The future of ultra wellness is here now. Listen to the testimonials that can happen for you.

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➡ Michael Jacob hosted a Life Wave Miracle Monday event where they discussed LifeWave products. Roxanne, Frederick, and Art shared their experiences with the products, and many attendees expressed regret for not getting involved sooner. Dr. Annabelle explained the science behind the patches, which use light therapy to activate a protein in our body that helps with healing and balance. The patches are worn for 12 hours a day and can provide benefits like pain relief, better sleep, and improved skin appearance.
➡ The speaker shares various experiences of people using patches for health benefits. They mention an elderly woman who saw improvements in her heart health and blood pressure, an older man who experienced reduced back pain, and another person who recovered quickly from strep throat. They also share a story of a woman who experienced relief from shoulder pain after two weeks of using the patches.
➡ The text is a conversation about Dr. Pam, who seems to be aging in reverse and plays pickleball. The speaker also discusses their struggle to share photos from J. Ivy, which show the progress of a skin repair treatment involving patches. The speaker also mentions a new brand partner, Hannah, who shares her experience with pneumonia and how she believes the patches helped her recover. The conversation ends with a discussion about a product called Allison.
➡ Ravana asked about the usage of patches, specifically about the duration and stacking. The response was that patches can be worn for 12 hours, then taken off for 12 hours. They can also be worn simultaneously, but not for more than 12 hours to avoid resistance. Stacking patches can be beneficial for short-term use, especially in cases of injuries. It was also mentioned that patches can be reused or given to pets as they still have residual energy. Another participant shared her positive experience with the patches, noting improvements in her vision and overall health. Lastly, a participant shared her attempts to introduce her elderly relatives to the patches.
➡ The speaker discusses the benefits of using energy patches, particularly for those who are active or have physical discomfort. They mention how the patches have helped their aunt with back pain and how they personally use them for an energy boost during workouts. They also discuss the patches’ origins, being developed for Navy SEALs, and their various uses, including for blocked energy or injuries. The speaker hopes more people will start using these patches for their health benefits.
➡ Tommy, a 76-year-old from East Tennessee, shares his positive experiences with a product called X39. He credits it for his ability to work long hours in home health care and for resolving his knee and back pain. He also mentions the product’s beneficial effects on a scar and his pet’s mobility. At an event, the team managed to sign up 14 people for the product and collected strong leads. Many attendees reported improved sleep and increased energy after using the product.
➡ Two women experienced significant improvements in their physical conditions after using X39 patches. One woman, who previously couldn’t raise her arm, gained more mobility without pain. Another woman, suffering from severe hip pain, felt so much better that she reconsidered her plan for stem cell injections. These positive results have led to recommendations for the continued use of the patches.


Hello everyone, it’s Michael Jacob. Here we are with Life Wave Miracle Monday, one of my favorite days of the week. And we just had a wonderful event where we were sharing LifeWeight products. Roxanne was there sharing the products. Frederick was there and Art was there. Roxanne, tell us a little bit about, you know, Sharon. I know some people were like, you know, we saw you guys last year and we, we tried it and we, we should have like, you know, got involved with it, you know, back then. Now we’re definitely going to get involved with it now.

So what, what did, what, what are some of the things you heard from people? Well, a lot of people said that they wished they would have started last year when we were at the event, just like what you said. But I do have a few stories to share. I don’t want to share them all now because I want to wait. But they were all very positive stories and these are people that were just patched the on Saturday and then asking them again how they were doing on Sunday. So all positive. So very good. Yeah. So just a lot of people wish that they would have started last year.

So. Yeah, yeah, good advice. Don’t wait. You know, I know a lot of people come in and watch this show that aren’t using the patches to just to see, you know, what people are experiencing. You know, don’t procrastinate it. You know, get involved. Everybody, everybody has great experiences with the, with the patches. So. And we’re gonna have Dr. Annabelle give us a little breakdown of the patches and you know, how we share our miracle stories here on Miracle Monday. All right, thank you, Michael. Hello. Hello everyone. Happy day, happy day. We are getting some springtime weather up here in the northe.

So of course my energy is like through the roof. It also helps that I have a bunch of patches on because I’ll tell you my story soon. So. Hello everyone. Welcome to Miracle Monday with Michael Jaco. And this is our sharing as caring hour. This is where we share experiences with the miracle, the patches that we have been talking about and we’ll be talking about tonight. So I’m Dr. Annabel and LifeWaveNorth’s brand partners claim to diagnose, treat or cure. We’re here to share because when we share, you can learn about what we’ve experienced and you can think about and to come on board with us.

Don’t procrastinate. Like Michael said, the best time is now. It is a holistic approach to wellness because we are a health and wellness product. We’re not A medical product, but it is especially effective when we pair it with a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset. So during this call, you’re going to hear many experiences, varied from various of our wonderful community about what we’ve experienced with. One of the patches that we love to talk about the most is X39. But you’ll hear about many of the other technologies. So what is this light for? Technology and what does it do? It is a form of light therapy in the form of a patch.

So is it a. It’s wearable, is it? You place it on your body and within three inches of your body, whether on your clothing, on your skin, or just within 3 inches, it activates because of our own body heat, also known as infrared light. And so when the infrared light is, is kind of reflected into the center of the patch, the patch reflects back a specific wavelength. And that specific wavelength activates a protein in our body that’s already there, but sometimes become dormant over time, called GHK Copper Peptide. And so when we learn about the benefits of GHK Copper Peptide, you will see why we’re so ecstatic about talking about this patch.

It activates master cells that are responsible for generating, regenerating, and repairing our body. And so it is something that we are totally capable of doing. But due to external factors, those capabilities diminish over time. And the patch is here to revive that ability for us to help ourselves. And so GHK is increased in the body and it brings our body to balance. Some of the things you’ll hear about is rapid pain relief, better sleep, improved wound healing and scar reduction, and improved skin appearance. So we look and feel younger. And who doesn’t want that on a daily basis? The patches are a patented technology created by David Schmidt.

