The Real Reasons behind the Economic Turmoil and Wars w/ Harley Schlanger

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âž¡ The article discusses the political and financial tensions in the Middle East, particularly Israel, and the impact of Leela’s quantum technology on health and wellness. It also highlights the potential financial system crash and the role of gold and silver as a hedge against falling markets. The article further emphasizes the importance of breaking censorship to understand global perspectives and the need to protect wealth in uncertain times.
âž¡ The text discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, suggesting that Israel’s aggressive stance towards Palestinians is a form of fascism. It also suggests that the United States plays a significant role in this conflict by providing military support to Israel. The text further argues that the idea of Zionism as the ultimate goal of Judaism is incorrect and that many Jews were forced to move to Palestine after the Holocaust. Lastly, it discusses the rising cost of living in major cities due to inflation and suggests investing in gold and silver as a way to protect savings.
âž¡ The article discusses the perceived lack of democracy in the United States, where the interests of corporations and billionaires seem to outweigh those of the general population. It highlights the growing wealth gap and the inability of the public to influence policy changes. The article also criticizes the focus on identity politics and other divisive issues, which distract from larger concerns like the financial system and war. Lastly, it mentions the global shift of power, with poorer countries rejecting Western influence and seeking fair trade terms.
âž¡ The text discusses the global financial system, focusing on the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and the US. It suggests that some powerful groups are preparing for a shift in power to the BRICs by investing in gold and other physical wealth. The text also criticizes the US for its financial policies, which have led to significant debt and economic instability. It concludes by suggesting that the West’s power is declining, as evidenced by its inability to maintain technological and educational superiority.
âž¡ The text discusses the belief that powerful individuals are intentionally causing chaos and manipulating situations to their advantage. It suggests that these individuals, who are often educated at prestigious universities, are not as intelligent as they believe themselves to be, and their arrogance could lead to their downfall. The text also touches on international relations, suggesting that countries like Russia and China may not be as hostile as they are often portrayed, and that open dialogue and understanding are crucial. Lastly, it criticizes the censorship and propaganda that prevent people from having a clear understanding of global affairs.
âž¡ The speaker believes that people are losing their freedom by letting others dictate their thoughts and beliefs. He suggests that this loss of freedom is a trade-off for a false sense of security. He encourages people to engage with him through his website and email for daily updates and discussions. He emphasizes that open dialogue is the only effective way to understand the world.


They’re talking about that whole area, which includes part of Syria, part of Lebanon, part of Iraq, as being part of Israel. Now, that’s not a practical solution right now, but that’s what they believe, greater Israel. And that they have a right to eliminate anyone on Israel who’s not submissive to the jewish state. It actually is that Jabotinsky was the author of something called the Iron Wall, which said that there has to be an iron wall oppressing the non jewish residents of Palestine, so they accept the rule of the Jews. So this idea of democracy and freedom, which has always been a questionable one because they don’t allow the vote for most of the Palestinians and so on, experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology.

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Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness at Sarah shop or by following the link below. Welcome to Business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Harley Schlanger coming to the program. He’s one of the best ones to talk to when you see the world heating up with war. And we also have the backdrop of this whole financial system starting to crash this week. There’s more to this. It’s all connected. BRics nations, of course, is involved. We have the BRICS nations with 40% now pegged by gold. We saw the front running of gold and all these other group buying gold and silver.

As you know, four or five years ago, at least five years ago, they started doing that and at least openly where we had this huge others group that was as large as institutions buying it. So we think it’s the large sovereign family funds. They’re not usually allowed to do that because you’re cornering the markets and they’re doing it anyways. So they have to have amazing power to be able to do, to do that. It could be governments doing that. And they don’t want people to know who they are, but it’s happening. And so all these wars, typically, and if history is an indication, wars are bankers wars.

There’s usually a massive financial system turnover whenever there’s wars. So every single war there’s been a big financial change. So this will not be any different. I challenge Harley on quite a bit of issues here, which is exactly what we need to do. The propaganda networks are on overdrive, keeping everybody distracted on other issues while the bigger issues are actually going on. The whole financial system shifting. And what’s really behind it? And what’s really behind these wars, they won’t talk about. They’ll talk about things from a surface standpoint. They’ll talk about cultural issues that get everybody emotionally charged.

And while they’re ignoring the real issues, issues, and I think this is really important, we need to have more of these discussions. This is why propaganda is so destructive. Propaganda will ultimately destroy our country. The mainstream media and the Mockingbird media, the control over the information and the censorship will destroy our country because people will no longer be to know what’s really going on in the world. And so you’ll make decisions that just, frankly, aren’t smart because you don’t know, you’re uninformed. And the only way we’re going to be informed is to break this blockade of censorship.

