The Hidden Hand : A Discussion with Ghost

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âž¡ In this live broadcast on the Untold History Channel, hosts Ron Partain and Ghost discuss various topics. They touch on the concept of the ‘hidden hand’, which they liken to a secret government. They also discuss the influence of media figures and the controversial teachings of historical religious figures like Sabadai Zebbi, who they claim inverted the Ten Commandments. The hosts express skepticism towards mainstream narratives and encourage their audience to question what they are told.
âž¡ The speaker criticizes a video for its lack of inclusivity, arguing that it only includes those who agree with its ideology. They also discuss the concept of repressive tolerance, where only those who share the same mindset are accepted. The speaker then moves on to discuss the current situation in the Middle East, expressing their belief that the U.S. should not necessarily be involved. Lastly, they discuss the interpretation of biblical texts, arguing that Christians should not blindly obey a government that is not acting in a godly manner.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the high number of people leaving California, speculates on potential political candidates, and expresses concerns about younger voters being influenced by socialist and communist ideologies. They also suggest that those receiving government subsidies should not be allowed to vote, as they believe these individuals will always vote for the party that promises to maintain their benefits. The speaker emphasizes the importance of voting and ends by thanking listeners for their participation.
âž¡ The text discusses the interpretation of biblical stories, such as Noah’s flood, suggesting they may not be global but regional events. It also talks about the importance of voting, referencing the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections, and the belief that every vote counts. The speaker encourages listeners to participate in the voting process to ensure their voices are heard and to prevent potential manipulation of results.
âž¡ The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of society, media, and education. They criticize the concept of ‘safe spaces’, the mainstream media’s focus on controversial topics, and the perceived infiltration of certain ideologies into education. They also discuss their experiences selling stickers at gun shows, and express their belief that life isn’t fair and nobody owes anyone anything. The speaker also criticizes the Smith Modernization Act, which they believe allows news agencies to spread propaganda to the American public.
âž¡ The text discusses the power of comedy and art in revealing truths, often more effectively than news or politics. It also delves into the complexities of the American political system, touching on the Trump administration and the controversial 2020 election. The text further explores the concept of a ‘corporate shadow’ created at birth, suggesting that individuals are monetized and manipulated by the system from the moment they are born. Lastly, it criticizes the way utilities are managed and billed, implying that the system is designed to profit off the public.
âž¡ The text discusses the belief that taxing labor is against biblical principles and aligns with communism. It also criticizes the current state of the United States, suggesting it has adopted several aspects of communism, including a central bank and graduated income tax. The text further criticizes the media, suggesting it is controlled by a few corporations with similar mindsets, and discusses the perceived left-leaning bias in media and other sectors. Lastly, it debates the role of big corporations and government, arguing that they are essentially the same and both corrupt.
âž¡ The text discusses the influence of celebrities and media on society, the manipulation of societal norms, and the potential consequences of these changes. It also touches on the power of certain global groups and the potential for future events, including the upcoming election. The text ends with a discussion on biblical symbolism, specifically the significance of blood on the right ear in Leviticus, which signifies dedication to God’s service.
âž¡ The speaker discusses a perceived attempt on someone’s life, suggesting it was covered up by mainstream media and tech companies. They also discuss the significance of the event in relation to biblical teachings, and the response from various individuals. The speaker then delves into a detailed discussion about firearms, specifically the AR 15, and its potential role in the event. They also touch on issues within the Secret Service and a group called the Senior Executive Service (SES), which they believe is involved in political corruption. The speaker ends by discussing the significance of certain cities and their flags.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the historical and political significance of Rome, London, and Washington DC, suggesting they were strategically chosen by global powers due to their resources and potential influence. The speaker also criticizes the manipulation of the constitution and the public’s perception of it. They encourage people to get involved in politics and to be aware of the information they consume. Lastly, the speaker explores the concept of faith, arguing against atheism and the dismissal of intelligent design, and emphasizing the importance of recognizing a divine presence in life.
âž¡ The text discusses the belief in encoded messages within the Bible, specifically the Torah, and the strict process of writing it on lambskin with handmade inks. It also explores the potential of using artificial intelligence (AI) to decode these messages in more complex ways. The conversation then shifts to concerns about privacy and the misuse of AI for surveillance. Lastly, it touches on the current political climate, predicting more confusion and potential violence, and speculates on future presidential candidates.


We are live. Welcome, everybody, to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron partain, and I am joined today by my very good friend and compadre. I didn’t want to say comrade. My compadre ghost. How you doing today, brother? Yeah, definitely. What’s that? Oh, yeah, people live rent free and. Yeah, I live rent free. And people said. Now, unfortunately, fortunately, I don’t have any on this particular video, but on the last video that I did, I had a thumbs down before I even started the broadcast. So it’s like, it happens all the time, though. So it’s.

It’s me. It’s just hilarious because it’s like, really? You have nothing better to do than just see my thing and then go, give me a thumbs down because you want to. It’s like, no, whatever. I don’t really care about that shit. So. But anyway, today we are. We’re going to talk a little bit about the hidden hand, which is, man, I guess you would say. It’s probably like the. The secret government, if you will, something like that. So I’ll. I’ll start it off there and let you kind of take over because you’re. You’re probably a little bit more expert on this than I am.

Well, I don’t know about that boat. You have experience in this, whereas I don’t. I’ve got book learning, right? Oh, hold on, brother. It looks like we people can’t hear you. Hold on a second here. Let me, uh, talk. I don’t know, but we’re gonna find out. Here. Let’s try, uh. Let’s try. Say something for me now. That’s one, two, three. All right, can you guys hear them now? Testing, one, two, three. That’s 123123. I’m waiting on. I’m waiting on a five by five from the crowd. Should hear. Yeah, I don’t know yet. Oh, shit, what I just said.

No, I’m just kidding. There he is. Okay. No. So now we’re good in hand. We’re talking about, you know, deep state, ses, globalist, various layers of the globalist lackey servant class, which includes people like Obama, you know, Kamala, all these. These little whores that do what they’re told when the orders come down, because don’t buy these stupid headlines you’re seeing. Oh, Barry is grabbing power. I mean, if that’s as far as Tucker Carlson wants to go, I love the guy, believe me, but. Or any people. Any people in that realm, that’s as far as they want to go.

Well, good luck to them. But they know better. They know more exists. And I think they’re trying to just keep their places and audiences without going too far afield. Let me, where they’ve been. Let me ask you, I want to ask you because I’m curious about this. What is your, you say you love Tucker and you know what I mean? I was always suspicious of Tucker because he was on Fox and then he kind of, then he got fired and kind of went off and started to do his own thing. And obviously he’s doing, everybody has to be offers.

Yeah, but did his own thing, but he can. Right. And so, but, but, you know, I’m still, I want him to be good and, but you know what? I just, I’m just, maybe I have too much cynicism, but I feel like, I don’t know, I’m just concerned. I just, I’m like, I’m skeptical of everybody. Well, I think he should be. You’re never going to know. He’s in a new, all right. I’m just using him as an example. He’s in a new realm and he’s going to find his limitations and, you know, stick within that, I guess, you know, to keep your cash rolling.

But that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily going to go against, say, ses players, which there are many, many, many. And, you know, when you have a lot of, you know, former congressmen and senators who have been in that organization, they don’t even know what it’s about half of them, they just took the money and followed the, you know, playbook by what they were told to say or what they were told to rail against or support. And you can see that in someone, I would venture to guess Lindsey Graham’s all up in it, you know, for example.

Then again, he could be playing a very convincing role. You have to keep that in mind. And you, you’ve got a lot out there that is simply not what it appears to be. And, you know, we can go back to, well, you sent that wonderful video to me earlier today. I watched it in full. Which one I sent you? I sent you a couple. Which one? Which one specifically? The one, the one on that particular anthropologist. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Robert Sepper. Yeah, yeah. And from his research, he’s spot on. And he’s not, you know, he’s calling it like he sees it and he’s calling it by the evidence.

And that’s what’s most important, to call it by the evidence. And you, I guess I would recommend to the people in this audience because I’m going to get it. Is his book and it’s. Is it sephiroth? Yeah. Robert. Robert Sepper sedan. I believe it’s s e h p pr or something. He always. There’s a. There’s a. There’s a variety of ways to spell it, I think, but se. Phr. Se HPR. I mean, I don’t know. There’s. There’s a couple of different ways. If you. If you. But I mean, if you. If you just look up Robert Supper and then 1666, you know, he’s very knowledgeable about, uh, you know, uh, uh, Sabbath sabotage, Debbie, and, um, you know, uh, frankism and all that stuff.

So, yeah, he’s very, very well paying. Frankest cult that, um, was there from the beginning and he outlines their activities. And that’s one of the six groups in Israel that’s always fighting with the others. And because you have what amounts to Jews in name only, correct. You know, it depends who you talk to, whether you’re jewish by birth, through your mother, or you’re jewish, because that’s what you choose to follow. And some say, yeah, well, that’s. If that’s what you choose to follow, then good. And then you never fully accept it in certain cliques or groups.

But, you know, it is what it is. It’s just people. People and their indoctrinations into various religions. And he does trace it back thousands of years, these stories that have been recycled through the Bible. And most people are going to cringe at that, but don’t cringe at what you find to be real. That doesn’t mean there’s not a God. It doesn’t mean there’s not, you know, a bigger plan playing out here, a divine plan in humanity. It’s just that you. I think most people have not been given the full deck to play with. And they look at something like revelation, and I see it as a script that these people are following and leading others into.

