The Programming is Deep and Insidious Understand the Chains that Bind You

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âž¡ The text discusses a product called Masterpiece, a natural detoxifier that removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. It’s affordable and has shown positive results in trials, with users reporting increased energy, mental clarity, and better sleep. The text also introduces Courtney Turner, a brilliant individual who overcame early life medical issues and now advocates for independent thinking and critical analysis. She’s organizing the Cognitive Liberty Conference, which aims to address societal division and promote unity. Lastly, the text introduces a product called Nanosoma, which helps the body produce its own vitamin C and regulate vitamin D, leading to various health benefits.
âž¡ The text discusses how online spaces, media, and press are being manipulated to influence our minds and create division among us. This is done by promoting conflicting narratives that lead us towards a specific outcome while causing chaos and division. The text also highlights how social media platforms use data mining and algorithms to feed us specific information, keeping us in silos. Lastly, it discusses the education system’s role in this manipulation, suggesting it’s designed for compliance rather than independent creative thought.
âž¡ The text discusses the influence of central bankers on world events, suggesting they fund initiatives for their own gain, not necessarily as masterminds. It also talks about different types of people involved in these schemes, from idealists to power-seekers. The text then shifts to discussing the education system, particularly the concept of ‘school choice’, arguing that it’s a deceptive term as government funding comes with strings attached, potentially limiting educational freedom.
âž¡ The text discusses the issues with national voucher initiatives, which are meant to help underprivileged students but often end up benefiting more affluent areas due to the requirements. The author suggests that these initiatives should be implemented privately through charitable communities, as government involvement often leads to corruption and misuse of funds. The text also mentions the importance of alternative education models, such as homeschooling and one-room schoolhouse models, and the need for awareness to prevent manipulation and psychological warfare.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the manipulation of people’s thoughts and beliefs through philosophy, which they liken to an operating system used by a ‘parasite class’ for control. They argue that philosophy, often funded by this class, is not inherently lucrative but is weaponized to influence people’s ideas. The speaker also mentions a conference they’re organizing to demystify philosophy and its weaponization, offering both in-person and live stream tickets. They express the need for sponsors to support this educational endeavor.


Like, they believe that freedom comes from serving the state. Mm hmm. Yeah, it’s, yeah, I just wanted to repeat that because it’s so crazy. Go ahead. So, yeah, if you can wrap your head around that, that’s essentially what they believe. And so, of course, they’re, you know, the state is the ultimate. That’s advanced. They’re, you know, trying to advance what he called the historicity of man. And they talk about how they were going to use the education system as a dialectical pole. Are you ready to take control of your health in today’s toxic world? Look no further.

Masterpiece is here. Setting the gold standard for holistic detoxification, masterpiece, the natural master binder, features nanosized zeolites combined with a marine plasma nutrition. And here’s the groundbreaking news. In initial trial results, users have experienced an astonishing 70% removal of toxins after just 60 days of use. Say goodbye to forever chemicals and heavy metals. Masterpiece is a game changer, efficiently capturing graphene oxide, arsenic, mercury and over 85 other heavy metals. Not to mention it tackles forever chemicals like microplastics and pfas, a group of over 4700 man made chemicals lurking in everyday products. Users are reporting incredible benefits, more energy, heightened mental clarity, and better sleep.

One user happily exclaimed, the mental fog is just gone. And the best part, masterpiece is affordable. For just $52.99, you get a two month supply that can transform your life. Visit under shop or click the link below to grab yours today. Don’t keep this breakthrough to yourself. Spread the word to family and friends. Masterpiece is not just a product, it’s a life changer. Act fast and get yours or with the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have my friend Courtney Turner returning to the program. She is absolutely brilliant. People who don’t know her, she was, when she was little, she was born with medical issues and she was almost deaf, completely deaf.

She could hear a little bit and she was blind in one eye. And so she, when she was little, they didn’t realize that to the level she was deaf and her hearing issues, so she didn’t have the hearing aids that she has now. And they realized that she couldn’t see, so she was going, they had a patch on her eyes. So every other day she literally was like Helen Keller, where she was learning in her mind and developing her mind, but she’s also a brilliant person. And so by the time she was starting to go to school, they figured this stuff out and she had a hearing aid and she could see better and all these things, but her mind developed in a way that is unique.