They’re non transdermal, which means nothing is going into your body. It’s all natural. There’s nothing from the patch going into your body. It’s our light reflected back to us. We wear the technology for 12 hours on. We give our body a 12 hour break and then we place a new patch and we wear them daily. Because when you wear them daily, that’s when you really do tend to see the benefits better. And the benefits compound. We hydrate well, because the patches promote flow of energy. And in order to promote that, in order to promote that ability for our body cells to communicate, hydration is key.

Patches start working from day one, but you may not feel it, but don’t lose heart, because you will tend to see the results for many of us fairly quickly. For others, it takes a little longer. Be patient patch daily and reap those benefits. And join us in celebrating every single Monday. Some housekeeping rules. Please use symptoms only. No diagnosis names. Tell us how you felt before and how you feel now and what patch you used. And thank you again for being with us. We always love to be here with Michael to share. Thanks, Michael. Thanks, Dr.

Annabelle. That’s beautiful. Thanks. So the, the links for. I replaced the links. Anyone can use these links now. Before, we were keeping it pretty much in house. You. You could only get the links through an email. But in the description box of all my shows now, not just the. The Lifewave shows, but all my shows, the links will be there for anyone to come. And you don’t have to be part of the Lifewave community. It can be anyone that comes in and watches. So I think we can manage it. You know, we had some management issues before with some people coming in doing some silly stuff, but I think we have some good management now.

So one of the things, like, for the show that we just did, and we had, you know, three wonderful people, we had Frederick, Art, and Roxanne. Uh, they’ve done, uh, this show, the Quantum Summit, before in the past, about nine months ago. Uh, and here they’re back again doing it again. So we have a lot of people that come in and. And these guys were patching them. We’ll. We’ll have them share their experiences. You know, patching people, you know what that. What’s that like when you’re patching a group of people, how you patch them and so forth.

But for now, we’ll get most of you guys just to come in and share your personal experiences. We definitely want to, you know, invite you guys to come in, raise your hand, go to the bottom and, uh, hit that, that one reaction, little, little thing down there. And once you do that, you’ll see where you can raise your hand or clap or, you know, send some love. Right like that. So, so definitely go down and do that and raise your hand. And then we’ll go with the. The iPhone over here in the first. Is that me, Michael? That’s you.

You’re in the, in the, in the, in the front. Go for it. Okay. I had something happen over the weekend that was amazing. And I was flabbergasted Friday night. Late Friday night, I noticed I had a cut on the underside of my thumb and it hurt quite a bit. So I waited until the next morning when I put my X39 patches on. I put one right underneath the cut. You know, that cut is completely healed now, and it. I’m old, it takes a long time now for things to heal up on me. But this cut is completely healed and I’m just so amazed.

Oh, that’s great. So a lot of people get that experience. You know, they have cuts or wounds and so forth. They get rapid healing. So good to hear that. Thank you, Daddy. Hi there. How are you? Good, how are you? Monday again, pickleball. I made a lot of friends. I ran into my friend Debbie and Cindy. I want to say hello. I don’t know if they’re on, but both, you know, we were talking about Debbie had back pain. I patched her with Ann in 39 and she said, oh my gosh, it’s come down. So we actually were able to play pretty good games.

Then Cindy had a headache. She said, it’s better. I think she’s on now. And we had talked about some other issues and I said, I definitely think you need to look into this. It’s helped so many people. I love sharing what we do, spreading the word, and I’m not going to stop. I’ve been doing this two and a half years. I feel really good. And I actually got my husband to come today to play pickleball. So it was a lot of fun. Yeah. So that’s my share for the day and we keep moving on. Kathy and I actually have a couple things.

We’re actually going to be working at an event at the end of the month, so I’m looking forward to that too. Oh, that’s great. That’s beautiful. Thank you. So you guys always do really well at those. I’m. I’m sure you guys gonna, you know, we do. It’s a lot of fun. It’s a lot of fun. And like I said, we just love spreading the word, sharing what we have with people. And I just think about all the different lives that I’ve touched, you know, with this. And you, Michael, look at how we are. I never would have thought so.

It gives me such joy to hear, you know, when people are feeling good or they like the patches or just they’ve got a good result. So have a lot of people out there trying them and getting really good results. So thank you, Michael. All right, thanks, Patty. And say hi to your husband. I miss seeing him. Okay, Thanks a lot, Dr. Annabelle. All right, so I have a couple of follow ups on some individuals and they all happen to be older than 87 years old, except for me. There’s one. There’s one story. So my Grandmother is going to, I don’t know why he’s saying to lower my hand.

So weird. The thing just automatically lowered my hand. So now we know I’ll put my hand back up so you can see me again. So thank you. So needless to say, so my grandma’s going to be 91 years old on the 12th of this month. So really like in two days. And she’s loving the patches and she’s, and she’s using them consistently, which is fantastic. And so I just love that. It just gives her that energy and the vitality. Like both of my maternal grandmothers are little spitfires. They have energy galore and it’s no wonder why I am the way I am.

But they, you know, God bless them many more years to their health and I just wanted to keep that fire going to keep that energy. You know, my, my dad’s mom is in Puerto Rico and she’s loving them and she’s like, okay, I need to keep those patches on because they make me feel good. She says she sleeps well. My mom’s mom, she is 88 and so she uses them and whenever she, she uses them daily and whenever she has an out, she’s like intuitively she puts it wherever she has it. But the lady doesn’t stop moving.