And it’s easy to simply read these, you know, from Ezekiel to Daniel to all these other prophets and see that, oh, you know, revelation is going to come down. And in the end, that’s not historically based. In fact, these are things that have these. This hidden hand of, let’s say, in those days, Sadducees, Pharisees and Magi had put into place and wanted people to follow. And it was easier to scare them than it was to enlighten them. And they kept that track. And believe me, they’ve utilized a lot of very. They’ve utilized a lot of very.

Let’s say noetic. Tactics. Tactics that would work on the human mind throughout the ages. And, you know, it did culminate to a certain point in 1666 with Weishaupt and Rothschild and, well, Sabate and with you guys. If he has continued. Let me pause you for a second. If you guys don’t know who Sabadai Zebbi was and the Frankists and all this stuff, basically what they said, you know, in a nutshell, is they said that it essentially completely inverted the Ten Commandments. And you got, you became pure or you got purification or sanctification. Bye. Committing sin, so outrageous sin.

So outrageous sin. So it so like it. So the, the commandment thou shalt not kill became, thou shalt kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Commit adultery. Thou shall commit adultery. So all the things that we find morally reprehensible, these guys literally were teaching within a judaic structure that you were supposed to do all these things that were sin, uh, that were reprehensible sin. And through that, you would, you would get. You, you would be, you know, you would become like pure and holy. I mean, it’s fricking. It’s absolutely ass backwards, but it’s. But in reality, is basically the same mentality that they have today.

Well, I would say the opening presentation for the Olympics is a. An expression of that from these. Correct. And who did they get to advertise this crap? The two weeks prior? Was it Steven Spielberg? I remember seeing on commercials. That’s a good question. I saw him on a commercial. Yeah, I did about two weeks prior. And I went, wait a minute. They’re pushing this guy up there. They want a lot of people to watch. What is it? And I asked, I said to my wife, what is it they want us to watch? I have a bad feeling about this.

And it was true. And I didn’t see the videos. I didn’t have to watch the videos. I saw a few stills. And you could see the symbolism rife in that. And you could see, yeah, you know, and this stupid little producer or writer producer for that bit. He’s trying to be inclusive of all groups. Why didn’t you have a. Why do you have a Nazi in there? Why didn’t you have a Christian in there who wasn’t hanging his ball sack out of this clothing? Right. You know, you wanted to include everybody. Let’s include everybody. Where’s, where’s the heterosexual couple? You know? No, you had all freaks.

Well, it’s, it’s interesting that you say last supper. It’s interesting that you say that, because it’s, you know, they, they talk about being inclusive, yet they exclude everybody who doesn’t go along with their ideology. And that is straight out of Marcuse. When he wrote that, he wrote that, that essay called repressive tolerance. And for anybody who doesn’t know about repressive tolerance, basically, that’s the mindset that you will accept. Anybody who has your thoughts on how they. On what should happen. And if anybody doesn’t accept your thoughts or have the similar mindset you do that, you categorically reject it, and they’re the enemy there.

No, if you’re trying to be inclusive of everything, you miss, hell, somebody from the pol Pot regime who hasn’t died yet, you should put him up there. That’s inclusiveness. Right? You know, there’s inclusiveness. He sends the pictures. But don’t try to justify it through your weak livered bullshit. You offended a lot of people, and rightfully so, because you were offending their basic take on common sense. And you’re trying to get children to follow this. Well, I can tell them categorically, they will die before they get our children. They will die before they get our children. Well, I.

That sounds romantic. And I, and I do believe. Let me make the statement, because I think that they’re getting our children right now, but they’re not. But they’re getting the ones that are. The ones that are supervised, unsupervised, you know, taught correctly. Right. Um, but when it comes to if it was your kid or my kid or anybody, you know, something like that. No. Hell no. No. I mean, and the, as the, as the consciousness begins to unfurl for the world to see and people wake up to the realities of what’s going on, it’s going to be much harder to.

To get away with it, to your point. Yes. Yes, it will be. And right now you have all of this nonsense in the Middle east. All right, let’s make no mistake about it. This is quite engineered. And Turkey making the statement they were going to invade Israel and Israel returning. Well, if you do that, expect your president to meet the same fate as Saddam Hussein? Well, I would say, yeah, they’re capable of doing that. They would have to bring out the nuclear option, they’d do it. If they were overrun on their border, they’d do it. And I, you know, I can’t fault them for doing it, but under the current circumstances, we should not necessarily be involved in that.

This whole indoctrination that happened in this country regarding support Israel, no matter what, was a complete shithole scam. I mean, I don’t care how you interpret the Bible. I can’t find an error where you’re supposed to support Israel if it’s acting like a fool. Right. You’re supposed to support Israel that’s trying to kick off a war with Iran and wants us to fight it. You know, I settle down on that, and that’s let intelligence do the work rather than this. This clown show. I had this discussion with somebody the other day. We were talking about, and we were talking about Romans 13 in the book of Romans.

It talks in there about honoring the government because the government is there and is sanctioned by God. Right. Okay, so the whole notion that christians are supposed to honor the. Well, no, I’m just. It’s. It was in. Yeah, it was in the New Testament. It was in the New Testament. So it was Romans. So. But the thing about it is, is that that passage was written to be the. Look, the government. If the government is sanctioned by God, then the government is doing godly things. But if the government is not doing godly things, then we are not.

Then we’re not down. We’re not bound to obey the government. We’re not committing. Because the justification that most of evangelicals use, and I mean no disrespect to evangelicals in any way, but the rationale that they use is, well, if the government is there, then God sanctioned it. Period. End of story. But that doesn’t necessarily compute. The government, the devil’s world. Exactly. You know, that’s what I’m. That’s what I was led to believe. Well, it is the devil’s world, but. But I mean, you can have. You can have a benevolent government, you know, government that’s doing good things for the people.

And then you can have government that’s doing evil things to the people, you know? And remember, government is nothing more than a corporate trust organization to manage your trust and regulate your movements in business through that and that edifice. And, yes, and even with that, you can have a government that’s actually working to the benefit in making it, you know, creating a level playing field, you know, securing liberties, securing rights that are announced, that are enumerated in the constitution, things of that nature. If the government is doing that and it’s being benevolent to the citizens, okay, well, in that point, then it’s, you know, then, yeah, let’s obey it, because that’s.

Let’s. Let’s go along. I don’t say go along to get along, but that’s probably the best way to best way to put it. But if the government is behaving in such a manner that is threatening our. Our liberty or our. Our security or. Or any or both or a number of different things, then we’re not bound as christians. We’re not. We’re not going to be held to sin, you know, be held that we’re committing sin if we’re going against the government that is doing those things. So. And that’s the point I’m trying to make. The christians need to get away from the mentality that just because it is here now, it is.

That it’s sanctioned by God. It’s. That is. I completely reject that. In fact, I actually believe the opposite, that it is sanctioned by men who are wanting us to believe it’s sanctioned by God, and therefore they’re playing a trick on us to obey when we really should be rebelling. And I like what Elon Musk said the other day, because I think those who follow Christianity, including myself, we need to, you know, I’ve always been one. I recognized this a long time ago. We need not be, you know, turn the other cheek does not mean turn the other cheek and take another shot.

Right? Because if you know the real Hebrew translation of that, it’s, in other words, turn the other cheek. Was referencing the gauntlet with the spiked gauntlet that a Roman would embarrass his enemy, or those they were keeping underfoot by punching them in the head with this spiked glove. Why would they punch him in the head? Because you have hair no one will see. Bleeding will occur, you’ll heal up, but no one will see the scars. If you. It would be considered a step down for a centurion, say, to punch you in the face because everyone would know, hey, a Roman did that, and the idea was to get the punishment across and not have any visible signs of it.

So turning the other cheek meant turning your face toward him with your cheek and then daring him to hit. That reason feels a little differently, doesn’t it, when you see it from that? Yeah, that actually does. I’d never heard that before. Well, yeah, there’s a lot of things that are. That when you go to the ancient Aramaic or ancient Hebrew, not modern Hebrew, but ancient hebrew translations of these texts, you find these things are well in place. And you find that asking you shall receive. Well, there’s a whole section taken out in the middle of it that says, ask as if in your mind it’s already done, and you shall receive.

Kind of makes the asking part less begging and more expecting, doesn’t it? And I can’t tell you how many times in my lifetime I’ve asked, and it was given to me, usually knowledge and wisdom. Not material items, but knowledge and wisdom. Well, I think asking for something that I had no basis for, and I would then get a people and information that I was not even expecting. And there it was, was brought to me. And this is what everyone has at their disposal, I think, asking for that type of information, you know, those types of gifts, I think, you know, I think God passes that stuff out, you know, very willingly, because, I mean, the information is used to make people smarter, to make better, wiser decisions.

So. Yes, and there’s a lot of many other instances. And then with the. Again, the various editing, editorial processes that have been thrown on the Bible and the books that have been kept out during the nicene councils, there is no reason to keep the Book of Enoch, the Q Gospels, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, another Timothy Gospel, and a number of others out. They only kept them out because they would have expanded people’s ability to see and know. That would make it more difficult than for government, such as the roman authoritarian structure, to govern them. I had to get out in front of it again, because it was something you couldn’t control with, you know, a phalanx.

You want to run me through with a. With a spear or, you know, run me through with a sword, go ahead. I’m not afraid. Where am I going? I know where I’m going. I don’t think you do. You know, referring to the Roman. And, you know, then again, all you have to do is look at the cult of Mithras and various others, like the edema death cult, and you’ll find a lot of that in, say, where all religions, Christian Christian religions came from eventually is the Roman Catholicism. That’s where it all began to begin with. So you have to look at these like the story of noah, for example.