I mean, she’s just absolutely brilliant. So they took somebody who was already naturally smart and then had her in her own little world while she was developing. And that’s why you see this incredibly independent thinking person that is just different from most people. And in this show, she’s doing a conference called the Cognitive Liberty conference, which is looking at the purposeful division that they’re creating in our society, which is so obvious to anybody that actually pays attention. They’re promoting the extremes so that we are at each other’s throats and we can’t unite. And that’s what the social media platforms are doing.

Anybody that’s more extreme or polarizing are the ones that are really being promoted. And if you’re one of those that are challenging the narrative you’re trying to get unite people, you will be more suppressed. If you’re kind of a weirdo and you’re self discrediting, well, they’ll promote you, too. It’s really a planned environment. And she’s going to talk about this, but she’s also going to talk about the education system. And then it really gets cool where she starts talking about philosophy and questions, the whole nature of philosophy and who they promote and why they promote it.

You have to stick around for this because, you know, there are times where I get really smart people and they start challenging basic ideas, and I’m just, wow, this is really a cool conversation. And that’s one of those, so I hope you stick around for that. And if you’re interested in learning more and going to our conference, I will have links below. Otherwise, it’s the and again, the links are below. It’s not that expensive. Dollar 25 for a two day streaming that you can have for two months. I think schools, universities should be purchasing this with the caliber of people they have.

These are the kind of educational tools they need to be showing in their classrooms, helping people individually think and learn and deconstruct the programming we have in this country so that we can become critical thinkers again, independent thinkers, and solve some of our problems. Okay, before we get into that, I want to talk to you about a really exciting new product that I am launching. I am so excited about it because it’s so fascinating on how it’s working. People don’t realize that we’re one of the few mammals in the world that have 24 sets of chromosomes.

Most have 26. And we’re also one of the few that can’t produce our own vitamin C. And, you know, there’s some theories that we were genetically modified early. Who knows really, right. But it’s sure weird that we are only have 24 sets of chromosomes. But I have this product called nanosoma that changes the makeup of your body to start producing your own vitamin C again. It also regulates your vitamin D because our body can’t regulate the amounts of vitamin D. Absolutely amazing product that it can get your body to do those things again. I think maybe we did do it before.

Before. I don’t know if our chromosomes were once at 26 and now they’re at 24. Maybe our bodies did that before. But regardless, this, your ability to create vitamin C, you take five squirts a day. And by doing that, the healing properties are absolutely amazing. I mean, people are having more mental acuity. They are, their body is starting to self heal from things that they’ve had as a problem for a decade. And people are, their gray hair is starting to return back to normal color. This is absolutely phenomenal. And there’s other products that they have, too, like a gel.

Like if you have people with arthritis where they’ve had bone on bone, rubbing on their knees or something, and you just can’t do that anymore, can’t play basketball, you can’t play sports anymore. And they rub this gel. Within a short amount of time, they’re able to back in the gym and they’re able to run again. This stuff is absolutely amazing. There’s also a skin cream for people who have a psoriasis or issues with rosacea or something, and you put it on your face and your body sometimes detoxes from it initially, and then once you get over that period, it clears up.

People are seeing absolutely amazing results. And so you can go to I want my health back, Sarah. I have the link below. Or go to under shop and you can find it. You’ll get 10% discount on your first purchase. To try this stuff. I highly recommend if you have an issue that you haven’t been to get through or any, or you just want to try it, what does it do when your body can start creating its own vitamin C again, how does my body respond? That’s what you need to try out. This is absolutely amazing stuff.

Okay. So you can get or the link is below. Let’s get into this really fascinating discussion with my friend Courtney Turner. Hi, Courtney. Welcome back to the program. Hello. Well, thank you for having me. Yes. Well, you have been forging blasting trails in this area, which we desperately need, because there’s few of us that are doing this, and the awareness needs to get up so that people can protect themselves. You have a conference called Cognitive Liberty Conference, and first of all, thank you for doing that, because I know putting out conferences are there. It’s a lot of work, and people think you make money, money at it, and you don’t.

It’s just. It’s a work of love, right? Yes. Yes. We’re just hoping not to lose too much, to be in debt forever, so. But I think it’s so important for people to be, you know, congregating in person. You know, as we saw over the past few years, I think one of their main goals is to atomize us, and, you know, it’d be for so many reasons. And, of course, with their end goal does seem to put us into a literal metaverse with the AI world society. So I think one of the ways that we can combat a lot of these goals is to have the in person interaction.