So we start understanding what the rest of the world is saying about us, and we stop listening to talking heads that are just feeding us a bunch of crap propaganda that is extremely important for our survival as a country. So that’s why I care so much about censorship. So, but before I get into this, I’m going to talk to you about Miles Franklin. They are my gold company and silver company of choice because I have only had good luck with them. They’ve given. Given people extremely good service because nobody has complained. I mean, it’s just really good service.

And they have really informed and educated people that work the phones and talk to people. So you’ll be able to ask them questions, why do you want to buy gold and silver? First of all, when the BRICS nations are backing the entire currency, currency that 75% of the world is going towards with gold? That means gold and silver is going to have a significant higher value coming here in the future. So it’s looking more and more like a good investment. But besides that, it’s a storage of wealth. You need to have some place to store your wealth if this system keeps crashing.

We’ve been saying this for a long time. This will preserve your wealth for the long term. History has showed that precious metals, gold, silver have been a hedge against these. It’s been a hedge against falling markets. It’s been a preservation of wealth since the beginning of time. And I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon. So if you are interested in protecting your wealth and your assets and putting your family in a better position, contact Miles Franklin. Email comma tell them Sarah sent you and they have guaranteed that they will give you the best prices in the country and excellent service.

Again, okay, let’s get into this really important conversation that I have with Harley Schlanger. Hi, Harley. Welcome back to the program. Hi, Sarah. Good to see you again. Well, we got some stuff to talk about. We have war heating up around the world. We have a financial meltdown that’s been coming, and it’s starting to look like maybe it’s here now. We’ve been talking about it for a long time. Let’s talk about, we’re going to talk about both issues, but let’s talk about the war that’s heating up everywhere. I mean, it’s not just in the Middle east.

It’s also Ukraine. It’s also in Taiwan, around China. My sources are telling me they’re really building up militarily around China, and that has been completely suppressed. But what the media is covering is what’s going on in the Middle east. And now the United States is committed troops to defend Israel. Yeah, it’s almost, but they also, Israel has also appointed a new spokesman. His name is, you probably know it off the top of your head. It’s Omar, Omar, Omar Dastri. And he has been openly wanting to ethnically cleanse the Gaza and that he is advocating the plan to move Gaza out of, move the Gazans out of Israel and into Egypt, into the Sinai peninsula.

And so now they’re moving with the plan that we knew they were going to do anyways. So what is going on with Israel right now and the war with that? And then we’ll move on to these other fronts. Well, I’ll just start by saying that the whole point of the war is to take your eye off the other thing that’s going on, which is the building of a new financial and economic system. And the people that are being targeted, whether it’s Iran, China, Russia, India, are being targeted because they’re moving to a new economic system based on physical economic development as opposed to speculation, derivatives, and so on.

And so the idea behind the war is to weaken the countries that are building this new system and to promote conflict and disruption of trade and economic policy as a way of keeping the war party in power. Now, you look at just what happened with Biden. Was it a big surprise to anyone that the guy is degenerating? I mean, everyone sees that, but they thought they could keep him propped up long enough to defeat Trump, because the thing about Trump that they fear is they don’t know if they can fully control him. They’re trying to deploy Pompeo and people like that to do it, but they’re not sure.

Well, he’s surrounded by technocrats right now, though. People are concerned that he’s surrounding himself with technocrats, but keep going. Well, like Palantir. Yes, security state, but we can get to Trump in a moment. But with Biden, what happened is the decision was made to bring in Harris to sacrifice Biden to keep the war policy. And not too many people know exactly what Harris stands for. But I just went through her speech last February at the Munich security conference, where she said, we’re 100% behind Ukraine. We have to stop Putin. We have to stop Russia. And the reason we have to stop Russia is because we have to turn to China next.

So it was the straight printout from the war party. And what do we see as soon as she gets the promotion? The anointment, $310 million in campaign funding, a lot of it from venture capital, from Silicon Valley, the tech sector. That’s part of the war machine. So there’s an intent to keep the world on the edge of war as a way of avoiding dealing with the other problems, namely the collapse of the physical economy. And then when it comes to Israel, Israel has been degenerating in terms of its moral outlook over a long period of time.

That you could argue, and I know the Palestinians do, that, that immorality was there from the beginning with the Nakba in 1948, the original war, the kicking the Palestinians off, whole sections of the land. The 1967 war, when the territory was taken over, the so called occupied territory. But what we’re seeing now is a much more aggressive turn toward what can only be called fascism, nazi politics, extermination, the treatment of a section of a population as what are sometimes called untermenschen. That’s what the Germans called the so called lower species. That’s the way the Israelis talk about the Palestinians, as a cancer, as a virus, as a bacteria.

