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➡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses the alleged actions of the Deep State in causing disasters in Lahaina, Western North Carolina, and LA. He suggests these events were planned to drive out residents and profit from the aftermath, with evidence pointing to unnatural fire spreads and resource mismanagement. He also warns of a potential banking collapse, advising listeners to protect their assets by investing in precious metals like gold and silver. Lastly, he urges listeners to stay informed and engaged to resist these alleged manipulations.
➡ The article criticizes the government’s response to a disaster, blaming it on the absence of the mayor and the lack of a proper relief force. It suggests that BlackRock, a large investment company, is involved in these issues. The author believes that the ‘deep state’ is attacking and that strong actions, including imprisonment, should be taken against those responsible. The article ends by promoting the Common Sense Show’s newsletter for daily updates.


Hello America! Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. We need your help! Spread the word and follow us. We need to keep engaged. And the Deep State is not going to stop. And Donald Trump can’t capture the Deep State all at once. We are all in danger. You never know where you’re going to live in a community that’s going to be victimized for the pleasure and profit of the Deep State. You never know. We’re going to cover the facts behind the destruction of Lahaina, Western North Carolina, and LA.

And they share many commonalities. And it’s really clear through a qualitative analysis of the common factors involved in all three. This was planned, it was deliberate, and it’s not going to stop. We’re brought to you by Noble Gold. Part of the collapse that’s coming to America is the banking system. We’re going to give you some parallels later in a later segment that show what’s happening with Japanese banking that’s going to happen here because of Dodd-Frank 2010 law that says they can keep anything associated with the bank. They’d be in the banks. That means your retirement, poof, could be gone.

Can you start over? Your bank account, poof, could be gone. Well, Noble Gold has strategies to help you. One of them, for example, is to take your retirement away from the bank, put it under your control, and back it with a precious metal like gold or silver that’ll appreciate as opposed to the dollar that’s depreciating. Only makes sense to do that, and it’s protective for the base of your investment. Now, the federal government wants me to tell you there’s a risk involved in every kind of investment. We agree with giving the warning. The real risk is to leave your money in the bank.

Go to your phone after this presentation and call Noble Gold and start the pattern and path to asset protection. 877-646-5347, 877-646-5347. A little motivation for the bank account diversification. Silver is exploding. It’s the new oil. Gold’s going to hit $3,000 an ounce pretty soon in 2025. Can’t lose. 877-646-5347. I’m going to go through all three disasters that are, if you look at it here, August of 2023 to the beginning in late December 2024, early 2025. We’re looking really in about 16 months to have these three things happen. Let me digress just for a moment to prove a point.

There’s no question that the people who killed John Kennedy, killed Bobby Kennedy, killed Martin Luther King. The commonalities, I won’t go into detail just to be very, very general and superficial. All three assassins were low nut assassins acting alone. Odds don’t favor it. To carry out a major assassination, do it by yourself, not likely. Number two, there was a diary. In all three cases, saying what they were going to do. And significant policy changes happened, particularly in Vietnam and the Federal Reserve. All I got to say is the commonalities linked them. The case for whoever did Lahaina, did Western North Carolina, did LA, doing LA.

It’s unmistakable. Let’s go through and I’m going to list generally accepted factors associated with each disaster. And then I’ll leave it to you. Go back and you can screen share. You can do all kinds of things here to basically show that this was an inside job. And this is an ongoing practice from the Deep State elite. Okay. See on the screen. Lahaina. Directed energy weapons were used. No question about it’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The spread of the fire was very unnatural. And this comes from researchers Michelle Melendez, Eric West and myself.

Lahaina Playland for the rich and famous. They’ve been trying to drive out the people for decades and they wouldn’t sell. So they decided to take matters into their own hands. It’s really interesting that Governor Josh Gangrene told the people in Lahaina, you’re now historically preserved site. And the only thing that could ever interrupt that would be a natural disaster. Or should I say an unnatural disaster masquerading as a natural disaster. Okay. How about what they paid the people in disaster funds? How about the Playland for the rich and famous? Trying to drive out the property owners for decades.

You know what these people received for their property? $700. Nice to know Ukrainians are more important than we are. Lahaina, planned, smart city. Actually the whole island of Maui. All for the enjoyment of the rich and famous. Resource mismanagement. Stand down against the fires. Block the exits. Ran out of water. No sirens. Trap citizens forcing many to flee into the ocean. Driving up the death toll to prevent original families from staying on the land. Failure to enact emergency procedures. Sirens, water. We’ve seen it all. Same thing as LA. You’ll see. Prevention of rebuild for original property owners.

