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➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including accusations against Tom Hanks and Nancy Pelosi, and criticizes the Democratic Party. They also express their belief in a reptilian agenda and claim to have witnessed shape-shifting. The speaker calls for the removal of Democrats from office, labeling them as Nazis and accusing them of not loving the country. They also mention their anticipation for the imprisonment and execution of certain individuals, and predict future unrest in the country.
➡ The speaker expresses frustration with current political situations, believing there’s corruption in the FBI and CIA, and feels that change is needed. They predict a violent reset in the economic system and foresee potential violence in the near future. They also believe that the history we’ve been taught is a lie, and that there’s a need for a revolution similar to the one that happened during the Revolutionary War. They also discuss the issue of chemtrailing, attributing it to deep state money and not to Trump.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including concerns about overseas payments, skepticism about the bird flu and vaccinations, and the belief in a ‘deep state’. They express distrust in the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting alternative treatments like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. They also share personal experiences of not wearing a mask during the pandemic and criticize the current political situation in Canada.
➡ The text discusses the author’s concerns about the use of emergency powers by politicians, particularly in response to health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. The author criticizes the actions of several U.S. governors and suggests that they may be preparing for another pandemic. The author also expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of health measures like masks and ventilators, and criticizes the spending of public funds on undocumented immigrants. The author concludes by drawing parallels between the policies of the Democratic Party and those of the Nazis.
➡ The speaker suggests that people often dislike what others love, and implies that Democrats prioritize government over religion. The show ends with a promise to return the next day and a farewell message of love.
And the Democrats are absolutely demonstrate. So the Democrat party is basically going to be destroyed. Right? So can I say that enough? Whatever. What have, what have I been saying? So Democrat party is anti God, anti America, anti common sense, anti, you know, merit based anything. All right? So they, they just hate our country. Just hate it. And they hate the people like us that are, have common sense and do really good stuff and are merit based in what we do. They hate that they are like walking, ah, demonic entities. It’s crazy. Now look at Nancy Pelosi last night.
She looked like her reptilian was trying to like explode. She was trying to shape shift into a reptilian. Do you ever see that movie Conan the Barbarian where he goes against that one guy that, you know, he’s like, he just tells somebody to like jump and they like, they come up and they jump off the cliff and kill themselves. And then when Arnold was coming in to like you know, rescue people and, and get the like the, the valuable crystal whatever it was, this guy shape shifted into a snake that looked like Nancy Pelosi last night.
Her tongue was like just coming out all. And she was like doing that. It’s like it was trying to pop out of her. I was like, oh, we’re gonna see the reptilian reveal itself. We’re gonna see a shape shift. We’re gonna see a shape shift on that table. Ozi. It was so close. That would have been magnificent on national tv. So how, how amazing would that have been? It would have blown so many, so many minds. But some of us can see it, some of us can see it. So let’s listen to what Riley Gaines. So you know, Riley Gaines basically, you know, pushed back against, she was a swimmer.
She pushed back against that man. That basically was like, oh, I’m, I identify as a woman, uh, couldn’t make it in men’s sports. So uh, a lot of these turd guys basically go over and because they were the Democrats let them, they came in and basically became women, you know, grew out there, here and I don’t know, some of them maybe got boobs and, and then swam and just destroyed uh, Rally Gaines. So she basically, you know, pushed back against that. So she has been uh, a champion of women only sports and that’s, that’s making a comeback here in America.
I don’t know if we’re going to see that in Olympics because, you know, remember that boxer that identified as a woman that beat the hell out of all the other women in one gold. Duh. We, we saw like this uh, volleyball, uh, high school volleyball player that was there, the audience and I guess a guy was on the opposing team posing as a, as a girl and hammered the ball and hit her and caused her to have a concussion and brain damage, all kind of crazy stuff. So this, this is out of control guys. It’s no common sense.
And that’s one of the things that Trump talked about. We’re getting back to common sense so we’re gonna, gonna share the screen. We’re going to look at this, this one show where Riley Gaines is talking about, she was there in the, in the, you know, stands or whatever and watching and she, she has a commentary. So she’s like, me, Democrats suck bad. I attended President Trump’s State of the Union address And in Washington D.C. tonight, let me tell you what I saw. Better yet, let me tell you what I didn’t see. I did not see Democrats stand and applaud a child with terminal brain cancer who was in the room.
I did not see Democrats stand and applaud and honor the life and memory of young girls like Blake and Riley or 12 year old Jocelyn who lost their lives to illegal gang members before their grieving parents who were in the room. I did not see Democrats stand and applaud an American who had been falsely and innocently imprisoned in Russia, who had recently been returned, who was in the room with his 95 year old mother. I did not see Democrats stand and applaud a balanced budget. I mean, I mean I could go on and on and on, but you know what I did see? The Democrats stand and applaud.
