<div class=\\\”ratio ratio-16×9 mb-5\\\”><iframe style=\\\”max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; height: 600px; width: 100%;\\\” title=\\\”THE PHYSICS BEHIND THE STARGATE SG-1 SHOW HAS BEEN PROVEN BY JAPANESE SCIENTISTS\\\” src=\\\”https://rumble.com/embed/v6oj9ci/\\\” allowfullscreen=\\\”allowfullscreen\\\”></iframe></div>\\r\\n
The Common Sense Show
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He relates this to a controversial experiment involving rabbits and their reactions to their offspring\\\’s deaths from afar. Hodges also mentions Nikola Tesla\\\’s work with extra-dimensional energy and how it relates to quantum entanglement. Lastly, he shares his personal experience with a health product that boosted his immune system.</div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<div class=\\\”summary\\\”>\\r\\n<div class=\\\”card\\\”>\\r\\n<div class=\\\”card-header\\\”>\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n<h2 class=\\\”h4\\\”>Transcript</h2>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<div class=\\\”card-body\\\”>\\r\\n\\r\\nHello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is Freeing America, one in slave mind at a time. We\\\’re conditioned not to be free. Dictatorial leaders don\\\’t want freedom. They don\\\’t. Freedom comes from God. We had a choice to choose him or not choose him. That\\\’s the ultimate freedom. I know which one you should choose, but that\\\’s up to you. I will tell you this, though. The show is predicated on the fact that we try to educate people so they can make their own minds up. And this particular segment, which is our hip segment, hiding in plain sight, science that\\\’s true and verifiable, but isn\\\’t really embraced by the mainstream.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd we\\\’re going to get into this with you here on The Common Sense Show. And I think you\\\’re going to say, holy cow, this is really interesting stuff. Yeah, when I first talked about this, back in 2007, on one of my early radio shows, people wrote to me, and said, Dave, stick to the politics. This really sucks. It\\\’s stupid. It\\\’s probably from the devil. Oh, don\\\’t do this. Well, now, it\\\’s the subject of mainstream science. I\\\’m going to return to it. It\\\’s interesting. It\\\’s something that we should know. And it explains a lot. Spooky stuff at a distance.\\r\\n\\r\\nThat\\\’s what Einstein called it. And we\\\’re going to look at what\\\’s called quantum entanglement in this particular segment. But first, let me show you something that brought me back to health. At this time a year ago, in March, I was really struggling with RSV effects. And I needed something to boost my immune system. So I had this particular product. And I got my little spray bottle here, if I can pull it out here. Okay. And I would, the dose is one time, five, once a day, five times, five sprays. But I was using it every hour in the hour and he can\\\’t OD on it.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd it doesn\\\’t cure anything. But what it does do is it boosts your immune system. And if you go to I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges, you\\\’re going to see all the things that this does. And this raised my immune system functioning. And I was able to fight off what a pulmonologist told me someone who I trusted said, Dave, you\\\’re going to have irreversible lung damage from this. No question. And now I\\\’m doing things I haven\\\’t done in 25 years. And I owe it to this product. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges.\\r\\n\\r\\nIt\\\’s the Nana Soma liquid. And they\\\’re also the Nana Soma gel, which you rub on your joints. And the bone on bone I had my right knee, I have no symptoms. And I had stopped playing basketball 25 years ago because I, my knee would go like this. Now, it doesn\\\’t go like this. I\\\’m able to do a lot of stuff. You can too. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges. I want to read to you a definition here. Then we\\\’re going to talk about what this is. And we\\\’re going to tie this back to Nikola Tesla.\\r\\n\\r\\nQuantum entanglement. And this is actually from MSN. Good job, guys, over at MSN. Mainstream media can produce good things. Quantum entanglement is a unique phenomena in which two particles, once connected, remain linked no matter how far apart they are in space. This fundamental feature plays a vital role in emerging technologies such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. And what we have learned is space and time makes no difference. This will reprogram how we prepare satellites to explore like Voyager is doing. Voyager has been amazing. The mechanical, the way they constructed this, with really crude technology by today\\\’s standards and still giving us really valuable information.