And I always say, as much as I’m really grateful there’s technology where, like, you and I can have this conversation, at least we can interface through the digital realm, but it doesn’t replace the energy that you get, you know, when you have that in person resonance. So I think it’s really important we have both live stream as well as in person tickets available, because I recognize not everybody can make it in person. We also have a very limited seating anyway, so even if the whole world could come, we can’t accommodate that. So. But that would be a good problem to have.

So. Absolutely, it’d be a great problem to have. Okay, so let’s talk about the cognitive Liberty conference, is you went and tried to find the best experts you could find who are willing to talk about it, on how they’re manipulating our online space to affect our mind and bias. Right. Yeah. And not just the online space. I mean, it’s really, you know, the media, it’s the press, it’s a. It’s really everyone. We’re just being programmed and conditioned. And oftentimes the way they do it is through dialectical means. So they’re constantly promulgating narratives that seem to be on a dialectical pole.

So it’s like you have this option. You have this option, but they’re really managed dialectics to try and foment us towards a very specific omega point and have us fighting each other in the meantime, because what better way for them to use their power than to breed chaos and division amongst us? Very much so. What I’ve noticed is the people, I feel that I’m really kind of a central voice, and I look at nuances and stuff, and I am so oppressed. I think so many of us that, especially on social media, not on the free platforms that people watch me on, but on.

And the ones, the voices who are so bombastic and so polarizing are the ones that they really promote. Yes. And I think that is by design, because the more they can splinter, the more division they can create. Then we’re busy fighting each other, and it serves so many different purposes. You know, it keeps us distracted because we’re busy fighting over whatever, you know, narrative that they’ve highlighted or it, you know, it creates a lot of chaos, and that’s a breeding ground for usurpation of power. Or, you know, it could just be, you know, advancing specific agendas that they’re, you know, trying to advance.

So, I mean, there’s so many different reasons why they do it, but ultimately, what I’ve found is that it’s very rare that the two sides that are fighting each other are really, you know, that they’re organic, they’re often being manufactured, they’re often being incentivized. You know, whether the people, I don’t want to undermine, you know, individuals who may be subscribing to a specific narrative, you know, they, they often don’t know. They’re just, you know, they’re. They’re dealing with the information that’s at hand and whatever it is that they’re being fed. But we know that, especially online, that that’s, you know, working through cybernetic feedback loops.

So oftentimes they’re getting a very narrow scope of what information may really be available or they’re getting overwhelmed with information. There’s no way to make heads or tails of it because it’s just too, you know, erratic and nonsensical, and there’s disinformation and misinformation. So. Yeah, and the ones who are perpetrating the misinformation are the ones who are claiming to, you know, to control it or to try to get rid of it. But Robert. Yeah, it’s just crazy. Robert Epstein, who, PhD from Harvard, has been working on this. He’s one of the only ones that have formally been doing all these studies.

I know you have other experts that have come forward who are also very qualified in this field. But what he saw when they did peer review, double blind placebo based. I mean, they went to the hilt to try to make sure these studies were as reliable as possible. They’re finding over 90% of the people are susceptible to bias, meaning that they will change their vote. They were doing this in Australia. They’ll change their vote based on what they see biased information. And only 3%, I think it was 3% even realize they’re looking at biased information. So that’s the level of power this stuff is.

And that doesn’t add in some of the other manipulation techniques. This is just social media, is it? Yeah. And this conference is not, you know, relegated to just social media. This is really for sure. Yeah. So it’s psychological warfare. It’s political warfare. It’s, you know, it’s in the literature, it’s in the media. I mean, some people are still listening, you know, to radio, watching television, for sure. There’s, you know, and then there’s the cultural messaging that occurs. So it’s not just social media, although, unfortunately, we are in an age where social media, most people get their news from social media these days, so we can’t undermine the power that social media has.

And social media is really effective at these cybernetic feedback loops. So they’re data mining us to see where we are aligned, what groups we circulate, who our peers are, where we’re conversing already, and then they take that information, and it’s algorithmically designed to keep us siloed so that we are only sped, very fed, very specific information. But we have a two. It’s two days. So the first day is really focused on education. And, you know, it’s what Charlotte is. Aveet called it the deliberate dumbing down of America. And so we’re going to talk about, you know, what happened.

I think it’s really the west, and they’re targeting America very specifically. But when you look at the history, they talk about hegelian tactics and how they were going to use the left and right Hegelians ultimately to advance us towards the Omega point, which is where the state is all powerful, all omnipotent, essentially. You know, for Hegel, the state equal God. He really believed that we actually had no freedom at all without complete subservience to the state. That’s not oxymoronic, I don’t know what is, but that is what he believes, and that’s what his disciples believe. Like, they believe that freedom comes from serving the state.