The only thing they stood and cheered for was Ukraine. And I don’t mean peace in Ukraine. Because when President Trump mentioned his efforts to end the Russian Ukrainian war, they didn’t cheer for that. They only cheered when President Trump mentioned we have given Ukraine over $350 billion in taxpayer funds. They clapped for the continued funding of war in Ukraine, the Democratic Party, and I don’t mean Democrats, I mean the Democratic Party. So in terms of elected representation and certainly how left leaning media portrays the Democrats, they’re no longer American. They don’t love our country, they don’t love our flag, they don’t love the American people.
They are soulless, they are insufferable. It can only be described as immoral and evil. Tonight was proof for me that Democrats will literally stand for anything but America and its people. So yeah, that’s, that’s pretty much what we’re seeing right now. Democrats hate America. They hate Americans like me and you because we’re Americans. We love our country, we love God, they hate God. It’s, and I say Democrats, I’m saying Democrats because Democrats don’t get in office without Democrats voting them in there. Because Republicans won’t have, unless they’re rhinos, they’re not going to vote for a Democrat, right? So at this point no one votes Democrat.
Democrats are completely corrupt. Democrats need to go away. So if you’re in a Democrat party, you need to stop, you need to stop yourself. And if you continue then f a f o f around and find out right, in your cities are going to burn. They’re going to burn to the ground with you in them. And that’s, that’s the way it’s coming. God is turning his back on Democrats, right? Because they have turned their back on him. And uh, it is, uh, it’s coming, it’s gonna be horrific. Uh, but it is what it is. Uh, we’ve tried to awaken them and they don’t want to wake up.
They’re like that sleeping idiot that uh, you know, fights you when you’re trying to wake them up. And so there you go. So good luck guys. Good luck. If you’re a Democrat and a Democrat hellhole city, you get what you deserve. Whether it be Seattle, whether it be, you know, San Francisco, Louisiana, New York, you name the Democrat hell hole on earth and you’re gonna get what you’re gonna get. Same thing with, if you’re in another country, Canada, Ottawa, liberal leftist hellhole. Right? Same thing when you go over to, you know, Europe. There’s hell holes over there in a lot of those, those countries as well.
And of course they have a lot of history. Yeah. But uh, they are, they’ve basically turned them, turned their back on their, their history. They’ve turned their back on uh, their people. They have allowed incredible, incredible corruption to come into their cities just like we have here in America. We have Dumbed down idiots. They’re running a lot of these big cities, guys, even mine here, Madeira Beach. Dumbed down idiots. It is insane. There’s a lot of work to do, but we’re going to continue to push, we’re going to continue to educate, we’re going to continue to enlighten, bring you truth, bring you to God, bring you to Jesus, right? You’re, you’re, you’re gonna have your Jesus moment, right? And I hope it helps you.
If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t. It is what it is. So I say that was the probably the greatest presidential speech I’ve ever seen. Uh, in my opinion, of course, uh, if you look at the New York Times, which I did, uh, they had a lot of people on there because they’re leftist, mainstream media jackasses. And they came in and, you know, talked it down and thought it was, like the worst one they had ever seen. So we’re like, I don’t think we’re, like, divided here, America. You’re just a pure idiot, or you’re a good person that recognizes other good things in life.
Right? It’s simple. All right, so there, there’s there. We need to stop saying, oh, well, we have to, you know, be inclusive for Democrats because they’re stupid. No, I am not inclusive for anyone that is stupid anymore. If you’re stupid, you’re stupid. And stupid is as stupid does or it’s stupid as it stupid is. I don’t know. Is that, that’s some kind of quote from a pedophile? So I think it is. Of course, he was playing like a retarded guy. So I don’t know. So I’m not, I’m not going to quote that stupid is as stupid does.
So Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks, who’s basically called out as a pedophile. So that’s, that’s what we’re going to see, uh, going forward. Uh, a lot of these people are being, uh, exposed, uh, for the absolute demonic possessed m effers that they are. All right, so let me see if I can pull up Nancy Pelosi and her, her nastiness. I posted it. I think I posted it. Let me see. Is it in here? Oh, yeah, here’s, here’s Nancy Pelosi. So Nancy totally looks like a reptile here, guys. You know, we, we’ve talked about this for a while, and we’ve been trying to expose the reptilian agenda here on Earth.