And the person you mentioned, the new spokesman, is typical of that, that these are not human beings that are being sacrificed, that they’re enemies. Well, let me push back a little bit on this, because I see that. But what they put out in our media is that it’s the opposite. Even though Israel is much more powerful, they control the palestinian area. But they claim that the Palestinians talk about them that way, and then they, in our media, they act like they don’t say any of that. But when anybody that goes and does research, they see what you’re saying right now.

So what is that all about? Well, it’s a self justification of a policy which was a fraud in the beginning. The idea that Zionism is the ultimate goal of Judaism is just wrong. And I’ve written about this extensively. I come from jewish refugee families from Eastern Europe. They didn’t want to go to Palestine. They had no sense of that. Zionism was their goal. They came to New York. They came to Florida. They came to the United States. But many of the Jews of Europe, especially after the Holocaust, had no choice. They were moved to Israel, to Palestine.

And if you go back to when the Balfour declaration was issued, promising by the British, promising a jewish state in the land of Palestine, the line that the Zionists had was, this is a land without people, for people with no land. Two lies. Because many of the Jews had land, they had opportunities in other countries. But more importantly, there were 600,000 Palestinians who were Christians and Muslims and only 60,000 Jews in Palestine when the declaration was started. So they created an arbitrary notion of a country. For what purpose? To protect the Jews? No, it was for british geopolitical intention.

They were just used, weren’t they? And there’s a using going on. And you’re using Ukrainians, Sarah, like the Ukrainians. That’s right. Ukrainians are used to now, and this is coming from a jewish person. Now, the people in Israel, and I’ve heard this from you many times, they’re not buying it either. They feel used, the average person. Is that true? Well, I think after October 7, there was a steamrolling to get the population behind Netanyahu. Remember, before October 7, there were hundreds of thousands of people in the street demanding that Netanyahu be removed because of his attempt to change the judiciary there.

Why was he doing that? Because he’s corrupt. His machine is corrupt. He was about to go on trial. So what he did was he. Now, whether, I’m not sure I can prove this yet, but many people are making the argument that the israeli security forces, which they know, everything going on in Gaza, they have cameras. They have spies, for sure. Yeah. The fact that they didn’t know this was coming. Yeah. And once it came, of course, they could now wave the bloody shirt and say, look at this. A new holocaust carried out by these barbarians. We have to defend ourselves and all this stuff that they should have been able to defend themselves in the first place and not have it happen.

But go ahead. And I’m not defending what Hamas did on October 7, except they’re a resistance movement that’s been trying to establish a, an independent state, which the whole world says it supports. The international law is that there should be two states. The Palestinians should have their own state. Netanyahu no longer says that. But the main position in Israel has always been a two state solution. Now it’s changed. It’s the open declaration of driving the Palestinians out that isn’t the way it used to be. At least they tried to cover it up in the past. Now they’re just open on it like we’re.

Yes, we’re doing ethnic cleansing. We don’t want any of them here. We want to move them to the egyptian Sinai desert, and we’re not even going to hide it anymore. So go ahead. The biggest picture there is, if you look at Netanyahu’s background, his father was a secretary of a man named Jabotinsky, who was the founder of the revisionist movement of the Zionists. And that movement said that it’s the land of greater Israel that has to be brought under jewish control. That’s from the Nile river to the Tigris and Euphrates. So when Netanyahu starts complaining about people saying from the river to the sea, they’re talking about that whole area, which includes part of Syria, part of Lebanon, part of Iraq, as being part of Israel.

Now, that’s not a practical solution right now, but that’s what they believe, greater Israel, and that they have a right to eliminate anyone on Israel who’s not submissive to the jewish state. It actually is that. Jabotinsky was the author of something called the Iron Wall, which said that there has to be an iron wall oppressing the non jewish residents of Palestine. So they accept the rule of the Jews. So this idea of democracy and freedom, which has always been a questionable one because they don’t allow the vote for most of the Palestinians and so on, it’s now coming into bold relief.

But it’s not just Israel. And what you’re saying is there are a lot of people in Israel now who are saying Netanyahu should go. He doesn’t represent our tradition. This is where you have to look at the problem of the United States. The United States. If Biden really was concerned about the treatment of the Palestinians, if Harris and Blinken really cried tears over the palestinian children, stop sending the 2000 pound bombs to the Netanyahu’s bombers, stop defending them at the United nations. Stop backing attacking the International Court of Justice, which is meticulously proving that this is a genocide that’s underway by the Israelis.

