The fog afflicting much of the country is causing medical problems. We have potential remedies.

Spread the truth



➡ Life Wave is a high-tech company that uses light technology in the form of patches to promote wellness. The patches, such as X39, reflect body heat back in a specific wavelength, signaling the body to produce a protein or peptide that rejuvenates cells. This technology can potentially provide benefits like pain relief, better sleep, reduced inflammation, mental clarity, and increased energy. The patches are safe, non-transdermal, and should be worn daily for optimal results.
➡ The text is a conversation about the positive experiences people have had using patches for various health issues. One woman shared how the patches helped her recover quickly from a head injury. Another woman, a holistic wellness counselor, shared how the patches improved her vision and her daughter-in-law’s oral health. A third woman shared a story about how the patches helped during her daughter-in-law’s labor and may have contributed to the baby’s calm demeanor.
➡ The speaker shares two stories about the benefits of using patches for pain relief. In the first story, a baby is described as unusually calm and advanced, which the speaker attributes to the use of the patches. In the second story, the speaker’s father, who usually relies on pills for pain relief, experiences relief from a headache and back pain through the use of patches. The speaker’s mother applies the patches, and the father’s pain disappears within 15 minutes each time. The speaker expresses pride and happiness in being able to help their parents in this way.
➡ The speaker shares their experiences with a therapy involving patches, which they believe have helped them and others recover from various ailments. They mention a personal incident where they used the patches to recover from a foot fracture, and also share stories of helping others with their pain using these patches. They express hope that this therapy will gain more recognition and use in the future.
➡ The speaker shared her experience with a product called X39, which helped her and others alleviate pain and increase energy levels. She also mentioned how it improved her health numbers and her dog’s health. Another speaker shared how X39 helped a snowboarder with a broken tailbone and a woman with autoimmune issues. Lastly, a discussion about the benefits of carnosine, an antioxidant, was brought up, suggesting it could help with nerve issues and brain health.
➡ The text discusses the benefits of using patches, which have helped improve brain function, eyesight, and even speed up the healing process of broken bones. The patches are also praised for their antioxidant properties. However, the text also warns about the dangers of using toxic cleaning materials, which can lead to health issues. The importance of regular health check-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also emphasized.


Foreign. Hello everyone. It’s Miracle Monday with Life Wave. So we’ve seen a lot of high tech stuff out there these days that they’re coming out with. They’re talking about anti gravitic and all that kind of stuff. Some of the stuff I’ve been involved with and I’ve seen, I’ve been involved in a lot of this high tech stuff in the, in the past. The stuff with David Schmidt is, is up there. It’s on the highest levels of, you know, technology. Of course he was involved with the uh, SEAL teams very early on. The sales community basically has uh, you know, the highest tech of the highest tech that’s out there.

And now you have the high tech, you know, available to you and it keeps getting better because David Schmidt, you know, is, is pushing the envelope to an incredible level with Life Wave. And we, we hope that more of you get involved, that more of you are, uh, have incredible experiences like we’re going to talk about tonight. And before we get started we’re going to have Dr. Annabel Garcia. Newark is going to basically give us a very nice background on Life Wave and how we basically run these shows. Thank you so much Michael. And hopefully you’re enjoying Arizona.

We need some warmer weather here in New York. We are ice cold and I want to say thank you to everyone. Happy, happy, happy as always to be here. And welcome to those joining us tonight live. And welcome to those joining us later on on the replay. This is Monday Miracle with Michael Jacob. Our Life Wave show where we come together to share our life changing experiences that we have had because of the Lifewave technology. We have been very fortunate that David Schmidt is brilliant and, and he created this technology, he shared it with all of us.

And we are fortunate that the leaders in our team like Barbara Lippincott and Jen Allen and Michael Jacobs shared this with us. So we are blessed and we are in very good company. So I am Dr. Annabel, a physician from New York and I am honored to be part of this community because we value true health and wellness and we understand how truly important it is for, for those of us that are here, but also for those we love and those that we don’t even know yet because we’re sharing this with everyone. And the Lifewave technology is a holistic approach to wellness and it’s especially effective when you use it with a healthy lifestyle.

So whenever you do something great, you know, of course good habits, we get good results. So this is one good habit that we all have that we’re going to keep for a lifetime. And so Lifewave and its brand partners do not claim to diagnose, treat or cure, but we’re here to share and we’re here to share these amazing stories. And why do we talk about Lifewave? Because we love it so. And because there is especially one of the technologies that we always love to highlight. But we’ll talk about many of the others here tonight called X39.

And so the concept or the principles of the patch are this is a light technology in the form of a patch. And we can wear this patch and when we place it on our bodies or the patches within 3 to 6 inches of our body, it activates the patch. And the center of a patch is a crystal structure. It acts like a mirror. It takes in our body heat, it reflects it back to us in a specific wavelength, and that wavelength signals our body to make a protein or peptide. Oh, my bad. And GH copper peptide has all these incredible properties that a scientist, Dr.