You know, I’ve talked about how I’ve seen some shape 50 myself. And just pay close attention here to Nancy Pelosi and her demonic little mouth. I, I wish I could see her eyes closer. Are they, like, are like turning into slits? Those people turn into slits. But, yeah, she, you can tell that that demonic reptilian inside her wants to, like, come out. Remember how she was in, in the chamber when Trump gave a speech one time and she tore his speech up because he gives his speech to, you know, the Vice President and then the speaker of the House.
Of course, you know, Mike Johnson had to, like, send a Democrat out of the chambers, had to bring in the security. And remember, like yesterday I said, wouldn’t it be nice if they, like, come in and just like, you know, expose the Democrats and arrest them? The doors blow open, the marshals come in and like, start arresting Democrats. Well, they did actually have to escort one Democrat out. And, uh, Mo, I think probably about half of the other Democrats basically got up and left after a while. So they’re, they’re not, they don’t love our country. Guys, we need to stop allowing for this.
We need to vote them completely out. Completely out of everything, everywhere. Look at this lizard. Snake. He’s a snake. So this is from Conan the Barbarian. See, I have seen people go into this eye mode, shape shift, just like you saw there with that eye. I have seen that. I’ve literally seen that right there. And it was, it was one of the top guys in the CIA asked, asked him a question because he’s asking all these questions of us. And so I asked, I like, turned it back. I was like, what about you? What? Tell us about your back, your background.
And that eye right there came out and I, I wasn’t afraid at all. I don’t know why. I, I, it was pretty trippy, but I was like, that was after I had my Archangel Michael experience too, so maybe, you know, gave me a little bit of an edge. But he calmed down because he saw that I wasn’t intimidated and I didn’t ask any more questions. But I have seen this come out. I’ve seen this before. That’s why I would like to see a close up of Nancy Pelosi’s eyes and see if they slitted like this. So this is the Democrats here.
They’re mesmerized, you know, and just sleeping. They don’t want to wake up. And when they wake up, they just move around and they just do. I don’t know of orgy of stupid. So this is, this is where we’re at. All right, so that’s that’s my, my interpretation of Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi. I think that, you know, that’s going to start to be revealed at some point sooner rather than later. You know, everybody wants all this stuff revealed. You know, all my wife and I were just talking and we. It was like this, this one woman’s revealing how they’re doing all this experimentation on animals.
And it’s horrific. And that’s, you know, part of what Fauci was about. And you know, some of these other. It’s like, why, why, why are you like, doing that to animals and, and humans? Right? So it, it does not serve us to have these types. If, if you’re, you know, it’s like I, I could see maybe like take something like. This is, this is the way you, you find out if, if you’re allergic to a plant or something, you put it on like the back of your hand, a little, little bit of it. This is what I learned in harvesting in the wilderness, you know, and survival situation where you take different plants and you, if you’re not sure if they’re edible or not, you just rub it on the back of your hand and you wait.
If there’s a reaction, then it’s not good for you. Right? But you’re not going to die from it. So why, why do we have to like, you know, I saw one where they were like super gluing little monkeys in like cans, small cans. Little, little, tiny monkeys. Super gluing them in there. What, what the hell does that, you know, what, what’s that? How are we finding out anything from that? That’s just like torture of animals, just. And they do the same thing, of course, to humans, as we’re finding out from a lot of people that are coming across the border.
A lot of these children are disappearing. Organ harvesting, probably adrenochroming them. All kinds of crazy stuff. Very pure evil. Absolutely pure evil. So, and that was, that is what the Democrat Party stands for. So if you look at Ukraine, it’s, it’s a Nazi. It’s a Nazi regime all the way back from, you know, the, the German Nazis, right? So that eastern part of, of Ukraine and was, was full of Nazis and they basically invaded Russia. And Russia, you know, kicked their ass and, and pushed back on them really hard. And then, then the war. Then the Allies came in and stop them from coming in and finishing the job throughout the rest of Ukraine.
So now here Russia is again. So they. So the Bolsheviks came into Russia and killed a hundred million Russians. The Bolsheviks, the Communists, the Deep state. Right. So you, you are seeing, basically, the Russians are pushing back on that hap. On preventing that from happening again right now. And you have the same deep state elements within Europe and the United States are trying to go after Russia. Same, same elements, same situation, same thing. Right. And Russia is, is like, oh, hell no, you’re not going to, like, do that again to us. And that’s, that’s where we’re at.
That’s the truth of the situation. So you have the Democrats, the deep state, applauding because Trump talked about how we’ve sent like $350 billion to Ukraine. And they’re like, oh, yes, yes, we did. Yes, we did. They did that. The Democrats, they made sure they had a stand, innovation. When Zelensky came into our Congress, a Nazi came into our Congress and they applauded him. The same thing in Canada. They applauded him in their parliament. And a known Nazi from World War II was in the Canadian Parliament, and they stood standing ovation for him as well. So the Nazis, Democrats, liberal, library, leftist, and the Nazis in Canada, pretty much all of them, because everyone, everybody stood up and clapped.
