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Some people say it’s in the flavor of old Art Bell show a little bit. But I go in some different directions. But we also do our geopolitics and our great interviews. TheCommonSenseShow.com. Excuse me. .tv. TheCommonSenseShow.tv. And we appreciate your support on. Well, we appreciate your support. That’s all I’ll say. We appreciate your support. Okay. We have a terrific sponsor. Okay. You’re in the gym and you’re doing resistance training and maybe you have type 2 diabetes. Maybe you’re just overweight and you want to do something about that. You’re trying to age more slowly. Okay. You’re doing really well but your joints start to hurt.
Oh my gosh. They start to hurt. I went through this. When I used the Nanosomal Liquid Spray to help me with RSV strip lung lining and so forth and it boosted my immune system to fight everything off. Then I had the problem when I was in the gym really working on myself to get back to where I wanted to be. I was doing really well but my shoulders start to hurt. I got bone on bone in my right knee. And what do I do? And my friend Scotty Sacks to the rescue. And what did Scotty say? Dave? Sore? I got the perfect thing for you.
Now the Nanosomal topical gels usually used for skin issues. But I want you to look right here. It says pluripotent stem cell development. When you rub it on and you do it frequently, once a day at least for a couple of days. You’re going to stimulate the growth of pluripotent stem cells and bone on bone is no longer bone on bone. And today I do really phenomenal leg workouts for my age. I’m not like pressing 600 pounds anymore. But I’m doing really well. And stuff that I couldn’t do 10, 15, 20 years ago. I’m doing today.
I’m in the best condition in terms of lifting than I have been in 25 years. I just rub this gel on. And they really, if you’re looking to get back into things, whether you’re running or you’re lifting or swimming, whatever it is, this is an antidote to that joint pain. Easy. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges. Okay, I saw the Phoenix Lights. And this week marks the 28th anniversary of when the Phoenix Lights appeared. I was in my driveway at the time we were living in the city, Glendale, Arizona, about three blocks away from Phoenix, city of Phoenix boundary.
And I’m out in the driveway and I’m shooting baskets. And I got a little light on the background. I’m shooting this sun had just gone down about an hour before. And I’m shooting around my neighbor’s out talking to me. He goes, man, I didn’t know you. And I got the praise and all that pretty cool. And all of a sudden, everything went quiet. And he and I looked up, said, What is that? No birds, no nothing. And then we saw it. We saw it. And it started off like this. This was in Henderson, Nevada. And the lights emanated there.
They reached the I-17 corridor coming into Phoenix. And this is the Phoenix area. And I saw a whole string of lights. I didn’t see just the three here. A lot of people reported just seeing the three. And I think it depends on the angle that you saw. And this lady was prominent. She was a doctor. She gave up her practice to pursue this. Absolutely phenomenal stuff. And here we go. This was more like what I encountered. But I saw it from a right to left image. And I was able to see about 10 to 12 lights.
Now, it’s estimated that a couple hundred thousand people saw this. And the military tried to explain it away as nonsense. And it wasn’t nonsense, folks. This was absolutely the real deal right here. This is the city of Phoenix below. Okay, now, the bottom line is, is the Phoenix lights are real. Real craft. Flying in formation. It wasn’t one giant craft, as people say, because we saw some variation on the fringe like jets flying in formation. They might alter a little bit in their path. And you can tell they’re not connected. I could see that from where I was at.
The I-17 corridor was about three and a half miles from where I was living. So about three and a half mile gap, I saw it clearly. I saw it clearly. And I had to look up probably at about 10 o’clock to see the whole thing. And I watched and watched and watched and watched until it disappeared below the tree lines. The people on the south end of the city said that it went over South Mountain and there were thousands of reports about this. Okay, now, at the time, I was actually teaching a psychology course to get extra money.
That’s what I did in the younger days when, you know, okay, so you know that you’re trying to pay multiple bills and so forth. And eventually, we wanted to move out of the city and move out to where we are today. And so I’m building towards that and I’m in a local Air Force Base. And I’m teaching, in fact, it was Luke Air Force Base, and I was teaching a psychology class. And I had someone in the class who had knowledge of what we’d seen. In fact, actually, we had the next class and people say, Hey, Professor, did you happen to see those lights in the sky? Well, as a matter of fact, I did.