Yeah, I just wanted to repeat that. Yeah, if you can wrap your head around that that’s essentially what they believe. And so of course, they’re, you know, the state is the, the ultimate that’s advancing. They’re, you know, trying to advance what he called the historicity of man. And they talk about how they were going to use the education system as a dialectical pole to create these warring factions, to advance us towards an education system that dumbs us down, that creates what they call mindless, obedient soldiers. They talk about this after the battle of Gennae. This is the prussian model of education.

And they lost the battle of Jenna. This was in I think, 1807. And they decided they lost because the soldiers rebelled. And the soldiers must have rebelled because they were critical thinkers. We can’t have that. We must eradicate critical thinking and breed mindless, obedient soldiers. And this is why our education system is designed for compliance, not for independent creative thought. And so we’re going to go through that history and, you know, things like the world core curriculum which is designed by Robert Mueller, who talks about how he’s going to create these global citizens and that, you know, the right, the teachings of education were going to be predicated on the works of Alice Bailey and her ascended master, jewel cool and Koothumi, which was supposedly Madame Blavatsky’s ascended master.

So this is, you know, kind of, yeah, this is their, their, yeah, this, their thought processes. You’re bringing the foundation understanding so people can understand because it’s so obvious that we’re going through this and then you’re educating people on how it came to be. I gotta ask you, the people who truly believe this, are they unaware that the state is actually controlled by the zero zero 1% of the central bankers with the most money and power in the world? And it’s the people they claim to hate the most are who aware? The communists, you know, the people who want to, the people who are supporting this, a lot of them are the communist sympathizers.

You know, they’re communists. They want the state to control everything. But do, do you think they’re aware that the state ultimately ends up being controlled by the central bankers who are the very wealthiest, most capitalistic, you know, they’re the, you know, predator class with the most money and power in the world that look at all human beings as nothing. And they, they despise them. They claim to despise them, but they’re the ones bringing in their agenda. Yeah. So I think if there are many varieties, if you will, and I would argue a little bit against the notion of it being the bankers who are really in control, I would argue empire.

The imperialists are the ones in control. And they use the bankers as a tool to fund their agenda, to fund their initiatives in order to achieve their goals. I think the only reason I would put that caveat is because I think a lot of people think of the bankers as being, they’re the strategists, they’re the masterminds who are funding all these various things. But if you really think about it, most bankers, theyre just looking at where are the profits? How am I going to make money for sure? But im talking the central bankers. Im talking. I understand.

I know exactly what youre talking about. Im talking. But historically those bankers are at the behest of the anglo american establishment. So I do think its yeah. So when you look at that historically I wouldnt say that. But without them, it doesn’t. The initiatives don’t get funded and therefore the same actions wouldn’t necessarily take place. But I don’t think they’re the ones. They’re crunching the number and they’re like, how do I make more? What’s in it for me? They’re not necessarily the masterminds behind the chessboard. I would say. Okay, I’m going to disagree with you a little bit.

Only because those central bankers are the ones that own mostly industry. And then they turn around and are the bankers. But that’s why I’m going to disagree. But that’s okay. Yeah, and I understand where you’re going with that. I would look, throughout history, though, these bankers, they change through generations, right? And then they funnel it down. So there’s an imperial interest. And this imperial interest is how do we control, they say themselves as their own words, world domination. That’s what they’re seeking. It’s world domination. And yes, having funding both sides of a war advances world domination.

Just a quick break from the program, I want to share with you the amazing sleeping pod from our friends at save the world Morocco. This is amazing. What it does is it is made from materials that will absorb EMF frequencies. There are materials, heavy metals that will amplify it, like aluminum and graphene oxide will amplify the Wi Fi signals. This is made from materials that will absorb it. And so if you are using this, putting on your, your chest or in your pocket or sleeping it right next to you under your pillow like I do, then it will absorb those EMF and you will have a reduction in how much you are being bombarded by these non stop.