Most Republicans, although some did remain seated when Zelensky came in and did not applaud. Right. And you even had Democrats waving the Ukrainian flag. It’s, it’s out of control. They do not love our country. They are Nazis. They must go. They must go. And I know a lot of people are like, well, we need to do this. We need to do that. Trump needs to do this. You know, we need, you know, Catch Patel to do this. We need Pambani to do this. They have a lot on their plate, don’t they? There’s a lot to be get done and everybody wants it.
We’ve been like, you know, waiting for four years, waiting for four years for these people to be imprisoned, tried, and executed. So it’s going to take time. Once that starts happening, that cat’s out of the bag. It’s. It’s gonna get, it’s gonna get cray cray. You guys know that. You guys know that, because the Nazi sympathizers here in the United States are going to push back on that, and their cities will have to be surrounded and they will have to be destroyed. All right, so how far that goes remains to be seen. Of course, there’s not just Nazi sympathizers in our cities, but there’s also multiple terrorists, terrorist groups.
You know, Trump talked about how he was going to or how he has designated many of the cartels, some of them from Venezuela, some of them down in Mexico as terrorist organizations will Antifa. Because Trump even said this last time when antifa went. Stormed through our cities and burned our cities before. This is not something new that I’m talking about. You don’t think that they had like, four years to prepare for this? Yes, that. Four years to prepare for this, whether Trump was going to come in or not. And thank God that he did, because they’re trying to reverse what they know is coming.
So, yes, these people have a lot on their plate. And yes, we would like to save the monkeys being tortured, but we’re about to get tortured and killed in our own cities. Well, Democrats are, and then some Republicans that are not headed and won’t get the hell out of there. So this, this is, this is what we’re seeing. And I have no problem calling these people out. We’re done being patient. We’re done being, you know, inclusive. They proved themselves last night. They prove themselves to the world. It’s time to stop their. All right, so I am a warrior.
All right? So I’m going to talk tough. I have been. I am here, guys, because God put me here, right? I have. I’ve not wanted to do this. All right? So. And it’s, it’s tough to talk this because I know it’s going to. Well, at this point, I’m kind of like, I don’t care if it pisses some people off. I hope it does. Maybe they’ll get activated and stop being stupid. I don’t know. I don’t know at this point, you know, how much impact this is really having. If it’s a waste of my time or if it’s.
Or it’s the real thing. Most of it is, uh, I think very positive. I feel confident that we’re having an impact on a lot of people. I see. I heard a lot of you in the chat. You’re like, over it as well. So we as a country start to push back and call this out and, you know, vote these jackasses out of office because the, the, the cheating that they have done for decades and decades is coming to an end. It got mo. It was mostly stopped out in the last election. And the next election that’s coming will be a friggin.
It will be. I don’t even think now we, A lot of people talk that we’re not going to have elections and so forth. I don’t think we’re going to have elections the next one, because there’s going to be destruction. I think we’re still going to have election, but, you know, it’s two years out. Geez, at that point, if we haven’t cleaned, cleaned everything up, we’re, we’re in big trouble because that’s like halfway through Trump’s administration or through his, his term. So I think it’s going to happen in the next couple months where this really, you know, kicks off.
So it’s going to be one of those things that’s going to be a violent reset. We’re seeing a violent reset, if you will, in the economic system at this point. It’s, it’s being, you know, it’s being pushed and prodded and a lot of it’s being taken down. It is, it’s frustrating to see it because, you know, many of us would like to invest in, in, you know, for our future, for our family’s future, but that would be, at this point, it’s, it’s very, very difficult. I think we, we could see the stock market go up in the next, for this month.
It’s a possibility we may see crypto hit new highs and go beyond. But I, I would be very surprised if we don’t start to see the violence start to happen soon, because we’ve already started to see it in Europe. They’re the proving ground. So I think it’s going to pretty, pretty soon. If it doesn’t, that’s great. And if it, and if it, and if it, if it does, that’s. That’s good too, because it’s basically a reveal. Now, when are we going to see the JFK files? I think it’s coming. Be patient. When are we going to see the Epstein stuff? It’s coming.
Be patient. There’s a lot on their plate. They’re doing a lot. They, I think they did a massive, you know, reveal in New York where the FBI was like, holding back the remnants. Some not. I wouldn’t say the remnants. I would say pretty much the FBI as a whole, with, with few exceptions, is completely corrupt. Same thing with the CIA. Now, I know there’s a few good people still left there, and I feel, I feel very bad for them because they, they’ve been operating in a swamp, right? And maybe some of them don’t even know that.
