The Most Important Election in the History of the World

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âž¡ This text emphasizes the importance of the upcoming election, urging people to be vigilant and proactive. It advises voters to document their votes and be wary of potential manipulation. The speaker also expresses strong support for Donald Trump and his family, predicting their continued political influence. Lastly, the speaker encourages appreciation for America and its opportunities, comparing it favorably to other countries.
âž¡ The speaker believes that America is a land of opportunity and encourages people to not give up on themselves. They anticipate the release of hidden technologies, including life extension and free energy technology, when Donald Trump returns to office. They question why we’re still using outdated technology like cars with rubber tires and look forward to advancements that could revolutionize travel and extend human lifespan. The speaker ends by urging people to vote and ensure America’s success.


Okay, guys, listen up very, very carefully. This will be the most important election in the history of planet Earth, not just America, the planet itself. And it is important that you follow very simple instructions and it is more important that you take these instructions and move them forward. Because if you think the Democrats don’t have more tricks up their sleeves that they didn’t use in 2020, I got news for you. They do. And it’s unfortunate. This is exactly why you have to be on your feet, okay? In order for great things to happen, great men need to stand up and need to lead by example and figure out a way to outsmart the enemy.

And that’s what I’m doing. I’m not saying that I’m great. I’m saying that I’m trying to reach in and find the greatest Mel that exists. Because humanity is worth fighting for, okay? We lose the United States of America, folks. It’s over. Do you get it? I know a lot of you do. Don’t trust anybody giving you a sharpie pen. They tried that trick before. That didn’t work. When you’re voting, bring your own blue or black pen. Ballpoint blue or black pen. Otherwise, your vote will not count. Take a picture of your ballot backwards and forwards, okay? The front and the back.

Email it to yourself. Print it out. Save it in a safe place in case you have to prove your vote or in case you want to see where your vote landed, okay? And they can’t give you answers. Then you know it went the other way and you need to have proof of what you did. Document your vote and put it in a safe place and if I was you, I would be triple redundant. I would have triple copies just like your keys to your cryptocurrency. Have it in three different places. These folks are not done yet.

You don’t think they have think tanks of evil? You know what? Pieces of, you know what? In back rooms right now, thinking of ways to outsmart us, well, I think you’re not thinking straight if that’s the case. Because they are and more than one team, they’re probably thousands of thinking things around the United States right now paid by George Soros and paid by all the evil money because they have the access to the printing press. This is exactly the reason why this has been such a struggle up until now. People think that, you know, you know, this is gonna be well, I just wave a magic wand and it goes away.

That’s not the way the world works, folks. This thing has to play out for whatever it’s worth and you digital soldiers. I always say play the most important part. Don’t worry about the people that don’t want to wake up. Worry about the ones that do and just keep moving the information forward. That is your job. If you don’t want to stand up and take a leadership position and lead people to make the right decision in the most important war in the history of the world, that is the least you could do. That is your civic duty to get the information that is so much common sense in front of underneath anybody’s nose that will listen and pay attention to body language.

The ones that start to scratch their heads. Those are the ones that you want to go after. The ones that start asking questions. Those are the ones you want. The ones that say, oh, that’s just a bunch of conspiracy theories and they laugh at you and they walk away. Those are idiots. Those are useless idiots. You don’t want to waste any time with those kinds of people. Don’t try to go as they’re walking away to try and run after them to convince them. No, that’s wasted energy. Don’t waste your energy on idiots because there’s still plenty of them, believe me.

Very, very important, folks. This will go down as monumental historic. I do expect there will be at least one bump. I hope that I’m wrong and I want to be wrong, believe me. In the road, at least one or two bumps before this election is completely over. Hence the reason why we chose March 8th and 9th for the Quantum Summit event, which will prove to be one of the most historic events of our lifetime. And it will end up being an incredible celebration, providing our predictions, some of the people that are in the know that are paying very, very close attention to the breadcrumbs.

We can sort of see the outcome. That would be the worst case scenario that we have to fight all the way until March to get Trump into office, but I don’t think so. I think worst case scenario, February, the worst case scenario of February, he’s going to be reinstated. His kid blew my doors yesterday. He was on Patrick Bet David. Okay. What an interview. I don’t know if you guys, I posted that best interview he’s ever get. Eric Trump far exceeded my expectations. He sat down like a gentleman, spoke like a gentleman, and he gave the best interview of his life.

He was getting 75,000 views per hour on that show. And I’ve sprinkled it out there and you guys should be sprinkling it out there too. Then goes, there comes the Don and gets heads on heads on a Joe Rogan show and he was getting a million views per hour. In the first four hours that interview got 4 million views. You know, look, say what you say about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not perfect. He’s a man. And I know that men are not perfect. I’m a man myself. I understand. I get it. But let’s look at his track record as a businessman.