And they don’t just make sleeping pods, they make cards for phones. They make pyramids for plants, because plants are living creatures, too, and they’re getting bombarded. And so when they have this pyramid around them, they flourish more. So if you want to learn more about this, or if you want to get one for yourself, go to the link below or go to under shop. It’s one arm of the tentacle. So you have all these other arms, like the propaganda arm. I mean, for sure, right? You have these literally, that we’ve discussed. Tavisock, the British War Propaganda Bureau, it was at this behest of the same people who were, you know, playing puppet master to the central bankers who said, hey, fund both sides of this war that we’re creating all the propaganda for.

That’s just one element of it. So there’s all these various tentacles. So I just, that would be my one caveat. But absolutely without the money, you know, it’s very hard for, I just, yeah, I just zoom up from the central bankers and the families that own the central banks are also the families that own the most of industry. Yes. So that’s why I say the central bankers. But you can look at it. Well, the people own most of industry, but they’re both, they’re the same in the same. That’s why I go there. But, yeah, no, I get what you’re saying.

So, but to answer your question, I feel like there’s various types of these. So there’s the people who I think are genuine idealists. When you look at someone like Robert Mueller, I personally think he’s a little cuckoo. I think I very much vehemently disagree with his worldview. I think that the people who he said that the education curriculum is predicated upon are luciferians. I don’t support their beliefs or their missions. But I think he was an idealist. He really genuinely thought this was going to bring world peace and, you know, we’re going to have this great harmony.

I don’t know that he was one of these evil, maniacal kind of. I think he was a little cuckoo. His eye, his ideas, in my opinion, that the result is a bit evil, but I don’t necessarily think that he saw it that way. So I would make that distinction. Then there are the other people who believe this, who are there. They’re just looking for power. So, you know, they’re, they’re like, well, however, we can radically consolidate, you know, power means that they think they’re going to be at the top of that pyramid and they’re going to be the controller.

So they’re just trying to figure out how can they control everyone? How can they acquire more money, power, and, you know, whatever accoutrements follow that. So I think that it’s mixed, but I know when you look into entities like the UN, the World Health Organization, there’s so many people who work there who feel like they’ve actually been bait and switched. Like, they feel like they didn’t realize. They thought they had very idealistic notions of what would be entailed, what they’d be fomenting, what they’d be abetting. And then they realized, oh, my goodness, this is not what I signed up for.

So to pin them all as, oh, yeah, I’m just, you know, I want to control the world with, you know, maniacal kind of stance. I don’t know that that’s quite accurate, but. But I would argue that that’s the result. Yeah. I would say that they use their constructs against them to implement. To be their soldiers to implement it. Yes. And then they hide. It’s. It’s compartmentalized. Yeah. They don’t care what, you know, they just care that you do. Exactly. And so they look for the right. Didn’t Rockefeller say that? Like, he doesn’t want, like, a generation of thinkers, he wants a generation of workers.

Right. A society, maybe, he said. I don’t know how he worded it, but, yeah. Something to that effect. Well, and, and soldiers are just dumb animals to be used for their agenda purposes. Yes. Right. I mean, I think that let that soak in. Yeah. And that’s what they’re doing with the education system. So we’re going to go through that, and then we’re going to discuss, you know, what is the end goal or where do they want to go with this? And then we’re going to talk about solutions. So, and then we’re going to talk about some of the specific kind of dialectical efforts, like the school choice narrative, which is very popular discussion right now.

And unfortunately, a lot of people on the so called right are being deluded, in my opinion, into thinking school choice is a good thing, that it’s going to advance freedom, but it’s not. It’s government school choice. Whatever the government funds, it runs. And so it’s actually limiting parental rights, limiting educational freedom. And we already have school choice. That’s our God given choice to educate our children however we see fit, that government doesn’t determine that. The government doesn’t grant that. That is already there. And. Okay, so what do you mean by school choice? That’s government controlled. What are they being duped into? I want to dive into this a little bit.

Okay. Yeah. So that people understand. So when you say school choice, you’re not saying I can go to a private school or I can go to any public school of my choice or I can homeschool, you’re saying. So what they’re doing is they’re putting the umbrella term choice. Cause they know it’s gonna appeal to, you know, the right wing, the freedom minded, quote, unquote, conservatives. I put it in air quotes. Just because people who put on that label and they become target audiences for this marketing. And it sounds great. I mean, who doesn’t want choice? But what they’re doing is they’re offering vouchers.

So they’re saying that through this voucher, it’s money, right. That they’re granting. And so it’s no longer free because that’s taxpayer dollars. And with whatever money the government provides, there are strings attached. You no longer have complete freedom and choice. And what the goal of that agenda is is to make every school, every type of education, including homeschooling, because that’s who they’re really targeting to be government school. So you’re no longer really going to have, like, private school, truly private schools. You’re not going to have truly independent homeschooling option. So the voucher program sounds great. The tax money, my tax money, which I can use and decide what school it goes to.