Lauren Picard, discovered. And David Schmidt was brilliant and he used these, this information and this years on decades long of research to come and discover and create the X39. So once the patch is on our body, it reflects our light back to us, creates this or signals this peptide. And this peptide activates our cells to a younger, healthier, more vibrant self so that we can repair and regenerate what we were meant to always do. But because of time and exposures to stuff in our environment, those abilities start to decrease. And so we start to get older, we start to age, and we start to, for lack of a better term, decay.

But when we use the technology, we can reverse this and we can get back to where we’re supposed to be. Healthy, vibrant and, and living life to the fullest is what we all would love to do. Some of the benefits that you may hear tonight that are part of the X39 is rapid pain relief, better sleep, reduced inflammation, mental clarity, energy and vitality. They are a patented technology created by Diva Schmidt. They’re non transdermal because all it does is reflect your light back to you. It doesn’t introduce anything except your own light. So they are safe to use.

And we wear them for 12 hours on because we want to give our body that optimal time to respond to the signal. We remove the patch, we give our break, our body a break for 12 hours so that it can then rest and recuperate and regenerate. And it feels so much better when you do that. And it works so much better when you do that. And we use them daily. Because when you use them daily, you then compound the results and you get that optimal desired outcome. We’re all patient because we’re all individuals, and some will feel it within one patch, while others may take time.

So patch daily and be patient, and you will see what you want to see and feel what you want to feel. And from day one, when you place that patch on your body, it is doing something. You just may not feel it. But give it time. You will start to feel it and you will start to see it. And lastly, the one general recommendation is wear the patch for one month for every decade that you have been alive. To start. When we share, we like to say symptoms only because we don’t like to use diagnosis names to remain compliant.

And tell us how you felt before you started the patches, what patches you use, and how you feel after starting the patches. And I am so happy to hear all these amazing stories that everyone is going to share, and I have a few to share for myself as well. So thank you, Michael, and back to you. Thank you, Dr. Annabelle. That was fantastic. And, you know, Denise and I were out at this event here in Arizona. Denise is back in California. But, you know, we. We spoke at this event. Denise did an amazing job upstage on stage with the other doctors and so forth.

So great job. Dr. Nicholas had people come up and they’re in, like, extreme pain. And he put. He patched them, and within seconds, you know, the pain was virtually gone. Uh, that problems moving, uh, their limbs, uh, or squatting or whatever. And, uh, it was. They were basically able to move, uh, you know, full range again in seconds. And that’s one of the great things about, for me, it was a scene is believing. That’s the way I was with. That’s the way pretty much I am with everything now. I have to see it to believe it.

And that’s. That’s what happened with me when I started using the patches. And that’s what a lot of people need. They need to see someone have great results or hear someone have great results. Like we’re gonna. We’re gonna talk about tonight. And that’s the. The beauty of this technology. Now, some things like Dr. Annabelle was basically describing is we can’t talk about some of the incredible results and testimonials on certain key aspects of what this technology is turning around. Some people that were basically had that C word that ends with R. Tracy was just. My wife is just talking to someone that was giving her massage today, and she had that C word thing, and she basically used the Patches and went back to the doctor and that C thing was gone.

So we’ve. We’ve heard a lot of that. That’s one of the beauty, beautiful things we can do at some of these events. Now, my event, it was videoed, so we didn’t go too far into those. Those areas. But Dr. Nicholas event, because we weren’t videoing that, we talked openly about a lot of that stuff. And I’ve seen David Schmidt do that at some events as well that were kind of private events. So we can only go so far with describing, you know, the miraculous effects of this technology. And like Dr. Annabel described, all you do is put a patch on your body and it does the work.

You don’t even think about it. You don’t even know what’s happening. You don’t know your nails are growing. You don’t know your cells are dividing. And whether they’re being doing that C word thing or doing healthy, you don’t know. So this patch makes everything work much better and turns around a lot of things that are. That we’re having problems with. So you wear the patch, you keep wearing the patch. And I’ve never met anybody or talked anybody that stayed on the patch for a period of time that did have incredible results. So maybe you don’t have incredible results right away.

Like, you hear some of the people talking about here, and you’re like, oh, does it work for me? No, stay on the patch. And that’s one of the things that all of us have been talking about for quite some time. All right, so let’s. You guys want to share, go ahead and raise your hands. We’ll. We’ll. I’ll call on you and you can come in and share your amazing experiences. And Jen, we’ll. We’ll start with you. So I had some sense knocked into me. I was at my hairdresser’s and put something in his sink. And there was a big cabinet, a sharp end, and I went, bam.

I tried to take pictures. It just didn’t do it. But it was a big goose egg. I had a really big goose egg. So x 39 during the day and eon at night, within two to three days gone. And my daughter Joy moved into the house this week in our house and had the other side both walking around with x39 and eons on. I mean, crazy family, but it was. I actually wanted to take a picture. She wouldn’t let me. So anyway, I just want you all to know, do use those patches because they do work.

And, oh, my God, I, I was really hurting. I’m fine now, hopefully. Okay, that’s my share. And there are so many good things tonight. Denise and her daughter in law and Lynn and oh, I’m telling you, so many people have good shares. Michael. I can’t wait. Me too. I love this. I love this one hour that we share together. It’s one of my favorites of the whole week. Joanne. Hi Michael. Hi everybody. Hey listen, I want to thank everybody for allowing me to share. I get a little crazy because I get so excited when something else happens.