Well, how’d you see it? Well, I was out there shooting baskets talking to a neighbor and there they were. And we were transfixed and we watched this probably for a good two to three minutes. It seemed like almost an hour. It was probably about two to three minutes actual. And I said, it was amazing. And I said, birds stopped flying. There were no noises. Dogs didn’t bark. I mean, I couldn’t hear anything. You just saw these lights moving. And it was reported widely on the news that night. Now, the military came out and they started their lives right away.
And I’ll go back to my course in a second, because I had a key person in that class. But the military lied their butts off. They said, Oh, as flares behind South Mountain. Well, okay. South Mountain was 20 miles south of where I’m at. And I saw the whatever those images were come into view from left to right as I looked to the east, left to right. I saw it. South Mountain is way over here. Huh? No, no. They may have gone over South Mountain, but they weren’t flares. Flares don’t fly in formation. And this is way before you get to the South Mountain area.
So the military lied their butt off. Well, I had someone who happened to be in radar at the time and manning the radar station. And I and he came up to me in a break. And he says, well, he says, we kind of know what they are. But I’m hesitant to tell you. I said, well, I’m not going to out you. Okay. So this was 28 years ago. And actually 28 years ago, minus a week, because we met in class was a once a week, three hour class. And he said, we know exactly what that was.
He said, the flight path is actually programmed into our computer. We knew they were coming. And he said, and it is advanced technology. He said, it’s technology knows there’s no button. So I blurted out area 51. Okay. That was all the rage then. And he said, probably. He said, we know the emanated out of Henderson doesn’t mean they didn’t start the flight earlier. And I said, what was the purpose? And he goes, it was a show. And he said, someone wanted these craft scene for some unknown reason to us. And I asked him about the flare explanation goes, oh, that’s all BS.
Now, as I found out later, and by the way, I was an art Bell show anonymously. I didn’t want to lose my teaching job. So the last thing I needed to do. And I just had to say, well, I had occasion to talk to a radar operator. And this is what he told me. And I went through the detail of the story. And I was on our show probably for about six, eight minutes. And that was set up by my mentor, Bill Pollock, who was really good friends with art at the time. And art didn’t use my name.
He said, he’s anonymous. Didn’t say as a professor that had been a big, big giveaway. And so I told the story and I said, we’re being lied to. Now, what my mentor, who was ex CIA and Vance Davis, ex NSA and Vance is a guy who I still have contact with today. You’ve seen him on some of my shows. Vance, fantastic. He told me that he learned that there are two competing secret space forces. Now, one of them was made public by Trump and ever asked yourself the question, how did it get Congress to pass it? And they’re up and running full steam.
A week later, getting congressional funding, not black ops funding. Yeah, there’s been two secret space programs since the 1950s. And they often competed with each other. One we know is largely run by the DIA and the CIA, CIA being dominant. The other by Naval Intelligence. Air Force is involved in the CIA part of it. And they compete with each other for technology. It’s believed that they reversed engineered Nazi theoretical physics, something my dad worked on with the Nazis after the war. And that there was a fight for the technology who had become the dominant black ops and so forth.
And certainly this brings in MIT and DARPA. So you had two competing groups and one group was coming out and saying, look what we got. This was a show of force. And that’s what the Phoenix lights were all about. And the fact that this radar operator confirmed, he goes, we knew they were coming. He goes, we laughed. We were threatened with an inch of our lives if we divulged anything. But he said, the flight was pre-programmed into our radar tracking. He goes, you mean exactly. And I said, so the flares. And he goes, no, one, no flares.
And I said to him later, as I found this out, I said, before we end the class, I talked to him on the last day of the final. And this is now moving forward into May. And I asked him, I said, I’ve got information about two secret space forces. And I said, this is a show of force and technological prowess to show up the other. It was a coming out party, so to speak, like a debutante ball. And he says, I have no idea. He goes, I just know what we saw, what we tracked and their anomalous behavior.