\\r\\n\\r\\nBut let me explain to you what I first saw this. I\\\’m watching Ted Koppel on Nightline, late 80s, early 90s. And they had on the scientists that talked about where they had a rabbit. You\\\’re not going to like this story if you\\\’re an animal lover. So I apologize ahead of time. But since it was done, let\\\’s talk about the results. Rabbit gave birth to a litter. The litter was removed and taken to a remote distance thousands of miles away. And then systematically, the baby rabbits were euthanized. I know I\\\’m sorry, but I didn\\\’t do it. But let\\\’s get the science out of it.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe mother rabbit at the exact moment of the euthanasia had an extreme autonomic response, a stress response, if you will, extreme. And then on an irregular basis, so this was not a conditioned response, the second baby rabbit was put to death. And the mother rabbit had the same effect. And it was like, holy cow, this is what Einstein talked about when the mother rabbit was going to die, when he talked about spooky stuff at a distance. Let\\\’s see if I can find that quote. Einstein described this process as spooky action at a distance. Quantum entanglement is what this has become labeled as.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd when I first talked about this in 2007, this is more than 15 years after these experiments. You know what? People were just, they attacked me. Dave, stay on the North American Union, have Jerome Korsy back on your show. That\\\’s a good suggestion. Jerome\\\’s a great guest. Love having him on the show. I\\\’ve interviewed him four times. He\\\’s terrific. But I don\\\’t think I should avoid this because it\\\’s now scientifically studied. Professor Nick Awishi from Japan and his colleague of physicists are studying this in different ways now. We tell you what else they\\\’ve done too.\\r\\n\\r\\nThey took a Petri dish and this is in the same timeframe. And they separated materials in the Petri dish and it was liquid. And they put them in different vials and they would electrically excite one and at a distance, all the cells in different containers separated by thousands of miles would show the same effect as the cells that were originally electrified. And they go, whoa, this is incredible. And Einstein theorized this was possible. This has led to his quote. Now, let\\\’s go back to 1943. Probably the greatest inventor in all of history. I know we\\\’re going to talk about Michelangelo and stuff like that, but Nikola Tesla.\\r\\n\\r\\nNikola Tesla. You know what he did? He did extra dimensional stuff. He sent power from zero point energy. 1999, New Year\\\’s Eve, Colorado Springs, sent electricity and lit up homes in the Capitol Hill area of Denver, 75 miles away. 1899, 1899. Yeah. This is really what kind of burst him on the scene. And for a while, until he wanted to give away free energy, he became the darling of the elite jet set scientists. As soon as he wanted to take away their plans for wiring and metering and making profits, he was persona non grata and he had to actually go to work for the US Navy where he developed sonar radar to the Philadelphia experiment.\\r\\n\\r\\nWe\\\’ll talk about that someday at a different time. But in 1943, when he died in his New York hotel room, the FBI showed up and they took away over 70 boxes of his research, voluminous. And it was held in perpetuity. In other words, here we are today, right? 82 years later. Is that right? 27 plus 25? No, I\\\’m sorry. My math is off there. 57 plus 25 is 82 years later. 82 years later, several of these boxes of materials have not been released to the National Archives. And they should be. As a matter of course, the American\\\’s greatest inventor.\\r\\n\\r\\nI mean, people want to give Eins with Edison credit for the light bulb. Let me be very honest with you. Edison was opposed to Tesla when Tesla said, look, AC is the way to go. If you have alternating current electricity, he said that you won\\\’t need a power generator on every block. And Edison got his backup and said, Tesla, I\\\’m in charge here. And it\\\’s DC is where we\\\’re going. This is like Washington DC. You\\\’re an American now DC. Do you understand? That led to a split. How did Edison come to invent the light bulb? He stole Tesla\\\’s idea.\\r\\n\\r\\nI guess it\\\’s not stealing if Tesla hadn\\\’t patented first. But that was Edison. You know, probably not his most honorable moment. He did do a lot of good phonograph, you know, that kind of thing. He did a lot of good things. But the light bulb was really Tesla\\\’s deal. And today his research, we don\\\’t know how far he went. I can tell you this with my father\\\’s work for the Navy and reverse engineering theoretical physics in a theoretical lab. He said that there was a decision made after World War II. That quantum physics, as we call it today, would be apart from Newtonian physics, which is three dimensional physics, height, width, depth, that\\\’s it.