She’s moving furniture, she’s doing curtains, she’s doing everything. These ladies are no joke. And then I had the pleasure of patching an 87 year old gentleman and I followed up with him and I’ve been following up with him weekly and he reported that he’s had little to no pain. So he was going to go to the neurologist because he had this very persistent back pain. And here he is, he had had to have an MRI because he had to wait for his appointment and he already has little to no pain and he’s been on the patches for a month.

And I’m like, ah, this is awesome. So who knows what the neurologist is going to say, but I’m just happy that he’s having a great result. And then the non 80 something year old is me. So the cooties got me. My daughter brought strep home and I thought I was being so good, but I think I let my guard down. But I also went to her school so God only knows if I picked it up at her school or I picked it up from home, but the kid is all over me. And so I fell victim to that horrid thing and fever.

I felt awful. I felt like my throat had a Hot poker sticking in it. It was painful to swallow. And I am happy to say that I patched myself up and I did not resort to using any over the counter pain remedies other than the traditional saltwater gargles and honey and tea and lemon. Of course, I did have to succumb to an antibiotic. I was just that painful. But I survived. I slept 20 out of 24 hours on Friday. And I am amazed because I’ve had strep before. When I first started my medical career, I had strep and I, I remember being sore and painful for quite a while with my throat.

But here I am speaking when I could hardly speak on Friday and Saturday and it’s been like four days in. So I’m very grateful for that rapid healing that the patches have given me and the ability to kind of muster through it despite being uncomfortable and not being overly uncomfortable that needed to do over the counter pain meds. So I’m so grateful. Oh, that’s great. Great. Yeah, those are those, that time frame. Remember that my kids were always getting sick. It’s crazy. Those, those early, early years. So it, it basically builds immune system. You know, that’s, that’s what we want them to go through and it’s kind of builds ours too.

So sometimes. So, uh, that’s, that’s one of the things, uh, that we’re, we’re grateful for because uh, Life wave helps us get through that. We don’t have to go through, uh, go to any, you know, outside sources and, and get any kind of medications and so forth. So we’re, we’re basically, you know, curing ourselves over a very fast period of time. So thanks, thanks for sharing that. Jt. Hi Michael. Glad to be here. Hi everyone. Good to see you again. So I have. Good seeing you too. So I have a new testimony. So I had shared previously about one of my clients.

She’s 80, she had an ejection fracture, heart ejection fraction rate of 46. And after 11 months on the patches, along with the 49 x 39 and the 49, she, her heart ejection fracture rate went up to 62% from 46. And she’s 80 years old. So that was really amazing. And then the same woman, she had issues with high blood pressure even with the meds. And she was clocking like 172 over 80 or in that range, high, high in the high 170s, 180s. It was very concerning. And now her blood pressure is down to 114 over 70.

And. And that was just an amazing thing because that was one thing. We couldn’t get her blood pressure down, and now she’s like. So she’s been on the patches about 23 months, something like that. April will be a year. I mean, it’ll be two years. So she’s doing really well. Nobody believes she’s 80. She’s running around. I mean, she’s like, a little, like. Like Dr. Annabelle said, a little spitfire. And it’s amazing. And then another quick testimony was another gentleman had congestive heart failure, and his heart ejection fraction rate was at 18%. And about nine months later, it was at 54% from congestive heart failure.

So he’s still patched up, and he’s doing very well, too, and I’m looking forward to him getting that number even higher. So all glory goes to God, and praise God for. From this product and Michael Schmidt’s ingenuity and. And all these downloads that he got from the Lord. Amazing. Yeah. That’s beautiful. Thanks, J.T. those great chairs. Always appreciate your shares. Thanks so much. Thank you, Kathy. Amen, J.T. happy Monday, everybody. Hey. I was just texting one of my new brand partners followed up with her today just to see how they were doing. It was such a coincidence, we’ll call it.

But when I signed them up, I told him, I checked back with them in a week, and. And her husband said, okay, well, we have to meet our grandson. I said, okay, and, well, we’re going to play pickleball with him. Now, she had broken her ankle, so she was going to play in her wheelchair. So they told me about that, and I said, oh, that’s crazy. I’ve been thinking about trying pickleball, but I don’t know. And he said, well, come down to the rec center since we got these patches now, and I’ll teach you how to play pickleball.

So I got pickleball lessons out of it. And then they just sent me a text that said she just had a small miracle that her shoulder that’s been bothering her for over two years. She’s been rolling with the pain reliever. She’s been taken some meds to. To relieve the pain. And she said, all of a sudden, my shoulder just stopped hurting. Just stopped hurting. Now they’ve been on him two weeks. And she said, I haven’t rolled or take in any meds, and I have no pain. So that’s a. That’s a great one. So miracles do happen.

Yeah. That’s beautiful, Kathy. I know Patty’s happy to hear that. Oh, yeah. Except I’m afraid of Patty now. I. It’s a lot of fun. Dr. Pam. That’s the one you should be afraid of. Okay. Okay, I’ll watch out for. Yeah, that’s. You know, that’s amazing because I. I just love, like, you know, over the last several years, you know, watching all of you, like, get younger, and Dr. Pam is like. She’s just incred. She just keeps getting younger and she plays pickleball longer, and it’s like. Like, wow. And she’s. You’d be surprised what her age is.

I was like, no way. She’s. No way. So. But she’s amazing, Jen. Hi, everybody. I’ve been having a heck of a time trying to get all of J. Ivy’s photos, so I’m gonna share. Oh, my God. Michael. And I got them. We got them this weekend. But what I’m gonna read is his little note first. Then I’ll do the share screen. And he said, here’s something for Jacob Mundy. Miracle. Share it. And he’s moving someone out west, so he couldn’t be on tonight. But the first three pictures are five hours after the accident yesterday involving different.