If you really look at the structure of his boat, it was as round as a basketBall, and it would have taken up half the size of Yankee STadium. Why, that’s a type of boat, a circular basket that people float into this day in that region of the world, in Tigris and Euphrates, and that was a floodplain. That kind of boat could have kept all of those things afloat and alive and healthy in a floodplain. Not necessarily that the Entire world flooded. It was that region of the world. Oh, you’re talking about. You’re talking about the great flood of the BIBle.

Yeah, that was later, while you had Jews that, who were enslaved in Babylon. And prior to that, even Sumer that were later jews, they would take these stories and they would build upon them with their wisdom and then recycle them. And you have to be honest about this. The evidence is there, the clay tablets ceried. Are there a very detailed explanation of what we would call Noah’s flood? Well, this was someone well before Noah. And I’m honest about the origin of mnemonic and mimetic and noetic devices that work on the human mind just because of their structure and content.

Metaphors, stories. Well, you have to be very aware of that. So one thing that is, you know, there’s a guy that I follow who I really, really like, and I’ve mentioned his name before and he’s actually been a guest on my channel. But I’m just not going to. I’m going to go there because I don’t want to turn this into a religious conversation, but I want to. Yeah. I don’t mean to get off on that tangent, but. But I want to confirm what you’re saying from the standpoint that I believe that too. I do not believe that the flood of the Bible was, you know, completely engulfed the entire globe.

And I do believe we are a globe. I don’t believe it engulfed the entire globe, but I do believe it was, like you said, it was more of a regional thing. I could be wrong. I could be absolutely wrong on that, but I’m more of the opinion that it was something much more regional than it was global. And when you look at the term earth or world or whatever you want to call it, that really, that didn’t, in the Old Testament, that was indicative of Israel. So when they talked about the earth shaking or trembling, whatever it was, what you were getting is you were getting that was Israel having issues or Israel coming, God coming in judgment or something, and then using an army, like a syrian army, to come in judgment of Israel.

Right. So the, whenever you, whenever you hear the earth think of. Think of Israel, don’t think of the entire globe. So. And the reason that I bring that up, what’s that, the Middle east. Yeah, exactly. It’s much, much more regional than it is global. So anyway, most people in those days didn’t go 1020 miles beyond their. Oh, 100%. Yeah. If you. Yeah. You know. Yeah. People never went very far at all. Um, let’s shift the conversation a little bit because we are talking about the hidden hand. And I know that there’s, you know, I know there’s a lot of people in the audience, and I don’t know what you’ve, what you’re feeling comfortable to say because we’ve had, we, and we’ve had discussions offline, and I don’t want you to say anything that you’re uncomfortable saying.

But, you know, there’s a lot of people who. I continuously hear that, oh, well, it doesn’t matter if I vote, because you talked about getting out to vote, but it was when people couldn’t hear you, so earlier. And, you know, I hear a lot of times people just like, oh, well, you know what, it doesn’t really matter if I vote because, you know, it’s just gonna be stolen again. Well, I wanna remind you. No, it does matter. It does matter. A thousand percent agree with you. And, but I wanna remind people that in 2016, when we had the presidential election, Trump was not supposed to win, that it was supposed to be rigged for Hillary, but it was, it was the, that process was unrigged, which prevented a steal from occurring.

So my, the point I’m making is, is that, you know, people need to get out and vote. Everything that has happened in the, in the presidential or midterm elections between 2018 and 2022 has happened for a specific reason. Everything that has happened has happened for a specific reason, I believe. And with that, I want you to kind of come in and maybe enhance upon what I said and then talk about potentially what is coming in terms of the election and where we stand and why it’s so important. All right, let’s say these shitheads, hidden hand people, don’t release a pathogen or manage to get us ginned up in a, in sending a carrier group to start with and then ground troops in a war in the Middle east.

Okay, let’s say all of that doesn’t happen. I’ve said before, do you think. Do you think that this is magically going to be fixed without your assistance out there? It’s not. It means you, not only the ones who voted in the last election, but encourage others who were, who didn’t have the time or were too lazy or what have you to do that to vote. I know most in this audience, 99% in this audience, would vote for who they would vote for. It will make it that much more difficult for the cheaters to get near cheating.

Do you think what happened in 20 will be repeated, or do you think 16 will be repeated to make sure that the votes are tallied properly? People don’t remember back in 16, there was a couple hour lag. All of a sudden, all, all of the incoming voting for about two, two and a half hours ceased and they were getting no new numbers. What do you think was happening during that time? Yeah, I wonder. I wonder how many people remember that during the 2016 election when there was that time lag, when it was like, it was about two to 3 hours.

I don’t remember exactly what the time was, but no results were coming back at all. And then all of a sudden, bam, it was. The results were flooding in and. Yeah, what was that? That was, that was the good guys behind the scenes working their asses off to ensure that we were protected, because they knew if we lost that election in 2016, our country was over, literally. And I mean, I can’t. I don’t say that hyperbolically in any way. It was. It would. It. Well, it was over. It would have been over and the military would have had to come in and do a coup.

And as I understand it, they were prepared to do that. Yes, they were. Until. Until Trump said, yes, I’ll step up. I don’t have to do this. He didn’t have to do this. He could have been selfish. Could have been. And this is why people need to give him even more respect for what he’s done. No matter what you think of his personality, I don’t care about that. I think. I think he’s funny, to be honest with you. I think he’s. I think he’s funny as hell, because I grew up in that part of the country, and that’s the way guys talk, right? Real people speak, you know, they don’t spare your little feelings.

If you’re offended, if you’re not offended, you’re not alive. If you’re offended by every little thing, you need to go off and jump off the nearest cliff or put a bullet in your head, because you’re going to be. Have a, you’re going to have a pretty shitty life. So get, you know, this whole idea, this, again, another, another psychological game that was thrust upon, you know, major populations here and in Europe. Was this offended, unoffended. I don’t fucking care. What’s, what’s your name? Oh, you didn’t even tell me that. I don’t fucking care that you’re offended.

I’m sorry if I offend you with the truth. You can kiss my ass, and I don’t give a shit what you think of me, because that’s your fucking business, not mine. I know who I am and I know what I’m doing, and that’s my attitude. And if people don’t have that about them. How can they ever be civil to one another? Funny thing to say, isn’t it? But you can be civil to those who understand these things or mature enough to understand these things. And we’ve basically raised a generation and a half now of little people, little, you know, scary people who need their easily scared people.

Rather, we need their safe space. You need your safe space. I want to come and piss right in the middle of it. You don’t need a safe space. There are no safe spaces on this planet. I know you do. Graduate and take your safe space with you when you fuck up on your first job and they fire you. I was entitled to that. No, you weren’t. Yeah, I used to have. This is how pathetic it’s gotten used to. I used to make. I don’t know. I’ve had. I used to have a. I used to do, like, stickers and stuff at the gun shows.

And it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed doing it because it was like I could make things that I wanted and just put them out there and see what flew and see what didn’t. And I didn’t even have to watch. The table is great. And generally, my stickers paid. The sticker sales that I did would pay for all my. They pay for my tables, they pay for my travel. They pay for my hotel and my food. Just the stickers alone. And I had one sticker that said, life isn’t fair. Nobody owes you shit. And I could never keep that sticker in stock.

Now, I kind of did, like, I did an s with a hashtag and then, like, a number one. And then, like, I don’t know, something to it. So you could tell it was shit. But it was like. It was kind of done in a. In a covert way. So, you know, it was, like, family friendly. But I love that sticker. And it’s the truth, man. Life is not fair. Nobody owes anybody anything. Nothing that they don’t learn much, right? And, you know, you look at all of the things that they’re making issues out of. Why are we even talking about them? Why are we giving.

Why do these major mainstream media outlets, even Fox and a few others, absolutely. That are supposedly opposite, why are they giving this shit airtime? It’s absolute foolishness. Yes. They gave it airtime because air time, when real people were dying, real things were happening. Uh, we were being infiltrated by any number of countries with the. Especially venezuelan lately. Or, you know, there’s a, uh, basically, uh, if you’re a Denver cop, you’re. It’s open season on you, right? Most people aren’t aware of this. There’s a lot of things going on out there that these media outlets back in the day would have covered with a, with a fanaticism, but now they don’t.

They’ve all been told to, you know, okay, show the cult of celebrity, show the ridiculous, all this ridiculous fringe psychological bullshit that you want to put out there. How many, how many transvestites do, does anybody really know? Right. I don’t know any. I know a lot of good gay people that are just as fine as anybody else. And I would die for just like I would for anybody else. But these, these ridiculous perversions of it. I mean, Germany, there was a lesbians were giving, doing some demonstration. I don’t know what it was about, but I. These, and I never heard this term before.

That shows you how sometimes I’m in the dark on these terms. I don’t care about these terms for the most part. I care about the substance of what’s going on. These transvestites were saying they’re not to be listened to because they’re terps or terfs or something like that. I think it was terfs. And I went, what the hell is that? And because they don’t, they’re not attracted to men. Well, hey, you transvestites out there, I got, I got, I got a word of knowledge for you. We don’t want you being attracted to us. And if you do play your games and touch microin, you’re gonna, you’re gonna find out what concrete tastes like.

And it’s as simple as that. I don’t have to put up your bullshit. You’re demented, twisted bullshit. Well, I think you are reprobate perverts. Knock it off. It’s interesting because what you’re talking about is you’re essentially talking about the, you’re talking about what the media and really, academia has done in a way. In a way, the government through, you know, like the federal government through the Office of Education Department or whatever, because they control the, you know, I always say it goes back to the Federal Reserve, because the Federal Reserve reversed the flow of money. The flow of money.

The flow of money used to go from the states into the federal government, where the federal government wasted it into the treasury and into the treasury, and now it goes from the Federal Reserve out to the states, meaning that the states are now subordinate to the Federal Reserve because they are the ones that create their funding and give them the money. And when with the, with the you know, basically the nationalizing of the education Department with the Department of Education and attaching stipulations on money that they get and they have to adhere to a certain curriculum or agendas that you just talked about from the homosexual agenda, the pedophilic agenda, all these agendas that are being pushed down.