Some of them would, would love to push back on me. I don’t know. But it’s, it’s, it is a problem that needs to be rectified, and I think we’re going to see that happen sooner rather than later. It’s not going to last much longer. A lot of those, a lot of those places. And why? It’s because we’re going to push. We, the people are pushing. The more we push, the, the more pressure we put on it, the more we talk about it. Because this is five generational, five generation, five dimensional, sorry, warfare. So fifth dimension, basically, it’s, it’s more thought rather than physical activity.
It’s more of a ethereal type of environment where, you know, our thoughts, our energy basically is causing manifestation on a level that’s not been seen before. And this is another reason why Trump was talking about how this will be the last time you see, you know, America, you know, come from behind. Like we have. It’s not, it’s not like, you know, we can’t excel on an incredible level like we already have, like we just did. It’s that we won’t fall back into the darkness again. So we have, we have sprung into the light and we will never accept going back in the darkness.
So, so I said there would be code in President Trump’s speech. That’s one of the ones I picked out. Another code was that the Democrat Party is not the party of America at all, in any shape or form. Everything they did was to destroy America the last four years. Everything they did, right. And if you’re still a Democrat, you still are justifying Democrat actions. Shame on you. Shame on you. You’re not, you’re, at this point, I’m just going to call it, you’re not American, all right? You have been brainwashed into something that’s not American at all, right? And I don’t even have to say American.
I could just say a good human being, period. That’s all I have to say. You’re not a good human being, right? So the same thing with the Canadians. There’s, there’s people up there in Canada. There’s people in you in the United Kingdom, there’s people in France. There’s people in. Lots of people in Ukraine. Because I think a lot of good people just left, right? They got the hell out of there. They’re living everywhere else in the world. So whatever is still left in Ukraine, with few exceptions, is pretty much bad to the bone, right? So it is, it is what it is.
Of course, some people didn’t have the means to escape. They still believe that things would be right. They have, you know, generations there and so forth. They’re not going to leave, like a lot of people that are going to have problems and in those big blue cities. So it is, it is what it is. Our history is A lie. This was, this has went on since they sunk the Titanic. Of course, it goes way before then as well, all the way back to the Revolutionary War. You know, after the Revolutionary War, a lot of, a lot of the people that were involved in the revolution, it was only a small percentage.
Some people say there’s like 1 to 3% that were really involved in the revolution, you know, throwing off the chains of the deep state that were around us that the British army was enforcing upon us. And we basically threw that off. The same thing is happening now in the United States. Some, some, someone in the chat show that I did at 3 o’clock was asking, was saying that Trump, it’s all Trump’s fault that we have the chem trailing. And we, we talked about how chemtrailing has a lot of symptoms of bird flu for a lot of people.
And so, and that’s not spreadable person to person at this point. Instead, some, just, some people are having those, those issues that are very bird fluish. Right? So, and that’s attributed at this point to chem trailing. So somebody said in the chat that it was, it was because it’s Trump’s fault because he, he’s allowing the chemtrailing. He’s, he’s letting the money run. I was like, no, you really think that Trump is allowing the chem trailing? That’s deep state money that’s paying for that. It’s not always pilots involved. A lot of times it’s, you know, drone activity.
But then you also have, you know, airlines, Southwest Airlines is very much involved in controlling America. So that’s all being exposed. But who’s paying for it? Where’s the money coming from? Is it coming from some kind of military budget? Probably. Is it coming from the old budgets of usaid? Possibly. We just had Amy Comey Barrett, I think is, well, you know, Chief Justice Barrett. Amy Barrett, I believe. I can’t, I don’t know if it’s Comey, but that would be kind of suspect. Is it Comey? It’s in there. Amy. Amy Barrett. So she basically has said that payments that are due to like overseas payments attributable to USAID can go forward, meaning that basically we can be robbed and that money can go forward.
So that’s what a lot of people are talking about right now. I don’t know that if we have the whole story on that, some people may be jumping to conclusions, but a lot of people are saying we have a problem with, with Chief Justice Barrett. And now if that’s the case, she’s siding with the deep state. You know, it is what it is. I don’t know how we get, get those people out of there. So that’s, that’s one of the, the problems that, that we have. Jay, Corvette. Are you trying to ask a question? Is that why you’re trying to do caps? So.