On different frequencies. He put sub patches for pain, swelling, immunity, build, and skin repair. So. And he put carnosine. And I’m going to show you what he did, though. I mean, it was unbelievable. If I can do it, and then I’ll bring it up. Okay, here we try. Michael. It’s been all. Yeah. When I saw his. His pictures, I was like, oh, that’s. That’s. He’s gonna. He’s gonna patch that up and have a miracle on that one. I guarantee. We started patches after he did that, and then I called him and asked him to send me the most recent one, you know.

Oh, yeah, good. Trying to share. I’m not sure why it isn’t sharing. Okay. Darn it. Share. I guess. Desktop one. I guess. I don’t know. No, that’s not it. My. I have three desktops. So I apologize, but it’s been interesting. So what I’m going to do is share again. It took me. I had to transfer my pictures from Jay’s texts to an email to me to get them even on here. Here we go. Desktop two. There it is. Okay, so you can see what Jay has there. Can you see that? Everybody, the patches. Do you have the initial? So the.

The. These are the second day, I guess. But look at. I mean, it was the second day, Michael. I couldn’t I mean, the second day is, like, night and day over the first, so. Yeah, there, There. That’s the initial, I think. Yeah, yeah, there it is. So then today, here, Gwen’s getting in. So then he had one for today, which I had him send to me, and I’m trying to pull it up right now. This is it. I like the way he, like, marked which ones? Yeah, he did. He did that for everybody to understand. Good math, which.

They work. And then. So what I’m going to do is. I guess I can bring it up here. How did. How did he do that? He cut it on a sheet metal when he was helping somebody move, and he was. He just went. Scraped right across it, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I’m going to stop the share, and then I’m going to share. It’s like the. The ultimate paper cut, but with sheet metal. Yes, yes. Okay. So this should be the desktop that I have it on. And then I have. Oh, gosh, I.

This is just so complicated. Here we go. And that’s desktop, too. So I’ll bring it here. Okay. Here are the ones that came after Michael. Can you see those? No, we’re just seeing the top share. Okay, then I’ll do. I. I have a. A whole note. I’m gonna share again. Oh, my God. I’m so sorry, folks. It’s just ridiculous. He sent me, like, 50 photos, maybe 20, but it was. It was ridiculous. Zoom. Share. Okay, here we go. So now it’s letting me. Is it letting me share? I cannot have a video. Why? Somebody has their hand raised.

Oh, my God. I don’t know. The latest one shows desktop two, Desktop three. And let me put it up here. Well, that’s on desktop 2. My guys, if I find it, I’ll bring it. I don’t want to take it. We’ll come back to you, Roxanne. What you got? Yes. Go, Roxy. All right, all right. I will tell you when you wear these patches for a year and a half because it has a cumulative effect, you end up growing extra courage. And you get up and sing in front of everybody for karaoke. That’s my testimony. No, but you made me do it, Roxanne.

You made me do it. I, I. You encouraged me, and I love you. Encouraged you. Yes, yes, thank you. But I actually raised my hand for a new brand partner on here, Hannah. And if Hannah, I don’t know if you’re willing to share, if you can unmute yourself, because she has a good story, I think. So you’re still muted Hannah up to a mute. Okay, can you hear me now? Yes. All right, great. So I just want to quickly share what kind of happened to me in the last month. Basically, I just went through horrible pneumonia, and I was taking antibiotics for 10 days.

And then, because I. I knew about these patches, so I was not in good state. So then I contacted Eraxin, and I was thinking, I need some help, maybe even the patches. Hopefully that works, you know, that type of thing. And so she sent me the patches and I was. I told her, hey, I will start taking them when I finish the antibiotics, because I don’t want to mix the two things together, you know. So then on a. February 22nd was my last day of the antibiotics. February 23rd, I didn’t take anything. Not the patch, not the antibiotics.

And I already started sweating and coughing. Deep, deep cough. It’s basically felt like my pneumonia, it’s coming back. And the next day, morning, I was texting back and forth with my husband about thinking, I don’t know what to do. I probably have to go back to the urgent care. They prescribed me the wrong antibiotics. Very strong, but it was. The bacteria was resistant to it, you know. So it was pretty desperate state that morning. But in the morning also, I did put the patch on. Then about 10 o’clock, I fall asleep, and I slept for about five hours.

I wake up on a couch and laying there for a little bit, and I’m thinking, I think I should do some work around this house. So I start feeling better. You know, it’s. I cannot prove it was the patch, but I start feeling better. I wasn’t definitely out from my symptoms. I still. When I was pushing the vacuum cleaner here and I was coughing and all that, but I at least had the energy to do it, to get up from my butt and start cleaning this house. Because nobody does it for me. So, no. And then on I’m like, well, I’m not going back.

That kind of look like I’m definitely. I don’t want any more antibiotics because they have all the horrible side effects and I don’t want to deal with that. So I just start healing myself naturally just wearing the patches. I was using garlic always. We let it out for the Allison to activate. And from you, Michael, I would like to know the link for the Allison in hair level, how to get to it, if the guy is selling it or not. That’s just kind of side note, but to me, it feels like the patches help me. So I really do think it helped me some to get over it.

And Start healing without the need, like being so desperate and I need to go back to the doctor, which I absolutely hate. So. And now here I am. And you know, it’s just I’m gaining my stamina when it comes to workaround and physical activity. And pretty soon I think I was going to start doing yoga again. So it’s. It. I think it helped me. I. I really do think so. My husband is against it. He doesn’t believe it, but. Oh, well, I mean I definitely giving really good shot to this. So that’s, that’s my story right now.

And I’m taking so far just the X39. But when I finish the one first month, I was gonna add that X49 also just to try it. So. Yeah, I mean, I am. I’m glad. I feel so much better. It. It just does. Wow. It’s not fun. Horrible. That’s, that’s great. And I’m glad, you know, had had the believe in the product and it worked for you. You know, going forward, like you, you hear from everybody. It can, you know, have great benefits. So hopefully your husband gets on board with it at some point. Maybe he’ll see the, the great reaction that you’re having.