Let’s look at his track record in raising a family. Let’s look at his track record. He is meticulous. If you really want to know a little bit about your president, who he really is. Listen to Eric Trump on that interview with Patrick Bet David. It was just done yesterday. Absolutely monumental. We’ll go down as, you know what, I will go as far as saying at this point, I do expect that either Eric or Trump Jr. will take the White House after Trump is gone. And either or will be a great choice. Either or, whoever runs of those two, they got my vote as well.

Because it’s important what comes after Donald Trump. And I don’t think anything can come better than one of the chips off his old block to take over and keep this country going in the right direction as we eradicate this evil monster once and for all. Oh, now there’s headlines on the New York Times. He’s playing around with thinking about getting rid of the IRS and get rid of income taxes altogether. These are the headlines that are coming out, folks. I mean, I don’t want to pat myself on the back, but I think I’ve been yelling and screaming that from the highest mountain top longer than anybody.

You’re going to see all of this manifest. You’re going to see the flying cars. You’re going to see the life extension technology. You’re going to see the flying condominiums where you don’t need Airbnb. And yes, it’s going to be disruption. But shit, we should have been here 25 years ago, 35 years ago. But because some people out there are looking to make a lot of money off of you on the meds. They keep you in a zombie like state. And some people take out guns and do, you know, these shootings because of the psychotropic drugs. Every single one of those.

Look it up, guys. Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist. Look it up. Every single one of those M.K. Ultra shooters were all under psychotropic drugs, not 99% of them, 100% of every shooter there ever was, was under M.K. Ultra psychotropic drugs. Yes, this is going to be a little painful. And we got maybe a little bit more to go. But at the end of the day, folks, this is America. What the fuck were they thinking? What the fuck were they thinking? They thought we’re just going to roll over and play dead. And yeah, let’s go communism.

You got us. No, that’s not the way it works in America. American people say whatever you want about them, docile is not something they’re good at. And you’re watching that play out right in front of your own very eyes as we speak. Folks, I love this country more than I can tell you. I was born on the island of Sicily. But you know what? This is my country. I feel more American than many of you who were born here. You guys have no idea what you have. You should really travel a little bit and go see how people live in other countries.

You would not come back to this country and take it for granted ever again. Why is it that all these foreigners like Patrick by David is a freaking classic example. This is a guy that came from nothing comes to this country becomes a half a billionaire. And many people who live in this country were brainwashed to go work for a corporation and retire on half of what they couldn’t live off on all of. Why is that different mindset? Because they understand that America is the land of opportunity and they take advantage of that opportunity and they go into their own business and they become entrepreneurs and they learn how to run teams of people and leverage.

The American dream is alive and well, even under Biden, even with all the bullshit that they did, there was always a way to make money in America. If you look hard enough, unfortunately, I believe Americans, a lot of them have given up on themselves. And you shouldn’t. This country has a lot to offer and the best is yet to come. I can tell you that I can’t wait for Donald Trump to release these hidden technologies that they’ve been hiding from all of us. Healing technologies that we yet have to learn about. We’re talking about folks technologies and you’ll see this again.

I don’t want to pat myself on the shoulder, but man, I’ve been chasing immortality for 30 years or maybe 32 years. As long as I’ve been awake, I realized maybe mortality is, you know, possible. So when I started going down that UFO rabbit hole, that’s where it leads you. And I could tell you that you’ll see that manifest in the next five, six, seven years or less. Okay. Life extension of 200, 300 years is here. The minute Donald Trump steps back into office. Yes. Will he turn on the Keystone pipeline and keep that oil flowing? Yes.

For a little while, but free energy technology is coming over unity motors. 107 said it on my show was when I backed them into a corner said I got several videos that we see Donald Trump saying we’re going to get in the race for flying cars. And he had no choice because he can’t go against Donald Trump. That’s Donald Trump. I got video of Donald Trump saying that we got to get in the race. We got to beat the Russians. We got to beat the Chinese. So with that said, if that’s true, and it is, he said, oh yeah, and they have over unity motors over unity motors is free energy technology.

Over unity motors are motors that don’t have moving parts where, you know, holes could break or a belt could break. You don’t want to leave anything to chance when you’re up there flying Mach 17 and you can get from one country to another in record time. That’s coming. I mean, I always say no one’s ever asked the question. Why are we still driving an extension of a model T Ford? And we are four rubber tires, folks. Lamborghini’s got four rubber tires. Bugatti is got a four rubber tires. A Ferrari is got a four rubber tires. Why are we still driving this stupidity? And no one, no one, no one, except for the ex pizzeria and presario, ask questions.

Why are we still driving on four fucking rubber tires? Why are we not flying? Why are people living to be 75, 80 years old and they croak and they’re dead? Why this? Why that? Because I’m an asshole and I’m going to be an asshole and I’m going to ask questions for the rest of my life. Get this message out to the world. Vote early. Take pictures. Do whatever you got to do. Have the proof in case you’ve got to call them on their bullshit. Hopefully not. All right, guys, God speak to everybody and let’s make sure America wins.




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