So much of the problem is the United States. Now, where does that come from? That’s where you have to look at the military industrial financial complex, which is challenged now by the emergence of the BRICs of the new potential financial system. And they’re using Israel, they’re using Ukraine, and they’re using Taiwan to weaken the powerful nations that are supporting the nations of the global south. Well, and I want to stop it right there. They’re using them. They’re using the United States, too, even though we seem like we’re the ones doing it. And from the world stage, it looks like we are the ones doing it.

And they’re using Israel, they’re using the United States, and using the whole world is turning against us as being evil. They’re saying people, a common thing that people say in other countries. Now, we don’t like the us government, but the us people are okay. Just like we’ll say about North Koreans or something. We don’t like the north korean government, but the people are okay. That’s what people say about us. And so they’re turning the world against us. So it’s a backfire thing and zooming out. Now we’re saying that the British and other the world, the economic powers, are behind all this.

So now keep going. This gets to the question of why the issue of sovereignty is so important. In 2023, according to MIT, living wage calculator, folks in major cities needed around $68,499 just to make ends meet comfortably. But guess what happened next. In just one year, that number should up a whopping 40% to 96,500. Can you believe how much inflation has affected us? That’s the kind of inflation that keeps us up at night. Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t afford to keep pace with that kind of skyrocketing cost of living. It’s downright scary.

But you know what’s even scarier? Not doing anything about it. That’s why I’ve been talking to folks over at Miles Franklin. They’re all about helping regular people like you and me protect our hard earned savings with gold and silver. You can lock in the value of your money and shield yourself from the ups and downs of the economy. So if you are like me and want to keep your nest eggs safe and sound, reach out to miles just mention my name, Sarah Sentney, and they’ll take care of you like family, because it’s just how we do things here in middle America.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your future. Today, the idea of a sovereign nation state, especially a republic, as we’re supposed to be, is that we have institutions of self government that act for the interests of our populations. And people can vote on what they want, what they agree to. Right now, the vote doesn’t matter at all. The Congress isn’t paying any attention to what the people want. And so what you have is these corporate cartels that have power. People can recognize some of the names like Blackrock and Vanguard and JP Morgan Chase, the huge banks, but also big pharma.

It’s the same thing. They’re part of the corporate cartels, the oil companies, the raw material companies, the grain processing companies and so on. These don’t have loyalty to any nation. They have loyalty to the oligarchs and the billionaires that run them. And so what we have is people talk about this growing gap between rich and poor. It’s also a growing gap between who has the ability to change policy. Now, this is where you see the Congress, Republicans and Democrats. There’s almost no difference on the war policy. We saw that in terms of the Ukraine vote. Biden puts forward this new $100 billion package, $60 billion for Ukraine, $25 billion for Israel.

Speaker Johnson said, well, we maga people are going to oppose it. And then what happened? They fell in line. They passed it. Do the american taxpayers who are struggling to keep food on their table and a roof on their head and watching their schools collapse and the transportation systems and the water supplies deteriorate, do we really want 100 billion here and 100 billion there to go into the pockets of the kleptocrats of Ukraine and to the military industrial complex to fight a war that’s a losing war? Of course not. So where’s the democracy? And that’s, you know, I do a lot of interviews now in Africa and the Middle East, South America.

And that’s the question I always get. Where’s the democracy in the United States? Do the american people really support the policies of the government? And to the extent that we don’t have people in the streets. We don’t have a visible protest. We don’t really have an alternative party. The two parties are pretty much the same. That’s why people say, what’s wrong with America now? Sarah, I can tell you here in Germany we have the same thing. The ruling coalition. The three parties are now at less than 30% in the polls. And what’s growing is a leftist party of Saravagenknecht and a so called right wing party of the Alternative for Deutschland.

What do they have in common? They’re against the Ukraine war, they’re against NATO, and they’re against the green policy. Similarly, in the United States, a lot of Americans don’t like the policies of the major parties, but they’re stuck and they use the profiles and they use identity politics to divert attention. It ends up being not what at all. What they are separating us over are trivial things they try to get. And then they’re on the big picture items. The financial system, war, all these, the geopolitics, that stuff, they’re completely unison on behind the scenes and then they get us all fighting on transgender issues, abortion and some of these trends, they’re important, but they affect, well, abortion is another issue, but they affect a small percentage of people compared to these other big issues that we’re talking about.

This will totally fundamentally change the world and the structure of the world. And they’re getting us diverted into these other issues. See, I think identity politics should be seen as the same way geopolitics functions between nations. At the beginning of the 20th century, the end of the 19th century, the British trying to protect the control of the trade routes and the financial system as it was beginning to erode. What they decided was to adopt a policy called geopolitics, which had as its fundamental view that you could never have an alliance between Germany and Russia. Well, Germany and Russia are natural partners and have been for much of the, much of history because the Germans and the Russians have similar culture.