Now that Allison you were talking about is on the, the website, of course, we got the Life Wave over there, all the products there. If you, if you roll over shop Michael. Michael Jacob products. Okay. Yeah. And there’s, there’s Allison. Okay. Yep, yep. I will have to check it out. That’s exactly the video what I was watching. Yes. Very good, Very good. All right. That was great. Little extra, little extra. Good to have. Good to have lots of things. Absolutely. Whatever help, right? Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks, Anna. Sure. You’re welcome. All right. 184 phone. You can, you can go next.

Thanks. Hi. Hi, this is Ravana. Go ahead. You just muted again. There you go. I muted and unmuted and got out of sequence. I’m Ravana and I have a question about stacking and just how long you wear the patches. When I started last August, it was adamant X39. One at a time. 12 hours on, 12 hours off. Okay, got it. So, but then like later in the fall, they started saying, well, you could put. Put them on top of each other at the same time. And some. I’m thinking there was one call I heard you say about putting three.

It’s like, well, I don’t put your words in your mouth. That’s just like three was. I say one at a time. 12 hours on, 12 hours off. And also I was reading last night that you can leave some of the other patches on up to 24 hours. So which is it? So basically the, the patches, they, they last longer than sometimes prescribed. They last anywhere from eight to, you know, 20 hours. So if you leave them, if you have them like you take them off every 12 hours, we recommend, you know, put them on for 12 and, and have them off that particular patch.

You can have other patches on simultaneously. Like I wear upwards of five to six a day and about the same amount at night, but I don’t, I only have them on for 12 hours. Except for my, my, my night patch, which I only have on for like eight hours. I was thinking today I should just like leave one side, you know, with the, with the adhesive on it and take it off and then use it again and like get a double whammy at night, like kind of like what we’re talking about. So we don’t recommend that you always use more patches.

Unless like, you see with Jay, he had a, he had a, he had a pretty good cut. So you can use patches, multiple patches, stack them, because you really want to get a lot of, you know, activity going. So that’s, that’s why you would use multiple stack patches. If you have an incident where you needed a big boost of, you know, the, the stem cell activity and copper peptides. So that’s why you would stack. There’s people that have said that, you know, I couldn’t sleep. So, you know, they do like several different, you know, of the, of the sleeping patches and that got them, it got them to sleep.

So if you’re having, you know, you’re stuck, you’re not having success. We recommend stack them right, get, get an extra boost. Some people can’t even handle, when they first start, they can’t handle patches more than like a few minutes. So we say just take it off, you know, put it back on later. So there’s different ways to use the patches. We say use your intuition on it, but there’s different, you know, ways to do it. So 12 hours on, 12 hours off for each of the patches. Ideally, some people, you know, keep the patches longer on.

It’s not going to make a difference. But if you consistently do that, your body’s going to build a resistance and you won’t get the same results. So that’s why 12 on, 12 off. Does that answer your questions? Yes. I was thinking also stacking. Let’s be clear that when they were talking about, like you said, if you have a cut, you put an X39 on and put another X39 on top of it. I had again, what you’re saying, it makes sense. But then I also read that it reduces the effectiveness 50 up to 50%. But this is just short.

You’re saying short term should be okay? Yeah. Some people have had incredible results. So we can’t, you know, if we have actual, you know, people that are having great results, which we have, I’m not going to discount it, but that’s kind of a recommendation. They’re going to go with, like the, you know, the certain recommendations work for some people and for other people, not as much. But for certain cases, I would say stacking. I haven’t used stacking yet, but I know a lot of people have and they’ve talked about it on this show and they’ve had exceptional results, but usually just for short term, short term.

I’ve heard for people, people that have, you know, significant injuries that stacked and they’re like, well, we’re gonna stack it on you for. Because you’re. We want you like that, like almost muscles torn and all kind of crazy stuff. So they, they stacked and they had relief instantly and they didn’t have any issues after a few days. So there, there is cases where you can use the stacking, you can use it effectively, but ideally, like we talk about, you know, every 12 hours. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you. That’s what I want to know. Yep. Okay. And, you know, like, like sometimes we, a lot of us take the patches off and give them to our pets because there’s still a little bit of energy.

Maybe it’s not doing as much for us, but the, the pets, like, want them. You know, they’re like, they’re waiting for the patches to come off us and get, get on them. So there obviously is a residual effect for a little bit longer on these patches. So if you want to, like, keep them around, I know a lot of people keep around and you keep around for longer. They can’t use them the next day and everything. So. But, you know, ideally, you know, you’re not, you’re not going to build up like a resistance to the effects of it.

So don’t use it for more than 12 hours, ideally. Okay, thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks. That was a great question. Thanks, Joyce. Hi, everyone. I wanted to report back. I, I said something a couple weeks ago that my vision had absolutely changed. This happened in February. I, I was wearing my new prescription that I had gotten in March last year, and my couldn’t decide, is it my dry eyes what’s going on? Everything is so blurry. So I started digging through some old glasses. I couldn’t go get an eye exam until March because that’s the time with my insurance, I went today.

Wow. Let me tell you, these glasses that I’m wearing go back prior to 22. 22 is when I changed and I went over here to this new optometrist. Before that 21, I was going to St. Luke’s Institute. Okay. So you figure at least 20, 21 is this prescription, which puts it four years. And the doctor was, he didn’t really want to admit it could be the patch. You know, your eyes can do that and blah, blah, blah. But he did give me his email address for doc talks on Sunday. So I was excited about that. But I’m most excited that, I mean, I’m living proof your vision can change and mine has.