Or you can’t see? So don’t, don’t do caps unless you’re asking a question or you can’t see. But there is, there is lots of problems out there that the Trump administration, with only like a month and a half have, have done unbelievable amounts to overcome. And it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s hard to overcome all this stuff. So I think that bird flu is bs. Okay, all right, so describe how you think that’s bs. It’s definitely not bs, so it’s definitely being, you know, pushed out there. Maybe it’s BS as far as, like, you know, the spread as they’re, they’re telling us it’s spreading, but it’s definitely, definitely a thing.
It’s been a thing all the way back in China like, you know, well over a decade ago. So I. From China. China again. So another, another one of those things where they, they did a gain of function probably somewhere and created something that was a problem. So, yeah, they can actually spray bird flu. So I mean, I don’t know, I don’t know if you’re just don’t want to believe or it’s, it’s, it’s. So I, you know, a lot of people want to want to say it doesn’t make sense, but that, that doesn’t make sense because it’s actually something that has been identified.
So anyway, what we’re going to see going forward is a massive, massive pushback on the deep state. And the only way that, that, that continues is if we keep pushing for it to, you know, to happen. Now, Long Covid is something that’s been a hoax that’s been brought up by a former CDC director. Uh, he’s come out and talked about a lot of things that were, were very interesting. So he’s saying that the, uh, Long Covid is hoax and it’s meant to hide MRNA vaccine injuries. So if some of you guys out there or, you know, somebody that has Long Covid, they’re still having problems even after they’ve been vaccinated, that’s probably a vaccination injury, right? It’s not long coveted.
It’s basically their, their immune system has been compromised by the vaccination do not get vaccinations, guys, of anything. All right? They’re all loaded with cancer causing ingredients, mercury, which causes all kinds of shutdown of liver and lungs and all kind of crazy stuff. We had somebody in the chat on the last show that we just did that talk about how she got MRNA shot, not mRNA, but A MM and R. Now normally they do mumps, measles and rubella for newborns and of course we have sudden infant death syndrome that probably comes from that and you know, all the other problems.
Cancer rates skyrocketing 40% in children now. Whereas cancer rates used to be if someone got cancer, they wanted to like, you know, all doctors wanted to like fly in and see this person had cancer because it was so rare. It wasn’t until they started doing the polio vaccine, which was that cancer started to increase. And since then they’ve had all these other vaccines which are putting cancer causing problem, problematic, I guess you could say ingredients into our bodies. So babies have over 30 vaccines by the age of one. I’ve seen where it’s like, even more than that.
It’s like children, maybe it’s children. You get like 72 vaccines now. So maybe up to a certain age it’s like, it’s insane. I only remember like I got the, I got the polio vaccine where you get the polio scar on your arm. That’s the way we used to get it. And I think we got another couple, couple shots at school, but that was all. And then I went in the military and they. I was a pincushion then, like, geez. And I don’t ever remember anybody getting sick though from all those vaccines. Of course we all complain.
We’re like, what the hell, you know, why do we gotta get all these vaccine vaccinations? But it’s like, you know, so you can travel. You have to have this and this and that and that. We’re like, okay, I guess, you know, I want to travel the world. That’s why I came in the military. So okay, here we go. So. But there, once I get into seal teams, we kind of stopped all that. We decided that we’re not going to get those anymore. We’re just going to sign off for that. Right? And that’s kind of the way we rolled.
But you know, does, does everybody have to get vaccinations? No. In fact, I know a lot of people and man, they’re great examples of families that have not had anyone. And we’re. I know of a three generational family that none of Them have had vaccinations. All of them are ultra healthy. And I. And I know that in many other family groups where people are like, none of us got vaccinated and we refuse and we homeschool and on and on, and they have, like, you know, you know, the college course, you know, they. They’re doctors and all kind of crazy stuff.
So it does happen. It does happen, you know, that people are out there that have been unvaccinated. I always thought, well, at least you got to have this one. And then I. I heard from a doctor friend that was very, very knowledgeable in this and actually warned that he knew behind the scenes that the. The COVID vaccination, and this was back in 2020, before it came out in January 2021, we’re talking. He said, don’t get that vaccination because there’s. There’s groups of that vaccination batches of the vaccination. And he wouldn’t even. He wouldn’t even tell, you know, how bad they were.
He said, they are, like, beyond belief bad. And I was like, what. What do you mean? He’s like, just beyond belief, you. And so now we’re finding out, right? He was right. So we were. I was warning. There were many of us warning, don’t get the vaccination. The COVID 19 vaccination. We’re doing the best that we can. It’s like, hey, you can just do your own hydroxychloroquine. You know, make your own tea from grapefruit rind. You know, boil it and. And let it. Let it simmer under a glass lid, and as it cools, then you can turn into tea.