People don’t know I am a certified wellness holistic wellness counselor. I have had many things thrown at me. Nothing like this. So I have five things that are already gone with me and my next thing that I’m so excited about is my vision. My vision. It’s amazing. It’s back to like 2020. I’m like, oh my goodness. And so I also have a share for my daughter in law. She has, I introduced patches to her. She got on them. She has a problem with her mouth in her mouth. She has some virus or something, I’ve never heard of it, I don’t know.

But when she goes to the dentist she has to go often to get her teeth cleaned to keep her gums I guess as healthy as possible. This last time she called me and she said to me, you’re not going to believe this. I said what? She said, she went in was the first time they were. The hydrannist was cleaning her teeth. She said, I don’t, she said I don’t know what you’re doing but your mouth is like. It is changing so much, is so much healthier. So of course my daughter in law told her about you know, the patches.

But you know, I want to thank everybody who comes on with their stories because it helps other people see how it can change for them and it is different for everyone. For me it keeps changing. It’s. I have never seen anything like this. So go talk. You know, if we talk, we help someone else. Anyway, thank you. That’s beautiful. Joanne. Thanks so much. Denise. Hey. So I know, I don’t know how many weeks ago it was that I shared about my grandson being born and I was the birthing coach and. And you know that whole experience was so magical and sacred.

But one of the things that I share, I’m just going to do that one real short and then I’m going to go on to some other parts of this whole thing. But so we were. She was having a very, very difficult time in labor and it was, you know, 24 hours from the time we checked in and she was already in labor until the baby was born. So we went through the whole day, the whole night, and into the next evening, and it was, was something else, you know, but myself and my son and her mother and her, we were all wearing the X39.

And the. Basically the long story short is the nurse had come in after we’d been there for 24 hours already, and she said, you know, I. I’m afraid to tell you, I think it’s going to be another four to six hours. And my daughter in law started to cry. She’s like, I can’t do this. Another four to six hours. And her mother and I looked at each other and went, oh my gosh. So I said, all right. I lined up my mother, her mother and her mother, my son and myself, and we did. I put on the energy enhancers also, because I’m like, man, we’re gonna be here for a while.

We need this. And I told her, I said, when you’re ready, we’re gonna bring the energy enhancers into your field. You, but you gotta be ready because, you know, and so she, as she’s crying and she’s like, okay, I’m ready. So. So we brought the energy enhancers into her field too. And my son started to panic because he couldn’t see the heartbeat on the monitor anymore. And so he ran out of the room to get the nurse. And we were like trying to tell him to slow down. You know, it could have just been that the thing moved on the belly and she.

So the nurse comes in and she’s like, okay, you know, new dad, he’s a little hysterical, so I’ll, I’ll take a look, you know, and she goes, oh my God, his head’s already there. So this was 20 minutes after we brought. Brought the energy enhancers into her field. And I mean, it was. Then it was ruckus, you know, the, the nurse and the doctors and everybody comes running in. There’s like a whole team of five people. And then it just erupted in chaos. But it was so beautiful and so fun. That baby just shot right out.

She had no pain, she didn’t tear, nothing. You know, it was just a miracle. So I’m talking to them the other day and. No, I’m sorry, it was two weeks ago. And so Cassandra tells me, you know, we had been trying to get pregnant for like six months and we weren’t having any traction. And she said, and Josh is my son. Said, you know what, I’m going to start patching you. And he instinctively just thought I’m going to put the X39 on the, on the uterus point in the acupuncture meridian system. There’s the uterus point is right above the pelvis area.

And then he put one on her lung. So she, for a week she wore x39 on the uterus and the lung. And the reason he did that was because in, in Hebrew, in the Bible, basically to breathe is to live. So he just thought, well, I’ll just help open up the lung point, we’ll open up the uterus point. And in one week they were pregnant. I know, that’s so exciting. Right? And so she had gone into, she had got rear ended by somebody about seven weeks before the baby came and she was in a lot, so she had a lot of back pain.

So we were patching her with eon and ice wave and that was always taking the edge. I mean it was taking her pain away. But then she’d go a couple of days and it come back up. So all of that to say you can use your own discretion but we haven’t had any negative experiences with using it, with pregnancy and then even after and you know, for her healing and stuff. And so that’s very, very, very exciting. I don’t even know what to say. I mean we can’t say on, you know, that that’s what it is.

But I’m telling you that those are, those are stories that they, it lends credibility to me in my mind, you know, so I, I just thought I’d share that. Wow. Those are those. That’s, that’s like incredible, like that’s like an incredible miracle. So you have miracles and you have incredible miracles and that’s, that’s the incredible miracle side. Yes. So you know, just the conception through the actual delivery and have you have any experience now with the baby where the patches might be helping the baby at this point? Yes, yes. I wanted to say that again, we can’t say that this is what it is, but I’m going to tell you, this is the most incredible baby.