You’re saying that that’s their way to take down the private system? Because I actually think. And homeschooling. And homeschooling, how do you. I mean, because that is the task. Public private partnerships, that’s. That’s awful. So they always take over a good idea and use it against people. But that tax money being able to use it, that allows poor people to go to private schools. It allows. Historically, that’s actually not really how it’s worked. And first of all, any private school that’s taking government money, whether it be federal or local government, is no longer private. It’s an oxymoron.

The whole definition of private is that it’s independent. And so once you’ve taken government money, you are no longer private. But they still keep that label. And I think, think it’s very deceptive. But, yeah, so now you’re going to have these strings attached. And historically, when you look at these places where this has been implemented, and what’s really scary about this, in my opinion, is it’s no longer being targeted locally just through states, there are now national initiatives to do a blanket voucher. But the problem that I’ve seen historically is that you would think, great, okay, now we’re going to be serving the underprivileged, and this is one of the, you know, propaganda narratives because that sounds great.

Who doesn’t want to help the underprivileged? Of course. But historically, historically, it’s actually been, you know, people in more affluent areas where they’ve been able to use this voucher because there’s not, when you look at what the requirements are, it ends up that really, the people who’ve taken advantage of it, it locks out a lot of the underprivileged people. It’s not. Wow. So they put enough caveats into the thing. I mean, it could be good if you. A lot of these things could be good if it’s implemented properly. It’s. Well, I don’t think they would. I don’t think it would ever be implemented properly.

Done through the government. The best way to do, if you really want to serve the underprivileged and have some sort of, you know, like, scholarship kind of opportunities for them, this should be done privately through, you know, independent charitable communities. And that historically has always been the best way to do it because then it’s motivated people who genuinely want to serve, who are in a position to serve, and it’s not the government taking your money and allocating it as they see fit. And oftentimes when they do that, that it doesn’t really go fully to where maybe sometimes we’re fortunate and at least a portion of it goes to where we want, but oftentimes it’s corrupt.

And what we see really happening is them lining their own pockets. And oftentimes they do that not just through bribes and backend deals. You know, I can’t always prove those, but we know they exist, but they definitely do it through public private partnerships. And that’s a huge part of this agenda with the voucher system because what you see is, so now you have these vouchers and what’s going to happen is it’s not, oh, you have, you think they’re going to give you $8,000. And I know my say that’s what they were saying, $8,000. $8,000 for each student.

And now you think that the parents just have that money and can do whatever they want with it. No, they have various vendors that they have to work with now you’ve got to use this vendor for the uniform. It’s required. You have to work with these people for the transportation. So it’s now this company. You have to work with these people for the mental health. Of course, now there’s mental health checks on your children. What if I didn’t want mental health checks on my children? Well, too bad you took this money. Now that’s required. So they promote the companies they want to promote.

So the best way would be just like, you don’t pay private partnership. Yeah, you don’t have to pay. The best way is just don’t pay the taxes. But anyways, okay. So that’s something that you’re doing. Okay. And so you’re just looking at some of these things and showing examples of how they’re using this dialect against you and using your own constructs against you to develop these programs. They’ve become masters at it, haven’t they? They’ve become masters and they’ve been working on this for, I would argue, really, you know, millennia, but we’ve really seen in the past, I would say, 150 years, where this is ramped up in full force.

And so the first day is on education, and we’re going to talk about solutions afterwards. And we have some really great panelists, and some of them have been a huge part of the solution independently. So we have Matthew Crawford, who’s created his own schools. He’s written math textbooks in his school. The students were excelling on standardized tests. They were winning math competitions, which seems to be a real challenge in this country these days. So he’s going to have great things to talk about there. And then we have a woman who runs a one room schoolhouse model, and it’s technically a home school.

And I love this because you look at previous generations that this how they, they did school. They didn’t, you know, have it all done by grade systems. It’s, it was really much more self directed through, and all of the ages were lumped together so the younger students could learn from the older students. And the older students, if they missed something, you know, they would, they would get kind of caught up, and it’s a really great way now, and they get to work with each other. So that’s a. So she’s going to talk about that and the success she’s had not only in the school that she’s working at now, but in creating these models with any kind of budget.