They have german technology and russian raw materials. It worked perfectly, but what they did was they created animosity between them and organized World War one and World War two. And then what we’re now seeing is what’s called the global south, the southern hemisphere. The former colonies have incredible raw materials and they have something else that the global north doesn’t have. Large numbers of young people. You look at Japan, you look at Korea, you look at Germany, aging populations. Because we’ve become a post christian society. There’s an immorality that’s now, the dominant culture, which goes back to the rock, sex, drug counterculture and so on, so you can get people to argue like crazy over transgender and these kinds of things.

But when it comes to, do you have a government which acts in the interests of its people? People don’t know. They don’t know what their interests are. They know what they don’t like, but they don’t know what’s necessary. And the breakdown of sovereignty. When you take away from a people the control over their own future and put it in the hands of technocrats and billionaires, and then you create a celebrity culture. So you say, oh, these are so important people. They must know what they’re doing. Well, they know what they’re doing. They’re trying to confuse you so they can keep robbing you and stealing from you and building up their portfolios at your expense.

And that’s what the rest of the world is now saying we’re not putting up with anymore. One of my favorite parts of the world now is the sub Sahel region, the Sahara desert, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. Three of the poorest countries in the world but have lots of raw materials. They just kicked the French out. They’re kicking the United States out, and they formed an alliance to defeat the terrorists. The reason there were terrorists there is that the french military was arming the terrorists, the so called islamic terrorists, just as the US was doing in Syria and Iraq.

So these are countries that are now saying, we don’t want you. We’re willing to trade with you, but on fair terms. And until the west is willing to treat these countries as legitimate countries and do it on fair terms, we’re going to be isolated. And when we support, as when the United States supports the slaughter of children in Palestine, children who had nothing to do with October 7, when you turn away and say, well, Israel has a right to defend itself, well, it does. But defending itself, it does not mean slaughtering children. Yeah. This is the issue that I need to say this because when Netanyahu stood in front of Congress and said, we haven’t hurt a single civilian, we’re the most moral army in the world, and ignoring the fact that there’s been two and three year olds that have been killed, how do you even, and then the entire Congress stands up and applauses even.

And here’s the deal. Even if they are trying hard, let’s, let’s pretend that they’re trying hard not to hurt civilians, to lie and say, you haven’t hurt a single non civilian. You can’t claim that a two and three year old is Hamas, no matter how much you want to say that straight face. And that’s what they do. They say, all these people hamas, they’re being trained. And so they try to do this weird, twisty thing that these little kids are hamas. And then that’s what they’re using to justify the fact that they haven’t killed a single civilian.

And then we have this media that’s supporting it, and then you have people. The thing that bugs me is there’s a lot of christians that believe that, well, this is a problem that also goes back to the British. The Christian Zionism goes back to the mid 19th century and the launching of the idea of the british Israelites. This was a cult of the ruling families that claimed that the british monarchy was descended directly to the bloodline of Jesus Christ. And that they believe that in order to have a second coming of Jesus, you have to have all the Jews of the world move to Palestine, and then you have the battle of Armageddon.

And this is Reverend John Hagee. I don’t know if you’re familiar with him. I think they’re trying to do that, Harley. We have a bunch of weirdo and cultists in the very top of our society trying to do that, and it’s just incredible. I need to ask you about the BRICS, because I know you like this new economic system, and I understand that there’s a lot of. But I see a front running of it by the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. When they started funding or buying out gold and silver en masse, and this whole others group started forming.

Okay. And I started. I’ve been covering this for over five years with Andy Shekman, when he was the first one that came out on the world stage and said, there’s this other group. And we talked about it on my program, and who the heck is this other groups and who is able to do this? They’re front running it because now the BRICs are backed by 40% gold, and then they’re also making decisions. The US, that looks like they’re purposely taking down the financial system. So while there’s these geopolitical war things going on, that looks like we’re fighting that.

There’s also a big segment of people that are front running it and making sure they’re in position when the BRICs do get in power, that they will be well positioned and they’re helping the system come down. So it looks like there’s two factions of very powerful people fighting that are from the west. Well, that’s a very good and complicated question, but I can give you a simple answer to it that you do have people who realize that this system is finished. It’s so indebted. The $35 trillion us deficit is just the tip of the iceberg. Theres $30 trillion in consumer debt, theres state debt.

