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Share it. Hey, don’t forget, we have a Patreon account. We do appreciate your support. Every little bit helps. And also along those lines, ladies and gentlemen, we have a really good TV show, the commonsenseshow.tv, our hip series, hiding in plain sight, mysteries, mysteries, mysteries, stuff that’s true, verifiable, but really kind of shunned by the mainstream media. Some people say it reminds a little bit of Art Bell. Yes, I agree with that to some degree, but our had different interests in some areas that I did. But trust me, I miss Art Bell. He was the best at what he did ever.
And I really am flattered by the comparison. But the commonsenseshow.tv also contains really cool stuff, our geopolitics, and our really good interviews as well. So all you got to do to sign up is go to the commonsenseshow.tv and sign up today. We have an interesting topic on the board here today. Have you ever wondered during the darkest days of the Biden administration, why people didn’t stand up and speak up? I’m not talking about taking any kind of overt violent action. I don’t ever advocate for that. The only time you should use violence is in self defense.
But you wonder why people wouldn’t go to meetings, wouldn’t protest, wouldn’t do the things I asked you to do to get involved. Well, we have an answer for you. It’s called learn helplessness. I’m going to break it down for you here. As you might know, I used to be a teacher and then later a professor of psychology. I’ve been a therapist. This is a topic I know very, very well. And I taught this for decades. And I’m going to share that with you. Because sometimes shining light on a condition people have, make them reflective of their behavior and can lead to change.
And maybe we can get more people to be active. That’s the purpose behind what we’re doing today. Think you’re going to enjoy it. Hey, before we start, we have a great sponsor. As you know, for eight and a half years, I’ve been advertising for Noble Gold. Why? Because I’ve never been disappointed. And I’m never pressured. I have to close my own deals. They’re trained to be that way. But here’s some solid reasons why you want to do this. Let’s look at number one. Protect your retirement, Dodd-Frank 2010. If you have a 401k IRA, for example, that’s associated with the bank.
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Now that’s a requirement of the federal government that I tell you that, but it’s also a requirement of the show that I would tell you I’ve been a customer of Noble Gold for seven and a half years, multiple times over. I’m very satisfied with what they do. So use your best judgment, but I would advise you strongly to check this out because the economy is still in danger and could go into free fall. All right, ladies and gentlemen, let’s take a look at what we call learned helplessness. And I have now penned an article that I’m going to post over on the website.
And I’m going to put this video alongside of it for better explanation. But I think people need to know what we’re dealing with. Well, there’s conspiracy theory and this certainly isn’t this, this isn’t almost every theories of personality textbook. It’s also in a lot of social psychology textbooks. So this has been taught, gosh, for 60 years now. This is when Martin Seligman did the experiment. Now I have a viewer discretion is advised. No, no, no, no, there’s not pornography or bad words, you know, that kind of thing. But I own three dogs and they’re one of the loves of my life.
Whenever I go away on business and I’m gone, they just go nuts when I come home. It’s because we have such a bond. I’ve been seeing things on YouTube from pastors saying there’s some biblical scripture that seems to indicate our pets will be in heaven. I pray that’s true. I really pray that’s true because they become members of our family. Now, having said that, and having just expressed my love for my animals, Seligman did an experiment that’s going to bother some of you with this. So I’m warning you ahead of time. But since he’s already done the work and the animals he did the work on are long past, I think we should be able to extrapolate some of the meaning and apply it to us and answer the question, why don’t more people get involved? And I’m telling you, this is intentional.
The implications here and the intentionalities are here in present and it’s by design, right? The brainwashing of America. We have been brainwashed into believing the government will care for us in time of need. You know, there was a time when it was more true then than it is now. I would say in the first two months of Donald Trump, it appears to be true. He’s trying to redirect our tax money to more beneficial uses that come back to benefit us as citizens and our country as a whole. And I greatly appreciate that. But overall, government doesn’t care about you.
They don’t care about you. You’ll have massive loss of property and they’ll give you $700. Yeah, $700 compared to all the foreign aid we give. Americans are often in last place. You say, where’s the 700? Well, that’s what they gave the Lahaina victims. And this is what they gave the North Carolina victims. Consistent number. Okay, and you say, well, that’s Biden. Okay, well, Trump is yet to deal with that, but we’ll have to see. But preceding this, Bush was no friend of people who were downtrodden. Obama certainly wasn’t. Biden certainly wasn’t. So I conclude they don’t care about us.
They care about the people that put them in office. Your $10 donation doesn’t match the 100,000 that corporates who want to get their way with government benefit from. I’m not going to go down that track, but you know what I’m saying. Okay, now HG Wells recognized this phenomena of the government really setting about a course in the mainstream media of conditioning you that what you do makes no difference. And that’s learned helplessness. The Time Machine published by HG Wells in 1895. I mean, the man was brilliant. HG Wells was brilliant, but his morals? Well, okay, you have to judge for yourself.