She’s done it with people in, like, a garage, you know, with very limited resources. So I think that’s hopeful for people who are like, oh, my gosh, I don’t want my kids in the school system anymore, but I don’t feel like I myself can homeschool. So this is a great way to, you know, set up this kind of model where you can either team up with other people or, you know, use these resources and this paradigm to do it. And then we also have Tiffany Boyd, who is. She has homeschooled her own children. She has five children.

She’s home schooled with her grandchildren, and she’s taught other parents, had a homeschool. And she’s also really been a warrior battling this whole school choice narrative and also will have some great solutions. And how do you deal with a legislator? You know, she’s been over to the state Capitol and spoken to them many times. I’ve been with her several times, and that was quite the experience. So that’s going to be day one, and then day two is going to be focused on political and dialectical psychological warfare. And I think this is very appropriate, especially as we move into the election coming up.

And if we, you know, even have an election. I know there’s a lot of speculation that we might not, but I think that they really will ramp it up regardless of how people feel about the election or the candidates or, you know, we can’t deny that they’re using these tactics in order to divide us and to create the chaos. So we’ve got really great speakers for that. I did a podcast about a year and a half ago with Jay Dyer, Doctor James Lindsay, and Stephen Coughlin. This is going to be kind of an expanded version of that.

And that one was in person. So this will be an expanded version of that. We’ve added Michael O’Fallon to the roster and Doctor John Gentry. So all of them, both days, will do a speech beforehand, and then we’ll have a little break, and then we will do roundtable podcast style. And then people can submit their questions, whether they’re in person or in the live stream. Audience will have an opportunity to submit questions. So. Oh, that’s great. We are seeking sponsors, so the sponsors can join us for dinner, but, yeah, they can join you for dinner. Okay.

So an incredible experience. It’s like, it’s this. It’s a private location, so it’ll only be disclosed to those who purchase the tickets. But it’s like a rooftop setting in downtown Nashville. It’s really beautiful. Yeah. And it’ll be a farm to table style, so. Yeah. Oh, that sounds excellent. Okay, so this is really an educational process, right? So people really get to see where this is. So the first day is more on education. The second day is more on how they’re using these techniques in the real world for manipulate. Kind of like my series on mind control generation warfare.

You’re going to focus more on the psychological, like I call it a 360 degree psyop. There’s the stuff that we can see, which is more what you’re focusing on, and then there’s the frequency and other things that are more than high tech stuff that people can’t see, which is very real. But people don’t see it. They don’t. Even if you can’t see it, they don’t believe it exists. But even half of the stuff you can see, they don’t see it and they don’t believe it. Well, and even psychological stuff, we can’t always see it. We know it’s there.

We can see the result. But like, that’s right. Yeah. And so it the informing. What I’ve learned through my years of doing this is that, but awareness makes you less susceptible to the manipulation. That’s my intention in doing this. Absolutely, that’s right. And trauma, unfortunately, there’s a certain percentage of people that are more inherently have natural defenses that keeps you away. Maybe you’re an independent thinker or whatever, but trauma makes it so that you’re less susceptible. When they did a study on more susceptible, more susceptible. That’s what I meant to say. When they did a study on 900 people on how to do false memories.

False memories is a hard thing to do. But if you trauma how you put them under stress and heightened stress, all 900 people were able to be, you know, infused with false memories. And so the, that’s what we’re dealing with. So if you can, I’m telling everybody, you gotta emotionally detach while still being engaged because we gotta solve these issues. Yeah. Don’t let them get, put you under stress and trauma because now you’re suddenly susceptible to crap. So true, so true. So, yeah, I think what we’re going to focus on, just given the nature of their expertise, the very panelists that I have a lot of, it’s going to be a little bit more philosophically rooted.

The way I think of philosophy is it’s kind of like an operating system. And the, the parasite class uses that operating system as a control mechanism to, you know, kind of put you into a box and then you’re using this methodology. That’s what, it’s kind of like AI, it’s programmed and then it, you know, feeds off that program that’s already running and it becomes exponential and that’s kind of how I see these philosophies they get. I, you know, oftentimes people think that philosophers are the, you know, these independent creative thinkers. And, and I’m not saying there haven’t been any throughout history.