I have never seen a baby that is so calm. He doesn’t cry when he wants to nurse. He just, he squeaks a little, he makes some little noises and he turns his head and he opens his mouth like he wants to nurse. That’s it. The baby doesn’t cry. He’s so calm. It’s and, and so happy. And he’s also, and I’ve been around a lot. I’ve been a birthing coach. I’ve had kids, I have grandkids, I’ve got eight grandkids. I’ve got, you know, five kids. So I, I’ve been around a lot of babies, worked in the nursery growing up, you know, and I’ve just never seen a baby with such a temperament.

And he was, to me, he’s advanced. He was, he was doing things at, you know, a couple of days old that, I mean, he was already starting to track, listening, he would respond. I mean, I, I don’t know, I’m just saying he’s like a little, he’s like a little superhero already. And I think that because she’s been using the, the technology that, that, that energetics comes off on him and he’s nursing so he’s getting, he’s in that field all the time and, and he’s just, he’s so calm and, and just beautiful. To me, he’s a little miracle.

Wow. Sounds like might have a little walk in. That’s good. Yeah, thanks, Denise. That’s incredible. Thank you. You’re welcome. Dr. Annabelle, hello again. So I get to share a story about my dad. Usually I’m sharing stories about my mom, who’s a very super fast responder and she was the main reason why I went to this life wave journey. So I’m very grateful to her as well. So my dad is of the mentation that there’s a pill for every illness. He’s old school, he needs to take something or either it comes from a doctor or it comes from the pharmacy or it comes from the shelves and anytime he has a headache or something, he has to take a pill.

So my mom is an astute student and I’ve been working with her really well. And she told him no, he started complaining of a headache. You’re not going to take an over the counter remedy or a pill. I’m going to use the patches on you. So I’m like super proud of my mom. So she put the ice wave on his forehead, on his temples and she said within 15 minutes the headache was gone. So I’m like, awesome. My mom is learning, my dad is slowly learning, but you know, we’re going to take our time with him.

And so shortly after he started complaining that his back hurt. And my mom did this all without me, by the way. I heard this story after it all transpired. And so when he started complaining about his back, my mom, again, super smart, she removed the patches that he had on his temples and she placed it on his back in the area of pain. And again, within 15 minutes, his back pain was gone. And he did not need to use a pill to cure his ill. So that kind of made me super ecstatic, super happy, because it’s just that much healthier.

Like, there’s reasons why we have them, and we use them for various reasons, but if you don’t have to use the patches and you don’t have to resort to a pill for every ill. So I’m super proud of both of them, and both of them have been using the technology for 19 months. And I’m loving what I’m seeing, and I love seeing my mom look comfortable and not suffering with her chronic knee pain. And anytime she has something going on, she calls me up and she asked me, what do I do? How do I patch? And I’m like, okay, here, mom.

This is what you do. And she’s good as gold. So I’m super happy. I get to help my parents in a really good way. Wow, that’s. That’s incredible. So, yeah, there’s been a nice, you know, throughout time, you know, miracles for your mom and out for your dad. Now, that’s interesting about his headache. And then once you treated the headache and that was resolved, and then the back pain came in. So from your experience, can we. Can we see that? You know, maybe the headache was from the back pain. He didn’t realize that it could be because long ago he had a very serious spinal infection.

So most certainly that could have been it. And it’s just manifested with the headache first. You know, sometimes I don’t know with my dad, he’s one of those that likes to complain about everything. But, you know, if he’s complaining and we have the patches, why not? That’s beautiful. All right, well, that’s great. Thank you very much. Thank you, Roxanne. Hi, Michael. Hi, everybody. I don’t have a share, but I have my hand raised for Alicia, who is in under you, and we spoke last week, and she proceeded to share her story with me, and she’s on the call tonight.

So I would love for Alicia to unmute and come on in and you can share your awesome story. So thank you. Technically challenged. Hi. Oh, you did it. Good. Hi. Hi. My debut on Miracle Mondays. I’d like to first thank you, Michael, for all that you do, because I wouldn’t have found this show if it wasn’t for you. My niece Debbie and her friend Lisa sort of woke me up to what’s going on in the world and told me about You. And I started following you probably two years ago or so. And I was watching you, and I would see you’d have all these people on.

And finally I watched it, and I’m like, wow, these are amazing stories. And then, I mean, I feel like I know all of you because I’ve been watching this for, like, almost a year. And I saw Fred hold up a picture of his X rays of his knee. And I said, oh, my gosh, that’s my knee. And he proceeded to say that he was walking after patching it. And I just heard all these stories. I’m a retired physician assistant, so. And I was like, wow. So I thought, what the heck? I have chronic uncle arthritis stuff.

I guess you can’t put diagnosis here. And went up chronic problems with my back and others. So I thought, why not? So I got the X39. I joined your team because I want to support you for being such a wonderful patriot for our country. I just. Thank you. I didn’t know what I was doing. I got it, and I put the X39 behind my neck, my C7 area. And I sat there, and within 20 minutes, it was like somebody took the windshield. And it cleared my vision. I had this, like, mental clarity, and I thought, oh, my gosh, what is this? And it gradually, I didn’t get it every time I put on, but I had mental clarity, and I was much more alert.