And, you know, I used it, and then I got Ivermectin. I use that. I use nad. High doses of vitamin C. I got sunshine a lot. So even when they’re like, you know, telling everybody, stay inside, wear your mask. I was like, I was out riding my bike in the neighborhoods by the police. I was in Lake Tahoe at the time. I. I’d ride around without a mask on because you get exercise. So I was like, oh, I’m exercising. And so I didn’t have a mask on. I. I’d ride by the police department. It’s like, look, guys, like, I don’t have my mask on, but they’re all cool.
They. I knew a lot of those guys. I trained some of those guys. And our police department in Lake Tahoe was stellar, right? There are people that later on were, like, going to the beach and they’re bringing coolers down there with, you know, liquid refreshments. And all they were concerned about was like, even though no one, everybody was like hanging out together. No six foot separation, no masking. They didn’t care. They just wanted to like, let everybody know they’re kind of making a show. Yeah, we, we went check them out. They’re, they’re good. But they were like, well, make sure you’re not, you know, leaving, you know, containers on the beach and, you know, getting too out of hand with your drinking.
So that was the way they, those guys were. But I would go by there and those guys would look at me and they’re like, give me the thumbs up. Because I was like, I was trying to like, show everybody it’s okay, it’s safe. And I was doing Facebook and YouTube videos where I was into the wilderness. And they even had the wilderness shut down. It’s like, do not go into the wilderness. I was like, are you kidding me? There’s no one out there. And like, what the hell is wrong with this world? So now we have, you know, a Democrat world that is, that is out of or was out of control.
Now in Canada, the leftists are still very much in charge there. Little, little Castro boy son. Trudeau is basically trying to stay in office even though they’re supposed to be an election. He’s trying to stay in office because of the Trump tariffs. He’s trying to use that excuse to maintain power. Kind of like a lot of those Democrats use the health departments for emergency. There’s an emergency, emergency. We have to like shut the world down. And they use that with. And it was unconstitutional, it was against the laws. But because it was emergency declaration, they could get away with murder.
Like, you know, Andrew Cuomo in New York, Newsom high in California, and you know, Whichmer in, in Michigan. And, uh, Dick Dickmer or, uh, what’s his name? And, uh, and God, I always like, forget his name. Prickster. Dickster. So I was like, I gotta remember his name. So I’m like thinking of a big dick. And I was like, okay, prickster, prickster. The governor of Illinois. You like that one? You like that one? Yeah. Big dickster. Prickster. So it is in, of course, Kathy Hochul in New York. So we have a lot of monsters, monsters out there that are chomping at the bit to do another pandemic.
So you can say that bird flu ain’t real, but you’re gonna find out, right? They’re trying, they’re trying their best. California’s already declared Emergency for bird flu. So Kathy Hochul has already shut down, and I think it was for a week. It’s, I think it’s up by now, but she shut down all bird sales or something for a whole week. This is a while back, but, you know, they’re, they’re already starting their inroads. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. They’re already proven this, so they’ve taken their inches, they’re moving. The next move will be a mile.
All right, so you can deny it all you want. I’ve, I’ve had people deny this for a long time. I’ve been putting this out for a while. When it does slam you, you’re going to be, you’re going to be so, so shocked. So shocked. I, I, I, I said that we wouldn’t do this, right? No, you didn’t push back when we’re supposed to push back. This is the way this works. This is the way this works. So you can’t just say that we’re not going to do something. You have to push back. You say, no, it doesn’t exist.
Yeah, on a certain level, it doesn’t. Neither, neither did covet exist on a certain level. Of course, a lot of people got sick, very sick from that bioweapon as it was designed to make people sick. Sick enough that they would go to a hospital where they did remdesivir and put them on ventilators, which basically killed lots of people. And they’re like, look at all the people that are dying. This thing is so tragic. CNN had a death count. Remember cnn? It was like a running clock. It was like the stock market, when the stock market’s up or the stock market’s down big, the they come out and they’re like, look, look, look, you can be happy, you can be fearful.
And whichever way we want you to be now, we want you to be fearful. So the stock market’s down big. So look, the stock market’s down 700 points today. And then it was up 700 points. And now it’s just before the close is down another 700 points. Like, and somebody made a lot of money jacking it back and forth. So that’s where we’re at. It’s gonna get, it’s gonna get funky as, as things fall apart. They’re going to, like, you know, get really creative. Things are going to come at us that we have never anticipated. A lot of you guys are, are thinking that, yeah, this, these, these, these diseases are.