He wouldn’t be invited to my dinner party, but he did actually make some astute observations. And I’ll talk about those with regard to learn helplessness and his great work, The Time Machine, which was made into a movie in 1960. Now, why won’t America stand up for herself? We were once a country that possessed courage and conviction, and now we sit idly by allowing ourselves being taken to the proverbial slaughter economically, socially, culturally. And a lot of us didn’t even put out a whimper. And some of you should be saying thank God for Donald Trump. He’s reversed a lot of that.
But Donald Trump’s only in office for four more years, God willing. Keep that in mind. Well, the 1960s, Martin Seligman did an experiment with learned helplessness. And it occurs when an animal or a person is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus, i.e. pain, that it cannot escape from. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation, even when opportunities to escape the pain are presented. The organism is psychologically prevented from engaging in any defensive action. Now, we’re going to look at the grid here, a sample grid that was used by Seligman in the experiment.
Okay, here’s a small barrier. The dog is here on this part of the grid, and it gets electrified and produces a shock. This side of the small barrier is shock free. Okay, now, a light dims, and it’s a warning of an impending shock. And I’m sure you’re probably familiar with Pavlov’s dog, right? You present the dog with food, you show it to him, it salivates in anticipation of eating. And then, before you give the dog the food, you ring a bell, ding. And then the dog comes to equate the ringing of the bell with food is coming, so it salivates to the bell.
Okay, this is classical conditioning, or sometimes it’s called respondent conditioning. Well, they conditioned the dog as to when the shock was coming. So the dog would say, oh, bad things coming. It’s like the ground shaking, and you have to run outside your building so you don’t get crushed. Okay, we know those signs. Well, this dog knew this sign, so it jumps over the barrier to here. Okay, so in phase one, in the learn helplessness experiment, Seligman placed a dog on the grid, shocked the dog, and the dog demonstrated the ability to escape the aversive stimulus.
Phase two, in the second phase, the dog was barricaded on the grid and could not escape this side that was filled with the shocking coils, and it was unable to escape. Eventually, after repeated shocks, the dog lays down and passively accepts the shock. That’s what America is doing to a large degree because of the years and decades. You know, when you talk to people, when was the last really good president that you liked, that you think stood up for America? And people almost invariably, if they’re old enough, they’ll say Ronald Reagan. Okay, what about before Reagan? John Kennedy.
Well, they were separated by a generation. Reagan, 88 to Trump, 16. So the first term was separated by 28 years. Second term, yeah, you get the idea at 32 years. Okay, let’s go back to the experiment. Phase three, Seligman then removed the barricade so the dog could easily escape the shocks. However, the dog was conditioned by the prior set of events, simply laid down and accepted the shocks without mounting any resistance whatsoever. This in large part is where we’re at with America today. So people say, well, how many people are involved today? Well, I don’t know.
I think we’re over 10%. And there’s another research out there called SNARK. It’s an acronym, S-N-A-R-C. You don’t ask me to remember what it is without my cliff notes. But it shows that when a fad reaches 10%, it becomes an obsession with a nation. Well, we did see Trump popularity spread through this last campaign season. So the SNARK principle of going over 10% producing a fad, but there’s still a good number of people that didn’t participate at the level that SNARK would have predicted, which is about 90%. We’ve probably had about 60% to 65% of the people respond.
So what about the people that don’t, but they’re not active Democrats? They’ve been conditioned. Their actions make no difference. Okay. Give you an example of this from the movie that was made. The Time Machine. What a great movie that was. You’ve never seen it. You really need to see it. And I’m sure you can find it on social media. Okay. In an early scene in the movie, we know this beautiful blonde girl could have been a model. She swept away by a swift river current and none of her fellow Eloy, and that’s what they were called, lifted a finger to rescue her.
George traveled 800,000 years into the future. And he saw this. He couldn’t believe no one help her. He jumped in and saved her. Because the Eloy had been conditioned. That their actions made no difference. Now there’s classical conditioning in the movie and I won’t read this to you. I’ll just tell you about it. There was a group called the Morlocks that lived underground. And they were a mutated species from an earlier nuclear war. And they had bomb shelters that would open. And what they do is they play this siren. And the Eloy had been conditioned the same as the dog on the grid through classical conditioning to march mindlessly and automatically and robotically towards the shelter.
The shelters were open. The people would enter and they would be eaten by the cannibals called the Morlocks. And George looked at this and said, whoa. And he said, whoa. Now let’s back away from the plot and say, what was H G Wells trying to teach us? He was teaching us that masses of people can be programmed to do anything. The leaders want if they have control of their reinforcements. And by the way, the Morlock. You know, Covertly supplied food and resources for the Eloy fattening up for the kill, so to speak.
But what we see is clear classical conditioning. Even when these people that go into these tunnels and never come back and George was following Wiena, but she walked into the tunnel and, and George asked one of her fellow Eloy, where did she go? We don’t know. When will she come back? They never come back. So these people knew they went in there. They never come back, but they couldn’t overcome their programming. It’s Seligman’s dog all over again. And what we know from this and what we learned from this state of learned helplessness is we will act against our own best interest and won’t lift a finger to help ourselves because of prior psychological conditioning.