And my daily back pain and all of this was getting better. So I put it on probably three days. And then I thought, well, I got to try something on my knee. I didn’t know what the X49 was. I knew about the stem cells with the X39 and that, so. And my body’s full of inflammation, so. So I just put the X49 on my knee. And usually when I sit down, I go to get up. I’d have to stand there for a while and get my knee to move because it was so painful. Well, I put it on, and within hour and a half, two hours, of course, I’m home alone.

I stand up and I go to walk into my kitchen, and I’m walking and my knee don’t hurt. And I’m like, this can’t be. And. But it did. And of course, there’s only my dog Shadow, who’s benefited, too, from these, but here to tell. So I told my family and stuff and had them try them, and they’d get their many miracles, but would persist to stay on them, mainly financial reasons. So I’ve been now using the patches since February of last year probably continuously. And my quality of life has improved 90% as far as pain, clarity and just spiritually even better.

But I did. I have tried the other patches as well but I thought I couldn’t believe it. So I’ve been doing it, but my knee has continued. Eventually it got worse again but I didn’t know what Fred put on his. So I just did Eon on the inside and the glutathione on the outside and that took it away in a couple weeks. So I need a knee replacement but I’m hoping not to. And because it’s that physical condition, I still limp so it still will bother my back. So walking is so much better. I could walk now I can.

So I’m hearing people talk about putting the Aeon underneath like their cat bed or wrong their dogs on their collar. And I thought, oh, my dog, he’s his name Shadow. He’s going to be 11 in April and he was diagnosed in 2023 with something that goes along with pushing. So only it’s not that. So he has a lot of muscle weaknesses and other things and he was really lethargic. So I. Poor dog. I put an X39 on the back of his head where I thought maybe his C7 was and an X49 on his hind legs. And it just saw.

And he went outside and he comes in and he’s actually like almost runny and he goes and grabs a toy and throws it up in the air. And I’m just staring at him because he hadn’t played with his toys for like almost a year. So he’s. He’s my favorite customer right now. So I said but. But it’s. It’s definitely a miracle. And you know, I praise God, Jesus for all of this. You know, he’s like this is light therapy frequently the therapy. And I believe, you know, we in the future in January 6th, today was a good day this year and that we’re going to see more of this in medicine.

I mean I. I practiced for over 30 years and you know, like Dr. Annabelle was saying her father’s like a pill for everything. Well, when you’re a practitioner, this is what they tell you. Well, they got this, give them this, give them that. So it’s sort of the same. So. And now that I’m using it, I’m not decaying as was mentioned before. But I just wanted to thank you and thank all of you for talk telling about this and I hope to share it. Maybe somebody will see me here. That. That doesn’t know, I know about it and.

But that’s pretty much for me, you got a lot going on and I, I could go on allowed, you know, But I thank you so much for being a truther and, you know, because. And I. And I pray for you and your. Your family. Thank you. That’s beautiful. Alicia. Yeah. Come back in. Sure. More often. That’s, that’s great. I think everyone’s of opinion. I am that. That was incredible. Share. I work with a lot of guys over the years in the SEAL teams that became, you know, physicians assistants and I know that they do a lot of work there and sometimes they’re doing more work and than the doctors are.

So thanks, thanks for your service. So very good job. So great, great insight. So I appreciate that. Yeah. Thank you, Lynn. Thanks, Roxanne. Thank you. Hey, Michael. Hey. So I. I have been really sick the last couple weeks, and the symptoms weren’t acting like a normal cold. I didn’t know if it was a cold or the flu. For example, I had a sore throat that was off the charts like I’ve never had in my life. And then, Jen, thank you. Jim sent me a text about the fog chemical weapon and check your H vac filters. So I went right to my filter, and it was black.

And my house, I’ve lived here almost 14 years. I change my filters faithfully every quarter. They’re always pure white, snow white. My H vac guy asked me why I do it so often because they are always so white. But it makes me feel better. And they were black. And so I changed them because I knew what it was. Again, thank you, Jen. And that night when I woke up the next morning, I was 50 to 75% better. And so it was definitely from that chemical attack. And I kept getting better by the hour. And I felt so good that I thought, you know, I can go get my nails done.

So I went and got my nails done. It was a super mistake because it wasn’t just my house in this area that got attacked. Right. It’s everybody. So now I’m in a building with filters that haven’t been changed for two hours. And I mean, I went downhill. And I thought, I have these patches and I know that, that they help me not be as bad as I could be. But then I remembered I had the energy patches and I had heard and was reminded on a recent call that that helps move things through faster. So I put them on my lung points and sure enough, I started turning the corner again.

And I’ve been getting better and Better and better. And I attribute that, you know, now at this point, I mean, I’m doing my teas and my other homeopathic stuff, but the real corner was turned with the energy patches. Wow. Yeah, that’s a very good share. Thanks, Lynn. So hopefully a lot of people that are out there got that. I heard that from Jen, and I put it out on my last show. So, you know, hopefully more people get that. Heads up. You know, look at your filters right now. If you’re. If you’ve been in an area where that’s been getting a lot of fog, make sure they’re clean and maybe just change them anyway, so great share.