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd really quantum was out the window. Now, modern science has kind of made that decision irrelevant. But I think Tesla was way beyond what we have today. I\\\’d like to see his files. But he was all over this. Well, let me tell you what these Japanese scientists have done. And I\\\’m looking at a formula right here that explains quantum entanglement. And it\\\’s probably about 30 characters. And Osaka Metropolitan University physicists are the ones that developed this. This was not done in America, given our education system and how far it\\\’s fallen. Am I surprised? No. But they started to study behavior of magnetic.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe magnetics. And they found that if you excited a magnetic stream of once connected material, that this material could be across the universe, and it would respond the same way. It\\\’s kind of like the Petri dish with the electrical excitement. And they go, Whoa, you could do construction if we play this out on a foreign planet. Way off in the distance, out of our solar system. But if you could get something there, they could construct effect here, the effect here, and it could lead to construction. Now, we\\\’re a way ways off from doing this as far as I know.\\r\\n\\r\\nI don\\\’t know how far dark has gone. They don\\\’t consult with me. But I do know that it\\\’s possible now that you could build things without the use of human beings. Far away in the universe by doing it here from a once connected device, connected through magnetism. Now, this sounds a little complicated, doesn\\\’t it? But let me take you to a show and I can extrapolate some meaning out of this. I\\\’ve often said that the people that did Stargate SG1, the TV series, Richard Dean Anderson was the star for most of that series. They were way ahead of their time.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd I got to believe that someone was feeding them inside information about the science. Because if you wanted to construct a Stargate system in the universe, this is how you do it. Now, you would need to add in teleportation to get it there. But see, that exists too. In 2008, we\\\’ve had lots of experiments since then in Leipzig, Germany. In Animate Box here, across a long laboratory, about three years ago. About 275 feet, 300 feet apart, size of a football field. This box was teleported, excuse me, from point A to point B. Now, here\\\’s what\\\’s interesting.\\r\\n\\r\\nWhen they teleported by changing the frequencies and matching a frequency on the receiving end that attracted it, you had bilocation. This is even an interesting effect that Tesla talked about as well, verbally and probably as in his paperwork that the FBI still has. But you had the object staying visible even though it had appeared on the other side of this laboratory and then quickly this disappeared and the object was fully over here. This was absolutely fantastic when we look at this. And what I\\\’m telling you is that we have the ability to transport through teleportation.\\r\\n\\r\\nWe have the ability to construct through quantum physics, what they\\\’re working on in Japan right now. How far this has gone, I don\\\’t know. This is the base element of the science of what I\\\’m talking about. But the show Stargate SG-1, if you\\\’re not familiar with the series, and I probably have a whole lot of viewers here who\\\’ve never seen it because it\\\’s been out of production for 14, 15 years. But there were stargates that were constructed by the ancients in the show and they were throughout the universe and each place would have a code that you dial into.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe code you would assume would be frequency based and then you would be teleported to that place and come out the stargate on the other side and you could go vast distances. And the show was based on the experiences of the crew with Tioke and Richard Dean Anderson as a star and Captain Samantha Carter who became a colonel by the show and Daniel the scientist. It was really a good show. I watched it religiously and I was fascinated by the science and it had its roots in the Egyptian pyramids where they originally found the technology.\\r\\n\\r\\nI don\\\’t know if that\\\’s right or wrong. That was just the storyline. But the show, the way they set it up, was very much along the lines of what we\\\’re talking about scientifically. And the original movie that was made, Stargate, it was way ahead of its time. This predated anything we knew with teleportation, with the Petri dish experiments, we\\\’re just coming into vogue. This is fantastic stuff. I really believe right now we have the ability, we don\\\’t have the ability to build airplanes. We could build sender-receiver model and send you from, say, Phoenix to Denver and you\\\’d arrive instantly.