So Bill has already said that they, they won’t be saying on the next round. So I guess the next one, like I predicted, is going to be a doozy, right? So if you’re not, if you’re not really super healthy and you have good, healthy habits, could. Could be not so good for you, right? So we’re, we’re not. I know a lot of people, because of the last pandemic, have, have gotten much better in their health habits, right? But probably some people are, like, reverting back to older days, right? And that’s, that’s, that’s what they want. That’s the way they work this.
They let people like, you know, it’s like before you, you know, execute an animal, right? You, like, hopefully you’re not traumatizing them before they get executed or, you know, for slaughter. So normally it’s like, you make them comfortable and then it’s easier, it’s more humane. But they’re not like that. They let, they let us slip back into stupid again. And then they come in and start the slaughter again. And that’s, that’s what I believe is coming. So we’ll see the slaughtering happen. Remember the last time the slaughtering happened? Then they’re like, okay, if you’re, if you’re going to protest to George Floyd Lie, then you can come out and you don’t have to wear your mask and you can be in close proximity to each other as long as you’re protesting.
Otherwise, you have to, you have to do the mandates. Right? And a lot of people didn’t want to do mandates, especially men. They didn’t like the mandates, Right? Women, Women didn’t. They don’t like to be forced into a mandate either if they don’t like something or someone. So a lot of us were like, no mandates for us. And, But a lot of Democrats were like, all over. They love the mandates. It’s like, because they’re, you know, they love transgenders and all that kind of stuff. So mandates are no big difference. So, so it’s got to have some fun.
I like, I like to poke stupid people and make them look stupider than they are. But. And that’s, that’s, you know, it makes them angry, and maybe the anger will, like, you know, you know, boil them, boil the stupid out of their brains. I don’t know. Probably just make them stupider. Most of them, It’s. It’s going to continue. So we had a lot of people after the Trump you know, talk, they came out spewed hate and stupid. And of course, the people that are stupid along with them, their frequency vibrates as stupid. They like to hear stupid.
So they’re all on board with stupid. They’re. They applaud stupid. They agree with Ukraine getting all that money, our money, to fight, you know, Russians who love God and their country, like, we love God in our country. And most of us are like, no, we don’t want to give money to Ukraine. Well, you don’t have no say here. We’re not seasoned. We’re going to give our Nazi friendless money, so give it your best shot. And we did. We got Trump back in, so. And now they’re all gone. So. So I’m looking at a headline right here.
This just came in. GOP Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna, who is my congressman in my district here in Florida, criminally refers mayors of sanctuary cities to DOJ for investigation. So they’re. They’re covering for people that are going to destroy their cities. And this is part of the plan. All right? They’re working, you know how Democrats work really well together. So they’re all working together to destroy these cities. And they don’t care that the sheeple that they have in them are going to be destroyed, too. They’re just part of COVID that they use. So a lot of people that are in those cities are like, they’re gonna.
The Democrats are going to take care of me. You haven’t learned, have you? Yeah, learned. Oh, my God. So they’re, they’re spending a lot of money over the last four years on legal aliens. Chicago with Dickmer or Prickster spent 500. Big Dick. Big Dick. Prickster spent five. I don’t know if he has a big one. Probably doesn’t. Probably got a little one. But he spent 574.5 million on illegal aliens. Denver spent 79 million. New York City spent 76.9 billion. Billion. Like, what the freaking hell? Oh, my God. Did you New Yorkers agree with that? Were you applauding? Were you applauding that? Oh, please.
Spend our tax money on illegal aliens. We. We love them. Illegal. Yes, we love them. We don’t need that money. And, and in fact, tax us more because we want to give you more. In fact, that’s probably the way New Yorkers are actually. And they. They’re going to find out. They’re going to find out. Right? All right, it’s 555. You have another show coming up. So we have Nazis and we have Democrats. So the Nazis love socialism, Democrats love socialism. Nazi, Nazis, no guns. Democrats, no guns. Censorship, Nazis, censorship, Democrats, censorship. They hammered the hell out of us during the COVID lockdowns.
And still, if they get a chance at it in all the social media platforms, media mind control, Democrats, Nazis, abortion Nazis, Democrats. They hate Jews, Nazis and Democrats and whites. Throwing their whites, too, the. In their favor. The Nazis, because they’re all white. They were cool with whites, right? And even though Democrats, a lot of them, most of them are white, they hate whites. So they just hate everything. It’s like just hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. And. And Democrats in those cities are like, yes, hate, hate, hate. We hate everything. Hate, hate. We love you. We love you.
That you hate everything. We love. Hating, Right? Worship the government, not God. And of course, Democrats worship the government and they hate God, Right? All right, so. And on that note, we’re going to end the show, and we’ll see you guys again tomorrow at five. Mike live at five or live Mike at five. All right, so live mic. Okay, guys, lots of love, and I will see you guys next time.