This is what a lot of America suffers from, learned helplessness. You see this in people born into really devastating circumstances in our society. If they’re born into the ghetto. Well, there’s two ways out drugs, actually three drugs, death or sports. One of the things that some really well-intentioned people are doing are building academies to promote academic success in these areas. And they’re giving these people another way out. And there’s been some success with this problem is, is a government funded and how many benefactors do we have in society willing to help the downtrodden, the elite that control a society historically, try to eliminate the competition.
They want to keep people down so their kids don’t have to compete with them. That’s why the cost of getting into Princeton and Harvard and so forth is so enormous that only a few token people get chosen if there is a value in DEI. And I said, if there is, this is what it might be. And this is the extent of the value of my humble opinion. But nonetheless, this is the way our society is ordered. We are programmed. Now, let me share this with you as a connoisseur of psychology. Ninety percent of your behavior is automatic.
And a lot of that automatic behavior is because you do routine tasks that don’t require your conscious attention. I’ll give you an example. You’re driving down the street and a song comes on. You’re just kind of rocking out to it. It’s wonderful. And then you go through a stop sign and you think, did I stop for that stop sign? Well, you probably did because this is what we call the split consciousness effect. The SLS is your conscious mind. It was focused on the song. But because you have stopped automatically for stop signs forever, okay, your RAS, your unconscious control mechanism of the brain actually performed the duty.
So you have this split consciousness. Then you ask a passenger, did I stop for that stop sign? Well, of course you did. Hi, are you okay to drive? That’s the kind of experience we’ve all had. You know, a guy is standing in the hallway listening to a conversation at school and a beautiful co-ed comes walking down and he looks at her and just marvels and he’s lusting. And then he goes, I’m sorry, what’d you say? Same behavior. Same behavior. But 90% of our behavior comes from the RAS. It’s automatically programmed at an unconscious level because of repetitive behaviors.
And it’s really for our betterment in terms of how we’re constructed because we want to take the routine tasks and make them automatic so we can keep our mind on that saber-toothed tiger that lies around the next corner. And so it’s very, very survival oriented, but it also can be used to enslave us. It also can be used to take that type of conditioning, which is classical conditioning, and bend it into societal control. And we see that in H.G. Wells’ movie, The Time Machine. I mean, he was really ahead of his time.
Pavlov had not done his work yet with classical conditioning and learned helplessness really wasn’t discovered as a concept until Martin Seligman did it in the 1960s with the DOGS experiment. So he was really ahead of his time. And by the way, if you know anything about him, he was a Fabian socialist, H.G. Wells was. And one of the things you should know about Fabian socialism, first of all, when I used to teach sociology, and I taught at both at the high school and the college level, not at the university level, but at the college level I did.
And what we know is Fabian socialism is one of the five pillars of modern sociology. Now, what that simply means is this, is that Fabian socialism, created by Herbert Spencer in the 19th century, he said, if people don’t put more into society than they take out, so your work output should be 10, and your withdrawal maybe should be five or six. Okay, you’re in good standing. But when you reach an age where you can no longer be productive, maybe you have dementia, or you have other physical ailments that prevent you from working very long, but you still require shelter, sustenance, medicine, and so forth.
Okay, now you’re taking out 10, and you’re only putting back two. Herbert Spencer said you should be done away with. We’re talking end of life euthanasia, much like how many people treat their pets. They get to a point where they can’t function, they’re pooping on the carpet, they’re lethargic, they’re in pain, so we put them down with euthanasia. This is what Herbert Spencer was objectively, in his mind, calling for with humanity. Fabian socialists are common on, well, throughout the world, really. But in these think tank groups that are often of signed conspiratorial notions, we see a lot of Fabian socialism views coming out.
Even people like Jacques Cousteau, other people that make what we would call depopulation comments. Ted Turner once said, the planets in crisis, we need to reduce the population by 90%. He didn’t say how he would do it, but he was using a Fabian socialist model, which is one of the five theoretical pillars of sociology. And you need to know that this is out there. And there is no golden age for retirees, if they’re not healthy and not being productive. These people don’t favor social security. They don’t believe in Medicare or Medicaid.
They believe you carry your weight or we say, sorry, Nara, see you later, thanks for coming. You need to know these are the forces that are available in the world that people really embrace as a philosophy. And sometimes it becomes a government philosophy and it becomes an excuse for genocide. We have a race that’s taking more from our society than is putting back in. Well, I just described Rwanda for you. Idi Amin’s purges took the same format, very much Fabian socialism. So when you control people to this extent, will they mindlessly go to the slaughterhouse, so to speak, much like we see with animals? Tell me what you think.
Interested to read your comments. I’m Dave Hodges. Well, I hope you sign up for our newsletter, which is a recapitulation of the previous 24 hours. We need your email. Go to the commonsenseshow.com. Find the newsletter link in the upper right-hand corner. The only required field is your address. People love it. Over 50,000 people love it. And I constantly get emails thanking me for this. Hey, Dave, it’s One Stop Shopping. Thank you. You’ll want to sign up for it. Meanwhile, we’ll see you back here next time on The Common Sense Show. [tr:trw].