So I’m real grateful about that. I’m going to analyze my, my blood profiles because I just recently got that work done with my doctor and I, I need to log on to my portal and print a couple pages back, you know, to compare. The doctor did tell me my A1C. Is that what that is called? That. I think, I think it has to do with your sugar or diabetes or something like that. It had gone down significantly and the hemoglobin was much better. So I’m going to do some analyzing there too. There’s no, there’s. It’s just I cannot say enough good things for Life Wave.

I, I still have some aches and pains that happen to me. I have a bulging disc and that’s just reality. And I am so against any surgeries. So I’m working on that now. The ice Wave has given me a lot of relief on the bottom of my feet. More than any place just put them on the bottom of my feet. But I know that’s not a long term situation. So I only began the patches in October. So when I listen to you, I’ll speak about, you know, two and a half years and whatever. I’m excited. Very excited.

I live, I love. Although I noticed such a difference in my skin, my hair, I already had thick hair, but now I really, I noticed a difference. So Life Wave, I’m here. Thank you. That was great. Joyce, thanks so much. Thanks for coming in, sharing. That’s beautiful. Appreciate it. Suzanne. Hello everyone. Hello. Great shares tonight. Really great. I have an aunt and uncle in Phoenix that I’ve been trying, you know, like sending them patches and so on. I tried to get them to go to the event that you all had there. But they couldn’t make it.

So I sent for my uncle. He has, you know, the nerve problem at the bottom of his feet. And so I checked in, I’m like, did he use them yet? And they’re like, oh well, we’re saving it till after the move. I’m like, don’t. You’re supposed to use it now. But they’re in their 80s and they just moved into a new house in the neighborhood. Literally moved themselves. You know, like my aunt loaded the car up at night and brought it over, emptied it the next day. So very active always. So for a housewarming gift, I sent my aunt some x 39 and some energy, the energy patches and again, you know, little directions on how to, to do it.

I enclose the pamphlets and everything. So she wrote back and she goes, thanks for the discs. I tried one when I sprayed my lower back back and the pain and throbbing ceased. And we’ll try the, any energy ones after exercising. So I wrote back and said no, use the energy ones while exercising. But I was so thrilled that they, she actually tried it and, and, and got relief. So yay. Very good. Yeah, good, good advice on the, the energy enhancers because remember they’re developed for Navy SEALs, young guys, Navy seals, like the most active specimens on, in the world.

And so these are very effective. When I first put them on, I’m like, wow. Oh. And I was, I was in my, my late 50s. I’m using him now. I’m well into my 60s now, almost 65. So these, these are, you know, phenomenal, phenomenal energy enhancers. And there’s many, many different uses for them. Of course, moving energy, if you got blocked energy, like injuries and so forth, they’re great. The, you know, the ice wave is basically a souped up energy enhancer. Basically it’s just pushing energy more than usual. So if you’re, if you’re having, you know, some blockages, you’re having energy trapped in a, in pain or whatever, the inner, the ice wave basically is going to break that free.

But if you don’t have that, but you have the energy enhancers, you can use them like an ice wave patch. Great. Yeah, so I’m sure she used the ice wave that they were saving from my uncle for herself. So that was great. And then, you know, hopefully she’ll get good results from the, for the energy because I personally use them every time I work out the X39, 49 and the energy enhancers and amazing. Just, it just Comes from within. Just this extra boost I have. And I do double classes, and people are starting to notice. Now.

I was chatting with one of the. One of the women in my class and explaining the whole. What you just explained about the Navy seals and everything. And she was so impressed because they just went on a private tour of the Pentagon. Yeah. So I sent her some information and, you know, maybe get her trying them. I hope so. That’d be good. Yeah. Right. The more the merrier. I. I think. I think everybody should be. I mean, everybody on Earth should be using the patches. It’s. It’s going to come to that at some point. So wait till that water machine comes out.

Oh, my gosh. I know. I know. Really great. Really great. Thank you. Thanks, Suzanne. Jen, I’m back. And I want to say, everybody, when your hand is lowered, it’s not me doing it, not Michael, not Roxanne, that I know of. You know, but I don’t know why it happened. So apologies to everybody, but I have no idea why that happened. Yeah, it could be something in zoom. Yeah. You know, it might have to be something on. On their end. I don’t know. We’re. We’re definitely not. You know, it’s not in my. My zoom format. Who knows what it is? A glitch in the system.

Who knows how to figure it out? If someone figures it out, let us know so we can fix it. But as. As of now, it just happens. It’s not that big of a deal. Nope. But I just wanted to let them know we don’t do it. Okay, I have the pictures. Here we go. So this is the one that was showing. You can see this with all the patches. And somebody asked about. We call that wallpapering. So that’s. Can you see that? With the Jay’s patches and all of them outlined. So today. He sent this to me today.

So I just have to bring you back to another screen. And here it is right here. Oh, why is that so small? My apologies, but I thought it was there. Stop sharing. Okay, taking you back up. Okay, now I can see. Where is it? Okay, share this. Now. Here we go. Share on screen number one. Can you see it? You can’t. Okay, can you. Now can you. Now can you see? It’s the other one. It’s still the same one. It’s still the other one with the patches. Yeah, the wallpaper patches. It’s not the new one. Can you just.

Yeah, maybe I can just move this over to that one. You know, so I’ll stop it for A second. Because I have to have that over. Yeah, they all sort of jump. And so I’ll pull this over here. I think I can do that. There we go. Okay. I’m putting it on that favorite screen that seems to want. Okay. And then I gotta lift this up so I can do Share. Okay, share. And my apologies, everybody, but, you know, we all work together on this. Can you see it now, Michael Desktop 2. There we go. Nope.

All right, let’s move on to Lynn. Thanks. Okay, give up. Let’s give that a rest. All right, Lynn, go ahead. Yeah. So in January, I was sharing about the chemical fog attacks and how I changed my filter, and it was black, and it had been filter change for the past 13, 14 years. And I really recommended the glutathione and then the energy enhancers on Lung Point 1. Lung Points 1, to clear this stuff out faster. Well, since then, I want to encourage people not to let their guard down. I went to change my filter again. It’s even blacker than it was the last time.