Schools have to comply with them. But more than that, the schools, which are predominantly marxist in thought, they actually willingly go along with it. And it’s a travesty. It is their job to go along with it. But even if it was their job, they do so willingly and happily so, which is, which is really sad in many respects. It is. It’s very sad because what you’re seeing is, you know, ultimately this global network infusing its beliefs upon the population of what I would call regular people. I consider myself part of that population. Where are you coming with this insanity? And if you didn’t have these means of constantly pumping it in front of the eyes and ears of the public, that is not yet caught on to the idea that these are all agendas and they are perpetrated through psychological operations techniques.

And it’s so simple. Once you repeat, what did Goebbels say, who happened to be a genius in what he did? Well, Goebbels was basically said, is you. If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. Yeah. And also the bigger the lie, the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. Yeah, well, and that is true. Look at 911 constantly. Yeah, exactly. And you can see it constantly being perpetrated upon the people. Especially when we were warning people back when Obama made it legal through the Smith. Smith. The Smith Modernization act. Yeah. It was at one time passed prior to World War two, in the thirties because.

No, it was, it was, it was, I think it was 1940 819 48 is when it was in the thirties. No, it was after 1948 because it was done. It was done because of all the soviet propaganda that was coming out of the east. And so, so what they did was the US Congress passed the bill, propagandized countries. Right. But they couldn’t, they couldn’t propagandize the people of the United States. That was illegal. And then with the Smith Modernization act, what it did was it actually it gave the news agencies a license to propagandize the american public.

You know, and then that falls right in line with what Bill Casey said when, you know, in Reagan’s first cabinet meeting, you know, it’s like, hey, you know, the people that will know that our disinformation campaigns are working perfectly when everything the american people believe is, is bullshit, is wrong. And most of what people do believe is wrong. And it’s a very tough thing to try to break them out of it because they’re still giving way to subtle. If you want, if anyone watches mainstream media, first of all, you’re foolish. You’re being fool because, I mean, the only thing I watch, the only tv show I watch on a regular basis is Gutfelden because, you know, he comes on and he goes as far as he can in that platform.

Sometimes he goes over the line, but he does it with such comedic finesse that you can’t really call him on it because you’re hoping, you know, they’re hoping. Most people didn’t get what he’s saying, but he’s a pretty sharp character and he’s got it down. And what he’s saying is what he’s putting out there. And a lot of times through the structure of comedy. And as we know, the structure of comedy can be a very powerful thing. Look at Bill Hicks. Look at George Carlin. George Carlin, before he died, was just spitting it out there like it is and cutting people off.

When he was brought on these panels, he knew it was bullshit, but he did it anyway. And there’s a, there’s a, there’s a just brilliant stuff they both did. They were trying to tell you the same things. There’s a great quote from the movie V for Vendetta, and it says, it was the young girl, Natalie Portman. She said, my father was a writer. You would have liked him. He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use them to cover the truth up. So, and that’s exactly what you know. I mean, I know that’s not, it’s a, I don’t want, that’s not, it’s not completely non sequitur to what you said, but it is, it’s kind of parallel in a way because everything that we’re out, you know, of the media and writers and whatnot, if you watch Hollywood and you watch the fictional stories, there’s actually a lot more truth in the fiction stories than there is in the stories that are based on, on real events.

And I can even tell you my opinion. Anyway, I’ll tell you why Trump did not win 20. Because if he had invoked the insurrection act, what would that have served? It would have wound up in a civil war in this country, he knew that. And even though that group went to him that day, and I know some people in that group personally, you know, they, their intentions, I think, were right. But their long term, lets say, were they read into the long term? No, of course not. None of them could be. But over the, over these last four years, what all more has gone on record beyond a shadow of a doubt, repetition on record from years before, before Trump even, and more of us gone on the record, it doesn’t matter if anybody did anything with it.

The job in both houses, with certain players in both houses, was to simply get it on record, offer no closure to it in a legal sense or a lawful sense, so that it can be revisited. Now, you look at certain cases out there that have gone to the Supreme Court, they’re still open, they’re on record, they can be revisited. And this is where this black pill nonsense that I’m hearing is, a bunch of babies, all right? You haven’t been in this war for 30 years like I and others have. I expect you to feel that way because there was a certain time when I felt that way.

I didn’t give a shit what happened. I was going to take care of number one and that was that. And I’d be prepared for anything. But no, I can’t do that. Conscience wouldn’t. Won’t allow me to do that. I hear the hell there are so many people out there who still have so much to offer on so many issues. It’s all on record and it hasn’t been closed. It can be revisited. It can be revisited with a vengeance. You know, there was, that was the most important thing in his first term. Watch these players. Watch how they tried to subvert how badly they did subvert him, with not giving him any real intelligence from the intelligence community, with not giving him what he needed.

Well, and then they attacked Flynn. And then they attacked Flynn, who kind of was in that. He was, wasn’t Flynn D and I. He was dia or dia. That’s right. That’s right. He was DIA. He wasn’t the DNI, but he was. He was DIA. But I was Clapper at the time, I believe. Right, but that’s right, Odni was Clapper. That’s right. Director of national intelligence. But the, he. And when Flynn came into the administration, though, his job was. What was he? National security advisor. National security advisor. Okay, but he wasn’t. He hadn’t been, he hadn’t been confirmed yet.

They just, they, they went on the attack with him even before. Even before the, even before the inauguration. Yeah. Yeah, they surely did. Because, you know, when Obama tells you on the phone, watch out for this and this. And don’t trust Mike Flynn. Well, that’s the first guy I’m going to trust. Yeah. Yeah. It’s common sense at that point, if you’re in that game, it’s common sense you’re going to. But with how weaponized these various departments of this corporation. I mean, government, let’s call it government. Most people know it as that. But this two big corporation masquerading as a government, masquerading as a constitutional republic.

Government, it’s not in words and name only. Yeah. In name only. Yeah. So our country is a rhino. Republican name only. That was a joke. That was a joke. That was supposed to be funny, but clearly it’s so funny, it’s tragic. I know. Like, I’m gonna cry. Right, right. But, you know, it. We say all that we’re saying, and this is to the audience, we say all that we’re saying to get you to see that, you know, when you think you found everything you think is wrong, there’s still a whole lot more. A whole lot more that has beginnings hundreds of years ago.

I mean, 1666, the year that that one anthropologist author, you know, Robert Summer is on. Yeah. Interesting enough, that was the year of the formation of the act. What is that? Well, that was the act that created a global human trust, and record keeping of births, deaths, and marriages became more important than ever while in this country. Up until, I think, the birth of the act was in 21. And what was that reflecting? Well, if you didn’t have the Federal Reserve act of 1913, you couldn’t have had that act in 21. And as I’ve explained to you and others many, many times before, at birth.

Yes, you are indeed monetized, but you’re monetized in law, whether something is spelled in all caps, upper and lower, even all lower, which you won’t mostly see in the court system because they simply don’t deal with sovereign issues. You have a corporate shadow created upon the informants of your parents. Your parents are informants at birth. When you fill out all that bullshit, bullshit for birth certificate, you’re not bound to do that, by the way. You’re not bound to do that by law. What are you bound to do? You’re bound to record it in your family bible.

That’s what you’re bound to do. And in county records, probate simply drafted a letter saying, we as parents gave birth to this child on this date at this time. This is female or male, whatever the case may be, and we are his parents slash guardians. They always want to know your occupation on the application. I have a nine year old. I remember. I can show pictures of how I filled these forms out, and I didn’t fill them out so that they could take ownership of the trust after seven years. If they look at the application and all applications can be monetized, they get a QCIP number and QCIP international.

They’re then put through either swift or DTCC. Everybody’s pointing to swift all the time. Swift is not the primary one. DTCC is for the US positive trust Clearing Corporation out of New York. Acceptance of what the application and what certificate or what license or what have you or what credit card, what or what loan for a vehicle of them to then take. So say you’re buying 35,000, $40,000. But where they make the profit, ten grand, 15 grand more in interest. And so it’s all lanyard for them. This is how the true accounting works. Your power company bills are paid for a year in advance.

Virtually anything. Okay, so. So that’s. So what you’re saying is that they use utilities. They use the utilities in the. Around the country or whatever to do what they need to do. And then they. And then the government bills you for the utilities, and that’s how they profit. The utilities often don’t even produce the electricity they’re selling you. They simply maintain a certain section of counties in a given state, a northeastern section of counties that this co op or this company is providing electricity to. They’re just maintaining the physical infrastructure. That’s where the bill comes in.

It’s not even a bill. You never in your life will ever receive a bill. You’re not paying bills. You’re satisfying statements or claims. Those claims aren’t necessarily based in reality, based on your all caps name. So this is, again, one way that you’ve been born into a game that you don’t even understand. And if you did, you’re gonna be. You’re gonna feel injustice at first, but don’t feel that, because it’s been in play for a long time. And everyone had the chance to find out. If they truly wanted to know, you wanted to know, you would have found out.

But we’re born into a pack of lies. And our parents accepted those lies, and our grandparents did. So we think, well, that’s normal. That’s how it’s done. When in reality, most of your life, you’re toiling and is against one of the most important things in biblical scripture, which is a man or woman’s labors are never to be taxed. Oh, yeah, 100%. Taxing of labor is one of the tenets of basically communism. And if you look, if you go back and you look at the ten planks of communism, I mean, we have like seven or eight of them in place right now in the United States, and one of them is, one of them is a central bank and another one is a graduated income tax.