Theres debt that will never be repaid, and they know it. Theyre willing to let that crash at some point. Which means, if you think about what it means for bond markets and treasuries and things like that, it means peoples pensions are all going to be wiped out. They’re positioning themselves, they think, the super wealthy, the black rocks and others, to have raw material wealth, to have physical wealth, including gold, so that they’ll be able to survive. Now, what they’re realizing now is that they can’t just loot countries anymore. They can’t use colonial policies to go in and steal all the raw materials.

So that’s why they support wars. But here’s the thing. There’s a mythology that a Goldman Sachs guy came up with the idea of the BRICS. It’s not true. The first person to bring this up was Primakov, who was the last soviet russian prime minister before Putin, who was fighting against the looting of Russia. And he talked about Russia, India and China. Then Lyndon Larouche came along and said, no, it should be four powers, Russia, India, China and the United States. And the US should change its policy because we’re the ones bringing down our financial system to the extent we did the 2008 crash with mortgage backed securities, then went whole hog after that with quantitative easing to try and cover over the bad debt.

Instead of a bankruptcy reorganization, we covered over the bad debt, bailed out the speculators, and punished the homeowners and the small businesses. Yeah, we’re taking ourselves down. That’s what the United States did. Yeah, but see, that’s where the question is. We’re taking ourselves down. Really bad policy. That’s right. While we’re front running this new financial system. But, so that’s why I’m saying there is a group of, and you can’t buy that much gold and silver legally. So they have the system bought out. They have the regulators bought out because they can’t corner a gold or silver market by buying this much gold and silver.

They don’t usually allow that. And they’re being allowed to do that. The Chinese and the Russians and the Indians are buying an enormous amount of gold. But to that point, you know what I’m saying this is not accept. I know what you’re saying, but there’s one caveat here, which is that the people who think they’re going to game the bricks are not going to be able to do it, because you have, and I know some of the people who are involved in the BRICS. There’s a brilliant young economist. He’s not so young anymore. Sergey Glasiev in Russia, who’s one of Putin’s economic thinkers.

Glasiev is talking about a return to a system with a gold reserve or raw material reserve, hard commodity reserve. In other words, where you use currency that’s backed by something as opposed to funny money. Well, it all makes sense. Yeah. As opposed to central banks. That makes sense. It’s solid, but keep going. I have some more things I want to. Okay, throw it. Because the people you’re talking about have been using the central banks to loot countries, and they can’t do that anymore. They just don’t. Our interest rate, our interest now is a trillion dollars a year on servicing the debt.

There’s not enough tax money to keep the system going, so they know they need a fallback option. So some of them are trying to manipulate the BRICs to going into some kind of new currency prematurely that they could buy into. This is what is frustrating. Well, this is frustrating people who are supporting Putin and Xi Jinping because they’re saying, slow down. We’re not going to a new financial system. We’re not dumping the dollar. We’re just making sure that every currency can be used for trading so that it all doesn’t have to go through the city of London and Wall street.

Because current international trade and transactions have to be in dollars, which means the us banks and the british banks get a cut of every trade that takes place. So what happens when you have a ruby ruble rupee Russia India alliance, or when the Saudis accept the chinese yuan for oil? It goes outside of the dollar system. Now, is that an attack on the United States? No, it’s countries trying to maintain a certain amount of value from their physical productive economy instead of turning it over to the looters. Now, this is what the loss of that income will bring down the system, the present speculative system, as it already is starting to.

They’re terrified of that. So they’re trying to figure out how to stop it with wars. And if that doesn’t work, how do you get it on the inside? Some of them both, yeah. Some of them think they’re smart enough and arrogant enough that they can somehow swindle Putin and Xi Jinping and Modi and Ramaphosa and Lula and all these other leaders who are putting together this new system. I think what we’re seeing is the collapse of western arrogance. Here’s a perfect example that’s interesting. How is it that Russia developed hypersonic missiles and we can’t, how is it that our airplanes are falling from the sky, doors are falling off them? The new f 35 fighter bombers are being grounded.

The british aircraft carriers can’t get out of port. I can tell you why. Because we spent so much money on all the other frivolous things and not on serious things. And so then all this serious stuff, engineering and in ingenuity and building ourselves up. We were screwing around, and we’re screwing around. I saw this when I was. We’re investing in marketing. We’re investing in fluff and entertainment. Exactly. And not in quick speculation and not in education. I mean, all these countries are educating their kid. We’re now labeled. We’re now 50th in the world in education. We’re just not serious.

