuff that’s happening now because there’s. There’s. There’s tons of people out there that are talking about that. So I try. I try to. Well, unfortunately, yeah. Well, unfortunately for them, nobody’s talking about the truth. That. I mean, we’ve all been blocked from the gatekeepers that are out there, like, what’s her name? Maria Z. And all them, because they won’t talk about the deep stuff. And. Well, there are, you know, there are people who do talk about that stuff.

You’re just not going to find it on Rumble or. Or anything, any of the mainstream channels. You need to go to, like, Bitchute and places like that. It’s. It’s. Yeah, so. But. But I. I haven’t been on Bitchute for a while, so. I understand your point. So. Well, well, so, you know, listen, anyway, I just wanted to say thank you. Get to your next caller. And you’re more than welcome. Yeah, you’re more than welcome. And I appreciate you taking the time to call in, so I. Nope, that’s fine. I’ll just. I’ll just keep waking up and going to bed with my prayers, and that’s all we can do.

That’s awesome. That’s. That. That’s all we can do. So. It is so. And reading my Bible every day, so. All right, well, thank you guys so much. Appreciate your call. Thing. Thank you so much. Thank you. Bye. Bye, bye. Okay, guys, I’m gonna take one. One more caller and then we’re gonna let Dave go. Enjoy. Because Dave’s like me. He’s an early riser. So I. I need. He needs his beauty sleep. We. I need my beauty sleep, too. So here we go. I mean, one more phone call and then we’re going to call it a night.

If they answer, your call has been forwarded to voicemail. Not answering. So. Okay, well, that. Is. That. Is that Dave? We’re. Any. Any final words you’d like to. To say? I mean, I think we said it all. I think we’ve said it all. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Good questions. And, you know, people. People have more questions. Like I keep, keep pointing out, the website is. We got over a thousand videos on there and all kinds of, you know, information. It’s it’s categorized and by books and so you can look up anything you want and get our opinion on it anyway.

So, yeah, just use that information that’s available and appreciate you all listening. Right? Absolutely. And definitely, you know, the. Dave’s website, right here, you can see under his name. And if you go to his website, I mean, there’s. There’s a number of different things. And you know, believe it or not, he has not made it all the way through the Bible in preaching. And I think that’s his objective. By the time that he is no longer. My objective is the New Testament. Right. So. But he, you know, he. He’s. He does a lot of really good, deep.

How long did it take you to get through the Book of John? A couple years. Yeah, exactly. But it was over two years. Yeah, took him two years to get through the Book of John. So, I mean, that’s how in depth he goes. And, you know, I have really come to appreciate listening to his sermons because, man, you want to talk about somebody who really dives into the nitty gritty. And anybody who loves analytical, super in depth and intricate understanding of that time period and how it equates, you know, there’s nobody better out there that melds the historical component with the scriptural component and, and brings them together and brings it to life.

It’s. It’s really fantastic. So, you know, Dave, appreciate your time tonight, really. And, yeah. And so. And everybody appreciate you guys taking the time to, you know, to. To call in. This has been a lot of fun and wish you all a very happy New Year and look forward to seeing you again. I’m gonna do a show tomorrow, but just by myself. But. And following week, then we’ll go back to the regular schedule. So, Dave, thanks for your time, brother. All right, Ron, thank you. And have everybody enjoy the remainder of your evenings. Have a good night, everybody.

Good night.



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