So, I mean. I mean, you know, it’s, it’s not, it’s not, you know, I’m going to change that real quick. Continue. There’s, there’s. I mean, there’s a lot of stuff out there where, you know, it seems like it’s complicated and we don’t know what’s going on, but you know what I mean? There are some fundamental principles that are, that ex, that are, you know, visible to anybody who has the eyes to see them. If you analyze that, it’s like, you know what? It’s really. It’s not that complicated. I mean. I mean. Okay, no, it is. Six corporations run the media.

Okay, if six corporations run the media and all these corporations are of. They are kind of. What’s the word I’m looking for? They are all basically in bed and have the same mentality. Because I’m reading Perloff’s book shadows of power. And, I mean, it’s an older book. It was written in like, 1987 timeframe, but it’s really, really good. It’s so freaking on the money. I mean, it’s like, he just wrote it yesterday. Even though the information is like 40 years old. It’s literally, it’s, it’s. It’s still. Their freaking playbook still applies. It still applies, yes. You know, in fact, there’s.

You know what? There’s one passage that I want to find, if I can find it quickly and, and read it. It was, and it was talking about the difference between, like, communists and whatnot. And let me see if I can find this real quick, because it was, it was saying something about how, you know, there’s, there was like a. There’s a substantial difference between people who, with, with a marxist philosophy and whatnot. Let’s see here. See if I can find it. Here is. They were talking. Go ahead. You have two primary mindsets as a human being.

You have noble outlook, which means you’re looking at the positive. You’re conducting yourself above and beyond what society would ever expect you to behave. You’re governing yourself accordingly. And then you have the opposite of that which appeal, which communism falls in as an attractor to that type of thinking. Ignoble thinking. I’m not talking about nobles, royals or any of these, you know, ridiculous morons that we don’t have any use for in reality. I’m talking about individual, noble, or ignoble thinking. Ignoble says, is things built on envy or, you know, I should have that, you know, why do the wealthy get it? Granted, we’ve let wealth run amok in our current system.

We haven’t regulated what truly in common sense needs regulation because of the simple human condition. What people are, they’re always going to try to find a way to take more because we, we ain’t been raised right. But your communist is, is. And that national socialism is national communism. All right? International communism is what is being, what is being ultimately for the last 200 years in hard time, has been trying to be then thrust upon everyone. That’s what lies at the root of this. And what is, we use the term communism. Well, what does it really mean? Well, it means, you know, everyone is basically a ward of the state.

What you are now in truth, but it’s under a different monetary system. Here. This is, I found what I was, I found what I was looking for here. And this is, this is apropos to our conversation here. Okay? So it says me. It’s talking about media bias. Recently, a number of studies, studies have revealed strong prejudice in the mass media. Beyond doubt, the leader of the movement to expose and combat this has been Reid Irvine’s Washington based organization, accuracy in media or aim? In 1981, professor Robert Lichter from George Washington University and Stanley Rothman from Smith College published tabulated results of interviews they had conducted with the media elite.

Journalists from New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, US News World Report, ABC, CB’s, NBC and pbs. The survey showed the media far to the left of the public at large. Of those casting ballots for major party candidates in the 1964 election, 94% voted for Lyndon Johnson, only 6% for Barry Goldwater. That’s insane. Even in Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide, 81% voted for George McGovern. The leftward stance of the media was also shown by their answers to questions on social and political issues. For example, 90% took the pro choice position on abortion and 57%, and this is the, this is really was getting to 57% agreed with the marxist thesis that the United States causes poverty in the third world by exploiting it.

Now, I wanted to say the United States does cause poverty in third world by exploiting it. But that’s not a marxist thesis. That’s just how we operate. Yeah, that’s tinkering with usury. Yeah, that’s. I mean, because that’s what the World bank and the IMF did, dude. You know, I mean, all you gotta do is just read. Exactly. Read Perkins. Read Perkins book. He talks about it. You know, he’s. He. Perkins is an enigma to me because Perkins talks about it and. And he says. But he. He talks about it and lays it all out for everybody to see.

But then he has the gall to say, but I still don’t believe that there’s some global conspiracy. It’s like, dude, you participated in it. How can you not see it? So that’s why he’s saying that, right? Because he participated. Right. And you know what? Touche. I should have thought about that. And that’s. That’s 100% right. I just. I guess I just didn’t think about it that deeply. But the point I was making is that, you know, two things. Number one is the left leaning, left leaning bias of the media, which. Which also incorporates, you know, law schools.

It incorporates the legal field as a whole, legit, you know, legislative bodies. If you want to know why we’re becoming so tyrannical, even at local, you know, county and municipal levels, it’s because the people who are in charge of those, they all come from the same mentality, and they’ve been told lies that they’ve believed for. For decades, you know, and it’s all been with a left leaning tent, and it’s all been at the control of people of. In very high places that control the media, that control the schools, just like what we talked about earlier. So.

But, you know, the thing that I wanted to talk there about, you know, the United States, it’s like, I look at people on the left, and I agree with them. When they talk about how the big corporations are screwing the country, I agree with that. But then they. They can’t just stop there. They have to say, well, now what we want is we want the government to come in and do it for us. As though the government is going to be free of corruption and not realizing that the government and the big business that they so rail against are literally one in the same.

Yeah, well, how does that. The phrase go? It’s good enough for government work. Oh, yeah, I say that all the time. Close enough for government work. Yeah, if I’m close. If I’m close, it’s close enough for government work. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Yeah. Yeah. And that. That thing didn’t just pop out. No, it did not. No, it did. Not so, you know, this. This monolithic, hidden. And again, I will go back to the sovereignty layer of those who own the right to print currency and the Federal reserve, etcetera. Everybody should know by now it’s no more federal than federal Express.

They used to say Federal Express, but no, and that’s the truth, is it’s a private, Leon. And when I mean private, I mean capital pissed. Capital P. Not in the private sector. That’s completely different definition. That’s a. You know what? That is a very intuitive statement that I had never really, you know, like, parsed out myself. But that is so true. The word private, I think a lot of people hear. When they hear the word private, they think it means that it’s in the private sector. You know what? I hadn’t thought about that until you just said it right now.

It didn’t click for me, but it just, you know, it just did. You just clicked something. So thank you for that. The private. The private. You’re more than welcome. The private sector would be just lowercase words. I’m saying in the private. That’s a capital P. And that referring to where. This is why it’s not that Gavin Newsome. Twosome newsome, by the way, among other things. Oh, well, yeah, he. His gate swings both ways. Yeah. And, you know, a lot of these childless idiots, you know, they have been operating in service to this agenda to take down.

Part of this agenda is to get you to worship celebrity. Do I any. Does anyone out there, would you die tomorrow if Hollywood slid into the fucking ocean? Shit. No. I’d be celebrating. And if movie, movie and tv productions came to a cease, you wouldn’t die. You wouldn’t die. Matter of fact, you figure out something to make you just as entertained. You might read a book or ten or 20 or 50 or a thousand. You know, you might spend more time with your family. But these. This aspect of getting people to worship celebrity, I mean, who the hell are any of them? Left, right, or center? They’re not great thinkers.

None of them, with the exception maybe a handful in that whole industry. They’re not great thinkers. Not novel thinkers. Number one, you were. You were taught to do that so you could, instead of finding out that gut feeling you all have about, geez, everything screwed up. Well, yeah, it is, sadly. But, yes, they wanted you to do that. They wanted you to chase the dollar through their system that they will always refer to as a constructive fraud. Well, a fraud is a fraud is a fraud, and fraud vitiates all the only three capital crimes left are kidnap, murder and fraud.

Rape used to be a capital crime. It should be a capital crime. You used to get the death penalty for rape, but no longer. They wanted sexual perversion rampant throughout the society. Well, they did that out in California. They lowered, I think they were trying to do everything they could to lower the age of consent to like twelve or ten or something like that. Insane. Or. I know what it was. I know what it was. It wasn’t then what it was is that you had to be, if you were like ten years within a ten year span of your.

Of the person that you were with. So if you were 18 and you were having sex with an eight year old, that was okay, if I understand, if I understand it correctly, because that, because what they were trying to do is they were trying to make it within ten years. So I don’t remember what it didn’t go through, but I remember. I remember them really talking about it, because through perverting the mind sexually, you’re not going down. Have a family unit. You’re not gonna have a family unit. Yes, that is correct. And to your point, that is expressly what they did to us.

That was their objective. They wanted to kill. They wanted to kill our belief in God, they wanted to kill our belief in clear family, and they wanted to kill our love of country. Those are the three tenets that. Those are the three basically, you know, pillars that they went after. And they’ve done a damn good job of it. They’ve succeeded wildly, perfectly. How foolish people are acting in this country and stamped all the. Anyway, these, this was all by design. It’s not new. It’s hundreds of years old. Yeah. And you know, what people have to understand is when you have this massive capability of owning currency and its issuance, like Rothschild said, the family credo was in the 18 hundreds.

It wasn’t a specific Rothschild said, it was more of a family belief that they would repeat over in communications with others. I’ve read a lot of them that survived and have been made available. And what you find is, you know, there’s a number of things you can say about that particular, but let’s look at. Let’s clump them all in together, globally. You do have certain powers in the asian world that are not communists, that are not, that are not capitalists, so to speak, or as we know it in America. And you have groups all over the world that are trying to maintain a balance with all of this.

Well, let’s talk about some past the time of balance. It’s going down to a reckoning. Reckoning. So let’s talk about a little bit of prognostication, a little bit about the future, because, you know, I, well, what do you kind of see unfurling over the course of the next, over the course of this, you know, let’s say, like, between now and the election, which is three months, I mean, I have some thoughts, and if you want me to say my thoughts first, I’m happy to do that. Between now and the election. Between the election and say, like spring summertime issue, like maybe six months post election, and then what we’re going to see, because I do believe Trump will.