Thank you. And the lung points. Don’t forget the lung points, guys. So you can put the patches on the lung points and move the energy. And if you have little ones, like we’re, you know, we’re talking about earlier with Denise, just being in the location near someone, if they’re birthing, having trouble birthing, you can actually help them, you know, move the energy and so forth. So, you know, that’s the beauty of these patches, because you can be patched up and you can be in an environment where people aren’t, you know, and you can affect them a positive way, even if they don’t believe, they can tell you, I don’t believe in the patches, but you’re there, they’re near you, and they get that benefit.

All right. So thank you. Trish. Hi. Hi. My name’s Trish, and I’ve been on the patches about 14 months. So I have two stories. One is about me, and one’s about a friend who I patched. Well, about four weeks ago, I worked three 12 hour shifts in a row in the ICU, which I probably could only do with the patches on because I’m 69 years old. So after I did that, I had been to a hip doctor because my hip’s been bothering me. I’ve been patching it faithfully. And he said, well, you just have a little bone on bone at the top, some bursitis.

Let me give you a cortisone shot and go for physical therapy. And I said, okay. So I worked the three 12s, got up the next morning, and I was going to pt and I was really tired. I don’t even know how I did this. I stepped off my back step, and I thought I sprained my foot, it hurt so badly, locking my door. And I’ve been in this house for almost 30 years. I don’t know how I did that, but so I Put my patch, my X39, took it off my neck, put it on my foot, and I drove with my foot on the gas and brake pedal down to physical therapy, walked across the parking lot, did my pt, came home, I patched myself for four days.

And then I said, wow, my foot is really swollen and bruised. So I went for an X ray, and I have a fifth metatarsal fracture. And I’ve been walking on it for four days. So just a dumb nurse here. So now, four weeks later, I’m doing well. I’ve been using a lot of patches, and I’ve been in the air boot and everything. So I think I’m getting better quickly. And hopefully with my X ray, in a week and a half, I’ll be able to go back to work. So that’s the first story. The patches have helped me with that.

I’ve been putting x49 on the fracture. I was putting x39. Now I’m putting x49 on the fracture using energy enhancers. I’ve got my glutathione on my wrist as Barbara Lippincott told me to, so everyone can see it. So, anyway, so that’s me. So then New Year’s Eve, I met some friends out at a restaurant where a band that I knew was playing. And I put my air boot on and walked in, and the bass player had so much pain behind his scapula there. He just. He looked awful. And I said, do you mind if I put a little patch on you? And I told him about it, and he’s a big truther.

He knows you, Michael. And so right on the middle of the stage, he was in so much pain, he’s lifting up his shirt. So I put it on, and he said he felt a lot better. He came back 20 minutes later. He said, the pain is all gone, but I have a spot over my kidney on my right. He goes, it’s always bothering me. Can I move it there? And I said, sure. So I moved it there, and his hip was really cold there, and I like rubbing it and doing some Reiki on it and everything.

I said, ah. He goes, it’s always that way. So anyway, I’m talking to him about the patches, and I helped him so quickly, I was amazed. It helped another friend of mine. I went to her small dinner party and I patched her back and she did really well with it. She’s interested, too, so some really good results. I was really happy to help them. Thanks. Wow, that’s fantastic. And, Trish, I know you’ve just Been, you know, consistent, sharing, wanting to share with your friends and everybody’s like. But now you’re starting to get a little traction maybe.

So good luck for you. You’re, you’re amazing. Fingers crossed. Thank you. I think you would be a, a great manager, director and SPD someday. So hopefully it works out for you. Hello everyone. Hi, Michael, how are you? Nice to see you. So Monday, pickle ball day. I do have a lot of friends there and actually one of the girls, I invited her to the call. I don’t know if she’s on, but she was complaining about her elbow, how she had done it in bowling and it’s been over a week. So I said, oh, I have something if you’re interested.

So we did, we sat down, I put it right on where the, the pain was. So I put an X39 right where the pain was. And then she went to play. And then maybe 10 minutes later, can she tell me her pain level was like a four or something? She goes, oh my gosh, it’s, it’s almost gone. So she was really interested. She goes, I gotta know, what are you doing? So then I, I did hit tell, then a couple other people heard me, overheard me talking, so invited quite a few people, but it’s, it’s a lot of fun.

I have tons of energy. So personally myself, I’ll be 63 next month and I have so much energy. I’ve been playing pickleball probably three, four times a week, maybe sometimes five. And, and I can go three, four, three, four hours at a time. It’s wonderful. I just, I, I, I just love sharing my story and how, how we feel. And my husband as well, he’s 61, does a lot of heavy lifting and does, and so he, he, his back is great. Um, he worries that he, in the past he worried a lot about it because, you know, he had some injuries.

But we’ve been using the technology for two years now and I will continue to use it forever because I feel so wonderful. Also, my Sugar went from 6.3 down to 5.5. So I’ve had some blood work done over the last year or so and definitely all my numbers are within range. So I just wanted to put that out to feeling good, getting a lot of exercise, but before patches didn’t have that kind of energy and had a lot of issues. High blood pressure, high cholesterol. But now, like I said, two years later, I’m good to go.