So I’m in Missouri, and with the fires on the coasts, depending upon where the wind blows, I can taste the chemicals when I run, and I run so much, I inhale a lot, and it goes deep in my lungs. So I’m keeping persistent with these patches, and it’s helping so much. Not only that, the chemtrails are getting worse. And I was telling Jen when I was coming back from the Orlando boot camp, we were up above the clouds, and I had a window seat, and I looked out, and there was a chemistry trail plane right outside my window.

And I took pictures of it in video, and it was so. It’s everywhere. So what we can see is bad, but what we can’t see is even worse. I’ve had brand partners reaching out rashes. So it’s not just the lungs. All these chemicals can affect our skin. So I just want to encourage people wear the glutathione. Where are the energy enhancers on the lung points? And we’ll get through this, but the attacks are really bad. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So which. Which patches would you recommend overall? So I always wear the X39 hands down, and frankly, wear the X49 too, because that helps with the WI fi, right? I mean, as a blocker for that radiation.

But then on top of it, I’ve got the glutathione going and then the energy enhancers, frankly, just while I’m talking patches, I love the SP6 for the hormone balancing, and I love the sleep patches. I Used to think I slept well until I tried the sleep patches. Now I sleep like a baby. Deep, wonderful dreams. And I love the Al. So I think, is that all, Michael? Did I miss one? So the ice wave, if I have pain, but for the most part, I just. I’m an X39 stacker for pain. I, you know Dr. Nicholas Travell Foley, who I consider our international pain management doctor.

That’s his recent recommendation. So now when I’ve got a little acre pain hit, I just x39, wait a few minutes if it still hurts. Another one. So far it’s only taken one, but I’m prepared to patch up to three. So I love all of our patches, but specifically for these chemical attacks. Glutathione energy enhancers. Yeah, good, good. So if you’re in an area that’s getting heavy, you know, chemtrailing or the fog, the deadly fog. So I recommend you. You’re. You’re on the patches during that time frame. So that, that definitely help you out, help out your family.

Jt. Thank you. Hi. So I have a. I forgot to mention because I. When Joyce was sharing her vision testimony and she Talked about our A1C, it reminded me that my. That my friend who I gave the testimony about her blood pressure and her heart ejection fraction rate improvement. She also is a type 2 diabetic. Okay. And I’ve known this lady for many, many years. And her A1C was in the, in the sevens, the eights, nines, tens, elevens. Well, now it’s 5.9. Is down to 5.9. I forgot to mention that. Thank you, Joyce, for reminding me.

So I want to pass that along, too. Very good. Oh, I wanted to share. She was off and on with the SP6. I’m going to encourage you, you know, to just be consistent with that because she’s been very consistent with the, the performance bundle for the 23 months. But the SB6, not so much. But I’m gonna, I’m gonna tell you know, to just get back on that and for the long term. And she’ll probably get that 5.9 under 5, you know, within no ranges. She’s pre diabetic now, technically. That’s good. That’s good. That. Yeah, I think that’ll help out a lot.

Absolutely. Thanks, J.T. sure. All right. IPhone. My name is Tommy and I live in East Tennessee. I haven’t before, but it’s such a joy to be on here and I’m so grateful to be on the Michael Jaco team. I’m 76 years young and I still with the help of X39 work four days a week, long hours, home health care, seeing a lot of chins. Wow. With patients is that I see so many that don’t have any hope and they just have given up being on so many medications. I wish that, I wish to share with them but I can’t because of my job right now.

But I do share with all those that I see can share with and I have a new brand partner that just signed on and I’ll share more later at another time. I know you’re about ready to close it out. My deceased husband did serve in the Navy for 17 and a half years. He flew the P3 Orion mostly Brunswick, Maine. And I’ll close it out there and share with you at another time. I have a list of things that ways that the X39 have benefited me. Well, we got like nine minutes so if you want to share some more, that’s fine.

Well, the knee pain that I had and I thought I was going to have to have a knee replacement. After two months being on the X39 resolved completely. And also I was having a lot of back pain that was just really persistent, maybe once a week. It was like a chronic thing and I have, that has completely resolved. I had a scar, a 10 inch scar on my right forearm that is so improved that you wouldn’t even recognize that it’s there. And I share with, share the patches with my animals. I’ve seen amazing results. I have an animal that’s 14 and a half Havanese that’s 14 half years old.

And honestly I think that it has given her, it has rejuvenated her over the last year. She was at a place that she couldn’t even go up and down the steps and I would have to help her up them and down and now she runs up them. So. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, that’s, that’s a beautiful share. Yeah, thanks for, thanks for that. I fixed it. All right, let’s see it. Okay, I put it on a sheet. Okay, here it is. This is his healed hand. Can you see it now, Michael? Oh my gosh. That’s amazing.

Look at. So that’s today. That’s a day, huh? Yeah, that’s today. I made him take a picture like an hour ago before you show. Holy moly. It’s pretty solid. It’s pretty close. That’s incredible. Yeah, yeah. Keep us updated, you know, with those and we’ll, we’ll do another time lapse. That’ll be Good. Sorry about. Oh, yeah, no worries. I’m glad you figured out. Thanks. That’s good. Yeah. So we can hear from Roxanne, and we heard a little bit from Roxanne. Frederick, you want to share a little bit? And then maybe, Art, some of the people that you shared with and the results that you got for patching people this last weekend.

Well, if Art or Roxanne want to tell the other part of this story, I see a lady coming in, dancing, and going, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can’t believe this. Apparently, I. I just heard this part. She was in, like, the median and couldn’t move her leg. Her knee was hurting, and she couldn’t move. I just saw the part where she came in to the room going, oh, my God. And she’s dancing around and kind of running around in the room. So I don’t know if anybody wants to take part one of that one.