I do believe there is going to be an election and that Trump will win. I didn’t always believe that, but I’m now kind of, of that opinion. I don’t think that they’re going to be able to derail that. So that’s just my thoughts. I’d always said that, but I said they’re going to try. And we still have, let’s say, when we get under that 90 day mark, in a few days, if we’re not already there. No, we’re not. But in about five, about a week, we’ll be under that 90 day mark. Now, they still have pathogens they could easily throw on and pump it through their monkey parrot media, which is there to propagandize you.

Never make any mistake that it’s doing nothing else. From the view all the way through it all, instead of propagandize you, it’s there to repeat issues that they want you to think about. Because look what they did with an assassination attempt. That was, you know, you sent me something about that a while back. And let’s see here. I want to find this shit. Was I saying, hey, you were, man, you have, you, you constantly say shit. So, um, you know, it just kind of goes one ear in one ear and out the other. No, it was something to do with, um.

Uh, it was, it was something to do with. You’d sent something to a friend who was, um, um. I think he was like a jewish scholar or something like that. And it was all about the, just after, it was something about like, the ear being pierced and something like in, like, leviticus or something like that. You remember that? Yeah, I do, vaguely. Okay, so, and I was trying to find from where you sent it to me, but clearly I’m failing miserably, so. But I saw somebody sent, that kind of little thing is basically is like in leviticus, if you’re, if you get pierced in the ear, that’s like, that’s like penance or penitent or you’re, you’re like, what’s the, what’s the word I’m looking for? You’re like, absolved of falls or whatever.

You’re like, clean. Anyway, I want to find this. I’m embarrassed that I can’t find the damn thing. So I’m just going to have to go look for someplace else. But go ahead. If you got something you got to say. If you got something you want to say, go ahead. Oh, I’m saying between now and the election that a number of things could happen. They could, you know, Israel would get itself into a very bad situation on purpose, expect us to come in and, you know, spill our blood and treasure next to them when the Iran problem can be handled and in truth is being handled.

Okay, here it is. I found it much smarter ways. So you sent this to me and says in the Bible, the concept of blood on the right ear, that’s Leviticus 824 22 to 24 and 1428, is a powerful symbol of consecration, marking a person as dedicated to God’s service and set apart for divine purpose. This act signifies both physical and spiritual transformation, preparing the individual for their sacred role. And here’s what it means. Right ear symbolizes hearing and obedience. In ancient times, the right ear was seen as the most important ear, the one that hears the word of God.

Blood represents life, sacrifice, and atonement. It is a symbol of purification and consecration. Consecration means to set something or someone apart for a specific purpose, making it holy and dedicated to God. The blood on the right ear signifies that the person is being set apart for a sacred task. And then priestly. Priestly consecration. In LEViTIcUS eight, the blood is applied to the right ear of Aaron and his sons, consecrating them as priests. This act sets them apart as mediators between God and the people. And then purification. In Leviticus 14, the blood is applied to the right ear of the person being cleansed, symbolizing their purification and restoration to the community.

And then it finishes with the ancient practice. Reminds us of the profound connection between hearing God’s word, living a life of sacrifice, and being dedicated to a higher purpose. It is a timeless message of transformation and dedicated the dedication that continues to inspire today. So you sent that to me, and I thought that was very interesting because it was just immediately after the. Yes. After the assassination attempt. And you said that it was, it wasn’t a fake thing. It was real. That was legit. Does I, if I remember, if I remember you saying it correctly, oh, yeah, yeah.

Yes. It was a legit attempt on his life. But look at what mainstream media and Silicon Valley douchebags, these little geek douchebags have done. They’re trying to wipe it from the common discussion. No, no, you’re nothing going to do that. No one is going to let that happen. They need to know, and we need to, you know, people need to understand why all of this is happening. I saw it when it hit the right ear. I had sparked something in me. Wait a minute, the right ear and blood. I know there’s something with that regarding biblical teachings, and I went and found a good expression of it and sent that to you and.

Well, I think you sent it to somebody else first and they sent it to a few people. Yeah, you sent it to somebody before you sent it to me. And one of the individuals that you sent it to was like a scholar or. I don’t know if he was a rabbi or a scholar or whatever, but he was. He responded back, was like, this is. This is perfect. I think he was pro Trump, if I remember correctly. Yeah. Yes. And, you know, I’m sorry. Something there I wasn’t supposed to hit, but, yeah, there is. You know, there is a heavy meaning behind that.

And I. I remember saying to someone that day, who knows him, a friend of mine, that this, the hand of God, was on. On him that day. I believe that because, you know, they. Yeah, they. They covered him and tackled him, but they should have never. Even though. Yes. Okay. The problem was taken care of. The real shooter was out of there at this time when he lifted his head up and put his fist in the air. Yeah. That’s a picture that will go down with even Iwo Jima. And I know any lefty, you know, let’s say reprobate minds are listening to this, they’re going to laugh at something like that.

But no, you had a professional out there with that kid, and he took his best shot and he missed. Or, you know, he wanted to miss home. I don’t know what the case may be. Well, you know, I mean, maybe he betrayed his masters in the end. I have a feeling that. What? That guy’s in a vat of assets somewhere. He’s not alive. Yeah, the humble opinion. Well, when you. When. So, you know, you. When you look at a yemenite, I don’t know. Do you know. Do you know what. What length barrel he had? It was an AR 15, if I remember correctly.

But do you know the barrel length? Was it a 1618 or 20 inch? So, I mean, I would say it’s probably an 18 1818 inch. I was going to say it would be 18 inch barrel would be better for him. Certainly make him more accurate. The. Well, most actually for me, whenever I see him, most, most ars are generally a 16 inch barrel because that’s the shortest barrel you can do without, you know, touching NFA. But, but the longer the barrel you have the. If you’re fire, bring it two, two, three or five, five, six round.

For those of you know about firearms, if you’re, you’re going to get a better or a faster muzzle velocity with the longer the barrel and you’re going to be more accurate with the longer the barrel. So. And him being 100 but 150 yards away behind that slope, that was not an easy shot. And for, you know, for him to hit, for him to be that close to Trump’s head was. That was, I mean, that was, that was extremely close. Yeah. If it was his bullet that actually hit his hand, I mean, he was moving and looking to the right for a reason.

I think he was distracted by what people were saying, you know, that little fucker on the roof. And you know, there’s a secret service agent out there now raising hell and God bless him, because he’s saying until the top five people in this organization resign, I’m not going to stop. And I know, damn Gino, being former US Secret Service is on top of that too. And I’ve talked to a few friends in that world, let’s say, yeah, there’s a lot wrong right now and I’m, I’m worried that. And then it was some, somebody in secret service at the same thing.

I said, but I said it that first day. They’re not going to stop. No, they’re not going to stop. They’re going to. They’ve got this out there. They think they’ve swept it under the rug. It’s. No, people haven’t swept this under the rug. You may have, the media may have, but that doesn’t mean people will. And where search results were changed to where you go, assassination attempt on Tru, it brings up Truman. So I just found out that it was everything but Trump. It was a, it was a 16 inch barrel, the 1616 inch barrel, and the muzzle velocity was 20.

They say the muzzle velocity was 2100ft per second, 2800, which that’s standard out of a 16 inch barrel. But I mean, you know, two inches would have, would have. Honestly be thankful that it wasn’t an 18 inch 100ft. Right. Be, be thankful that it wasn’t a more accurate shot. Right? Yeah. So be thankful it wasn’t a 24 inch barrel. Exactly. Yeah. Because those shots went away. Well, 20. Yeah. 24 inch barrel is insane for a five by six. In Vietnam, when they first started using the 5.56, what they used to do with most of the rounds that went there was.

There was actually a flush, a tungsten arrow, very thin, that was inside the bullet. And when it came out, that separated and would fly, rotating in a direction, circling the bullet. Really. The bullet didn’t hit you? This area, this Wilton Arrow wood. And that became right by the way of the dodo, because there was no reason for it. The Viet Cong were not like us. They were not going to stop and pick their wounded up. Two guys to get him out of there, one providing care, the other getting them out of there. They weren’t going to do that.

They were going to let their men lay. And if they can come back to him later. Yeah, they would. But you’d have to survive till then, and most of them wouldn’t. You know, they were thinking of. They were thinking with biased minds. And all I have to do is look back to Ford. I remember as a kid his reassassination attempts on him. They were, within 17 days, two of them. If anybody thinks these people at this globalist level, they’re the ones who gave the order. They’re the ones who gave it to Ses that played the games within secret service.

It’s the only way to happen. This is how it happens. Well, you know, we’ll know, I guess. There’s intel that knows these names, but nobody’s going to act on it right now. You talked earlier, really much earlier, about ses and about them being like the enemy and whatnot. Give. Give people kind of just a dime tour of what ses is and why people should care about it. It’s senior executive service. And what it is is retired bureaucrats or politicians, senators, congressmen, who are no longer in office once. Some of them are in office right now, and they’re being.

They’ve gone, they’ve bought into the SES graft, they’ve taken the money, and they’re serving it. SES is another layer in between these people and the stupid shit they say and do. And this is why it’s stupid, because their orders are coming through. Ses people. It’s a separate organization. It’s an NGO. It exists in several countries, predominantly five I countries. Why? Well, there’s a very good friend of mine. He was a fighter pilot. I haven’t spoken to him in a couple of years. And, you know, I wanted to give him his space and his time to recover through the incident that he went through.