And I have a dog story quick. I do have a 15 year old Chihuahua. Last year he almost died, but then we started patching him, and he’s still here. So it’s a good. It’s a real good thing. And I know it’s the patches because we’re not really doing anything differently. He had, you know, a 5 centimeter mass on his liver, but I suspect it’s either shrunk or not even there. But he’s got a ton of energy, and he’s 15 in a couple months. So, yeah, I think we got a few more years out of him. But that’s my share.

And I love hearing everybody’s story. I always learn something new every time. So hope to see you soon. Thanks. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. And I see Alicia gave a thumbs up because she had the bit, you know, victory as well. So thanks a lot, Terry. Hi, everyone. I just have a couple quick shares with you. I had a brand partner reach out to me that her daughter went snowboarding and broke her tailbone. And, you know, I always tell people when they’re deciding on their patches, they always have Ice Wave available. You know, it’s one of those things that you, hey, if you don’t have pain right now, it’s one you always just want in your medicine cabinet, just like having a band aid.

And she was one of them that she had got. It really wasn’t dealing with pain. Then she reaches out and wanted to know how to patch. And so I coached her through her patching. And her daughter, being a little skeptical as we were on the phone, got her instantly out of pain. And that can be pretty painful. And there’s nothing that the doctors can do about a patch. Broken tailbone. So that was really. That was really good. And she’s doing much better. She used the EON at night and to lower the inflammation. So it worked really well for.

For her. And then my other share, I had. I had met with somebody who didn’t know anything about Life Wave, and I sat with her, and she’s kind of like a little train wreck when it comes to things going on in her body. And I immediately. First thing I did right there, just put a X39 on her. I had to ice wave her body autoimmune. A lot going on, and she was fascinated by the technology and me explaining how that works. And she just stood up and she goes, oh, my gosh. I could never do that before without pain.

So I was able to get her immediately out of pain. And I’ll be meeting with her tomorrow morning because she just got her package today and she wants to go over it again. So. Oh yeah, good, good. Thanks. Yeah, good. I’d love, love to see, hear about the shares. Very, very nice. Susan hello. Happy New Year, everybody. Happy New Year. I actually have more of a question if anybody has experience and share. I have a, a couple who wanted to attend the Phoenix event, but they were out of town so I, I made a little package for them under Rock roxanne’s recommendation of x39eon and ice wave.

And the problem that we’re trying to address is, you know, that pins and needles at the bottom of your feet making it very difficult to walk that situation. So I, you know, like I wrote out the directions like, you know, X39 on C7 and alternate EON in the, in the evening, you know, when you take off the X39. But I was a little unsure about the ice wave and I said, you know, said maybe around the ankles or at the bottom of the feet. And I was wondering if anybody had any other particular recommendations for that.

Michael I see all my nurses and doctors are like, so anybody want to jump on that one? I would say, yeah, since they have the ice wave, I would use the ice wave on the bottoms of the feet. But the I’ve had a lot of people have success with using the energy enhancers on the feet and it can be top, bottom or at ankles because you’re opening up the energy energy so that there’s better blood flow, better oxygen available, those tissues. So that’s the only other thing I could say, yes, I would use, I would try the ice wave on the, on the feet.

But the energy enhancers seem to do amazing with that. Anybody else have any, anything? Michael I’ll go ahead and add something to that. Thank you. Barbara I was just going to make a comment and I will tell you about that, but I was just going to make a comment tonight about hopefully everybody has the printout of what X39 does. If we don’t, I’m sure Jen has it and she could share it. It’s the one with the little check marks all over it. With what the clinical trials. Are you familiar with that one? What the clinical trials David did and then what some practitioners did.

I like to share that with people so they can see the many, many, many benefits of x39. And that’s why we start them on x39 by itself. A lot of times, like David suggests that I was talking with a doctor today and I love it. We were, he and I were talking about what we call sticky plaque. I don’t know if anybody’s familiar with it or not. But it’s, it’s like amyloid, beta amyloid doesn’t matter. But the fact is we all have sticky plaque and it can affect just what Suzanne was just talking about, the side effects of what she was talking about, because that is what goes in and attacks that small fiber nerves in the body.

So whatever protocol, she, she wants to call it a protocol to use. Add the carnosine patch. I learned so much today about carnosine. If you don’t take the time to do your own research, you may lose out on a lot of information because carnosine and glutathione are both, you know, antioxidants that the body creates itself for you. Right? But you’ve got to support your body to help trigger it, right? Or you’re not going to get as many benefits. So do your research on the carnosine because if you don’t have the major issues like Suzanne was just talking about, boy, that carnazine goes in and does miraculous things for you.

But if you want to support it, and this is what the doc was saying today, eat beef. I don’t eat beef. I mean, it’s not my favorite thing. Right. Eat beef. I mean, it’s just crazy. If you do your research, what you’ll find out that helps to trigger those peptides in, in the body. So I would highly recommend carnosine. And that’s what I was going to suggest to people, because the other thing that carnosine really helps with that sticky plaque is the brain. And how many people are having brain challenges and issues in today’s time? And a lot more.