You know, I’ve done a couple of presentations recently on what Sergei Lavrov, the russian foreign minister, is calling the post christian era in the west. And if you saw the opening of the Paris Olympics with this, the drag queen. Were there any straight people in the entire ceremony? I mean, well, and Macron approved this. So the rest of the world looks at this and says, the west is degenerate. Then they see this is why the west tolerates genocide in Palestine. Yeah. What is the rest of the world? Because the rest of the world, it’s one thing if we are going, holy crap, looking at it, the rest of the world is pretty conservative compared to, like, I am a flaming liberal compared to a lot of the rest of the world, and that was offensive to me.

Well, then what is the rest? You know what I’m saying? The same with you. Same with most of the listeners. Sure. And let’s go one step further, because it’s a post christian era and a post truth era. The idea that there are no such things as higher truths or universals. This goes back to Bertrand Russell, a whole philosophical tradition, the hobbesian view that man is a beast and that there’s limited resources and you have to have a struggle for survival of the fittest of each against all. That’s the mentality that is embedded in the elites, the so called elites, the establishment in the west.

And because we had the power coming out of World War two, we had an opportunity to do something different. I mean, Eisenhower, for example, was very much opposed to this british system. That’s why he opposed the British, French, and Israelis when they tried to stop the nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956. And he threatened the Brits. He said, if you don’t get out, we’re going to dump your bonds, your pound notes, and the Brits stopped the war. Then you had Kennedy, who was an economic nationalist, who was turning against the federal reserve system, who was trying to figure out how to use treasury notes to break from the speculative system.

After he was killed, we had the Vietnam War and then the end of the Bretton woods system and a floating exchange rate system, and the swindlers took over completely. And these swindlers won’t accept the fact that they no longer have the power to impose their will. But, look, we can’t even fight the hooties. They’re able to shut down traffic in the Red Sea. There’s the arrogant belief in we’re so much better. It’s like we kicked out. It’d be like in a high school where you kick out the. The people who are in the top ten of the class, and you bring in all the misfits who just want to take advantage of everybody, and they’re the ones running everything.

Well, that’s like, you know, good example. You know, I mean, at a very simplistic level, that’s what’s going on. And, you know, where they came from? They came from Harvard, Princeton, Yale, the Ivy League schools. Well, because our university system has really collapsed, because who were the last ones to remove the mandates, even though they knew what all the studies were coming out. That should be a clear indication of what the heck is going on. But I got to tell you, I still think that there is a group of powerful people purposely taking this country down to front run and front running the system, and maybe the war is also to create chaos.

So they’re playing. They play both sides of the situation to make sure, to make sure that they are going to be okay no matter what. Well, but they also make miscalculations. That’s true. They’re not as bright as. We shouldn’t assume that they’re. That’s the point. The evil guys who ran the west in the first part of the 20th century were still much smarter than the ones who are running it today. Look at someone like Blinken. You know, Blinken is a protege of Madeleine Albrighthe. Albright was a satanic figure. Albright justified killing 500,000 Iraqis with sanctions, iraqi children children.

Yeah, it was Warren. She said it brought down Saddam. Now, who is her mentor? Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski, who was trained by british lords with a strategy to bring down the Soviet Union by using islamic terrorists. Now, these are the people who train Blinken and Sullivan and Susan Rice and Samantha Power, who are the Obama networks that ran the Biden administration and now are preparing to try and impose Kamala Harris. And it would be the same networks. They’ll get rid of blinken, they’ll get rid of Sullivan. They’re throwaways. But the people behind the scenes, like the Jamie Dimonds and the Larry finks of Blackrock, they’re smart.

They’re not idiots. Go ahead. Well, they’re not idiots, but they have an arrogant belief that they’re inherently better. Well, and I always say this is what I taught my kids from the beginning. Arrogance is the beginning of your downfall. There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. And if this is what we’re dealing with, the arrogance blinds you. You think you’re smarter than you are. You think you have it all figured out and you stop asking the questions. And, Sarah, let me just go back to just the final point on this question. There are people who are trying to take down the present system because they want to get rid of the debt.

They want to get rid of what’s suppressing them and loot more the population. Since they can’t steal as much from african countries today, where do you think they’re going to turn for the extra loot they need on the Americans? I think that’s what they’re doing. See that? They’re the great taking. They’re stealing from it. They have a plan, this whole great taking, the UCC weaponizing that, which I have a great show coming up on how to deal with that in legislation. And this is very serious. Now, one last thing before you go, because I know you have to go.

The concern is that all the shenanigans they’re doing is going to really fundamentally hurt us because the rest of the world, when this BRics thing comes in, they’re going to turn to us and not give a crap what happens to us. You’re saying, go ahead, I’ll tell you, we’re the victim of censorship because we don’t know what these other countries are saying. Putin, for example, on June 14 addressed the russian foreign ministry. And what did he say? He said, look, we don’t like what America is doing. We think it’s doing bad things, but we like Americans.