Myself and a few others provided, FBI and everybody else with all the information they needed to see that situation for what it was. And I understand that the attorney that was once his adversary, they’re not adversaries, are trying to get to the bottom of what took him out. I’m not going to go into what I think and know him out. I will give that only to him. But his sister was one of the creators. There were several. And she was also Hillary Clinton. Clinton’s handler at a certain time. Christine Marcy is her name. Last I heard, she was given asylum in the square mile of the City of London.

Yes. It is a separate, corporate, privately owned with a capital P principality. So is Washington DC. So is the Vatican. So is the Vatican, as per Mussolini’s agreement with him, with the pope at that time. And if you look at this, if you look at the Washington DC flag, what is it? It’s three stripes and three stars on. It’s three red stripes and three and three red stars on a white background. That is because Washington DC is the third city. Rome, City of London. No, right, but, but I mean, the first. The first city was, was Rome, then the second, or the Vatican.

And then the second city was London. And then Washington DC became the military arm, which was the third. Which was the third arm. So that’s what I’m saying. Washington DC. The reason it has three is because it’s the third city in that triad, because they had marked this country a long time ago. These globalist types had marked this country a long time ago. Correct. For they had that we had to be kept under someone’s thumb because between us and Canada, we had two resources and they understood that in the far future from them, which was 100, 200 years, bringing up near present day, that we would be a force that no one could defeat because of our resources, because of what lands we were developing.

Well, that eventually be our entire territories. There’s that. But then there’s also the thing that they absolutely can’t stand more than anything. And that’s our, that’s the constitution. That’s our form of government. And what they, what they have been very successful in doing is circumventing the constitution, all the while persuading the people that the constitution is being adhered to. And I mean, you know, I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, the greatest trick the devil, the devil ever played was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. And. And that is exactly the same trick that is being played on Americans and has been played on Americans for the better part of 100, 5200 years.

You know, making these cheap tricks, anti semitism, all of these things, they use cheap tricks to conceal themselves. But ses didn’t exist until the latter part of the Carter administration. And I, you know, thinking back as a kid, then, my God, it’s like, this is worse than the Carter administration days ever were. And there’s a reason for that. People need to understand that there’s a reason for that. And this is where people are supposed to get involved in any way you can. That means where you spend your money, right? That means more. That means running for office.

And don’t say it can’t be done. I’ve worked with so many people doing it now. That is such money. That is absolute money because that’s exactly, you know, I grow so tired and weary of the arguments, and I’m going to draw back to the cube boards because so many people say, oh, well, the cube board is just, you know, they were just lulling people to sleep and, you know, oh, trust the plan and, you know, don’t do anything and some messiah figure is going to come and rescue you. And I don’t remember saying, no, it didn’t.

I agree with you. I’m. But what I’m saying is that there’s a, there’s a whole swath of people out there who have that mentality, and I categorically reject that. That is what was being said there, you know, not to go off on a rabbit. What being said there is what I try to do with people. Give them information surrounding a particular event or thing or ongoing agenda so that you can interpret it much better. Yes, that’s all I’m trying to do is to get people to see that you have to go deep because there’s so many new people to this information.

I mean, in the last year or two, there’s so many new people to all of this. You got to. You’ve got to address that. You’ve got to think of that in everything that we’re saying. So sometimes I’ll say things at a rudimentary level, but I expect those who know to already know, and I expect those who now have come into it to take that and, you know, talk, start communicating with others, others who’ve known for eight or ten years. Right. You don’t find people like 20 or 30. You’ll find raving lunatics like me. But you’ve got to find, you’ve got to know where this is leading you is.

First of all, you are touched by something far greater than yourself. If you’re following and learning and you know that, you begin to see that, you begin to understand that God is in your life. I mean, it’s very simple. I wrote something in a comment section. I rarely do that. Rarely in this comment. And no, it was a different sum obscure thing, but a pretty good group. When your life becomes living prayer, when every thought is known for its source and that it’s not of the self, when your will is aligned, thought plan D, action will have purpose.

Ask and it truly will be given to you must never know. God has always been with you and within you. And all one need do is say yes and move on with certitude. You will never taste life again alone. And I said that for a reason. For people that seem to be struggling with this concept of the divine, you know, the fool like Soros, who says, well, I’m an atheist. Well, right, I wouldn’t want to be you at my moment of death. And I think yours is coming on pretty quickly. Well, just by old age they say imagine.

But see, they say atheist, but they’re really not atheist. That’s just a cover. Because they, I mean, you can’t believe in, like, evils, like, like an evil, uh, being Satan, devil, lucifer, whatever. You can’t believe in that and not believe in goddess. That’s, that’s like, that’s, that’s, that doesn’t add up. No, that doesn’t add up. So they do believe in God. They have. But what they have successfully done is they have convinced a whole bunch of other people that God doesn’t exist. And they do that, you know, through the likes of, of Darwin or Marx or whatever.

You know, it’s like, oh, well, you know, God, you know, God didn’t do this. This is, there’s no intelligent design in creation. Bullshit. You know, I don’t, absolutely. I’m not, and I’m not trying. Any force in the universe is off by a half percent. The whole thing goes to pieces from the strong and weak, nuclear force, etcetera. Are you familiar with a guy named Lee Strobel? I’ve heard the name. Okay, so Lee Strobel is, he was a, he was a, he was a writer for, I think, the Chicago Tribune. And he covered legal stuff, right? He went to, he would go to court and cover legal stuff.

And he was an atheist. And his wife became Christian. And so what he decided, he was going to do is he was going to take his skills that he had as an investigative journalist and his mindset as a lawyer because he was both. And he was going to do what he could to disprove God existed. Right. Well, what it, what it caused him to do is, I mean, he went through this whole investigative process and talked to all these like super high level astrophysicists and all this other stuff. And he came to the realization that the, the numbers that they, that these scientists gave him as to the, the real, the likelihood that what life here on earth could have occurred as a result of just happenstance was basically zero, zero, couldn’t happen.

No way. The scientists made a good representation of that when they stated, now take a 747, every little rivet, every little screw, every wire, every chip, every component on it, take it all apart, lay it out in the field, put it into a pile. It would be like taking that pile of millions of parts, miles of wiring, hundreds of yards of, you know, tubing for hydraulics, certain, you know, flight surface controllers. All of this, take it off, take all the avionics, you gotta break them, you pull the needles off, take them down to every little transistor, diode or chip or capacitor within them, then take that whole pile and throw it in the air and it lands together as a fully functional 747.

It’s, that’s the odds. Yeah. Of life. Yeah. So it’s, yeah. You know, to think that it, you know, I have people, you know, or doctors and attorneys who think that world is 10,000 or 6000 or 10,000 years old. No. What if it took 13.6 billion years? What if it took a 4.5 billion years for the earth to finally render what it has us? Right. That’s a blink of an eye to a creator. Exactly. Well, you know, I know Bible, the Bible does say the term, the Bible does say, and this, this, this is a verse that actually causes a little bit of controversy, at least in my world, because the Bible says, you know, a day is to ten, a day is like 10,000 years or something like that.

I’m probably butchering it right now. But, you know, so basically, God is not bound by time. But the thing is, God is not bound by time. Man is bound by time. And the thing that I say is, yeah, you know what? That is true. That’s true about God. But you can’t say that if God is using the scripture to talk to us, he’s talking to us in the language that we’re going to understand. So all he’s. All that’s saying there is that God is not bound by time, but we, as he’s talking to us in scripture, he’s talking to us in a language that we would understand.

So time is relevant to us, but, like, you know, Newton theorized and tried to find, but it couldn’t really be found. So the early nineties, when computing power reached a certain level, that there was indeed encoding in the Bible. And people who aren’t familiar with this need to research. I think it’s Michael Drosden’s work on the Bible code. He left, being a New York Times reporter, to pursue this field full time. And it has to be only done with the character and its facing of the Torah, of a handwritten lambskin Torah that you will find in any synagogue in the country.

And you can ask the rabbi, they’ll show it to you, but you’ve got to wear cotton gloves. You can’t touch it directly. And it comes from one of five families who have preserved this tradition of creating Taurus since the time of Moses. Well, and the thing is, I mean, it’s like they. They were doing marxist shit a long time ago because, you know, I mean, that’s. Marxists are just. I mean, they’re infamous for altering history time and time again. Well, they. These families couldn’t alter. It was. Well, by rewriting it, though, by rewriting it, they could write a different story that would live in, you know, in perpetuity.

But I would say with the Torah, that that wasn’t done because there was a coding found in it. There were answers to questions found in it. These families were not allowed to change. And if the individual at his desk, writing on this lambskin, preserved as it was then, with inks made from the plants that existed then still exist now, they make the same inks in the same way, the same type of quills. And if they are, if their mind wanders while putting a character down, they must take that, throw it away, and start over. It has to be done of absolute purity, intent.

And in this way, whether it’s the St. Petersburg codices added to it or not, it works. There is a. By applying skip codes, you can derive things. Now, there’s a way to do that three dimensionally and even, I think, dynamically, so that the words are not just two dimensional. Xy. These words would be three dimensional. If you’re doing a 16 by 16 skip code, then you do 16 of those at a time into the form of a cube, and then you run it through that cube we have the computing power to do that now and every split second, recognize every word in it so that an entire text could be derived from it, as opposed to when they put 911 in there, for example, and you saw towers fall and the names in there of certain people.

That pretty interesting stuff. And. But I think there’s deeper ways as technology moves long to apply that to that. Make it a dynamic skip code, make it multi skip codes running at the same time, dynamically through a cube configuration. So you’re getting words laterally, medially, up and down and through several panels at a time. And definitely with AI, I can see some very interesting things coming from that, but I imagine they’re probably doing that by now if they haven’t thought, what’s your. Well, there’s the idea. So, you know, I’m actually of the opinion in terms of AI that AI is actually going to help humanity.