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd you wouldn\\\’t have to pay the $400 or $500 airplane and go through the hassle of TSA and all that nonsense, finding parking, you would just arrive at your destination. But here\\\’s a catch. The Inventor Act of 1951 allows the government to confiscate any invention that they deem to be an obstruction to national security or business. So someone in corporate, I don\\\’t know if it\\\’s DARPA, subsidiary controlled indirectly by the CIA, I don\\\’t know who it is. But clearly, business can be protected against people competing with it. I saw this with Enron as they got into zero point energy and boom, they were out of business within three months.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd some people say the charges were fabricated. I don\\\’t, I mean, did I have dealings with this? Yes. I was part of a group that was working with Enron to build a zero point energy field and community in the San Luis Valley in Colorado. I\\\’ve had Vance Davis on former NSA, who was part of that project. The late Bill Pollock, my mentor in this business was the primary that Enron was working with, but they got into this and they were out of business in three months. And a lot of people say the charges were fabricated because we can\\\’t have competition.\\r\\n\\r\\nThat\\\’s what I believe happened. Could I prove it at court of law? No, but I saw enough to have a reasonable hypothesis about this. This technology is still being guarded. The fact that they won\\\’t release the FBI seized files of 1943. Unbelievable, isn\\\’t it? This many years have gone by and we can\\\’t look at Tesla\\\’s files. It\\\’s incredible. And there is a suppression of knowledge. I\\\’ve had Armando Gonzalez, a great researcher, archaeologist. He\\\’s done work on the mound builders, scientifically based, measures all the standards of good archaeology, and the mound builders destroys some of the written history we have, which shows a lot of it\\\’s wrong.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd he presented it to the National Archives. We\\\’re not interested. They didn\\\’t debunk it. They didn\\\’t even study it. They didn\\\’t even review the research protocols. They go, we\\\’re not interested. This kind of arrogance tells you that we live in a shadow band. And I mentioned this earlier last week, and I said a couple of things going on here. Number one, not invented here. Number two, someone\\\’s got control of proprietary business relationships with the scientific applications, and they\\\’re not sharing. And number three, it\\\’s protected by the government. And the inventor of secrecy law of 1951 allows the government to shut down anything that competes, such as 200 mile gallon of gas, that actually comes from water.\\r\\n\\r\\nYou may have heard of that. I actually interviewed a guy from Scottsdale, 2007. He\\\’s one of the first guests on my first radio show. And he came on and he says, I\\\’m not really supposed to talk about this. What the hell? They paid him $2 million because he invented a carburetor that would run on just about any liquid, then people could drive 200 miles on a gallon of whatever it was. Can you imagine that? Can they tell them you take the money or we\\\’ll just take it from you and there\\\’s nothing you can do because of the 1951 act.\\r\\n\\r\\nThat\\\’s how I first learned about it. And you wonder why I do the series hiding in plain sight. Here\\\’s what I said last week. Internet invented the sixties is an alternative to communication. It would fail in the middle or after a nuclear attack. We don\\\’t get it till 30 years later. Microwave forties. We don\\\’t see them until the seventies. We see this all the time. Excuse me. And then we have the Microsoft approach to things and I going to give them credit. They\\\’re not the only ones that do this. It\\\’s not illegal, but Microsoft 1.0.\\r\\n\\r\\nNow we\\\’re going to add more stuff in that we\\\’ve had for a while. 2.0. Want to keep up with the Joneses and people are tired of it. Microsoft 10. They eventually force you into it. You know that when I\\\’m talking about you\\\’ve reached, oh, I like my system. I don\\\’t want to learn something new. And eventually you wake up one day and you\\\’re in the new system. Can we complete your setup? It\\\’s the same concept, but it\\\’s about money driven economics. That\\\’s the purpose behind the stair stepping of the release of the technology with software.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnd I use Microsoft as an example, but they\\\’re not the only one. Everyone does this. Yeah. Nice to know how manipulated we are, how shielded we are from the truth. This is why we do hiding in plain sight. I\\\’m Dave Hodges. This is the common sense show. We\\\’ll see you back here again next time. [tr:trw].\\r\\n\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n</div>