So I just think that x39 becomes priceless to everybody to either avoid being diagnosed with something really horrific, are helping them to help their body to repair any proof from some of those diagnoses. Now, I don’t know if this is true, but I’ve always said it. I’m a silly person. Anyway, I said, I think the good Lord just knew that us humans, in today’s time especially, are not going to eat right. We’re not going to eat all the good antioxidants. We’re not going to do this. And so he said, well, I guess I better make it so humans can at least have carnosine and glutathione.

You know, that’s going to be my gift to them because that’s the only antioxidant made in your body. So give it some thought. So anyway, I hope that little bit helps somebody out there. Yeah, thanks. Thank you, Annette. Happy New Year. Happy epiphany. Which is today three kings. So I. I’ll start with this gal that I talked to yesterday for a long time. She started on the patches about a year and a half ago, and she’s had some really, really good results with her brain, and she’s taking all of this stuff, but carnosine is another one, and we talked about that.

It’s a great patch for. For the brain and also for eyes. And my eyesight has actually improved again. That’s two years in a row, because I just had an eye test a couple weeks ago, and the doctor said my eyes were perfect. I don’t think they are. But compared to the year before, she said that the. The film is gone. And she also did this little puff thing to check for another. Another issue that people get at my age. I am 70, so, you know, all these things happen to people my age. She said there was no sign of that.

So I’m really grateful. And they remade a prescription for me, and it’s less strong, so I get to pick it up this week, and it’ll be interesting. And then the third thing is, I broke my wrist last week, and here it is. But I can wiggle my fingers, and I couldn’t do that the night that I broke my wrist. I was so swollen, they cut my. My ring finger or my ring finger, my wedding band off of my ring finger. And that was kind of sad. But the next day, after, I did patch a lot, I used three patches, actually, based on Dr.

Nicholas’s suggestion, on my wrist, because I knew it was broken. That was right after it happened because we still went to our grandson’s birthday parties. So anyway, I could wiggle my fingers next day, and I had strength. So the patches work. I’m just grateful for that. Thank you. Thanks, Annette. You’re welcome, Robin. Okay, let’s see. Oops. Well, hi, everybody. How wonderful to see you all. Happy New Year. This is so great. Well, Lynn, hi. This is a bunch of love bugs here. Lynn, you inspired me to share because I recently had some toxic exposure myself and have had this lingering cough, and I didn’t know what it was, but we have a brilliant naturopath in our team, Dr.

Shauna. She’s also a medical intuitive and a brilliant diagnostician. And she said, you’ve had toxic exposure. And I remember exactly what had happened. I had a house cleaned. We’ve rented a house right near the corporate headquarters in Draper to host people coming to the. The new welcome center, which has been wonderful. And we have these housekeepers in and I haven’t used toxic cleaning materials for decades. And they did. And oh my gosh, I reacted and I got really sick. So thank you, Lynn, for bringing that up. Just be careful, everybody. You know, what you use in your house and.

And it goes in your skin and everywhere else. And I’m definitely getting better. My important share is I went to the doctor the other day for my annual and did a blood panel. And I said, doctor, how’s this blood for a 70 year old? And she goes, that blood panel is great for a 40 year old. That blood panel is great for a 20 year old. And she said, it’s pristine. And she kept saying, your kidneys look beautiful. I mean, she went on and on and on and on. And the reason I bring this up is the importance of having a baseline and really to make sure that when you get someone started to minimally have them start the health tracker so they have their baseline and they know what kinds of things to look for.

And hopefully everyone gets at least an annual blood panel because if you’re strong and healthy, that’s where it’s going to show up. And a few years ago, my cholesterol had elevated and it’s way healthy now, like, way healthy. So it’s just wonderful. And then someone brought up the broken bones. Well, last Christmas Eve, I tripped on a dog at Christmas Eve dinner and my entire body weight fell on my left side. I had a complete fracture of the neck of the humerus and then it dislodged. So it was like intense, like I’ve never had before. And they all told me, all the doctors, the pt, they said it would be a year.

A year. And I, you know, called Dr. Tom and he was helping me and thank goodness for all our wonderful practitioners. And I was just reviewing my year and realized that, you know, I healed in less than six months. I graduated from pt, so. So, you know, we’re so blessed to have these amazing resources to get better, faster, and clean your house of toxic materials, everyone. Okay? You never know how they can affect you. And it definitely surprised me and it really got me. So thank you, Lynn, for bringing that up because it’s important for all of us to know.

You’re welcome. Love you. Love you, too. So great to be here with everybody. I just wanted to sit and listen, but Lynn inspired me, so. Yes. That’s fantastic. Thanks, Robin. Yeah, right. Everybody, we come to the end of the Miracle Monday show, so if you want to mute, unmute and say good night, lots of love out there to everybody. Thank you, everyone. Good night, everyone. Thank you. Love you all. Good night. Thank you. Thanks, everybody, for your wonderful shares. Oh, my gosh. Amazing.



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