They were able to fly at speeds that were unbelievable coming out of Henderson. But by the time they got to Phoenix, they were flying slower than flight speed would mandate that you have to have to stay in the air. So they demonstrated both sides of the equation about staying airborne, getting airborne, that type of thing. And they were defying the laws of physics. And they wanted to be seen, but it wasn’t so much they wanted the people to see them. But what was really bold about this, this is the age of UFO denial. If you report a UFO, you’re nuts.
You need your head examined. Pilots would purposely not report UFOs because they were afraid of being outed and that they might lose their job or they might lose assignments or they might be mandated for psychological treatment. And so this was an age where people didn’t, it wasn’t like today. Today you report it, you’re not going to get chastised by very many people. At this time in history, it was very, very bad to do this. And they were saying, we had a coming out party. And I have found out more since then from two former astronauts, and I’m not allowed to say their name.
One is past and one is still living. But in meetings we used to have in La Placidas, New Mexico, in the 1990s, and this is like about 95 to 98, Bill Pollock used to sponsor these meetings. He’d bring in really qualified, highly technical people. We’d sign non-disclosure agreements and then share the secrets to try to get an overall comprehensive view of where things were going scientifically. Because our government’s been involved in a massive cover-up of quantum physics and zero point energy. And we know that from Nikola Tesla. This isn’t anything profound that I’m telling you. I think this is common information.
But the two competing groups, my understanding, one no longer is in existence. They’ve been starved by funding. Biden tried to resurrect it without success. The public one has always been loyal to Trump, even during the Biden years. And they’ve emerged as the dominant. They weren’t the ones who sponsored the Phoenix Lights. They didn’t conduct that flight. That was from their opposition. And their opposition has been starved of a lot of funding. Oh, they’re still around. They’re still doing some things. But the Space Force, as we know it, that was one secret and private, now public and congressionally supported.
And under the control of the Pentagon, to some degree, they are the ones that have emerged as dominant. Where they got their technology? Well, we can debate that nine times Sunday. My personal belief is this is a spiritual issue. And these aren’t ETs that they’re getting technology from. I think it’s pretend ETs that are Genesis 6, chapter 4, and it’s descendants of the fallen angels. It’s demonic. And it’s designed to lead us down a path. I think ultimately what they want to do is fake an alien invasion. Project Bluebeam, you may have heard about it. It’s been around since the 80s, conceptually.
And I believe that they want to basically fake an alien invasion to unite the nations on the Earth. And then we get one world government by some fake threat. That’s what a lot of people believe out there. But I can’t tell you that I can prove it. I can only tell you what my logic tells me. So it’s just a guess. It’s just a hypothesis at this point. But there are things that we do not know and that are outside the realm of our knowledge. And I’m going to close with this. There is a term in sociology called technological lag.
Let me give you an example. In the 1960s, the internet was developed by the US Army as a workaround in case communications were destroyed the nuclear war with Soviet Union. Well, that was in the 60s. When did we get the internet? In the 90s. Okay, microwave ovens. Even Tesla did experiments with microwave technology in the 40s. So that was around in the 40s. Today we have microwave ovens. When did they come into play? In the mid to late 70s. So there was a technological gap there of about 35 years with the internet over 35 years. And so when you take a look at what happens when the inventors get control of things, and they’re controlled often by DARPA now, they withhold this for a generation or two from the public.
So the technology that we have now, if you were to make a guess, you’d say it’s probably 40 years ahead of what we know. And that was part of the show of force and technological achievement with the Phoenix lights. It was simply just a debutante ball, one secret space program to another. Isn’t that interesting? We had competing space programs. Yeah, well, I’ve heard this from other people who worked in Operation Paperclip. They fully know about this. So anyway, I thought you might find this interesting. We’re going to continue to look at this, but I’m not a believer that they’re ETs.
I’m not a believer in that at all. I think the evidence is far behind if you go biblical. I think it makes a lot more sense that they’re descendants of fallen angels and they’re not our friends. They are not our friends. Anyway, I’m Dave Hodges. This is the Common Sense Show. Happy anniversary to the Phoenix lights. Glad I saw them. Boy, it was freaky. See you later. [tr:trw].