And I’m not saying that there’s no value in philosophy. I think there is. I think that’s why they, it gets weaponized oftentimes. But you have to think about philosophy itself is not inherently super lucrative. Not like you’re making a product that, you know, the masses are just going to buy up. Right? There’s somebody’s funding that research. Somebody’s funding the books and the journals. And who’s funding it? It’s the parasite class. Oftentimes there’s always exceptions to every rule. But then we have to think about, so who are these philosophers that we’ve heard of throughout history? Why are they so popular? Why do you even know their names? Why are their ideas being promulgated generation after generation? And so this is really going to talk about some of the philosophical roots of the dialectic and try and demystify it for people, because a lot of people don’t read philosophy, and that’s just not our culture, especially not an american.

I think that’s by design. You know, in other parts of the world, they really do still read a lot of philosophy. Unfortunately, I think they get indoctrinated rather than given the tools to discern it for themselves. But since we are, most Americans are not even versed in who in the history, we’re going to try and demystify it so that they can see how these ideas are being weaponized in real time. And, you know, what we’re witnessing, what we’re experiencing is the weaponization of some of these ideas. That’s fantastic. Wow, this is really great. And I’m seeing it with certain people that are being platformed or promoted.

The ones who promote those philosophies the most effectively are the ones that they’re putting front and center. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And the more I look into this, the more I see that throughout history, you know, and I even see it in, I have like a very different lens on my own academic experience. You know, I was a philosophy major, and I remember being in my freshman year, and I actually didn’t start out as philosophy major. I started out as a neuroscience major. But I did take philosophy my freshman year. And I remember they kept, I mean, it was like most of the year was spent on Descartes.

I was like, why? Like, this isn’t even that interesting. It’s not all that profound, and I actually think it’s fundamentally flawed. But they were very, yeah, but they were very invested in pushing him and, you know, catapulting him to the forefront of our framework. And when you look throughout academia, he’s kind of been very pivotal in. And when you look at the theosophers, right. What the, you could argue that that’s the kind of spiritual underpinning of the un, that whole movement. And what are they focused on now? It’s the new thought leaders have rebranded. It’s no longer new age.

They’re new thought. New thought is just theosophy rebranded with a focus on mentalism. What did Descartes do? He said it’s all in the mind. Right. That’s essentially what he reduced it to. And that’s essentially what these new thought leaders do. So that’s just one example. This is awesome. You are just, okay, you’re one of the more brilliant people that are in, in this independent space. And so I love talking to you. I like talking to the smartest people I can find. I do too. You’re one of them. So this is absolutely fantastic. So where can people learn more about this? And this is a much must see.

It’s going to give people a totally different perspective, which is absolutely wonderful. Thank you. And I feel the same way. I love talking to you, and I feel the same about you. So I really appreciate, appreciate that. Yeah. So, I was so glad I could get that name because it’s pretty simple. I know it’s long, but it’s exactly what the conference is. And just go there and you can read all about it. It is in nashville, August 16 and 17th. We have both in person and live stream tickets. So if you do the live stream, you have an option and you’ll see, it’ll say get tickets, and it’ll give you the breakdown of all the ticketing options.

But we have the option to do a one day live stream or two day. The one day is for 1776. I just wanted to be able to say we were selling something for 1776, just with, you know, kind of the theme, the essence of what we’re doing. And if you do two days, it’s a huge discount. You get it for $25. So that’s kind of a no brainer. And you’ll have access to it on demand for up to two months. So you can watch whenever you want. You don’t have to watch it while it’s going in real time live streaming.

But if you do, you’ll have the opportunity to ask to submit questions to the panelists so they can be answered in real time. But then if you want to do the in person, you can find the in person ticketing options. Right now we only have availability for day two for in person tickets. It is, as I said, it’s a pretty small, exclusive venue, but if you purchase the tickets, you’ll, of course, get the location disclosed to you. And we are looking for sponsors because, as you said, this is always, it’s a big endeavor. It’s always incredibly expensive to put on.

The thing you learn about most things in life is it’s always more time consuming and more costly than you ever think it will be of every resource possible. Absolutely true. So, you know, if we had a functioning world that was proper, you would have university classes purchasing this and showing their students and doing sessions on this. So get the education they should be getting. That’s right. Yeah. This is what an education is about. So you need sponsors, you need help, and we need more people learning about this stuff. So thank you so much for joining the program.

The questioning of philosophy at its nature is a profound question in and of itself, and I don’t hear many people doing that. So fantastic. Thank you so much. You’re welcome. Thank you so much for having me and for getting the word out. Yeah, I’m super excited. I personally think it’s going to be so much fun, and I think it’s so important, for sure.



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