Resupply prevented. Intent to drive up the death toll. Okay. So the property would divert to some kind of an escrow or estate and go to the developers and the banks and the real estate companies. Yeah. All determined to make Maui a smart island devoid of commoners. Interesting fact here. With Lahaina, the mayor was out of town. Where was the National Guard? Why weren’t they called in? Why did people drown for the six hours they tried to tread water to get away from the fire as they jumped the seawall to get into the ocean? My questions.

The coup de grace, BlackRock was the major asset manager and disaster capitalism as part of this from the Feds. BlackRock was the major asset development for power company that took the blame for all the developers and the banks that are taking over. BlackRock. Well, I can’t say they did it. But we sure as hell can say they profited. Western North Carolina. Unnatural and unprecedented weather. Hurricane. Never happened before. There we go. There’s your prima facie cause. Directed energy weapons, unnatural spread of fire in Lahaina. Now you have this. Now present were vast amounts of lithium for climate scam technology.

They wanted to drive out the middle class property owners and develop a lithium hub in the area. There’s no question. They’re trying to do this now as we speak. Population displacement was in play, just like in Lahaina. Not a smart city in these area like Lahaina, but planned lithium hub of development requiring forfeiture of personal property rights caused by the unnatural and unprecedented weather event. There’s another factor in here to resource mismanagement interference. By FEMA for emergency food and medical supplies to the region. Confiscation of private relief efforts by FEMA. Back to one person, former Coast Guard officer, retired, put trackers on her supplies and found they went to sanctuary cities.

No doubt to be given to illegal aliens. Excuse me. Confiscation of private relief efforts, as I said, deliberately caused starvation exposure to the elements. Next, failure to enact emergency procedures through the use of helicopters, treatment of the sick and homeless. Where was the National Guard early on? Prevention of rebuild for original property owners, resupply prevented, intent to drive up the death toll. Where was the governor? Just like where was the mayor of Lahaina? Many areas will not rebuild to assist in acquiring lithium mining rights. BlackRock was the major asset manager and disaster capitalism came into play from the feds.

The disaster capitalism means this. Sometimes it’s beneficial to have a flood of hurricane and earthquake and so forth, because you get tons of money from the federal government. And if you’re broke, this is good. That really came into play in Lahaina, and you’ll see it’s going to come into play in LA. This is just unbelievable. Look at the last one there. The present second gentleman Kamala’s husband Doug Amoff is the major private investor in lithium in the region. Of course, that’s just a coincidence. LA. Unnatural and utter random spread of fire makes no sense. The winds picking up on natural weather patterns again.

Some people think that weather can’t be modified. I’m sorry, you’re about 60 years behind the times. Play land for the rich and famous, drive out the middle class property owners, Plan Smart City, and home of the 2028 Olympics. Whole new face to LA. They’re burning the city down. It’s deliberate. Resource mismanagement. Stand down against the fires. Ran out of water. Same thing in Lahaina. Ran out of water. We’ve seen the videos in Lahaina where the fire department and private citizens were trying to hook up hoses to fight the fire, only not to have any water. How does that happen? Especially when you live next to the ocean.

No way. There’s no way this wasn’t deliberate. Especially when the yearly California history of massive fires destroying properties. Disaster capitalism kicks in. Newsom’s budget is 50 billion dollars over. He needs federal money. He’s begging Trump for money before he even comes into office. This is intentional. Multifaceted. Smart City, Olympics, so forth so on. But also too, Newsom needs the federal money, and this is a familiar pattern that occurs on an annual basis in California. Failure to enact emergency procedures, sirens, water to fight fire, DEI policies of hiring, putting incompetent boobs in charge. Impossible to rebuild for original property owners, given the utter destruction, the intent to drive up the death toll through failure to protect citizens with an adequate relief force.

Where was the National Guard early on? The mayor was out of town when the incident occurred, and she has expressed absolutely no remorse for people’s lives being destroyed. Disaster capitalism, people. This is what this is, but there’s another element. Guess who’s involved at every level. You guessed it. It’s BlackRock. I dare anyone to do a qualitative analysis and tell me that whoever did the one did the other two. They did. It’s true. There’s no question. And what we need to look at right now is we’re under attack from the deep state. And this is not going to go away.

And we need to have Donald Trump put these agencies, organizations, and individuals out to pasture, put them in prison, execute them if we can link them to capital crimes, because these are genocidal psychopaths. Brought to you by the American Deep State with the help of the globalists trying to destroy our country. That’s it for the Common Sense Show. We’ll see you back here again next time. Sign up for our newsletter. Go to the Click on the link up right hand corner for the newsletter. Put in your email. You’ll get a daily update 365 days a year of what we’re doing.




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