And we think that America still has something to offer. And we open this eurasian perspective for Americans and Europeans to participate. And you trust that? You trust that that’s what’s happening. After everything, the United States and all this western and the UK, especially in Israel, because everybody’s turning against Israel in the world, everything that we’re doing, you think that they are going to say, okay, the people don’t deserve this? Well, I think that they would probably support trials before the international court of justice of the genocidalists in the west. But that’s not the people. Look, the american people and the russian people have no reason to be fighting each other.

The Americans and the Chinese. What do the Chinese want? They want a car, they want a house, they want jobs for their children? Yes. No, it’s the same thing we want for our kids. This is what John Kennedy said in his famous speech in June 1963. We all have the same desires for our children and we’re all mortal. In other words, we’re all going to die. So we want to leave a better world behind us. That’s the best tradition of western values and republicanism with a small r. And I’ve had a chance to meet with some of these diplomats from Russia, from China.

They’re very bright. They admire the United States, they admire the entrepreneurial spirit. They’d like to have more of that in their own country. They’re afraid if they totally open up that the bad guys are going to come in and take advantage of that and tear them down. That’s why in China, when they had the real estate fraud, like the 2008 situation in the United States, they jailed the bankers and bailed out the people. That’s what the Chinese. We did the opposite. We did the opposite. Yeah, we hurt the little guy. We took their homes and we gave money to the bankers.

Exactly. And those are the same bankers who think theyre going to get the Chinese to use their new system to defend the wealthy bankers. Look, I cant tell you 100% that everyone in China and Russia making policy is a good person. But I can tell you that if you look at what China has done to lift people out of poverty, you look at how Russia has turned around the destruction that was conducted in the 1990s against them. And I’m going to write some things on this, Sarah, because this also plays into the whole NATO expansion and the US lies against Russia.

If the Americans knew what’s been done in our name, that we told the Russians, we want to have peace with you, and then turned around and said that’s why we’re going to put NATO on your borders with nuclear weapons. So we lied repeatedly. That’s true. The question is, why do the Russians not go whole hog and just destroy Kiev? Which they could do. They’re mostly destroying the military, which is what Putin said the special military operation was about. So we’ve got to be able to have an ability to read the rest of the world’s press, see what else has said around the world as you’re talking about how the rest of the world sees us.

And we have to be better, and that’s what we have to be better. And that’s what we’re trying to do. That’s what the Shiller Institute is trying to do. And we need to have real dialogue, and we need to ask real questions, and we need to be not better. We need to be smarter. We need to be better. We need to stop being arrogant, and we need to ask these questions and just be smarter. The censorship, the propaganda is destroying us because it’s making us stupid and it’s making us defenseless because we’re in a little bubble and we don’t know, we don’t have situational awareness.

We don’t even know what the hell we’re doing because we’re in this propaganda bubble. In this big demonstration yesterday in Berlin, my favorite sign was, where are the diplomats? The question of negotiation. You negotiate a settlement, you don’t fight to the last Ukrainian. That’s right. We’re using the Ukrainians for sure. Yeah, but, but we also can’t be naive. But we need to have these discussions and we need to push back. We need to push back on all. We need to have serious dialogue and we’re not having it. And you, you’re, you’re enter your anti or anti narrative, right? Your counter narrative.

That’s the word I’m trying to look at. Your counter narrative, not anti counter. And that. How about this truth? I’m for the truth. Well, it triggers a whole bunch of people. And the point is that we need to have different conversations that do go against the narrative. People aren’t going to believe everything you say or agree with everything you say, but they sure the heck shouldn’t just take the propaganda hook, line and sinker and not have critical thinking skills. If we don’t have counternarrative, we are putting ourselves in jeopardy because we don’t have any kind of situational awareness.

We don’t even know what the hell is going on in the world because we aren’t being challenged mentally. We’re being spoon fed a bunch of B’s and we let the people who create the narrative tell us what to think and what to believe. That’s right. And that’s where you lose your freedom. And once you’ve lost, given up that freedom for the sense of security, you’ve lost everything as Benjamin Franklin told us. That’s very true. Okay, where can people follow you? The is where I post my daily update, a ten to twelve minute update on news from the standpoint of current history.

So also, if you want to be in touch with me, write to me. I get a lot of letters and emails from your viewers. it’s H A R l E Y S C H. You can ask me questions. I’ll also, if you write to me, I’ll send you a link to the daily update to make it easier for you. Thank you, Harley. You’re always great to talk to. I appreciate it. All right, Sarah, good talking to you. And you see, dialogue works. It’s the only thing that works, really. Thanks. All right, see you soon.



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