Spread the truth



➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, discusses the importance of quality olive oil for health and longevity, as explained by Dr. Gundry in a free video. He also plans to showcase the reactions of left-wing individuals to election results, aiming to highlight their mental state.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America one in slave mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. Really good to be with you. This is going to be fun. When we get to the body of the report after our first break, I got to tell you, I’m going to just butt out. I’ll introduce it. And you just got to let it play. Language alert. You’re going to hear a couple of F-bombs dropped by the subjects. Not me. I just intended to say that this is how we think you should talk, but it demonstrates the level of mental sobriety that I want to demonstrate.

Okay, so just warning, okay? Kids, get them out of the room. Hey, we’re brought to you by a terrific product here. And you’ve heard of olive oil. And you know, olive oil is good for you. Just ask Popeye. No, not that kind of olive oil. The kind of olive oil that you cook with. It’s in your pantry. Now, what’s it good for? And you go, well, it’s good for a lot. Like what? It makes you young on the outside and the inside. And Dr. Gundry, world-renowned cardiologist, nutrition expert, health expert, he says it’s great for you.

It’s like anti-aging. Makes you look younger, feel younger. But as Dr. Gundry was promoting the efficacy of olive oil, he found that not all olive oil is created equal. And he said, there’s some people out there that cut some corners, and they leave out some key ingredients. Now, we all agree that even the least potent olive oil is better for you than no olive oil. But there are some, they’re a lot better than others. So Dr. Gundry said, I want to make it my quest. I want to make it my quest. To make this available to everybody.

And I want them to have this knowledge. So I’m going to make a free video. So in this video that Dr. Gundry made, he said, I got to tell people that not all olive oil is created equal. And it can have effects on longevity and all kinds of really great effects. Some is better than others. And I want to tell the people about it. So he made this free video. It’s gone absolutely viral. And all you got to do to see it is go to slash Dave. That’s slash Dave. slash Dave. I’ll tell you, you’ll be glad you went there.

Because this is a product so available. And it can really help. All right. We have an interesting show in this segment. This is I laugh. This is one that’s easy for me to do. Just click and play. I want to show you the mental health of the left through poster children expressing their frustration with election results. Okay. We’re back with this. And I decided to make an edit here. I don’t want to put out a lot of F bombs unless it’s really important and unavoidable. So I found a substitute. But what I’ve seen from the Kamala people, hey, we were pissed.

We were upset when Trump lost in 2020 because we knew the election was stolen. We all went to bed. He’s ahead in five of the seven swing states. Wake up. He’s losing in four of the five. They stole that election. Plain and simple. And I embarked on a journey. I proved it in a seminal article eight months later that got death threats to my friends that promoted it. That’s a fact. Now, having said that, we didn’t go down meltdown alley. I didn’t come out and drop a bunch of F bombs. I said, this election was stolen.

Here’s how it was stolen. How are we going to stop it from having again? I was hoping that the courts would grow a pair and actually overturn the election. That didn’t happen. But we didn’t riot. We didn’t burn things down. We didn’t do any of that stuff. And these people are going nuts. And this is symbolic of what I was going to show you. But the language just got too foul. They are cussing out people. You didn’t vote. Well, okay. And all the pejorities that get said. And oh my gosh, we’re stuck with Trump. He’s a rapist.

He’s going to be a Hitler. We’re all going to go to camps. I mean, it was off the charts insane. But this will have to be a substitute because I just want to show you the mental health of people that support the left. They are deranged. Obviously, they don’t pay attention to grocery prices, gas prices. They don’t pay attention to the TDA gang taking over apartments, prostituting children. They’re not paying attention to any of that stuff. They just go with the Hollywood hype. Oh, hey, hey, Diddy’s friends. Like Oprah, they’re promoting her. I should promote her too.

Maybe you should go to, no, don’t go to a Diddy party. You’ll get hurt. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, here’s an example of what I am talking about. That’s the left in a nutshell. They are a cult. They’re capable of anything. And they’re not going to leave office peacefully. I’m going to come back in the next segment. I’m going to talk about some of the crap that I think they’re going to pull. This is really serious, people. This is very serious. We’re not done. We’re just getting started. Brace yourself, protect yourself, be situationally aware, the terrorism is coming.

All the kinds of horrors are coming. Stay tuned. We’ll be back with more. God bless all of you on this great and monumental day in America and the greatest political comeback in American history. However, just getting started. Check us out at the Featuring a new series starting tomorrow called hips, hiding in plain sight, mysteries of the mind, hidden history, all kinds of interesting things that you will not ordinarily know. And it’s a little bit in the spirit of the old art bell shows. Do you like that show? Well, I love that show. And it kind of fits into my nature.

I got this playful side of me. And I think you’re going to find it really interesting. We’re going to bring on guests to really supplement a lot of this too. Hey, most of you over there, the Thanks for watching. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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