I don’t think AI is, is ever going to be, get to the point, at least, at least in our lifetime. I don’t see AI getting to the point of something like, you know, that’s a put us put out there in like Terminator, you know, Skynet. Yeah, right. I don’t think there’s ever going to be like sentient. Right. And it’s the same old thing. Applies garbage in, garbage out. So if you have a shithead who’s indoctrinating all this globalist nonsense, doing the AI versus someone who, you know, is, has their head together and their life together and their spirit together is doing, it can be two different results.

And this is what, this is what people need to focus in on who is creating what and why. I don’t want AI running on my phone to spy on me. No, nothing has the right to spy on me. I have a right to privacy. Amen to that. Oh, we’ve had this discussion. We’ve had this discussion many times, the poor course of the last couple months, so. About privacy. So, yeah, so we’re sitting at about an hour and 51, 50, 1 hour, 50 minutes. So I want to kind of wind it down here so that we can kind of cap it at about 2 hours.

But, you know, I asked you a question earlier about kind of prognosticating about like, you know, 30 or like 90 to 180 days out to kind of what would happen, you know, immediately following, you know, is there going to be chaos? Do you kind of just, what do you think? And I’m not trying to, because obviously it’s, you don’t know the future, but I mean, just what are you. What are your. What are people in your circle talking about? Or that you can share what data points show? Is that again? It’s not from now till November.

November is just one part of it. And people need to vote, and you know how to vote for. But it’s so. It’s now till January. And I just see a lot more. If what you see going on today is not ten times the confusion that existed three or four years ago when I said, what’s the future hold? More confusion. They’re going to play that card to the end because their only card. You keep people arguing. Other stupid shit. You know, oh, Jennifer Anderson or this one or that is, fuck that. Get your head out of the toilet.

These people mean nothing. They’re thrown at you, and you watch the movies and you enjoy them, and they bee, you know, anybody who seeks celebrity is fundamentally like, anyone who seeks power is fundamentally flawed. I agree with that. If it happens to you by way of your work or your deeds, that’s a different thing. But it’s not celebrity, because I tell you, people that don’t like myself, that’s the last fucking thing I ever want, is to have people bothering me, to have to have protection from. From wackadoodles. No, no. This is why I don’t give out identifiers.

It’s not. It’s not important, ultimately, who I am. It’s what I’m saying. Right. And what people like you are saying, and everyone’s saying, that’s what’s important, because we are at. We are at a precipice right now that it’s either going to get more confusing or more violent. And I expect that. I honestly do. I don’t expect the american population as a whole to be pulled into a civil war scenario. There. You’re playing right into their hands with that. 100 million will die. A hundred million will die. Right. It would stagger you how many people would be dead in the first month of some ridiculous nonsense like that? And who would you be fighting? Why would you be fighting them? I mean, I can tell you right now, it’d be easy to take out a bunch of lefties if they came at you with weapons.

They don’t know the first fucking thing about tactics. They’ve never been in the military. They’ve never done the uniform of any kind, most of them. No, they have. They probably didn’t pick up on what they needed to. But I expect confusion. I expect more nonsensical, completely off the wall shit like the opening of the Olympics that happened but in different ways, doesn’t necessarily need to be that subject with a guy’s ball sack hanging out of this thing, you know? Yeah, it was ridiculous. Ball sack in front of me. I’ll show you what it feels like. What’s your, what’s your take on? Do you think that, you think Kamala will be the person running against Trump, or do you think it’s going to be somebody different that, that really matters? Yeah, probably going to be her.

They could always play a switch with twosome. Two bit shit. Cowboy hat, white cowboy. Had Newsom. You see, I don’t. Man, you know what? I love the opinion. I’m of the opinion that if they try to push anybody from California on, people of the United States, States, people that, man, listen, I grew up in California. I, you know what? I grew up in California. I’m not a native. I wasn’t born here, but I grew up in California. And this place was, this place was revered. You know, when I was in the Navy in my, in my early twenties, late, late teens, early twenties, and I told people that I was from California, from people from all over the country.

People were, like, jealous of me. They were like, oh, I can’t. I want to be, I want to go to California. I love California. And now, 30 years later, 30 years later, it’s, you know, people see California for what it’s become, which is essentially frickin a communist bastion, and nobody wants to be a part of this place. They, I mean, they can’t get out of here fast enough. In fact, the California actually has the highest number of people leaving the state than anybody. So, see, that’s why I question whether or not it’s going to be Kamala.

Kamala’s from California. She was fucking, she was the attorney general here before she became the senator. And then, you know, and then Newsom put thrusting Newsom on us. It’s like, you know, the people of this country are going to say, no, I ain’t down with that program. So that’s why I question whether or not it’s actually going to be Kamala or somebody else and not somebody from California. But then again, I mean, who, who are they going to run? They know there’s nobody to run. They’ve gone full tilt on the mainstream media on her. I think it’s going to be her.

And they just don’t need to stack a deck at a debate. Yeah, but I like the way Trump, I love the way Trump’s playing that, you know, when, when there is a real candidate against me, to break them, basically. You know, if she’s chosen, he’ll debate them. Debate her. Oh, that would be a woman that comes from a long line of communists. Yes. Meaning ignoble thinking. Absolutely. Thinking of envy, the thinking of jealousy, the thinking of inferiorness. That’s what, that’s the kind of people communism caters to. Yes, you’re 1000% correct. Thousand percent correct. And, you know, it’s like you look at people who ultimately buy into the whole socialism crap.

Communism crap. They are. No, that happens to them when they’re young, but then when they get older and then they have to go out and they get work and then they get paid and then they see how much money comes out of their check and they’re like, wait a second, I wasn’t paying, paying for that. I didn’t think, I have to pay for this. And then they’re like, oh, shit, okay, it will. You know what? I guess then their mind starts to change a little bit when they get older. The sad thing is, and then that’s why I truly believe why they’ve been pushing for younger and younger voting age for people.

Because, you know, I mean, with respect, I don’t think, I think voting should be 21, not 18. Because I don’t want, I don’t believe that somebody who’s 18 has lived well enough to understand life to be able to make political decisions. And there’s too many younger people who’ve been influenced by this marxist bullshit school that. Yeah, or, yeah, so, I mean, if they’ve been, if, look, you, I don’t mind if you’re in the military and you’ve been in combat or whatever, I don’t have a problem with you voting at 18, but just some regular Joe Schmuck who’s, who’s collecting a welfare check or parents are collecting welfare check or they’re on some sort of government subsidy or whatever, you know, and then there are no, I don’t believe that anybody should be, I don’t believe anybody who’s receiving government subsidies should be able to vote.

That’s, call me racist, whatever, but I don’t, I don’t believe that you should be able to vote to maintain your paycheck from the government because you’re always going to vote with whatever party panders to you. Right. And makes you promises that they will never, ever and never have. Right. This is not going to be a selection. This will be an election. I agree with that. I absolutely agree with that. Reasons I’m saying that. I’m saying with what I know trees were style, and all of that were. Yeah, read. And in there. I’ll just say this. Read between the lines with what? With what ghost is saying.

Read between the lines. Yes. Read between the lines with what he just said, that this will be an election, not a selection. So it is. And, you know, we said it at the very, very outset of the broadcast, it is extraordinarily important for you to vote. Absolutely. A mandatory must. You must vote the selection no matter what. So. Yes. So that’s about all I’ve got say. No, that’s about. That’s all I got to say about that. I think he was from. I think he was from. He. He was from the south. Yeah. That’s all by Le Batra down there.

I live five and a half hours from it. Nice. That’s all I got to say about that. All right, brother. Well, hey, thank you. Thank you for the time tonight. Really, it’s. This has been fun. We kind of just bounced. We bounced around and did. Talked a lot about a lot of stuff that was important and some stuff that’s just me. Meaningless and mindless. But, you know, so for all y’all that. That don’t know, this is basically how conversations between ghost and I go when we talk. So, I mean, basically, we were just having a conversation.

We’re just having a conversation that you guys get to listen to. But this. This is basically how it goes when we talk, so. So with the exception of, like, the only exception is. There’s. The only exception is that we’re on the phone, generally speaking, there’s some. Sometimes there’s somebody screaming into the phone from the background, and you’re. So that’s why we do what we do. Exactly. So with that, brothers, guys, thank you very much for tuning in and for your participation tonight. The chat was really hopping. So just want to thank everybody for, you know, spending a couple hours with us, and thanks, ghost, for your time.

Appreciate it very much. Thank you. And we’re going to do another one here in the. In the fairly near future where we’re going to be able to, like, take phone calls or maybe like that. Or maybe what we’ll do is, instead of that is maybe we’ll go onto Twitter and do a Twitter space, where that’s actually kind of the better idea, I think we do a Twitter space where you can come in on, like, I can connect you like this, and we can just go into the space on my computer. So that way, you’re not having to sign up for Twitter or anything like that.

So. But anyway, that’s. That’s another. That’s a topic for another day. But, yes, there are. There’s going to be avenues for people to be able to interact with ghost in the future, so we’re just. We just got to iron some of those things out and make it happen. So thank you, everybody. Appreciate your time and. And ghosts as well. So we look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. I will be finishing up the book, um, Perloff’s book, uh, uh, tomorrow. And then Friday we got the watch party, so I don’t know if I’m going to play Europa, though, man.

I’m. It’s, like, not all. None of my videos. I mean, I’m getting censored really bad on rumble, and, like, none of my stuff is. Is monetized anymore, so I don’t know, maybe I poked the bear a little bit too many times, so we’ll see. I agree. Anyway. I agree. All right, guys, thanks, everybody, for your time, and we will see you later. Have a good night, everybody. God bless. Blessed.



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