Yeah, this is Art. That was the heavyset woman that was in the vendor room. She was at the table behind us, and apparently she made it off the median and was back behind her table at the booth. And she was really upset. She was almost. She was really hurting. She was in a lot of pain. Very, very, very uncomfortable. So for some reason, I took an eon patch first rather than an X39, and had her put it where the pain was the greatest. And it helped. And then I followed it up with the next 39 patch on directly on top of the eon patch.

And she was immediately out of pain. And that’s when she started dancing. She was about to cry. She was so happy. It was really remarkable. And after thinking about it today, as I was driving home, I thought to myself, why did I put the eon patch on there first rather than an X39? Because at the time, my intuition just said, give her neon patch first. And so I just did really think about it. But today, after thinking about it, she was really upset. She needed a happy patch. So I think that’s why my intuition told me to start with eon and then go 39.

That’s all I can think of. But it was a great. Let me add this. It was a great event. Fred, Roxanne, we make a great team. We really, really had a great weekend. I think between the three of us, we signed up 14 people on the spot. And the leads that we collected, I believe, are the strong we have ever collected. And I’m gonna. As soon as this calls over, I’m gonna start following up with people. But it was a great Event. Michael, thank you so much for, for bringing us into that. Oh, yeah, of course.

You guys are like the, the crack team. You guys come in. I don’t go anywhere without them. We’re not going to forget Terry because Terry is my little firecracker when we go to the gym. But thank you. It was great. Yeah, it was, it was great seeing you guys in action too. You guys are amazing, Amazing team. You’re like the Special Forces Seals of the Life booths. So, Frederick, do you have any other stories that you’d like to share? Well, well, first of all, I want to say. J.T. wow. Joyce. Wow. Hannah. I mean. And Lynn.

Lynn, I used your energy protocol with the glutathione, apparently. And I think, including Art, if he, if he lets me speak for him. The indoor air quality two day event. Indoor air quality was getting to some people, especially their throats. So I said, when I, when I, when I started driving up, I saw me use the energy patches, you know, which gave me a lot of energy. But I also threw a glutathione on because I was traveling and I said, let me do a preemptive strike so I didn’t have any problems. And then I did it.

I also did it the next, the next day after I skipped a day on the glutathione and I did it the next day after that event and then had the energy patches on also. But I didn’t have the energy patches on the way home and I don’t have the energy patches on now. And what a difference in my energy level. I just feel like I got to go take a nap. But at the event, I was like, I was like full on, you know, no problem. And mentally my mental acuity was much better. Yeah, that’s fantastic.

Yeah, being, being a speaker of those events, you know, you’re, you’re like, you’re kind of like, you know what? Because I, I’m a, I go by, you know, what God wants me to talk about. I don’t, I don’t have any pre. Planned anything. I just come out and speak from the heart and I, I just feel like, you know, from the patches, it’s, it’s helped me, you know, speak better, more calmly, you know, tapping in how to source better. So that’s, I think that’s helped me a lot. I feel, you know, super energized when I, when I speak now.

There’s, there’s no hesitation as share and share and share and this. A lot of people had had great experiences. I heard from people about the patches too. They’ve been on the teams for a long time and they’re having incredible experiences. So everybody’s waiting for that, waiting for that water machine to come out. I think they’re gonna have to like have millions of them ready. I hope they do because there’s gonna be so many people snatching those up. Roxanne, do you have anything at last, uh, last, last words? Yep. Yes. So, because this was a two day event, which I think is always a good thing, you get to patch the people the first day and then hear how they’re feeling the second day, at least three, maybe four different people that I personally patched, they all had very positive stories to share.

Mostly I had better. I had like really great sleep last night. I feel, I just feel more energized today. The typical things that we hear from X39, one, actually two different women. One woman with. I don’t think I can say this the diagnosis, but you can’t. Her, her shoulder is. Well, she can’t raise her arm up over her head, basically. Can I say that? I don’t know what I can say anyways, so I don’t know if it’s a diagnosis. I don’t want to get in trouble. So. So she had limited range of motion in the left shoulder.

And I had patched her with x3949eon. And the first day I patched her with the energy enhancer just to help move it because she didn’t really have a lot of pain. And then this, the second day she came back. I saw her a little bit later in the day and she came in and I had asked her, I said, can you raise your arms? And she raised, had more range of motion in that injured shoulder, in that injured arm. She didn’t go all the way up, but she went a good ways up. And I asked her, I said, are you having any pain? And she said no.

And I said, well, let’s, you know, let’s reapply the patches. But the second day, instead of energy, I used ice wave just in case. And she did. She did great. And then she signed up, so. Oh yeah, yeah. And then another woman with severe hip pain, she doesn’t need a hip replacement yet, but she is planning to go for stem cell injections and patched her up with a variety of patches. And she came in the next day and she was just literally jumping up and down and like not in any pain. She says, oh my God, maybe I don’t need those stem cell injections.

I’M like, I don’t know, you know, you stay on the patches long enough, you might not have to. Have to get that done. Oh, yeah, I would, I would recommend the patches and you don’t get the stem cell injections. That definitely happen for me. All right, that’s been a lot, lots of great cheers, guys. Thank you guys for, you know, commenting on the event that was. Those are great shares as well. Everybody gets to see, you know, just, just in a couple days, you know, people have incredible results and they’re very grateful. Usually they want to stay on the patches and that’s, that’s great.

All right, so if you guys want to unmute and say goodnight, lots of love to you guys and we’ll see you guys next time. Good night, everybody. Thanks everyone. Thank you, everybody. Sally and Carla and everybody. Good night, everyone. Thank you. Shares. Good night, everyone. Good night. Love and blessings to all.



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